
Distance from Septica to home. Sewerage outside the city - homemade septic tanks as an alternative to ready-made Los customized sewage facilities for multi-storey houses

The construction of the sewer system on any country site is a complex of complex work that implies not only pipe gasket, but also the installation of a cesspool or a ready-made septic. The SES permission is required. Without collecting a package of documents, it is not necessary to do. Why is it required? The problem is that it is possible to infect groundwater and the soer itself by drains and chemical waste. Incorrect cleaning of septicities by chemicals can lead to the emergence of various diseases, infection of the residential zone of the entire area. Therefore, before starting work, it is necessary to design the sewer, collect a package of documents and apply to the SES.

Before building the sewer system you need to make a project, then collect required documents And apply to the SES.

Package of documentation

Septic is an installation for accumulating and cleaning waste household waste. Not only liquid, but also solid waste, harmful gases, microorganisms are accumulated in the sewage tanks. Such installations need constant monitoring from SanEpidnadzor. This makes it possible to protect the soil waters from infection, prevent the spread of various diseases, getting the effluent in the residential area. For security reasons, both its own and others, it is necessary to obtain a corresponding permission to use the Septic.

How to get the resolution of the SES and where, what package of documentation will you need to collect? Among the main documents that will require the SES, it is worth noting:

  • the presence of a technical passport;
  • detailed scheme of the septic device, which will help draw up in the project organization;
  • project for residential facilities;
  • package of property documentation and structure;
  • detailed topological shooting of the entire site (it turns out in the relevant organization);
  • agreement with various organizations on the export of all liquid household waste.

After the documentation package is assembled, you can submit to the SES statement by. This is done either in the authorities of the SanEpidemiological station of the region or in the Organization for Protection ambient. It must be remembered that the application is made only with the documentation package. SES permits will have to wait about a month. There is another moment in for country sites. SES after installing a wastewater drive has the right to carry out planned and unscheduled inspections. Employees have the right to check the quality of wastewater and septic content.

Terms of location

It is impossible to simply put a septic tank or a cesspool on the plot, as any sewer system is a certain danger. If the resolution from the SES on the installation is obtained, you can start conducting an external sewage system. There are certain rules that regulate the distance from various objects, depth of holes and other conditions.

To obtain permission from epidemiological stations to place the Septic, you will have to choose the right place for the reservoir.

Today, SNiP 30-02-97 and SanPine 42-128-4690-88 have a whole list of location requirements for cesspools on the territory of the household:

  • wam drives must be located in the territory adjacent to the private house, the effluent is not allowed for the boundaries of the site without the appropriate connection and resolution;
  • the cesspool pit under the estates should be at a distance of 10 m from a waterway and 20 meters from the drinking well so that there is no infection with pure drinking water with household waste, chemistry and drains;
  • the distance from Septic to a residential building and other structures should be approximately 10-12 m. A closer location can lead to the flood flooding in spring time, the destruction of building structures;
  • from the septica to the fence should be a distance of 1 m;
  • the depth of the cesspool should not be more than 3 m, otherwise its maintenance will be difficult. At the bottom it will be constantly accomplished by a thick layer of sludge and solid precipitation.

Device options

Today you can establish various designs of cesspool for storage and partial processing of wastewater. It can be:

  • ordinary cesspools;
  • engineering systems for accumulation and partial processing and separation of mass wastewater.

The easiest option that appropriate permits is cesspool, which do not have an equipped bottom. They are constructed if the daily volume of wastewater, which is discharged from the residential building, is no more than 1 m³. The waste poles are suitable below the drinking water level so that water in the well is not infected with drains.

If you need to consider various parameters:

  • requirements at the location of the pit;
  • accounting of the type and properties of the soil at the installation site.

Norms and wells on one plot:

  • if on the clayey ground plot, it should be equal to 20 m;
  • for Suglinka - from 30 m;
  • for the sandy and sandy soil - from 50 m.

If the planned volume of operations per day is greater than 1 m³, it will have to refuse to refuse without the bottom in favor of concrete or brick pit, septicism of PVC or metal.

For an external sewer system of a private house, hermetic septicities are recommended, which are not only more convenient to use, but also differ in high reliability. Usually they are assembled by specialized stations. Sanpina for them are as follows:

  • the bottom of the pit during installation should be tilted toward the technological hatch, which is necessary for subsequent maintenance;
  • the place for installation is chosen in such a way that the septic tank is about 10 m from the residential building, and from the fencing of the site - 1 m;
  • a cesspool hermetic pit requires periodic cleaning with a special association machine.

Cost to pay attention to a number of tips who give specialists:

  • for the entrance of the special equipment, it is necessary to provide a spacious and comfortable place, so you do not need to hide septic in the far corner;
  • during the operation of the capacity, the formation of methane is possible, so it is recommended to equip the container with a special ventilation system. According to the requirements of the SanEpidemstation, it will have to provide for the presence of a vent pipe with a diameter of 10 cm. The height of the pipe over the level of the soil should be 60 cm.

Sourge of communications

Sanitary permit will have to receive not only on, but also all engineering communications that are near. There are certain locations on the placement on the pipe area:

  • reinforced concrete and asbetic pipes must be at a distance of 5 m and more than septic;
  • cast iron pipelines with a diameter of up to 200 mm must be at a distance of 1.5 m from the sewage of wastewater;
  • cast iron pipelines with a diameter of 200 mm can be at a distance of at least 3 m from the septic;
  • gas pipes can be located at a distance of 5 meters from the septic location.

When installing the septic panstone It is necessary to remember the observance of all sanitary standards and receiving the appropriate permit. Sanitary norms regulate the septic placement point, set the minimum distances for laying other communications on the site. Recoveed by the SES and the installation of the septica regarding the location of the residential building and other buildings. It is worth being prepared for both periodic tests of SanEpidem staff. But it is not worth it to this categorically, since all this is done for the security of you and others.

A rare country village or a partnership even near Moscow can boast the presence of a trunk water supply and sewage system, in the main owners of suburban real estate, it is necessary to independently acquire amenities. And in order not to run by waste of its own lively environment, including aquifer, the drainage systems have long grown out the simplest cesspools, turning into more advanced designs. On sale a lot of various sewage treatment plants and stations for wastewater treatment from mechanical impurities, but with all the effectiveness of their essential disadvantage is a solid value. Therefore, for many private owners, self-made devices are becoming the best option, which are well-deserved and among the craftsmen of FORUMHOUSE. Consider what septic tank, existing sanitary standards, system selection parameters and the most demanded varieties.


Septic is one of the elements of a complex autonomous (individual) system of cleaning of household wastewater intended for collecting, settling and cleansing wastewater. The accumulation and settling occurs in a hermetic capacity (when several cameras) or tanks, from sumps the drains fall into the filtration well or on the soil filtering fields (underground, overhead). The legislation is prohibited by the discharge of even outstanding and purified wastewater from the septica to open areas of the Earth. The system necessarily includes revision / clean wells and ventilation risers, the fans are excreted at the roof level to prevent the possibility of characteristic odors. Sustainers are periodically cleaned by the precipitation of the assessing machine, with a properly selected amount of septic, this procedure even with constant accommodation in the house is required no more than once a year, and even for several years.

Sanitary I. construction norms and rules and standards regulating the location, design and construction of septic

Until recently, the main regulatory documentsconcerning septicists and stations Biological protection was slopes and Sanpins, designed at the end of the last century and the beginning of the current:

  • SNiP No. 2.04.03-85 (recommendatory character), SP 32.13330.2012 (valid standard) - the parameters of the organization of external sewage networks and structures.
  • SNiP 2.04.04-84 and SNiP 2.04.01-85 - the parameters of the organization of the internal and external water pipeline (outside the city most often water supply from the well and well, and some provisions intersect with the rules of the organization of septicists).
  • Sanpin - Protection of surface waters.
  • Sanpin 2.2.1 / - Septics are ranked ecologically dangerous objects, this set of rules regulates the creation around protective zones.

Last year, a new standard for the organization of autonomous sewer with septices and soil (underground) sewage filtering was adopted - one hundred nostroy 2.17.176-2015. Now this is the main document containing the rules for design and installation, as well as the requirements for the results of work.

For the location of sewage treatment plants relative to other objects, the following rules apply:

  • Between septic and house - 5 meters.
  • Between the septic and water intake (well, well) - at least 20 meters, if there is no connection between the aquifer and the filtering field through the soil with a high filtering ability, from 50 to 80 meters, if the segment is driving, sandy or sampling soils.
  • Between the septic and the roadboard - 5 meters.
  • Between the septic and the border of the site - 4 meters.
  • Between septic and trees - 3 meters (to shrubs 1 meter).
  • There is 10 meters between septic and reservoir with running water (stream, river) - 10 meters.
  • Between septic and reservoir with standing water (lake, pond) - 30 meters.
  • Between the septic and underground gas mainstream - 5 meters.

The main working characteristic of the septic, on which the performance of its work will depend on, the effectiveness of wastewater and the frequency of pumping, is the volume. It is calculated, based on the number of households, the daily rate of consumption and the capacity of the structure. According to sanitary standards, one person consumes 200 liters per day (0.2 mᶟ). The bandwidth is the capacity of sumps with a three-day reserve, plus a small increase for bottom sediments. In order to work normally, a septic for a family of four is required volume of 2.7 mᶟ (0.2x4x3 + 0.3 \u003d 2.7). The volume of all cameras is calculated, but from the bottom to the level of overflow pipes. To progress, it is worth adding to a volley reset or the arrival of relatives and make the volume a little more settlement, as the super-moderator of our portal forum advises.

Vadim (SPB) Super Moderator Forumhouse.

There are three cubes for four people.

Selection parameters

If the arrangement of individual treatment facilities is regulated by the standards, and the volume is selected depending on the amount of waste, then what kind of septic tank, the system of the system and the method of organizing soil filtration depends, first of all, on the level of groundwater (AGE) and bandwidth (filtering) soil ability. With a low, virtually any, composite or monolithic structures are allowed. But if the soil has a weak bandwidth (clay soil), then an increase in the area of \u200b\u200bthe filtering field is necessary, the length of the filtration tunnel or the drainage cushion layer under the filtration well.

If the cov is high, then the use of only monolithic septic tanks (zb, plastic containers) with several cameras and an additional hermetic drive is permissible. From the drive, by means of a float drainage pump, the defined drains will flow on the bulk field of filtration (cassette and tunnel infiltrates are used). Underground filtering directly from the septicism in a situation with a close run of the ripper is unacceptable.

Ladomir Moderator Forumhouse

It is necessary that the distance from the bottom of the filtering structure to groundwater was at least a meter.

Survived varieties of homemade septic

Among the participants of our portal are the most in demand by three homosexuals:

  • From concrete rings;
  • Monolithic reinforced concrete;
  • Plastic (from Eurocube).

Concrete rings septic design

When it makes it possible, most members of the members of the forum gives preference to concrete rings, from which two hermetic chambers and a filtration well are collected, connected with overflow pipes. In order to be the most impermeable design, the rings with a firm connection are selected, they are not only more resistant to possible shifts of soil, but also to achieve the tightness of such a seam easier. Use outer and inner waterproofing with bitumen primers or solutions based on the CPS with the addition of liquid glass. There are two variants of the camera location - consistent and combined.

In the first, sumps are placed in each other, and the FC is on a small distance, each has its own neck and an audit cover. The optimal scheme of the device septicity of this type was developed in one of the participant with Nick Matrasmsa. With moderator Ladomir.

Matrasmsa. User forumhouse.

A plot of 40x60 meters with a slope, the bath / guest house is being built, there are three people on weekends and sometimes guests will continue to be a house for permanent residence. The cov is low, it is problematic to get to the water, a well depth of 88 meters, according to neighbors, soil loam. Septicka I plan such: the first and second well of three rings (1.5 m diameter) with a concrete bottom, the third well is the same, but the bottom of the soil.

In the course of the discussion, the following type recommendations were given on the device.


  • A direct tee dresses into the septic tank, the lower part is plugged into the drains by 15-30 cm, similarly on the output.
  • The exit from the septicism is 5-10 cm below than the entrance to it, is measured along the bottom tray of the pipes.
  • Overflow between the chambers is made at a depth of 0.4 m from the height of the effluent post in the septic.
  • The height of the effluent in septic is the distance from the bottom to the lower tray of the septicity of the pipe.
  • The pipe included in the filter well does not need to be equipped with a tee, it is displayed in such a way that the drains fall into the center of FC.
  • Under the filtering well, a gravel / rubble slope is made, a thickness of 0.3-0.5 m and a sprinkle on the sides, layer to 0.2 m.

Combined septic tank (design A. Yegorysheva) is compact, due to the location of sumps and FC triangle and is suitable for small areas. All wells are closed with deaf caps in which audit holes are cut, the total neck (serving well) is installed on top, the fans are output via the serving well. To prevent the differences between sumps, a concrete slab with a hole under the FC is poured on the bottom, under the plate, the drainage pillow (filtering cassette) is falling asleep, 10 cm thick, on a double layer of geotextile.

On our portal, this scheme suggested the craftsman with nickname s_E_S_H.By laying out the design and similar construction process in the year in 2009, "alive" to this day, which proves the relevance of systems such as a principle of operation.

s_E_S_H. User forumhouse.

The requirements for the septic, taking into account the standards and needs of the family, the following were:

  • Good cleaning of household wastewater at the exit of septic.
  • Volume sufficient for permanent residence The house has 3-4 people (bath, shower, 3 sinks, washing and dishwasher, 2 toilet).
  • Winter operation.
  • Reliable design with the possibility of easy maintenance of the septica itself and underwater communications.
  • Neat and imperceptible final appearance.
  • Minimal cash costs.

As a result, an economical design was invented without prejudice to functionality.

However, both options are suitable for sections with low level Groundwater, with a high coal, no matter how insulating the wells, there is a danger of their flooding of the rigor and pollution of the plot of wastewater.

Work septicity from reinforced concrete

The monolithic reinforced concrete septic tanks can be used at any levels, there will differ only on the location of filtration facilities. Allow difficulties with a cup of recovery is difficult, but you can.

researcher. User forumhouse.

Kotlovan to faster, turning to the tractor, on the one hand, digs on the bucket wider and deeper by half the meter than the bottom of the main pit under the septic tank (it seems), a conventional drainage pump is installed there. All water from the main pittle calmly migrates in the pit and from there is pumped up with a pump and poured meters for 25-30. At the time of work in the pit, fillings and processing the hardened concrete, the hydrophobizers of this solution just enough.

Otherwise, the process is typical - formwork, reinforcing frame, fill with the addition of modifier to the solution, waterproofing (internal and outer). The monolithic design with a low corner chose a portal member Rybnik.

Rybnik User forumhouse.

From the foundation to the rotary well (PC) - 1.4 m, the PC itself has dimensions of 1x1 m, from a PC to septic trench, a length of 7.5 m, a width of 40 cm and a depth of 1 m. The pipe will enter the septic tank at a depth of 85 cm from Surfaces (taking into account the slope 2 cm per meter). Also in the Septik will enter the second trumpet (from the house). Next, the septica is released pipe of clarified water, which will be held 23 m along the fence and enter the filter well with dimensions of 1.5x1,5x4 m.

For the reinforcement frame, rods with a diameter of 8 mm were used, limiters (frogs) were bent, for filling cement M500 (intended as for concreting underwater structures in a fresh medium), a special additive that reduces the permeability of concrete. As a formwork sheets of a flat slate. The details of the process and the phased photo report - in the subject

How does the septicist differ from the cesspool? What advantages does it provide? What septic tank is better for home in terms of minimizing expenses? Let's deal with.

What it is

How the cesspool is arranged, imagining it is not difficult. It seems to be a hermetic concrete or isolation from the soil in a different way of a capacity that needs periodic pumping.

To utilize the entire volume of household drains, it is necessary to call an arrangement machine every time. The cost of pumping 4 of the drain cubes is from 800 to 1200 rubles, which in terms of monthly volumes gives a very noticeable article of the family budget expenditures.

We will be realistic: cesspools are often intentionally made by leakage.
This is a gross violation of sanitary - epidemiological requirements; Nevertheless, sewage filtering through the ground-based bottom is capable of significantly reduced the costs of the association.

However, even in a clear illegal disposal scheme of liquid effluents there is a clear drawback. The ground bottom with time is inevitably styled with a drop in the absorbency of the surface.

The fact is that wastewater, despite its name, contain both solid factions - feces, nutritional waste, sand, detergents (they contain a large percentage of fat and turn into a viscous and sufficiently dense mass on the sewage walls and the bottom of the cesspool) and etc.

Septicles for the house allow you to divide the waste disposal process into two consecutive process:

  1. Initially, wastewater gets rid of most of the solid fractions. An organic and inorganic compounds accumulate in the septica in the form of the sludge and periodically (about once a year, and even less often) are removed by the assessing agents.
  2. The remaining relatively clean water is safely absorbed into the ground, creating a minimum of problems with casing.

How it works

Let's figure it out in the general principles of wastewater treatment in septic.

What happens with runoff?

  • From the house, they are self-seed in the primary sump - a camera, where, under the action of the difference in density, mechanical separation is carried out. Heavy fractions are settled on the bottom, the lungs pop up and form a crust on the surface. Vital activity of anaerobic bacteria contributes to the processing of organic compounds into volatile hydrocarbons (primarily methane) and water.
  • A special form overflow selects a standing water just below the surface level. Neither heavy fractions nor the crust go beyond the first chamber.
  • Past overflows are falling on soil filtering.
    How can it be carried out?
    • The most compact solution is the filter well. With an essence, it's just a pit with perforated walls and a soil bottom. The drainage layer at the bottom and outside the walls allows you to increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe absorbent surface to the maximum; In addition, it significantly slows down the casing (yes, it is still possible, although in a much longer period).

The space behind the walls of the well is filled with drainage - brick fighting.

    • Where the soils have a low absorption capacity, the filtering field is used. A multi-ditch or a small depth of free from the buildings is free from the buildings, but a significant area.
      Drainage (perforated) pipes or infiltrates are fitted with a thickness of 10 centimeters with a thickness of 10 centimeters - special uncomplicated devices to compensate for volley discharges, externally resembling inverted troughs. From above, they fall asleep with rubble and covered with soil.
    • Finally, in the case when the soil practically does not absorb water, a somewhat modified version of the filtering field is constructed. Drainage pipes are stacked on two levels with a difference in height of 30-70 centimeters. Their frustration is performed by sand.
      Through the top-level pipes, the drains are fed; Through the lower system of drainage pipes, the filtered water is discharged into a ditch or to the nearby reservoir.

Additions and improvements

One of the main problems of the described work scheme septica is a relatively low degree of wastewater treatment.

Are there ways to improve it?

  1. Camera - settling can be several. In fact, than them more, the more clean water at the exit.

However: the price of better cleaning is the need to remove il from the corresponding number of cameras.

  1. Aeration of one or more cameras - a method for increasing the degree of purification used in factoryly producing deep biological cleaning stations. This is how typical septicchka for an apartment building works: dispose of partially peeled drains with a daily volume of several dozen cubic meters without prejudice to the environment, to put it mildly, problematic.
    Due to what aeration improves cleaning?
    • When saturated with sewage with oxygen, aerobic bacteria are sharply activated. They are much more voracious compared to the anaerobic and are able to absorb during the same time more organic matter. To provide them with maximum contact with pollution and air, in the aeration chamber is usually used filling with a developed surface - the rams, complex shape plastic floats, etc.
    • Oxygen at the same time sharply accelerates the processes of oxidation of surface-active substances that are part of detergents, and products of partial processing by bacteria organic compounds.
  2. Sustainers of non-volatile (without coercive aeration) of septicists are often forcibly furnished with bacterial cultures, more aggressive than the naturally arising. As a rule, after a single shock dose of a bacterial preparation with an interval of 1 - 3 months, supporting portions are made.

Thanks to all the measures described, it is achieved not only higher (up to 98 percent) the degree of waste purification, but also a significant reduction in the number of yals.

Now, when general principles The design of the septicism is clear, the reader will easily adapt the available materials and build a self-made design with minimal costs.

However, before giving more specific advice, we give a few more general recommendations.

  • The amount of septicity should accommodate at least three-day drains. Otherwise, the continuous mixing of the incoming flow will prevent separation.
  • On the horizontal section, the minimum distance from the filtering well or the filtering field to the house is 5 meters. What is the manual? With the fact that with a closer place, the water filtering through the ground will fill the foundation.
  • If your site is located on the slope, septic tank and the filter well are built down the slope from the house. The reason is the same: otherwise the drains of the aquifers can get to the foundation.
  • The minimum distance from the water intake from the upper aquifer to the filtering well or the filtering field is 50 meters.

  • All pipes are laid with a constant water supply slope. For a pipe with a diameter of 110 millimeters, it is 2 cm for a temporon meter.
  • The simplest way to build overflow, selecting water below the level of floating on the surface of the crust - put on the pipe between the septic seams septic tee. It is oriented vertically, the average tap for water. The lower removal prevents the peel into the overflow of the crust, the upper serves to clean.
  • Ventilation is necessary for all cameras - simply because fermentation will go throughout the accessible amount of effluent. It is better to rent 1.5 - 2 meters from the surface of the soil.

Materials and schemes

What exactly can the septic tank be built for home?

The cheapest scheme is the cheapest - monolithic reinforced concrete container. It is poured directly in the pit; The walls of the pit, blocked by waterproofing, serve as part of the formwork. Capacity is divided by internal partitions to an arbitrary number of cameras.

If not only costs are critical, but also time, the septic cameras can be built from reinforced concrete rings. Down the ring with the bottom; The seams between adjacent rings are thoroughly waterproof. The filter well can be made of rings with factory perforation.

Alternative to concrete - brick or ceramic blocks. In this case, you will be delighted with the need to form a formwork. Septic cameras are flat; In the filter well in the masonry are leaving.

In the photo - a filtering well of a brick in the construction process.

Do you want to install a septic tank in the house? More precisely, in the subfield? When using a large-scale polyethylene container, it is possible. Outside the foundation, there are already defined water, which can be used for irrigation or direct in the filtering field under the beds.

Nuance: still have to, so the container should be placed as close to the door or hatch in the underground.


As you can see, a wide variety of materials and solutions can be used to facilitate home septic. Perhaps the video in this article will tell you a couple of unusual ideas. Successes!

Apartment houses S.waterflow and sewer in a special facility pit-septic. Who serves the system (drainage, sewage, pit is septic)? Whose property and who carries the costs - management company or vodokanal?

Dispute between managing Company and enterprise
"Vodokanal" on the issue of export of liquid household waste,
the rules of export and determining responsibility for the consequences
assigning the facilities (septicism) to the collective property of the MCD.


Residential buildings technologically have a system of drainage and sewage to a special facility pit-septic. This system does not have common points of connection with the central, urban wastewater and sewage system and cannot be considered as a zone of operational responsibility of the Vodokanal enterprise. This system is a structure that provides technological functions of residential buildings (water disposal and sewage) and cannot be considered as a separate engineering structure without direct interconnection with these objects and is a local engineering structure.

In this case, references to the definition of the area of \u200b\u200boperational responsibility defined in paragraph 8 of Part 1 "Rules for the mainstater content in apartment house"Approved by the Government Decree Russian Federation from August 13, 2006 № 491 (Further, Resolution No. 491) - on the outer border of the wall of the apartment building, is not legitimate for the attitude towards this situation. Here, the situation of assigning the specified property to collective property is considered. So, according to paragraph 2 of Part 1 of the Resolution No. 491, the composition of generalic property includes:

a) premises in an apartment building that are not parts of apartments and intended for servicing more than one residential and (or) non-residential premises In this apartment building, including inter-weltering staircases, stairs, elevators, elevator and other mines, corridors, wheelchairs, attics, technical floors (including built-in householders built-in garages and road vehicles, workshops, technical attics) and technical basements in which there are engineering Communication, other serving more than one residential and (or) non-residential premises in an apartment building equipment (including boiler rooms, boiler, elevator nodes and other engineering equipment);

g) other facilities intended for maintenance, operation and improvement of an apartment building, including transformer substations, thermal points intended for servicing one apartment building, collective parking lots, garages, children's and sports grounds located within the borders land plotwhere there is a multi-apartment building.

Considering the foregoing, we recommend that you resume contractual relations with the Vodokanal enterprise on the export of waste from the septica or renew the contract with a different specialized organization that has permit documentation for such activities, since in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, responsibility for the consequences that may occur Due to the late export of waste, completely lies on your organization, the responsibility of which includes the timely technical measures for the operation of these residential buildings. I propose to adopt immediate action to normalize the specified situation.

Topaero is a new product line of the Topol-Eco Group of Companies, with a capacity from 3 to 32 m³ / day, which corresponds to models from "Topas-15" and above. Moreover, if we proceed from such an important parameter, like a volley flow, then the Topaero line this indicator begins with 1000 liters, which approximately corresponds to "Topas-20".

Modification "Topaero" allowed no change in the volume of the installation to achieve an increase in the possible salvo tributary in the clock of the greatest water consumption. This feature allows you to choose "Topaero" smaller daily performance than "Topp" where the selection is complicated by the presence of several large devices (jacuzzi, font) and high likely to simultaneously use them.

In Topaero, in contrast to the "Topa", when the receiving chamber is overflowed by wastewater, the additional mode is activated. The top layer of water from the receiving chamber enters the sump of the corridor type, the clarified water is sent to the aerotane. Unlike inappropriate wastewater entering the aerotane in the usual mode, clarified (after pre-settling) water has a smaller BOD. In this case, the qualitative indicators of purified wastewater do not deteriorate. The new electrical part in Topaero will save the connection time and increase the reliability of the aeration station.

Internal device of the sewage treatment plant "Topaero"

Name of compartments

  • A- reception camera
  • B-aerotheck
  • V- secondary reassureer
  • G-sump ILA (stabilizer)
  • Corridian type d-

internal organization

  • 1- Filter of large fractions
  • 2- main pump
  • 3- Circulation pump
  • 4- peak pump
  • 5- Aerotenka pump
  • 6-dispensary box
  • 7- Box for connecting the station
  • 8- moisture proof outlet
  • 9- Inclusion button
  • 10- Zhirovitel
  • 11- Warmed cover
  • 12 - air distributors
  • 13- Work float
  • 14- peak float
  • 15- Compressor

Where is it advisable to apply "Topaero"?

In low-rise construction, with a small number of apartments and high degrees of their improvement, highly volley tributaries in the morning and evening hours. For the most part, this new construction and everywhere installed counters for water, and therefore water consumption per resident is 120-160 liters per day. As a rule, in each apartment there is a bath or a jacuzzi, in addition to which there is a shower. In the morning and evening hours, all residents are actively used by water, and in the sewer in a short time there is a large amount of drain.

For example: in the 5-Aparted Townhouse (3.5 * 5 \u003d 14), 14 inhabitants live. Each apartment has a bath, shower, washbasin, toilet, washing machine, washing and dishwasher. Total: 7 devices using cold water and 5 devices using hot.

Holding on SNIP 2.04.01-85 We obtain the daily flow rate of 3.5 m³ and hour 1.22 m³. We cannot apply the suitable in the daily flow rate of Topas-20, since its volley performance is 1 m³, and the use of Toppa-30 is economically inexpedient.

Conclusion: Apply "Topaero-4" (4 m³ per day, 1.25 m³ per hour)

When using local sewage treatment plants for hostels and working towns, the problem of volley discharges in the evening hours is also keen. It adds over the overpopulation of such drainage objects and the lack of monitoring the state of waterborne reinforcement.

In sanatoriums and recreation homes, kitchens and dining rooms have high time spending water. If earlier it was necessary to use an averaged or select the installation of greater performance, then with the appearance of Topaero, this problem was solved.

Topaero sewage treatment plants

sewerage for cottage settlements

we will help with the choice!

big Construction - Big Station - Topaero Your choice

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