
What a fine without insurance policy of Osago. What a fine is provided for riding without insurance? What a penalty for overdue insurance for an accident

Each driver should know what punishment suits him, who left the insurance policy of the OSAO house or forgotten to extend its validity. IN this case The amount of fines will differ. Consider several situations that may entail an imposition of recovery for riding without insurance Polisa. Osago:

What a fine awaits a motorist for the lack of insurance policy in 2017?

One of the most common administrative offenses is the lack of the insurance policy of the OSAGO during the verification of documents. We clarify that in this case the punishment will comprehend the motorist, if it has a decorated insurance, but left her at home. In this case, the amount of recovery will be 500 rubles, according to part 12.3 Part 2 Administrative Code Driving a driver who does not have documents for the right to manage them, the insurance policy of mandatory insurance of civil liability of owners vehicle, except for the case provided for by part 2 of Article 12.37 of this Code, and in cases provided for by law, travel sheet or commodity-transport documents.warning or. An alternative punishment is to make a warning to the driver.
Recovery in the same size threatens the motorist and in the event that he purchased insurance certificate in in electronic format And forgot to print it.
Forgotten House Insurance certificate will not cause significant damage to the motorist budget. A much greater punishment threatens him for an overdue insurance policy, but about it a bit later.

The penalty for managing the vehicle in the season not provided for by the insurance policy.

Currently, the term of the insurance policy is one year. Any car enthusiast has the right to conclude a contract for a shorter term. This possibility willingly use dacms using their vehicles during gardening period. In this case, the period of action of the insurance policy of the OSAGO is half a year. The cost of such an insured certificate will be reduced, but also the time of transport management is limited to a semi-annual period. Despite this, such an insured certificate is very popular in the population who does not use their vehicles during the cold season.
In the case of managing such transport during the period not specified in the insurance certificate, its driver faces recovery in the amount of 500 rubles, in accordance with the Rules 12.37 Part 1 Administrative Code - administrative penalty in the amount of 500 rubles.

Penalty for unspecified in the certificate of the driver of the driver.

If a person needs to urgently go on the road on a foreign vehicle and there is no time for reissuing insurance, then he threatens financial recovery of 500 rubles. The size of such recovery is determined 12.37 Part 1 Code The vehicle management during its use, not provided for by the insurance policy of the mandatory insurance of civil liability of the vehicle owners, but is equal to the management of the vehicle with a violation of the conditions provided for by this insurance policy, the conditions for the vehicle only specified in this insurance policyan administrative penalty of 500 rubles.

Recovery for overdue insurance policy

The most serious punishment is envisaged for motorists who do not take care of the timely extension of the term of the insurance policy. The motorist will have to pay the amount of 800 rubles from its budget, in accordance with Article 12.37 Part 2 COAP Non-fulfillment by the owner of the vehicle established by the Federal Law of the obligation to insure their civil liability, and is equal to the management of the vehicle, if compulsory insurance Obviously absentan administrative penalty of 800 rubles.
The same punishment suits a motorist, who decided not to resort to the services of auto insurance.

The ability to save when paying a fine.

In 2017, the driver can save 50% when paying an imposed penalty. To do this, it is enough to make it payment in the period of twenty days from the date of its imposition. In this case, the driver will pay 250 rubles instead of 500 and, accordingly, 400 instead of 800.

Evacuation of a car on a fine parking lot for the lack of insurance.

Previously, when identifying violations associated with the design or lack of insurance, the driver was prohibited to further use the vehicle. The traffic police inspector removed the number from vehicles and evacuated him to a special parking lot. Such a measure of punishment was used until 2014. To date, such measures are not applied to drivers. Any punishment other than a fine, for the lack of insurance is illegal.
During the acquisition of insurance certificate, the driver at the driver should have a valid diagnostic map of technical inspection.
It should be remembered about possible illegal actions by the DPS officers. The inspector may try to equate the forgotten home insurance certificate for its absence and impose a penalty in an increased amount. It is necessary to be prepared for this and have proofs in the hands that will help appeal the ruling in the judiciary.
Knowing your rights will help protect the driver from the unlawful imposition of administrative recovery and will save his nerves during the debate with the DPS inspector. Have a good trip!

Hello everyone, friends! Today I want to talk on the topic that is interested in motorists, namely, what a penalty for riding without insurance is envisaged at the end of 2018 and in 2019 If you remember, the deputies offered to increase the amount: so far it is much lower than spending on the policy itself. In addition, there was information that in Moscow and the area of \u200b\u200bthe outdoor observation chamber will be able to record violators riding without CTP. Let's deal with the same together in innovations and find out what to wait in the near future.

Who faces a fine for riding without insurance of OSAGO

Penalty for riding without the policy is provided for most drivers. The exception will be the following situations:

  • TS constructively will not develop speed above 20 km / h;
  • the car is not allowed to participate in the road movement;
  • the owner issued an international insurance "Green Card";
  • TC belongs to the category "Passenger Trailer";
  • it is not about the car, but about the transport of non-saline type (tractor, sleigh, etc.).

Also for riding without insurance it is impossible to finish, if less than 10 days have passed since the purchase of TS. But most of the car owners do not fall into the number of exceptions, so for the control of the machine without insurance will have to pay.

The need to buy a policy applies to motorcycle drivers, although not all companies are ready to work with it.

The amount of the fine for riding a car without insurance of OSAGO: what to take into account

The amount that you give for the management of the vehicle without insurance depends on the characteristics of the situation. In 2018 it is 500-800 rubles.But when paying within 20 days after you have discharged a fine, you will receive a 50% discount.

The small amount of the amount being charged for violation leads to the fact that the drivers are driving without the CTP. After all, the cost of insurance in Moscow reaches 12,000 rubles. Taking into account the raising coefficients. At best, the price will decrease to 6,000 rubles. If you traveled without accidents for 5-7 years, so many more costly pay a fine of 400 rubles. Earlier, the management of the vehicle without the policy threatened with the removal of numbers, but now such actions of traffic police are considered unlawful.

Is it worth paying insurance or better give money for the control of the vehicle without it, to solve you. But consider that problems when driving without hemagon are not limited to the fine, you will learn details from the video:

What a fine charge if you have forgotten the middle house at home

When driving without insurance, the car is possible when the paper was issued, but the driver forgot her at home. You will have to pay 500 rubles.; True, it is often necessary to try to convince the inspector that the document is still decorated.

What if you ordered the OSAGO in electronic form? Print the resulting policy and wear with you. In extreme cases, take a photo on the phone, but it will not become a full replacement. According to traffic rules, the driver is obliged to wear the original or the printed document that he received in electronic form.

It happens, an employee of the road service does not check the presence of insurance, but discharges a penalty for its absence. In this case, the decision can be appealed: contact the author's chief with a written statement.

The question is whether it is necessary to carry the CTP with him, since November 2018 becomes controversial. After all, the State Duma adopted amendments to the law, according to which the electronic document is equal to the paper. Thanks to innovations, you will simply show a policy on a mobile device or chamoque to check its presence in the database. But will everything be smooth in practice?

Despite the innovation, the corresponding amendments have not yet been made to the rules of the road. Those still oblige the driver to present a paper printout, so it is recommended to carry it with you. In addition, not all auto inspections have tablets with access to the network: to avoid conflicts and need to challenge fines until you leave a document at home.

User experience: Forgot the printout of the house

As I live in a small settlement, I decided to take care of insurance with the help of current technologies. I made everything online, though, no discounts for 10 years did not receive without accidents. But nothing, if only the document was in hand. The next day he was taken to email; For the Safety, I made a check on the Rs. In the future, drove a print with me, the problems did not arise. When traffic cops stopped, then they simply said that it was drawn up over the Internet; They did not look at the paper itself.

For this reason, in one continuous moment, I lost her and did not notice. The meticulous inspector got caught, I demanded to show - but I have nothing to do. He broke through the database, saw that there was insurance, and wished the good road.

The amount of the fine for an overdue CTP or its absence

The management of the vehicle with an overdue ispacked is equal to ride by car without insurance. In such cases, material responsibility is 800 rubles. The only exception will be the situation when it took less than 10 days from the date of the conclusion of a purchase and sale agreement. After presenting a document confirming the transaction, the traffic inspector does not have the right to punish you.

What measure is provided for riding without insurance: when the CTP is issued for a certain period

It happens, insurance is drawn up on a certain calendar period: for example, dackets can use the machine only in the season. They wanted to save, and then they were not kept and sat down behind the wheel? For such cases, punishment is provided - 500 rubles.

The problem with the incomplete year agreement is that it does not receive KMB. You can ride without an accident for years, but you do not need discounts. The size of the savings will also be dubious: when placing the policy for 6 months. you pay 70% of full value. It is allowed to conclude a contract for 3 months., But only in the case when the tool follows the place of permanent registration.

The driver is not part of the policy: what is the responsibility provided

If the machine is controlled by a friend or acquaintance of the owner, not written in the CTP, after detection of violations will have to pay 500 rubles. With money, the owner of the vehicle, but a unlucky driver, will discern. To avoid trouble, make up a document without restrictions.

It happens that a person who has transferred control, no driver's license. In this case, the owner of the car will pay extra 3,000 rubles. If an accident arises, the loss will cover the insurance company, but the owner of the vehicle.

The penalty for riding on someone else's car without insurance depends on the characteristics of the situation. Is there a policy, but does he relate to the limited type? If the wheel is driving another person, and the owner of the car sits nearby, the costs will be the same 500 rubles. There is no policy and the owner itself? Get ready to post 800 rubles.

Evacuation Auto on a stradition for riding without insurance in 2018

In 2018, car owners who did not spend on the purchase of OSAGO may not be worried: only penalties and warnings are provided as a measure of punishment. The removal of rooms and the evacuation on the finneyman is canceled in 2014, so you are decorated a relatively small amount.

User Experience: Auto Evacuation without Polis

When the term of the next policy came up to the end, I decided not to extend it until it. First, it was not necessary, then the hands did not reach ... and went. Once he was glanced and parked the car under the sign. While walked, she was taken to the stalls. Made the amount, came to take, and the traffic police officers refused to put a stamp on the form that the paper on the vehicle is in order. And I do not have a mustache, and that is not! I had to negotiate the fictitious passage of the procedure, on the basis of the received diagnostic card to make insurance. After that, I took the car, but spent more money than with timely design according to the laws.

How to pay a penalty for riding without insurance with a 50% discount discount

In order for the amount of the fine when driving a car without insurance decreased by 50%, do not tighten with payment. The violators decided to motivate and installed a discount: it acts on the condition that you make money within 20 days after receiving a resolution.

Pay the amount will be possible in the following ways:

If you have not listed money for 20 days, the information in the traffic police system will automatically change. Discount is not provided and in the case when you decide to appeal the ruling. If you probably cancel the punishment, it makes no sense to provide preferential conditions for payment.

How many times may be fined for the control of the vehicle without insurance

Car owners, cultivated polis, hope that for one offense they will not be caught several times. A similar nuance is negotiated by law, but do not hurry to interpret it in its favor. When the auto inspector stops you, it fixes the violation and discharges the penalty. But if you continue to move, then when you repeatedly check the traffic police officer will celebrate a new place and time. This means that it will be about a different case, and the receipt will be discharged again. In theory you can be fined to infinity until you give paper in order.

Even if you stopped outside settlement And the penalty was discharged, the traffic police officers should not be interested, as you get to the destination. They have the right to stop the driver who continued movement, check the documents on the vehicle and punish you again.

How to challenge the decision on the fine for riding without insurance

If you think that the ruling about the fine was discharged without reason (for example, you forgot the insurance of the house, and the traffic police inspector punished you for her absence), file a complaint within 10 days from its receipt. In some cases, the term is extended, but the application will have to attach papers proving the validity of the delay: a sick or travel sheet.

To resolve canceled, address the complaint to the higher official person or court. Formally, you must compile paper in the name of the employee who issued a fine, and he is obliged to transfer it to the leadership. In practice, drivers prefer to send a document by mail or pass personally by posting reception. In the text, set the essence of the problem and list the evidence confirming your position. For example, if you have an OSAGO, and you fined for its absence, specify information about the document.

Will the penalties from cameras for the lack of insurance

According to official portals, Moscow residents are waiting for innovations. From November 1, 2018, the Central Code introduces automatic checks for the presence of CTP using video cameras. If the results show that the cost of introducing the system is justified, it will begin work in other regions. However, it is early to worry: the city leadership announced several times about innovations, but each time on technical problems the launch of the program was postponed to a later date.

If fines from the cameras will still become a reality, then riding without insurance will be unfavorable: negligent drivers will be punished for every day of control of the vehicle without polis. But to expect that the system will soon get to the regions until it is worth it.


Although the question of increasing fines for the ride without a policy was raised repeatedly, there are no changes in the sphere yet. The amount with which it is necessary to part is 500-800 rubles, and you will receive a 50% discount with timely payment.

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People controlling the vehicle must have 3 documents with them, which give them the right to drive a car: driver's license, registration certificate (technical transport) and the policy of compulsory insurance of autocarted responsibility (OSAGO). If a person controls vehicles without any of them, the penalties are applied towards it.

At the end of 2017 in Codex Russian Federation On administrative offenses "of 30.12.2001 N 195-FZ (ed. from 12/31/2017) some changes appeared, so car owners are interested in what fines they are threatened when driving without insurance in 2018.

The policy of auto insurance may be absent for several reasons:

  • policy is decorated, but it does not have a driver at the time of verification of documents;
  • insurance was not issued;
  • the person carrying out the control of the car is not included in the list of persons specified in the insurance.

These reasons are directly affected by the amount of the penalty written.

Document Forgotten at home

If the insurance is framed, but it is impossible to present at the time of the inspection by the authorized employee of the traffic police, then the fine will be 500 rubles. The main difficulty lies in how to prove that the driver actually has acting. For this you can do as follows:

  • arrange delivery to the check location during the near future;
  • express your disagreement with a fine size, and when filling out the protocol, indicate the reason for my disagreement.

This will make it possible to appeal the issued decision on the fine for up to 10 days.

Insurance is not framed

If, when checking, it will be found that the policy has not been issued on a person caring a car, the size of a fine for such an administrative offense will be 800 rubles.

The driver is not written in Polis

It is this reason that becomes a reason for a large number of barcasts and disagreements with representatives of the traffic police. Many participants in motion believe that insurance is made on only a car, but this is not true.

In fact, the policy is a document that guarantees the responsibility of a particular driver to the rest of the citizens. Therefore, all possible drivers who enjoy the car even rarely, it is necessary to enter into insurance during its design, otherwise a person on the results of the inspection is fined by 500 rubles.

At the same time, the relevance of the OSAGO at the very owner of the vehicle is also checked. If the policy is not executed, the penalties will affect both: and the person performing driving, and the owner of the car.

Insurance is overdue

A common view that the overdue and missing OSAGO differ has no reason. In fact, overdue insurance is not forces, therefore, the expired validity period will completely eliminate it, that is, the delay can be considered an equivalent absence. The penalty in this case will be 800 rubles.

Riding in the period not specified in Osago

Some cars are not operated throughout the year. For such cases, insurance firms offer the design of a special policy, which indicates a limited period of validity, for example, from April to October. By value, this document will cost cheaper. But in the event that the tool will be operated in the period for which insurance does not apply to the driver will apply penalties in the amount of 500 rubles.


With absence insurance contract Penalties are not always provided. In some cases, the inspection during which the absence of the OSAO is revealed, does not threaten the driver administrative responsibility.

This is possible in such cases;

  • motor vehicle was purchased less than 10 days ago (the regulated period of arrangement of the CTP after purchase is 10 days);
  • the design of this vehicle cannot provide speed of more than 20 km / h;
  • cars are located in the department of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (except for passenger buses, machines, trailers, etc. used on business purposes);
  • auto with official registration abroad (in the event that civil responsibility Regulated international systems insurance).

In other cases, in order to avoid a fine, the driver should always have an Osago with him during driving. If he refuses to present this document, then such a refusal is equal to its absence.

What threatens the driver for riding without insurance: video

The current legislation of the Russian Federation establishes the provision that an absolutely any vehicle must have an insurance policy.
In this case, we are talking about Russian car owners, which must necessarily issue insurance of the CCAMA. If the driver does not make this document or grieved it, he has no right to get behind the wheel of his car. Those who neglect the rules established by the law threatens the penalty - an administrative penalty.

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Osago is an abbreviation that decrypts as compulsory insurance of autocarted responsibility.

In this case, the property interests of the car owner are insured, which are directly related to its possible liability in connection with the causing damage to them, the health, the property of other persons who are victims as a result of an accident on our state.

By purchasing an insurance policy, you protect yourself from a large number of problems that may have any accidents that have happened, whose culprit you are.

When you have an OSAGO, and not be it in present time Just can not, all damage compensates instead of you your insurance company. The exact opposite situation occurs in the case when your car suffered in an accident, and there is no your guilt in what happened - the car repair will pay insurance organization Persons recognized as guilty of an accident.

Violations of the Law related to the Mandatory Insurance Policy

The main types of violations are considered:

  1. lack of insurance at the time of ride by car (forgotten);
  2. the lack of insurance at all (not issued);
  3. the vehicle is managed by a person who is not written in the policy;
  4. the period of insurance ended (if it has a limited validity period during the year);
  5. ended the annual insurance period, and the new is not framed.

The law allows you to move on a car without registration of CTP and reissuing the car in its name 10 days from the date of purchase. At the same time, no traffic police officer can apply penalties to you on the absence of a document. This is an FZ, dated 12.11.2012 for a sequence number 1156.

The law on CTP states that without presenting the policy it is impossible to arrange a car in the traffic police.

If during a ride without CTP (it is these 10 days from the date of purchase) the new owner of the car hit the accident and became his culprit, he must compensate the damage to the victim on his own, without hoping for the help of an insurance company, even if the policy will be issued immediately after what happened .

Therefore, not to be in an unpleasant situation with your new car, we strongly recommend that you make insurance immediately after purchasing a vehicle.

In the case when the owner does not have time to purchase insurance within 10 days from the date of the conclusion of the contract of sale, you can use the exception to the rules registered in federal Law No. 40 (actually acts when, for some circumstances, the person does not have time to arrange the OSAGO). In his 13 point, it was established that in the case when the car owner at the expiration of ten days from the date of purchase, there are still no documents from 15 points (sub-clause "E") established by the Law of the Rules, it may conclude a temporary agreement for 20 days.

Cases when possible, are considered:

  • you purchased a car in one place and do not have time to get to the place of permanent registration of the car;
  • you are on the car following the place of technical inspection or repeated inspection.

This temporary contract cannot serve as a basis for the registration of the vehicle in the traffic police. For registration it is necessary to have a permanent CTP, decorated for 1 year.

All other cases of driving without CTP are considered illegal and if the traffic police officer stopped you, and there is nothing to present to you, the penalty will follow.

This reason for the lack of you with yourself the most simple, light and harmless.

Very often, when the traffic police inspector stopped you and asked the documents for the car to the inspection, the absence among them mandatory insurance is equated by an inspector to a more serious violation - the delay in this document or even to its not design.

By law, the inspector is right, since you do not have in the hands of the document. If a difference in 300 rubles is essential for you or you are fundamentally approaching this issue, then submit evidence of its actual availability from you or take the speedy measures to deliver the OSAGO to the vest of the vehicle.

Another option to solve the problem can be an indication in the protocol of disagreement with penalties and the formulation of the composition of the offense, as well as a message of information that the policy you have.

In this case, you have 10 days to appeal against the decision. So you will save money and restore justice, however, the policy should be decorated the date earlier than the offense you were committed.

To date, the execution of the OSAGO policy is possible in two versions:

  • with a limited number of users;
  • with an unlimited circle of persons who can drive a car.

If the inspector stops the car, which manages the face, not included in the insurance policy with a limited circle of users (relative, friend, colleague, etc.), regardless of the reasons why this man got behind the wheel, he is subject to administrative recovery on him The form of a fine.

Despite the fact that the OSAGO Agreement can only be concluded for a year, a certain period can be installed when a car (from 3 months) is used. This significantly reduces the cost of the policy. If the traffic police inspector stops the car with the owner, whose cooler does not act at the time of the stop, since it has not come or the time stipulated in it, it will lead to penalties.

Despite the fact that insurance companies are very carefully monitored when their customers end the terms of insurance, it happens, drying. Also, the citizen himself may refuse to extend insurance for some personal beliefs or life problems. Regardless of the motives that served as the delay in the term of operation of the CTP, such actions are equal to the complete absence of insurance and entail the same penalties.

If you do not have insurance, then in 2019, as well as a year earlier, you pay the amount of 800 rubles. As the amount does not hit the pocket much, some car owners are in no hurry to design mandatory insurance, continuing to ride without it, periodically paying small sums fine.

Many people go to other people's cars, therefore, they are not inscribed in the insurance policy of OSAGO.

Taking into account the fact that in the current year it is planned to increase the cost of insurance, and the design process is somewhat complicated, drivers without a decorated policy will become an order of magnitude more. Such a state of affairs will force the service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to resolve the issue of increasing the amount of penalties for the lack of an insurance policy. Consequently, the size of the fine in 800 symbolic rubles will not be constant in the current year.

Responsibility for the lack of policy can be at a smaller amount if you claim that the policy you have, but you forgot him at home. The amount of the fine in this case will be 500 rubles, and even if the inspector decides that you do not lie to him, or you give him any kind of evidence. If the traffic police inspector discharged you a penalty in the amount in 800 rubles, In the course of the proceedings, in the future you can appeal this decision, presenting the policy acting at the time of the preparation. Most often, whatever decision makes an employee of law enforcement agencies, few people are climbing because of the extra 300 rubles.

In case of delay in the insurance policy, you will be discharged a full-fledged fine of 800 rubles.

The same penalties threaten to you and in the case when you did not have time to arrange insurance within 10 days after buying a car.

If you are not the owner of the car, but manage it, being not inscribed in Osago, get ready to pay a fine in 500 rubles. There is no exception to the rules here: there is no name in Polish - pay a fine.

As of the beginning of this year, the only measure of responsibility for violations of the law associated with the insurance of the CTP is fine. Not long ago, just a few years ago (until 11/15/2014), the traffic police inspector could pick up the state number at the person who violated the law that, at its essence, did not allow the further use of the vehicle in road traffic. But, the legislators considered such a measure of responsibility ineffective, since the owner of the car can make several copies of the state number and fasten them when they took the main one.

From the first day of the new 2019, the rules of the law entered into force, according to which the traffic police can provide a discount on a penalty that was written before 50% From the initial amount, but provided that it will be paid on time not exceeding 20 days from the moment it was discharged.

Participation in motion without insurance policy today is not included in the list of "preferential" compositions administrative offense And there are reasons for it. The main one is that the car is that the car is a means of enhanced danger to others, and the OSAGO is intended to compensate losses incurred from this type of transport.

Does the cameras on the roads have no policy?

More recently, this question could only cause a bewilderment and a smile from experienced motorists, but today it became possible.

Any driver knows that among other documents that you need to have with you, when you are driving, the insurance policy of OSAGO is listed. If not with him, the car owner is punished. In the article, consider which penalty is provided for riding without CTP.


As follows from decryption, OSAGO - mandatory insurance, and therefore the driver in any case should have this type of insurance. Policy implies liability insurance. It turns out that, making up this agreement, the insured protects those people and their property that will suffer as a result of the accident in which he will be the culprit. Thanks to the insurance, he does not have to independently compensate for the damage.

Studying the essence of insurance of the OSAGO, the driver should be known what kind of europrotocol, as at which cases it can be issued, CBM, or the Bonus-Malus coefficient, and the basic rules for its calculation, as well as others important moments. After all, it directly depends on how much how much it will ultimately pay.

It is also important to deal with the offenses behind the wheel and in administrative sanctions, relying on them. For example, what is the punishment for riding without insurance?

Types of fines

Osago helps to resolve controversial situations for an accident. The driver is relying a fine for management,

There are different situations. Osago can stay, for example, at home. And maybe so that the driver will forget about the date of insurance, and suddenly it will be discovered that he has an overdue. There are such car owners who are generally driving without the policy.

Consider each situation separately.

Polis stayed at home

The current legislation provides for the requirement to have a Paper PCA document with them. Even if the policy was purchased via the Internet, the car owner must print it and carry it with him.

If the DPS officer stopped at you when you forgot the insurance at home or did not print it, you still suffer punishment. What is the Osago Polis? Rarely, but it happens that the inspector will believe you for the word and you are decorated only with oral warning. Most often, the penalty is 500 rubles. And then, he will be so only when you prove that you really have insurance. Otherwise you have to pay more.

If with mobile phone You can go online, go to your email and show the policy sent to you from the insurance company. If there is no such possibility, you will have to go home for insurance.

The driver is not inscribed in Osago

Only persons who are inscribed in the Agreement are allowed to control the motor vehicle (if it is with a limited list of persons). In the case when, when stopping the TC, a person who is not in the list on the policy, the car owner will have to pay a penalty for riding without insurance, the amount of which is 500 rubles.

However, if the auto owner wants, he may challenge the decision of personal payment and try to shift responsibility on who was driving.

Overdue insurance

In our country, the rules regarding motor vehicles change very often. Total a few years ago, drivers could reissue insurance for another month after the period of validity of the previous one ended. Today, this rate is abolished. And even if a few hours passed after the insurance ceased to act, the driver cannot control his car. What is the punishment for riding without insurance? According to the current legislation, a fine of 800 rubles is relying.

DTP there is no policy

Without a policy, a traffic accident may occur. In this case, whatever the participant is a violator, it is waiting for the same penalty, which punishment for riding without insurance is usually relied. Whether the driver is without an academy culprit of the accident or the victim, he will still have to pay a fine of 800 rubles.

If he is a culprit of an accident, he will have to pay monetary compensation to the victim from own funds. The DPS officer arrived at the scene will surely fix the fact that the driver does not have the driver. In order to calculate the damages, an independent expert is invited.

Of course, in this situation, the most advantageous option is to solve a financial issue in place. If the victim is agreed with monetary compensation, I need to take a receipt that there will be no complaints after the detection of hidden damage.

If the culprit has a policy of CTP, and the victim does not have it, then the SC is obliged to make pay. However, for the lack of insurance, he will still have to pay.

Sitting Punishment (2014)

Until 2014, the inspectors had the right to remove state numbers from the car for riding without insurance or with an overdue document. However, it was later decided to abandon such a measure, since copies of numbers can be made as much as possible, and the punishment for such an offense was considered too serious.

Therefore, at present, the maximum, which can be submitted to the offender, is a fine for riding without insurance. What a fine traffic police is provided - we have already considered: 800 rubles.

Even more softening penalties (2016)

From the beginning of 2016, it was decided to go even further. Measure is adopted not only in connection with the offenses under consideration, but also for other lack of violations. If within 20 days after the penalty is discharged, pay it, then you will need to post only half the amount discharged. What punishment for riding without insurance will then work out?

  1. If a fine is issued for 800 rubles, then you can pay only 400 rubles.
  2. If a penalty is discharged for 500 rubles, then you can pay only 250 rubles.

The process of insurance

So, despite the fact that it is small, you need to take care of the decoration of insurance in advance. Currently, the changes did not go around this procedure. On the one hand, the payments of policyholders increased, and on the other hand, the insurers were forced to raise the cost of insurance. Moreover, when decorated in SC, additional services are often imposed, and quite successful. It should be known that it is illegal, and any car owner has the right to complain to such actions in the Central Committee of the Russian Federation. Most often just one such threat is enough for the agent to completely forget about the proposal additional servicessince otherwise insurance company May wait for a lot of fine.

Other changes have touched the fact that technical inspection The car must be passed until the insurance is made. All these nuances should be taken into account, in order to have time to conclude a new treaty of OSAGO. Then, even though the answer will be known to the question of which penalty is provided for riding without insurance, it will not be necessary in practice.

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