
Sberbank insurance. Insurance products for individuals. SB "Sberbank Life Insurance" - Reviews Sberbank Life Insurance Personal Cabinet

Sberbank has been working for a long time and offers its customers many different services. In addition to lending and mortgage, the direction of life insurance and its property is developing lately.

In 2014, a separate Sberbank insurance company appeared. It has a high financial rating on the market and share capital in the amount of 490 million rubles.

Sberbank Insurance has its own separate site.

Each user after the conclusion of the contract is given a login and password to enter your personal account. There you can receive information about the insurance product, as well as make payments. The service is very convenient.

Phone hotline

8 800 555 555 7 Single hotline operating around the clock for residents of regions.

8 499 707 07 37 Hotline number for residents of Moscow.

The call to the hot line is free, regardless of which city to call.

What can I find out by phone?

Not only Sberbank customers can enjoy the hotline, but also employees, including confidentially. By calling a hotline you can:

  • leave a complaint to Sberbank employees who violate corporate norms;
  • talk about cases of corruption behavior in Sberbank;
  • learn about life insurance programs in Sberbank;
  • find out the end of the insurance contract;
  • find out how to activate a new insurance policy on the site online;
  • to learn about what documents are needed to receive payments at the insured event.

In which case support will not be able to help?

The hotline most often provides information assistance to its customers.

When an insured event occurs, you can call the line to find out your further actions, but the visit to the service office is necessary.

Other communication methods

An alternative communication method is email. Writing to the address [Email Protected] You can leave your question. All letters are processed by employees individually, customer personal data are protected.

Another communication method is in the Contacts section. There is a feedback form.

You need to leave customer personal data, mobile phone number and convenient time to call. Employees Sberbank Insurance will call back at a convenient time. There you can also refer to the highest management of the company.

In addition, you can contact the company through Skype, right from the official site,

Competence of operators and response time

Sberbank experts insurance are very competent in their field. They respond to all customer questions, explaining the smallest details. Customers are satisfied with such maintenance and use the line on an ongoing basis.

02/19/2018 Menu and the Bank concluded a loan agreement (purchase of finished housing) in the amount of 1800,000rub., With an interest rate of 9.4% per annum, for a period of 84
month. At the same time, a life insurance contract was concluded. 30.01.2020C numbers 900 I received the message of the following content: the auto plaster "Protected
borrower »From MIR card by 25827,81 rub. 01.01.2020 will be executed. Commission 0.00 rub. To cancel the Code to the number 900. I did not connect this service, I did not connect the auto plane, the message was not sent to the number 900. My card was removed in the amount of 25827.81rub., With appointment
payment: Autoplating "Protected Borrower". The money is removed from my card without my consent, with the amount of removed cash
i disagree funds under the insurance contract. Posting on 01.02.2020 the balance of debt on the loan agreement from
02/19/2018 amounted to 655649.80 rubles. Thus, the sum of the insurance premium
the contract of life insurance should be not more than 12000 rubles. Banknowly recorded money under the life insurance contract in double
the amount that contradicts the terms of the contract is contrary to the department of PJSC Sberbank of Russia to address the issue in the current
situations. Posted an application for early termination of the insurance contract.
Cash should have been paid to me within ten days. 19.02.2020 I turned to the bank with the question when I will be paid money under the contract
life insurance, due to its termination. Bank employee could not answer
on my question and told calling in Sberbank Life Insurance LLC. 19.02.2020 02.02020 I called Sberbank Life Insurance LLC in order to
find out when to wait for the transfer of money. Employee LLC "SK Sberbank
life insurance "I was answered that the application for early termination of the contract
insurance they received 03.02.2020, but in order to list the cash
funds need additional documents that the bank did not provide.
Insurance company appealed to the bank with a request for the provision of missing
documents, however, the bank has not yet responded. 02.02.2020Y wrote a claim to the bank (No. 200225-0846-405600) with a request to figure out
the current situation and return me unreasonably written off the cash.
To date, the answer to the bank's claim is not given to the bank and Sberbank Life Insurance LLC, to find out when there is a response to my claim and when to wait for my claim
transfer of funds, but still not gotten clear and
motivated answer. That is, the operators politely report me that the status
urgency is affixed and appeal to work, but every time the term of consideration
claims extended. The last time extended to 06.04.2020. Outside 15.03.2020 left a claim on the official website of Sberbank LLC
life insurance "directly to the leadership. To date, response to
i did not receive a claim. I have no time for the existing insurance policy, thereby the bank
notified me about raising interest rates in accordance with the terms
credit agreement dated 19.02.2018. However, the money is not refunded by the remittance of life insurance, due to its termination. Since the termination of the insurance contract has passed almost two months. What is the reason not paying for me money ??? It is necessary to change the insurance company and urgently contact the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sector of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare and
court for the protection of violated rights.

The problem is solved!

A year ago, I was registered in the Personal Account on Sberbank Sberbank, I have an insurance "Protected Borrower" by Mortgage. This year it was time to extend insurance, I can not enter the office, I can not restore access, because The system does not find any phone number nor email address. The support service also says that they cannot find information about my registration. Phrase duty - "Technical failure". Those. Data disappeared and no one is responsible for this? This year, I wanted to try to conclude a mortgage insurance contract through a personal account on the site, but who will guarantee that my contract is also not disappeared, and I will not hear the magic phrase "technical failure", which, apparently, should explain everything. And a separate question about the work of "feedback" on the site. After all the negotiations, I used the Feedback service to create an application for the problem. After the report that the application was created, I was not provided with information or about the application number, nor about its status, nor about the terms of consideration of the application. No messages about the status of the application did not come to the phone or by mail.

Life insurance in Sberbank is a service that can be arranged around the clock. Next, we will talk about what services exist and how to get into the system.

Personal Cabinet for Citizens


In the system, users can view information, make payments under the contracts of the accumulative and investment insurance of life.

How to register in the system

  • FULL NAME, which is indicated in the contract.
  • Next, you need to specify which type of program you use. It can be a cumulative or investment product. The contract number will also be required: you must enter all the numbers and letters.
  • Mail will need. The address must be accurate, since the alerts will come exactly there.
  • You will need a valid mobile phone number.
  • The latter action will be the creation of a login and password. If the data for the login in the future is lost, they can be quickly restored.

Types of life insurance

  • This product from financial institutions will protect the family in case there are unforeseen circumstances with the health of the head of the family.
  • You can insure close peopleTo protect from all kinds of risks.
  • Product "Protection of close plus" Includes protection against fractures, burns, frostbite of heavy wounds.

The above program from Sberbank applies to the following categories of the population:

  1. For children. Age is taken into account from 2 to 50 years.
  2. On spouses. Their age can vary from 18 to 70 years.
  3. On parents. Age up to seventy years.
  4. On grandchildren. Their age can be from two to thirty years.

There is also a program called "Family Protection". It protects against the following risks:

  • Burns.
  • Frostbite.
  • Fractures and heavy wounds.
  • Spouses from 18 to 70 years.
  • Grandson whose age is from 2 to 30 days.
  • Children whose age varies from 2 to 50 years.

For such a program, only a passport will be needed. Moreover, the client independently chooses the level of the insurance premium and a riskset. Insurance protection operates around the clock.

On time, the insurance policy allows you to avoid many problems in the future. But the question arises, in which bank you can make a policy with more favorable conditions for yourself. The choice is obvious! Sberbank, the largest and most reliable bank of Russia offers many insurance programs. One of the most popular services among the population today is "life insurance from Sberbank".

On the new Sberbank Sberbank website, life insurance has been proposed several types of contracts, which will be discussed.

Protection of loved ones

  • Fractures of bones of the body;
  • with chemical and thermal burns;
  • upon receipt of severe injuries;
  • when frostbite.

Also, the life insurance contract in Sberbank implies the payment when the death of a close man occurred because of his accident or railway catastrophe.

Each program of the contract for the protection of loved ones is included in certain obligatory elements, such as:

  • Disposable amount;
  • the amount of the sum insured;
  • the list of persons on which compensation is distributed.

Separately, there are three categories of close relatives, in which life insurance can be issued:

  • Children under 24 years;
  • spouses from 18 to 65 years;
  • parents, age from 35 to 75 years.

The standard insurance premium in a contract for such a type of service is defined in three versions: 900, 1800 and 4500 rubles. In each case, the client receives amounts at risk of "injury" within 100,000, 200.000 and 500.000 rubles.

Separately, there is a service called "Protection of close plus", which provides customers with several other conditions for the execution of the policy.

Head of Family

Family life and health insurance is very important, since this person most often provides its loved ones with everything necessary, earning money and solving emerging problems. The policy in this case allows to preserve the financial well-being of relatives even in the most difficult life circumstances.

Among the insurance claims of this insurance program, it is worth identifying such conditions as:

  • The death of the head of the family as a result of an accident;
  • accession of disability due to accident.

On the official site https://www.sberbank-insurance.ru/ You can define the following insurance advantages:

  • Rapid registration of the contract;
  • the need to provide only the passport of the client;
  • selection of various levels of the insurance premium;
  • the action of the policy worldwide is 24 hours a day.

The insurance premium can be in the amount of 900, 1800 and 4500 rubles. Accordingly, the client receives an insurance sum in the amount of 300,000, 600,000 and 1.500.000 rubles.

Protection of family

Protect your family from any accidents is an important task that should not be neglected. The issue price is insignificant compared to the guarantee of the financial safety of loved ones. Sberbank Life Insurance is a reliable tool for protecting loved ones.

There are several categories of those who can get under the field of family protection:

  • Spouses (from 18 to 70 years);
  • children (from 2 to 50 years);
  • grandsradists (from 2 to 30 years).

Insurance is drawn up for one year. After this period, it is possible to prolong the contract between the bank and the client.

In each category of family protection, their insurance conditions are provided. This concerns the amount of payment and monthly insurance premium. You can make payment in the Personal Account of Sberbank Insurance on the official website. After signing the contract, login will be available in your personal account.

Safety bag

Such an unusual name of the insurance program makes it clear that in unforeseen situations the insurance contract will also come to the aid, as well as the airbag in the car. The essence of the program is mainly reduced to the fact that by paying the minimum fee for insurance, you get many times the superior amount of the payment of an insured event.

To select this insurance program you need to decide:

  1. What period of insurance to choose - (the program provides for a period of 5 to 30 years);
  2. The necessary amount of financial protection - about 2-3 annual revenues is considered the most optimal option;
  3. Determine for yourself the frequency of fees for insurance (once a year, or monthly).

Sberbank defines insurance risks in which the client can get paid money. These include the following events:

  • Injury due to accidents;
  • acquirement of the disability of the first or second group;
  • fatal accident outcome;
  • fatal outcome due to an accident with any kind of transport.


Personal Cabinet "Sberbank Insurance" of life allows you to track the necessary information under the contract. And also make payments on operations. You can register on the site only if there is a contract for the service "Airbag" or any other program.

When concluding a contract, the client exists the possibility of financial deduction (return to 13% of the annual contribution (NK of Russia, Art. 219 from 01/01/2015)

Corporate insurance program

In Sberbank, you can allocate a special type of insurance for the protection of employees of enterprises from injury and other accidents.

The corporate insurance program allows an employee to gain confidence in tomorrow. The design process consists of several points:

  1. Familiarization with various options for insurance programs, as well as the choice of the most suitable one;
  2. Determination of the scope of financial protection of the employee (from 100 thousand to 1 million rubles);
  3. Signing all documents;
  4. Payment service.

This Agreement provides for insurance or all employees of the company, or on several (more than 10). Also provided certain benefits for taxes.

For example: the insurance amounts obtained when an insurance event occurred do not provide personal income tax (for the recipient of the payment, Art. 213 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

It is possible to arrange a policy on various conditions for both yourself and their relatives or employees of the enterprise. Reviews of this service are predominantly positive, due to the fact that the bank constantly and fully fulfills the obligations assigned.

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