
In Belarus, the service of card translations "Translude me is launched. Transfer of funds from the map of BelarusBank on the BPS: convenient ways electronic transition BPS Bank Time

Translations are available by masterCard cards® and Maestro® any Belarusian banks

The International Payment System MasterCard and Interviewal Group of Companies declare the launch in the Republic of Belarus "Transland me" - Translation service from maps to the MasterCard MoneySend® card. The settlement bank of the project was OJSC BPS Sberbank.

The service is intended for translations within the territory of the Republic of Belarus between MasterCard® / Maestro® Cardholders, issued by any Belarusian Bank. Translations are carried out in belorussian rubles (BYR).

The commission for the operation is 2% of the transfer amount (minimum 15 000 BYR) and is charged from the sender. You can translate with the help of the "Translude me" widget, which is located on the website of JSC "BPS Sberbank" http://www.bps-sberbank.by/, Internet showcases www.perevedimne.by or mobile applications "Translate me RB" for Android and iOS.

With the help of the "Translude" service, you can quickly and conveniently solve a number of life tasks - extinguish loans, return debts, help close and pay for services. Translation operation is easy to design - you just need to specify the details of the sender's card and the recipient card number. In the mobile application, manual entry data cards is not at all necessary - it is enough to photograph the card with a smartphone camera, and the service itself recognizes the number and adds to the translation form.

By registering in a mobile application, the user receives a number additional features: Login without entering password, payments for templates for a couple of clicks, viewing the history of operations, sagging a receipt of a graphic file in the "gallery" of the phone and other useful features.

The Commission's size is calculated automatically and is displayed in the form of translation at the payment data phase. Check on the implementation can be sent to the desired address email or in an SMS message. The term of enrollment depends on the bank that released a transfer recipient card, and can be from a few minutes to several days.

Transfers are carried out using additional authentication technology 3-D Secure (MasterCard® SecureCode ™) - disposable password systems to confirm the operation. The service is implemented in accordance with the requirements of the PCI DSS security standard.

Previously, the translation service from the card on the "Translude" card was launched in Russia and already attracted a large audience of users.

Interviewal was one of the first service providers on russian market, implemented Mobile P2P Translation Services. We are pleased that thanks to cooperation with OJSC BPS Sberbank and with the support of international payment system MasterCard, we can offer a modern and convenient solution. money transfers And in the territory of the Republic of Belarus. Our solution uses the Open API technology, which allows any player of the Belarusian market to quickly launch convenient card translation services under its own brand, "said Oksana Smirnova-Klel, cEO Group of Companies "Intervale".

About MasterCard

MasterCard (NYSE: MA) www.mastercard.com is a technological company operating in the global payment industry. We manage the fastest payment processing network that connects consumers, financial institutions, trade organizations, government and business structures in more than 210 countries and territories. MasterCard products and solutions are easier, safer and more efficient to solve everyday tasks, such as making purchases, travel, conduct business and manage finance. Watch us on Twitter

Cash can be translated from one bank to another, through non-cash and cash settlements. In particular, to transfer money from the Belarusian bank card on the BPS using the Internet banking system, a cell phone, an ATM or in infociosk. Each conversion method has its own characteristics, they need to be considered more.

Prerequisites for translation

Money transfer from the BelarusBank map should be carried out in compliance with certain conditions, in particular, on the balance sheet of plastic, it is necessary to have a sufficient amount of finance. It should be borne in mind that the Commission is charged for the transaction. In this case, its size equals 2.5 percent of the total amount.

In addition, it is worth remembering that for use mobile application And Internet banking, you need to pass the registration process in the bank system. You can do this with the help of ATMs or terminals located in the banking department or cell phone. To carry out the translation, you need to know the card number released by the BPS Sberbank. It is displayed on the front side of the plastic and consists of 18 or 16 digits.

Via online banking

The Commission is calculated in automatic mode. With the help of the reviewed operation, you can send finances not only to the CART-SBERBANK card, but also Priorbank, Belinvestbank and others.

Using phone

You can translate money through the mobile device after installing a special application on it. You can download it in the online store, the name, which depends on the platform, on the basis of which your cellular is functioning. For example, the Android system has been developed by Play Market, in which users can make secure purchases.

Transfer operation looks like this:

  • enter the app;
  • enter the security code;
  • choose the section "Translations";
  • click on the string "Transfer to another bank";
  • enter the card number to translate funds;
  • specify the amount of payment;
  • specify how the invoice should be written off;
  • check the correctness of the fill form;
  • click on the "Pay" key;
  • confirm the operation.

Important! The deadline for crediting funds is usually instant. However, it should be borne in mind that the operation can be performed and throughout the day, this rule is established in the Rules of the Bank.

Through ATM

Please note, upon completion of the operation, you must take the check. Save it until the recipient does not inform you that he received finances to account. It is necessary in order to be able to prove the operation, otherwise it will be problematic.

In infokioski

And it is also possible to make a payment transaction with the help of infociosk. It should be remembered that in this case it is necessary to maintain the "Cash-in" function. You can contact any kiosk convenient for you and make funds.

In order not to make errors when performing a transaction, you will need to follow the instructions:

  • select the section "Cash operations" in the menu;
  • enter the recipient's card number;
  • specify the period during which plastic acts;
  • check the correctness of the filing of the payment form;
  • insert cash to a special receiver;
  • press the "Pay" key;
  • get a receipt.

The operation is subject to commission payment, which is 1.5 percent of the transfer amount. Currently, you can translate using the method under consideration. Minimally 1 ruble, and the maximum - almost 1 thousand, with the exception of 10 kopecks.

What difficulties may arise

Difficulties may arise due to the fact that, as a rule, the translation is carried out within a few minutes, but this is the right banking organization, not duty. This suggests that finance can be listed for several hours and even days. If you need money to receive money to a certain moment to recipient, then make an operation in advance. Otherwise, the proceeding may occur.

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