
JSC NPF Gazfond Pension Accumulation Return. NRA appropriated the reliability rating of OJSC NPF Gazfond Pension Accumulation at the AAA level, the forecast is stable. How NPF works

NPF Gazfond - a non-state pension fund that accepts funds from the population to form an additional pension or the accumulative part of payments to the state PF. High rating of the company (for 2017 and previous years), its reliability and competent management of trusted money (the level of profitability confirms the competence of the Foundation's employees) attracts potential customers. To conclude a contract, it suffices to contact the appropriate statement in the office. Or do it online remotely (send an application by e-mail, the address can be viewed on the website or clarify with employees by phone). Track accumulation and yield can be in personal Cabinet.

JSC NPF Gazfond Pension Accumulation

JSC NPF Gazfund pension accumulations Formed as a result of the merger of the company NPF Gazfond and several non-government funds working earlier as independent PF. The new company for 2017 is their successor and performs all undertaken obligations under concluded agreements.

Clients are offered to undergo a re-registration procedure in the Personal Account to have online access to the necessary information. The service can be remote, in the telephone mode or you can contact the company personally (the address of the nearest can be clarified on the website or by phone).

Ranking Reliability in 2017

After reorganization, NPF Gazfund Pension accumulation retains its high reliability rating. According to estimates, NPF Gazfund in 2017 showed a high level of profitability. Competent managing trusted money allows customers to increase the amount of accumulations by profits from investment.

The company's customers can become individuals or employers who pay percentage from the PF wages His employees. The prisoner agreement will increase pensions and make your own future more secured.

Indicators of return funds

NPF profitability indicators are as important as its rating. This is another major aspects of the activities of the Foundation to which it is necessary to pay attention to his choice and the direction of its fundamental part of the pension under its management.

Application and contract for transferring pensions in NPF Gazfond

If you decide to conclude an agreement with the NPF Gazfund in 2017 (the application can be submitted remotely or personally in one of the offices at a convenient address), you can use the following pension options:

  • mandatory: involves the transfer of the funded part of the pension to the Fund;
  • voluntary individual plan: additional contributions will be investing and then paid as non-state provision.

Cumulative part (6% of pension deductions) can translate those who work on this moment, or pensioners from the FIU. It can also list it - employers to form pensions of their employees in non-state structures. There is enough statements in the NPF Gazfond to conclude a contract for any of the existing programs.

You can use an individual plan any individual regardless of employment (official or unofficial employment).

You can contact AO remotely, it is enough to send your application for e-mail [Email Protected] (On the site there are samples of applications, if necessary, you can refine the rules for filling the contact center by phone). To make a contract personally in a stationary office (choose any address of the NPF Gazfond) you will need a passport and SNILS. Employees will help choose the most appropriate pension option, fill out the application and the rest of the documentation in a few minutes.

Personal Cabinet Customer Fund

After the customer of JSC pension accumulation lists the cumulative part of the pension or will make voluntary contributions, the money will be invested in reliable shares with high yield (the company's reliability rating for the 2017 and previous year testifies to the professionalism of the staff). After the expiration date, the contributions received and dividends will be paid to the Client any in a convenient way.

NPF Gazfund clients in the Personal Account will be able to track all the accruals, learn the size of the savings, calculate the amount of payments, etc. At any time you can evaluate the profitability of investments, contact staff for the necessary information (in person, on the phone, online in the Personal Account), take advantage of additional advantageswhich are provided for clients of JSC.

Pension savings programs NPF Gazfond

In order to maintain a decent standard of living after retirement, the NPF Gazfund in 2017 offers its customers different variants programs.

The contract can be concluded:

  • on non-state pension provision for individuals: Additional payments will enhance the financial position of retirees or form a future pension;
  • to maintain corporate clients: to interest employees, increase their loyalty level, to keep highly qualified personnel can use such a tool as an insurance contract with NPF Gazfund. The employer rating will increase due to the formation of more attractive social. Package. The company can fully assume the costs of payment of contributions or to use the combined option (part of the amount will pay the employee).

For more information, contact your NPF FFF employees (by phone, personally or contact online).

The order of the work of payout

To conclude an agreement on non-state security by any convenient way. After the end of its action, you can get money on one of the proposed schemes.

It can be:

  • payments monthly or quarterly;
  • with the provision until the end of life or with the division of the accumulated amount for a certain period, for example, for 10 years;
  • single listing of the entire amount.

Frequently, profitability depends on the terms of the contract, its duration, quantity and size of contributions. NPF Gazfund will invest you trusted in different shares in order to obtain maximum profits, while taking into account the rating of their reliability. The amount obtained in the end will be paid to the client.

Russian citizens who have reached a certain age (or in some life circumstances) have the right to receive pensions, regular monthly benefitsThe citizens paid as a result of the loss of the ability to independently earn a living. Sources of payments may be different: state or non-state pension fund (NPF).

Pension system of Russia

Pensions are classified by the following types:

  • social (even the one who has not worked at all);
  • accumulative;
  • insurance.

The amount of the pension is calculated as 22% of employee wages. This is not deduction from the salary amount due to the hands, but accrual on it. Pays the employer.

Citizens born not earlier than 1966 may, if desired, to form a cumulative part of the pension (6% of 22). But from 2014, a citizen, insurance fees were accrued on whose salary, only pension points receive to their account, which will be applied to calculate its pension. Money themselves are used to issue pensions to the current pensioners.

Important! Until 2022, accruals in the accumulative pension in the FIU were suspended. All pension calculations are used to finance the insurance pension.

When calculating the pension of a particular citizen, the accumulated points will be multiplied by the price of the point, some will add some fixed amount. To compensate for inflation inflation, the pension ball price and a fixed amount increase over time. Thus, the insurance pension is indexed annually. Therefore, the later citizen will become a pensioner, the more his pension will be.

A citizen can control the money of the accumulative pension accrued to "freezing": Translate to the non-state fund or leave in the FIU. It offers additional own funds and maternity capital.

Accumulative pension of the Criminal Code or non-state funds are investing in securities. A competent formed investment portfolio determines the profitability of pension reserves. As a result of the investment of contributions to the financial market, an additive may arise in the form of profit or loss. The first is added to the Member States, and negative is ignored, without reducing the amount of contributions. In the event of bankruptcy, the NPF citizen is guaranteed a return of contributions to the accumulative pension.

From January 1, 2020 insurance pensions (including fixed payment) disabled pensioners Grow 6.6%. The price of the pension score will be 93 rubles (in 2019 - 87.24 rubles), and the size of a fixed payment - 5686.25 rubles.

Pension service of citizens in Russia provides a system of compulsory pension insurance (OPS). It takes a personalized accounting of all operations affecting the size and formation of a pension of citizens.

Figures of the OPS system are:

  • Insured. This is the rod of the system, the FIU, it is included in the budget infrastructure of the state. Here employers translate the contributions of insured citizens. On a personal basis, it distributes them to the insurance and accumulative parts. The latter is not indexed, so income from it should exceed the amount emitted by inflation. The FIU does not manage the means of citizens. This is the prerogative of the management companies of the Criminal Code, between which the FIU distributes reserves.
  • Insurers - CK, the only state GUK Vnesheconombank and NPF. They receive funds for pension savings in trust management and invest in the market for interest.
  • The insured person, whose money initially dispose of the FIU and GUK. But managers can be the Criminal Code or non-state pension funds. A citizen must declare the FIU about it.

Important! If the minimum pension of the pensioner is below subsistence minimum In the region of living, he has a social surcharge.

What is a non-state pension fund?

NPF is non-profit organizationSpecializes only on the following licensed activities:

  • non-state pension (including professional) provision;
  • mandatory pension insurance.

Distinguish participants and depositors of the NPF. Participant is an individual, the recipient of the pension. The contributor can be both a company and an individual. It directly contributes contributions in favor of the participant. For example, an enterprise (depositor), concluding a contract, may undertake contributions for its employee (participant). Or the contract is concluded by one relative to another (the Father insured the Son or Mother). One participant may be issued several contracts.

The NPF accumulates the means of depositors, independently (but in the rigid legislative framework) defines the objects of reserves. The non-state pension fund either itself leads to managing its activities or hires the Criminal Code. The structure of the investment portfolio and literacy by its control determines the amount of income received. Therefore, different non-governmental funds have different profitability.

Income from investments is distributed among the participants, and also goes to the remuneration of the Criminal Code and the provision of daily activities. Even the number of depositors affects the amount of alternating income, because each of them contributes to the accumulation. From the number of participants, the expenses for the Office of the NPF are almost independent, they are approximately constant. It turns out that the non-state fund is interested in increasing the number of its members. This is his difference from the FIU.

How does NPF work?

Functions of the NPF and PFR are similar. On the Insured Citizen open a personal personal account.
Initially, reserves are in trust management UK or GUK. All Pension Operations, including control over the Criminal Code, is carried out by the FIU.

Accomplishing and reserves are engaged in special management Company (CC). There may be several such companies. The fund itself can also independently invest its reserves, but to a limited number of tools - in deposits, securities of the Russian Federation (stocks and bonds), other permitted tools.

The presence of a license for activities is required.

When moving participants in the NPF, everything is similar, only control belongs not to the FIU, but a non-state fund. And his uk is his own.

The depositor signs the contract with the non-state fund in favor of itself or a third party (participant). The agreement regulates the conditions, frequency and deadlines for making contributions by the contributor, as well as obligations to pay a pension participant in the selected scheme.

Is it worth moving to a non-state pension fund?

If you have a fundamental pension (which is not indexed), then to reduce inflation influence it is better to translate them into the NPF.

Choosing which pension fund to choose, state or non-state, it is necessary to take into account the pros and cons of such a decision. Consider the highlights.

  • State guarantee (debt responsibility) is only for the GUK. She is not for private Criminal Code and non-government funds.
  • The state is monitoring all parties to pension collateral: an annual audit, an actuarial assessment of assets and liabilities, the reporting publication is obligatory. Financial nPF data Russia can be found on their sites, at any time every citizen can see his pension deductions and accruals. The activities of non-state pension funds are clearly regulated by legislative norms.
  • The profitability of pension savings is low at the FIU with the GUK. Private Criminal Code and non-state funds for income buy promotions and bonds, the list of which is enshrined by law. The yield on them can be high or low, depending on the security and on the competent management of NPF asset.
  • For the NPF, the mechanisms for increasing the pension are not prescribed, but a guaranteed minimum income rate cannot be recorded in the contract, not subject to decreasing. It is usually small, 2-5% per annum.
  • NPF managers solve all issues of pension and insurance of citizens, develop the principles and concepts of non-governmental funds that affect profit for insured citizens. They are more flexible and independent than state structures. Receive remuneration from the NPF, as a rule, as a percentage of the financial result achieved.
  • Although B. Tax Code The peculiarities of the taxation of non-state funds are prescribed, there are some more obscure moments.
  • For a participant, no contributions to the NPF nor income from investment are not subject to taxation. But the non-government fund himself like entitycan pay taxes.
  • Funds are more dependent on the regulator in terms of the license revocation, changes in legislation, the risk of disabling the NPF in the state of radical reform of pension relations.
    Reference: Legal status of NPF, all relationships arising from their creation, liquidation and reorganization, as well as all aspects of their pension and insurance activities regulate the federal law FZ 75 on non-state pension funds.
  • In the non-state fund, inheritance of pensions for relatives may be inherited.
  • There are no restrictions on the transition to other funds, but it is impossible to remove money ahead of schedule (except relatives, when the death of being insured).

There are organizations related to non-state funds who take part in all aspects of their work from the development of standards and regulations and ending with the representative of the interests of members of associations in the Bank of Russia, the courts of all instances and so on. One of them is the National Association of NPF.

NPF selection - ratings

  • NPF profitability lately or the entire period of finding the market.
  • The level of reliability indicates the rating of NPF, and specifically the class of reliability: from A to E. The class "A" has the highest priority. It is divided into supertvin, from AAA to "A" in descending order of reliability.
  • Financial statements.
  • The number of depositors.

The presence of a rating from NPF is regulated by a big list of provisions, instructions and decisions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the government and even the Moscow Exchange. Ratings reliability NPF. Considerate rating agencies: RA "Expert", National RA and RA Rus-Rating.

Not always the leader in one of the parameters is one other than. For example, the rating of the NPF on profitability is headed by NPF Diamond autumn from 11.2% (2017). And in the ranking of the NPF of Russia for reliability with the assessment of AAA, at the head of the list, 6 companies are located at once: 2 Fund of Gasflow, NPF Welfare, Neftegarant, NPF VTB Pension Fund, Sberbank NPF. Of these, only three (two mentioned last, and one of the gas funds) entered the first 12 companies in the ranking of the NPF yield according to the expert. The rest were lower.

Statistics show that the yield of NPF by year can vary greatly. This is determined by the success of the investment policy of pension savings.

Name NPF. 6 months 2019. 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013
1 NPF Diamond Autumn (JSC) 9,75 6,78 11,2 12,6 13,6 2,02 5,03
2 NPF GEFEST (JSC) 15,33 3,94 9,97 12 16,7 0,62 7,37
3 National NPF (AO) 10,06 4,08 9,81 11,5 11,9 1,65 4,94
4 MNPF Akvilon (OJSC) 10,58 6,83 9,71 11,5 8,4 6,69 5,27
5 NPF Volga-Capital (JSC) 9,27 4,1 9,66 11,3 13,7 7,59 8,96
6 NPF Gazfond Pension Accumulation (AO) 8,61 6,37 9,53 13,2 13,9 2,85
7 NPF UGMK Perspective (AO) 10,2 4,78 9,19 10,4 12,8 2,19 6,07
8 NPF VTB Pension Fund (JSC) 8,94 5,53 9,02 10,3 10,8 4,72 6,59
9 NPF Socium (JSC) 8,62 5,61 8,93 10,6 12,4 7,4 8,53
10 NPF Alliance (JSC) 8,83 4,2 8,83 9,76 12,2 0,13 9,84
11 NPF Surgutneftegaz (JSC) 13,17 5,32 8,74 11,6 12,9 2,98 7,59
12 NPF Sberbank (JSC) 10,28 4,64 8,7 9,6 10,7 2,67 6,95

Funds are placed in the places they occupied in 2017. It can be seen that the NPF in the top of the table showed a steadily high yield. With the exception of 2014 and, to some extent, 2018, which were not successful for everyone. The average yield in most funds ranges about 10%, which is above the interest on the banking contribution.

The GUK (State Managing Company) of the Russian Federation has shown the yield on an expanded portfolio of 8.59% in 2017, 6.07% in 2018 and 8.42% in 6 months of 2019.

In terms of assets and the number of insured, the NPF Sberbank leads (more than 647 billion rubles and 8.7 million people in mid 2019). But the NPF Gazfond Pension Accumulation (more than 578 billion rubles and 6.4 million people) lags behind him.

So it is difficult to call the top 10 NPF or at least the best NPF in the rating of non-state pension funds. Which NPF choose remains at the discretion of a citizen. The table above should help in this.

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Video about the choice of non-state fund:

What is better, NPF or PFR? Is it worth transferring pension savings to a non-government fund?

Here acts general rule For financial markets: The higher the profitability, the greater the risk. Therefore, everyone decides himself.

How to transfer money to another fund?

There are no obstacles to the transfer of pension to a non-state pension fund. Translate accumulations in NPF or not - the right of the citizen himself.

Nevertheless, what NPF choose? The FIU on its site leads a list of non-government funds that are confidential. On the Bank of Russia's website, you can check the availability of a valid license.

There are options for the transition to another fund:

  • Urgent. Pension savings in full, with investment income, will be transferred to another fund or FIU after 5 years from the date of application.
  • Early. Accumulations will be transferred to the next year. The investment component of savings is lost for the participant.

An application is applied to the selected NPF. With the consent of the new NPF on the transfer of pension, all formal procedures for reissuing documents and translation are carried out. money. If you refuse (this also happens), the contract with the current Fund continues. It is necessary to notify the statement about the translation of the FIU branch.

To sign the insurance contract in the separation of the selected NPF are provided:

  • identification document;
  • SNILS.

In the case of a reverse transition from the Fund to the FIU, you should send FIU statement And choose the Criminal Code.

How to get out of the non-state pension fund?

The termination of the contract with the NPF is allowed during the accumulation period at the initiative of the participant in the consent of the depositor or the contributor at the consent of the participant, subject to the depositor of all the terms of the contract.

NPF Gazfond is one of the existing non-state PF, among which the unenmended person is very difficult to make a choice. If you are considering the option to translate your pension savings into this fund or has already taken this decision, then before choosing it from numerous options, read its activities.

NPF "Gazfond" was founded in 1994.

The founders were:

  1. Gazprom"
  2. Gazprom Mining Yamburg
  3. JSC Gazprombank
  4. Gazprom Dobycha Urengoy
  5. About Gazprom Transgaz Saratov.

At the beginning of its activities, this organization was engaged in the accumulation of only citizens working in the gas industry mainly, of course, in Gazprom. But over time, he expanded this scope of his clientele and at the moment it is already serving all the wishing individuals, regardless of their type of activity.


For many years, this non-governmental market is the leader of the market, occupying the first position in the volume of property and pension reserves.

There are two types of property of organizations: own and statutory, necessary to ensure its statutory activities. It should be noted that in the ranking and one by one, and otherwise, it takes a steadily leading position.

  • Value own capital This organization is 389 billion rubles, which exceeds this indicator from a private foundation located in the second place of the rating, more than 100 billion rubles.
  • The cost of property for statutory needs reaches more than 33 billion rubles, which again is ahead of its nearest rival for almost ten billion.
  • The total amount of pension reserves is another criteria for pride. The first place in this rating of reliability provides an amount of 307 billion rubles.
  • The volume of savings is more than 48 billion rubles - fifth place among private PF.


If you fear that something will happen to your accumulations in case of termination of the organization's activities, then you need more attention to pay the choice of a reliable organization, which will be able to pay on accounts in any scenaries, that is, to return all pension savings, with your customers.

The pledge of such reliability is the well-being of the Fund itself, and it is measured - the volume of property.

In the case of a complete ruin of "Gazfond" (and this is very unlikely, as evidenced by the reliability of "A ++" from Expert RA) will be obliged to, by law, return all the accumulation of its customers at the expense of its own property. Its enough to repay all debts to customers.


The main advantage of the foundation is its reliability, which is valued more than high yield. Unfortunately, the profitability of any PF is difficult to predict, since it depends on the market fluctuations, the success of the fiscal year. Neither the state nor private PF promise you guaranteed annual income. All that can promise NPF is a reliable storage of your savings.

In March 2014, the Gazfond Council decided to reorganize in the form of the allocation of a non-profit pension fund with simultaneous transformation into a joint-stock pension fund with the transition and responsibilities for compulsory pension insurance against the NPF Gazfond to OJSC NPF Gazfond Pension Accumulations. The Fund's controller is Anatoly Gavrilenko. At the same time, the NPF "Gazfond" retained a significant impact on OJSC NPF Gazfond Pension Accumulation. Since 2015, the Fund is included in the Register of Funds - participants in the system of guaranteeing the rights of insured persons.

In August 2016, the reorganization of NPF Gazfond Pension Accumulation OJSC in the form of joining it CJSC Kitfinans NPF, CJSC NPF Heritage and CJSC NPF Promagroofund.

The assignment of the maximum level of the Foundation rating is due to high market positions in the mandatory pension insurance segment and the positive dynamics of indicators in this area, the presence of business development potential in the NGO segment. The Fund's investment policy is balanced, assets are placed in high reliability tools. The rating takes into account the long and successful history of the Fund's work, support from shareholders, high operational standards of activity and corporate governance.

The volume of the property of the Fund for the first half of 2016 amounted to 157.4 billion rubles (7th place in the market), the size of equity is at the level of 3 billion rubles.

The amount of funds of the pension savings of citizens as of July 1, 2016 amounted to 154.3 billion rubles (5th place in the market). In the first half of 2016, the volume of pension savings increased by 36% (+40.5 billion rubles), including due to the inflow of funds to the Fund for the 2015 Campaign and income received as a result investment activity. The number of insured persons entrusted by NPF Gazfond Pension Accumulation OJSC The formation of its accumulative pension increased in 2016 by 292.6 thousand people (+ 28%) and amounted to 1.34 million people.

The volume of funds of pension reserves According to the results of the second quarter of 2016 amounted to 1.7 million rubles. The number of participants in the NGO system amounted to 34 individuals and legal entities.

Pension funds are transferred to three managers: Gazprombank CJSC - Asset Management, CJSC Progressive investment ideas"And TKB Investment Partners (AO). Foundation on an ongoing basis conducts monitoring financial state and the results of the Criminal Code.

The yield accrued to the accounts of insured persons, according to the results of 2015, amounted to 11.07%, the yield accrued to the accounts of the participants - 17%.

The activities of the Foundation are profitable. Cumulative income aimed at replenishment own funds Fund, according to IFRS reporting for 2015, amounted to 3.2 billion rubles.

Tatyana Kovaleva

Rating assessment is carried out on the basis of the analysis of the financial and non-financial information provided by the Agency a rating person. In the process of analysis, the Agency also uses other financial and non-financial information obtained legitimate way From public and other sources that the agency considers reliable.

Additional information is available on the website.

The results of the agency's analytical work, including assigned ratings and information contained in this press release, are an expression of an independent opinion of the Agency to the date of their preparation and are not a statement or recommendation for making any investment solutions or market operations. valuable papers. The Agency is not responsible for the consequences of the use of opinions and / or information contained in this press release.

The Agency receives information from sources that are, in its opinion, reliable, however, cannot guarantee absolute accuracy, the completeness and accuracy of such information, because it does not conduct an audit and does not assume the obligation to conduct a comprehensive verification or independent verification of the information received.

RIA Rating - June 28. The retirement savings market in the first quarter of 2018 continued to actively develop, but the growth rate decreased significantly. This is evidenced by the results of the rating of non-state pension funds of Russia at the end of the first quarter of 2018, prepared by the experts of RIA rating based on the data of the Central Bank of Russia. The increase in the total amount of NPF pension savings in January-March was at the level of 8.2% against 11.2% in January-March 2017 and 15.8% for the first quarter of 2016. Thus, relative to the result of 2016, the increase slowed down almost 2 times. In absolute values, the volume of pension savings in 2018 increased by 200 billion rubles, and as of April 1 amounted to 2.6 trillion rubles. At the same time, the total amount of assets at the disposal of all NPFs exceeded 4 trillion rubles, which is comparable to the size of the asset of the fourth in the size of the Bank of Russia - Rosselkhozbank.

According to the experts of RIA rating, a significant reduction in the growth rate of NPF savings in the first quarter of 2018 is associated with several factors. First, the decline interest rates The economy reduces the increase in accumulations by capitalization of investment income. Secondly, a significant number of citizens have already transferred their accumulative pensions in the NPF, and therefore the potential base of new customers is becoming less and the accumulation of remaining customers is often small. Thirdly, the freezing of the accumulative pension continues.

At the same time, the pension reserves increase lower rates - by 2.8% or 33 billion rubles for the first quarter of 2018. In general, the volume of voluntary savings in NPF at the beginning of the second quarter of 2018 was 1.2 trillion rubles.

The number of customers entrusted to the formation of pension savings of non-state pension funds, according to the results of the first quarter, increased relatively well, and comparable to the increase in pension savings. So at the end of January-March, the number of people who choose NPF to accommodate their cumulative pension increased by 8% or 2.7 million people. Thus, 37 million people are serviced in the compulsory accumulative pension system as of April 1, 37 million people are served in the NPF. For comparison, on April 1, 2017, there were 34 million people, and at the end of the first quarter of 2016 - 29 million. At the same time, customers of non-state retirement security for the first quarter, it became more than 2.6% to 6.2 million participants (excluding solidarity). In general, the trend in increasing confidence in working citizens of their future pensions non-state funds continues.

Funds continued to enlarged

To assess the situation in the context of individual funds, the RIA Rating rating agency conducted an analysis and prepared a rating of the NPF of Russia in terms of pension savings and the volume of pension reserves as of April 1, 2018. The rating presents data on 66 non-state pension funds of Russia as of April 1, 2018 (38 funds worked with accumulations, and 62 funds worked with pension reserves), the reporting of which was published by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

According to the results of the study, 38 NPF remains in the ranking on the volume of savings on April 1. For comparison, in the ranking on April 1, 2017 there were 41, and according to the results of the first quarter of 2016 - 61. At the same time, against the background of reducing the number of funds, they become larger. In particular, in the current rating, the top 5 largest NPF accounts for 68% of total pension savings against 57% and 55% on April 1, 2017 and 2016. While the share of Top-10 in terms of accumulations for 12 months increased from 84% to April 1, 2017 to 93% in the current rating (81% as of April 1, 2016). Thus, in the NPF market there is similar to others financial markets The tendency to reduce players and the consolidation of the remaining.

Also, the enlargement of the funds is evidenced by an increase in the median accumulation size from the Foundation. Thus, in the ranking of the first quarter, the average foundation was 69.3 billion rubles, while 57.7 billion rubles were 57.7 billion rubles, and at the end of January-March 2016 - 32.7 billion rubles. At the same time, the number of largest funds, the accumulation of which exceed 100 billion rubles, has not changed in two years, and remains equal to 8. In turn, the number of funds with savings of more than 10 billion rubles decreased to 15 funds in the current rating against 18 funds on April 1st of the past years and 20 funds on April 1, 2016.

According to the results of the first quarter of 2018, the composition of the top ten of the largest NPFs in terms of the volume of pension savings has not changed, but was strongly transformed. In particular, among the top 10 funds, Half was able to preserve its position compared to January 1, 2018. The first five of the following places retained the first five: "NPF Sberbank" - first place, "NPF Gazfund Pension accumulations" - the second, NPF "Future" - the third, NPF "LUKOIL-GARANT" and NPF "Safar" - the fourth and fifth place respectively. While the decline in positions in the top ten was characterized by the NPF "RGS", NPF "Trust" and "NPF Electricity". It is worth noting that all three funds fell on one position each, and according to the results of the first quarter, they occupy the 7th, 9th and 10th place, respectively. Then how to strengthen its positions were "NPF VTB Pension Fund" and "NPF Consent-OPS", which rose to one and two positions until the 6th and 8th place, respectively.

According to the study, the leader in the amount of pension savings in the NPF rating as of April 1 was the "NPF Sberbank", the total savings of which amounted to 561 billion rubles. Thus, in the first quarter of 2018, the Foundation has retained its leading position that 12 blocks in a row occupies. The second largest pension savings with the volume of savings in the amount of 494 billion rubles was the "NPF Gazfond Pension Accumulation". Closes the top three of the largest NPF FUND FUNDS, in which the volume of savings is at the level of 300 billion rubles.

It is worth noting that the "NPF Sberbank" became the leader not only in terms of pension savings, but also in absolute gain. The increase in the filling of this fund amounted to 91 billion rubles (+ 19.4%). Thus, the result of the leader provided more than 45% of the increase in the total volume of pension savings of all funds. At the same time, in relative terms, the increase was also very good and became the 6th result among all funds in the ranking. Following the increase in absolute terms, NPF VTB Pension Fund and NPF Gazfond Pension Accumulation are located, the growth of pension savings in which amounted to 43 and 36 billion rubles. At the same time, the fact that "NPF VTB Pension Fund" takes the 6th place in the ranking of pension savings, and at the rate of increase of 4th place among all NPFs.

According to the number of insured persons, "NPF Sberbank" with the number of customers on April 1, 8.9 million people are also leading under compulsory pension insurance. At the same time, the increase in clients in the first quarter of 2018 was an impressive 2.1 million people or 30.2% (75% of the total increase). The second in the rating by the number of insured persons was the "NPF Gazfond Pension Accumulation", which served 6.3 million people. The increase in the number of insured for this fund for three months amounted to only 120 thousand people or 1.9%. The third, fourth and fifth in terms of customers were: NPF "Future" NPF "LUKOIL-GARANT" and NPF "RGS" in which the number of insured at the end of the first quarter was 4.5, 3.4 and 3 million people, respectively. At the same time, the number of customers increased from the NPF "The Future" in the first quarter increased by 90 thousand people, while NPF "LUKOIL-GARANT" and NPF "RGS" it decreased by 98 and 137 thousand people, respectively. In general, according to the results of the first quarter, only 17 funds were characterized by the increase in the number of customers.

In several sufficient large funds there is a noticeable imbalance between the number of customers and the amount of funds raised. Among the largest such funds are three: "NPF VTB Pension Fund", Safmar NPF and NPF Gazfond Pension Accumulation. These funds have the number of insured relatively not very large, at the same time the volume of savings is quite significant. These funds are likely to attract mostly enough customers.

In terms of pension reserves, actually dopolia has been formed on the market. The two largest fund accounts for 63% of all reserves, and each of them thus controls almost a third of the market. The leaders in the market of non-governmental accumulations of pensioners are the NPF Gazfond and NPF "Welfare". With a noticeable margin of 3-5 places are located: Transneft NPF, NPF "Neftegarant-NGO" and NPF electric power industry. In total, the first five NPF on the pension reserves market controls 78% of customer funds, thus, the concentration in terms of reserves is significantly higher than on the market of retirement savings.

The yield of most NPFs turned out to be significantly higher inflation

The yield of the NPF decreases, but continues to be on a good level. In particular, according to the results of the first quarter of 2018, the median yield of NPF from the savings management rating was 8%, against 8.3% in the first quarter of 2017 and 10.5% in January-March 2016. The median return on reserves is somewhat lower than - 6.5%, which is largely due to a higher remuneration for performing operations and in general by the Fund. At the same time, the level of inflation (1.2%), the yield was demonstrated by 33 of 38 funds managers in pension savings and 52 of 62 funds with pension reserves. Thus, it can be stated that russian funds worked not bad.

The greatest profitability of savings in January-March 2018, according to the Bank of Russia, was characterized by the NPF Gazfond Pension Accumulation, which occupies the 2nd place in terms of savings in the ranking. The yield of its investments in three months of 2018 was 17.1%. It is worth noting that the profitability of investing pension savings of more than 10% in January-March mainly demonstrated medium and small funds. At the same time, among the largest NPFs from the top ten, the "NPF Sberbank" was characterized by "Sberbank" - 10.6% and "NPF ABS" - 10.5%. In terms of reserves, the largest yield in the first quarter was observed at the NPF of the electric power industry (+ 23.4%) and NPF "StroyKompleks" (+ 18.4%). Another 12 other funds showed the return on reserves above 10% for the first quarter of 2018.

On the segment from January 1, 2013 to April 1, 2018, the largest profitability of pension savings was characterized by NPF Gazfund Pension Accumulation - the yield of its investments during this period was 82.3% (average annual pace - 12.1%). In the second and third place on the profitability of investments, the NPF Volga-Capital and the NPF consent-OPS, which were able to multiply the accumulation of their customers by 72.5% (10.9% on average per year) and 71.6%, respectively (10 ,eight%). In general, the profitability of savings for five years past years above 65% (more than 10% of average annual profitability) showed 12 NPFs, and above 50% (more than 8% of average annual returns) were able to demonstrate 25 funds.

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