
Percentage of mortgages in different countries. Mortgage lending conditions in Europe. How to get a consumer loan at a low interest rate

The European values, to which the EU countries strive so much, were created in order to maintain a comfortable standard of living for the middle class. This applies not only to the quality of services, products, salaries, medicine, but also to mortgage interest rates. In this regard, the countries European Union overtook the post-Soviet countries for several decades, where mortgage loans are issued at 12-18% per annum. Today we will identify the countries in Europe (European Union) with the lowest and high interest rates on mortgages in 2018. The British, Belgians, French, Swedes, Finns and Germans (including other European nations) use mortgages as an everyday tool. Including mortgage loans are in demand even among the wealthy layers of Europeans who have enough money to purchase housing without attracting borrowed money... Even in these cases, they still prefer to use mortgage loans, which in countries with a stable and stable economy are issued at 1.5-3% per annum. On our website you can compare and average years.

Mortgage interest rates in Europe (EU) in 2018

This list includes 28 countries that are part of the EU. Despite the fact that they have a single economic zone, the interest rate may vary depending on the economic situation in a particular state. We have determined the average annual rate for a mortgage loan for a period of 20 years. European banks offer favorable interest rates to borrowers if they take out a loan for a period of 10 to 30 years. As a result, the average loan term in the EU is on average 20 years.

List of countriesAverage mortgage rate - annual%
1. Croatia5.38 %
2. Austria2.09 %
3. Netherlands2.55 %
4. Bulgaria4.86 %
5. Sweden1.85 %
6. Latvia2.93 %
7. Lithuania2.00 %
8. Malta3.67 %
9. Estonia2.34 %
10. Germany1.89 %
11. France2.09 %
12. Finland1.47 %
13.Italy2.56 %
14. Ireland3.85 %
15. Denmark2.20 %
16. Czech Republic2.01 %
17.Poland3.77 %
18. Portugal2.81 %
19.Romania3.30 %
20.Luxemburg1.95 %
21.Slovakia1.93 %
22. Slovenia3.60 %
23. Cyprus4.15 %
24. United Kingdom3.24 %
25. Spain2.27 %
26. Hungary5.84 %
27.Belgium2.47 %
28. Greece4.35 %

Countries of the European Union with the lowest mortgage interest rates

This list includes 5 EU countries, where the average interest rate does not exceed 2% per annum. The most favorable conditions are observed in Nordic countries EU, as the first two places are occupied by Finland and Sweden. Germany, Slovakia and Luxembourg are in the top five.

EU countries with the highest mortgage rates

The most unfavorable terms for mortgage loans in the EU are offered by banks in Hungary, Croatia, Bulgaria, Greece and Cyprus. Here the average rate ranges from 4-6% per annum.

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European real estate is effective way investing both our own and borrowed money... Low interest rates, optimal price-quality ratio of housing, flexible lending conditions - these are far from all the factors that stimulate Russians to buy apartments, houses and apartments abroad. Let's consider in detail how a mortgage is issued in Europe, what are the nuances and pitfalls.

The list of countries of the European Union for 2020 includes 28 countries. United economic zone, the presence of a healthy competitive environment, pervasive integration are not the basis for the use of a single credit policy in existing banks and financial institutions... On the contrary, mortgage products offered to potential borrowers are characterized by a range of interest rates, requirements for clients and a mechanism for registering transactions.

Below is a table with loan rates for obtaining a mortgage in the EU member states.


2,5 – 3,5


4,5 — 5
United Kingdom
From 3.5


From 3.8
2,1 – 3
From 3.5
3,7 – 4


From 3.6






5 – 6

The given data on interest rates in European countries are applied for residents. For foreign citizens, completely different conditions will apply.

Each country can set its own parameters mortgage lending for the general public, fixed, floating rates, requirements, commissions and charges apply.

Important! The value of the lending rate in the EU mostly depends on the Euribor indicator - the rate of interbank lending in Europe. Since its value is prone to periodic fluctuations, then rates (especially floating ones) will change in the same direction as Euribor.

Mortgage conditions in the TOP-5 countries with the lowest rates

In the table above, the top five EU countries with minimum mortgage rates are Sweden, Finland, Germany, Luxembourg and Slovakia. The value of the interest rate for registration of a mortgage loan in them does not exceed 2% per year.

The conditions for obtaining a mortgage in Europe for each of these countries are given in the table below.


Interest rate,% per year Amount of borrowed funds Maturity
Sweden 1,85 Up to 85% of the purchase price of living space Up to 50 years old

Not less than 15


1,47 Up to 75% of the value of the acquired property Up to 30 years old From 25
Germany From 1.5 Up to 80% of the object price Up to 40 years old

Not less than 20


1,8 Up to 30 years old From 20
Slovakia 1,8 Up to 100% of the cost of housing

The average loan term for the countries under consideration is 20 years. Obtaining a mortgage is not difficult, the main requirement is to confirm your solvency and reliable reputation, as well as compliance with the minimum requirements of the lender.

Interest rate in non-EU countries in Europe

Non-EU Western European countries include: Switzerland, Monaco, Liechtenstein, Andorra, Norway, Iceland, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia, Serbia.

The values ​​of interest rates on mortgages in them are presented below.


Interest rate,% per year (average value)


From 1.8




6 — 8

Bosnia and Herzegovina

From 8


From 7.5

The presented values ​​of mortgage rates are applicable with an average maturity of debt to the bank from 15 to 20 years for citizens of these states.

Mortgage conditions in the TOP-5 countries with the lowest rates

Non-EU countries with low mortgage rates include Iceland, Switzerland, Monaco, Liechtenstein and Montenegro. Let us consider in more detail the conditions for registering a mortgage in them.


Loan funds Debt repayment period

Share down payment,% of the cost of purchased housing

Up to 80% of the cost of the acquired residential property Up to 40 years old From 20
Switzerland Up to 90% of the housing price Up to 50 years (even a lifetime mortgage applies)
Monaco No more than 80% of the value of the purchased object Up to 15 years old


Up to 90% of the price of living space Up to 20 years From 10


Up to 80% of the property value

Not more than 25 years

A mortgage in Iceland can only be obtained by a citizen of the country, since local legislation prohibits the sale of any real estate to non-residents. Loans are issued for a long term (up to 40 years). Mortgage conditions for their residents are extremely beneficial and are characterized by a loyal attitude towards borrowers.

In Switzerland, the most popular are home loans with a repayment period of up to 10-15 years, however, loans with a life-long repayment period are also common. If the borrower does not have time to pay off the lender during his life, the burden of payments goes to the direct heirs.

Monaco is a country of "cheap mortgages" and "expensive real estate". The minimum loan amount cannot be less than 500 thousand euros. For mortgage transactions, both fixed and floating and combined interest rates apply.

Mortgages in Liechtenstein are issued for a relatively short period (up to 20 years) with obligatory payment down payment in the amount of 10% of market value purchased real estate.

The able-bodied population, who has the opportunity to officially confirm their income, can purchase housing with the help of borrowed funds. Minimum size the mortgage is 10 thousand euros, and the maximum is 500 thousand euros.

In most of the countries considered, citizens aged 20/21 to 65-75 years old can apply for a mortgage loan. In addition to complying with the age limit among the mandatory requirements for clients:

  • open in local bank accounts (with the movement of funds over the past several years);
  • purchase of insurance;
  • sufficient creditworthiness;
  • permanent employment;
  • granting complete set documentation.

Where are the most favorable conditions for Russians

Foreign citizens, including Russians, will be able to obtain a mortgage in Europe only if a number of requirements are met and on worse conditions compared to the local population.

Below is a table with data on the key parameters of mortgage registration in European countries with the greatest benefits.


Interest rate,% per year Amount of borrowed funds Maturity The share of the down payment,% of the cost of the acquired housing
United Kingdom 4 — 6 From 100 thousand pounds Up to 35 years old
4 — 5 From 50 thousand euros Up to 30 years old From 20
Germany 3 — 5 Up to 40 years old
From 2.5 At least 75 thousand euros Up to 20 years From 30
Cyprus 4,7 — 5 Up to 40 years old


2,5 — 4 From 5 thousand euros Up to 35 years old From 30
Czech From 4 From 500 thousand CZK


From 2 At least 500 thousand Swiss francs Up to 15 years old From 40
Austria 2 — 4 From 25 thousand euros Up to 35 years old

Not less than 30


7 to 15 Up to 150 thousand euros

From the table, it can be concluded that the most favorable conditions for Russians in obtaining a mortgage are ready to offer banks in Switzerland, France, Portugal and Austria. It is in the credit institutions of these countries that minimum interest(from 2 to 5), the values ​​of which are comparable to the terms of lending for the local population.

Quite simply, a Russian citizen can apply for a loan to buy real estate in France, Germany, Bulgaria and the Czech Republic. In the rest of the countries, non-residents are subject to careful analysis in order to minimize potential risks. Some banks require an extract from the NBCH on the absence of a negative credit history, as well as other documents confirming the reliability of the client.

Rates of 2-4% per annum are a symbolic payment for the purchase of comfortable housing in prestigious European regions. The final overpayment (how much the mortgage lending will cost) can be discussed in advance with the bank manager.

Russian citizens will have to provide the bank with the required set of papers, translated into the local language and certified by a notary. Applications of clients with sufficient solvency and stable employment in the territory of the state in which the mortgage is issued are approved.

Attention! In practice, it has been proven that European banks are more loyal to Russians who have been working in a local company for at least 2-3 years and receive high incomes (especially to scientists, education and healthcare workers).

Also, in advance, you should include in your future expenses when applying for a mortgage loan in a bank of Europe such additional costs as payment for the appraisal of the acquired property, notary services, bank commission and other payments and fees.

Mortgages in Europe are distinguished by economic benefits not only for local citizens, but also for non-residents, including Russians. When serving mortgage application banks should take into account the objective fact of increased requirements for foreign citizens as they represent a source of increased risk. The most favorable conditions for obtaining a mortgage in Europe today can be obtained in countries such as Switzerland, France, Austria, Portugal and Germany (from 2 to 4% per annum with a maturity of up to 15-35 years).

You can find out more about the conditions under which it is issued, and you can find out further.

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We remind you that the site has an online consultant who will tell you all the necessary information on how to arrange a mortgage in Russia and Europe. Sign up for a free consultation.

Experts who know a lot about investments advise, when purchasing real estate abroad, to use a mortgage whenever possible. Due to the low rates in many countries, this is very beneficial. And half of Russian buyers have already heeded the advice.

For a cheap mortgage - abroad
According to the observations of realtors who help our compatriots to acquire real estate abroad, more than 50% of transactions are made using mortgages. Russian buyers are growing investment literacy and a desire to minimize risks when purchasing housing abroad. In this, the Russians are increasingly like the British, French and Scandinavians, trendsetters in the field of real estate investment. Those have long been using mortgages in transactions, even in cases where there is enough of their own funds.

This is logical: the rates at which our compatriots can get a loan in foreign bank are more attractive than what they can count on in Russia. European governments and local credit institutions are vitally interested in the arrival of investors in the real estate market and are therefore ready to provide borrowers best conditions cooperation.

Indeed, mortgages in Europe remain profitable regardless of economic instability in some countries. You will be given a loan at low interest rates for 10-30 years. Perhaps early repayment loans without any sanctions and additional payments. In a number of countries, the size of the initial payment was increased (from 30 to 40%), but most of the banks operate in pre-crisis conditions.

Agree, it's great: take a mortgage at some 3-4%, and keep your own money in the bank and get interest! In Russia, it is now possible to put currency in a bank at 5-6% per annum, therefore, the difference will be about 2%. With large payments, usually going to real estate, the savings are tangible. Multiply this amount by the number of years you will be paying for your mortgage. The benefits are obvious.

Where is better?
The lowest mortgage rates are now offered in Switzerland, Germany, Great Britain, France and Austria - countries whose economies have been less affected by the global financial crisis. “In 2011, the growth of mortgage lending in stable European countries will continue, which will further support the real estate markets of these countries,” predicts Kirill Dolginsky, Managing Director of the international mortgage broker Lowell Finance.

Minimum floating rates for mortgage loans are offered to Russians in Israel, France, Portugal, Spain, Germany.

The maximum loan size is ready to issue to Russian citizens in France, Cyprus, Portugal - up to 80%. In Spain, Turkey and England the maximum is 70%. In Germany, USA, Italy, Greece, Israel - 60%.

For 40 years, you can get a loan in Cyprus, for 30 - in France, Spain, Italy, USA, Czech Republic, Greece, Israel, Portugal. In other countries, the crediting period is shorter.

The easiest way for Russian citizens to take a loan is in Great Britain, Germany, Spain, Cyprus, France and Israel, more difficult - in Italy, Greece, Portugal, Czech Republic, USA, Turkey, Croatia, Finland. There are also countries where mortgages are practically unavailable for Russians.

Source: Gordon Rock in conjunction with Lowell Finance

The main thing is in the details
According to EVANS, in France, mortgage products are in greatest demand for the purchase of vacation homes, renting out and leasing real estate under the leaseback scheme.

In the UK, although they are loyal to lending to non-residents, the offer of mortgage products for this category of borrowers is limited.

German lending institutions provide good mortgage conditions for Russian buyers, both for residential properties and for investment projects. Additional advantage upon approval of the loan, it provides income in Germany.

Italian banks pay Special attention the solvency of foreign borrowers: it is better if the income of the applicants is confirmed by certificates from work.

In Spain, the situation on the mortgage market in recent times changes for the better, but remains ambiguous. Low interest rates on loans are balanced by strict requirements for collateral and borrower appraisal. At the end of 2010, it can be noted that Russians are not given loans for more than 60% of the appraised value.

Cyprus is attractive for its flexible terms and ease of obtaining a mortgage, including for investors from Russia and the CIS countries. Banks willingly lend to projects of large developers up to 70-80% of the appraised value, objects of the secondary market - up to 60% and at a higher percentage.

Mortgage programs of Turkish banks are in high demand among Russians. Loans for the purchase of real estate are especially popular in those residential complexes where guaranteed rental income is promised.

Many US banks have abandoned mortgages for foreigners or have significantly reduced funding limits and raised interest rates, thereby offsetting the risks. There are strict restrictions on collateral objects, so now it is almost impossible to get loans in Nevada, Florida, California. In New York, the mortgage situation looks more attractive.

The rules adopted in Egypt force foreigners to first buy real estate for cash, obtain a residence visa, and only then go to the bank for a loan.

In Montenegro, mortgages are also practically unavailable for foreigners. But many developers offer buyers profitable installments... The same can be said about Bulgaria, whose lending market was severely damaged during the crisis.

Prepare documents
To get a mortgage, you should be responsible for collecting all the necessary papers. First of all, banks are interested in the level and sources of the borrower's income, movements in the bank account, credit history, age, profession, etc.

Often, when considering a borrower, foreign lenders are guided not only by the official wages... In Western countries, they take into account the profit from renting out real estate, the availability and value of existing property, etc. Moreover, the issues of paying taxes on all these incomes foreign banks are not interested - this aspect is of concern only to the Russian fiscal authorities. But the legality of making a profit is monitored very strictly.

The main requirement is that a stable monthly income minus all costs (they are indicated in the questionnaire, while dependents are taken into account, etc.) three times exceeded the amount of monthly loan payments.

Borrower status is not essential for European bank... If the income is confirmed, the bank will be able to finance the purchase of real estate for a Russian housewife, a private entrepreneur, and an unemployed person.

Examples of
What does it look like to buy a home abroad with a bank?
Let's say you are going to buy a three-room apartment in the Spanish resort town of Calpe, with an area of ​​about 80 sq. m, overlooking the sea, in a complex with all the infrastructure. They cost 230,000 euros. Such real estate will be given a mortgage in the amount of 60% of the purchase amount for 30 years at 3.5% per annum. In this case, only an initial contribution of 92,000 euros is required. Monthly payments (loan body plus interest) will amount to 785 euros.
In Germany, an apartment building with nine apartments and three commercial premises in central area Berlin, worth 1.5 million euros, the bank will issue a loan of up to 70% of the price at 3.5% per annum for 20-30 years. Annual mortgage payments will be 71,750 euros, while net income from rent (after all expenses have been paid) - 120,000 euros!
When buying an apartment in good area Berlin for 70,000 euros, the bank will finance a foreigner up to 70% of the cost at 3.5% for 30 years. Thus, the initial payment will be 21,000 euros, and the monthly payments on the loan, including interest, will be 279 euros. If you buy an apartment with an already living tenant, the real estate will bring in 400 euros per month, which will amount to 6.9% of income per year. At the same time, all worries about collecting rent and any utilities and other issues will be solved Management Company... The undoubted advantage of such an acquisition will be the facilitated entry of the owner into Germany. Source: Century21 Beverlywood
Irina Bogatyreva Based on materials from "Real Estate & Prices"

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Recently in Denmark was issued mortgage with a negative rate: the bank pays extra to the client for using the capital. Kirill Schmidt, Director of Financial Services at Tranio, spoke in the author's column to see how common it is in developed mortgage markets.

In the last quarter of 2015, a Danish couple paid a mortgage on negative rate-0.0562%, that is, borrowers did not spend on loan installments, and the bank paid them DKK 249 ($ 38) monthly. Negative mortgages were reported last week by The Wall Street Journal. This news sparked a heated discussion among Russian mortgage borrowers... However, it is important to understand that not all borrowers in Denmark receive loans and the opportunity to earn money. Firstly, the case described in the WSJ article is rather the exception than the rule, and secondly, we are talking about a floating rate mortgage loan taken several years ago.

Floating rates in Europe are calculated from the value of Euribor (interbank lending rates in Europe), to which the margin of an individual bank is added (1.5-2.0%). Since Euribor is constantly fluctuating, buyers who have taken out loans at a floating rate take on certain risks: for example, if at the end of 2015 a couple from Denmark paid at a negative rate, then there is no guarantee that in a few years they will not have to pay 2-3 % per annum or higher, depending on what happens to the general level of interest rates in Europe.

In some European countries, for example in Germany, loans with fixed rates are more common. A buyer who has taken out a loan in Germany for 15 years at 1.9% per annum today can be sure that in 10 years he will continue to make payments at the same rate (if loans become even cheaper, refinancing is possible, but that's another story) ...

In some cases, floating rates are lower than fixed rates, which attracts risky borrowers. The fixed rate in Denmark is by no means negative: its average value is about 3% per annum. The lowest fixed mortgage rates as of April 2016 are in Japan, Switzerland, Finland, Germany and Luxembourg. Their average value does not exceed 2% per annum.

Top 5 countries with the lowest mortgage rates

Such low rates in Of Japan and the listed European countries are explained by insignificant inflation and high credit ratings these states. According to the website Trading Economics, inflation is zero in the eurozone, slightly above zero in Japan (+ 0.30%), and in Switzerland - negative (-0.90%). For comparison, in Russia inflation is + 7.30%, and the average rate on mortgage loans is 13%.

There are few banks in Japan that specialize in issuing loans to foreigners, and in most cases, obtaining a mortgage requires a permanent residence or even citizenship of the country. In addition, you need to earn ¥ 2-5 million per year ($ 18.4-46 thousand). The loan term is from 1-5 to 35 years, the loan amount is up to 90% of the property value, and the loan amount is from ¥ 1-10 million to ¥ 200 million.

V Switzerland and Germany the practice of paying off the body of the loan after the expiration of the loan term. That is, the interest payment period can be 10 years, and the body of the loan is paid for another 10-20 years. If the investor buys commercial real estate, then income from the property will also be taken into account. In Switzerland, loans are issued most often for up to 10 years, the loan amount - up to 80% of the value of the property. In Germany, permanent residents and citizens can get a loan of up to 80% of the value of the property for up to 20 years. The borrower's income must be at least € 20 thousand per year, and monthly loan installments cannot exceed 35% of his earnings.

V Finland the maximum loan amount is 75% of the property value. With additional guarantees and insurance, loans are issued for 100% of the value for a period of up to 25 years.

V Luxembourg loans are issued in the amount of up to 80% of the value of the object for up to 30 years.

Russian residents can get a loan to buy real estate abroad in the country of purchase for less than favorable terms than the citizens of this country. The rate will be slightly higher, and the amount of funds issued will be on average no more than 50-60% of the value of the object.

In European countries, obtaining a mortgage loan usually requires documents proving solvency (income certificates), information on regular expenses (rent, alimony, other loans) and data on the purchased object.

Kirill Schmidt specially for RBC Real Estate

Mortgages for Russians abroad are becoming more affordable every year. Receive financial resources in most of them it will not be difficult, the main thing is to prove your solvency. Below is the table with the lowest interest rate in the world for 7 countries and the USA.


Land of the Rising Sun offers interest rate for lending - 1.21% per annum. The state is distinguished by low inflation, but expensive housing. Here it is more profitable to take financial resources for real estate and get hold of your own home than to rent an apartment.

Terms of provision

There are few banks in Japan that provide loans to Russians. Those who are ready to do this put forward the following requirements for customers:

  • Wages should be ¥ (yen) 2-5 million per year ($ 18.4-46 thousand);
  • Min. loan amount - from ¥ 1-10 million;
  • The down payment is 10% of the cost of housing.

To receive funds from a Japanese bank, you must have citizenship or a residence permit.


There are several features of lending to Russians in Japan. Here are the main ones:

  • The presence of a guarantor - he must necessarily be a citizen of the country of the Rising Sun, but he is not financially responsible for repaying the loan. The guarantor only confirms the client's solvency. If the borrower does not pay the mortgage during his lifetime, then the remaining debt goes to his children;
  • "Fee for a key" is a payment to the guarantor for the given opportunity to take out a loan. The seller of the property can also act as such, which is most often the case. The payment amount is up to 3% of the value of the acquired property.

Important! Realtors are prohibited from hiding any important information on the property from buyers. If a crime or suicide was committed in the apartment, this must be announced before the paperwork. In some cases, prices for such apartments are reduced several times.


In the country of the high-mountainous Alps, real estate loans are issued at 1.42% per annum. Obtaining the right to own property for both local residents and foreigners is possible only within the framework of the current Lex Koller law. (Link to law)

Terms of provision

In Switzerland, borrowers are treated loyally and provide good lending opportunities. The main conditions for them are as follows:

  • The minimum loan amount is 50 thousand francs (local currency);
  • Fixed rate - ranges from 1% to 1.75% per annum;
  • Mortgage at a floating rate with the possibility of extending the repayment period;
  • Quarterly debt deductions.

Good credit history is a favorable factor for obtaining a mortgage. To earn a positive profile from banks, you need to take several small loans and pay off debts without delay. This is best done at Swiss subsidiaries.


One of the main differences between Swiss lending is the definition of a fixed rate. % is derived from the average of 65 major institutions in the country. In some cases, loan rates are even below 1%.

The country has the opportunity to take a lifetime mortgage. It is issued for a period of up to 100 years, the payment of the debt is inherited. If the descendants refuse to pay the debt, then the bank takes the property into its ownership at the market price. If the latter is for expired date increased, then the branch will return the difference to the borrower, and if it decreased, it will recover the resulting losses.


Take under low interest mortgages are also available in Suomi. Here the minimum% rate is 1.53% per annum, in some banks in August 2017 the average interest was 1.07%. It will not be difficult for a Russian with a good credit history to obtain funds.

Terms of provision


German banks issue loans to Russians for the purchase of a house or for commercial real estate... The main factor for obtaining financial resources is the amount of capital that will be invested in the object.

Terms of provision

In Germany, the minimum mortgage interest rate is 1.9% per annum. The main requirements for obtaining a loan are as follows:

  • Personal presence in the country;
  • Availability of initial capital for the first installment - 40% of the value of the property;
  • Possession of an international passport and a Russian passport;
  • Open an account with a local bank.

The loan processing procedure takes from 4 to 6 weeks. The average interest rate depends on the property and the amount of the down payment. In Germany, Russian citizens can take out a mortgage at branches of Sberbank and pay the debt over the Internet on the official website anywhere in the world.


German banks may require the borrower to open a deposit account and transfer a certain amount to it (as payment for the loan). Thus, banks receive confirmation that the client is working and is able to pay the mortgage, as well as insure themselves for a stock of funds if, for some reason, the debt cannot be repaid on time.


In the Czech Republic, mortgages are issued both for finished housing and for real estate under construction at an average rate of 1.99% per annum. Legal entities and individuals can get a loan.

Terms of provision

Funds for the purchase of real estate are provided by Hypoteční banka, GE Money, Fio Banka, UniCredit Bank, Raiffeisen Bank, LBBW banks, as well as branches of the Russian Sberbank. Requirements for clients are put forward as follows:

  • The minimum age of the borrower is 18 years old, the maximum age is 67 years old;
  • Family income per month - 150 thousand rubles (must be credited to a Russian account, 50% of income is counted);
  • The maximum loan amount is 60% for a loan of up to 5 million kroons or 50% for a loan of 5 million kroons or more (funds are issued in local currency - Czech koruna).

The term for consideration of the application is 4-6 weeks.


In the Czech Republic, banks can take into account the income of all family members received in any country in the world. The main thing is that all funds must be legal and documented. The interest rate depends on the availability of a residence permit and permanent residence:

  • 1.99-2.99% - for foreigners with permanent residence and residence permit;
  • 2.99-5.99% - for foreigners without permanent residence and residence permit.

The advantage of Czech lending is that it does not pay the mortgage tax, which is provided for in most other countries.


Getting a loan in America is not easy. Mortgage funds are issued to non-residents of the country belonging to the following groups:

  • Permanent residents with a green card (Form I-551);
  • Non-permanent residents with a valid work visa (E1, E2, H1B, H2A, H2B, H3, L1 and G1-G4);
  • Foreign nationals whose primary residence is outside the United States.

The easiest way to get money is for individuals who fit the first two categories.

Terms of provision

In the United States, there are two main requirements, without which the borrower will not receive a loan. The recipient of the mortgage must have:

  • Letter of recommendation from large bank Russia - the document must contain the services used by the buyer (deposits, loans, etc.);
  • an open account with a US bank for at least 12 monthly mortgage payments.

Banks issue mortgages to foreigners on the following conditions:

  • Rate - from 5 to 9% per annum;
  • Down payment - 20-30% of the property value;
  • Loan processing fee - up to 5% of the total amount.

Terms, interest and loan amount depend on the selected rate: floating or fixed.


There are several ways to get a mortgage loan in the USA:

  • Through a bank;
  • The Federal Housing Administration (FHA);
  • In non-profit organizations.

All organizations require a credit report. Without it, you can only take funds from the FHA, but for this you need to be a member of their cooperative.

The additional costs of mortgage lending are expensive in the US. The total one-time sum of all services is $ 6931. This includes all required payments, both basic and one-off.

Questions and answers

What are the interest rates on mortgages in the world?

Many banks of the world provide loans to Russians at various rates. The lowest are offered: Japan - 1.21%, Switzerland - 1.42% and Finland - 1.53%. The following countries provide good credit conditions and an average interest rate:

  • Australia - 3.74-5.37%;
  • Denmark - 3.50-3.83%;
  • Spain - 2.5-3.95%;
  • Norway - 3.41-4.02%;
  • Poland - 3.28-3.79.

The most high stakes in Belarus - 11.5-15.95%, India - 9.50-11.75 and in Ukraine - 23.00-28.80%.

Where is the cheapest mortgage in the world?

In the countries of the East, Japan offers the cheapest mortgage in the world. Here you can take out a loan at 1.21% per annum. In Europe, Switzerland has the lowest lending rate - 1.42% per annum. Both states are among the top republics with the lowest% rate for Russians.

What is the smallest mortgage in the world?

What are the interest rates on mortgages in different countries in 2017?

You can take out a loan for real estate in almost any country, but the rates are different everywhere. So, in Lithuania the average rate is 2.03% per annum, in Taiwan - 2.04%, in Austria - 2.1%, in Monaco - 2.3%, in Israel - 3.0%, in Greece - 3, 5%. With restrictions and at an average interest, you can get a mortgage in Croatia - 4.0%, in Montenegro - 4.0%, in the UAE - 5.0%, in Thailand - 8.7%.

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