
In which country is the lowest subsistence minimum. The minimum wage in different countries of the world (13 photos). Who should be to live well in America

(Living Wage) is the minimum level. financial state Citizens that are necessary to ensure the normal level of human living standards and is calculated on the basis of the most necessary physiological needs of a person incoming in, which consists of a food basket, a non-food basket and services

What is the case with the subsistence minimum and minimum wage in Europe?

Many European countries are relatively often reviewed and increase the minimum wage. Often this happens annually on January 1. However, the situation with the size of the minimum wages - the same living wage - heterogeneous in the European Union and varies depending on the economic stability of the state and its "weight" in the Commonwealth.

The statistical service of the European Union has published annually comparative analysis minimum payment Labor established in Commonwealth member countries. So, according to this data, the highest subsistence minimum is established in the Great Duchy of Luxembourg and is equal to 1922.96 euros per month. It is worth noting that in this country the quality is 50% higher than on average by the countries of the European Union. This is due primarily to the fact that none of the citizens has income below the subsistence minimum, and salaries are automatically indexed with the level of inflation growth.

From January 2015, Belgium and the Kingdom of the Netherlands were almost equalized in the minimum wage rates, respectively, 1501.82 and 1501.80 euros. The reason is that the Belgian government has not changed this indicator over two years.

It should be noted that the minimum wage for the Netherlands is only a formality, since the country does not have enough workforce and employers with rare exceptions offer minimal payment. In connection with this fact, the standard of living in Holland is very high. It also contributes to this fact that all the property and savings of the Dutch are reliably insured. Unemployment as such is practically absent in the country, and financial crises hurt the economy of the kingdom is not so sensible.
In the Federal Republic of Germany, in which only last year they began to fix the cost of living, on January 1, 2015, the minimum wage was set at 1473 euros per month. Close to this figure and at least in Ireland, where its size, however, has not changed since 2007. Throughout the eight years, the subsistence minimum for the Irish is 1461.85 euros per month.

France is not particularly lagging behind Germany and Ireland. According to Eurostat, since 2010, in France, the size of the minimum wage increased by 8% and to date is 1457.52 euros.

With a significant margin from the first six states demonstrates its own indicators of the United Kingdom. In Tuman Albion, over five million, the British receive 1378.87 euros per month as a subsistence minimum, which is almost 77 euros higher than in the end of 2014.

Studitfully different from the old Europe and Scandinavia, the situation with the provision of population in the countries of the central and southern part of the continent.

Thus, in Slovenia today, one of the highest rates of minimum wage among countries that have once part of the influence of the Soviet Union, and countries in crisis (such as Greece, Spain and Portugal). Residents of Slovenia receive a minimum of 790.73 euros per month, which is 588 euros less than residents of the British Isles.

In suffering from economic crisis Spain The size of the subsistence minimum remained unchanged since 2008. Since the beginning of 2015, residents of this country began to receive a minimum on 756.70 euros per month.

Oriental neighbors of Spaniards in Mediterranean - Greece - not so much in place in the issue of minimal wages, how many annually reduce this indicator due to a serious debt crisis that broke out a few years ago. Today, the Greek government is not able to overcome deflation and overcome the border of the unemployment among young people in 50%. The main problem of Greece remains colossal arrears tax harmony - Every fourth Greek owes the state.
Nevertheless, in Greece, one of the highest pension spending among the eurozone countries. For many Greeks, it is pensions that are one of the most stable revenues. If in 2015 the minimum wage was 683 euros (in 2010 its size was 862 euros), then Greek retirees receive an average of about 700 - 800 euros.

In Portugal, the situation with the subsistence minimum is much worse than, let's say in the same crisis Greece or in Spain. The Government of Portugal has established a minimum wage of labor in the amount of 589 euros per month, which is almost 100 euros less than in Greece.

Former Socialist countries, now included in the European Union, have a much smaller rate of minimum wage than the crisis states of the Mediterranean. Thus, the Republic of Poland relatively recently raised this figure to 400 euros, and from January of the current year, it established a minimum wage at 409.53 euros per month.

Another European states that relatively recently became the legislative level to establish minimal wages is Montenegro. In 2010, this state acquired the official status of a candidate country in the European Union. Since 2014, in Montenegro has been established minimum wage in the amount of 288 euros.
In turn, the former neighborhood neighborhood in the State Union - Serbia - acquired the official status of a candidate for joining European Union Two years later, which also forced the government of this Balkan Republic to establish a proper level of remuneration, which was 235 euros.

The lowest rates of minimum wage among the countries of the European Union was recorded in Romania and Bulgaria, which is conjugate economic problems within states, as well as with protracted reforms. In Romania, a minimum that can officially receive a worker is equal to 217.50 euros, and in Bulgaria this figure is slightly lower - 184.07 euros.

However, the minimum wage and closely associated emerging minimum in European countries significantly exceeds similar indicators in Ukraine, which is negatively affecting the quality of life of our compatriots engaged in primarily in the public sector.

"The state should be honest before citizens. Since what we assure us that 1218 hryvnia is a social standard and a guarantee of the realization of the right to eat, dress, rent housing, receive education, pay utilities and taxes on real estate "This is a lie," Stanislav Batrin is sure.

From this there are a number of problems that do not allow properly developing the country's economy, namely:
- Strection of personnel of budget employment areas (schools, polyclinics and other government agencies), since the younger generation categorically disagreeably work for the wage that the state "courtesy" offers;
- a population of the employment of the population in non-state structures;
- "Brain leak" and promising young frames from Ukraine to Europe, because abroad their work will pay for advantage;
Thus, it is worth noting that "live in a new way" must be started not from raising tariffs and prices, but from raising the subsistence minimum to european level, albeit gradually. This is an urgent need that can actually show the population that the state supports its people and takes care of him, and not systematically "deliver" in favor of a handful of fatal oligarchs.

The highest marrow indicators are typical for Switzerland, Luxembourg, Australia, which occupy three leading positions in the overall list, respectively. The most advanced and leading economies of Europe (Germany and France) are located on the 10th and 13th places, respectively. Note that, for example, in France, Mrometa is 1472 euros, which after protests was increased by 100 euros.

What can be noted in relation Russian Federation? It can be noted that in terms of the level of minimum wage in the countries of the world, Russia takes only 74 position (Min. ZP in it in the American currency is at about $ 170). We also note that the Mrometa in our country as of the first number of January 19 months of 2019 is established in the amount of 11280 rubles. Compared with the previous year, the growth was only 117 rubles.

Ukraine in this list is located on the 81st line with a value of approximately $ 142 (in the hryvnia it is 4173). Note that in this country in the following 2019, GDP growth will be at the level of 3%.

The very last line in the overall list is occupied by Uganda, in which the minimum monthly zP barely exceeds two US dollars. Based on this value, it can be concluded that the population of this state of resigning with the rest has a very beggar position.


Table. Minimum salary in the countries of the world:

Position State monthly min. Salary in dollars
1 Switzerland 3424.1
2 Luxembourg 2396.9
3 Australia 2389.9
4 Denmark 2180.5
5 Monaco 2066.4
6 Ireland 1895.6
7 Belgium 1874
8 New Zealand 1868.3
9 Netherlands 1865.1
10 Germany 1778.6
11 Great Britain 1723.6
12 Israel 1528.7
13 France 1472.1
14 South Korea 1468.9
15 Canada 1467.9
16 Japan 1192.8
17 Andorra 1184.8
18 USA 1160
19 Spain 1029.7
20 Slovenia 1010.8
21 Cyprus 917.1
22 Malta 896.5
23 Oman 845.3
24 Hong Kong 821.9
25 Greece 820
26 Portugal 811.5
27 Saudi Arabia 800
28 Bahrain 797.9
29 Bahamas 693
30 Taiwan 655.7
31 Estonia 617.7
32 Poland 603.2
33 Slovakia 575.7
34 Czech Republic 573
35 Turkey 535.4
36 Hungary 533.2
37 Latvia 515.7
38 Romania 488.2
39 Croatia 479.9
40 Lithuania 479.7
41 Costa Rica 460.4
42 Chile 448.6
43 Uruguay 408.3
44 Panama 366.1
45 Paraguay 340.7
46 Trinidad and Tobago 337.6
47 Lebanon 330.3
48 Serbia 329.3
49 Honduras 327.3
50 Belize 322.2
51 Iran 319
52 Ecuador 318
53 Bulgaria 312.7
54 Argentina 306
55 Montenegro 303.6
56 Guatemala 302.7
57 Philippines 295.1
58 Malaysia 294.4
59 Bolivia 291.6
60 Brazil 278.4
61 Morocco 277.6
62 Colombia 262.9
63 Thailand 255
64 South Africa 254.3
65 Peru 253.6
66 Maldives 242.4
67 Algeria 230.5
68 China 224.7
69 Albania 216
70 Kuwait 213.8
71 Salvador 197.6
72 Tunisia 172.6
73 Dominican Republic 170.9
74 Russia 170.1
75 Kenya 158.4
76 Armenia 153.1
77 Belarus 150.3
78 Mauritius 147.1
79 Nicaragua 145
80 Vietnam 145
81 Ukraine 141.9
82 Indonesia 137.8
83 Mexico 136.7
84 Nigeria 115.9
85 Egypt 110.2
86 Mauritania 106.4
87 Pakistan 102.7
88 Botswana 100.2
89 Kazakhstan 94.2
90 Nepal 91.2
91 Azerbaijan 75.5
92 Ghana 75.1
93 Bangladesh 66.4
94 India 54.5
95 Sri Lanka 52
96 Moldova 50.1
97 Tajikistan 31
98 Uzbekistan 24.3
99 Kyrgyzstan 17.5
100 Cuba 12
101 Georgia 11.5
102 Venezuela 5.5
103 Uganda 2.2

The data presented in the chart and table are presented on the basis of information World Bank, Eurostat, ministries of finance, given states.

If there is no country in the list, then this is in most cases means that minimum value The salary in it is officially not established by the government.

(Living Wage) is the minimum level of the financial condition of citizens who are necessary to ensure the normal living standards of a person and is calculated on the basis of the most necessary physiological needs of the person who are part of the consumer basket, which consists of a food basket, a non-food basket and services.

What is the case with the subsistence minimum and minimum wage in Europe?

Many European countries are relatively often reviewed and increase the minimum wage. Often this happens annually on January 1. However, the situation with the size of the minimum wage is the same subsistence minimum - heterogeneous in the European Union and varies depending on the economic stability of the state and its "Weight" in the Commonwealth.

The European Union Statistical Service annually publishes a comparative analysis of the minimum wage established in the Commonwealth member countries. So, according to this data, the highest subsistence minimum is established in the Great Duchy of Luxembourg and is equal to 1922.96 euros per month. It is worth noting that in this country the quality is 50% higher than on average by the countries of the European Union. This is due primarily to the fact that none of the citizens has income below the subsistence minimum, and salaries are automatically indexed with the level of inflation growth.

From January 2015, Belgium and the Kingdom of the Netherlands were almost equalized in the minimum wage rates, respectively, 1501.82 and 1501.80 euros. The reason is that the Belgian government has not changed this indicator over two years.

It should be noted that the minimum wage for the Netherlands is only a formality, since the country does not have enough workforce and employers with rare exceptions offer minimal payment. In connection with this fact, the standard of living in Holland is very high. It also contributes to this fact that all the property and savings of the Dutch are reliably insured. Unemployment as such is practically absent in the country, and financial crises hurt the economy of the kingdom is not so sensible.
In the Federal Republic of Germany, in which only last year they began to fix the cost of living, on January 1, 2015, the minimum wage was set at 1473 euros per month. Close to this figure and at least in Ireland, where its size, however, has not changed since 2007. Throughout the eight years, the subsistence minimum for the Irish is 1461.85 euros per month.

France is not particularly lagging behind Germany and Ireland. According to Eurostat, since 2010, in France, the size of the minimum wage increased by 8% and to date is 1457.52 euros.

With a significant margin from the first six states demonstrates its own indicators of the United Kingdom. In Tuman Albion, over five million, the British receive 1378.87 euros per month as a subsistence minimum, which is almost 77 euros higher than in the end of 2014.

Studitfully different from the old Europe and Scandinavia, the situation with the provision of population in the countries of the central and southern part of the continent.

Thus, in Slovenia today, one of the highest rates of minimum wage among countries that have once part of the influence of the Soviet Union, and countries in crisis (such as Greece, Spain and Portugal). Residents of Slovenia receive a minimum of 790.73 euros per month, which is 588 euros less than residents of the British Isles.

In Spain, the size of the subsistence minimum suffering from the economic crisis remained unchanged since 2008. Since the beginning of 2015, residents of this country began to receive a minimum on 756.70 euros per month.

Oriental neighbors of Spaniards in Mediterranean - Greece - not so much in place in the issue of minimal wages, how many annually reduce this indicator due to a serious debt crisis that broke out a few years ago. Today, the Greek government is not able to overcome deflation and overcome the border of the unemployment among young people in 50%. The main problem of Greece remains colossal arrears for tax collecting - every fourth Greek owes the state.
Nevertheless, in Greece, one of the highest pension spending among the eurozone countries. For many Greeks, it is pensions that are one of the most stable income. If in 2015 the minimum wage was 683 euros (in 2010 its size was 862 euros), then Greek retirees receive an average of about 700 - 800 euros.

In Portugal, the situation with the subsistence minimum is much worse than, let's say in the same crisis Greece or in Spain. The Government of Portugal has established a minimum wage of labor in the amount of 589 euros per month, which is almost 100 euros less than in Greece.

Former Socialist countries, now included in the European Union, have a much smaller rate of minimum wage than the crisis states of the Mediterranean. Thus, the Republic of Poland relatively recently raised this figure to 400 euros, and from January of the current year, it established a minimum wage at 409.53 euros per month.

Another European states that relatively recently became the legislative level to establish minimal wages is Montenegro. In 2010, this state acquired the official status of a candidate country in the European Union. Since 2014, in Montenegro has been established minimum wage in the amount of 288 euros.
In turn, the former neighbor of Montenegro for the State Union - Serbia - acquired the official status of a candidate for joining the European Union for two years later, which also forced the government of this Balkan Republic to establish a proper level of remuneration, which was the minimum of which amounted to 235 euros.

The lowest indicators of the minimum wage among the countries of the European Union was recorded in Romania and Bulgaria, which is associated with economic problems within states, as well as with protracted reforms. In Romania, a minimum that can officially receive a worker is equal to 217.50 euros, and in Bulgaria this figure is slightly lower - 184.07 euros.

However, the minimum wage and closely associated emerging minimum in European countries significantly exceeds similar indicators in Ukraine, which is negatively affecting the quality of life of our compatriots engaged in primarily in the public sector.

"The state should be honest before citizens. Since what they say that 1218 hryvnia is a social standard and the guarantee of the realization of the right to eat, dress, rent housing, receive education, pay for utilities and real estate taxes - this is a lie, "Stanislav Batrin is confident.

From this there are a number of problems that do not allow properly developing the country's economy, namely:
- Strection of personnel of budget employment areas (schools, polyclinics and other government agencies), since the younger generation categorically disagreeably work for the wage that the state "courtesy" offers;
- a population of the employment of the population in non-state structures;
- "Brain leak" and promising young frames from Ukraine to Europe, because abroad their work will pay for advantage;
Thus, it is worth noting that "live in a new way" must be started not from increasing tariffs and prices, but from raising the subsistence minimum to the European level, even if gradually. This is an urgent need that can actually show the population that the state supports its people and takes care of him, and not systematically "deliver" in favor of a handful of fatal oligarchs.

Options when it may be hot to interest wage statistics in different countries Europe and the entire civilized world, just three:

  • simple curiosity;
  • academic interest;
  • selection of new habitats.

In the first two cases, there are enough common data, but when the goal is to move to a new country in search of a new life, the information should be only accurate and reliable.

A warning may seem excess, easy to find any information and ratings of the population's incomes of all corners of the world. However, in fact, they are more often promotional strokes than a real display of cases. Real figures have some other characteristics.

A simple calculation of averaged payment within the states produced by local statments is the arithmetic income of the entire population. In other words:

  1. Take a list of all existing professions, posts, specialties officially accounted for by the state.
  2. There are all earnings on the list.
  3. Make the amount received by the number of posts.

As a result, data are obtained, far from reality. After all, there are no revenues of working not in the same area, but the money and senior management large companies, and echelons of power, and cleaners at school. It is not surprising that the figures obtained are so outraged by the inhabitants of the periphery, in the hands of never holding such a big money.

Better advanced statistical centers, computing average wages in the world, are trying to first conduct deep monitoring of existing social groups, areas of activity, professions to reduce the errors to minimize. However, anyway, reality varies significantly from the results of calculations. In addition, the average monthly income is taken to calculate without tax deductions, social bar and other retention. Therefore, the indicators are overshadowed by another 10-40%, depending on the state.

Conclusion: Middle wages officially approved by the governments themselves are almost always binding, relying on this information is better with caution.

International Statistics

It is more closely close to counting the international organization of labor (ILO). The charts drawn up by it are based on a detailed study of the situation in 70 regions of the world, the economy of which is the most successful. The final table of indicators is a list where the upper lines occupy the highest ship nations, and then - descending values. Monetary unit The US dollar is chosen for calculations, but amended that in different states on $ 1, you can buy a different amount of goods. Thus, the data reflects not a total profitability against the background of all states at once, and the buying weight of labor payments for a single region, based on the ratio of domestic prices and average profits.

How international statistics work:

  • the calculation takes only wages of employees;
  • the level, qualifications, experience of the working mass;
  • excluded from the calculations of businessmen, PE / IP, recipients of social protection for unemployment, disability, retirees.

Ten countries with better wage indicators

Important! The following numbers may differ somewhat from official statistics.

The fact is that the ILO rating is published annually, but in reality it is drawn up on the basis of data in several previous years. Moreover, salaries in different countries can be compared for different years. Even in a regularly updated Wikipedia article with a rating-table, there is a separate graph with the date of the relevance of the data. This is due to the gigantic amounts of information that needs to be processed, as well as with unevenness of the flow of statistics from different countries.

Accordingly, citizens of the Scandinavian region are most important, Western Europeans, residents of the continent of North America, the inhabitants of the Australian Union, the Japanese, South Koreans. At the same time, the values \u200b\u200bin the TOP-5 are not falling below 4500 dollars, and the Top 10 - 3000 US dollars.

The last five table items are shown for comparison.

Real income size

After studying the official rating, it is better to exhale and draw gaze to the real state of affairs. The fact is that the rating does not take into account the taxes, and they are in each state their own. If you revise the indicators from the point of view net profit In the hands, the picture in 2019 changes slightly.

Norway - standing in the first place from $ 7000, loses on taxes almost half of the amount, so it is possible to get about 3,000 dollars on the hands there.

Australia - After paying taxes, Australians also get only half the amount from the claimed ranking of $ 5,000. But the green continent consistently holds the bar of the most expensive minimum rate per hour.

Statistics medium salary in Australia, Australian dollars a week

New Zealand - has a very gentle tax system With many conditions and benefits. Therefore, there is almost no concept for the maximum or minimum profit. Everyone gets in the degree of their labor zeal, and we can say that New Zealanders have the best average salary in the world.

Statistics of the minimum wage in New Zealand, New Zealand dollars per hour

Germany - having an initially almost the same $ 4,400 as the United States, the Germans are obtained clean "only" $ 2,800. But the tax policy provides for an individual approach to each taxpayer, carefully considering all the associated lifestyles. Also in 2015, a law on the amount of minimum wage was adopted. From now on, the hour rate in Germany should be from 10 cu and more. Workers S. monthly income 1200-1700 $ are classified as low-income, and those who live by $ 1100 per month are considered the threshold of poverty.

Central Salary Statistics in Germany, Euro per month

Canada - the native government does not allow you to pay subjects and immigrants who arrived on a working visa, less than $ 10 per hour or $ 1500 per month. However, Northerners taxes are not the most pleasant - $ 3,500 from the rating in fact turn into a cost of living.

Japan - has robbed taxes and a very flexible system. tax benefits. Taxation can reach 68% of fees, benefits can be reduced to 40%. Envious earnings "compensated" by a very expensive life affecting even secured American tourists.

France - the tax is biting here from the average earnings more than 1000 dollars, but the French live for the remaining $ 2500 thanks to good balance income and prices. The minimum wage limit, including the unqualified and work of foreigners -1600 dollars / month.

Italy - taxes are quite low, but most of the population in fact receives just over $ 1300 per month. Students or immigrants and is less (up to $ 1000). Women pay 20% less than men.

South Korea - after replenishing the state treasury, the average South-Koretz receives more than the Japanese. If you dig deeper, then the figure consists of a solid income of $ 3000 and a minimum of $ 400. And yet, this difference is much lower than in the US, Russia or Japan.

Total adjusted largest salary in the world look like this:

  1. New Zealand - $ 4000.
  2. USA - $ 3500.
  3. Norway - $ 3300.
  4. Germany - $ 200.
  5. Italy - $ 2,200.
  6. Australia - 2.4-2.6 thousand dollars.
  7. France - $ 2500.
  8. South Korea - $ 2,400.
  9. Japan - 2000 $.
  10. Canada - $ 1500.

Who pay most of all by profession?

  • Norway more than all pays doctors, IT-shniks, programmers, oil workers;
  • in Australia, the metropolitan residents and little - the inhabitants of Tasmania are well received, doctors, programmers;
  • New Zealand is more expensive than just the work of lawyers, doctors;
  • The United States pays expensive engineers, teachers, doctors, police officers, high-tech professionals;
  • germans willingly provide greater revenue to talented computer, financiers, doctors, insurance professionals;
  • Canada loves builders, computer, truckers, engineers, chefs, oilmen, lawyers;

  • the Japanese are traditionally unusual - in addition to standard computerists with electronics, in Japan, designers, sellers, architects, advertising geniuses, porchiks are well earned in Japan;
  • IT specialists relies up to $ 4,000 per month, the same amount shines to accountants, in production you can get more than $ 3,000.

In general, wages are highest in Europe in 2019 in such specialties:

  1. Engineer-economist (from 20 thousand dollars. In Belgium up to 40 thousand dollars. In Switzerland).
  2. IT specialist (from 20 thousand dollars. In Belgium, Italy up to 40 thousand dollars. In Switzerland).
  3. Lawyer (from 18 thousand in Belgium up to 40 thousand dollars. In Switzerland, Germany).

Low minimum countries earnings

Studying the statistics of earnings in light, it should be noted that in addition to simple faults, there is also such a concept as indicators of hourly payment. So, in other powers, this figure can be quite high, but the duration of the working day is low, therefore, the total profit is low.

In addition, some nations have a very high difference between the upper and lower threshold of wages. For example, Chinese middle digits consist of earning civil servants and factory workers, while the data of the first 6 times more than the statistics of the second. Moreover, the calculations took into account the highest officials whose profits are 100 times higher than the minimum.

Conclusion: Low minimum earning power does not always mean low purchasing power, as well as the fact that high averages do not mean the universal wealth of the nation.

Features of wages in states

It is worth knowing that efforts to receive earnings marked in ratings, various workers are also provided for different. Americans, Russians, the Japanese, in order to justify statistics, should work at least 40 hours each week (for Russians it is $ 1 per hour, in rubles - at the rate). The French for this is enough 35 hours, Vietnamese, Kenyans, Filipinos - all 48-55 hours.

The same applies to vacations:

  • working 55 hours a week, the Philipins are entitled only for 5 days of vacation for the year;
  • Mexico, Singapore rests 6-7 days a year;
  • japanese laid 10 days of vacation;
  • with the same load that the Japanese, the Russians rest 24 days;
  • workers from Denmark, Panama and Madagascar "Walk" 30 days of the next vacation.

So it turns out that choosing a new place of residence, to know little, how much Europeans and citizens receive other countries of the world. No less important circumstances are still working and recreation conditions.

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In France in December 2018, the decision of the president in the country raised the size of the minimum wage per 100 euros. Since 2019, for the French, he will be € 1300 or 97500 rubles per month at the course of 75 rubles per euro. Russian Mrots from January 1, 2019 was set at a level of 11280 rubles.

And what about the situation with the minimum wage threshold in other countries and at what place is Russia in this ranking? Where is the lowest and highest minimum salary?

  • Russia takes 74th place among 103 countries from the rating.
  • The most lucky employees of the Swiss French-speaking Canton Neuchatel - in it the only one in all Switzerland is the official salary minimum of 3,400 Swiss francs (3,424 US dollars).
  • The inhabitants of Uganda at the same time can not pay less than $ 2.2 per month.

Minimum salary for the countries of the world: infographics

Minimum wage to countries in the world: Table

A placeCountryMrometa per month in $
1 Switzerland (Neuchatel)3424.1
2 Luxembourg2396.9
3 Australia2389.9
4 Denmark2180.5
5 Monaco2066.4
6 Ireland1895.6
7 Belgium1874.0
8 New Zealand1868.3
9 Netherlands1865.1
11 Germany1778.6
12 Great Britain1723.6
13 Israel1528.7
10 France1472.1
14 South Korea1468.9
15 Canada1467.9
16 Japan1192.8
17 Andorra1184.8
18 USA1160.0
19 Spain1029.7
20 Slovenia1010.8
21 Cyprus917.1
22 Malta896.5
23 Oman845.3
24 Hong Kong821.9
25 Greece820.0
26 Portugal811.5
27 Saudi Arabia800.0
28 Bahrain797.9
29 Bahamas693.0
30 Taiwan655.7
31 Estonia617.7
32 Poland603.2
33 Slovakia575.7
34 Czech Republic573.0
35 Turkey535.4
36 Hungary533.2
37 Latvia515.7
38 Romania488.2
39 Croatia479.9
40 Lithuania479.7
41 Costa Rica460.4
42 Chile448.6
43 Uruguay408.3
44 Panama366.1
45 Paraguay340.7
46 Trinidad and Tobago337.6
47 Lebanon330.3
48 Serbia329.3
49 Honduras327.3
50 Belize322.2
51 Iran319.0
52 Ecuador318.0
53 Bulgaria312.7
54 Argentina306.0
55 Montenegro303.6
56 Guatemala302.7
57 Philippines295.1
58 Malaysia294.4
59 Bolivia291.6
60 Brazil278.4
61 Morocco277.6
62 Colombia262.9
63 Thailand255.0
64 South Africa254.3
65 Peru253.6
66 Maldives242.4
67 Algeria230.5
68 China224.7
69 Albania216.0
70 Kuwait213.8
71 Salvador197.6
72 Tunisia172.6
73 Dominican Republic170.9
74 Russia 170.1
75 Kenya158.4
76 Armenia153.1
77 Belarus150.3
78 Mauritius147.1
79 Nicaragua145.0
80 Vietnam145.0
81 Ukraine141.9
82 Indonesia137.8
83 Mexico136.7
84 Nigeria115.9
85 Egypt110.2
86 Mauritania106.4
87 Pakistan102.7
88 Botswana100.2
89 Kazakhstan94.2
90 Nepal91.2
91 Azerbaijan75.5
92 Ghana75.1
93 Bangladesh66.4
94 India54.5
95 Sri Lanka52.0
96 Moldova50.1
97 Tajikistan31.0
98 Uzbekistan24.3
99 Kyrgyzstan17.5
100 Cuba12.0
101 Georgia11.5
102 Venezuela5.5
103 Uganda2.2
  • There are averaged wage values \u200b\u200bin US dollars, at the rate of 160 working hours per month. Based on the World Bank data, Eurostat, Ministry of Finance and Wikipedia.
  • In some countries, even rich, such as Austria, Sweden, Italy, Finland or Norway, minimum The payment threshold is not officially installed, so they are missing in the ranking. For them, however, there is data on

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