
Payments with a reduction in 1C ZUP. Calculation and calculation of the output benefit

Accrual of the output manual in the program "1C: Accounting 8" (edition 3.0)

Note! Starting from release 3.0.33 configuration "1C: Accounting 8" used a new "taxi" interface. For details, see.

Along with the "Taxi" interface, the former interface "1C: Enterprises 8" is preserved. The user can select the type of interface in the program settings (see).

This article is written in the "Taxi" interface.

  • Accrual of the output allowance in connection with the call of an employee for military service;
Accrual of the output benefit in connection with the call for military service


Employee LLC "Sewing Factory" Perov S.I. Fired March 13, 2015 in connection with his call for military service. He is supposed to be a day off manual in the amount of a two-week average monthly earnings and compensation for unused vacation for 9.33 days in the amount of 5 712,20 rubles. The weekend should be paid in 10 working days following the period from March 14 to March 27, 2015.

Perov S.I. He was hired on November 14, 2014. The employee actually worked for 4 months, for which he was accrued income taken into account when calculating the average earnings for the daytime for the amount of 72,000 rubles. The number of working days taken into account the average earnings is 85.

The average daily earnings is: 72,000 rubles. / 85 days \u003d 847,06 rub.

For 10 working days Perov S.I. An output allowance is supposed to: 847,06 rubles. * 10 days \u003d 8 470.60 руб.

Setting the type of calculation

The view of the calculation used to accrue the output allowance in connection with the call for military service is described in terms of calculation species. Accrued.

  1. Section.
  2. Click on the button Create.
  3. In field Name (Fig. 1).
  4. In field The code
  5. In chapter NDFL is not a subject to a taxp. 3 art. 217 NK RF).
  6. Flag Genuine
  7. In chapter Insurance contributions dated July 24, 2009 No. 212-FZ, dated 07.24.1998 No. 125-ФЗ).
  8. In the Install Switch and select the Flow View pP.6, Article.255 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. According to PP. 6 tbsp. 255 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation on labor costs includes the amount of the accrued Middle Earware employees remaining at the time of the fulfillment of state and (or) public duties and in other cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, which corresponds to the condition of our example.
  9. In the section in the field Method of reflection Wague accounting methods (Section - Link Payments and accounting costs - Field Method of reflection - Bookmark The salary - Field Way of reflection in bucket).
  10. Flag
  11. Next click on the button Record and close.

According to the condition of our example of Perov S.I. He was hired on November 14, 2014 and dismissed 13.03.2015. The employee actually worked for 4 months for which he was charged income taken into account when calculating the average daily earnings for the daytime for the amount of 72,000 rubles. The number of working days taken into account the average daine earnings is 85.

Magnival earnings is: 72 000 rubles. / 85 days \u003d 847,06 rub.

For 10 working days Perov S.I. Relying output benefit in the amount: 847,06 rubles. * 10 days \u003d 8 470.60 руб.

Automatic calculation of the amount of compensation accrual for unused leave and output benefits in the program is not supported. Calculation of these calculation types is performed by manually by document. Payroll (section Accrued Add (Fig. 2).

In the first line, specify:

  • in a collumn Employee -
  • in a collumn Subdivision
  • in a collumn Accrued - type of calculation;
  • in a collumn Result - The amount of accrual. In our example - 5 712,20 rubles;
  • in a collumn dN. - The number of days for which compensation is relying for unused vacation. In our example - 9.33 days.

In the second line, specify:

  • in a collumn Employee
  • in a collumn Subdivision - a division in which an employee is listed;
  • in a collumn Accrued - View of the calculation Output benefit when dismissal (call for military service);
  • in a collumn Result - The amount of accrual. In our example - 8 470.60.60 rubles;
  • in a collumn dN. - The number of days for which the output is assumed. In our example - 10 days.
Accrual of the output benefit due to staff reduction


Employee LLC "Sewing Factory" Sokolova I.A. Fired February 25, 2015 due to staff reduction. When the employee is dismissal, the existence of the average monthly earnings is supposed. The employee should pay a day off allowance for 19 working days following the period from February 26, 2015 to March 25, 2015 and the saved earnings for the employment period in 40 working days following the period from March 26, 2015 to May 25, 2015 .

Sokolova I.A. It is also relying compensation for the unused vacation for 5.67 calendar days in the amount of 7,714.26 rubles., Because She did not fully utilized the days of annual leave for spent time.

The employee was hired 09/22/2014 and dismissed on 02/25/2015. In fact, she worked for 5 months for which she was charged income taken into account when calculating the average earnings for the output benefit in the amount of 192,000 rubles. The number of working days taken into account the average earnings for the output benefit is 99.

An average daily earnings are: 192,000 rubles. / 99 days \u003d 1 939.39 rub.

For 19 working days Sokolova I.A. An existence is assumed in the amount of: 1 939.39 rubles. * 19 days \u003d 36 848,41 rub.

For 40 working days, the employee is relying the saved earnings for the employment period in the amount: 1 939.39 rubles. * 40 days \u003d 77 575.60 rubles.

The following actions are performed:

Setting the type of calculation

The form of the calculation used to accrue the output benefit on the reduction of staff is described in terms of calculation species. Accrued.

  1. Section Salary and Frames - Directories and Settings - Accrual.
  2. Click on the button Create.
  3. In field Name Fill out the name of the form of the calculation, in our example - (Fig. 1).
  4. In field The code Specify the calculation type code (it must be unique).
  5. In chapter NDFL Set the switch to the position is not a subject to a taxbecause According to the law, the day off is not subject to NDFL (clause 3 of Art. 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).
  6. Flag Genuine Install if the accrual is not paid to employees in hand. In our example, you do not need to install the check box.
  7. In chapter Insurance contributions Select the method of accounting for employee income when calculating insurance premiums. In our example, select incomes that are not entirely subject to insurance premiums, except benefits at the expense of the FSS and the monetary content of military personnel. Because According to the legislation, the output manual is not subject to insurance premiums (paragraph 2 of Part 1 of Art. 9 of the Federal Law of July 24, 2009 No. 212-FZ, paragraph. 2 of paragraph 1 of Article 20.2 of the Federal Law of July 24, 1998 No. 125-FZ).
  8. In chapter Profit tax, type of consumption under Art. 255 NK RF Set the switch to the position accounting in labor costs on the article and select a flow view pP.9, Article.255 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. According to PP. 9 tbsp. 255 NK RF
  9. In chapter Reflection in accounting in field Method of reflection Specify a way to reflect accrual in accounting for the formation of postings on accrual. Value Select from the Directory Wague accounting methods (section Salary and Frames - References and Settings - Salary Accounting Methods). If the appropriate method of reflection in the directory is missing, then it must be created. This directory is defined only the debt account (account account for wage costs). This field should be filled only if the accrual is reflected in accounting in the same way for all employees of the organization. In our example, this field is not filled. In this case, when calculating this type of calculation uses a reflection method, which is specified for the employee (section Salary and Frames - Personnel Accounting - Employees - Link Payments and accounting costs - Field Method of reflection), or (if not specified) the reflection method, which is specified for the organization as a whole (section Salary and Frames - References and Settings - Salary Accounting Settings - Bookmark The salary - Field Way of reflection in bucket).
  10. Flag It is part of the basic accruals for calculating the charges "District coefficient" and "Northern Support" Installed by default. If necessary, this check box can be removed. In our example, the checkbox must be removed, because Middle earnings when calculating the output benefit is initially calculated taking into account the district coefficient and the northern surcharge.
  11. Next click on the button Record and close.
Calculation and calculation of the output benefit

According to the condition of our example Sokolova I.A. He was hired 09/22/2014 and dismissed on 02/25/2015. The employee actually worked for 5 months, for which she was charged income taken into account when calculating the average daily earnings for the output benefit in the amount of 192,000 rubles. The number of working days taken into account the average daily earnings for the output benefit is 99.

Magnival earnings The: 192 000 rubles. / 99 days \u003d 1 939.39 rub.

For 19 working days Sokolova I.A. Relying output benefit in the amount: 1 939.39 rubles. * 19 days \u003d 36 848,41 rub.

Automatic calculation of the amount of compensation charges for unused leave and output benefits in the program is not supported. Calculation of these calculation types is performed by manually by document. Payroll (section Salary and Frames - Salary - All accruals). In the tabular part on the tab Accrued Enter manually new rows by clicking on the button. Add (Fig. 2).

In the first line, specify:

  • in a collumn Employee -an employee who is credited compensation for unused vacation during dismissal;
  • in a collumn Subdivision - a division in which an employee is listed;
  • in a collumn Accrued - View of the calculation Compensation of vacation at dismissal;
  • in a collumn Result - The amount of accrual. In our example - 7,714,26 rubles;
  • in a collumn dN. - The number of days for which compensation is relying for unused vacation. In our example - 5.67 days.

In the second line, specify:

  • in a collumn Employee - an employee who is credited to the output benefit when dismissal;
  • in a collumn Subdivision - a division in which an employee is listed;
  • in a collumn Accrued - View of the calculation Output benefit when dismissal (reducing staff);
  • in a collumn Result - The amount of accrual. In our example - 36 848.41 rubles;
  • in a collumn dN. - The number of days for which the output is assumed. In our example - 19 days.

In the third line, specify:

  • in a collumn Employee - an employee who is accrued to the saved earnings for the employment period;
  • in a collumn Subdivision - a division in which an employee is listed;
  • in a collumn Accrued - View of the calculation Saved earnings for the period of employment;
  • in a collumn Result - The amount of accrual. In our example - 77 575.60 rubles;
  • in a collumn dN. - The number of days for which the saved earnings are relying for the employment period. In our example - 40 days.
The calculation of the output benefit in the amount exceeding the three-time average monthly earnings


Deputy General Director LLC "Sewing Factory" Fedorov M.P. Fired March 31, 2015 due to the reduction in the number and staff of the organization's employees. When dismissing an employee, an existence is assumed in the amount of four-time average monthly earnings for 84 working days under an additional agreement on the employment contract.

Annual vacation Fedorov M.P. I used completely, compensation for unused vacation is not charged.

Fedorov M.P. was hired on 03.11.2014. The employee actually worked for 5 months for which he was charged income taken into account when calculating the average earnings for the daytime for the amount of 450,000 rubles. The number of working days taken into account the average earnings is 103.

The average daily earnings is: 450,000 rubles. / 103 days \u003d 4 368.93 rubles.

The employee is charged a day off for 4 months, which is 84 working days:

  • april - 22 working days;
  • may - 18 business days;
  • june - 21 working day;
  • july - 23 working days.

For 84 working days, Fedorov M.P. An existence is supposed to be a manual in the amount of 366 990,12 rubles:

  • output allowance in the amount of three-time average monthly earnings 4 368,93 rub. * 61 day (for 3 months: April - June) \u003d 266 504.73 rubles. - NFFL and insurance premiums are not subject;
  • the output allowance in the amount exceeding the three-time average monthly earnings of 4,368,93 rubles. * 23 days (for 1 month: July) \u003d 100 485,39 rub. - NFFL and insurance premiums are subject.

The following actions are performed:

Setting the value of the calculation to accrue the output benefit in the amount not exceeding the three-time average monthly earnings

The view of the calculation used to accrue the payment of the output benefit in the amount not exceeding the three-time average earnings, for tax purposes is described in terms of calculation species. Accrued.

  1. Section Salary and Frames - Directories and Settings - Accrual.
  2. Click on the button Create.
  3. In field Name Fill out the name of the form of the calculation, in our example - Output benefit when dismissal (reducing staff) (Fig. 1).
  4. In field The code Specify the calculation type code (it must be unique).
  5. In chapter NDFL Set the switch to the position is not a subject to a taxbecause According to the law, the day off is not subject to NDFL (clause 3 of Art. 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).
  6. Flag Genuine Install if the accrual is not paid to employees in hand. In our example, you do not need to install the check box.
  7. In chapter Insurance contributions Select the method of accounting for employee income when calculating insurance premiums. In our example, select incomes that are not entirely subject to insurance premiums, except benefits at the expense of the FSS and the monetary content of military personnel. Because According to the legislation, the output manual is not subject to insurance premiums (paragraph 2 of Part 1 of Art. 9 of the Federal Law of July 24, 2009 No. 212-FZ, paragraph. 2 of paragraph 1 of Article 20.2 of the Federal Law of July 24, 1998 No. 125-FZ).
  8. In chapter Profit tax, type of consumption under Art. 255 NK RF Set the switch to the position accounting in labor costs on the article and select a flow view pP.9, Article.255 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. According to PP. 9 tbsp. 255 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation on labor costs include the accrual of employees released due to the reorganization or liquidation of the taxpayer, the reduction of the number or staff of the organization, which corresponds to the condition of our example.
  9. In chapter Reflection in accounting in field Method of reflection Specify a way to reflect accrual in accounting for the formation of postings on accrual. Value Select from the Directory Wague accounting methods (section Salary and Frames - References and Settings - Salary Accounting Methods). If the appropriate method of reflection in the directory is missing, then it must be created. This directory is defined only the debt account (account account for wage costs). This field should be filled only if the accrual is reflected in accounting in the same way for all employees of the organization. In our example, this field is not filled. In this case, when calculating this type of calculation uses a reflection method, which is specified for the employee (section Salary and Frames - Personnel Accounting - Employees - Link Payments and accounting costs - Field Method of reflection), or (if not specified) the reflection method, which is specified for the organization as a whole (section Salary and Frames - References and Settings - Salary Accounting Settings - Bookmark The salary - Field Way of reflection in bucket).
  10. Flag It is part of the basic accruals for calculating the charges "District coefficient" and "Northern Support" Installed by default. If necessary, this check box can be removed. In our example, the checkbox must be removed, because Middle earnings when calculating the output benefit is initially calculated taking into account the district coefficient and the northern surcharge.
  11. Next click on the button Record and close.
Setting the value of the calculation to accrue the output manual in the amount exceeding the three-time average monthly earnings

The view of the calculation used to accrue the payment of the output manual in excess of three-time average monthly earnings is described in terms of calculation species. Accrued.

  1. Section Salary and Frames - Directories and Settings - Accrual.
  2. Click on the button Create.
  3. In field Name Fill out the name of the form of the calculation, in our example - (Fig. 2).
  4. In field The code Specify the calculation type code (it must be unique).
  5. In chapter NDFL Set the switch to the position holds and specify the income code 4800 "Other revenues." Because According to the legislation, the output allowance exceeding the three-time average of the average monthly earnings or six-time average of the average monthly earnings for employees dismissed from organizations located in the regions of the Far North and areas equal to them are subject to NDFL.
  6. Flag Genuine Install if the accrual is not paid to employees in hand. In our example, you do not need to install the check box.
  7. In chapter Insurance contributions Select the method of accounting for employee income when calculating insurance premiums. In our example, specify the type of income Income, fully taxable by insurance premiums. Because According to the legislation, the existence allowing exceeding the three-time average of the average monthly earnings or six-time size of the average monthly earnings for employees dismissed from organizations located in the areas of the Far North and equivalent localities is subject to insurance premiums.
  8. In chapter Profit tax, type of consumption under Art. 255 NK RF Set the switch to the position accounting in labor costs on the article and select a flow view pP.9, Article.255 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. According to PP. 9 tbsp. 255 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation on labor costs include the accrual of employees released due to the reorganization or liquidation of the taxpayer, the reduction of the number or staff of the organization, which corresponds to the condition of our example.
  9. In chapter Reflection in accounting in field Method of reflection Specify a way to reflect accrual in accounting for the formation of postings on accrual. Value Select from the Directory Wague accounting methods (section Salary and Frames - References and Settings - Salary Accounting Methods). If the appropriate method of reflection in the directory is missing, then it must be created. This directory is defined only the debt account (account account for wage costs). This field should be filled only if the accrual is reflected in accounting in the same way for all employees of the organization. In our example, this field is not filled. In this case, when calculating this type of calculation uses a reflection method, which is specified for the employee (section Salary and Frames - Personnel Accounting - Employees - Link Payments and accounting costs - Field Method of reflection), or (if not specified) the reflection method, which is specified for the organization as a whole (section Salary and Frames - References and Settings - Salary Accounting Settings - Bookmark The salary - Field Way of reflection in bucket).
  10. Flag It is part of the basic accruals for calculating the charges "District coefficient" and "Northern Support" Installed by default. If necessary, this check box can be removed. In our example, the checkbox must be removed, because Middle earnings when calculating the output benefit is initially calculated taking into account the district coefficient and the northern surcharge.
  11. Next click on the button Record and close.
Calculation and calculation of the output benefit

According to the condition of our example Fedorov M.P. He was hired 03.11.2014 and dismissed 03/31/2015. The employee actually worked for 5 months for which he was accrued income taken into account when calculating the average daily earnings for the daytime for the amount of 450,000 rubles. The number of working days taken into account the average daily earnings is 103.

Magnival earnings is: 450,000 rubles. / 103 days \u003d 4 368.93 rubles.

An employee must be charged a day off manual in the amount of four-time average monthly earnings. This manual is divided into two accruals:

  • the output allowance in the amount not exceeding the three-time average monthly earnings, which is not subject to personal income tax and insurance premiums and is: 4 368.93 rubles. * 61 day (for April, May, June) \u003d 266 504.73 rubles;
  • the output allowance in the amount exceeding the three-time average monthly earnings, which is subject to personal income tax and insurance premiums and is: 4 368.93 rubles. * 23 days (for July) \u003d 100 485,39 rub.

Data accrual of the sums of the output manual is manually made by document Payroll (section Salary and Frames - Salary - All accruals). In tabular on bookmark Accrued Enter manually new rows by clicking on the button. Add (Fig. 3).

In the first line, specify:

  • in a collumn Employee - an employee who is accrued to the output benefit when dismissal, not exceeding three-time average monthly earnings;
  • in a collumn Subdivision - a division in which an employee is listed;
  • in a collumn Accrued - View of the calculation Output benefit when dismissal (reducing staff);
  • in a collumn Result - amount of accrual, in our example 266 504.73 rubles;
  • in a collumn dN. - The number of days for which the output is assumed. In our example - 61 days.

In the second line, specify:

  • in a collumn Employee - an employee who is accrued to the output benefit in the amount exceeding the three-time average monthly earnings;
  • in a collumn Subdivision - a division in which an employee is listed;
  • in a collumn Accrued - View of the calculation Output benefit (over 3rd. The size of the average. Earning);
  • in a collumn Result - the amount of accrual, in our example - 100 485.39 rubles;
  • in a collumn dN. - The number of days for which the output is assumed. In our example - 23 days.

The output allowance accrued in the amount of four-time average monthly earnings is: 266,504.73 rubles. (NFFL and insurance premiums are not subject to index) + 100 485,39 rub. (NFFL is subject to insurance premiums) \u003d 366 990,12 rub.

When conducting a document, the amount of income received in the amount of 100 485.39 rubles. Registered as part of a taxable ndfl base and insurance premiums. Calculation of NDFL for the current month is made in the document Payroll On the tab NDFL: 100 485,39 rub. * 13% \u003d 13 063 rub. (Fig. 4).

Calculation of insurance premiums for the current month is made in the document Payroll On the tab Contributions (Fig. 5).

1C ZPE refers to accounting programs. Dismissal by agreement of the parties in 1C ZUP has its own characteristics. When working with an automated system, various documents are filled out, including calculated blanks. In fact, the program allows you to quickly set the required compensation and make it in the database.

Agreement by Party

The agreement of the parties is a document that regulates dismissal based on the coordination of the main points between the head and subordinate. Anyone can send another side. Signing and registration is made after discussion of all points. The points include:

  • the main points of termination of labor cooperation;
  • deadlines;
  • compensation;
  • additional payments and presence of calculation on the output benefit.

Important! The program is not always able to make additional payments, so it is done manually.

After signing the document, it enters legitimate force and is the regulations when dismissal.

In the settlement documents, all items on the financial side of the issue should be reflected. 1C ZPE has different versions that are not always similar to automatic calculation capabilities. For this reason, the calculation is also carried out manually with the filling of data that is reflected in the general fund.

All items of the Agreement are mandatory for implementation. In the opposite case, the employee can create a claim and sue.


All major calculations are made in the form of accounting for a salary statement. More than new versions are the calculation of additional options.

The procedure for calculating the program:

  • filled out the conditions for dismissal;
  • prescribed the dating of the care and the presence of the base;
  • there is a vacation compensation;

Important! Holding or payment compensation on vacation comes by integer, that is, after the authist, rounding in mathematical rules will be required.

  • manually indicate additional payments on the output benefit and other;
  • everything is brought to the organization's base and accounting.

Such an order is standard for all versions of the automatic program.

The calculation of the output benefit is also on a certain order. All other basic payments will establish the program itself. The existence manual itself is used only in state cuts or with an agreement. The main point is an indication of working days on your own. Additional vacation is made in a tabular form.

After that, it will be necessary to go to the calculation and deduction section. Based on the inscribed data, the calculation will be calculated. Check it is done through a press press, which is specified with the standard in the corner of the right. Switch to paying accruals and completion. Ultimately, all financial transactions will be calculated.

Important! When making all the data to any table, changes are reflected in automatic mode in all sections. For this reason, it is necessary to carefully check.

The Calculation of the Organization itself should be done by the head of the organization or the chief accountant with experience in various accounting programs.

Using the program

Very much depends on the version of the program. The version of 1C ZUP 8.3 and above is now used. Therefore, the program has various options in the calculation of payments. In the first versions, it will be necessary to add compensation to the main calculation, which is associated with the established salary and vacation.

Another point is the taxation of taxes of payments. This moment depends on the type of payment and size. During payment compensation, personal income tax is established only depending on the nature and amount of payment. At the same time, the data is then entered into the wages fund, which is deducted to various organs.

It is worth considering that the program may not count part of payments if necessary. For example, in the Agreement there was a refusal of holidays, then it will be necessary to note that they should not be taken into account.

Main calculations are made on average earnings. Compensation can be made both disposable payments and optional. All these moments need to be remembered before filling out the documentation.

Printing documents are made after all the calculations and completion. You will also need to print an order in the form of T-8. All documentation should be ready for the last working day of the fired. This is a prerequisite for calculating. The payment itself can be done both immediately and according to the results of the agreement.

To activate the payment, you can set data within between the estimated period, which will allow you to immediately make a calculation on the output benefit.


The use of the program has several important nuances that will need to be taken into account. Features:

  • filling a document is available only to the head and accountant. They must have experience;
  • all payments and compensations are regulated on the TC, including the deductions to the State Funds;
  • the program has several versions and is constantly updated;
  • all major calculation processes are manufactured in separate documents of the program, which is duplicated and recalculated in automatic mode;
  • be sure to check how the full calculation was made to be able to verify the data;
  • printing and deposit of all data to the database is made only a full check;
  • financial documents are printed on the basis of software calculations, that is, if a program is used, then all payments and accruals are reflected.

It is the final settlement that is the regulations on the payments, as it is reflected in the entire financial policy of the organization. This requires increased attention to entered data. In fact, dismissal by agreement through the calculation of the program has several basic actions:

  • data is made;
  • calculation of key payments;
  • additional calculation on the benefit and number of compensation;
  • introduction to the organization's database;
  • preparation of documents for dismissal;
  • calculation with an employee according to the claimed form and on time.

Payments should also be registered in the overall financial system, including in accountable material for tax authorities.

If dismissal by agreement of the parties is made, then all payments must be agreed. The calculation of 1C ZUP goes both by major payments and optional. Compensation data may be made in additional payments or in one-time costs. The general financial document is entered into the database only after a full calculation.

Where to charge compensation by agreement of the parties in 1 with a salary 3

Output benefits - compensation payment received by the employee in some cases when terminating the employment contract. The conditions for the payment of the output benefit are enshrined in Art. 178 TK RF. In accordance with Part 1 of Art. 178 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation with the termination of the employment contract in connection with the liquidation of the organization or the reduction in the number or staff of employees of the organization (paragraph 2 of Part 1 of Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) a dismissal employee is paid a day off manual in the amount of average monthly earnings. The employee also maintains the average monthly earnings for the period of employment, but not over two months from the date of dismissal (with a testing of the day off). In exceptional cases, the average monthly earnings remain over the third month from the date of the dismissal of the employee to solve the employment body of the population, provided that in a two-week term after dismissal, the employee appealed to this body and was not employed to them (h.

Dismissal of an employee in 1C ZOU 8

You can go to it both through the main menu and through the positions "all personnel documents" or "receptions, translations, dismissal". 2. Creating a document "Dismissal" We proceed to the creation of a document Indicate a month in which the final settlement will be made with an employee; Choosing the employee itself. On the tab "Dismissal Conditions", we prescribe the date of dismissal and its reason, which is chosen from the respective reference book.

Compensation of the main vacation Next, the program offers you 3 operations in the "Compensation of the main vacation": 4. Calculation of compensation or hold Program 1c in automatic mode Indicates a sign of compensation for unused vacation and calculates the entire unit based on the balances throughout the company. You will need to adjust the fact that compensation or retention is carried out for an integer days.

Dismissal by agreement of the parties. How to reflect the amount of compensation?

How to accrue the output allowance in 1C ZOU 8.3

If the document is not automatically recalculated, it is necessary after filling out the details to recalculate it by clicking on the yellowed button: Get 267 video tutorials for 1C for free:

  • Free video tutorial for 1C accounting 8.3 and 8.2;
  • Tutorial on the new version of 1C ZUP 3.0;
  • Good course on 1C Trade Management 11.

Deciphering calculations for average earnings can be seen by clicking on the green pencil button. If the program is recorded with the division of rights, the program "Calculation has approved" is displayed in the program, and the calculation results are available only to the user with the relevant right.

8.xp. dismissal by agreement of the parties. How to reflect compensation.

This data can be corrected if necessary. We also specify that the Employee of Antonov Dmitry Petrovich is dismissed from the organization of Kron - C. Suppose that the reason for the care is "on their own will", so the article will be p.
3 h. 1 Art. 77.

Compensation Compensation After we have chosen an employee in the header of this document, data appeared in the "Compensation of the main vacation". The program automatically calculated how many days of vacation was laid, but not used by Antonov D. P. Also, the period was automatically set for which an unused vacation was calculated.

If you have any doubts or questions about the correctness of the calculation program, click on the question mark to the right of the period. You will appear in front of you, containing the hyperlink "How did an employee use a vacation?".

Payment upon dismissal by agreement of the parties

We also have the opportunity to make data on additional release, in the appropriate tabular part add rows and fill. The settlement section offers detailed information on accrues and deductions that are automatically calculated on the basis of all data entered. With the help of "Pencils" you can see how the calculation of the average earnings occurred.


Do not forget to choose how and when the payment of accruals will be paid. In the case of an interdestal period, the document provides for the possibility of paying for the corresponding button. On the tab "Accrual and Hold" we will meet with the details of all charges and deductions, as we can notice, here contains another 6 tabs that are filled automatically.

And the last tab in this document "additionally", on it, indicate a document that has become a basis for dismissal.

Dismissal in 1C ZUP 8.3 (3.0) and calculation of compensation

After we filled out all the necessary data, two lines appeared on the "Accrual and Hold" tab. The first of these is the payment for spent days in the current month - September 2017. The second line follows compensation for 14.67 days of unused vacation by the employee.

This tab also displays and adjust data on benefits, deductions, personal income tax, loans and contributions. Payment of money All necessary documents and references that need to be formed when dismissing an employee can be created directly from the document under consideration. For example, an order for dismissal. Also here you can produce immediately and the payment of all the debt of the employer before the dismissed employee.

After the document, click on the "Pay" button. After clicking on this button, 1C ZUP 8.3 will open the setup form.


To calculate the output allowance in 1C ZUP 3.0, a document "Dismissal" Salary All accruals Create dismissal Consider for clarity A small example: Basin A.V. Fired 04.03.2016 in connection with the reduction in the organization. According to an additional agreement, it relies with the amount of three average monthly earnings. Also relies pay for unused vacation days.

Filling the document "Dismissal" Let's start with the filling of the month of a relying final settlement - in our example it month March. We specify our organization and date of the new document. We choose our dismissed employee and proceed to filling out the part of the document, which relates to the layout of dismissal.
It is necessary to specify the date of dismissal and the basis of dismissal - under the terms of our example, this article is paragraph 2 of Part 1 of Art.
This in turn will reflect in the printed form of the order of dismissal. Just as information about the head and other responsible employees of the organization in a note-calculation, such additions are filled in in the signature section of the hyperlink of the same name. As a result, we carry out a document, the employee is considered dismissed.

We can use the printed forms offered by the document, and this is not only a unified forms of 2 and 21, but also calculations of the average earnings and accruals. Based on the document "Dismissal", you can enter the following documents: Income certificate and certificate for calculating benefits, as well as a document "Payment former employees", designed to register payments to former employees, such as the remained average earnings for employment, material assistance, etc. It is available if the corresponding possibility is selected in the settings for calculating the salary.
When dismissing an employee from the place of work, it is necessary to make its full calculation. In this case, the employer is obliged to pay all the debt for wages. If an employee has unused vacation days, they should also be compensated. In addition, additional leave is subject to compensation. In a certain number of cases, the existence allowance is also obligatory. In accordance with the legislation of our state, the employer is obliged to make this calculation and according to the payment on the day of dismissal. In certain cases, the term can be extended per day. In this article, we will consider step-by-step instructions how to make a dismissal of an employee in 1C ZUP 8.3 and make an accrual and calculation of compensation for unused vacation.
For example, an employee of the personnel department has a specially configured interface, then when you open the document under consideration, only two bookmarks are available to it. Where he makes the date and cause of the termination of the employment contract, also has the opportunity only to note the need for compensation or deductions. After this way, a filled document can print an order for dismissal.

The calculated information will be available to the user with the calculation rights. Then, if the document began to fill in the frame, the calculation to continue its filling, finds it in the list of documents. For convenience, in this case, the document is highlighted in bold.

As soon as the document is fully filled and the "Calculation approved" flag is set, the document is no longer allocated in the journal, and the employee with human rights can not make information.
Document-based for dismissal on the "Advanced" tab specify a document that has become a basis for dismissal. In the future, this will affect the printed form of the order. In the Signature section, specify the data on the director and other employees (if necessary). 10. Conduct a document to document and Voila - the employee is dismissed. Next, you can use the printed form that the program offers. 11. Income certificate, a certificate for calculating benefits on the basis of a document, you can create other documents: Income certificate, certificate for calculating benefits, etc. 12. Group dismissal If you need to carry out group dismissal, go to the "Takes, Transfers, Digging" logs and on the Create button, select the position you want. In the future, every time you add to the dismissal of an employee, you will open the same form as with a single dismissal.


To calculate the output allowance in 1C ZUP 3.0, a document "Dismissal" is provided

Salary\u003e All accruals\u003e Create\u003e Dismissal

Consider for clarity a small example:

Bazin A.V. Fired 04.03.2016 in connection with the reduction in the organization. According to an additional agreement, it relies with the amount of three average monthly earnings. Also relies pay for unused vacation days.

Let's start with the filling of the month of the relying final calculation - in our example it month Mart. We specify our organization and date of the new document.

We choose our dismissed employee and proceed to filling out the part of the document, which relates to the layout of dismissal.

It is necessary to specify the date of dismissal and the basis of dismissal - under the terms of our example, this article is paragraph 2 of Part 1 of Art. 81 "Reducing the number or staff of employees of the organization, individual entrepreneur."

Next we are interested in the upcoming compensation. Since the employee did not have additional holidays according to the special working conditions (harmful working conditions, etc.), we turn to the group of parameters "Compensation of the main vacation". The number of days of unused leave is considered automatically (if we choose a sign "not to use", the number of days will become inactive and will not be calculated).

It will also automatically calculate the period of work for which you need to compensate for unused vacation days. We can watch the history of vacation use and the accrued balance by pressing "How did an employee use a vacation?"

We will be presented to the use of vacation days and its remnants:

april 2014 - 22 working days May 2014 - 19 working days June 2014 - 19 working days

Calculate the amount of working days we will get 60 business days, which we indicate in the details of the "Output allowance for".

Sections "Accrued", "Hold" and "Middle Earnings" will be calculated automatically as the document is filling out if this is set in the settings

Setup\u003e salary calculation

Set this setting or not - the user decides depending on the performance of the computer, since the automatic recalculation of the document causes a small performance delay.

If the document is not automatically recalculated, it is necessary after filling the details to recalculate it by clicking on the yellowed button:

Deciphering calculations for average earnings can be seen by clicking on the green pencil button.

If the program is recorded with the division of rights, the program "Calculation has approved" is displayed in the program, and the calculation results are available only to the user with the relevant right.

On the tab of the document "Accrual and Hold" we can familiarize yourself with the details of the accruals

calculation of NDFL

and contributions

On the "Advanced" tab, we can specify the basis of our dismissal, which will be reflected in print form

After the document, documents becomes available

order of dismissal (T-8) Population-Calculation when dismissal (T-61) Calculation of average earnings Calculation of average earnings for the output allowance Detailed calculation calculation

If we establish the details of "payment" in the meaning of the interdictive period,

then at the time of registration of the document of the dismissal we can issue and pay

If we suddenly click the second time to "pay" a message will be issued that no longer available amounts.

We can subsequently view and edit if necessary.

Payments\u003e Vedomosti to the Bank

So, we calculated and paid the exit to the disadvantaged employee Basin A.V., which clearly demonstrates us a settlement sheet of an employee.

Salary -\u003e Salary Reports -\u003e Settlement List

See also our video about compensation for vacation when saving 1C Accounting:

Recording How to Accrucribing the Output Guide in 1C ZUP 8.3 For the first time, the company's blog is 1C Goodwill.

In today's material, we will consider in detail how the software product called "8.3" editors "3.0" can be properly issued by the dismissal of the employee of the enterprise.

In order to reflect this operation in the above-mentioned software product, there is a document named "Liberation". This document makes it possible not only to record the fact of termination (termination) of the employment contract, but also prepare the necessary order in accordance with the form approved for this purpose, but also to calculate all the necessary accruals.

In order to execute the final calculation of compensation with the employee, there are such types of accruals:

Accrual due to wages for the part of the month, which the employee worked until the day of dismissal;

Accrual of personal income tax and insurance premiums;

Accrual of the output manual. This happens when the dismissal falls under the case established by law.

Also, the document gives the opportunity:

In the interdisciplinary period, print a statement for the payment of accrued amounts during an intercourt period;

To keep data in advance days;

And now we turn to the formation of the document itself. Go to the menu called "Frames", then to the point called "Takes to work, translations, dismissal". In the list of documentation list, press the key named "Create" and in the drop-down list, select "Liberation".

Now go directly to the formation of the document itself. First, choose an enterprise and an employee who needs to be released. After that, specify a month. All other calculations made by this document will be recorded by this month.

How to configure the calculation of compensation in case of dismissal?

First, we want to draw your attention to the fact that if you have a document recalculation in the software product in automatic mode (which is set by default), then immediately after the introduction of the month will calculate the data calculation. And so will happen after the introduction or change of each of the significant indicators. From time to time it strains, recalculation can sometimes be for a few seconds.

Therefore, if you wish, this setting is possible to change. This is done as follows: you need to go to the menu named "Settings", then to the "Calculation Calculation" item and remove the necessary appropriate check mark:

Now, when entering or changing information, the arrow keys is located on the right, will be highlighted in yellow, and in order to calculate it, it is desirable to press it:

We return to filling out the document in the program product "1C Salary and Personnel Management 8.3".

Keeping dismissal and calculation

To begin with, specify the date of dismissal of the employee, is it necessary to compensate for the main vacation or whether it is necessary to keep the data in advance days. If necessary, enter the number of days of the output benefit. The main information is entered for the calculation. Let's see what happened:

It can be seen that all the indicators were calculated. Now there is a need to check them. You will immediately see a warning inscription entitled "Incompleteness" data. To solve this problem, click on the green marker called "Change Data", which is located next to the field. Here is what we will see:

In this material, we will not disassemble which information in this case is missing, especially this is not working, but in real conditions such an opportunity is very useful.

In general, our calculation of compensation in the case of dismissal in a software product called "1C ZUP 3.0" is completed.

Now go to the bookmark named "Accrual and Hold":

This bookmark has 6 of the following subsequences:



On the bookmark named "Advanced" as a comment, there is the opportunity to enter details of the document of the foundation of the employee.

And now the document needs to be held. After printing, the following documents become available.

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