
Online reading book Old Man Hottabych Unusual morning. Lagin Lazar - Old Man Hottabych: Tale L Lagin Old Man Hottabych Print

In the book "Thousand and one night" there is a "fisherman's fairy tale". I pulled the fisherman from the sea my networks, and in them - a copper vessel, and in a vessel - a mighty magician, genie. He was sharpened in him without a short two thousand years. This jinn swore to make sure that he will release him to the will, - enrich, discover all the treasures of the Earth, to make the most powerful of Sultanov and, above everything, to fulfill his three more desires.

Or, for example, the "Magic Lamp of Aladdin". It would seem, not a remarkable old lamp, you can say - just scrap. But it was worth to lose her - and suddenly it was not known where Ginn came from and performed any, the most incredible desires of her owner. Are you pleasing rare disassemble and drink? You are welcome. Chest, at the very edges of gold and gems filled with gold and precious stones? Ready. Luxury palace? This minute. Turn your informer in the beast or reptile? With great pleasure.

Give such a magician to bestow your mistress - and all the same precious chests would be sprinkled again, all the same Sultan Palaces in personal use.

According to the concept of jinnings from ancient magic fairy tales and those whose desires, they performed in these fairy tales, it was the most complete human happiness, which only one could dream.

Hundreds and hundreds of years have passed since these fairy tales were told for the first time, but the ideas about happiness were still connected, and in capitalist countries, many people still communicate with chests, a bit of gold and diamonds, with power over others People.

Oh, how do people dream of at least the most dating genie from an old fairy tale, who would come to them with their palaces and treasures! Of course, they think, any genie, who spent two thousand years in imprisonment, would have impaired somewhat lagged behind. And it is possible that the palace he will be present as a gift will not be completely landscaped from the point of view of modern achievements of technology. After all, architecture since the time of Calif Garuna Al Rashida so stepped forward! There are bathrooms, elevators, large, light windows, steam heating, electric lighting ... oh well, whether it is worth finding. Let these palaces give, which he pleases. There would be only chests with gold and diamonds, and the rest will attach: both the honor, and power, and the disadvantage, and the blessed, idle life of a rich, "civilized" slacker, despising all those who live their fruits. From such a genie, you can and any disappearance. And not trouble, if he does not know many rules of modern hostels and secular manners and if he sometimes puts you in a scandalous position. The magician, which combines jewel with jewels, these people will still be ...

Well, what if such Jeann yes suddenly got into our country, where there are completely different ideas about happiness and justice, where the power of rich is long and forever destroyed and where only honest work brings a person happiness, honorably and glory?

And suddenly I, imagine, I find out that the Volka of the crutches, the one who lived before we have in three-hard alley, well, that habit of crutches, which last year in the camp dived all the best ... however, let me better tell you everything in order.

I. Unusual morning

At seven hours thirty-two minutes of the morning, a funny sunny bunny slipped through the hole in the curtains and settled on the nose of the student of the fifth class of Volki Kostlkov. Wood sneezed and woke up.

Just at this time, the mother's voice came from the next room:

- There is nothing to rush, Alyosha. Let the child sleep a little bit - today he has an exam.

Warfood quietly frowned.

When will mom stop at finally calling his child? Jokes - baby! Man Fourteenth year went ...

- Well, what a nonsense! - answered behind the partition father. - The guy is already thirteen years old. Let it get up and helps to fold things. His beard will soon grow to grow, and you all: a child, a child ...

Fold things! How could he forget it!

The lolk instantly dropped the blanket and began to pull pants hurriedly. How could he forget! Summary!

The family of crutches moved today to a new apartment. Even in the evening, almost all things were packaged. Mom and grandmother laid the dishes on the bottom of the bath, in which once, a long time ago, Baby Baby Waqq. Father, drossing the sleeves and sapozhnitsky dialing the full mouth of the nails, smoked boxes with books and put the textbook in his hurry in one of them, although even the child is clear that without a textbook it is impossible to take the exam.

"Okay," said Father, "we'll figure it out on the new apartment.

Then everyone argued, where to put things to make it more convenient to endure them in the morning. Then they drank tea at a hiking, at the table without a tablecloth, sitting on the boxes, and the lolk very conveniently settled on the case from under the sewing machine. Then they decided that the morning of the evening was wiser, and went to bed.

In short, the mind is incomprehensible, as he could forget that they are moving to a new apartment in the morning.

We did not have time to get drunk, as the apartment knocked. Then two movers entered. They widespread both halves and asked the doors and with teaching voices:

- Can I start?

"Please," the mother and grandmother answered at the same time and terribly drove out.

The Wolf solemnly put it on the street, to the van, sofa rollers and backs. He was immediately surrounded by the guys who played in the yard.

- Move? - He asked him Sergei Cruzhkin, a funny parenchy with black cunning eyes.

"We move," the hard answered with such a kind, as if he moved from the apartment to the apartment every six days and as if he didn't have anything surprising for him.

The janitor of Stepanych approached, deeply turned the cygar and unexpectedly started with a solid solid conversation as equal to equal. The boy from pride and happiness slightly spinned his head. With respect, he responded with respect to the complexity of the branches of the profession, then she gained a spirit and invited Stepanych to visit a new apartment. The janitor said: "Mercy." In a word, a serious and positive conversation of two men was established, when suddenly an annoyed voice of the mother rang out of the apartment:

- Waicha! Waicha! .. Well, where did this blatant child go?

And immediately everything went to the knuckle. The janitor, barely nodded, began to sweep the street with fierce. The guys pretended to be insanely fascinated by a puppy, who yesterday, from where Seryozha drank himself. And the fuck, pouring his head, went to the empty apartment, in which fragments of old newspapers and bubbles from the drugs were lice.

- At last! - Mother thrown on him. - Take your famous aquarium and urgently go to the van. You will sit on the sofa and keep the aquarium on your hands. Just watch not splashing water on the sofa ...

It is not clear why parents are so nervous when they are moving to a new apartment.

II. Mysterious bottle

In the end, the halter settled in a van not bad. Of course, in the truck more pleasant, but the whole road would flashed too quickly. In addition, they say, a trip to the covered van is much more romantic.

The mysterious cool twilight reigned inside. If you climb my eyes, it was possible to freely imagine that you are not going to Nastasinsky Lane, in which I lived all my life, and somewhere in America, in the harsh desert prairies, where the Indians can attack and with the militant clicks to remove the scalp from you. Dining table suddenly erected behind the sofa. On the table rattled a bucket filled with some flasks. In the corner dim glitter nickel plated bed. The old barrel in which Grandmother Kvasil for the winter cabbage was surprisingly reminded of barrels in which the pirates of the old Flint hold rum.

Thin columns of sunlight penetrated through the holes in the wall of the van.

And finally, they stopped at the entrance of a new house, where he had to live. Movers deftly and quickly dragged things into the apartment and left in a cheerful van cheerfully.

Father, somehow putting things, said:

- The rest finish after work.

And gone to the plant.

Mother together with his grandmother began to unpack the dishes, and the Waicha decided to run on the river in the meantime. True, the father warned that the fuck without him could walk to go swimming, because it's terribly deeply, but I quickly found an excuse for myself.

"I need to redeem," he decided, "to be a fresh head." How I can appear on the exam with a stupid head! "

It's just amazing how Volka could always think of an excuse when he wanted to break the promise given to parents.

This is a great convenience when the river is close to home. Wolf told mom that he would go ashore to prepare on geography. Returning to the river, he quickly undressed and rushed into the water. She walked the eleventh hour, and there was not a single person on the shore. In this circumstance were their good and bad parties. It was good that no one could hinder him to redeem and swim well. It was a shame that for the same reason no one could admire how beautiful and easily swims and, in particular, how he wonderfully dives.

The Wolf fell and naked before the literally cried. Then he began to get off the shore. He was already completely out of the water, but changed his mind and decided to dive into gentle transparent water again, to the bottom of the bright half-hearted sun.

And at that very moment when he was already going to climb to the surface, his hand suddenly fastened at the bottom of the river a loose item. The fuck grabbed him and emerged at the shore itself. In his hands there was a slimy, suede clay bottle of a very strange form. The neck was tightly smeared with some resinous substance, which was crushed by something remotely resembling printing.

Waicha ringed a bottle by weight. The bottle was heavy, and the hard measurement.

"Casket! - instantly flashed in his brain. - treasure with old gold coins. That's great! "

Walking to dress, he rushed home to print a bottle in a secluded corner.

When the Volka fished to the house, in his head, a note was finally developed, which will appear tomorrow in all newspapers. He even came up with the name. She had to be called: "Honest Action." The text of it was supposed to be about this:

"Yesterday in the 24th division of the police was the pioneer of Volodya of Crutches and handed the treasure to the treasure of vintage gold coins found by him at the bottom of the river. According to the information from reliable sources, Volodya crutches is a beautiful diver. "

Owk ran into the apartment and, slipping past the kitchen, where mother and grandmother were preparing lunch, whirled into the room and first of all locked the door on the key. Then pulled out a penny knife from his pocket and, trembled from excitement, snorkel printing with a bottle neck.

At the same moment, the whole room was filled with caustic black smoke and something like a silent explosion of great strength threw her to the ceiling, where he was hooked, clinging to the hook, who was assumed to hang grandmother's chandelier.

III. Old Man Hottabych

While the fucking, swinging on the hook, tried to find a small-faced explanation for everything that was involved, smoke was scattered with a little, and suddenly saw that in the room, besides him, there is another living being. It was a skinny old man with a beard in the belt, in a luxurious Shelkova Chalme, in the same caftane and harsher and unusually faded saffian shoes.

- Appch! - deafeningly sneezed unknown old man and fell NIC. - Greetings you, about beautiful and wise tags!

- Are you an illusionist from the circus? - I guessed the lolk, looking at the stranger with curiosity.

"No, my master," the old man continued, "I'm not an illusionist from the circus." Know, about the blessed that I am Gassan Abduurrahman Ibn Hottab, or, in your opinion, Gassan Abduurrahman Hottabovich.

And happened to me - Appch! - an amazing story, which, whether it is written by needles in the corners of the eyes, would serve as an edification for the consequences. I, unfortunate genie, dismissed Suleiman Ibn Dauda - the world with them both! - I and my brother My Omar Hottabovich. And Suleiman sent his presence of Asaph Ibn by Barachia, and he brought me forcibly, leading me in humiliation against my will. And Suleiman Ibn Daoud - the world with them both! - ordered to bring two vessels: one copper, and the other clay, and sharpened me in the clay vessel, and my brother, Omar Hottabovich, - in Copper. He seal both vessels, hiding on them the greatest of the names of Allah, and then gave orders to the genies, and they suffered us and threw my brother in the sea, and I was in the river, from which you, about the blessed Savior Savior, - Appch, Apchchi! - Extrete me. Yes, your days will last, oh ... I apologize how is your name, tags?

"My name is Ovolka," answered our hero, continuing to swing under the ceiling.

- And your father's name, will he be blessed forever?

- Dad My name is Alyosha ... That is, Alexey.

"So know the same, about the excellent out of the departments, the star of my heart, the Waist of Ibn Alyosha, what I will do to continue everything you can tell me, for you saved me from a terrible imprisonment, and I am your slave.

- Why are you so sneeze? - Inquired for nothing with this.

"Several thousand years spent in dampness, without the gracious sunlight, in the depths of the waters, awarded me, unworthy of your servant, chronic runny nose. But all this is a tricky nonsense. We command me, oh my young Mr.! - With heat finished Gassan Abduurrahman Ibn Hottab, turning up his head, but continuing to stay on his knees.

"I wish to immediately find yourself on the floor," the volk is uncertainly.

And at the same moment, he turned out to be downstairs, near the old man of hottabych, as we will continue to magnify our new acquaintance. The first thing the Wolf grabbed his pants. Pants were absolutely intact.

Wonders began.

IV. Test by geography

- Tell me! - continued Old Man Hottabych, looking at the lolk by devotees. - Do you have any grief, about Ebn Alyosha? Tell me, I will help you. Does me gnaw?

"Gots," answered shyly lung. - I have a test on geography today.

- Do not worry about my lord! - An old man shouted excitedly. - Know that you are unheardly lucky, about the most beautiful from the detachment, for I am most of all jinn rich in geography, I am your faithful slave Gassan Abduurrahman Ibn Hottab. We will go with you together to school, and its foundation and roof will be blessed! I will invisibly suggest the answers to all questions, and you will glorify among the students of your school and among students of all schools of your magnificent city.

- Wonderful! - said Volka.

He already opened the door to skip Hottabach forward, but immediately closed it again.

- You will have to change clothes.

- Is my clothes do not delay your gaze, about the most worthy of Volk? - Upornat Hottabych.

- certainly delighted, "Volka replied diplomaticly," but still too, they will rush into the eyes in our city. "

Two minutes from the house, in which the Kostilkov family lived from today, our hero came out, keeping the old man Hottabach under the arm. Hottabych was magnificent in a new jacket pair of white canvas, a Ukrainian embroidered shirt and a solid straw hat Canier. The only detail of his toilet, which he never agreed to change, were shoes. Referring to the corn of three thousand years ago, he stayed in funeral, richly embroidered with gold and silver shoes, which in their time would bring, probably, crazy the biggest fashionista at the court of Califa Garuna Al Rashid ...

- Kostlkov Vladimir! - solemnly proclaimed at the table where the Commission was sitting.

The halter reluctantly got up because of the desk, the durable step came to the table and pulled out the ticket number 14 - "Form and Movement of the Earth".

"Well," said the director, "report."

"So," said a member of the Commission, descending from the heat and woven a sweaty face. - So, so, crutches. What can you tell about the horizon?

Old Man Hottabych, hung over the door in the corridor, having heard this question, Something Slept silently.

And the Wolf suddenly felt that some unknown force against his desire revealed his mouth.

- The horizon, about my high teacher, - he began and immediately dreamed the cold later, - I dare to call, with your permission, that line, where the crystal dome of the heavens come into contact with the edge of the earth.

- What is, crutches? - surprised the examiner. - How to understand your words about the crystal arch of heaven and the edges of the earth: in a portable or literal sense?

"Literally," the old man Hottabych whispered behind the door.

And the fuck, feeling that he was inconvenient nonsense, after this answered:

- In the literal, about the teacher!

He did not want to say this, but the words flew out themselves, in addition to his desire.

From the examiner instantly descended a sleepy mood, and the students who wept on the desks in anticipation of their turn were attached and found themselves like bumblebees.

"In a portable," said a circle of a tragic whisper to him.

But the lolk again loud and clearly pronounced:

- Of course, literally.

- So, how? - Cleared the examiner. - So, the sky is a solid dome?

- And, it means there is such a place where the earth ends?

"There is such a place," continued against his will answer our hero, feeling that his legs literally turn into horror.

"Yes, ..." - stretched out the examiner and looked at Vulku with curiosity. - What can you say about the shape of the earth?

Old Man Hottabych something hardworking in the corridor.

"The earth has the shape of the ball," wanted to say the Waicha, but for the circumstances independent of him answered:

"Earth, about the most worthy of teachers, has a form of a flat disk and is washed from all sides by the majestic river-ocean. The land rests on six elephants, and those, in turn, stand on a huge turtle. So the world is arranged, about the teacher!

Old Man Hottabych in the corridor nodded his head.

The whole class mad with laughter.

- You probably sick, will? - He pointedly asked him director of school and rushing his forehead, wet from sweat.

"Thank you about the teacher," the lolk answered him, exhausted from the sense of his own impotence. - Thank you. I, praise Allah, completely healthy.

"You will come when you recover, will," the director said softly and led him under his hand from the class. - You will come when you recover, and I will check your knowledge of geography.

On the other side of the doors, I met the shiny Hottabych. He was cheerful as the larks, very satisfied with himself.

- I spell you, about the young Mother of my Lord, "he said, turning to the Waist," Did you shook your knowledge of your knowledge and comrades?

"Shunted," answered, having sigh, looked at the old man with hatred with hatred.

Old man hottabych smoothly grinned.

V. Hottabych acts might

I did not want to go home. In the soul, the Wolk was disgusting, and the tricky old man felt something wrong. Good three hours he told his Savior, sitting on a bench on the banks of the river, about different adventures. Then Volka remembered that Mom gave him money to a movie ticket. It was assumed that he would go to the cinema immediately after he passed the geography.

"You know what, an old man," said Volka, calming, "we go to the movies!"

"Your words are for me the law, about the free Ibn Alyosha," the old man answered humbly. - But tell me, make mercy, what do you mean by this incomprehensible to me in the word: "Cinema"? Doesn't it banta? Or maybe it is so you called the market where you can walk, talk with your friends?

Near the cinema stood a large queue.

A poster was hung over the cash register: "Children up to sixteen years are being prohibited."

- What's wrong with you, oh beautiful from handsome? - Shotabych got out, seeing that the Waic was suddenly picked up.

"And then with me," Wolk replied with annoyance, "that because of your rusks, we were late for a day session." Now they are allowed only from sixteen years. And then - you see, what a queue. I don't know how to do now ... I don't want to go home ...

- You won't go home! - Spot to the entire area of \u200b\u200bOld Man Hottabych. "It will not pass one moment, as we will miss our cinema, and we will go to it, surrounded by attention and admiration.

"Old Bushroom!" - I cursed a roller, squeezing fists. And suddenly discovered two tickets in the right fist in the eighth row.

In the book "Thousand and one night" there is a "fisherman's fairy tale". I pulled the fisherman from the sea my networks, and in them - a copper vessel, and in a vessel - a mighty magician, genie. He was sharpened in him without a short two thousand years. This jinn swore to make one of those who will release him to the will: enrich, open all the treasures of the Earth, to make the most powerful of the sultans and above all of all of his desires.

Or, for example, the "Magic Lamp of Aladdin". It would seem, not a remarkable old lamp, you can say - just scrap. But it was worth only to rub her - and suddenly it was not known where Ginn came from and carried out any, the most incredible desires of her owner. Are you pleasing rare disassemble and drink? You are welcome. Chest, at the very edges of gold and gems filled with gold and precious stones? Ready. Luxury palace? This minute. Turn your informer in the beast or reptile? With great pleasure.

Provide such a magician to excrete his lord - and all the same precious chests would be sprinkled again, all the same sultan palaces in personal use.

According to the concept of jinnings from ancient magic fairy tales and those whose desires, they performed in these fairy tales, it was the most complete human happiness, which only one could dream.

Hundreds and hundreds of years have passed since for the first time these fairy tales were told, but the ideas about happiness were still connected, and in capitalist countries, many people still communicate with chests, a bit of gold and diamonds, with the authorities over others People.

Oh, how those people dream of at least the most duller genie from an old fairy tale, who would have appeared to them with their palaces, treasures! Of course, they think, any genie, who spent two thousand years in imprisonment, unwillingly be lagging behind. And it is possible that the palace he will be present as a gift will not be completely landscaped from the point of view of modern achievements of technology. After all, Architecture since the time of Calif Garun Al Rashida so stepped forward! There are bathrooms, elevators, large, light windows, steam heating, electric lighting ... oh well, whether it is worth finding! Let these palaces give, which he pleases. There would be only chests with gold and diamonds, and the rest will apply: and honor, and the power, and the disadvantage, and the blessed, idle life of a rich "civilized" loaf, despising all those who live their fruits. From such a genie, you can and any disappearance. And not trouble, if he does not know many rules of modern hostels and secular manners and if he sometimes puts you in a scandalous position. The magician, which combines jewel with jewels, these people will forever.

Well, what if such Jeann yes suddenly got into our country, where there are completely different ideas about happiness and justice, where the power of rich is long and forever destroyed and where only honest work brings a person happiness, honorably and glory?

I tried to imagine what would happen if Ginn was saved from imprisonment in the vessel the most ordinary Soviet boy, such as millions in our happy socialist country.

And suddenly I, imagine, I find out that the Volka of the crutches, the one who lived before we have in three-hard alley, well, that habit of crutches, which last year in the camp dived all the best ... however, let me better tell you everything in order.

At seven hours thirty-two minutes of the morning, a cheerful sunny bunny slipped through the hole in the curtains and settled on the nose of the pupil of the fifth grade of Volki Kostlkov. Wood sneezed and woke up.

Just at this time from the next room came the voice of the mother:

- There is nothing to rush, Alyosha. Let the child still sleep a little - today he has exams.

Warfood quietly frowned. When will this mom stop at finally calling his child? Jokes - baby! Man went fourteenth year ...

- Well, what a nonsense! - answered behind the partition father. - The guy is already thirteen years old. Let it get up and helps to fold things. He will soon grow to grow grow, and you all: a child, a child ...

Fold things! How could he forget it?! The lolk instantly dropped the blanket and began to pull pants hurriedly. How could he forget! Summary!

The family of crutches moved today to a new apartment. Even in the evening, almost all things were packaged. Mom and grandmother laid the dishes on the bottom of the bath, in which once, a long time ago, Baby Baby Waqq. Father, drossing the sleeves and sapozhnitsky dialing the full mouth of the nails, smoked boxes with books and put a textbook of geography in one of them, although even the child is clear that without a textbook it is impossible to test the test.

"Okay," said Father, "we'll figure it out on the new apartment.

Then everyone argued, where to fold things to make it more convenient to endure them in the morning. Then they drank tea around, at the table without a tablecloth, sitting on the boxes, and the lolk very comfortably settled on the case from under the sewing machine. Then they decided that the morning of the evening was wiser, and went to bed.

In short, the mind is incomprehensible, as he could forget that they are moving to a new apartment in the morning.

We did not have time to get drunk, as the apartment knocked. Then two movers entered. They widespread both halves and asked the doors and with teaching voices:

- Can I start?

"Please," the mother and grandmother answered at the same time and terribly drove out.

Waica solemnly put out on the street, to the van, sofhed rollers and a back. He was immediately surrounded by the guys playing in the yard.

- Move? - He asked Sergey Crogery, cheerful guy with black shelly eyes.

"We move," Wolk answered dryly with such a kind, as if he moved from the apartment to an apartment every six days, and as if he didn't have anything surprising for him.

The janitor of Stepanych approached, deeply turned the cygar and unexpectedly started with a solid solid conversation as equal to equal. The boy from pride and happiness slightly spinned his head. With respect, he responded with respect to the complexity of the branches of the profession, then she gained a spirit and invited Stepanych to visit a new apartment. The janitor said Mercy. In a word, a serious and positive conversation of two men was established, when suddenly an annoyed voice of the mother rang out of the apartment:

- Waicha! Owl! Well, where did this faint child go?

And everything immediately went to the rush. The janitor, barely nodded, began to sweep the street with fierce. The guys pretended to be madly fascinated by a blind puppy, whom it is still unknown from where the ledge on the twelco seinery. And the fuck, pouring his head, went to the empty apartment, in which fragments of old newspapers and dirty bubbles from the drugs were lice.

- At last! - Mother thrown on him. - take your famous aquarium and urgently go to the van. You will sit there on the sofa and keep the aquarium in your hands. Just see not splashing water.

It is not clear why parents are so nervous when they are moving to a new apartment.

Lazar Lagin

In the book "Thousand and one night" there is a "fisherman's fairy tale". I pulled the fisherman from the sea my networks, and in them - a copper vessel, and in a vessel - a mighty magician, genie. He was sharpened in him without a short two thousand years. This jinn swore to make one of those who will release him to the will: enrich, open all the treasures of the Earth, to make the most powerful of the sultans and above all of all of his desires.

Or, for example, the "Magic Lamp of Aladdin". It would seem, not a remarkable old lamp, you can say - just scrap. But it was worth only to rub her - and suddenly it was not known where Ginn came from and carried out any, the most incredible desires of her owner. Are you pleasing rare disassemble and drink? You are welcome. Chest, at the very edges of gold and gems filled with gold and precious stones? Ready. Luxury palace? This minute. Turn your informer in the beast or reptile? With great pleasure.

Provide such a magician to excrete his lord - and all the same precious chests would be sprinkled again, all the same sultan palaces in personal use.

According to the concept of jinnings from ancient magic fairy tales and those whose desires, they performed in these fairy tales, it was the most complete human happiness, which only one could dream.

Hundreds and hundreds of years have passed since for the first time these fairy tales were told, but the ideas about happiness were still connected, and in capitalist countries, many people still communicate with chests, a bit of gold and diamonds, with the authorities over others People.

Oh, how those people dream of at least the most duller genie from an old fairy tale, who would have appeared to them with their palaces, treasures! Of course, they think, any genie, who spent two thousand years in imprisonment, unwillingly be lagging behind. And it is possible that the palace he will be present as a gift will not be completely landscaped from the point of view of modern achievements of technology. After all, Architecture since the time of Calif Garun Al Rashida so stepped forward! There are bathrooms, elevators, large, light windows, steam heating, electric lighting ... oh well, whether it is worth finding! Let these palaces give, which he pleases. There would be only chests with gold and diamonds, and the rest will apply: and honor, and the power, and the disadvantage, and the blessed, idle life of a rich "civilized" loaf, despising all those who live their fruits. From such a genie, you can and any disappearance. And not trouble, if he does not know many rules of modern hostels and secular manners and if he sometimes puts you in a scandalous position. The magician, which combines jewel with jewels, these people will forever.

Well, what if such Jeann yes suddenly got into our country, where there are completely different ideas about happiness and justice, where the power of rich is long and forever destroyed and where only honest work brings a person happiness, honorably and glory?

I tried to imagine what would happen if Ginn was saved from imprisonment in the vessel the most ordinary Soviet boy, such as millions in our happy socialist country.

And suddenly I, imagine, I find out that the Volka of the crutches, the one who lived before we have in three-hard alley, well, that habit of crutches, which last year in the camp dived all the best ... however, let me better tell you everything in order.

I. Unusual morning

At seven hours thirty-two minutes in the morning, a funny sunny bunny slipped through the hole in the curtains and settled on the nose of the student of the sixth grade of Volki Kostlkov. Wood sneezed and woke up.

Just at this time, the mother's voice came from the next room:

- There is nothing to rush, Alyosha. Let the child sleep a little bit - today he has exams.

Warfood quietly frowned.

When this mother will cease to finally call him a child!

- Well, what a nonsense! - answered behind the partition father. - Guy soon thirteen years. Let him get up and helps to put things ... He has a beard soon will start growing, and you are all: a child, baby ...

Fold things! How could he forget it!

Owk dropped off the blanket and began to pull pants hurriedly. How could he forget! Summary!

The Kostlkov family moved today to a new apartment in a new six-story house. Even in the evening, almost all things were packaged. Mom and grandmother put the dishes in the bath, in which once, a long time ago, Baby Baby Baby. Father, drossing the sleeves and sapozhnitsky typing the full mouth of the nails, smoked boxes with books.

Then everyone argued where to fold things to make it more convenient to endure them in the morning. Then they drank tea around, at the table without a tablecloth. Then they decided that the morning of the evening was wiser, and went to bed.

In short, the mind is incomprehensible, as he could forget that they are moving to a new apartment in the morning.

We did not have time to get drunk, like movers fell with the roar. First of all, they widened both halves of the doors and asked for a teaching voices:

- Can I start?

"Please," the mother and grandmother answered at the same time and terribly drove out.

The hair solemnly put on the street to the covered three-ton truck, sofa rollers and a back.

- Move? - He asked him a neighbor boy.

"We move," Wolly answered casually with such a kind, as if he moved from the apartment to the apartment every week and there was nothing surprising for him.

The janitor of Stepanych approached, deeply turned the cygar and unexpectedly started with a solid solid conversation as equal to equal. The boy from pride and happiness slightly spinned his head. He gained a spirit and invited Stepanycha to visit a new apartment. The janitor said: "With our pleasure." In short, a serious and positive conversation of two men was established, when Suddenly the mother came from the apartment:

- Waicha! Waicha! .. Well, where did this blatant child go?

The Wolf rushed to the empty, unusual spacious apartment in which fragments of old newspapers and dirty bubbles from drugs were lice.

- At last! - said mother. - take your famous aquarium and urgently go to the car. You will sit there on the sofa and keep the aquarium in your hands. More than to give it nowhere. Just watch not splashing water on the sofa ...

It is not clear why parents are so nervous when they are moving to a new apartment.

II. Mysterious vessel

In the end, the lolk settled good.

Inside the car reigned a mysterious and cool twilight. If you climb my eyes, it was possible to imagine, as if you were going on a three-hard alley, in which I lived all my life, and somewhere in distant Siberian expanses, where you have to be in harsh battles with nature to build a new giant of the Soviet industry. And, of course, in the first rows of excellent students there will be a free crutch. He first jumps from the car when the truck caravan arrives at the destination. He will first spare his tent and give it to those who fell in the way, and he himself, shining jokes with comrades in a construction site, will remain warm by the fire, which he also quickly and skillfully raise. And when there will be someone in the cracking frost or ferocious bursts to hand over the pace, he will say: "We are ashamed, comrade! Take an example with an indicative brigade of Vladimir Kostlkov ... "

For the sofa, it was suddenly rumped up with a surprisingly interesting and extraordinary dining table overwhelmed upwards. On the table rattled a bucket filled with different flasks. A nickel-plated bed walked in the side wall of the body. The old barrel in which Grandmother Quasila was caught in a cauldron, suddenly acquired so mysterious and solemn appearance that the Volka Niskolachko would not be surprised if he had learned that it was once in her philosopher Diogen, the one who was from ancient Greek history.

Thin columns of sunlight pierced through holes in the tarpaulin walls. Volka pulled to one of them. In front of him, as if on the movie screen, there were rapid and noisy streets, quiet and shady alley, spacious squares, for which pedestrians moved in two rows in all four directions. For pedestrians, overlooking spacious mirror shop windows, leisurely running back shops filled with goods, sellers and concerned customers; Schools and courtyards with schools that have already doubled with white blouses and red ties of the most impatient schoolchildren who were not sitting at home on the day of exams; Theaters, clubs, plants, the red romas of the buildings under construction, fenced from the passers-by high milk fences and narrow, in three boards, wooden sidewalks. Here by the Wolly Truck slowly sailed squat, with a round, brick color dome cherished circus building. On his walls there were no seductive advertisements with bright yellow lions and beauties, elegantly standing on one leg on the backs of indescribably luxurious horses. On the occasion of summer time, the circus moved to the Park of Culture and Leisure, to a huge tarpaulin tent of the circus chapito. Not far from the empty circus, the truck overtook a blue bus with excursions. Dozen three carapazov, holding two hands, walked on the sidewalk and shed a ringing, but a non-stroke choir: "I don't need Turkish shore! .." Probably, this kindergarten went to walk to the boulevard ... and again ran away from the school's lolk, bakery again , shops, clubs, plants, cinemas, libraries, new buildings ...

But finally the truck, Fyrccha is tired and fading, stopped at the elegant entrance of a new Volkin at home. Movers deftly and quickly dragged things to the apartment and left.

Father, somehow connecting the boxes with the most necessary things, said:

- The rest finish after work.

And gone to the plant.

Mom and grandmother began to unpack the kitchen and tableware, and the olk decided to run in the time the river. True, the father warned that the fuck did not bother to walk without it, because it's terribly deeply, but the halter quickly found an excuse for himself:

"I need to redeem so that there is a fresh head. How I can appear on exams with a stupid head! "

Just amazing how the fuck could always come up with an excuse when I was going to do what he was forbidden!

This is a great convenience when the river is close to home. Wolf told mom that he would go ashore to prepare on geography. And he really was about ten minutes to extract the tutorial. But, taking on the river, he, not a honey, not a minute, undressed and rushed into the water. She walked the eleventh hour, and there was not a single person on the shore. It was good and bad. Good - because no one could prevent him from stopping. Poor - because there was no one to admire how beautiful and easily swims and in particular how it dives remarkably.

The Wolf fell and naked before the literally cried. Then he realized that he was enough, it was completely out of the water, but changed his mind and decided to finally dive into gentle transparent water, to the bottom of the bright twentieth sun.

And at that very moment, when the olk was already going to climb to the surface, his hand suddenly fastened at the bottom of the river some oblong item. The fuck grabbed him and emerged at the shore itself. In his hands there was a slippery, suede clay vessel of an unusual shape. Most of all, he looked like an ancient amphorus. His neck was tightly smeared by the green resinous substance, on which something was crushed, removedly reminded the seal.

Waist figured the vessel on the weight. The vessel was heavy, and the hardness is measured.

Casket! Treasure with old things that have tremendous scientific importance! .. That's great!

Quickly dressed in, he rushed home to print a vessel in a secluded corner.

While he rested to home, a note had already managed to work out in his head, which would definitely appear in all newspapers. He even came up with the name for her: "Pioneer helped science."

"Yesterday, a pioneer of Kostlkov Vladimir was a pioneer of Kostlkov, and presented the treasure treasure from rare vintage golden things found to them at the bottom of the river, at a very deep place. The treasure was transferred by the police in the historical museum. According to information from reliable sources, Vladimir crutches are a great diver. "

Slipping past the kitchen, where the mother was preparing lunch, the fucking jurled into the room with such a speed that he almost broke his leg: he stumbled on the chandelier who had not had time to hang. It was the famous grandmother's chandelier. Once, even before the revolution, the late grandfather from hanging kerosene lamp was handled. It was the memory of the grandfather, and the grandmother would not be parted in life. And since it was not so beautiful to hang her in the dining room, it was supposed to hang her just in the room where the lolk was closed. At this item was already coming to the ceiling of a great iron hook.

Route the bruised knee, the door locked the door behind him, pulled out the perochny knife from his pocket and, trembled from excitement, scraple printing with a vessel neck.

At the same moment, the whole room was filled with caustic black smoke and something like a silent explosion of great strength threw her to the ceiling, where he and hook, clinging to the pants for the same hook, which was assumed to hang grandmother's chandelier.

III. Old Man Hottabych

While the free, swinging on the hook, tried to figure out what happened, the smoke was scattered broken, and the Waist suddenly discovered that in the room, besides him, there is another living creature. It was a skinny and dark old man with a beard in the belt, in a luxurious chalme, a thin white woolen caftana, richly embellished with gold and silver, snow-white silk balls and gentle-pink saffian shoes with highly curved socks.

- Appch! - deafeningly sneezed unknown old man and fell NIC. - Greetings you, about beautiful and wise tags!

The fuck clouded his eyes, again they revealed them: no, this amazing old man, perhaps, did not really see him. So he, rubbing heavy palms and still not climbing with his knees, turns smart and not in Starikovsky's eyes on the situation of the Wolkina Room, as if it was not a miracle.

- Where are you from? - carefully asked free, slowly swinging under the most ceiling, exactly the pendulum. - You ... are you from amateur?

- Oh no, about the young Lady, - an old man was honored, remaining all in the same inconvenient position and a lot of self-sharply sneezing, - I am not an unknown self-conceiving country. I'm from this three times the damned vessel.

With these words, he jumped to his feet, rushed to the vessel nearby nearby, from which he also continued to flow a little smoke, and began to stall him violently, while there was no smooth layer of small shards from the vessel. Then the old man with a crystal ringing pulled out of the beard of the hairs, ripped it, and the shards broke out with some unprecedented, green flame and instantly burned without a trace.

But the halter was still glowing doubt.

"Something like it doesn't seem to ..." he handed out, "the vessel was so small, and you ... relatively large.

- Do not believe, despicable?! - the old man cried fiercely, but immediately took himself in his hands, again collapsed on his knees and she shouted with such a force with his forehead about the floor, that the water was noticeably cropped in the aquarium and the sleepy fish were noticeably removed back and forward. - Forgive me, about the young Savior, but I'm not used to me, so that my words were taken into question ... Know the sameness, the blessed from the county, that I am not anyone else, like a mighty and famous in all four countries of Light Ginn Gassan Abdurakhman Ibn Hottab, There is a son Hottab.

Everything was so interesting that the Waic was even forgotten that he was hanging under the ceiling on the lamp hook.

- Gin? .. Jin - it seems to be such an American alcoholic drink? ..

- Not a drink I, about inquisitive laters! - again flared the old man, she spook him again and again took himself in his hands. - It's not a drink, but a powerful and faded spirit, and there is no such magic in the world, which would not be able to me, and call me, as I already had a happiness to bring to your many - and high information, Gassan Abdurrahman Ibn Hottab, or , In your opinion, Gassan Abduurrahman Hottabovich. I call my name to the first Iprit, or Ginn, that the same thing, and you will see, the old man sucked brazily, - as he trembles with a shallow shiver and saliva will dry out of fear in his mouth.

And happened to me - Appch! - an amazing story, which, whether it is written by needles in the corners of the eyes, would serve as an edification for the consequences. I, unfortunate genie, dismissed Suleiman Ibn Dauda - the world with them both! - I and my brother My Omar Yusuf Hottabovich. And Suleiman sent his presence of Asaph Ibn Barachia, and he delivered us forcibly. And Suleiman Ibn Daud-World with them both! - I ordered to bring two vessels: one copper, and - another clay, and sharpened me in the clay vessel, and my brother, Omar Hottabovich, - in Copper. He sealed both vessels, squeezing on them the greatest of the names of Allah, and then gave orders to Ginnes, and they suffered us and threw my brother to the sea, and I was in the river, from which you, about the blessed Savior Savior, - Apchchi, APCH! - Extrete me. Yes, your days will last, oh ... Forgive me, I would be extradited to learn your name, charming tag.

"My name is Ovolka," answered our hero, continuing to swing slowly under the ceiling.

- And the name of your father's father, will he be blessed forever in centuries? How is your respectable mother calling your noble father - the world with both?

- She calls his Alyosha, that is, Alexey ...

"So know the same, about the excellent out of the detachment, the star of my heart, the Waica of Ibn Alyosha, that I will continue to fulfill everything you can tell me, for you saved me from terrible imprisonment. APCH! ..

- Why are you so sneeze? - Oblika asked, as if everything else was completely clear to him.

"A few millennia spent in dampness, without the gracious sunlight, in a cold vessel, which rest in the depths of the waters, awarded me, unworthy of your servant, a tedious runny nose. APCH! .. Appch! .. But all this is the judicial nonsense and unworthy of your precious attention. We command me, about the young Mr.! - With the heat signed Gassan Abduurrahman Ibn Hottab, turning up his head, but continuing to stay on his knees.

- First of all, please, please, from your knees, "said Volka.

"Your word for me is a law," the old man responded and got on his feet. - I'm waiting for your further commands.

"And now," I said unsure, "if it doesn't make it difficult for you ... Be kind ... Of course, if it doesn't make it very difficult ... In a word, I would really like to find yourself on the floor.

In the same moment, he turned out to be downstairs, near the old man of Hottabych, as we will be in the future for brevity to magnify our new acquaintance. The first thing I grabbed the pants. Pants were completely intact.

Wonders began.

IV. Exam on geography

- Tell me! - continued Hottabych, looking at the fuck with devotees. - Do you have any grief, about Ebn Alyosha? Tell me, and I will help you.

- Oh, - threw out her hands with his hands, throwing a look at the alarm clock on his table cheerfully. - late! I'm late for the exam! ..

- What are you late for, about the precious Volka Ibn Alyosha? - Hottabych inquired businesswito. - What do you call this strange word "Ek-Men"?

- This is the same thing that tests. I'm late at school for testing.

"Know, about the Waist," the old man was offended, "that you really appreciate my power." No no and one more time no! You will not be late for the exam. Tell me only that you like it more: detain exams or immediately be at the gates of your school?

"To be at the gate," said Volka.

- There is nothing easier! Now you will be there, where you will eat your young and noble soul so much, and you will shook your knowledge of your and our comrades.

With a pleasant crystal ringing, the old man again pulled out of the beard at first one hairs, and behind him the other.

"I'm afraid that I don't shook," the hard sighed, quickly disguised into uniforms. - In geography, I, honestly, do not stretch on the top five.

- Exam on geography? - cried the old man and solemnly raised his awesome hairy hands. - Exam on geography? Know, about the amazing out of the amazing, that you are unheardly lucky, for I have more than any of the genies rich in geography knowledge, - I, your faithful servant Gassan Abduurrahman Ibn Hottab. We will go to school with you, and its foundation and roof will be blessed! I will invisibly suggest answers to all the questions that you will be asked, and you will glorify among the disciples of your school and among students of all schools of your magnificent city. And even if you try your teachers not to honor you the highest praise: they will deal with me! - Here Hottabych smashed: - Oh, then they will have to be very, very bad! I will turn them into the donkes where the water is carried in the homeless dogs covered with the root, in the most disgusting and frozen toads - that's what I will do with them! .. However, he calmed down as quickly as she cleared, - before that It will not happen, for everything, about Ebn Alyosha, will be admired by your answers.

- Thank you, Gassan Hottabych, - Tryazhko sighed Volka. - Thank you, just no prompts I do not need. We are pioneers - fundamentally against tips. We are against them organize.

Well, how was the old genie, who spent so many years in imprisonment, know the scientist "principal"? But the sigh, which his young Savior accompanied his words, full of sad nobility, approved Hottabycha in the conviction that his help is needed by the Ibn Alesh, than ever.

"You are very upsetting me with your refusal," said Hottabych. - And after all, the main thing is to be taken into account: no one will notice my tip.

- Well yes! - Gorky grinned the lolk. - Sergey Semenovich has such a thin rumor, there is no save!

"Now you not only grieve me, but also offend, about the Waist of Ibn Alyosha." If Gassan Abdurrahman Ibn Hottab says that no one will notice, it means that it will be.

- Nobody nobody? - asked for loyalty.

- Nobody. What I will have happiness to tell you will go from my respectful mouth right in your high ears.

"I just don't know what to do with you, Hassan Hottabych," the lolk sighed pretended. "It's terribly not want to upset you with refusal ... okay, so be! .. Geography is not a mathematics and not Russian. In mathematics or Russian, I would never agree to the most tiny tip. But since the geography is still not the most important thing ... Well, then I went to quickly! .. Only ... - here he glanced with a critical eye of an unusual robe of the old man. - Mmmmm ... How would it change to you, Hassan Hottabych?

- Is my clothes do not delay your gaze, about the most worthy of Volk? - Upornat Hottabych.

- They delight, unconditionally delight, "Wolk answered diplomaticly," but you are dressed ... "How would it say that ... we have a somewhat different way ... Your costume will be too rushed into the eyes ...

After a minute of the house, in which the Kostilkov family lived from today, the lolk came out, keeping at the hand of hottabich. The old man was gorgeous and a new canvas jacket pair, a Ukrainian embroidered shirt and a solid straw hat Canier. The only thing he did not agree to change was shoes. Calling at the corn of three thousand years ago, he remained in his pink shoes with bent socks, which in his time brought, probably, crazy with the biggest fashionista at the court of Califa Garun al Rashid.

And here's a hack with the transformed hottabych, almost running approached the entrance of the 245th Men's High School. The old man coquettly looked into the glass door, as in the mirror, and remained pleased with himself.

Elderly Swiss, who soliced \u200b\u200ba newspaper, gladly postponed her, envy her satellite and his companion. He was hot and wanted to talk.

Crossing immediately after a few steps, the wool rushed up the stairs. In the corridors, it was quiet and deserted - the faithful and sad sign that the exams had already begun and what's a free, therefore, late!

- And you, a citizen, where? - Svissar Hottabich asked benevolently, who followed his young friend.

- He needs to go to the director! - shouted on top of the Waist for hottabic.

- Sorry, citizen, director busy. He is now on exams. Please go closer to the evening.

Hottabych angrily seized eyebrows:

- If it is allowed for me, about the honorable elder, I would prefer to wait for it here. - Then he shouted the Wolf: - Hurry to my class, about Ebn Alyosha, I believe, you will shook your knowledge of your knowledge and comrades!

- Are you a citizen, a grandfather, come or how? - The Swiss tried to tie a conversation.

But Hottabych, having won her lips, silent. He believed below his dignity conversation with the gatekeeper.

- Allow it to offer you boiled water, "lasts the Swiss. - The heat today is not to bring the Lord.

Filling out of the graph of a full glass, he turned to file him a not surrender stranger, and with horror I was convinced that he was missing where, as if the parquet had failed. The shocked by this incredible circumstance, the Swiss volunteer overturned the water intended for hottabach, poured and dried up the second glass, the third and stopped only when there was no single drop in the countess. Then he leaned back on the back of the chair and began to exhaust the newspaper in exhaustion.

And at this time on the second floor, just above the Khweier, in the sixth grade "b", there was no less exciting scene. Before the challenge of the geographic card, at the table, a front-covered cloth, housed teachers led by the director of School Pavel Vasilyevich. In front of them sat on the parties are genuine, solemnly tightened students. There was such a silence in the class, which was heard, as somewhere under the most ceiling, a lonely fly was buzzing. If the pupils of the sixth grade "B" always behaved so quietly, it would certainly be the most disciplined class in the whole of Moscow.

However, it is necessary to emphasize that silence in the class was caused not only by the examination atmosphere, but also in the fact that Kostlkov danced to the board, and it was not in the class.

- Kostlkov Vladimir! - Repeated the director and glanced by a perplexed look.

It became even quieter.

And suddenly, from the corridor, he was afraid of the healing tramp of someone's running feet, and at the very moment, when the director of the third and last time proclaimed "Kostilkov Vladimir!", The door opened and the breath was swollen with noise:

"Perhaps the board," director said dryly. - We will talk about your delapion later.

"I ... I ... I'm sick," the first murmured the first thing that came to mind, and the uncertain step was approaching the table.

While he thought, whatever of the unfolded on the table of tickets to choose, in the hallway, an old man Hottabych appeared straight from the wall and a concerned view passed through another wall in the next class.

Finally, the olk decided: he took the first ticket, slowly slowly, attempting his fate, revealed him and enjoyed it that he had to respond about India. Just about India he knew a lot. He has long been interested in this country.

"Well," said the director, "report."

The beginning of the olk ticket even remembered the word for the word on the textbook. He revealed his mouth and wanted to say that the Indian Peninsula reminds the triangle in its outlines, which is washed by this huge triangle of the Indian Ocean and its parts: the Arabian Sea - in the West and the Bengal Bay - in the East, that two large countries are located on this peninsula - India and Pakistan, which inhabited their kind, peace-loving people with an old and rich culture that the American and British imperialists are always deliberately trying to quarrel both these countries, and so on and the like. But at that time, in the next class, Hottabych adhered to the wall and hardworkingly fenced, putting the palm to his mouth:

- India, about my high teacher ...

And suddenly, the free, contrary to your own will, began to smoke completely inconspile nonsense:

- India, about my high teacher, is located almost on the very edge of the earth's disk and separated from this edge by deserted and unexplored deserts, for either the birds or birds do not live east of it. India is a very rich country, and it is rich in gold, which is not digging out of the ground, as in other countries, and tirelessly, day and night, they produce special, gold-like ants, each of which is almost a variety of dog. They make themselves housing underground and three times a day, they put out the surface of golden sand and nuggets and fold into big heaps. But the grief of those Indians who, without proper skill, try to kidnap this gold! The ants are stripped behind them in pursuit, and by overtaking, kill in place. From the north and the west, India borders the country where the bald people live. And men and women, and adults and children are all whisen in this country, and these amazing people feed raw fish and wood cones. And even closer to them there is a country in which it is impossible to look forward to nor go through, due to the fact that there are in the innumerable set of feathers scattered. Feathers are filled there air and earth: they are bothering to see ...

- Wait, wait, crutches! - Smiled teacher geography. - No one asks you to tell about the views of the ancients to the physical geography of Asia. You tell modern scientific information about India.

Oh, how the olk would be happy to state your knowledge on this issue! But that he could do if he was no longer dominated over his speech and his actions! Agreeing at Hosttabach's tip, he became a hazard toy in his benevolent, but ignorant hand. He wanted to confirm that, of course, that he had just said, nothing in common with the data of modern science, but Hottabych behind the wall walked in the shoulders, negatively woven his head, and the lolk here, before the examination table, was also forced to shake his shoulders and adversely dust heads:

- The fact that I had the honor to tell you, about the high-time Varvara Stepanovna, based on the most reliable sources, and there are no more scientific information about India than those that I just have, with your permission, told you.

- Since when are you, crutches, began to tell the eldest "you"? - Surprised Geography teacher. - And stop painting. You are on the exam, and not at a costume evening. If you do not know this ticket, then it will be more honest. By the way, what are you talking about the earth's disk there? Don't you know that the earth is a ball?!

Is it known whether the Wasil Kostilkov, a valid member of the astronomical mug with the Moscow planetarium, is the earth - the ball?! Why does any first grader know it!

But Hottabych laughed behind the wall, and from Wolkin Mouth, as our poor fellow I tried to squeeze my lips, myself broke down the arrogant mixtures:

- You will be expected to joke on your loyal student! If the Earth was a ball, the water would flock down with her, and people would die of thirst, and the plants were dried. The Earth, about the most worthy and noblest of teachers and mentors, had and has the shape of a flat disk and washed from all sides by the majestic river, called "Ocean". The land rests on six elephants, and those stand on a huge turtle. This is how the world is arranged, about the teacher!

The examiners looked at Volcc with an increasing surprise. That from the horror and consciousness of his complete helplessness was covered with cold sweat.

The guys in the class still could not figure out what happened to their comrades, but someone began to wait. It was very funny that it turned out about the country of the flaw, about the country, filled with feathers, about gold-like ants with a dog, about a flat land, which rests on six elephants and one turtle. As for the magnitude of the Bograde, a dusty Volkin friend and his link, he was alarmed for a joke. Who knows who, and he knew perfectly well that the Eastern of the Astronomical Mug, and in any case he knows that the Earth is a ball. Did you suddenly solve the roller, and where - on the exams! Obviously, the hack fell ill. But what? What a strange, unprecedented disease? And then, very disappointing for the link. All the time they went first in their own indicators, and suddenly everything flies by Kuwarka due to ridiculous answers of Kostlkov, such a disciplined and conscious pioneer!

Here on the fresh wounds of Zhenya hurried to pour salt sitting on the next party Goga Pilyukin, a subsension boy, called classmates pills.

- Your link is burning, Zhenya! He whispered, giggling evilly. - Lights like candle! .. Zhenya silently showed a pill fist.

- Barbara Stepanovna! - Goga fouls fuzzled. - Bogurarad my fist threatens.

"Siti is calm and not a scarce," Varvara Stepanovna told him and turned to the Waist again, who stood neither alive any dead: "Do you mean, seriously about elephants and turtles?"

- How long is more serious about the most respectable from the teachers, - repeated the stubborn tip, burning from shame.

- And you have nothing to add? Do you really think that you are in essence of your ticket?

"No, I don't have," he shook his head negatively, behind the wall, Hottabych.

And the lolk, wearing an helplessness in front of the force pushing it to failure, also made a negative gesture:

- No I do not have. Unless that the horizons in the rich India are framed by gold and pearls.

- incredible! - Diva the teacher. I could not believe that the crutches, a rather disciplined boy, and even in such a serious minute, decided not to do so ridiculously joking on teachers, risking to the same re-examination.

"In my opinion, the boy is not quite healthy," she whispered to the director.

The schos casting quick and sympathetic views on the overwhelmed Waqq, the examiners became a whisper consulting.

Varvara Stepanovna offered:

- And what if you ask him a question specifically so that the boy calms down? Well, at least from last year's course. Last year he had a five of his geography.

The rest of the examiners agreed, and Varbara Stepanovna again turned to the unfortunate Waist:

- Well, crutches, swelling tears, not nervous. Tell me what is the horizon.

- Horizon? - Owl was delighted. - It's simple. The horizon is called an imaginary line that ...

But behind the wall, Hottabych stuck again, and the crutches fell again by the victim of his tips.

- The horizon, oh high, - he recovered, - I will call the horizon that the crystal dome of the heavens is in contact with the edge of the earth:

- Hour from the hour is not easier! - Smereal of Varvara Stepanovna. - How do you order to understand your words about the crystal domes of heaven: in the literal or figurative sense of the word?

- In the literal, about the teacher, - suggested because of the wall Hottabych.

And Volke had to repeat after him:

- In the literal, about the teacher.

- in portable! - someone came across him from the rear bench.

But the fuck again said:

- Of course, literally, and in any other.

- So, how? - still not believed to the ears of Barbara Stepanovna. - So the sky, in your opinion, solid dome?

- solid.

- And, it means there is such a place where the earth ends?

- There is such a place about my high teacher.

Behind the wall Hottabych, nodded his head and squeezed his dry palms satisfied. In the classroom there came intense silence. The funniest guys stopped smiling. With the hard one was definitely happened.

Barbara Stepanovna got up because of the table, worried Wolkin Lob concernedly. There was no temperature.

But Hottabych was touched by the wall, she molded a low bow, touched on the eastern custom, his forehead and chest and whispered. And the lolk, who is asked by the same non-good force, exactly repeated these movements:

- Thank you, about the generous daughter Stepan! Thank you for anxiety, but it is nothing. It is overlook, for I, praise Allah, completely healthy.

Varvara Stepanovna affectionately took her hair over his hand, brought out the class and stroked the head of the head:

- Nothing, crutches, do not be sad. Apparently, you are somewhat overworthy ... come when you rest carefully, okay?

"Okay," said Volka. - Only, Barbara Stepanovna, honest pioneer, I'm not at all, well, not to blame for anyone!

"And I don't blame you," the teacher answered gently. - You know, let's look at Peter Ivanchuch.

Peter Ivanovich - the school doctor - he listened for about ten minutes and taught her, forced him to grind his eyes, pull his hands in front of him and stand with floating fingers; He knocked on his leg below the knee, dodged the stethoscope of the line on his bare body.

During this time, I finally came to myself. His cheeks were again covered with a blush, the mood rose.

"A completely healthy boy," said Peter Ivanovich. - That is, just say: an extremely healthy boy! It must be assumed, a small overwork affected ... overrelaved before exams ... And so well, healthy-oh-oh-oh! Mikula Selyaninovich, and only!

This did not prevent him from the case to pour some droplets into a glass, and Mikule Selyaninovich had to swallow them.

And then the fuck had a crazy thought. And what, if here, in the office of Peter Ivanovich, taking advantage of the lack of hottabych, try to pass the exam by the barbarian?

- Never! - Pytr Ivanovs waved his hands. - In no case recommend. Let it be better to rest a few days. Geography will not run away from him.

- That's right, it is true, "the teacher said it easierly, pleased that everything ultimately cost so safely. - Go you, the buddy of crutches, to the house, to the hut and rest. Right well - come and hand over. I am sure that you will definitely hand over to the top five ... And what do you think Peter Ivanych?

- Such a bogatyr? Yes, he is less than five with a plus for nothing!

"Yes, that's what ..." said Barbara Stepanovna. - Will it be better if someone spends him to home?

- What are you, that you, Varvara Stepanovna! - Washed the lolk. - I'll get it myself.

It was not enough only to faithfully encountered a nose to the nose with this tricky old man hottabych!

The hard looked quite well, and the teacher with a calm soul let him go home. To meet the Swiss rushed to him:

- Crutches! Here the grandfather came with you or who, so ...

But just at this time, an old man Hottabych appeared from the wall. He was cheerful, very satisfied with himself and sang something under his breath.

- Oh! - Swiss cried softly and tried to pour water from the empty decline in vain.

And when he put a decanter in place and looked back, there was no wrestling in the lobby, nor his mysterious satellite. They already went outside and wrapped around the corner.

- I spell you, about the young Mother of my Lord, - Giddevously addressed Hottabych, violating rather long silence, - Did you shook your knowledge of your knowledge and comrades?

- Shun! He sighed the Wolf and looked at the old man with hatred.

Hottabych smugly grinned.

Hottabych spawned:

"I didn't expect another thing! .. And it seemed to me that this most respectable daughter Stepan remained unhappy with the breadth and completeness of your knowledge.

- What are you, what are you! - I turned frightened with the hands of the Wolf, remembering the terrible threats of hottabic. - It only seemed to you.

- I would turn her into a deck, on which the buttercans seize the lamb mascaras, "the old man said fiercely (and fuckingly shut up for the fate of his class teacher), - if I hadn't seen that she had the highest welfare, spending you up to the most Doors class, and then almost to the ladder itself! And then I realized that she appreciated your answers. Peace with her!

- Of course, the world with her, - hastily picked up the lolk, who like a mountain from his shoulders fell.

For several millennia, Hottabych has repeatedly dealt with short-lived people and knew how to improve their mood. In any case, he was convinced that he knew: it was necessary to give a person especially desirable. Just give?

The case suggested to him when the Wolk turned to one of the passers-by:

- Sorry, please let me find out what time it is.

Passersogue threw a glance at his wrist watch:

- Five two.

"Thank you," said Volka and continued the path in complete silence.

Silence interrupted Hottabych:

"Tell me, about the fuck, like this pedestrian, without glanceing in the sun, so exactly defined the time?

- You saw, he looked at his watch.

The old man in bewilderment raised his eyebrows:

- On the clock?!

- Well, yes, on the clock, I explained to the Wolk. - They had on his hand ... such round, chrome ...

- Why don't you have such a clock - worthy of jinn?

"I'm still too early to have such hours," the lolk answered humbly. - I have not come out for years.

"Yes, it will be allowed to me, about the most worthy pedestrian, inquire, which is now an hour," said Hottabych the first passing passerby and dug through his eyes in his wrist watch.

"Without two minutes two," he answered, somewhat surprised by an unusual orientability of the question.

Explaining it in the most suitable Eastern expressions, Hottabych with Lukava Smile turned to Waqkey:

- May I am allowed, about the best of the Volk, to inform you and you have an hour.

And suddenly, on the Wolkina left hand, they spurled exactly the same hours as a citizen, but not from chromed steel, but from the purest wormland.

- Yes, they will be worthy of your hands and your good heart, - the old man was touched, enjoying Wolkina joy and surprise.

Then the Wolf did what she did any boy and any girl in his place, when they first turn out to be the owners of the clock, "he put the clock to his ear to enjoy their tickani.

- Uh-uh! - he handed out. - Yes, they are not started. We must start them.

Waica tried to twist the crown, but she, to the greatest disappointment, did not get drunk.

Then the batted knives from his pocket pockets, in order to open the lid of the clock. But with all the efforts, he could not find and signs of the gap, where it would be possible to stick the blade of the knife.

- They are from a solid piece of gold! "The old man wink boastfully. - I am not of those who give the blowing gold things.

- So, there is nothing inside? - disappointed exclaimed the Wolf.

- Is there something there should be inside? - worried old genie.

Instead of the answer, the watched watches silently and returned them to hottabach.

"Good," the one agreed Krotko. - I will give you such a watch that should not have anything inside.

Golden Hasiks were again on Wolk's hand, but now they have become thin, flat. The glass has disappeared on them, and instead of a minute, second and hour shooter, there was a small vertical golden spacing in the middle of the dial with magnificent, the purest water of emeralds, located where it was supposed to be clockmarks.

- Never and anyone, even the richest sultans of the Universe, there was no wrist solar clock! - the old man glanced again. - There were sundials on urban areas, were in the markets, in the gardens, in the courtyards, and they all were constructed from stone. But I just thought about it myself. True, not bad?

Indeed, to be the first and only all over the world owner of wrist solar clock was rather tempting.

At Wolkina, genuine pleasure was expressed, and the old man flourished.

- How to use them? - asked Wolf.

- That's how. - Hottabych carefully took Wolkin left hand with a newly invented clock. - Hold your hand like this, and the shadow from this golden stick will fall on the desired figure.

- For this, the sun should shine, "said Volka, looking at the cloud with annoyance, just closed the daylight.

"Now this cloud will leave," the hottabych promised, and the sun was really light again. - You see, the clock show that time is now somewhere between two and three hours of afternoon. Approximately half of the third.

While he spoke it, the sun hid after another cloud.

"Nothing," said Hottabych. - I will clean the sky for you every time you want to find out what time it is.

- And in the fall? - asked Wolf.

- What fall?

- And in the fall, and in winter, when the sky is hidden for the clouds for whole months?

- I told you about the Waicha, the sun will be free from clouds every time you need it. You will need only to order me, and everything will be fine.

- And if you won't be nearby?

"I will always be nearby, just you can click me."

- And in the evening? And at night? - Echigiously informed the lolk. - At night, when there is no sun in the sky?

- At night, people must indulge in sleep, and not to look at the clock, "in great annoyance, Hottabych answered.

He was worth very large work to take himself in hand and not to teach this symptom.

"Good," he said Krotko. - Then tell me if you like the clock that you see in your hand van of that pedestrian? If you like them, they will be yours.

- That is, how is it so - mine? - Was surprised.

- Do not be afraid, about Ebn Alyosha, I will not throne him in a single finger. He himself will gladly give them to you, because you are truly worthy of the greatest gifts.

- You will make him, and he ...

- And he will be happy that I am not stirring it from the face of the earth, I did not turn it into a slaughtered rat, red cockroach, cowardly melting in the slits of the latter beggar ...

- Well, this is already shaped extortion! - I was outraged. - For such things we have, Brother Hottabych, in the police and on trial. And if you know.

- Is it for the trial?! - The old man was not a joke. - Me?! Gassana Abdurrahman Ibn Hottab? Does he know, this despise of pedestrians, who am I so?! Ask the first genie, or Iphritis, or Shaitan, and they will tell you, trembling out of fear with a shallow shiver that Gassan Abdurrahman Ibn Hottab - Lord of Bodyguards from Ginnov, and the number of my troops - seventy-two tribes, and the number of fighters of every tribe - seventy-two Thousands, and each of the thousands rules over a thousand maridides, and every marid has been owing over thousands of assistants, and every assistant rules over a thousand Shaitanov, and each shaitan is owned over a thousand jinn, and they are all submissive to me and can not disobey me! .. E-E is, albeit only this very much insignificant of insignificant pedestrians ...

And the passers-by, about whom it was discussed, quietly walked on the sidewalk, lazily glanced on shop windows, and did not suspect about the terrible danger, which at that moment hung over him only because in his hand, the most ordinary watches of Zenit brand were wound.

- Yes, I ... - I climbed a completely smoked Hottabych in front of the fucking lobby, - yes I will turn it in ...

The road was every second. Warf shouted:

- Do not!

- Why not?

- You don't need to touch the passerby ... hours do not need! .. Nothing! ..

- Not at all you do not need anything? - the old man doubted, quickly coming into herself.

The only wrist sunshine in the world disappeared as imperceptibly as they arose.

"Nothing ..." said Volka and sighed so hard that the old man understood: now the main thing is to entertain your young Savior, dispel his bad mood.

V. The Second Hottabach Service

I did not want to go home. It was disgusting on the soul of the Wolk, and the old man worked out something wrong. Of course, he did not suspect how to lend free. But it was clear that the boy was unhappy with something and that it's guilty of this, obviously, no one else, as he, Gassan Abdurrahman Ibn Hottab. It was necessary to entertain free, quickly dismissed his bad mood.

Are you pleasing to your heart, about a similar moon, stories about the adventures of amazing and extraordinary? - He died in the surrounding lolk. - Do you know, for example, a story about three black roosters of the Baghdad Village and his Chrome Son? And about the copper camel with a silver hump? And about the achmet and his magic bucket?

Washing angrily silently, but the old man was not embarrassed by this and hastily began:

"Let you know, about the most beautiful of the men's high school students, which lived in Baghdad a skillful barber, by name Selim, and he had three roosters and a chrome son, on the nickname of Badja. And it happened so that Calif Garun Al Rashid passed by his shop ... Only you know what, about the most careful of the detachment: do not sit down on the nearest bench, so that your young legs are not tired of walking during this long and instructive history?

Owk agreed: they sat on the boulevard in a chill, under the shadow of the old linden.

Three and a half hours told Hottabych this truly very interesting story and finished it with insidious words: "But even amazing the story about the copper camel with a silver hump." And immediately, without translating the breath, she began to express her until she reached the words: "Then Inozeman took the corner of the ferry and painted them on the wall of the camel outline, and the camel knew the tail, swung his head and went off the wall on the road stones ..."

Here he stopped to enjoy the impression that the story about reviving the drawing will produce on his young listener. But Hottabach was waiting for disappointment: the lolk looked around in the life of animated films. But the words of Hottabich brought him to an interesting thought.

"You know what," he said, "let's go to the movies." And you have a story after planning, after the movie.

"Your words are for me the law, about the free Ibn Alyosha," the old man answered humbly. - But tell me, do the mercy, what do you mean by this incomprehensible word "cinema"? Doesn't it banta? Or maybe you are called a bazaar where you can walk and talk with your friends and acquaintances?

Over the Cash Case "Saturn" hung a poster: "Children to sixteen years old entry for evening sessions is prohibited."

- What's wrong with you, oh beautiful from handsome? - Hottabych rumbled, noticing that the lung was picked up again.

- And then with me that we were late for day sessions! Already allowed only from sixteen years ... I don't know how to do ... I don't want to go home ...

- You won't go home! - shouted Hottabych. - There will be no two moments, as we will miss, and we will pass, surrounded by respect, which you deserve with your truly countless abilities! .. Only I will look, which leaves show visitors to that haunted woman, which is at the entrance to the love of your heart ...

"Old Bushroom!" - I thought the lolk. And suddenly he discovered two tickets in the right fist.

- Well, we go! - said Hottabych, who literally sipped from happiness. - We go, now they will miss you.

- Are you sure?

- Just as the great future awaits you!

He pushed her free to the mirror hanging nearby. From the mirror on Wolk, heat off his mouth, watched a boy with a luxurious blond beard on a magnificent health of a freckling face.

Vi. Unusual incident in movies

The triumphant wocks on the stairs on the second floor, in the lobby.

Near the entrance to the auditorium, Zhenya Bogurarad, the subject of the universal envy of the students of the sixth grade "B". This dashing destiny accounted for a native nephew of a senior administrator of the Saturn cinema, so he was missed for evening sessions. He would live on this occasion, and he, imagine, was unbearably suffering. He suffered from loneliness. He was needed before shearing was the interlocutor, with whom he could discuss the striking behavior of Volki Kostlkov at today's exams on geography. And, as it called, - not a single acquaintance!

Then he decided to go down. Perhaps someone will send him fate. On the staircase, he almost sneaked with the legs of the old man in the ranotier and embroidered Safian shoes, which dragged the hand - who would be invented? - Thewiest Kostlkov! Waiching for some reason covered his face with both hands.

- Waicha! - Godrad was delighted. - Crutches! ..

But, in contrast to the fiance, the lolk, obviously, was not delighted at this meeting. Moreover: he pretended as if he did not recognize his best friend, and darted into the very thick of the crowd, listening to the orchestra.

- Well, it is not necessary! - It was offended by Zhenya and went to the buffet to drink a glass of Troj.

Therefore, he did not see how around a strange old man and the people began to crowind. When he himself tried to push there, where, according to an unknown reason for him, so much curious, his buddy surrounded the dense and the growing crowd. Fucked by folding seats, people left the armchairs in front of the pop, soon the orchestra played before empty chairs.

- What happened? - Zhenya asked in vain, desperately flying his hands. - If an accident, so I can call from here ... I have an uncle here - senior administrator ... what's the matter? ..

But no one really knew what's the matter. And since almost no one can be seen anything and everything was interested in, what happened there, inside a close human ring, and everyone asked each other and offended, not receiving an intelligible answer, then the crowd was soon sought out that even began to drown the sound of the orchestra, Although all the musicians tried on this occasion to play as louder as possible.

Then the groom uncle came running to the noise, he jerked on the chair and shouted:

- Please disperse, citizens! .. What are you, a bearded child did not see or what?

Only these words came to the buffet, all threw the tea and cool drinks and rushed to look at the bearded child.

- Waicha! - spooled on all the lobby of Zhenya, desperate to make the way inside the cherished ring. - I do not see anything! .. Do you see? .. Is he a great bearded? ..

- Oh, father! - Slightly did not take up a malfunctive hair from the longing. - just lacked him ...

- Unhappy boy! - sympathetically the surrounding curious. - Such a deformity! .. Is there really powerless medicine to help? ..

At first, Hottabych missed the attention that was given to his young friend. It was at first it seemed that people were hardened to express their respect to the Waist. Then it began to see him.

- Disassemble, married! He snapped, overlapping and the hum of crowds and the sounds of the orchestra. - Disassemble, or I make something scary with you! ..

Some schoolgirl with a fright hit the tears. But Adult Hottabych only launched.

Well, in fact, what a terrible one could expect from this funny old man in ridiculous pink shoes? It is only necessary to poke it with a finger, and it will crumble.

No, no one has taken seriously the threat of hottabic. And the old man is accustomed to his words led people in thrill. Now he was already offended and for her lungs and for himself and more and more poured rage. It is not known how it's all over if the call did not have a call on this very moment. The doors of the visual hall opened, and everyone went to occupy their places. Zhenya wanted to take this and at least with one eye to look at the unprecedented miracle. But the same crowd, who had previously prevented him from breaking through, now graduated from all sides and, in addition to his will, dragged with him a visual hall.

As soon as he managed to reach the first row and pressent, as the light went out.

- Fu! Zhenya sighed light easier. - almost late. A bearded boy I still intercept when the session is over ...

Nevertheless, he still agitated on a chair, trying to see somewhere behind himself this amazing miracle of nature.

- Boy, throw choking! .. Break! - His neighbor grumbled on the right. - Syi calmly!

But, to his great surprise, a restless boy was already next to him.

- "Move! - with envy I thought the recent groom neighbor. - Of course, little joy to sit in the first row. One damn eye ... boy what? Move to someone else's place. In extreme cases, drive, so the boy is not ashamed ... "

The latter, when in the auditorium it was already dark, left the lobby of the Waist with Hottabych.

In truth, the fuck first was so upset that I decided to leave the movies without looking at the paintings. But here I chemished hottabych.

- If you are so unagusing a beard, which I decorated you in your same interests, then I will free you from it, only we will go to our places. It is worth it to me. Let's go there, where all the others went, for I can't wait to know what a movie is. How perfectly it should be, if even muddy experienced men attend him in such a gloaching summer heat!

And indeed, only they sat on the free places in the sixth row, as Hottabych clung to her fingers left.

But contrary to his promises, nothing with the Wolkie beard happened.

- What do you break? - asked Wolf. - And then boasts!

- I did not boast, about the most beautiful of the sixth grade students. I, fortunately, changed my mind on time. If you won't be a beard, you will be expelled from your kind of cinema.

As soon it turned out, the old man was listening.

But I did not know this yet. He said:

- Nothing, it's no longer expelled.

Hottabych pretended not to hear these words.

I repeated Volka, and Hottabych again attacked deaf.

- Gassan Abduurrahman Ibn Hottab!

"I listen to my young lord," the old man responded.

- Is it really hidden? Said someone from the neighbors.

Owk continued with a whisper, fed to the ear herself sadly hottabich:

- Make it so that I immediately have this stupid beard.

- Nonestly she is not stupid! - whispered in response an old man. - It is highly honorable and fragile beard.

- Siah second! You hear, this morning!

"I listen and obey," said Hottabych again and hesitated something, focusing with his fingers.

The vegetation on the Wolkino face remained unchanged.

- Well? - said Volka impatiently.

"Another moment, about the blessed Volka Ibn Alyosha ..." the old man responded, continuing to whisper nervously and tickling.

But the beard did not think to disappear from the Wolkinese face.

- Look, see who sits there in the ninth row! She suddenly whispered, forgetting for a while about his misfortune. In the ninth row, two people were sitting, according to Hottabych, not remarkable.

- These are completely wonderful actors! - with the heat explained the Wolf and called two surnames known to any of our reader. Hottabach, of course, did not say anything.

- Do you want to say that they are a guide? - the old man smiled condescendingly. - Are they danced on the rope?

- They play movies! These are the famous film actors, which are who they!

- So why don't they play? Why do they sit back? - with condemnation asked Hottabych. "This is visible, a very negligent hypocrisy, and it hurts me that you are so thoughtly praised, about the movie of my heart.

- What are you! - laughed with lolk. - Film actors never play cinema. Film actors play in film studios.

- So we will now see the game not the film actors, and some other hypocrites?

- No, it is the film actors. You see, they play in film studios, and we look at their game in cinemas. In my opinion, it is understandable to any infant.

"You chat, forgive me, something awkward," said Hottabych with conviction. "But I'm not angry with you, for I don't see the deliberate desire to jerk on your funeral servant in your words." This is visible to you, apparently affects the heat that reigns in this room. Alas, I do not see any windows that could be dissolved to refresh the air.

Oblik realized that for those few minutes, which were left before the start of the session, he could not express an old man, which is the essence of the work of film actors, and decided to postpone explanations for later. Moreover, he remembered the victims of him.

- Hottabych, nice, well, what you stand, well, try as soon as possible!

The old man sighed heavily, pulled one hair out of his beard, the other, the third, then in the hearts pulled out a whole block at heart and began to tear them into small parts with the fierceness, something focusing and not descending with her eyes. The vegetation on the magnificent health of the physiognomy of his young friend not only did not disappear - she did not even flush. Then Hottabych began to climb his fingers in a wide variety of combinations: it's separate fingers, then the entire five right hand, then the left, then at once with the fingers of both hands, then with the fingers of the right hand and twice the left, then the opposite. But everything was in vain. And then Hottabych suddenly began to tease her clothes with a crack.

- Are you crazy? - Waicha was frightened. - What are you doing?

- About my grief! - whispered in response Hottabych and began to scratch his face. - About the grief to me! .. Millennium, held in the damned vessel, alas, gave themselves to know! The lack of practice degradedly affected my specialty ... Forgive me, about the young Savior, but I can't do anything with your beard! .. About Mount, Mount to me, Poor Genin Gassana Abdurahman Ibn Hottaba! ..

- What are you whispering there? - asked Wolf. - whispering penis. I can not disassemble anything.

And Hottabych answered him, thoroughly breaking clothes:

- Oh a precious from the detachment, about the most pleasant one of pleasant, do not entrust my fair anger on me! .. I can't save you from the beard! .. I forgotten how it was done! ..

- Have a conscience, citizens! - Suspended neighbors on them. - Have time to speak at home. After all, you prevent! .. Do you really contact the Ticket?

- Shame on my old head! - I barely knocked up Now Hottabych. - Forget such a simple magic! And who forgot? I, Gassan Abdurrahman Ibn Hottab, Mighty of Jinn, I, that Hassan Abdurrahman Ibn Hottab, with whom twenty years could do nothing Suliman Ibn Daoud, the world with them both! ..

- Do not hump! - She whispered, without hiding his contempt. - Tell us in human, long have you awarded me for this beard for a long time?

- Oh no, calm down, my good lord! - answered the old man. - Fortunately, I tried you with small witchcraft. Tomorrow by this time you will have a smooth face again, like a newborn ... Or maybe I will immediately be remembered to remember how small witchcraft is smoked ...

Just by this time, numerous inscriptions ended on the screen, which every painting usually begins, then they appeared on it, people moved and started talking. Hottabych smugly whispered free:

- Well, I understand it all. It is very simple. All these people came here through the wall. I can do it too.

- You do not understand anything! - smiled like an old man's ignorance. - Cinema, if you want to know, built on the principle ...

From the front and rear rows, they stuck, and Volkin's explanations were interrupted on a half-word.

With a minute, Hottabych sat like enchanted. Then he began to go excitely, he was turning around, where in the ninth row, as our readers remember, two film actors were sitting, and he did it several times, until he finally became convinced that they were simultaneously sitting behind him, chinno folded her arms at the chest , and rush on rapid horses there, ahead, on the only lit wall of this mysterious room.

Absorbed, with frightened raised eyebrows, the old man whispered to the Waist:

- Look back, about Fearless Volka Ibn Alyosha!

"Well, yes," said Volka, "these are film actors." They play in this picture the main roles and came to see if we like the audience, their game.

- I do not like! - quickly told Hottabych. I do not like when people are split. Even I do not know how to sit back on the chair and jumping on the rapid, the wind of a similar horse. It's even Suleiman Ibn Daoud - the world with them both! - I could not do. And I am so scary.

"Everything is in order," Waica was patronically grinned. - Look at the rest of the audience. See, no one is afraid. Then I will explain to you what's the matter.

Suddenly the mighty steam beep cut through silence. Hottabych grabbed her hand.

- About royal lung! - He whispered, pouring cold sweat. - I recognize this voice. This is the voice of the king of Jeans Girjis! .. We run, until it's late!

- Well, what are the nonsense! Sitting calmly! .. Nothing threatens us.

- I listen and obey, - Pokerly Shotabych, continuing to tremble.

But exactly a second, when it was rushed directly on the spectators loudly buzzing steam locomotive, a shrill horror cry came in the auditorium.

Already at the exit, he remembered the Waist, he returned to him in several jumps, grabbed the elbow and dragged to the doors:

- We run, about O Ibn Alyosha! Run, not too late! ..

- Citizens ... - began a ticket, blocking them the road.

But immediately after this, he suddenly performed a beautiful, very long arc in the air and found himself on the stage, in front of the screen ...

- What did you shout? What did you dismiss this wild panic? - angrily asked Oh Hattabach on the street.

And he answered:

- How did I not shout when you hung the scary possible dangers over you! Right on us, the Great Shaitan Girjis Ibn Rzhmmus, the grandson of Ikrischi and the grandson of Cherish!

- What is Girjis! What aunt? The most common locomotive!

- Isn't my young master going to teach Old Gina Gassan Abdurrahman Ibn Hottab, what is Shaitan? - Jescasically asked Hottabych.

And I understood: explain to him what a movie is and what a steam locomotive is, it's not five minutes and even an hour.

Having haughtily, Hottabych humbly asked:

- What would you like now, about the precious pupil of my eyes?

- If you do not know? Get rid of the beard!

"Alas," the old man defeated crushed, "I'm still powerless to fulfill this wish." But do you have any desire? Tell me, and I will fulfill him at the same moment.

- shave! .. And as soon as possible!

A few minutes later they were in the hairdresser.

For another ten minutes, a tired master leaned out of the open-end doors of the male hall and shouted:

- Queue!

Then, from a secluded corner, the hanger itself came out and hurriedly sat down in the chair the boy with a face wrapped in a precious silk fabric.

- Do you need to take a halter? - asked the hairdresser, bearing in mind the hairstyle of the boy.

- Early me! - answered him by the voice siled by the boy and took off the shawl, who closed his face over his eyes.

VII. Restless evening

It's good that the fuck was not a brunette. In the magnitude of the Bograde, for example, after shaving cheeks began to flew blue. And at the Wolly, when he left the hairdresser, the cheeks did not differ from the jacket of all peers.

She walked over the eighth hour, but it was also very light and very hot.

- Are there any cooler drinks in your blessed city, where they sell cool drinks or similar sherbet, so that we could satisfy our thirst? - asked Hottabych.

- And right! - picked up the lolk. - It would be nice now cold lemonade or housing!

They went to the first pavilion of fruit and mineral waters, sat down at the table and suggested the waitress.

"Please two bottles of lemon water," said Volka.

The waitress nodded his head and went to the rack, but Hottabych angrily called her:

- Well, come closer, unworthy servant! I do not like how you answered the orders of my young friend and the lord.

- Hottabych, stop, hear! Stop ... - Shelka was whispered.

But Hottabych gently closed his mouth with his dry palm:

- Do not bother at least me to come about your dignity, if you yourself, according to your characteristic softness, did not let her ...

"You didn't understand anything! .." Waitel was not frightened for a waitress. - Hottabych, I say to you Russian that ...

But here he suddenly felt with horror that he had lost the gift of speech. He wanted to rush between the old man and still had nothing suspecting a girl, but he could not move her hand or a foot.

This is hottabych so that it does not interfere with him in the fact that he believed his honor, gently climbed a big and index fingers of the left hand of the Wolk's right ear, and the track of his silence and complete immobility.

- How did you answer the orders of my young friend? - He repeated, turning to the waitress again.

"I don't understand you, a citizen," the girl replied politely. - There was no orders. There was a request, and I went to do it. This is first. And secondly, we do not have "poke". We are customary to contact unfamiliar people on "you". And I surprise me that it is unknown to you, although it is known to any cultural Soviet person.

- Do you want to teach me? - shouted Hottabych. - On knees! Or I will turn you into dust! ..

- Stick, citizen! - Cassisrsha intervened, who watched this outrageous stage, the benefit of visitors, except for her worship with Hottabych, was not in the pavilion. - Is it possible to hooligan, especially in your years!

- On knees! - I growled outside Hattabych. - And you kneel! He pointed to a finger to the cashier. - And you! He shouted with the second waitress, who hurried to the aid of his girlfriend. - All three immediately knees and pray for my young friend so that he pardons you!

With these words, he suddenly began to grow in size until she reached the head of the ceiling. It was a terrible and amazing spectacle. Cassis and the second waitress fainted from horror, but the first waitress, even in pale, calmly said Hottabach:

- Stick, citizen! Enter yourself as it should be in a public place ... And if you are a decent hypnotist ...

She thought that the old man had done the experiments of hypnosis over them.

- On knees! - again rushed Hottabych. - I'm talking to someone, - on his knees?!

For three thousand seven hundred and thirty-two years of his life, it was the first time when ordinary mortals dared to disobey his orders. Hottabach seemed that it drops him in the eyes of Wolly, and he wanted to be scary to help him and appreciated his friendship.

- Fall NIC, Oh despired, if you are the road life!

- There may be a speech about it, - answered a trembling voice brave waitress. - It is abroad, in capitalist countries, cassier employees are forced to listen to all sorts of rudeness from customers, but we have ... and in general it is not clear what you increase the voice ... if there is a complaint, you can politely ask the Cassiress a complaint book. The plaintive book is issued on the first requirement ... Our pavilion, you know, visit the most famous hypnotists and illusionists, but never allowed anything like that. Right i say katya? She turned to a girlfriend to his friend, who had already managed to come to himself.

"I also invented," said Katya, sobbing, "to get to the knees! Disgrace what! ..

- That's how?! Hottabych was finally divided. - So what does your audacity come about?! Well, you wanted you yourself!

He had a familiar gesture from his beard three hairs and took his left hand from the Wolkish ear to break them on the smallest parts.

But it was worth only hottabach to leave Wolkin's ear alone, like a free, to the great annoyance of the old man, again gained the gift of speech and freedom at its disposal by her body, first of all he grabbed Hottabach by his hand:

- What are you, Hottabych! What did you conceive!

- I decided to punish them, about the lolk. Will you believe, I am ashamed to confess: at first I wanted to hit them thunder. To amaze people in thunder - because it is forces to anyone's most ruling Iphritis! ..

There is a free, despite the seriousness of the situation, I found courage to enhance the science.

- Blow thunder ... - He said, feverishly thinking how to take trouble, hanging over the poor girls, - the thunder strike could not hit anyone. The discharge of atmospheric electricity is affecting people. And the thunder does not affect. Thunder is a sound.

"I don't know," Hattabych, who did not want to descend to disputes with an inexperienced Junc. - I don't think you are right. But I changed my mind. I will not be angry with thunder. Better I turn them into Sparrow. Yes, perhaps, in Sparrow.

- But for what?

- I have to punish them, about the lolk, the vice must be punished.

- Not for what to punish! Hear!

Waica jerked hottabach by hand. He was already going to break the hairs: then it would be too late.

But the hairs, fallen on the floor, by themselves again found themselves in the dark Shedtabycha.

- Just try! - shouted the Wolf, noticing that the old man was going to break the hairs again. - Oh, so! .. Then I turn me into the Sparrow! Or in the toad! For anything turning! And in general, consider that on this our acquaintance is finished! I strongly do not like your spruce. And that's all! Turn me into a sparrow! And let me devour me the first cat!

The old man was taken away:

- Do not you see that I want to do this, so that no one else fails to treat you without the exceptional respect you deserve your countless advantages!

- I do not see and do not want to see!

"Your orders for me is the law," Hattabych answered humbly, sincerely perplexed about the incomprehensible condesception of his young Savior. - Well, I will not turn them into Sparrow.

- And nothing else!

"And nothing else is," the old man agreed persecuted and still took the hairs with an obvious intention to break them.

- Why do you want to break the hairs? - Washed again again.

- I will turn all goods into dust, and all the tables, and all the equipment of this despicable shop!

- Are you crazy! - Broadcard the Volka was indignant. - After all, this is a state good, old you are a ballad!

- Yes, I am allowed to know that you, about the diamond of my soul, mean by this unknown word "Balda"? - Hattabych asked with curiosity.

Volka blushed like carrots.

- Do you understand ... how to tell you ... uh-uh ... well, in general, "Balda" is something like a sage.

Then Hottabych decided to remember this word so that, if you shine in a conversation.

"But ..." he began.

- No "But"! I consider up to three. If you after I say "three", you will not leave this pavilion alone, you can assume that you do not have anything to do with you and that everything is over, and that ... I think: once! .. Two! .. t ...

Volka did not have time to take a short word "three". We are sadly waving a hand, the old man took his usual look again and spoke again:

- Let it be in yours, for your favor for me is the gentlemen of my souls.

"The same," said Volka. - Now it remains to apologize, and you can safely leave.

- Thank your young Savior! - Surgo shouted Hottabych girls.

I realized that I would not be able to snatch apologies from the mouth of the old man.

"Sorry, please comrades," he said. - And if you can, do not really be offended by this citizen. He arrived and has not yet mastered with Soviet orders. Be healthy!

- Be healthy! - Girls politely answered.

They still did not really come to themselves. They were and amazing and scary. But, of course, they could not come to mind how serious was the danger they would escape.

They came out after hottabych and loud on the street and stood at the door, looking at how slowly this amazing old man in an old-fashioned straw hat was finally removed, while inhaling his young satellite, did not disappear.

- Where do such mischievous old men come, I can't do any mind! - sighed Katya and sobbed again.

"Some pre-revolutionary hypnotist," her brave girlfriend said puzzily. - Probably a pensioner. I missed, drank, maybe too much ... a lot of such an old man is required!

"Yes," - joined her opinion of the Cassis, - old age is not joy ... Let's go, girls, room! ..

But, obviously, this was not destined to end today's misadventures. Only a hair with hottabych went out to Gorky Street, dazzling light of automotive headlights hit the eyes. It seemed right on them rushing the evening air shrill lilac, a large sanitary car.

And then Hottabych was terribly changed in her face and crushed loudly:

- About the grief to me, old and miserable genie! Jirjis, the mighty and merciless king of Shaytanov and Iphritis, did not forget our old enmity, so he lowered on me the most terrible of his monsters!

With these words, he rapidly separated from the sidewalk, already somewhere highly, at the level of the third or fourth floor, took off his straw hat, waved her with her, and slowly melted in the air, shouting on the farewell:

- I will try to find you, about Ebn Alyosha! Whole dust for your legs! .. So far! ..

Between us speaking, the roller even delighted the disappearance of the old man. It was not to him. The legs were drowned at one thought that he was now standing back home.

In fact, try to put yourself in his place. The person went out of the house to pass the exam on geography, visit the cinema and half the seventh evening Ginno and noble go home to dinner. Instead, he returns home in the tenth hour, shamefully having failed on the exam, and, that is the most terrible, with british cheeks! It is in incomplete thirteen years! How much he thought, but it could not be found from the situation from the situation.

So I did not invent anything, he was smashed into a quiet, full of long pre-ordinary shadows Three-hearted alley.

He passed by a surprised janitor, entered the entrance, rose to the second floor site and sighing hard, pressed the call button. In the depths of the apartment there were someone's steps, and an unfamiliar voice asked through closed doors.

- Who's there?

"This is me," I wanted to say the Waicha and suddenly remembered that from today, he does not live here.

Not having answered the new tenant, he quickly escaped along the steps, with an independent view I went past the wipe and, coming out of the alley, got into a trolleybus. But misfortunes pursued it on this day. Somewhere, most likely in the movie, he lost his wallet, had to get out of the trolleybus and go on foot.

The least, I would like to meet someone from my classmates now now, but it was even unanswered even the thought that he would have to see Goga-Pills. From today, cunning fate has identified themselves to be neighbors around the house.

And, of course, only the fuck was in the yard of his new home, as a familiar voice called him:

- Hey, psych! What is it for the old man, with whom you left today from school? ..

Cheeky winking and corty is the most echidinal faces, gog-pill rank to the fuck.

"Not an old man, but an old man," his lolk corrected peacefully, who today did not want to bring the case to the scuffle. - It ... This is a familiar friend ... from Tashkent.

- And here I am ke-e-ec, I will go to your dad and Ke-uh will tell him about your art on the exam! ..

- Oh, for a long time you have a pill, my bream did not earn! - hacked the Wolf, imagining what the impression of the pylistushkin the story can produce on his parents. - Yes, I'm you, Yabeda Cursed, now in the Powder isotra! ..

- Uh! It's throwing it! .. Please tell me, it is impossible to joke! .. The most real psycho! ..

Fightering the Wolkiy fists, with whom he after several experiments preferred not to deal, gogh rushed to the entrance. From today, Gogh lived in dangerous intimacy from Volki. Their apartments were on the same ladder.

- Bald people! Bald people! - He shouted, having drowned his head from the half-open door of the entrance, showed her tongue and, who was afraid of a fair Wolkny Wrath, rushed, immediately jumping through two steps, upstairs, on the fourth floor, home.

On the stairs, however, his attention immediately attracted the mysterious behavior of a huge Siberian cat from forty-third apartments - his name was Homich in honor of the famous football goalkeeper. Homich stood, threatening his back, and snorted at a completely empty place. The first god thought was that the cat was born. But flea cats have a tail seems to be pressed, and this cottage has a tail branded that your pipe. And in general, Khomich looked quite healthy.

Just in case, Gogh kicked his foot.

From pain, from surprise and insults, Khomich took up for all five floors of the staircase. He pulled aside, bouncing so high and beautifully that it would have done the honor of even his famous dais. And then something completely incomprehensible happened again. In the good half meter from the Khomich ladder again, it was again and flew in the opposite direction, right on Goga, as if an unfortunate animal that had forces had a sharpening about some kind of invisible, but very elastic rubber wall. At the same time, somewhere somewhere quite near the emptiness someone's inseparable washing, as if someone was firmly held on foot.

Pilyukin never was distinguished by selfless courage. And then he is almost almost died of fear.

- Oh-oh oh! .. - He quietly sugained, trying to tear off his legs from the step. Finally, he pulled them off and with such a speed rushed to the other, that only the heels flashed.

When the door of his apartment slammed the door to Goga, Hottabych allowed himself to become visible. Hurry from pain, he considered his left foot, which was pretty to get from the claws of the walked Homich.

- On the damn tarts! - Smezonal Hottabych, preliminarily honorable that he remained on the stairs in full solitude. - About the dog among boys! ..

He fell silence and listened.

The stairs, embraced by the most sad thoughts, slowly risen his young Savior Volka Crutches.

Sunny old man did not want to get into his eyes now, and he quickly melted in the air.

VIII. Chapter that serves direct continuation of the previous

No matter how tempting it would be to imagine the Soblkova Boy without a single shortage, but the author's truthfulness of this story did not allow him to do this. And if envy is rightly considered a disadvantage, then to the great unfortunate, you have to admit that the olk sometimes experienced this feeling in a sufficiently strong degree. In recent days, he envied Gogh. Long before the exams Goga boasted, as if Mom promised to give him a puppy, shepherd, only he would turn into the seventh class.

- Well yes! - With Natoga, I snorted at the then free, feeling that it was very cold from envy. - So you bought!

But in the depths of the soul, he was aware that the pillings are very similar to the truth: the whole class was known that the gogine of Mom does not regret anything for his son. He will give up in everything, and he dug such a gift that the whole class is just hardening.

"Be sure to give," Gogh repeated strictly. - Mom for me, if you want to know, nothing regrets. Once promised, it means that they will buy. In the extreme case, take money at the cashier's cash office and buy. You know her at the factory as appreciated!

Gogina mom and in fact really appreciated at the factory. She worked as an older drawing, was a woman modest, cheerful, worker. She was loved - and at the factory, and neighbors around the house. Her even gogh loved in his own way. And she is in Gogh just the souls did not chayal.

In a word, since she promised to buy a shepherd, it means that they will buy.

And, maybe it is in this sad moment when he, the Waicha, who collapsed for him, for today's experiences, slowly rises along the stairs, quite near, in the thirty-seventh apartment, already beyond with a magnificent merry and shaggy puppy-shepherd gog Pill, the same pill, which is less than anyone in their class, in their school, perhaps, in all schools of Moscow, is worthy of such happiness.

So I thought the lolk, and the only thing that though it was a little bit, there was a consideration that he was unlikely to Goghina Mom, even if she really was going to give a gagow dog, had already managed to do it. After all, Goga was just a few hours ago she passed the last exam for the sixth grade. And buy a puppy is not so easy. You will not go to the store and you will not say: "Will, please, please, stupid ..." Dog still look ...

And now, imagine, at that very moment, when the grandmother opened her hair, because of the doors of the apartment number thirty seven consenssed a high fill dog Lai.

"I bought it! - I thought with bitterness. - Shepherd ... or maybe even a boxer ... "

It was completely unbearable - to imagine Goga owner of a real, living service dog, and the hard slaughter slammed the door to himself, so that only not to hear more exciting, unimaginably wonderful, magic dog barking. He still managed, however, to hear a frightened exclamation of a graveyard mother. Obviously, the dog bit Gogu.

But even this consideration could not console our young hero ...

Father has not returned from work. He stayed at the meeting of the Zombie. Mom after classes in the evening university, obviously, he went to the factory.

At Wolk, despite all his efforts seem calm and happy, there was such a gloomy face that the grandmother decided to feed him first, and only then proceed to the questions.

- Well, howle is theiff? - she was hesitantly asked when her only granddaughter hung quickly with dinner.

"Yes, how to tell you ..." Werely the branch of the lolk and, in the go, taking a T-shirt on the go, went to sleep.

Grandmother with silent sympathy spent his gentle and sad glance. There was nothing to ask - everything was clear.

Waicing, sighing, undressed, stretched out in a fresh, cool sheet, but the rest did not gain peace.

On the table near his bed brightened a multi-colored dust cover a thick book of large format. The free heart came across: it is, that is the most, long-welcome book on astronomy! And on the title page is large, since childhood, the familiar handwriting is written: "A highly educated student of the seventh class, a valid member of the astronomy mug with the Moscow planetaria, Vladimir Alekseevich Kostlkov from his loving grandmother."

What a funny inscription! Always grandmother will come up with something funny. But why the fuck is not at all funny, oh, how not funny! And he, imagine, is not at all nice that he finally waited for this captivating book, which he had dreamed so long ago. Longing, longing it will disappear. In the chest, the breath is crammed ... no, he can't so much!

- Grandmother! He shouted, turning away from the book. - Grandma, can you for a minute?

- Well, what are you there, Balovnik? - As if the grandmother would be spoiled, pleased that she would be even for a dream to sleep with his granddaughter. - Haromb does not take you, you are a sortie, middle book!

- Grandmother! - It is hot to whisper her lolk. - Close the door and sit down to me on the bed. You need to tell one terribly important thing.

- Or maybe it's better to postpone such an important conversation in Urechko? - answers the grandmother burning from curiosity.

- No, now, be sure to see the same minute. I ... grandmother, I did not move to the seventh class ... That is, I have not switched yet ... I could not stand the exam ...

- Failed? - Quietly, the grandmother.

"No, I didn't fail ... I could not stand it, but I didn't fail ... I began to express an ancient point of the ancient about India, and about the horizon, and about any such ... I told everything correctly ... And I somehow have not managed to highlight a scientific point of view. ... I really felt myself very much, and Pavel Vasilyevich told me that I came when the well-minded ...

Even now, even a grandmother he could not decide to say about Hottabach. Yes, she would never believe and thought, that's good, that he really fell ill.

- I used to want to hide it, but to say when I already pass, but I became conscientious ... Do you understand?

- And what's here, an even one, do not understand! - said Grandma. - Conscience - a great thing. It is no worse, as against your conscience to go ... well, sleep, calm, astronomer my dear!

- And I will not think. Where should I give her? Consider that I have passed it to storage ... well, sleep. Sleep?

"I sleep," the lolk answered, who with recognition exactly the mountain from the shoulders fell. - And I promise you, I give you an honest pioneer that I rent a geography to "five"! Do you believe me?

- Of course I believe. Well, sleep, sleep, gain strength ... And how do parents say, tell me or tell me?

- It would be better if you did it.

- Well, sleep quiet!

The grandmother kissed the lolk, redeemed the light and left the room.

Some time was lying on, hopping his breath. He wanted to hear the grandmother to tell his parents sad message, but, so nothing herself, he fell asleep.

IX. Restless night

There was no hour, as the phone call, rang in the father's office, woke up.

Alexey Alekseevich approached the phone.

- I listen ... Yes, I ... who? Hello, Varvara Stepanovna! .. Thank you, nothing, and yours? .. Wasil?. Owl sleep ... In my opinion, quite healthy, dinner with an exceptional appetite ... Yes, I know, he said ... I am surprised ... Yes, perhaps, you will not explain to others ... Of course, let it be better to rest a few times if you do not mind ... Thank you for your attention. ... Be healthy ... Hello from Barbara Stepanovna, "said Alexey Alekseevich his wife. - I was interested in Wolkin health. He said not to worry: they have a good account. And so that he relaxed well.

I tried to hear the Wolf again, his parents were interpreted, and again, I did not break anything.

But this time he managed to sleep at no more than a quarter of an hour. Again the phone hung again.

- Father of the Bograde. It is worried that Zhenya still has not returned home. I asked if we were not and at home if I was free.

- In my years, the grandmother intervened in the conversation, "only hussars were returned home ... But to a child ...

After half an hour, the phone call for the third time for this restless night interrupted the sleep of Wolly Kostlkov.

This time Tatyana Ivanovna called - Mother of the Bograde. Zhenya was still not returned home. She asked to learn about it at the Waist.

- Waicha! - Overlated Alexey Alekseevich Door. - Tatyana Ivanovna asks when you last saw Zhenya.

- In the evening in the movies.

- And after the movie?

- And after the movie I have not seen him.

- And he did not tell you where he was going to go after the movie?

For a long time, waiting for a long time, when finally the conversations of the elder about the missing wife were stopped (he didn't worry at all: he suspected that Zhenya waved at the joy in the Park of Culture, in Circus), and never waiting for the third time asleep. This time finally.

Soon in the corner there was a quiet burst. Then the slave steps were heard. On the floor appeared and quickly dried tracks of someone's invisible wet feet. Someone who comes under the nose of the coming outstanding oriental melody, invisibly looked around the room.

Footprints of wet feet went to the table, on which the alarm clock was concerned. There was someone's admiring Chmochan. The alarm clock flew into the air and calmly hung between the floor and the ceiling for a while, then returned to his usual place, and the traces were told towards the aquarium. The splashes rang out again, and everything calmed down.

Late night the rain went. He had a fun pounding in the window, Fierchly noisy in the thick foliage of the trees, was bullied in the drainage pipes. At times, he calmed down, and then it was heard, like large rainy drops solid and ringing in a barrel standing under the window. Then, as if with the strength, the rain began to pour on thick threads again.

Under such rain is pleasant to sleep, it acts in a slightly even on people suffering from insomnia, and the Waica never complained about insomnia.

By the morning, when the sky almost cleared up from the cloud, someone several times cautiously touched the shoulder of our well-spawned hero. But the olk did not wake up. And then the one who tried in vain to wake up, sadly sighed, muttered something and, shoe shoes, headed into the houses, where Wolkin aquarium with goldfish was wounded on a high bedside table.

There was a barely audible splash, and silence reigned in the room again.

X. Unusual event in the thirty-seventh apartment

Natalia Kuzminichna's dog (so called Gogina Mama) Gogov did not buy and did not give. Did not make it. And then it did not give it enough: after incredible events of this terrible evening and Goga and Natalia Kuzmichnna, they had long lost interest in these oldest and reluctant human friends.

But the Waic was completely clearly hearding Lai, who came from the thirty-seventh apartment. Is it really heard?

No, the lolk did not hear.

And the dogs in the thirty-seventh apartment neither that evening, no months after all the same. There, if you want to know, even the dog's paw has not yet come. In a word, in vain, I envied Gogh. There was nothing to envy: Lyal Gogh.

And it began just at that very moment when he washed, before proceeding with dinner. He was not wait as soon as possible and in every possible way to tell his mother, as his classmate and her neighbor of the crutches were told on the exams today, and here he was almost immediately alone. That is, he is not all the time in a row. Some words have obtained, like all people, but instead of many, very many others from his mouth, to the great surprise and horror, pulled out the most real dog Lai.

Gogh wanted to say that the lolk of the foil on the exam essence of the nonsense and that the supposedly Varvara Stepanovna Ke-e-e-e e-e-ek knocks on the table on the table and Ke-e-e e e-ecogs: "Do you like this, a fool, you spend you?! Yes, I'll leave you, hooligan, leave for the second year! "

It turned out the gogi instead:

- And the Waist suddenly ku-e-ec became the Gav-Gav-Gav. And Barbara Stepanovna Ke-e-ek knocks on Gav-Gav-Gav ...

Gogh from the surprise spoiled. He fell silent, he stopped and tried to repeat the phrase. But this time, instead of those coarse words that Lit and Yabeda Goga-Pill wanted to attribute to Varvar Stepanne, a dog Lai broke out of his mouth.

- Oh, mom! - Goga was frightened. - Mommy!

- What's wrong with you, Goghushka? - Natalia Kuzmichnna rumbled. - There is no face! ..

- You see, I wanted to say that ... Gav-Gav-Gav ... Oh, mommy, what is it! ..

With a fright Gogh and in fact greatly changed in his face.

- stop leaving, Goghushka, my sunshine, my joy! ..

"I'm not deliberately," Gogh snapped. - I just wanted to say ...

And again, instead of a directed speech, he was able to squeeze out only irritated Lai.

- Son, nice, do not frighten me! - the poor Natalia Kuzmichnna prayed, and tears rolled through her good face. - Do not lie! I beg you, do not bark! ..

But here Gogh did not find anything smarter how to get angry with my mother. And since he usually did not hesitate in such cases in the expressions, it was overwhelmed with such violent sighty lame that from the balcony of the next apartment they shouted:

- Natalia Kuzminichna! Tell your gog, so that he does not bother to torment the dog! The disgrace is what! .. spoiled the boy to full shamelessness! ..

Pouring tears, Natalia Kuzmichnina rushed to close the windows. Then she tried to feel the gogin forehead, which caused a new attack of embittered flaw.

Then she put the battle of Gogu in the bed, it is not known why I looked at her with a stagnaya blanket, although a hot summer evening was standing on the courtyard, and ran down, to the telephone machine, causing a doctor from "emergency help."

It was not so simple. To call "emergency medical care" it was necessary that a person fell ill with some very dangerous disease so that he, in the extreme case, suddenly jumped the temperature.

I had to sit Natalia Kuzminichna, as if the Gogi had a thirty-nine-nine temperature and eight tenths and that he would see.

Soon the doctor arrived. Elderly, full, saddown, experienced.

First of all, he, of course, felt the gogin forehead and was convinced that he had no rise in temperature and in risen, and, of course, was indignant. But did not show any form. The face of Natalia Kuzminynna was very upset.

He sighed and sat down at the chair in the bed, on which Gogh, and asked Natalia Kuzmichnikna to explain that he prompted her to call the doctor from "emergency care."

Natalia Kuzmichnna told all the tricky.

The doctor shrugged, asked her, shrugged again and thought that if all this corresponds to reality, it would be necessary to call a doctor's doctor, but a psychiatrist.

- Maybe you decided that you are a dog? He asked Gogi as if by the way.

Goga shook his head negatively.

"It's good," thought the doctor. "And then there is such a madness when a person suddenly decides that he is a dog."

Of course, he did not express this idea aloud that in vain not to scare a patient nor his mother. But immediately it became clear that the doctor had fun.

"Show the tongue," he said Gogh. Gogh knocked her tongue.

- Language is quite normal. Now we are you, a young man, listen ... so-so-so ... the heart is excellent. There are no wheezes in lungs. Stomach like?

- Normal stomach, said Natalia Kuzmichnna.

- And for a long time, did you eat uh-uh ... Having?

- For the third hour. I just don't know what to do ...

- First of all calm down. So far I do not see anything terrible. And nute, a young man, tell me why it started.

"You see, the doctor," Natalia Kuzmichnna poured with tears, "it's straight a horror ... Maybe to register him some pills ... or powders? .. and what if to clean the stomach?

Doctor swore:

- Give me, Natalia Kuzmichnna, time to think, view which literature ... rare, very rare case. So, so: Full peace, the mode, of course, bedding, food is the easiest, best of all vegetable-dairy, no coffee and cocoa, weak tea, can with milk. It's not to go outside ...

- He's now and stick it to the street now. Shakes. Here one boy came to him, so the poor gogue was so ledal, so Boyal, I barely stood it, the boy of this, but not to tell about it. And how to clean the stomach, maybe?

"Well," said the doctor in thought, "it never interferes with the stomach."

- And what if he and mustard piles to put on the night? - asked Natalia Kuzminichna, sobbing.

- Good too. Mustache is a thing. The doctor wanted to stroke the head of Gogu on the head, but the pill in anticipation of all the procedures appointed by him putklunny with such undisguised anger that the doctor quickly brought his hand, frightened, as if this unpleasant boy really did not bite him.

"By the way," he said, "why do you keep the windows with closed in such a heat?" Boy needed fresh air.

Natalia Kuzminynna fasten the heart explained to the doctor why she had to close the windows.

- Mda-aa, rare, very rare - case! - Repeated the doctor, wrote down the recipe and gone.

Xi. No less restless morning

Morning came wonderful, sunny.

In half the seventh grandmother, quietly open the door, passed on tiptoe to the window and opened it open. In the room burst the invigorating cool air. Moscow morning began, noisy, cheerful, trouble. But the free would not wake up if the blanket did not slip off on the floor.

First of all, he grunted the bristle grown on his cheeks and realized that he was in a completely hopeless position. In this form there was nothing and thinking to be shown to the eyes of parents. Then he climbed under the blanket and began to think what to do.

- Will, and will! Get up! - he heard from the dining room of his father, but decided not to respond, to stop sleeping. - I do not understand how you can sleep when there is such a wonderful morning in the yard.

- That would make you yourself, Alyosha, take the exams yes to wake you nor neither dawn!

- Well, let him sleep! - muttered father. - I suppose I want to eat - immediately wage.

It didn't want to have awan?! Yes, he caught himself that the scrambled eggs with a frantic of fresh black bread worries now even more than red-haired bristles on his cheeks. But common sense took all the same over the feeling of hunger, and the fuck was lying in bed, as long as his father did not go to work, and his mother with a cat did not go to the market.

"Was not! - He decided hearing how the door was closed for her. - I'll tell you all the grandmother. And together something invent. "

Waicing with pleasure reached out, sweetly yawned and headed for the door. Passing by aquarium, he threw a scattered look at him ... and dumbfounded from surprise.

End of a free introductory fragment.

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