
Regarding the commissioning of the Polisons of OMS. Police pass policies their medical care on OMS limited by law whether the soldier can get the Polis of OMS

On the territory of the Russian Federation, a law has been developed that allows you to adjust the actions related to suspension or complete cessation of insurance. In order to make various optimization processes, it was decided to develop documents that cancel compulsory medical insurance for those workers who work in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSIN.

On the territory of the Russian Federation on August 10, a new law has earned, the abolishing design of the OMS for persons who work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSIN

Official information was provided by the head of the Federal Fund of the OMS (FFOMS) Natalia Stadchenko. She suggests that the law abolishes compulsory insurance for those persons who previously issued the policy of the OMS. After the adoption of this law, the FFOMS budget will be more carefully formed. Also, the adoption of the draft law provides for improving the quality of the formation of the necessary budget of all regions of the Russian Federation.

After the introduction of the considered draft law, OMS, located in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, will be a different budget. The last instance also applies a new commitment. Regional OMS will be able to control all processes that take place at the time of insurance of citizens of the Russian Federation.

In order to determine the reliable number of insured persons on the territory of the country, the Cabinet of Ministers will develop a technique that allows a full calculation. Despite the fact that the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and FSIN are no longer obliged to issue a policy of compulsory health insurance, the law also has a norm of providing information for those institutions that make out this document.

Each calendar month of OMS funds will provide all the necessary information.

Territorial and federal funds for compulsory medical insurance should prepare information every month, which concerns the number of insured people. It is also necessary to display objective indicators that relate to the suspension or complete cessation of people's cooperation with the establishment.

Only those people who work in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation are now released from compulsory medical insurance, as well as in fire service, Feldgerer and FSIN. Also, OMS does not need customs officers. The document was adopted, because many citizens who become the military receive support from the state in a double size.

Regional authorities pay contributions to the FOM for non-working insured people. In turn, employees of the internal affairs bodies receive medical care, which is funded by the state. Enoneling citizens do not close the Policy of the OMS, receiving the help in a double size.

Free medical care, which guarantees the policy of compulsory health insurance, is supposed, it turns out, not all citizens of Russia. The servicemen, for example, do not have such a right, since they are attached to departmental medical institutions. However, due to the unsuccessful reform of military medicine, people in pursuit in a number of regions are experiencing problems with medical care.

How not to be the policy? - My former colleague Captain Roman Severin was amazed. "I recently went to the insurance and quietly received." Just do not need to say that you wear straps, because there they do not require a certificate from the place of work, but only a passport and a card of pension insurance ...

It turns out that all those servicemen who have a green plastic card today, guaranteeing free medical care throughout Russia, or received it until 2004, or deceived representatives of insurance companies. This, by the way, concerns employees and police, and other law enforcement agencies, which, according to paragraph 2 of Article 245 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, as amended on June 24, 2004, do not pay tax in terms of the amount credited to the Social Insurance Fund. Namely, OMS funds should receive contributions, due to which the funding of the municipal polyclinic and hospitals occurs.

After the amendments, the servicemen naturally did not take policies to insurance companies. Many keep them "just in case": for example, to obtain medical care on vacation or business trip, where it is not easy to get to the departmental hospital. In addition, in different insurance companies, several policies could be obtained, because the creation of a single base of the insured Foundation OMS began only this year, after the entry into force of January 1 of the Law "On Compulsory Medical Insurance in the Russian Federation". Since May 1, citizens began to receive a new policy of compulsory health insurance. Preparatory work made it possible to create a single base. In a conversation with the Parliamentary Newspaper correspondent, the Chairman of the FOMS Andrei Yurin said that her absence led to the fact that the number of insured on January 1, 2009 exceeded the population of 700 thousand.

Due to the confusion, the OMS Foundation in the form of tax received money from working citizens to the treatment of "dead souls". And for military personnel who illegally having a policy, the state pays twice. The first time - in the form of expenses for defense, the second time - through the municipalities that are paid to the OMS fund for non-working citizens. If for employers the size of the insurance premium is defined at the legislative level and is 5.1 percent of the wage fund, then for the non-working population, there has not been a single tariff for the non-working population. Each region, depending on the reservation of the budget, established its size - from 300 rubles to 15 thousand per person per year. The law "On compulsory medical insurance in the Russian Federation" provides that after the transition period expiration will be established for the whole country the minimum amount of payment for the non-working population, below which no region can establish its own plank. Since the financial situation of the subjects of the Federation differs, territorial coefficients have been developed that will take into account climatic conditions, the level of morbidity, mortality and other factors. According to the Chairman of the FOMS, on average, such a payment will be about six thousand rubles. There's no "dead souls" here.

"After work began on the formation of a single database, it turned out that the insured by 2.5 million is less than the population as a whole, Andrei Yurin noted. - The difference in numbers is explained, for example, the servicemen are not included in the OMS system. "

Under the law, the policy of compulsory medical insurance of the old sample remains valid until January 1, 2014. The rest is not necessary to change the policy urgently. Now it is issued to newborns, people who changed the surname, name, patronymic or insurance medical organization. However, it is planned that from January 1, 2012, universal electronic cards will be introduced, in which all social guarantees of a citizen, benefits, disability, medical insurance will be launched. Consequently, the deception of the insurance company will become impossible: the base will show that a citizen carries epaulets and has no right to receive the policy. From January 1, 2011, this regulates the clause "F" of Article 10 of the Law "On Compulsory Medical Insurance in the Russian Federation".

The government in 2004 has envisaged the possibility of treating serve in municipal medical institutions. The rules for the provision of medical care to patients in pursuit, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2004 No. 911, suggest that in the absence of a service station, a residence or other location of a soldier, as well as in urgent cases, medical care is in state institutions or Municipal healthcare system with subsequent reimbursement of incurred costs. However, not with all municipal medical institutions, the Ministry of Defense has been concluded for service contracts. And often the patient in the form has to be proved in the receipt that the assistance can and should be provided according to the law, and the expenditures of the clinic will subsequently be reimbursed. Therefore, a serviceman easier to assure unemployed with the policy than to do everything by law.

Today, not all kinds of medical care are paid from the money of the Mandatory Medical Insurance Foundation. For example, if a citizen has no policy, he will still have an ambulance, high-tech, psychiatric care and assistance in childbirth. However, the new CHI law provides for the gradual, until 2013, the inclusion in the system of compulsory medical insurance of all listed areas of medicine. Consequently, in the near future, the absence of the policy will mean for the military infringement in the rights to free medical assistance.

On the question of how to act in this regard, Andrei Yurin replied that in the future the Polis of the OMS should be among every citizen.

"If we talk about the future, then everyone who is not insured today and uses individual, the special conditions for obtaining medical care, sooner or later they will be checked into the general system of OMS," he stressed. - This help is more accessible, it is clear where and how to get it. Today there is a reform, the infrastructure of the Armed Forces is built in the new one, and I am sure that the number of those who are not included in the mandatory health insurance will decrease. It is clear that military medicine has special tasks, but primary assistance may be provided in civilian medical institutions. "

A few years ago, this problem was not very worried about military personnel. There was a medical care system that provided the needs of the army in full. Before the start of bringing the armed forces "To a new appearance", the staff number of medical officers was more than 20 thousand, and almost 150 thousand people were civil servants in therapeutic institutions. In military medical institutions, more than six million officers, ensigns, retirers and their families were treated. Since the fall of 2008, the situation has changed dramatically. Military medicine fell in millstones. According to some reports, more than 60 departmental hospitals and more than 80 polyclinics were liquidated. Because of this, for many military personnel and pensioners, medical care was inaccessible. There are no medical institutions in the territory of 18 regions, 30 military units are deployed at a considerable distance from them. Such data led to the meeting of the Coordination Council on the Social Protection of military personnel, law enforcement officers and members of their families, Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko. According to her, parliamentarians are ready to initiate the necessary bills aimed at improving military medicine.

In addition, a low level of remuneration of civilian personnel of departmental medical health facilities provoked an outflow of highly qualified specialists, cadres of secondary and younger medical staff. The level of assistance provided decreased at times.

Unresolved problems in most cases we are taken to explain to the absence of funds. However, in the case of military medicine, this is not quite so. The representative of the Ministry of Finance, Alexei Kauulbars, said that 39 billion rubles were released on health care of the Ministry of Defense. From this money, a little more than 60 percent was implemented, and in the construction of health facilities, only a third was mastered. Meanwhile, according to the Accounts Chamber, almost forty percent of the medical clubs and the agencies of the Ministry of Defense are placed in buildings that do not meet technical and sanitary standards, and 27 percent of objects need overhaul. Because of this, the already purchased expensive medical equipment is idle - it is easy to place it. Military prosecutors more than once paid the attention of the leadership of the Ministry of Defense to the critical state of military-medical institutions, weak security with medicines and medicines. Such a fact is about disorder in this area: the head of the Major Major General, Alexander Belevitin, was recently removed from office and was arrested.

However, this little worries "man with a gun." But the lack of opportunity to receive medical care is a completely different business.

Dmitry Olishevsky

Moscow police for January 15 should have been given the policy of compulsory health insurance (OMS), in connection with this, police officers appealed, in particular, in trade unions for clarifying the situation. In the Moscow Police Union, they explained to them that according to the CHI law, the action of the policy for military personnel and equal employees of other services is suspended, but if necessary, you can seek medical care and civilian institutions.

In Moscow, police officers before January 15, 2019 were supposed to hand over the Policy Polis. "Requires personal responsibility to organize the passage of the policy of OMS or report on its loss by submitting an appropriate application to any insurance hindrance," says, in particular, in a document for the official use of the internal affairs management in the South-Western district of the State Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow, who signed the head of the department Yuri Demin (there is at the disposal "Kommersant"). At the same time, police officers did not receive complete information about the reasons for such an order, which, in particular, follows from their appeals to "Kommersant". "Our valiant ministry causes all employees to hand over the policies," says one of the letters. "This requirement contradicts all internal documents and orders, not to mention the laws. People oblige to be treated only in the Polyclinics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. " "Recently, we get a lot of questions from employees about whether the OMS policy needs to be handed over to managers," the police union of the police says.

At the same time, in the message of the State Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow, and in the report of the trade union it says that the policy of the OMS is proposed "in fulfilling the requirements of Art. 49.1 FZ-326 2010 "On compulsory medical insurance" (suspending the action of the CHI policy) ", according to which the action of the policy is suspended in the event of a call, receipts for military service or an equivalent service for service. "Internal affairs bodies are equal to military service, although it is not, they are reminded in the trade union." The funds for treatment are distinguished from the budget from the budget. Also, funds from the budget are allocated to the treatment of other citizens, and to use the law simultaneously forbidden by law. " However, in Art. 5 FZ 323 "On the basics of the health of citizens' health in the Russian Federation" (respect for the rights of citizens in the field of health protection) states that the state ensures the protection of health to all citizens of the Russian Federation. "Thus, an employee can be treated in ordinary polyclinics at the place of residence, but at the same time he must inform the doctors that he is an employee," they say in the trade union. "The doctors have no rights to refuse the service." Further, the medical institution sends documents to reimbursement of medical institutions, "and from the budget allocated to the content of departmental medicine, these funds are deducted and leaving civilian medical institutions." Explained in the trade union. At the same time, the organization states that "employees are very often complaining about the quality of treatment in departmental institutions and even go to paid medical institutions without receiving compensation."

It should be noted that on August 10, 2018 entered into force FZ-286, amendments to a number of legislative acts, it was he who supplemented the law on OMS ch. 49.1 On the suspension of the action of the policy. As explained on the website of the Government of the Russian Federation, which introduced this bill to the State Duma, new for the OMS system mechanisms, in particular the suspension of the action of the policy, will allow the subjects of the Russian Federation not to pay insurance premiums for these citizens, "which will reduce the burden on the budgets."

The director of the Institute of Health Economic Economics of the Higher School of Economics Larisa Popovich reminded that in the law on OMS "Since 2010, there is a reservation that the servicemen are not included in the category of persons who are insured." "Most likely, this story now arose due to the fact that the rule was, but it was safely accounted for and published policies to everyone. Therefore, when the registers began to check, it turned out that the servicemen went there. Insurance companies, often trying to increase the number of insured, closed their eyes, "she says. Mrs. Popovich also explained the emergence of the disposal of the "tightening of supervision for such practices." It should be noted that FZ-326 contains provisions on the operation of a single system of interdepartmental electronic interaction, and also establishes the transmission deadlines to the Federal Information Center of the relevant information, including for the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Mrs. Popovich noted that relatives of the servicemen "there is a formal right to be served in two places" - in civilian medical institutions, and in departmental.

From August 10, control of medical care recipients on the system of compulsory medical insurance

The method of control over the presence of the citizens of the policy of compulsory medical insurance (OMS) will be changed, after which some Russians of the specified insurance will be deprived. Providing such rules, the law entered into force on August 10.

"Double" medstation will remain in the past

As explained the head of the Federal Fund Natalia StadchenkoThe document is aimed at eliminating the insurance of those Russians who are not put on the policies. In particular, these are military personnel, the costs of the treatment of which are provided from the federal budget, and the categories of citizens are equivalent to them - employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Rosgvardia, the Federal Fire Service, the Federal Feldgeregé, a penitentiary system, as well as customs authorities. The action of the policy will be suspended if a citizen has canceled a residence permit in Russia or a temporary residence permit, and also if it has lost refugee status. According to Natalia Stadchenko, such measures will increase the quality planning of the FOMS budgets, subjects of the Federation and territorial OMS funds.

According to current legislation, payments to the fund of compulsory medical insurance for non-working citizens are obliged to regions, a total of 618 billion rubles per year. In this case, part of the contributions to the subjects are made for those who actually do not need it. In particular, many people, enrolling in military service, leave both the policy of the OMS, thereby the launching process of "double medical insurance". "After the information interaction of OMS's territorial funds with FTS, military commissariants and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, such citizens can be identified in a timely manner," the Chairman of the State Duma Committee said to the Parliamentary Gazeta.

Now the federal and territorial OMS funds will record all the information provided every month, after which the insurance of those citizens who do not need this in fact will be suspended or stopped.

Do not stop

With this legislative initiative, the government spoke after the joint appeal of the governors to the Federation Council. In 2016, the chapters of the subjects drew the attention of senators to the fact that the costs of regional budgets for contributions to the OMS Fund for non-working citizens became for them a serious financial burden, and in many cases such spending turn out to be unjustified.

"For coordination of the law, more than six months left," said the Chairman of the Committee of the Federation Council of Social Policy, said "Parliamentary Gazeta". - His specificity is that it was necessary to establish the information interaction of many departments and structural units. Now the local authorities will be able to take advantage of the information when calculating those budget resources that are needed for the OMS Foundation.

According to the senator, so far accurate data on how much money will save the law to regions, there are no parliamentarians. "It will show further monitoring," he said. - However, no one is in doubt - it was necessary to accept the document, we need to understand how many citizens - from those for whom the regions pay to the OMS Foundation really do not work, and who still worries and, accordingly, cannot be treated unemployed. "

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