
DMS for foreign citizens. Stay of foreign citizens in Russia: why the compulsory medical insurance policy is important

Legislation in force as of 2016 Russian Federation regulates the obligation of all foreign citizens, incl. from the CIS, staying on the territory of the Russian Federation, issue a policy VHI insurance... Thus, having official permission for a temporary or permanent residence in the Russian Federation - foreigners can enjoy the benefits guaranteed by the CHI program. In the absence of a policy, it is impossible to receive medical services by foreign citizens staying in the territory of the Russian Federation within the framework of the compulsory medical insurance system.

Legal regulation of VHI for foreigners

Voluntary policy health insurance(VHI) for foreign citizens is one of the documents that, from January 01, 2015, must in mandatory be registered by a foreign citizen upon arrival in the territory of the Russian Federation for the purpose of work, tourism, medical treatment, etc. According to Art. 13, Art. 13.2, art. 13.5 ФЗ № 115 "О legal status foreign citizens in the Russian Federation "dated 2002:

"Foreign citizens arriving in the Russian Federation must have a health insurance agreement (policy) valid in the territory of the Russian Federation, or must have the right, on the basis of an appropriate agreement concluded by the employer with a medical organization, to receive primary health care and specialized medical care."

At the same time, clause 5. Article 27 of the Federal Law of 15.08.1996 No. 114 "On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and entering the Russian Federation" - legislative act, regulating the procedure for the entry of foreigners into the territory of the country, states:

“Entry into the Russian Federation is not permitted for a foreign citizen or stateless person if ... foreign citizen or a stateless person has not submitted a medical insurance policy valid on the territory of the Russian Federation - before its submission, with the exception (on the basis of reciprocity) of employees of diplomatic missions and consular offices foreign states, employees of international organizations, family members of these persons and other categories of foreign citizens ”.

After analyzing the above legal norms, one can come to the conclusion that the refusal to purchase VHI policy a foreign citizen staying in the territory is a direct violation of Russian legislation and entails the imposition of a fine.

Legal conflicts

Labor Code RF prescribes that foreign citizens "After crossing the border of the Russian Federation they are obliged to purchase a medical insurance policy." At the same time, Federal Laws No. 114 "On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and entering ..." and No. 115 "On the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation", they argue that "foreign citizens ... must have a valid ... contract (policy) of health insurance" at the time of entry into the territory of the federation.

In most cases, penalties imposed on foreigners entering the territory of the Russian Federation without a policy are illegal, since the Labor Code of the Russian Federation has a higher priority over Federal Laws.

Obligation to register VHI for a patent

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, insurance of foreign citizens under the VHI program - an integral part of procedures for obtaining a patent for work in Russia. The presence of a policy allows you to protect not only the rights of the employee, but also the rights of the employer. The minimum term for concluding such an agreement is 1 year, and the minimum amount insurance compensation- 100 thousand rubles. These rules governing the specifics of VHI registration for foreigners are regulated by the decree Of the Central Bank RF from 2015. Violation of one of mandatory conditions- the term or volume of insurance compensation entails a refusal to apply for a patent.

Article 13 of the Federal Law No. 115 "On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens" contains complete list persons who are not subject to the requirement for mandatory registration of a patent. These include:

  • citizens of the republics that have signed the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union;
  • persons who have received a temporary residence permit and residence permit;
  • foreign students staying in Russia;
  • persons recognized as refugees or granted temporary asylum, etc.

As of 2016, a foreign citizen will have to pay an average of 4,000 rubles to obtain a patent for work.

Penalties for refusing to issue a policy

In accordance with the legislation, at the time a citizen of another state crosses the borders of the Russian Federation, he must have a VHI insurance policy, with the amount insurance coverage not less than 100 thousand rubles If, for some reason, the insurance policy was not purchased, then the foreigner has three days at his disposal to issue it.

After expiration the deadline, in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the offender will face an administrative penalty in the form of a fine. The amount of the fine depends on the region and varies from 2 to 7 thousand rubles. If the VHI policy is issued for an amount of less than 100 thousand rubles, then, in accordance with the amendments on 05/01/2016, a fine may also be imposed on a foreign citizen. In some cases, when fixing the facts of violation of the VHI policy, a foreign citizen may be expelled from the territory of the Russian Federation.

How to get a policy for a foreigner?

To obtain a VHI policy, a citizen of another state must contact an insurance company and provide:

  • passport (notarized translation into Russian upon request);
  • migration card.

Usually, such a policy takes no more than 1 hour to issue, but in some cases, the registration procedure can take up to three days. It should be remembered that, in accordance with the Federal Law "On Insurance of Foreign Citizens", 60 hours are given for obtaining insurance for foreigners in the Russian Federation, and at the time of contacting the Migration Department for registration, a foreigner must already have a VHI policy.

A VHI insurance policy issued by a foreign citizen must necessarily comply with the security requirement "Primary health care and specialized medical care in an emergency" ... In case the citizen plans to carry out labor activity, then the period for issuing a VHI policy must coincide with the expiration date of the patent. Ignoring this condition will result in the cancellation of a work permit on the territory of Russia.

The cost of the VHI policy for foreign citizens

Most of the leading insurance companies offer voluntary health insurance programs for foreign citizens. The prices for such programs directly depend on the citizenship, region, type of activity of the employee, as well as his age and, of course, on the list of services provided. The table below shows the actual prices as of 2016 for voluntary medical insurance for foreign citizens in the leading insurance companies of the Russian Federation:

The cost of the VHI insurance program
Citizens aged 18 to 60 are insured. The cost depends on the duration of the insurance:

    3 months -1 300 RUB

    6 months - 2,000 RUB

    12 months - 2 800 p.

Price for a period of 3 months. up to 12 months - from 1 400 p. up to 2 900 p. For older migrants over 50, there are increased rates.
VTB Insurance
Insurance prices from 1 year start from 1,500 rubles. and higher

The price of the policy, depending on the region, ranges from 1,500 rubles. up to 5 400 p.

"Happy people"
The cost of the policy varies from 1600 rubles. up to 3600 p. The insurance program covers persons from 18 to 75 years old.

It is necessary to understand that the table above shows the minimum prices for VHI insurance programs - such programs do not include visits to the dentist, treatment chronic diseases, therefore, the foreigner will have to pay from his wallet to compensate for the costs of treatment that is not included in the basic policy with a minimum insurance coverage.

According to Federal law 115-ФЗ "On the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation", a foreign citizen (stateless person) who permanently resides in the Russian Federation is a person who has received a residence permit in Russia, and a temporary resident is a person who has received a temporary residence permit in Russia. According to the entry into force new edition of the rules of compulsory medical insurance in Russia (as amended on October 27, 2016), from January 1, 2017, temporarily staying foreign citizens from the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union who work in the Russian Federation under an employment contract are also insured.

Oms policy for foreign citizens.

All information is confirmed by an identity document of the applicant, contact information must be indicated. Depending on the regime of stay of a foreign citizen, the required package of documents is: Status of a foreign citizen List required documents Permanently residing in the Russian Federation

  • passport / other document proving the identity of a foreign citizen in accordance with Russian law;
  • residence;
  • SNILS (only if available).

Temporary residents of the Russian Federation

  • passport / identity document of a foreign citizen, with a stamp on a temporary residence permit
  • SNILS (only if available).

Minors also fall under these requirements, a birth certificate serves as a document proving their identity.

Forum for migrants and their employers - on legallabor.ru

Both documents are the basis for receiving free medical care in an insured event. Upon dismissal, the compulsory medical insurance policy is withdrawn from the foreign worker, the employer is obliged to return it to the insurance company without exception. Until 01.01.2015, the employer was similarly liable for foreign workers with temporary residence. The situation has changed radically, now, in order to obtain a labor patent, a foreign citizen is obliged to conclude personally a health insurance contract for voluntary basis, and the company that hires him no longer has to pay mandatory insurance premiums.
Without the conclusion of such an agreement, a foreign citizen carries out legal labor activities. But the employer no longer has any right to limit the employee's choice of an insurance company or a package of services.

Oms policy for foreign citizens

For information on the procedure for concluding an CHI contract, you can contact the accounting and control department - a branch of the Moscow City CHI Fund in the administrative district of Moscow in which the company is registered as a payer of insurance premiums for CHI, or directly to one of the insurance medical organizations working in the CHI system How to get a policy for a foreign citizen? Foreigners working on official terms do not have to worry about how to get a policy for a foreign citizen. This is due to the fact that this responsibility is shifted to the shoulders of the employer.
He must have a contract with an insurance company. Obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy for working foreigners is impossible without following documents: applications for health insurance; identity document; document on compulsory pension insurance(if there is).


Providing high-quality and timely medical care is a priority task of any state. A developed and improving health care system implies the provision of such services to anyone in need, all depending on his citizenship. To this end, Russia has introduced a procedure for compulsory medical insurance of the population (MHI), which maximally equalizes the rights of citizens of the country, stateless persons and foreign migrants.

In addition to the constitutional ones (Article 41), the following legal guarantors and regulators were adopted: Federal Law No. 326-ФЗ dated November 29, 2010, international treaties, the procedure for the provision of services is determined by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated February 28, 2011 No. 158n. Features of insurance Compulsory medical insurance services do not contradict international treaties. Foreign citizens are full-fledged subjects of compulsory medical insurance, they are granted the same rights and obligations as residents.

Moscow policy oms to get foreign citizens

It is important to know: in the region where the compulsory medical insurance policy is issued, the list of medical services is determined by the framework of the territorial program, which in no case is less than the basic one, but in developed regions it is more extensive. This is how much the policy costs. The compulsory medical insurance policy is a free service! The cost of VHI for foreign citizens depends on the price policy of the health insurance organization and the region. On average, it varies from 1,500 to 4,500 rubles. Obviously, persons with foreign citizenship have almost identical rights to receive assistance under the OSM as other citizens of the Russian Federation. But they do not fully use their opportunities for free medical services, sometimes the rights of non-residents are not explained to them. In general, the system works and does not yield to international health standards.

How to get an Oms policy in Moscow with a residence permit


If Russians have no compulsory medical insurance policy, then the foreigner's policy ends with the expiration of the term of the employment contract. Compulsory health insurance for workers and unemployed The issue of obtaining health insurance by foreigners who stay in the Russian Federation, but are not engaged in labor activity is differently resolved. Oms policy in Moscow for foreign citizens Insurance coverage also provides for reimbursement of expenses for diagnostic tests, surgical interventions and medicines, ”the Russian Post explained. Insurance policies, distributed through post offices, allow you to compensate for the costs of treatment for various injuries, burns, frostbite, poisoning and repatriation.

Oms policy for foreign citizens with a residence permit

The policy is in the hands of the insured person, who must present it when seeking medical help. A single-sample policy is issued without a time limit: to citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens - stateless persons permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation - permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation A single-sample policy with a limited period of validity will be issued: citizenship The insurance policy is subject to mandatory re-issuance when: changing the surname, first name, patronymic, gender, date or place of birth, establishing the inaccuracy or erroneousness of the information contained in the policy The insured citizen receives a duplicate of the policy when: the policy is dilapidated and unsuitable; loss of the previously issued policy. the territory of the Russian Federation.


Initially, the city authorities hoped that the insurance policy would allow migrants to come for routine consultations at polyclinics, do X-rays, ultrasound examinations, ECGs, treat teeth, and take sick leave. Child under the age of 14 - birth certificate - civil passport of one of the parents (guardians) - SNILS child(if any) Citizen of the Russian Federation aged 14 to 18, residing or temporarily staying on the territory of Moscow and the Moscow Region - general civil passport of a child - general passport of one of the parents (guardians) - SNILS of a child (required) Citizen of the Russian Federation aged 18 years ... You can find out how to get a ROSNO-MS policy, what documents are required, whether there is a waiting time for the policy, you can on our website in the section "How to get a compulsory medical insurance policy" or fill out a questionnaire.

  • Find out about the readiness of the policy.
  • Get a policy at the office or by ordering a courier delivery.
  • Age Citizenship / status DOCUMENTS REQUIRED - passport of one of the parents (guardians) - SNILS of the child (if any) - passport of one of the parents (guardians) on the consideration of the application for recognition as a refugee in essence, or a copy of the complaint about the decision to withdraw the refugee status to the Federal Migration Office service with a mark of acceptance for consideration, or a certificate of temporary asylum in the territory - a residence permit or a mark of a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation - a residence permit or a mark of a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation - translation of a foreign passport (notarized copy ) - employment contract (required) - detachable part of the notification form on the arrival of a foreign citizen at the place of residence of LLC "Medstrakh" 107140, Moscow, st.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, at the legislative level, compulsory possession of a compulsory health insurance agreement is enshrined. What should visitors from other countries do? Can a foreign citizen get a compulsory medical insurance policy and how to do it? People arriving for a short or long term need to know the answers to these questions so that medical care is comfortable.

According to legislative framework Russian Federation, one person can have only 1 version of the OMS contract. There is no point in concluding contracts in different companies, since the truth will become known, and payments will be canceled. This applies to the following categories of citizens:

  • with the citizenship of the country
  • having a place of permanent residence
  • without a confirmed status of a citizen of the Russian Federation, but stably living within the country
  • refugees
  • citizens of other states temporarily staying in the Russian Federation and who can confirm the legal basis of residence

If the first 3 categories can apply for a policy without a limitation on the duration of the provision of services, then a limitation is imposed for refugees who do not live permanently. If an ambulance is required, there is a risk to life, it is provided in a timely manner and in full. As for the child, assistance is provided if necessary until the age of 1 year (not always). It should be borne in mind that exceptions to general requirements there are, but they are not systematic.

With temporary registration

Not all foreigners are allowed to have a temporary registration. To do this, you must be officially employed, which is specified in the law. An employer providing official employment can also help in this. The obligation to provide insurance coverage under compulsory medical insurance becomes the responsibility of the insurer, with whom the employer draws up an employment contract. An already issued policy is equivalent in coverage to what is issued to citizens of the Russian Federation on a general basis.

To obtain a policy, in the presence of temporary registration, working foreigners must provide:

  • application addressed to UK
  • identity card with notarized translation
  • if any, pension insurance paper

Important! The policy will expire upon dismissal or the expiration of the employment contract, but can be extended if the employee is admitted to the hospital while owning the still valid compulsory medical insurance (depending on the medical facility). Without employment, the policy does not have the right to demand, since a person is considered unemployed, which violates the requirements of the law. That is, in this situation, both employment and a policy for free assistance are required.

With a temporary residence permit

If a foreigner has received consent for temporary residence, his rights are more extended. Such a document provides almost full rights in comparison with those who received citizenship. A policy is issued with this status free of charge for a period equal to the registration period. To get a policy, you need to determine a suitable insurance company, draw up a free compulsory health insurance contract. The list of documents required for submission is standard, supplemented by a temporary residence permit.

On the day of circulation, not a real policy may be issued, but a temporary one, similar in effect to the original, but valid only for 30 days. This is the period given for the registration of the policy. You can apply for a temporary or present the next working day after being handed over (you should not demand payment). The service is similar to the paper version issued for permanent use. The employer pays for the policy directly, since such transfers are his duty. This takes the form of deductions from wages employee.

Who can get compulsory medical insurance

Foreigners can stay in the country for various reasons. Depending on the definition of the period, status, on the availability of official employment, and other reasons, it is decided whether to receive a free contract for medical care or not. Let's consider different options.

Received a temporary residence permit or residence permit

According to Art. 10 Federal Law No. 326 of November 29, 2010 on insurance under compulsory medical insurance in the presence of a RVP, each person is obliged to issue a policy. If a citizen does not fit the conditions that allow him to receive compulsory medical insurance, he must buy a VHI policy (issued voluntarily if desired), as for children. This also applies to the category that have a residence permit (residence permit). At the same time, the terms for action for insurances for different statuses may be different. If there is a replacement of a temporary residence permit for a residence permit, then the policies must also be reissued.

Refugees or refugee claimants

If a person has received refugee status, has a corresponding certificate, he has the right, without being employed, to apply to a suitable insurance company to draw up a compulsory medical insurance contract. The privileges granted are equal to those usual for policies issued by the company for others. The downside is that a person is not recognized as a refugee for nothing, for this sometimes it is required to wait for more than one month.

For this reason, it became possible to apply for a policy in the presence of an application for recognition as a refugee. Thus, while the issue of status is being considered, it will be possible to contact the polyclinic, other medical institutions, having on hand valid insurance... There is also a minus in this: the policy is terminated if the application for status is rejected. Then you will have to pay for medical services.

Highly qualified specialists

If the compulsory medical insurance is required to have foreigners with a temporary residence permit, residence permit, refugees, immigrants from the EAEU countries, then the category of highly qualified specialists in this case has an exception in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation "On the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation". This statement means that specialists, called highly qualified, are invited to work in the Russian Federation, their salaries are from 2 million rubles. in year. For such employees health insurance the employer pays and orders for them.

EAEU (Customs Union) citizens

The topic of free medical care has a peculiarity concerning foreigners from the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Kazakhstan). They can arrange the compulsory medical insurance themselves. According to the updated version of the law in 2018, citizens who came from the listed countries, employed in accordance with the requirements of the laws of the host country, can issue policies for more favorable terms in comparison with their colleagues from other countries that do not belong to the specified union. For citizens belonging to these countries, the rights within the union are equivalent, social Security the same as in your country.

To obtain the paper you want and the plastic version of the policy of the new format, as mentioned above, you should write a statement to the UK, providing:

  • identification
  • contract of employment
  • insurance account number
  • document on entry from the border of the Russian Federation

A residence permit for visitors in this category is not mandatory.

Important! Medical assistance within the framework of compulsory medical insurance services is provided not only to the owner of the document, but also to his relatives, without reference to their place of work or employment.

Who cannot receive

Not everyone can become a client of a medical institution on a medical insurance policy of the type of compulsory medical insurance. When contacting a hospital for examination, such people must take money with them or apply for a VHI. These include:

  • pupils, including students
  • labor migrants

How to get a foreign citizen

Having in your hands documents that officially confirm your identity, the right to stay in Russia, you can contact any insurance company you like for a conclusion the necessary contract... Some people will recognize the proposed program options for this, since they may be different for different companies and, for a certain disease, do not cover the costs for it, they are more limited. You also need to pay attention to the characteristics of the company, reviews on it, ratings posted on the Internet. At first, they will be given a temporary version, and later a paper and plastic version of a modern design.

Policy validity period

The period of validity is limited by the time allowed for foreigners to stay in the country. That is, if there is a temporary residence permit, residence permit, a stateless person, a refugee, the validity period usually ends at the end of the current year, but not ahead of time on a residence permit. For a VHI policy, the processing time can be 3, 6, 9 months and a year. It depends on the offer of the insurer, which offers different amounts for this kind voluntary insurance- an average of 6,000 rubles. It is more expensive for people over 60 years old and for children, since they are among the most frequently ill, which increases the costs of the insurer for reimbursement of medical care.

Medical assistance without a policy

Many newcomers know that medical care can be provided without a compulsory medical insurance policy. Without going into details, people hope for help without specifying the specifics of the issue. In fact, free services are provided only for cases that fall under the category of emergency, urgent. If you need help in the framework of outpatient treatment, examination, then this will not be possible for free. A burning question in relation to women in position. For them, analyzes, observation are paid. An exception is childbirth, situations with acute pain. It is allowed to give birth in the infectious diseases department, even if the tests are normal, the woman is completely healthy.

Important! In order to avoid controversial situations, bad attitude, it is recommended to issue a compulsory medical insurance policy, which must be with you, like a passport.

Regional features

Not only foreigners, but also citizens of the Russian Federation should understand that the policy is not tied to a specific region (where it was issued). If a person is in a place other than the one where he issued the CHI, assistance should be provided to him. Statements contrary to this interpretation are considered illegal. You can defend your rights, at least by contacting your insurance company. In medical institutions they know about the absence of geo-referencing. When applying, they are obliged to register, perform the necessary services under the contract.


For a comfortable and safe stay on the territory of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens are advised to obtain a policy of compulsory medical insurance or its equivalent - voluntary insurance. It is relevant both for people who are going to stay in the country for a long time. The procedure for obtaining can not be described as complicated, but you can use the advantages of the contract the very next day after registration. At the same time, it should be remembered that the policy has no effect on calling an ambulance in an emergency. It is carried out in any case and is free of charge.

Video: The procedure for obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy for foreign citizens

The Migrant Health Insurance Center has developed several dozen different programs for foreigners, differing in insurance coverage, duration, number of exceptions and a number of others. important factors... When creating each product, we took into account the accumulated experience in the field of insurance of foreigners and the wishes of various categories of foreign citizens.

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The legislation provides foreigners who have arrived in the Russian Federation for a certain period and have issued a temporary residence permit, the right to receive medical assistance. The latter can be provided both on a reimbursable and free basis. If the compulsory medical insurance policy for foreign citizens with a temporary residence permit has a limited period of validity, then immigrants from foreign countries who have issued a residence permit in the Russian Federation are issued an unlimited document giving the prerogative to be served by a doctor. Employed migrants are exempt from the obligation to pay health insurance payments, and unemployed foreigners cannot receive medical treatment without money.

There are several options for obtaining medical attention. Health insurance programs include free and paid rendering services of specialists.

In the first case, funding is allocated from the treasury and the patient is guaranteed a doctor's call, inpatient observation and prompt assistance in case of a sharp deterioration in health.

In the second case, the work of doctors is paid for by the money of the company that provides insurance services, and the potential patient selectively determines the list of services that he may need. There are two types of policies - voluntary medical insurance and compulsory medical insurance. Each of them has advantages and disadvantages.


This insurance option provides a preference to receive medical assistance in centers that do not belong to the CHI system. Its advantages are as follows:

  • the price of insurance is lower than the cost of insurance coverage;
  • the quality of the services provided is at the proper level (otherwise the insurance company will initiate trial, which will negatively affect the business reputation of the medical institution);
  • partial / full compensation for services;
  • carrying out the necessary research on technological equipment;
  • assistance is provided in a timely manner both in stationary conditions and at home or at the location of the employer.

The issue of choosing a VHI policy is decided on an individual basis, but taking into account some peculiarities. Without completing the document, the foreign guest bears the burden of paying the costs associated with medical care (an appointment with a specialist, undergoing procedures to establish the cause of the disease, submitting biomaterial for research, etc.). A VHI policy is required to obtain a work permit or grant a patent.

The paid insurance system grants the patient the right to:

  • calling an ambulance;
  • dentist help;

Consultation with a doctor, diagnosis of the disease, transportation of the patient to the clinic, delivery of medicines - a list additional services, which are provided under the VHI.

OMS policy

The document entitles the patient to be served in medical centers free of charge. The policyholder is state structures all levels (federal, regional, municipal). Profile services are provided by polyclinics and hospitals related to the compulsory medical insurance system. The patient has the right to change the attending physician and the hospital in which he undergoes examination / treatment once a year.

What gives

The owner of the OMS policy can count on:

  • outpatient / inpatient treatment;
  • calling an ambulance;
  • dentist services;
  • assistance to women during the prenatal period.

Consulting services, procedures for determining the cause of the disease, and testing are provided free of charge. Questions about whether you can get medical policy with a temporary residence permit, and whether a foreigner with a residence permit has the opportunity to issue the specified document should be considered in a general context. Both of them have rights identical to those of Russians, so they can become owners of the compulsory medical insurance policy.

Who can get

There is a specific list foreigners who are allowed to use the compulsory health insurance system. These include:

  • qualified employees, salary of which is more than 2 million rubles per year (for representatives of science - 1 million);
  • migrants who have issued a temporary residence permit and residence permit;
  • persons who have received refugee status;
  • foreigners who came under the compatriot reunification program;
  • non-residents who have received temporary asylum.

Representatives of foreign countries who have arrived in the Russian Federation and have concluded labor contracts with local employers have the right to participate in the CHI system. Is a medical insurance policy required if the RVP has already been received? Of course, yes.

V voluntary medical insurance program not included are foreigners with 1 or 2 disability groups, those who suffer from drug addiction and migrants in the age range from 60 to 75 years (depending on the insurance program).

What are

There are several types of policies certifying the right to receive medical care under the CHI system (paper format, electronic format, universal card). Each of the documents provides equal guarantees for the services provided by polyclinics and hospitals. Insurance companies offer to use combined programs (compulsory medical insurance + voluntary medical insurance), the cost of which varies from 10,000 to 15,000 rubles.

Paper option

The compulsory medical insurance policy, made on paper, contains:

  • surname, name, fatherland of the recipient;
  • passport data;
  • insurance code;
  • validity.

The owner of the document must treat it with care: neither crease, nor bend, nor apply inscriptions. It is recommended to keep the paper compulsory health insurance policy in a special folder for documents.


The insurance company can issue the client with a plastic document confirming the right to receive services in the CHI system. The front side of the card indicates unique number document and the name of the UK, on ​​the internal - surname, name, patronymic, date of birth, passport data, recipient's photo and validity period. A document in plastic format is not issued in all cities of Russia.

Universal card

Provides access to various electronic services state level. Persons who have reached the age of 14 are eligible to receive a card. The applicant provides:

  • identity document;
  • certificate of compulsory pension insurance;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • passport size photo.

Owner universal card has the right not only to use medical services, but also open a deposit in a bank, pay for goods in stores, use as travel ticket... Pick-up points said document opened in almost every Russian region.

Registration procedure

How to get a medical policy with a RVP? At the initial stage, the migrant submits a certain set of documents to government agencies. A foreigner will immediately be issued a temporary certificate, which will be valid until the receipt of the main document. The migrant comes to the institution again, where he is issued a compulsory medical insurance policy upon presentation of a passport. The foreigner is obliged to hand over the temporary certificate.

Non-residents of Russia who are unemployed and do not have a temporary residence permit cannot be recipients of medical care free of charge, and are required to purchase a VHI policy. is an important link in the selection system for migrants applying for free medicine in the RF.

List of required documents

To obtain a document confirming participation in the CHI system, a foreigner with a temporary residence permit must provide:

  • application of the established form;
  • passport (with a note on obtaining a temporary residence permit);
  • temporary residence permit;
  • SNILS (l / s number contained in the insurance certificate).

Minor foreigners submit a birth certificate and a TRP as an identity document. The applicant has the right to submit documents through an attorney (by issuing a power of attorney in a notarized manner).

For a child

During the first three months of a child's life, foreign parents are released from the obligation to draw up documents related to the receipt of medical care by a small patient. The compulsory medical insurance policy is issued upon registration of the father and mother. The document makes it possible for a baby under 1 year old to pass certain types of medical measures in the hospital for free and receive, if necessary, medical assistance in the form of examinations and vaccinations.

Where to go

To issue a policy, a foreigner personally comes to the UK or a regional MFC. After receiving the document, he signs in the registration journal. Scroll territorial structures that are engaged in issuing policies are published The Federal Fund OMS online.

Validity and cost of the document

The validity period and cost of insurance depend on its type and production format. In paper and electronic format, the policy contains information about the time period in which it can be used. The duration of the universal card is 5 years. The term for the production of a medical policy is 30 days.


A foreigner who has issued a TRP receives a document free of charge. The insurance is compensated by a company that has entered into an employment agreement with a foreign guest. The cost of the policy for the employer can reach 15,000 rubles. Validity CHI programs coincides with the period during which the RVP is valid.


The document is purchased by a foreigner at the expense of personal funds... The amount of payments depends on the subject of the Russian Federation and the choice of services. The price of a VHI policy varies from 5,000 to 70,000 rubles. Paid program is canceled from the moment the TRP expires.

Can I order online

A foreign guest has the ability to issue a medical policy online. The service is provided by the medical Internet portal Eemias info. The applicant has the opportunity to choose the nearest UK office and fill out an application for a document without leaving home. A similar procedure can be performed on the websites of large insurance companies (Ingosstrakh, Alfa-Insurance, Spasskiye Vorota).

Sample policy

The paper version of the document is produced in A5 format. It contains the necessary set of information about the owner, as well as data about medical institution to which it is attached.

The reverse side of the policy provides for points in case the policyholder changes his residence permit or decides to change the clinic in which he is served under the compulsory medical insurance. No photo of the owner on paper.

How to get medical care without a policy

Migrants who do not have a document certifying the right to medical services under the compulsory medical insurance system can count on a free emergency call. But until the moment when the danger to life and health passed. Routine therapy assumes a reimbursable nature and is funded from personal money the insured.

Summing up

Foreigners who have not issued a medical policy in the Russian Federation run the risk of being left without qualified medical care. Timely appeal to the UK saves labor migrants from paying a fine for not having a document that gives them the right to receive treatment in Russian polyclinics.

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