
Sbc fencing of the territory. SBC “Reference book of base prices for design work for construction. Urban engineering structures and communications. Methodology for determining the cost of the main design work for integrated landscaping


SBTSP 81 - 2001-01


Official edition, revised and enlarged

Moscow 2010

State estimated standard"Reference book of base prices for design work in construction" Territorial planning and territorial planning "is intended to determine the cost of developing territorial planning documentation, master plans for settlements, urban districts and territorial planning projects, plans for land management, sanitary protection zones, landscaping of parks, gardens, squares, drainage systems to protect against flooding

DEVELOPED Open joint stock company Center for Scientific and Methodological Support of Engineering Support for Investments in Construction (OJSC CENTRINVEST-project) with the participation of the St. Petersburg State Unitary Enterprise Project Institute for the Design of Urban Engineering Structures Lengiproinzhproekt (State Unitary Enterprise Lengiproinzhproekt).

APPROVED BY: Ministry of Regional Development Russian Federation Order No. 260 dated May 28, 2010

REGISTERED: The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, registration No. 18439 dated September 14, 2010

1. General Provisions

1.1. The State Estimated Standard "Guide of base prices for design work in construction" Territorial planning and territorial planning "(hereinafter referred to as the Guide) is intended to determine the cost of developing territorial planning documentation, master plans of settlements, urban districts and territorial planning projects, plans of land and economic structure, sanitary protection zones, landscaping of parks, gardens, squares, structures of drainage systems to protect against flooding (hereinafter referred to as urban planning documentation).

1.2. Base prices in the Handbook are set depending on the natural indicators of design objects (thousand sq. Km; hectares; thousand people).

1.3. Base prices in the Development Guide urban planning documentation installed in accordance with the scope of work stipulated by the current legislation.

1.4. The prices in the Guide are set for the conditions of performing work in one stage.

1.5. When using this Handbook, one should be guided by the Guidelines for the Application of Reference Price Guides for Design Work for Construction, approved by order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation No. 620 dated December 29, 2009 "On Approval of the Guidelines for the Application of Reference Price Guides for Design Work in Construction" (registered By the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation 03/23/2010, registration No. 166B6), Bulletin of normative acts of federal executive bodies, 2010, No. 16) (hereinafter - Methodological instructions).

1.6. The level of prices contained in the tables of the Reference is established as of 01.01.2001, excluding value added tax.

1.7. The basic prices of the Guide, in addition to the works listed in paragraph 1.3.6 of Section 1 of the Methodological Instructions, do not take into account the costs of making layouts, tablets, panoramas, perspectives, sweeps, fragments of development and improvement.

1.8. Coefficients affecting the increase in the labor intensity of the development of urban planning documentation provided for in tables No. 1 - 3 are given in table 8.

If there are two or more complicating factors, the coefficients are applied for each factor.

If it is necessary to carry out a separate assignment for the design of the layout of city highways and transport hubs, the specified work can be evaluated according to the indicators of tables No. 2 - 3 with a reduction factor for the amount of work.

1.9. When determining the base price for the design of objects according to table No. 5 of this Handbook, the following features must be taken into account:

When designing parks, gardens, squares, boulevards on terrain with a surface slope of less than 0.005 (0.5%) or more than 0.05 (5%), exceeding 30% of the planned territory in area, coefficient 1 is applied to the prices of items 1 - 7 of the table ,1;

When designing on a territory greened over 30% of the area, a coefficient of 1.1 is applied to the prices of items 1 - 7 of the table;

The prices of items 1 - 7 of the table do not take into account the work on taxation of existing plantings.

1.10. When determining the base price of a project of a land-economic device on a scale of 1: 5000 according to table No. 6 of this Handbook, a coefficient of 1.2 is applied to the prices.

1.11. The base prices in table 7 of this Handbook are given for the design of structures for engineering protection of urban areas against flooding by groundwater - drainage systems as part of horizontal, vertical, combined, beam drainages, a regime network of observation wells.

1.12. Base prices in table 7 of this Handbook are given for one drainage system. The drainage system is a set of drains and drainage collectors that have an independent gravity or forced (with the help of a drainage pumping station) drainage water drainage.

1.13. The boundaries of the drainage systems are established along the line where this system provides the required depth of the groundwater level within the contour of the protected area.

1.14. If there are several drainage systems in the protected area, the cost of designing each system is determined separately.

1.15. Basic prices are given for three categories of difficulty according to one of the following criteria:

One- and two-story urban development, parks, flat sports facilities; lack of influence of the reservoir; uncomplicated geological and hydrogeological conditions (homogeneous rock mass, aquifer homogeneous in terms of permeability,) -1 category;

Multi-storey urban development; one-sided influence of the reservoir; geological and hydrogeological conditions of medium complexity (two-layer strata of rocks with heterogeneous water permeability) - II category;

Industrial sites; bilateral influence of the reservoir; complex geological and hydrogeological conditions (multilayer strata of rocks with heterogeneous water permeability) - III category.

1.16. Base prices in Table 7 of this Handbook are given for objects of the I category of design complexity. For objects of II and III categories of complexity, the design cost is determined using increasing factors equal to 1.25 and 1.4, respectively.

1.17. When designing drainage systems using vacuum, ventilation, pneumatic injection and other similar types of drainage, the cost of design work is determined at reduced prices with a design complexity category one unit higher, established by paragraph 1.15 of this Handbook.

1.18. The prices of table No. 7 of this Handbook do not include the design cost:

Special structures and types of work;

Discharge gravity pipeline of drainage water outside the protected area;

Drainage pumping stations with networks and engineering facilities;

Drainage collector tunnels arranged closed way, shaft wells of beam drainages;

Drainage water disposal;

Drainage structures of rain sewerage;

Anti-seepage curtains devices;

Elimination of leaks from water supply and sewerage networks and structures;

Drainages of detached buildings and structures;

Ensuring the stability of drainage structures erected on soft soils (pile foundations, soil cushions, etc.);

Crossings under roads, railways and other obstacles (structures) carried out in closed ways.

1.19. The cost of designing a regime network of observation wells, performed outside the complex of engineering protection of urban areas from flooding, is determined at the prices of table No. 7 of this Handbook, taking into account the design complexity category with a reduction factor, the value of which is set in accordance with the complexity of the work as agreed with the customer.

2. Base prices for the development of urban planning documentation

1. Basic prices for the development of urban planning documentation are determined by the formulas:


"a" and " v"- constant values ​​for a certain interval of the natural indicator;

NS- natural indicator.

K i

WITH- the base price of urban planning documentation in current prices;

C 01- base price of urban planning documentation in prices as of 01.01.2001;

K i- coefficient reflecting inflationary processes at the time of determining the base price for the development of urban planning documentation;

2. The base price of the land-surveying project is determined according to the price indicators shown in table No. 3 of this Handbook, with a decreasing coefficient of up to 0.4.

Table No. 1. Territorial planning




Territorial planning of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and its municipalities with a territory area, thousand sq. Km

thousand sq. km

over 5 up to 10

over 10 up to 25

over 25 up to 50

over 50 up to 100

over 100 up to 200

over 200 up to 300

over 300 up to 400

over 400 up to 500

over 500 up to 600

over 600 up to 700

Table No. 2. Master plans of settlements and urban districts

Name of urban planning documentation

Unit of measurement of the main indicator of the object

Constant values ​​of the base price for the development of urban planning documentation thousand rubles.




General plans of settlements and urban districts with a population size, thousand people

over 5 up to 10

over 10 up to 25

over 25 up to 50

over 50 up to 100

over 100 up to 200

over 200 up to 300

over 300 up to 400

over 400 up to 500

over 500 up to 600

over 600 up to 700

over 700 up to 800

Table No. 3. Projects of planning of territories

Name of urban planning documentation

Unit of measurement of the main indicator of the object

Constant values ​​of the base price for the development of urban planning documentation thousand rubles.

Territory planning project for the area of ​​the projected territory, hectares

over 0.5 to 5

over 5 up to 10

over 10 up to 15

over 15 up to 20

over 20 up to 25

over 25 up to 50

Table No. 4. Perspective plan of city greening

Base price thousand rubles. with a projected population of thous.

Perspective plan of city greening


Architectural and planning solutions

Dendrological composition of plantations

Landscaping agrotechnics

Scope, sequence and cost of green building works

The volume and cost of work on the operation of green spaces

Organization of landscaping works

Organization of the production base

Table 5 Parks, gardens, squares, boulevards. Sanitary protection zones (architectural and planning solution, landscaping)

Design object name

Unit of measurement of the main indicator of the object

Constant values ​​of the base price for the development of the design and working documentation, thousand roubles.



Parks, gardens, squares, boulevards,

over 1 to 5

over 5 up to 10

over 10 up to 25

over 25 up to 50

over 50 up to 100

over 100 up to 200

Sanitary protection zones with an area, hectares

over 50 up to 100

over 100 up to 200

over 200 up to 500

over 500 up to 1000

Table No. 6 Plan of land and economic structure

Design object name

Base price thousand rubles. at the territory, hectares

Land management plan (M 1: 10000)


Distribution of lands by land users

Organization of green spaces

Land use for agricultural production

Engineering measures scheme

Road development scheme

Security the environment

Table No. 7 Constructions of drainage systems to protect urban areas from flooding

Design object name

Unit of measurement of the main indicator of the object

Constant values ​​of the base price for the development of design and working documentation, thousand rubles




Drainage system with protection area, ha

over 2 up to 10

over 10 up to 50

over 50 up to 200

over 200 up to 500

Table No. 8. Increasing coefficients to prices for the development of urban planning documentation

Factors affecting the complexity of design

Price ratio

Number of urban settlements over 20

Availability big city or an agglomeration with a population of over 0.5 million.

The presence of industrial mineral deposits

Presence of dangerous natural and man-made processes, zones of possible natural disasters

Availability of resort and recreational areas, zones, etc.

The presence of unfavorable natural conditions requiring complex measures for the engineering preparation of the territory

The presence of significant (over 20%) areas under reconstruction

Difficult ecological situation, limitations of historical buildings, protected landscape

Table No. 9. Recommended approximate relative cost of urban planning documentation development (as a percentage of the base price)

Name of the type of urban planning documentation

Parts of the documentation

Comprehensive assessment of the territory (leadership, coordination, organization)

Engineering solutions for the preparation of the territory

Architectural planning


Legal and sociological

Protection and improvement of the environment


Engineering equipment and landscaping

Safety (including engineering protection against hazardous technogenic processes (OPTP))

to table 1

Territorial planning of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, municipalities

to table 2

Master plans of settlements and urban districts

to table 3

Territory planning project

Table No. 10. Recommended approximate relative cost of development of design and working documentation (as a percentage of the base price)

Design object name

Master plan and transport

Layout layout drawings

Dendrological plan

Landing and center drawings of landscaping

Vertical layout

Road network


Construction estimate

to table 5

Parks, gardens, squares, boulevards

Sanitary protection zones

Table 11. Recommended approximate relative cost of development of project documentation (as a percentage of the base price)

Design object name

Hydraulic engineering part

Construction estimate

to table 7

Drainage system

Table No. 12. Recommended approximate relative cost of working documentation development (as a percentage of the base price)

Design object name

Hydraulic engineering part

Technical and economic indicators

Environmental protection

Bill of material and equipment specification

Construction organization project

Construction estimate

to table 7

Drainage system

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The government of Moscow
Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning of the City of Moscow

base prices for design work on complex improvement
territories (parks, gardens, squares, boulevards, etc.)



"The collection of base prices for design work on the complex improvement of territories (parks, gardens, squares, boulevards, etc.) MRR-" was developed by a temporary creative team of leading specialists of the State Unitary Enterprise "NIATs" of the Moskomarkhitektura (I.L.Dronova, B A. Kurman, E. A. Igoshin) and State Unitary Enterprise “Mosproekt-3” (V. I. Parfenov, V. M. Bodunov, E. E. Kostryukova).

"Collection" is intended to determine the cost of design work for those types of improvement that are not reflected in the corresponding section of the "Collection of base prices for design work for construction in the city of Moscow.MPR-».

"Collection of base prices for design work on integrated landscaping (parks, gardens, squares, boulevards, etc.) MRR-" 09.03.2007 No. 3.


In the “Collection of basic prices for design work on the complex improvement of territories (parks, gardens, squares, boulevards, etc.).MPR-3.2.14-05"(Hereinafter" Collection ")" defines the conditions and rules for the formation of base prices for design work on the improvement of territories on the basis of natural indicators (hectares, thousand sq. M., R.m., pcs., Etc.) with taking into account the labor costs of developers.

The cost of the main design work for the improvement on the territory of residential development of a microdistrict, a quarter, an urban development complex is determined in accordance with section 3.2 of the “Collection of base prices for design work for construction in the city of Moscow. MPR- ".

In this "Collection", basic prices have been developed for those types of design work on the improvement that are not included in the cost of residential development.

In the "Collection" base prices are developed for the improvement of the following objects and types of work:

City objects (parks, gardens, squares, boulevards, etc.);

Significant urban spaces (recreation areas, water protection zones, closed objects);

Special zones (squares, highways, exhibitions);

Small forms of architecture.

"Sbornik" does not provide basic prices for work on the complex improvement of the territories of the historical center of Moscow, monuments cultural heritage(historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation and specially protected natural areas. The cost of work on the complex improvement of such territories should be determined in accordance with the “Collection of base prices for design work for construction in the city of Moscow.MPR-».

When developing the "Collection", the following legal acts of the Moscow Government and design regulations were used:

- "On the improvement of the regulatory and methodological base in the design in Moscow" dated 05.04.1996 No. 415-RZP;

- "On the activities for the formation regulatory framework complex improvement in the city of Moscow "dated 10.07.2001 No. 642-PP;

- "On the comprehensive improvement of Moscow: color, architectural lighting, landscape architecture" dated 26.11.1996 No. 940-RZP;

- "On the General Scheme of the Integrated Improvement of the City of Moscow" dated 02.09.2003 No. 746-PP;

- "On the General scheme of flower decoration of the city of Moscow" dated January 14, 2003 No. 8-PP;

- “Collection of basic prices for design work for construction in Moscow.MPR-»;

- "Collection of prices for design work for construction." Gosgrazhdanstroy. Section 40. M. 1990;

Decorative coloristic design of facades of buildings and structures. The cost of these design works is determined in accordance with the "Recommendations for determining the cost of the project of architectural coloristics of the facades of buildings and structures in Moscow. МРР- ";

Arrangement and improvement of various water structures (fountains, reservoirs, pools, etc.). The cost of these design works is calculated in accordance with the “Procedure for determining the cost of designing fountains in the conditions of Moscow (2nd edition). MPR- ";

Placement of small architectural forms and urban furniture (table 4.1), including:

Placement of elements of visual information (billboards, signs, etc.);

Placement of works of monumental and decorative art (including decorative, associative, play sculpture).

Rehabilitation of natural complexes.

1.3. The base price for design work on complex improvement is calculated as of 01.01.2000 based on natural indicators, taking into account the labor costs of developers.

1.4. The base price is calculated for the "Detailed design" stage with the coefficient K r.p. = 1, the distribution of its value by design stages is carried out in accordance with the “Collection of base prices for design work for construction in the city of Moscow.MPR-».

1.5. The base prices of this "Collection" include the following types of basic design works for the improvement:

Master plan;

Layout layout drawings;


Landing and center drawings of landscaping;

Vertical layout - relief organization; road network;

Drains (storm drains);

Outdoor Lighting;

Organization of construction (POS);

Estimated documentation.

The relative distribution of the cost of the main design work for the improvement is given in.

1.6. Improvement of large areas, such as parks, recreation areas, water protection zones, closed objects, city highways,

exhibitions may include the development of fragments of the territory, functional zones in accordance with the design assignment. The cost of fragments, functional zones is determined for each of them, depending on the size of their territory with a coefficient for the scope of work and with a coefficient of 1.2 for the scale M - 1: 200; M - 1: 100; M - 1:50.

1.7. To determine the cost of designing complex improvement works, it is proposed to apply correction factors to the base price, taking into account the complicating (simplifying) factors that affect the complexity of the design (see Table 1.1).

When several coefficients are applied, their values ​​are multiplied, and the product must not exceed 2.0.

1.8. The base price, refined using corrective factors, is the basis for the formation of the contractual price.

1.9. Bringing the base price (as of 01.01.2000) to the current level is carried out using the coefficients of recalculation (inflationary change) of the base design cost, approved by the Interdepartmental Council on Pricing Policy in Construction under the Moscow Government (K per).

For objects of the city order, when determining the cost of design work, the standard for the cost of design products of the city order is applied N r / 3 Department approved economic policy and the development of the city of Moscow.

1.10. In the cost of design work, determined in accordance with the "Collection", the following associated costs are not taken into account and are subject to additional payment by the customer (subject to the inclusion of these works in the design assignment):

Architectural and artistic lighting;

Coloristic design of facades of buildings and structures;

Arrangement and improvement of water structures (fountains, pools, reservoirs);

Transfer and laying engineering networks;

Development of retaining walls, engineering structures, sports and recreation areas, taxation of green spaces;

Expenses for the purchase of standard documentation for buildings and industrial products provided for the design of facilities;

Travel and fare associated with the design of an object outside the location of the design organization and requiring acceptance design solutions onsite outside such a point, as well as related to the acquisition of documentation;

Expenses for international and long-distance telephone calls, as well as international and long-distance postal and telegraph dispatches associated with the design;

Expenses for payment of invoices of coordinating and expert organizations for work performed in accordance with the established procedure or on behalf of the customer;

The costs of paying for the services of organizations for the translation from a foreign and into a foreign language of design and estimate documentation;

The costs of manufacturing, at the request of the customer, an additional amount of design and estimate documentation in excess of the obligatory number of copies provided for by the "Regulations on a unified procedure for pre-design and design preparation of construction in Moscow (2nd edition)" (the cost of these associated costs is determined based on the labor costs of the designers);

Value Added Tax (VAT):

Costs of design organizations associated with the presentation project documentation to the examination and approval bodies, in terms of additional copies and approval of accounts (engineering services);

1.11. "Collection" can be used by enterprises, organizations, private firms and individuals carrying out on a legal basis architectural and landscape design in the city of Moscow.

Table 1.1

Factors affecting the labor intensity of the design of the improvement of territories

The specifics of the design of the improvement

Coefficient values

Complicating design factors:

Historical area;

Unique objects (subject to a duly issued permit);

Reconstructed territory;

Protected landscape zone;

Difficult terrain;

Designing a territory with greenery on an area of ​​more than 50%;

Building environment;

Availability of communications;

The presence of high-voltage power lines;

The presence of a reservoir.

Simplifying design factors:

Reduced scope of work (non-complex design)


2.1. The base price of the main design work is determined by the formula:

C(b) 2000 = a + in(2.1)


C(b) 2000- the base price of the main design work in the prices of 2000, thousand rubles. (determined by);

« a» - constant value, expressed in thousand rubles;

« v» - constant value having the dimension of thousand rubles per unit of physical indicator;

« NS» - the value (power) of the natural indicator of the object under consideration.

2.2. The cost of the main design work in current prices is determined by the following formula:



S PR (T) - the cost of the main design work at current prices;

- the product of correction factors that take into account complicating (simplifying) design factors;

K lane - coefficient of conversion of the base cost of design work into the current price level. The value of this coefficient is developed by the Department of Economic Policy and Development of the City of Moscow and adopted by the Interdepartmental Council on Pricing Policy in Construction under the Government of Moscow.

2.3. The cost of the main design work on integrated improvement in current prices for objects of the city order is determined by the following formula:



N G.Z. - the standard for the cost of design products of the city order. The value of the specified standard is determined by the Department of Economic Policy and Development of the City of Moscow.


table 3.1

Object name

Natural indicator " X ", ha

Base price parameters

thousand roubles.

thousand rubles / ha

Parks, gardens

before 1


from 1 to 5



from 5 to 10



from 10 to 20



from 20 to 50



from 50 to 100



from 100 to 150



over 150


Squares, boulevards

up to 0.5


from 0.5 to 1



from 1 to 2



from 2 to 3



from 3 to 5



from 5 to 10



over 10


Recreation areas

to 10


from 10 to 50



from 50 to 100



from 100 to 150



over 150


Water protection zones

to 10


from 10 to 20



from 20 to 50



from 50 to 100



over 100


Closed objects *

up to 400


from 400 to 1200


from 1200 to 2400



from 2400 to 6000



over 6000


City squares

up to 1


from 1 to 5



from 5 to 10



from 10 to 20



over 20


City highways *

up to 500


from 500 to 5000



from 5000 to 10000



over 10,000



up to 1


from 1 to 5



from 5 to 10



from 10 to 20



over 20


Note: * 1 sq.m. is taken as a calculated natural indicator. total area object of the landscaped area.


1.In the basic prices for the design of small architectural forms (LFA) are given, calculated using standardized labor costs.

2. All the nomenclature given inThe IAF is divided into 14 groups. Base prices are calculated for each of these groups.

As a calculated design indicator, one name of the MAF or an improvement element was adopted.

3. Base prices in calculated for the stage of "working design", when determining the base price for other stages of design, the following calculation coefficients are applied to the base price:

For the "project" stage, K = 0.4;

For the stage "working documentation" K = 0.6.

4. When designing the LFA, three categories of design complexity are used:

Category III - objects of complex curvilinear volumetric-spatial outlines, collapsible unified structures, from valuable natural finishing materials, surfaces complex in color or plastic-ornamental solutions.

For the normative level in adopted III category of complexity of design of MAF facilities.

When determining the base price of objects classified as I and II categories of complexity, the following coefficients are applied to the base prices of the table:

For I category of complexity K = 0.75;

For II category of complexity K - 0.85.

6. Base prices are calculated for individual projects of objects and improvement elements.

The cost of an individual fence project is determined at the base price (paragraph 3) for one section of the fence:

For individual sections (up to 2.5 m high, 3 m wide), the base price is multiplied by the number of individual sections (the number of individual sections is set by the design assignment and cannot exceed 20);

For the reuse of individual projects of the fence sections, a coefficient of 0.4 is applied (the number of sections for reuse is set by the design assignment and should not exceed the number of individual sections);

For multiple re-use of individual sections, a factor of 0.4 and 0.06 is applied.

The total cost of the fence project will be the sum of the calculations made above.

7. When designing MAF and improvement elements in conditions of reconstruction with valuable historical and cultural heritage (antique stylization), a coefficient of up to 1.2-1.3 is applied.

8. According to paragraph 6 of Table 4.1, the cost of designing stairs with the number of steps from 20 to 30 is determined.

The cost of designing stairs with up to 10 steps is calculated at base prices I categories of complexity. With the number of steps from 10 to 20 at the base price II categories of complexity.

A staircase with more than 30 steps is considered as an independent staircase, the cost of which is determined in accordance with the base price set in this table.

Basic prices provide stairs with fences and platforms with a march width of up to 2 meters.

With a march width of more than 2 meters, the cost increases by 10% for each meter of width over 2 meters.

9. On point 6 the cost of designing retaining walls up to 2 meters high and up to 30 meters long is determined.

The cost of designing retaining walls in length:

Up to 10 meters is calculated at the base price of the 1st category of complexity;

Up to 15 meters on II difficulty categories;

Up to 20 meters on III difficulty categories;

More than 20 meters using a coefficient of 1.2 to the price of III categories of complexity.

10. The basic design prices of the LFA do not take into account:

Demo material development;

Design of connecting engineering networks to small architectural forms.

table 4.1

Small architectural forms and improvement elements

* When designing a wicket separately, the value of its base price is determined with a coefficient K = 0.4 of the base prices of item 7 of the table.


5.1. The negotiated price is formed on the basis of the base price, taking into account the mutual interests of the partners, incl. predicted indicators of the efficiency and quality of project documentation, reduction (increase) in the development time of the document in comparison with the standards, architectural and technical complexity, the degree of creative and entrepreneurial risk, as well as other conditions.

5.2. Along with the main works, the contract price takes into account:

a) the cost of additional work and services;

b) the cost of related work.

5.3. In addition to those listed above, the conditions for the formation of the contract price include an additional payment for:

Reducing the duration of document development in comparison with the standard time frame;

Fulfillment of special requirements stipulated in the contract.

5.4. The contract price is determined by the formula:

WITH D. (T.Ts.) = WITH T.Ts. + WITH (additional) shopping center,


S. D. (T. Ts.) ... negotiated price at current prices;

With T.Ts. - the cost of the main work in current prices;

С (additional) tts - the cost of additional work (services) at current prices.

5.5. Reduction of the terms of performance of work relative to the normative (if such a requirement is drawn up in the prescribed manner) is taken into account by applying a correction factor, the values ​​of which are given intab. 4.2.1 “Collection of basic prices for design work for construction in the city of Moscow.MPR-».

5.6. In order to protect the customer and contractors from inflationary losses, it is recommended to take into account the application of the following types of contract prices in the terms of the contract:

Fixed contract price, unchanged during the contract period - for architecturally and technically uncomplicated objects, with a short design period;

Open negotiated price, specified during design.

5.7. In the case of an open contract price, when calculating for the work performed (stages, stages, parts of the work), it is recommended:

At the same time, recalculate the cost of work taking into account the official inflation indices (coefficients);

Conclude contracts for the performance of work in stages at base prices 01.0 J .2000 in accordance with the "Collection" with the adjustment of the cost of performing subsequent stages of work, taking into account the level of the cost of work prevailing at the time of the conclusion of the contract for the implementation of the next stage.

5.8. The cost of the main work, established in accordance with the "Collection" is considered as socially necessary for the creation of design products at a quality level that meets modern requirements.


Annex 1
Relative distribution of the cost of the main design work by sections of design documentation (in%)

Improvement objects

Arch-planer solutions (master plan, layout drawings, planning)

Landscaping (dendroplane, posad, and landscaping center drawings.)

Vertik. planner Organization relief

Road network

Lighting (outdoor)

Drains (storm drains)


Estimate naya documentation

City objects:


Parks, gardens


Squares, boulevards

Special zones:


Recreation areas


Water protection zones


Closed objects

Significant urban spaces:






Calculation of the cost of project p abot

According to p. 3 the cost of designing 20 individual sections of the fence in 2000 prices. From 1 pr (2000) = 6981 20 = 139,620 rubles.

WITH 2 pr (2000) = 20 6981 0.4 = 55848 rubles.

Let's determine the cost of designing the remaining sections.

(770 - 40 = 730 pcs.).

WITH 3 pr (2000) = 730 6981 0.4 0.06 = 122307 rubles.

WITH about pr (2000) = 139,620 + 55848 + 122307 = 317,775 rubles.

IV quarter-l 2006).

IV q-la 2006 is - 2.342.

City order standardN r / 3 = 0.61

Then, 317775 2.342 0.61 = 453980 rubles.

Continuation of Appendix 2

Example 2
Calculation of the cost of the fence project.

Exodus n data

The length of the fence is 3500 m.

Fence height = 2m.

Section length - 3.01 m.

Number of sections - 1000 pcs., Incl. individual sections - 15 pcs.

Calculation of the cost of design work

According to p. 3 the cost of designing 15 individual sections of the fence in 2000 prices will be C 1 pr (2000) = 6981 15 = 104,715 rubles.

The cost of design work when reusing sections of the fence:

WITH 2 pr (2000) = 6981 15 0.4 = 41886 rubles.

The cost of designing the rest of the sections. (1000 -30 = 970 pcs.).

WITH 3 pr (2000) = 6981 970 0.4 0.06 = 162518 rubles.

In total, the cost of design work in 2000 prices will be:

WITH about pr (2000) = 104715 + 41886 + 162518 = 309119 rubles.

The cost of design work in current prices (for IV quarter-l 2006).

Price conversion factor from 2000 level to level IV q-la 2006 is 2.342.

Then, taking into account the city order, 309119 2.342 0.61 = 441614 rubles.


SBTSP 81 - 2001-01


Official edition, revised and enlarged

Moscow 2010

The State Estimated Standard "Reference Book of Basic Prices for Design Work in Construction" Territorial Planning and Territory Planning "is intended to determine the cost of developing territorial planning documentation, master plans for settlements, urban districts and territory planning projects, plans for land management, sanitary protection zones, landscaping of parks, gardens, squares, structures of drainage systems to protect against flooding

DEVELOPED Open Joint Stock Company Center for Scientific and Methodological Support of Engineering Support for Investments in Construction (OJSC CENTRINVEST-project) with the participation of the St. Petersburg State Unitary Enterprise Project Institute for the Design of Urban Engineering Structures Lengiproinzhproekt (State Unitary Enterprise Lengiproinzhproekt).

APPROVED BY: Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation by order No. 260 dated May 28, 2010

REGISTERED: The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, registration No. 18439 dated September 14, 2010

1. General Provisions

1.1. The State Estimated Standard "Guide of base prices for design work in construction" Territorial planning and territorial planning "(hereinafter referred to as the Guide) is intended to determine the cost of developing territorial planning documentation, master plans of settlements, urban districts and territorial planning projects, plans of land and economic structure, sanitary protection zones, landscaping of parks, gardens, squares, structures of drainage systems to protect against flooding (hereinafter referred to as urban planning documentation).

1.2. Base prices in the Handbook are set depending on the natural indicators of design objects (thousand sq. Km; hectares; thousand people).

1.3. The base prices in the Handbook for the development of urban planning documentation are set in accordance with the scope of work stipulated by the current legislation.

1.4. The prices in the Guide are set for the conditions of performing work in one stage.

1.5. When using this Handbook, one should be guided by the Guidelines for the Application of Reference Price Guides for design work for construction, approved by order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2009 No. 620 "On Approval of the Guidelines for the Application of Reference Price Guides for Design Work in Construction" (registered By the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation 03/23/2010, registration No. 166B6), Bulletin of normative acts of federal executive bodies, 2010, No. 16) (hereinafter - Methodological instructions).

1.6. The level of prices contained in the tables of the Reference is established as of 01.01.2001, excluding value added tax.

1.7. The basic prices of the Guide, in addition to the works listed in clause 1.3.6 of Section 1 of the Methodological Instructions, do not take into account the costs of making layouts, tablets, panoramas, perspectives, sweeps, fragments of development and improvement.

1.8. The coefficients that affect the increase in the labor intensity of the development of urban planning documentation provided for in tables No. are given in the table.

If there are two or more complicating factors, the coefficients are applied for each factor.

If it is necessary to perform a separate assignment for the design of the layout of city highways and transport hubs, the specified work can be evaluated according to the indicators of tables No.№ - with a reduction factor for the amount of work.

1.9. When determining the base price for the design of objects according to the table No. of this Handbook, the following features must be taken into account:

When designing parks, gardens, squares, boulevards on terrain with a surface slope of less than 0.005 (0.5%) or more than 0.05 (5%), exceeding 30% of the planned territory in area, coefficient 1 is applied to the prices of items 1 - 7 of the table ,1;

When designing on a territory greened over 30% of the area, a coefficient of 1.1 is applied to the prices of items 1 - 7 of the table;

The prices of items 1 - 7 of the table do not take into account the work on taxation of existing plantings.

1.10. When determining the base price of a project of a land-economic device on a scale of 1: 5000 according to table No. of this Handbook, a coefficient of 1.2 is applied to the prices.

1.11. The base prices in Table No. of this Handbook are given for the design of structures for engineering protection of urban areas against flooding by groundwater - drainage systems as part of horizontal, vertical, combined, beam drainages, a regime network of observation wells.

1.12. Base prices in table No. of this Handbook are given for one drainage system. The drainage system is a set of drains and drainage collectors that have an independent gravity or forced (with the help of a drainage pumping station) drainage water drainage.

1.13. The boundaries of the drainage systems are established along the line where this system provides the required depth of the groundwater level within the contour of the protected area.

1.14. If there are several drainage systems in the protected area, the cost of designing each system is determined separately.


nn. 1 - 7

Parks, gardens, squares, boulevards

nn. 8 - 12

Sanitary protection zones

Table 11. Recommended approximate relative cost of development of project documentation (as a percentage of the base price)

P / p No.

Hydraulic engineering part

Construction estimate 62

Table No. 12. Recommended approximate relative cost of working documentation development (as a percentage of the base price)

P / p No.

Design object name

Hydraulic engineering part

Technical and economic indicators

Environmental protection

Bill of material and equipment specification

Construction organization project

Construction estimate

nn. 15

Drainage system


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