
Policy dms good health. Dms at Uralsib Bank. VHI insured category

The list of services provided to URALSIB clients includes voluntary medical insurance. VHI URALSIB is issued to different categories of customers and is very popular, according to consumer reviews. The developed programs allow you to choose the policy that best meets the needs of customers.

VHI insurance from URALSIB Bank

When registering some banking products such as mortgages, the insurance policy is a prerequisite... It will help to arrange it Insurance Company, which is part of the URALSIB Group. VHI insurance is an opportunity to provide timely and high-quality medical care in the amount, provided by the policy in clinics of the most modern profile.

Please note that in URALSIB insurance under VHI programs, policies are issued to individuals, corporate clients and partners' clients. In addition to life and health insurance under various programs, you can take out policies for different cases life, insure property, risks, etc.

Types of voluntary health insurance

On this moment the most popular programs according to user reviews comprehensive insurance are policies (you can find out more about the conditions of each of them by phone hotline 8800-250-92-02)

  • Good health;
  • Children's health.

In addition, the Health Formula loyalty program operates, which provides owners with a 50% discount in partner companies (it is enough to present an insurance policy). As evidenced by reviews of VHI, a comprehensive high-quality medical service combined with a loyalty program make the policy beneficial for the owner.

Services included in the VHI policy

The VHI policy under the terms of the URALSIB insurance company assumes:

  • Express diagnostics;
  • Comprehensive treatment, including home help (including emergency) and hospitalization services;
  • Voluntary package health insurance may include compulsory medical insurance;
  • Dental services and a range of services for the little ones (vaccination, newborn care, etc.).

To conclude a contract (read model contract can be found in the annex Voluntary health insurance) and for additional advice, you can visit the office of the URALSIB insurance company or contact remotely (via Personal Area or using a 24-hour telephone). VHI provides round-the-clock service for URALSIB customers, if necessary.

Having a voluntary medical insurance policy will allow you to receive highly qualified medical care in modern clinics - partners of the company. Owners of VHI URALSIB clinics provide various services within the framework stipulated by the concluded insurance contract. The quality control of medical care in the clinics is carried out by the insurance company and, according to reviews, is carried out at a high level.

Take advantage of the opportunity to apply for an additional health insurance policy online - quickly and conveniently


In URALSIB, VHI can be issued under any of the existing programs. The client himself chooses a policy with the volume of medical care he is interested in and a list of insured events. VHI policies are accepted in many clinics, a list of which you can find by calling 8800-250-92-02.

a wide range of possible insurance risks and high amounts of insurance coverage;

additional service MedExpert: highly qualified alternative medical consultation in the best foreign medical centers, without leaving the Russian Federation;

the opportunity to purchase an insurance plan for a child with protection against serious illness and the consequences of an accident;

return of part of the contributions at the end of the contract;operational terms of insurance payments;

insurance coverage is valid 24 hours a day all over the world.

What kind of insurance coverage do you get?

The insurance program may provide protection in the event of the following events *:

if the insured survives until the end of the insurance period;

in the event of the death of the insured for any reason. The payment is made in the amount of the guaranteed insurance amount plus the accrued additional investment income (if any);

in case of initial diagnosis of a critical illness. The payment is made in the event that the insured is diagnosed with a serious illness or has undergone a serious operation in accordance with the list of diseases;

the death of the insured due to an accident (the possibility of increasing the payment under the terms of the contract);

the insured has received grievous bodily harm as a result of an accident. Payment is made in accordance with the payout table;

hospitalization of the insured as a result of an accident. The payment is made in a lump sum, depending on the number of days of hospitalization.

Insurance conditions:

the terms of the program provide for up to three insured persons:

compulsory - 1 adult insured (from 18 to 55 full years (inclusive) at the date of filling out the application, up to 65 years (inclusive) at the time of the end of the insurance period);

at the request of the policyholder - 1 or 2 insured children (from 2 to 17 full years (inclusive) on the date of filling out the application);

insurance period - from 10 to 20 years;

insurance currency - rubles;

the payment can be made to the person specified in the insurance contract (beneficiary).

Sample program **

Elena, 35 years old, accountant, raising her son Yegor, 10 years old. Elena concludes an insurance contract under the Good Health program for 10 years. The annual fee for the program will be 20,558 rubles (less than 60 rubles per day). Sum insured as a result of Elena being diagnosed with a critical illness or her death for any reason, it will amount to 1,500,000 rubles; if the death is the result of an accident, the payment will be 2,500,000. Elena is also insured against the consequences of an accident, such as grievous bodily harm or hospitalization in the amount of 1,000,000 rubles. In addition, on the anniversary of the policy, Elena plans to purchase a Children's Plan, which will allow her to provide insurance coverage to Egor against the consequences of an accident and serious illness for 500,000 for an additional 2,500 a year.

More about the Medexpert program:

Medexpert is an additional service that is provided free of charge for Alliance Life clients. Advantages of the service: access to international experience in the treatment of serious diseases and the most modern medical care thanks to the remote medical consultation service.

Each of us dreams of the highest quality medical services that would be provided to him at the first visit to the doctors.

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However, in modern conditions the ambiguity of the reputation of health care institutions or individual medical professionals, there is a great risk of falling into the hands of an uneducated or unscrupulous doctor, nurse or other someone from the attending staff.

It is this factor that most often makes people take a decisive step in order to insure themselves at the time of service in any clinic or hospital.


In addition to fear for your health, when you need to undergo a course of examination or treatment, there is also a desire to save money. After all, it's not a secret for anyone that today medical services not that cheap.

For the majority of people who are not in any way interested in insuring their stay in a polyclinic or being treated in a hospital, it is still a myth that even in the most difficult modern conditions it is possible to acquire full set medical services at an affordable price.

And this opportunity is provided by voluntary medical insurance (VHI) in the UralSib company. The offered insurance programs for this type are always ready to offer unique opportunities for clients.

In this regard, it would be reasonable to present a number of advantages that are available in such large company like URALSIB:

  • choosing the package that is most optimal for the client;
  • limit the limit of insurance payments and, accordingly, the range of services as the client needs;
  • be able to be served at home or with a call to any address (for example, if a person suddenly feels bad at work);
  • inclusion of selected dental services and legal support;
  • exist very good programs for insurance of children from infancy and up to 17 years;
  • it is possible to change the service package during the validity period insurance contract, but subject to the Insurance Rules applicable in such cases in this company;
  • the existence and active use of new programs, such as, for example, "Anti-tick";
  • there is a round-the-clock consultative medical support for all its clients through a specialized dispatch service, which provides insured persons with consultations from highly professional specialists;
  • all doors of UralSib branches and offices are open, where anyone can arrange VHI policy.

UralSib has been providing voluntary insurance services population, which are distinguished by the high quality and professionalism of the employees of this insurance company.

Such rich experience allows the insurer to immediately react in case of disputes in order to resolve them as quickly and efficiently as possible.

In addition, long-term practice suggests that UralSib has long been stable and confident in cooperation with a number of professional medical institutions... Therefore, customers do not have to worry about the reliability and decency of this insurer.


As in any other insurance company, UralSib also has its own rules according to which contracts are concluded with clients and partners - medical institutions.

The most basic insurance conditions for purchasing VHI from UralSib can be identified:

  • fulfillment of the obligations of the parties. The policyholder (the owner of the UralSib VHI policy) undertakes to pay on time all due insurance premiums and fulfill all the conditions of the insurance contract;

The insurer (UralSib company) undertakes to accept an application from the insured at the time of the insured risk, consider the case, conduct an examination to identify the presence or absence of violations on the part of the insured, and then fulfill all obligations to provide the appropriate volume of medical services.

  • use of medical services exclusively provided for by policy programs;
  • the policy is issued for 1 year;
  • types of medical services can be added or changed, but this is done solely on the basis of the Insurance Rules of the insurance company.

In addition to this standard set of insurance rules, you can also highlight non-standard conditions that can be safely called flexible:

  • if a collective of more than 11 people is insured, then age ratios insurance is not applied in the calculation;
  • insurance premiums do not have to be paid once, you can also arrange an installment plan (with a quarterly or two-time schedule), which does not in any way provoke an increase in the cost of the entire policy as a whole;
  • family members can be insured at your employer's office, but at corporate rates.

The policyholder, when fulfilling his obligations, must remember that any intentional harm to his own health in order to obtain some of his benefits under the policy is a violation of the terms of the insurance contract, which means that the result of such an act will not be recognized as an insured event and he will not be able to use the policy ...

In addition, during treatment, prevention or undergoing post-treatment rehabilitation procedures, the owner of the VHI policy is obliged to comply with all the doctor's prescriptions and contribute to his recovery.

VHI programs at UralSib

The most basic programs that UralSib is ready to offer on VHI are the following:

  1. For adults.
  2. For kids.
  3. "Anti-tick".
  4. "Good health".

All these programs include the implementation of the main types of services:

  • outpatient and outpatient care;
  • medical assistance at home;
  • ambulance services, including calling to the address;
  • inpatient care in the course of planned or emergency treatment;
  • dentist services;
  • legal support.

However, there is also an additional range of services that can be used, including corporate clients:

  • office doctor;
  • personal or family doctor;
  • observation during pregnancy and obstetrics;
  • insurance programs for children;
  • providing a research base for specialized study.

In addition to all this, you should pay special attention to the unique approach to the development of your activities in the company.

UralSib is ready to please with the following non-standard service offers:

Umbrella insurance Such a range of medical services may most often be needed by enterprises, organizations or companies with a widely developed network in regions, where, for example, it may be necessary to provide medical assistance to employees in several cities at once.
VHI for foreigners Citizens from other countries temporarily staying in the territory of the Russian Federation and officially registered with the relevant authorities may well purchase an insurance card in UralSib for high-quality medical care in Russia
Diverse customer base In a company, you can draw up an insurance policy for your relative, and not only for yourself, an employee, and even for entire work collectives, where the staff consists of more than 50 people, at corporate rates

Policy cost

The cost of a VHI policy can often vary and depend on a number of factors, such as, for example:

  • age;
  • the number of employees (for companies that insure their employees);
  • the territorial location of the medical facility;
  • characteristics and level of qualification of the medical institution;
  • types of certain medical services that can be included in the insurance program;
  • the volume of the desired range of medical services.

Voluntary health insurance cost table:

The name of the VHI program at UralSib Policy features Insurance duration Price insurance policy VHI in UralSib, rub.
For adults outpatient service; providing medical care at home along with outpatient assistance; outpatient service with the included add-on - dental services; three in one - outpatient, dentist and home care. 1 year from 10400
For kids assistance in the clinic and outpatient clinic; providing medical care at home; services within the network of clinics such as Nearmedic Plus and the Network of Family Medical Centers. 1 year from 36300
"Anti-tick" prevention of tick bites; tick bite medical care. 2-4 months (the season is determined by regional characteristics of tick aggressiveness) For adults - from 250 rubles. (from 16 people of the team) For children - from 200 rubles.

Having insured under any of the VHI programs at UralSib, the client will be able to receive highly professional and high-quality service in a particular polyclinic or hospital.

Will be able to use the services of a dentist, rehabilitation rooms or take advantage of any preventive procedures. The most important thing is to choose the optimal program for you and take into account the validity period of the policy when applying it.

Video: Voluntary Health Insurance

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    • Moscow and the Region -
    • Honestly? Disappointed. And quite! Yesterday I called an ambulance, drove for 2 hours. I called several times to rush to the contact center. The dispatcher was naughty, she said that such a delay in the ambulance on the way is the norm. Here's how to understand it? I called again. They said they would send another car. I waited 20 minutes. I'm calling. They got nasty again and advised me to call an ambulance through service 03. I reminded them of their obligations under the insurance policy. Silence. Further, the answer: "Wait" and hung up! What is this attitude towards customers? Especially on such an issue as human health? To my complaint through the website of the UralSib company, which issued me a policy, they began to stir. The ambulance has arrived, the treatment seems to be normal, but I'm going to stop the boorish attitude. I will complain after the amendment.

361 08.10.2019 4 minutes

Voluntary health insurance (VHI) has been in effect since 1993, but only in last years became widespread.

The increasing prosperity of the middle class of the population, the emergence of a large number of private clinics, the service cost of which is high, and the disillusionment with municipal medical institutions are the main reasons that citizens are looking for alternative solutions to receive qualified medical care at an affordable price.

However, before buying, you should figure out how much the insurance policy costs and whether its cost is justified.

What is the size of the insurance premium

To calculate the cost of a voluntary health insurance policy, a number of indicators are taken into account. The final cost is formed on their basis. The factors that affect the pricing in the voluntary health insurance (VHI) system are as follows.

VHI insured category

VHI policies are divided by purpose for selected categories citizens:

  • Pensioners.
  • Working citizens.
  • Pregnant women.
  • Newborns.
  • Minors.

It should be noted that for categories with high risks, a multiplying factor is applied. This rule applies to newborns, pregnant women and retirees. For them, the cost of insurance will be higher.

The amount of the insurance premium directly depends on the initial state of health of the client

Choice of medical services

Products can be configured to meet customer needs. A standard policy with a minimum set of services will be cheaper than an extended one.

Medical services - how much the insurance costs depends on the inclusion of additional medical measures. These include:

  • Polyclinic services. The insured citizens are attached to the clinic.
  • Dentist services, which can be included in the policy, will greatly increase the cost of it. This also applies to downstream services.
  • Calling an ambulance.
  • Hospital treatment.
  • Hospitalization.
  • Personal attending physician.

An example of document execution (ERGO) for foreign citizens

See a list of dental services for compulsory medical insurance policy can .

Health status and the presence of chronic diseases

On Best offer from the insurer citizens who are in good health, do not smoke, they have not been subjected to surgical intervention and who do not have chronic diseases apply.

  1. Place of work.
  2. Insurance term.
  3. Region of residence.
  4. Insurance company rating.
  5. The amount of the covered sum insured. The lower the amount the insurance can cover, the lower the cost of the policy.

To calculate the cost of the VHI policy, the client is allowed to fill out a questionnaire. Reliable and complete information is the guarantee of a long-term legal relationship between the client and the insurer.

On the back plastic policy easy to find the number of the contact center, which you need to call if you want to get medical help

The main types of insurance programs

The insurance program is divided into several types so that the client receives certain services at an acceptable cost to him. The division of insurance is made according to several criteria.

Types of insurance:

  1. Individual.
  2. Family - applies to all family members and is more beneficial than the individual.
  3. Corporate - the employer insures his employees.

The insurance program is drawn up by the insurer depending on financial capacity client. It defines the list of services that are available under the program. A list of institutions is also determined.

Depending on the cost, the following types of insurance are distinguished:

  1. Basic.
  2. Extended.
  3. Complete.
  4. Special programs.

Any VHI program automatically includes complete list services, which is provided under the CHI.

Starting price for basic products from AlfaStrakhovanie

In any business, it is important to study the pitfalls and potential opportunities. - He will tell you how to get a policy.

Base category

This group includes a small list of services that will allow you to identify health problems and get advice on how to eliminate them:

  • Initial inspection.
  • Diagnostics.
  • Sick leave.
  • House call for a doctor.
  • Hospitalization is possible.
  • Issuance of sick leave.
  • Dental care - sometimes.

Cost - from 8 thousand rubles. Surgical operations are excluded.

Before making a purchase decision, find out what is included in free service under the compulsory medical insurance policy.

Extended package

The basic package comes in addition:

  • Reimbursement of surgery costs (partial or full).
  • Treatment in a sanatorium once a year.
  • Massage course.

The cost of the policy is from 17 thousand rubles.

"All inclusive"

The complete package of voluntary health insurance is a premium product. Prices start at 54 thousand and can go up to several million rubles. This includes:

  • All types of surgical interventions.
  • Sanatorium treatment.
  • Treatment in some foreign clinics.

Special programs

In addition to standard programs, an individual approach to the client is possible with the help of a constructor. That is, the client himself chooses the necessary types of services from the list. Exists special programs for certain categories of citizens:

  • Helping athletes.
  • Pregnancy management.
  • Accident insurance - however no payment of money.
  • Travel insurance.
  • Sanatorium treatment.

The price of products from "Ingosstrakh"

How much does VHI cost by the example of large companies?

How much DSM costs from market leaders is shown in the table below.

Insurance market participants offer clients various insurance options. However, a set with additional services will always cost more.

Voluntary policy for pregnant women

VHI during pregnancy allows you to monitor the progress of pregnancy, the health of the mother and the development of the fetus. This ensures that childbirth will take place without unnecessary problems, timely high-quality health care... However, the cost of insurance in this case will be higher than with the basic package - from 55,000 rubles.

As a result, it should be noted that the VHI policy will be useful to citizens, since it allows significant savings if, due to a deteriorating state of health, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment. In this case, the insurance company will cover the costs.


An institute of compulsory health insurance has been created in Russia, according to which every citizen has the right to receive qualified medical assistance. However, this policy has a fairly narrow scope. In this regard, many additionally take out a voluntary health insurance policy, the availability of which provides access to a higher quality of services, and at the very first contact. The presence of an open policy in Uralsib VHI allows you to provide really effective medical care.

Uralsib VHI - advantages

Currently, high-quality medical services in modern equipped centers with qualified specialists are quite expensive. For those who monitor their health and undergo regular examinations, and even more so if there are any diseases, the registration of an insurance policy allows you to save on treatment without losing the quality of the services provided. Increased competition in this segment of services has led to the fact that the cost of a full range of services is quite acceptable. As for the VHI offered by Uralsib, it compares favorably with competitors by a wide selection of possible insurance programs, some of which can be called unique.

Thus, the following advantages of cooperation with this insurance company can be highlighted:

  • providing the opportunity to independently choose a package of services, which in to a greater extent suits the needs and desires of the client;
  • availability of the right to reduce the limit of insurance payments at the initiative of the client (with a reduction in the range of services provided);
  • service both at home and at any other address that was indicated when calling (for example, if the state of health has deteriorated sharply at work or at a party);
  • inclusion of additional individual services such as legal support and dentistry;
  • development of separate programs for children (operating from birth to 17 years old) on favorable terms;
  • · The absence of a prohibition on changing the package of services provided until its validity period has expired (subject to compliance with the regulated insurance rules);
  • regular offers of new programs;
  • the opportunity to contact the advisory dispatch service for medical customer support, which works around the clock and allows you to ask a question of interest to a highly professional specialist.

It has been operating for over twenty years, which is yet another confirmation of its reliability and professionalism. For such a long period of time, a base of medical institutions has been developed, with which fruitful cooperation is carried out. The rich experience allows us to solve the issues arising from clients in a short time. Anyone can take out an insurance policy; for this, it is enough to contact any office or branch of the company.

Programs offered by Uralsib

The activities of the insurance company are carried out in accordance with established rules, which are prescribed in the agreement concluded with clients and partners. The main ones include the following:

  • the requirement to fulfill the obligations assumed by all parties;
  • extension of the policy only to the services included in the program;
  • the policy is valid for one year;
  • providing the ability to add or change the included types of medical services.

In addition to the standard set of insurance conditions, it is possible to obtain non-standard conditions, which can be called flexible and make the conditions for obtaining insurance more favorable. This applies to those cases when, for example, a team is insured or an installment payment is required.

The following programs are offered for Uralsib VHI:

  • for adults;
  • for kids;
  • "Good health";
  • "Anti-tick".

For each of these programs, there are a number of basic types of services, which include going to a polyclinic, outpatient clinic, house call, ambulance call, dental services, emergency care, inpatient care, and others. A number of additional services that can be used by corporate clients as well. These include a family or office doctor, the ability to be observed while carrying a child, and others.

Thus, we can conclude that Uralsib insurance DMC company makes it accessible to the population. The organization is focused on continuous development, constantly developing new programs for its clients.

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