
General Director of Mikhailovsky GOK. How to extract iron. Lebedinsky GOK and Mikhailovsky GOK. History of changes to the register

Open joint-stock company Mikhailovsky Mining and Processing Plant established in accordance with the Presidential Decree Russian Federation Of July 1, 1992 No. 721 "On organizational measures to transform government agencies to joint-stock companies", registered by the decision of the head of the city of Zheleznogorsk dated July 24, 1993, with the assignment of the issue of state registration No. 471.

Open Joint-Stock Company Mikhailovsky GOK formed on the basis of the state enterprise Mikhailovsky mining and processing plant as a result of its privatization in 1993

The Company is a successor of the State Enterprise Mikhailovsky GOK, which was formed in 1974 as a result of the combination of two plants: Mikhailovsky iron ore and Mikhailovsky mining and rich.

Mikhailovsky GOK, being a city-forming enterprise for the city of Zheleznogorsk, for 70% forms a profitable part of the city budget, 20% - regional, actively participates in the implementation of various social, cultural and economic programs Kursk region. Since 1998, Mikhailovsky GOK OJSC is part of the Management Holding Company "Metalloinvest".

The authorized capital of Mikhailovsky GOK is 1780 thousand rubles. From 2003 to the present, ordinary and preferred shares of Mikhailovsky GOK OJSC appeal on the stock Russian commodity exchange in the RTS Board system. Form of ownership of enterprise - private.

Currently, Mikhailovsky GOK is one of the largest efficiently operating mining enterprises in Russia, where the program of improving product quality and reduction of costs is being implemented, especially the energy component of the cost. This allows not only to keep the market, but also to increase sales.

The history of the construction and development of Mikhailovsky GOK is largely predetermined by the scale of the plant, the territorial location of its objects. total area The territory occupied by the production facilities of Mikhailovsky GOK is 11.1 thousand hectares.

The raw material base of the plant is the iron ores of the Mikhailovsky field represented by rich ores with iron content of 46-58%, non-oxidized quartzites (poor ores) with an iron content of total 38-40% and oxidized quartzites with an iron content of 40-45%, which are used for economic purposes And partially stored as promising iron raw materials. The development of the field is carried out in an open manner with one quarry with a separate recess of rich, poor ores and oxidized iron quartzites.

The main activities of Mikhailovsky GOK are mining and enrichment of iron ores, commercial activity with internal and overseas partners.

The main types of commercial products produced by Mikhailovsky Gokom are flattened pellets, aglorud, iron ore (magnetite) concentrate, domain ore, domain concentrate.

The raw material for the production of Agloruda is a rich iron ore, which passes the stage of crushing and drying (in the winter, against fatigue) on the crushing and sorting factory (DSF) to obtain an agloruda. The content of iron in Agloruda is 52%. According to the production of Agliruda, Mikhailovsky GOK occupies 1st place in Russia.

Poor ores pass the enrichment stage on a crushing and processing complex (doc) to obtain a concentrate, part of which enters the recruitment factory (FOC) for the production of pellets, and the part is shipped directly to consumers. The iron content in the concentrate is 65%, harmful impurities (silica) - 8.6%. The current trends in metallurgy show that the most preferred is a raw material with a silica content of no more than 5%. Mikhailovsky GOK carries out the production of 18% of the concentrate produced in Russia.

Mikhailovsky GOK is one of the four enterprises of Russia, producing pellets. Its share in their production is more than 25% (Table 2.1). The iron content in the pellets is 63%.

Table 2.1 - production of Mikhailovsky GOK OJSC in the mining industry.

Mikhailovsky GOK commercial products are used as raw materials for domain and Martenov. The main Russian consumers of the products of Mikhailovsky Gok remain almost all the largest enterprises of ferrous metallurgy: Combines and plants of the Center of Russia, Western Siberia, Urals. More than 26% of the products manufactured is supplied to export, to the countries of the near and far abroad.

In 2007, the program for increasing the metallurgical value of commercial products of Mikhailovsky GOK allowed to open new markets of sales - China, Hungary, Bulgaria, Korea.

The share of the export market increased from 18.8% (2006) to 28.1% (2008), while the proportion of iron ore products to Russian consumers decreased, although remained prevailing. Table 2.2 shows the shipment of iron ore products by Mikhailovsky Gok to various regions.

Table 2.2 - Shipment of iron ore products

Russian partners and suppliers of Mikhailovsky GOK are: ZAO "ZAPSIB", CJSC "Mechel", OJSC "Free Sokol", OJSC "OJSC" OJSC "OJSC" Satkinsky ", OAO Serovsky, OJSC Soyuzpodshpinnik, OJSC Petersburg Drilling Tools Plant "And OJSC" Khamoldingtrans ", which supply various materials, equipment, spare parts.

The main competitors of OJSC Mikhailovsky GOK in Russia are Lebedinsky and Stalensky Goki, strong sides which is the use of the latest production technologies, high quality products, smaller production costs. In comparison with the ores of the Stalensky and Lebedinsky fields of the basin of KMU ore, the Mikhailovsky field refer to the category of the most difficult-width, with high strength, which causes the increased energy intensity of production and increases the cost of commercial products.

The leadership of OJSC Mikhailovsky GOK understands that in order to maintain leading positions in the market of iron ore, successfully compete, product quality must meet the requirements and expectations of consumers. And to some extent to exceed these expectations. therefore last years (2006-2008) were noted by a large-scale update and reconstruction of production at the enterprise, the introduction of new technologies that allowed much to increase product volumes and improve its quality.

It is no coincidence that OJSC "Mikhailovsky GOK" is currently occupied by leading position among industry leaders in the dynamics of development. With the average total growth of production in 2007 by 2006, 8% (according to OJSC RUDPROM), production growth in Mikhailovsky Goke was 27%. At the same time, record volumes of production of commercial products were reached 18.9 million tons in the amount of 23.8 billion rubles.

Over the past 5 years, Mikhailovsky mining and processing plant has become a laureate of the All-Russian Competition "Best russian enterprises"In the nomination" For Dynamic Development ". Mikhailovsky GOK today is one of the largest not only in Russia, but also in the world, mining and processing enterprises for the production of metallurgical raw materials: Aglorudi, concentrate, pellets.

The highest governing body of JSC "Mikhailovsky GOK" is General meeting Shareholders whose competence includes issues as amending and additions to the Charter of the joint-stock company, election of the Board of Directors. The competence of the Board of Directors includes the solution of issues of general management activities of the joint-stock company.

Guide current activities Joint-Stock Company is carried out by the Managing Director, who, acting on behalf of the Joint Stock Company, represents the interests of Mikhailovsky Goka both in the Russian Federation and abroad.

The organizational structure of JSC Mikhailovsky GOK, presented in Appendix A, includes the main production units (RU, RUB, UAT, DSF Dock, Fock), auxiliary traces, sites, various laboratories, services and departments (electrical, heat, water supply, Construction and repair services and others).

The organizational structure of the management system of JSC Mikhailovsky GOK is linearly functional. The feature of such a structure is that the functional authorities take part in the formulation of tasks, preparation of decisions. They help the linear manager (head of the workshop) in the implementation of management functions. The leaders have administrative rights within the framework of competence. Functional bodies within fixed control functions transmit to units mandatory solutions for them. The units operate on teams of direct managers and instructions of the functional authorities.

Personnel policies in the enterprise carries out the department of labor and personnel work, which organizes activities in the field of improving work with personnel, ensuring a combine by qualified workers, managers and specialists. Personnel service is developing targeted personnel programs and adjusts their execution in accordance with the parameters of the external and internal environment.

The company issued an order in which the program of working with young professionals was approved. The main directions of the program are vocational guidance, work with educational institutions, Acceptance of work and adaptation of young professionals, planning professional and official growth. Tripartite contracts with educational institutions are concluded: Moscow State Mining University, Moscow state University Communication routes, Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, St. Petersburg Mountain Institute, Zheleznogorsk Metallurgical College, Zheleznogorsk Polytechnic College.

The logistics of the company is engaged in the supply management, which creates the necessary reserves of material resources, ensures the delivery of materials in accordance with the contracts concluded, makes a claim to suppliers who violate contractual obligations.

Organization of sales finished products The sales department, which concludes contracts for the supply of products to consumers, organizes the supply of products to consumers on time and volume in accordance with orders and concluded agreements, organizes exhibitions, fairs and other advertising events. Since 2007, the sales department has begun work on the conclusion of long-term contracts with foreign consumers for the supply of products.

Marketing activities at the enterprise are carried out by specialists of the Commercial Department. Their competence includes the collection of commercial and economic information; study of the opinion of consumers about products; Study of factors forming the dynamics of consumer demand, the ratio of supply and demand for similar types of products.

Starting from 2004 financial statements The company is formed using international standards and is checked by leading world auditing companies on Russian and international standards. Thus, according to the results of work in 2007, the audit was carried out by the company "Pricewaterhouse Cocery Audit". In addition, the assets of the plant periodically takes place.

Every year, in order to distribute risks, the company insures its assets and activities in various insurance companies. The main is insurance Company "Ingostrah". The organization of internal services of the enterprise is focused on risk management and their optimization in various areas of activity.

The company has created, maintained in working condition and is constantly improving the quality management system in accordance with the requirements international Standard ISO 9001: 2000.

The loan policy of the joint stock company is aimed at maintaining the optimal level of borrowing and fulfilling the obligations on settlements with counterparties, budget, personnel, shareholders, as well as financing for effective implementation capital investments. The main partners of the enterprise are Vneshtorgbank, Vnesheconombank, Commerce, BNP "Pariba". Also, the company supports business relations with the International Moscow Bank, Raiffeisen Bank (Austria), the Bank of Moscow. Currently level loan portfolio It is 7.3% of the foreign exchange balance.

Mikhailovsky GOK - one of the largest industrial enterprises in the Kursk region. The number of employees engaged in the main production exceeds 9 thousand people, and 14.5 thousand people reaches subsidiaries. This is 25% of the able-bodied population of Zheleznogorsk.

With the development of production total amount Tax payments to budgets of all levels are growing: in 2000 it was 900 million rubles, and in 2008 increased to 6.4 billion rubles. But the social policy of the plant is not limited to the timely and conscientious listed of taxes. In 2008, 585.7 million rubles spent in 2005. Mikhailovsky GO on the development of various charitable and humanitarian programs.


Mikhailovsky GOK is part of the Metalloinvest Holding - the largest mining and metallurgical company in Russia. Mikhailovsky GOK today is a modern high-tech production complexUsing in its work the latest equipment and equipment, as well as advanced technology of mining and processing of iron ore.

The plant was built on the basis of the Mikhailovsky field, located 100 kilometers of the north of the city of Kursk and the structure of a large array of ferrous quartzite quartcite with an area of \u200b\u200b6.5 x 2.5 km2. The volume of proven reserves of ore is more than 11 billion tons.

Mikhailovsky GOK is the largest in Europe and the third in Europe and the CIS of the RRS.

Actively mastered the rich raw materials base, Mikhailovsky GOK annually increases investment in the modernization of the current and construction of new production facilities, the development and implementation of new energy-saving technologies, which gives the enterprise the opportunity to expand the range and improve the quality of products.

The high quality of commercial products of JSC Mikhailovsky GOK is ensured thanks to advanced production technologies and modern methods for managing the plant activities.

In 2006, as a result of the certification audit conducted by the TUV CERT certification body (Germany), the compliance of the quality management system (QMS) of JSC Mikhailovsky GOK was recognized by the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001: 2000.

In December 2007, the compliance of ISO 9001 was confirmed during the control audit. Representatives of an independent audit firm selectively checked the redistribution and enrichment of iron ore, at which the plant demonstrated the improvement of production processes, as well as commercial and transport services, personnel management.

In January 2009, a second control audit of the QMS (selective verification of units) was held at the plant in the framework of the certificate received. Non-compliance and deviations from the requirements of the International Standard have not been detected. Auditors highly appreciated the development of infrastructure at the plant; a systematic improvement in the working conditions of workers of the plant, which directly affects the quality of work performed; Effective representation of the improvement of the operation of the SMC and its processes.

In November 2009, due to the expiration of the certificate and the release of the new version of MS ISO 9001: 2008, the plant was a recertification audit on new requirements. For the first time simultaneously with the audit of the SMC, a certification audit of the current system of labor and industrial safety management system was also conducted for compliance with the international OHSAS 18001: 2007 standard. According to the results of the audits of deviations and deficiencies on the requirements of international standards ISO 9001: 2008 and OHSAS 18001: 2007, the auditors were not identified in the Mikhailovsky GOK.

The introduction of an integrated management system allowed the plant to associate in a single whole different aspects of activity, optimally manage professional risks and costs, thereby reducing the cost of production; Implement a common strategy, orienting an enterprise for continuous development and improving the management of the organization.

The plant produces the following types of products:

Ruda domain (mass fraction of iron - 40%)
- Agloruda (mass fraction of iron - 52%)
- concentrate (mass fraction of Fe - 65.1%)
- dried concentrate (mass fraction of Fe - 65.1%)
- Domain concentrate (mass fraction of Fe - 60%)
- Papers (mass fraction of Fe - 63%)
- Crusp

The main consumers of the products of the plant in the domestic market: the Soborian Metallurgical Plant, the "Ural Steel" and Tulachermetries, West Siberian, Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Combines, the Severstal factories, Petrostal, Izhstal, Free Falcon. Foreign partners of the plant are metallurgical enterprises of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Ukraine. Racely products of the plant also shipped to Kazakhstan, Iceland, and China. The geography of the market for the sale of iron ore products for export is constantly expanding due to an increase in sales and inclusion in the number of consumers of new partners.

1957 - the beginning of the construction of a mining enterprise for the extraction of the rich ore of the Mikhailovsky field.

1960. - The first bucket of rich iron ore is produced.

1961 year - a crushing and sorting factory was commissioned.

1967 year - construction began the construction of a mining and processing complex.

1973 year - The first iron ore concentrate was obtained.

1974 - The first phase of the plant has entered.

1976 - The Accounting Factory entered

1977 year - The first million tons of pellets was obtained.

1978 - a fitting-foundry shop on cast iron, steel and color casting was commissioned.

year 2001 - The construction of the only plant in Russia is completed in the modular execution on the preparation of components of explosives.

2004 - mined billionth ton of ore.


- The powers of the Unified Executive Body of OJSC Mikhailovsky GOK transferred to LLC Metalloinvest LLC.
- Mikhailovsky GOK became the winner of the V All-Russian competition " Russian organization High social efficiency. "
- The only flotation concentrate plant in Russia was put into operation, a certificate was obtained for compliance with the quality management system of JSC Mikhailovsky GOK "requirements of the international standard ISO 9001: 2000.


Mikhailovsky GOK became the winner of the VI All-Russian Competition "Russian Organization of High Social Efficiency".
- The pilot-industrial processing plant has been launched for the production of hematite concentrate from waste production.
- Start of construction of the third burden car.


The first control audit of the compliance of the quality management system by the International Standard ISO 9001 was successfully completed.
- Acquired mobile ecological post.
- The first batch of hematite concentrate from current waste of wet magnetic separation was obtained.

year 2009:

Started implementation new system automation of production.
- Reserved audit of the quality management system according to ISO 9001: 2008 and certification audit of the labor protection management system for OHSAS 18001: 2007.


At Mikhailovsky Goke, the construction of a complex of the Obggue Machine No. 3 was launched - the largest pharmaceutical factory in Russia.
- Mikhailovsky GOK noted the 50th anniversary of the mining of the first ton of ore.

In 1996, the GOK passed the proceeding process, and received the name OPEN JOINT STOCK COMPANY "Mikhailovsky GOK".

In 1773, a scientist-astronomer, academician Peter Innodtsev, exploring Kursk Earth, drew attention to the unusual behavior of the magnetic arrow.

In 1923, the first samples of iron ore were produced at a depth of 167 meters.

In 1950, the Mikhailovskaya iron ore deposit was opened.

On August 3, 1957, the decision of the Council of Ministers of the USSR was adopted about the beginning of the construction of a mining enterprise for the extraction of ore of the Mikhailovsky deposit.

In September 1957, the first striking works were held in a quarry.

In October 1967, the construction of a mining and processing complex began. At the end of October 1973, the first iron ore concentrate was obtained.

In 1996, GOK passed the proceeding process, and received the name Open Joint-Stock Company Mikhailovsky GOK.

In 2005, Mikhailovsky GOK entered the Metalloinvest Holding.

Production activities

Mikhailovsky GOK in 2005 produced 18.3% of the commodity iron ore and 24% of iron ore pellets of Russia [the source is not specified 715 days].

In 2005, the plant produced 15,843 thousand tons of commercial products. Including angrudi - 834 thousand tons, concentrate - 3.85 million tons, pellets - 8.508 thousand tons, dried concentrate - 1.243 thousand tons, domain concentrate - 910 thousand tons, domain ore - 499 thousand tons [source not specified 715 days].

Stocks (general) - 11 billion tons [source not specified 715 days].

Major consumers
Oscol Electrometallurgical Combine
Novolipetsk Metallurgical Combine
Chelyabinsk Electrometallurgical Combine
Orsko-Khalilovsky Metallurgical Combine

Export supplies

More than 25% of GOK products sends exports.

Main countries:
Czech Republic

Century XVIII. Year 1773. Astronomer's scientist, Academician Peter Inikhodtsev, exploring Kursk Earth, drew attention to the unusual behavior of the magnetic arrow, which means that iron ores are possible in the depths of the Earth.
250 years later, in 1923, the secret of Kursk magnetic anomaly revealed Academician Ivan Gubkin. At a depth of 167 meters, the first samples of iron ores were mined.
Century xx. Year of 1950. Opened Mikhailovskoe iron ore deposit, which is a powerful, up to 2.5 kilometers wide quartzite bands with a length of about 7 kilometers.
On August 3, 1957, the decision of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on the beginning of the construction of a mining enterprise for the extraction of the rich ore of the Mikhailovsky deposit was adopted. August 6 of the same year under the construction of a residential village and industrial facilities 259 hectares of land are allocated.
September 1957. The quarry held the first stripping work. On October 2, the construction of the first teams and panel houses on the first street of the new city of Zheleznogorsk began - October.
The dates of the formation of Mikhailovsky GOK are marked for years of hard work. On June 10, 1960, the first bucket of rich iron ore was produced, and on June 20, the first composition with an iron ore was sent to the New Tula Metallurgical Plant.
In October 1967, the construction of a mining and processing complex began. At the end of October 1973, the first iron ore concentrate was obtained.
On December 23, 1974, the first phase of the plant entered into force.
On July 30, 1977, the first million tons of pellets was obtained, and in November of the same year, a factory of the office of the total productivity of more than 6 million tons of pellets per year became commissioned.
At the end of 1978, a fitting casting shop on cast iron, steel and color casting was commissioned.
In October 2001, the construction of the only thing in Russia was completed at Mikhailovsky Goke
Plant in modular design on the preparation of components of explosives. The use of its own explosives allowed the plant to save up to 1 million dollars a year.
Zheleznogorsk miners have something to learn: in 2004, the combine was the winner of the All-Russian competition "Russian organization of high social efficiency" in the nomination "The qualification of personnel, the system of their preparation and retraining".
In July 2004, a billionth ton of ore from the day of foundation was mined in a career of Mallok.
One of the traditions of Zheleznogorsk miners - not to dwell on achieved. The program of modernization and reconstruction of production includes the construction of a third burbot machine, the introduction of flotation technology and the production of a metallic product. The first phase of the implementation of the program is scheduled to be completed by 2007.
On June 10, 2005, the anniversary was celebrated at Mikhailovsky Goke - 45 years from the date of production of the first bucket of iron ore. In honor of this event, by resolving the management of the plant on the house, where the pioneer-pioneer lived Nikolai Klimenko, who mined the first bucket of ore, was solemnly installed a memorial plaque. "
On November 4, 2005 - Charitable Foundation "Century Metsenates" for an outstanding contribution to the revival of high ideals of spirituality and mercy presented awards to the heads of OJSC Mikhailovsky GOK. The Silver Order "Potenate" was awarded the General Director of the Combine Andrei Varichev, the Medals of the Honor and Benefits Foundation and "for Mercy" were awarded several employees of the enterprise.

Iron oil products of Mikhailovsky GOK-A, intended for processing at metallurgical enterprises:

Rud domain



Concentrate dried

Domain concentrate


SMS tail crushed

Opening rubble sms

Social programs of the plant traditionally include four main directions:

Social assistance to workers and their children;
-Social protection of veterans;
-charity budget organizations cities and regions;
-Had assistance to teachers, doctors, gifted children and other categories of the population.

Social programs of Mikhailovsky GOK OJSC in 2005

In 2005, traditionally, much attention was paid to sanatorium treatment and recreation of employees of the enterprise, their children and veterans of the enterprise.

Total costs For the purchase of vouchers and rehabilitation and reducing treatment exceeded 40 million rubles. In total, 3632 people visited the camps and at the recreation facilities of Russia, in the camps and at the recreation bases of Ukraine. In the sanatorium "Gornyatsky" corrected the health of 274 children, 1577 children went beyond the area in the Sanatorium of the Caucasus, Crimea, to the Children's Center "Red Carnation" in Berdyansk.

By decision of the Board of Directors, the plant paid from own funds 1 million 054 thousand rubles for covering the difference between the social and actual value of children's vouchers attributed to the Socration. In addition, 125 thousand rubles were purchased for children with disabilities in specialized medical institutions and 482 trips to the recreation center of the Jung Combine in the amount of 2.4 million rubles as part of a family holiday.

For workers and former employees of the enterprise, all conditions for full-fledged sanatorium treatment were also created. Total miners received 1311 vouchers for ten types of diseases in the amount of 19.9 million rubles. The Sanatorium "Gornyatsky" and "Lipetsk" continues to be the most in demand, where 680 people visited. More than three thousand people used the services of their own recreation databases "Svapa" and "Gnan".

A separate direction in the social policy of the plant is working with veterans. Quarterly payments and payments in connection with retirement for 7,000 former employees of Mikhailovsky GOK-A and subsidiaries in 2005 amounted to 18 MLN 064 thousand rubles.

GOK veterans are highlighted on preferential conditions 350 vouchers in the Sanatorium Mgok-A "Gornyatsky" and 38 - in third-party sanatoriums.

Addressable material aid For prosthetics, hearing aids, treatment, the acquisition of drugs amounted to 5.6 million rubles.

In 2005, continuing the tradition of past years, the Board's Directorate found it necessary to provide targeted assistance to everyone without exception to front-line veterans, widows of front-line, former prisoners of concentration camps living in Zheleznogorsk and the area. This action, held as part of the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the victory, 1914 people were covered, only cash payments amounted to 2 million 857 thousand rubles, 225 thousand rubles were allocated to front-line for the repair of housing.

In general, to city-wide events, to the anniversary of the victory, including the construction of a monument of soldiers' glory, the Directorate of Mikhailovsky GOK allocated 7606 thousand rubles.
The comprehensive assistance of MICO's leadership was felt during the year children's specialized agencies, facility receptions, kindergartens and school schools. In 2005, they were assisted and services in the amount of 1.2 million rubles

For the first time in the history of the relationship between the plant and the Zheleznogorsky district, the program of interaction between Mikhailovsky GOK OJSC and the executive authority of the district was developed and successfully implemented.

As part of the program to repair roads settlements The rural councils were allocated 36 thousand tons of rubble, a part of the water supply work was made to ensure villages and villages, 2 monuments of soldiers who died in the Great Patriotic War were reconstructed, 2 new monuments were built, a house was acquired large family, medicines and tools for medical groups, educational supplies and inventory to schools and kindergartens. At the event of the program in 2005, 32.4 million rubles were sent, 36.3 million rubles are planned to be developed in 2006.

Commodity products of Mikhailovsky GOK, one of the leaders of the mining and metallurgical complex of Russia, is in constant demand in the market of iron ore raw materials, which allows the plant to successfully develop. Stable product quality is ensured by advanced production technologies and modern methods for managing the plant activities.

In 2005, the management of the plant was decided to develop and implement a quality management system in accordance with the international standards of the ISO 9000 series. In Mikhailovsky GOK OJSC, this is the first step in the field of organizing a combine management in accordance with the requirements of international management standards.

Together with the Consulting Firm "TYUM INDUSTRY SERVICE / GERMS" (OOO "TÜV ZYUD RUSTAND"), an analysis of the current management system for compliance with the requirements of international standard ISO 9001: 2000 was developed and a program was developed in accordance with the requirements of the International Standard for the Quality Management System. (QMS). Information and training seminars were held for the heads of structural units and main specialists of the plant, and specialists directly involved in the process of implementing the SMC successfully passed testing on the basis of training to obtain certificates of TUI.

New procedures were developed and implemented: the current monitoring of suppliers, evaluation of the effectiveness of training activities, collecting information about consumer wishes, automated accounting of measurement tools, the procedure for managing inappropriate products, etc.

In the fourth quarter of 2006, the internal audits of the QMS with the participation of consultants should be aimed at determining the preparedness of the plant to the certification audit by the external authority.

Certification on MS ISO 9001: 2000 - confirmation of a high level of organizing business processes that ensure the production and sale of products that meet the requirements of consumers.

One of the main activities of the Mikhailovsky GOK - environmental protection on the basis of the introduction of the latest achievements of science and modern technologies. Environmental work is carried out in accordance with the order issued at the enterprise "On Environmental Protection". Organization of industrial environmental control, the introduction of scientific and design work Environmental protection is carried out by the Environmental Protection Department. Control of emissions and discharges of pollutants in environment Sanitary laboratory conducts an accreditation certificate No. ROSS RU.0001. 513916.

Today, the company has developed and actively implemented a quality management system in accordance with the requirements of the international standard MS ISO 9001: 2000. As part of the implementation of the quality policy, the further implementation of measures aimed at improving the quality of atmospheric air is scheduled to reduce the pollution of water bodies and the restoration of impaired land.

Guarding the air pool.
In order to reduce the impact of explosive work on the environment during the open development of the field, emulsion explosives are used at the plant. In 2001, a modular complex for the production of components of gramite was designed and built. This has already made it possible to significantly reduce the impact of dust-gas emissions on the environment.

Protection of the water basin.
Using superficial water objects It is carried out on the basis of a license for water use. In the plant, there are 10 systems of working capital water supply. Housing wastewater from the facilities of the plant are sent to their own facilities of biological cleaning of the site of poor ores and claiming facilities MUP "Gorodokanal". Waste and collector-drainage water before discharge in the reservoirs pass mechanical cleaning. The planned reconstruction of the tail economy and the revolving water supply continues.

Rational use of land.
Much attention at the plant is paid to the recultivation of exhaust land, which is carried out in accordance with the "main provisions on land reclamation, removal, conservation and rational use of the fertile soil layer". The forestry direction of the recultivation is conducted according to the "adjustment of the working draft of the reclamation project No. 5 of OJSC Mikhailovsky GOK. The total area of \u200b\u200brecultivated work is 694 hectares.

Handling production.
In terms of compliance with environmental legislation, when driving, the plant organized a separate collection of waste formed by their species, classes and physicochemical properties for further use as secondary raw materials, processing and accommodation. Accounting for the formed, temporarily placed and implemented waste is made. A plan of environmental protection measures provides for a decrease in waste generation, their secondary processing, rational use of land and mineral resources. The planned activities are aimed at improving the environmental situation in the area of \u200b\u200bactivity of the enterprise and the city as a whole.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state