
Insurance company tit. Companies and organizations Tit insurance company

Insurance company "TIT" was founded in 1993 by a number of aviation enterprises in order to provide insurance coverage in the civil aviation industry.

The target client of IC TIT LLC is aviation enterprises and organizations, as well as enterprises and organizations in other sectors of the economy. A wide range of licenses for various types of insurance allows the company to diversify its insurance portfolio with risks, in various types of insurance such as: property and property interests insurance, cargo transportation, various professional liability, accident insurance, voluntary medical insurance (VHI), risks of persons traveling abroad (TCD), comprehensive insurance, etc.

In 2011 IC "TIT" celebrated its 18th anniversary and all these years the company has been one of the largest insurance organizations, gained professional authority, and has a stable financial position.

IC TIT has extensive experience in insurance of international contracts, international transportations, peacekeeping and humanitarian missions (including insurance against war risks).

Availability of a license for incoming reinsurance and automatic reinsurance programs internationally insurance market on different types insurance allows the company to take on large insurance risks for reinsurance. So, by property insurance the limits of liability of IC TIT reach 15 million dollars. USA, for the responsibility of the carrier 3 million euros, for the transportation of non-standard and oversized cargo up to 13 million dollars. USA, for air hull insurance up to 6 mln. USA, and for risks associated with aviation liability, including military risks up to 650 million US dollars. USA. Up to $ 2.5 million The United States sets limits for professional liability and accident reinsurance coverage.

In the spring of 2011, the procedure of joining the TIT insurance company of the Nakhodka Re reinsurance company, established in 1992, was completed. Nakhodka Re was one of the first independent reinsurance companies in Russia. On the basis of the joined reinsurance company, IC TIT established two branches in Moscow and Nakhodka specializing in reinsurance activities.

The authorized capital of IC TIT LLC is 480 million rubles. The number of the company's personnel, including specialized branches for reinsurance activities and the Corporate Insurance Center, totals about 100 people.

Following the results of 9 months of 2011, the company collected 583.5 million rubles. premiums, paid 148.7 million rubles. Net profit for 9 months of 2011 amounted to 44.7 million rubles, own funds IC TIT - 537.7 million rubles. The company's assets amounted to 1.6 billion rubles.

The high growth rates of the company's financial indicators were achieved due to the high results in the insurance and investment activities, high-quality underwriting, improving the efficiency of processes at the operational level, offering new insurance products, as well as formulating plans for the growth and successful development of the Company in the future.

Currently, the mission of IC TIT LLC is to provide reliable insurance protection of the property interests of organizations and enterprises in all sectors of the economy by providing a wide range of insurance services and effective development, taking into account the interests of shareholders, customers and employees.

TIT is a diversified insurance company founded twenty five years ago in the capital. The company is actively developing, providing insurance coverage in the areas of property interests, cargo and passenger transportation, various types of professional liability, auto insurance, voluntary health insurance, international contracts, VZR, humanitarian and peacekeeping risks. One of the key features of the enterprise is the presence of industry integrated programs insurance. The company operates own capital in the amount of about seven hundred million Russian rubles, total assets amount to a little less than two billion, the staff consists of about a hundred people.

The limits of liability of the insurance company "TIT" reach:

Property insurance - fifteen million US dollars.
... The carrier's liability is about three million euros.
... For cargo transportation of non-standard and oversized cargo - thirteen million dollars.
... Aviation hull - six million dollars.
... For risks associated with aviation liability - up to six hundred and fifty million dollars.

The limits of professional liability and accident reinsurance coverage are in the order of three million dollars.

The company conducts not only active professional, but also social and political activities, being an active member of a number of all-Russian organizations, including VSS (All-Russian Union of Insurers), NSG (National Insurance Guild), RAAX (Russian Association of Aerospace Insurers). Specialists of IC "TIT" are present in the coordination councils, management and various committees of the above organizations, taking part in making key decisions aimed at protecting the interests of clients from various sectors of the economy.

IC TIT LLC is a relatively small universal company in terms of fees, specializing in aviation risk insurance. At the end of 2017, it took 127th place in terms of fees in the direct insurance market (300.83 million rubles) and entered the top 20 in terms of premiums collected in the inward reinsurance market (383.33 million rubles). Major shares insurance portfolio companies in 2017 are occupied by: civil insurance of air transport owners (24.57%), voluntary health insurance(17.89%), comprehensive insurance (17.63%) and insurance against accidents and illnesses (17.14%). The company has branches in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Nakhodka. The head office is located in Moscow.

IC "TIT" was founded in 1993 by a number of aviation enterprises in order to provide insurance coverage in the civil aviation industry. At the end of 2010, the company took over the Nakhodka-Re reinsurance company, which specializes in inbound reinsurance of maritime, aviation and road transport. Currently, the priority areas of activity of IC "TIT" are: insurance of aviation risks, professional liability insurance and personal types of insurance.

The company is a member of the All-Russian Union of Insurers, the National Insurance Guild, the Russian Association of Aerospace Insurers.

Members of the company are legal and individuals... The largest share in the authorized capital is owned by: Russian Funds JSC (20.4%), Konstantin Beirit (15.4%), Simakh Invest LLC (12%, 97.35% of shares are owned by foreign company Simakh International Limited), Sergey Vasiliev (12.585%), Irina Bakanova (10.785%), Igor Chaus (10.785%), etc. The company has no subsidiaries or associates.

In 2013, the company's activities showed a slight decrease in the volume of receipts (-2.03% to 2012), and following the results of the next two years, the company demonstrates an increase in receipts by 17.2% and 38.33%, respectively. In 2016-2017, there is a negative dynamics of premiums in the direct insurance market, the volume of receipts decreased by 26.2% and 47.94%. The amount of the premium at the end of the past year amounted to 300.83 million rubles, of which 66.94% is the contributions paid by legal entities, 33.06% is the share of premiums from individuals. The entire volume of premiums was collected in Moscow, where the company took 75th place in terms of total receipts, 11th place in insurance of air transport vehicles and fourth in civil insurance of air transport owners. Insurance indemnity in 2017 paid in the amount of 108.53 million rubles, the level of payments was 36.08%. At the end of the first half of 2018, the insurer collected 278.93 million rubles (an increase of 40.09% over the same period in 2017), paid 73.82 million rubles. Payout rate for the last reporting period is equal to 26.46%.

The main collection of premiums at the end of 2017 fell on civil liability insurance for owners of air transport vehicles (24.57%), voluntary medical insurance (17.89%), comprehensive insurance (17.63%), insurance against accidents and illnesses (17.14 %), air transport insurance (10.05%), financial risks(3.79%), cargo insurance (3.14%), property insurance legal entities (2,43%).

The size of reinsurance premiums in 2017 increased by 2.07% compared to the previous reporting year and amounted to 383.33 million rubles (in 2016 - 375.56 million rubles), which corresponds to the 16th place in terms of fees among Russian reinsurance companies ... In the structure of fees, 31.54% is covered by civil defense insurance of owners of air transport vehicles, 23.21% - property insurance (of which 18.77% - property of legal entities, 4.44% - property of citizens), 21.66% - cargo insurance , 9.75% - insurance of air vehicles, 8.13% - comprehensive insurance, 2.35% - civil defense insurance for causing harm to third parties.

In 2017, with the help of intermediaries, the insurer collected 286.12 million rubles (95.11%), the average agency fee was 20.8%.

Reinsurance partners are Lloyd’s, Kuwait Re, Polish Re and others.

At the end of 2017, the company received a loss of RUB 31.02 million under RAS and RUB 35.31 million under IFRS. A year earlier, the insurer received RUB 1.88 million in losses in accordance with RAS statements and RUB 27.98 million in total income under IFRS.

In 2019, LLC "Insurance company" TIT "took over the insurance portfolio from LLC IC" Ekip "

According to individual reporting insurer for 2017, the number of insurance agents-legal entities amounted to 67 units. (of which 1 - insurance organization, 66 - other legal entities), insurance agents-individuals - 10 people.

Expert RA upgraded its rating financial reliability IC TIT to ruBB level (event date - November 26, 2018). By rating installed stable forecast... Previously, the company had a rating at ruBB- with a stable outlook.

Management: Victor Yun ( General manager), Dmitry Kutyrin, Tatiana Kirillova, Tatiana Ancheeva, Sergey Konov, Victoria Konova, Natalia Kuptsova, Irina Lyalina.

Board of Directors: Alexey Semeiko (chairman), Andrey Sadovnikov, Sergey Vasiliev, Konstantin Beirit.

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