
Draft fixture. Development of project documentation for the preservation of the object of cultural heritage of the Moskomnasydiya Coordination of project documentation

Requirements for reorganization and (or) redevelopment of residential and non-residential premises in apartment buildings:

8. At objects cultural heritage And the identified objects of cultural heritage The installation of air conditioners is allowed under the condition of their placement on the courtyard facades, as well as in cases where their installation is provided for by the project for the preservation of cultural heritage objects and the identified cultural heritage sites.

13. Requirements for the composition of the project of reorganization and (or) redevelopment of residential and non-residential premises in apartment buildings are established
Government of Moscow.

14. For the objects of cultural heritage and identified objects of cultural heritage in accordance with Article 44 Federal Law of June 25, 2002 № 73-ФЗ "On the objects of cultural heritage (monuments of history and culture) of peoples Russian Federation"A project is being developed for modern use, represented instead of a reorganization project and (or) redevelopment of the premises in apartment house. To coordinate the adaptation of the object of cultural heritage (identified object of cultural heritage) for modern use, a conclusion is required in the form of acts of state historical and cultural examination with
Conditions if:

- Production of works on reorganization and (or) redevelopment of the room, apartments, houses - the monument changes the dimensions, proportions and parameters of this house: its height, floors, angle and (or) appearance roofs or roofs (including device (liquidation) attic, windows, veranda, terraces, canopies), quantity and (or) shape of window and door openings In the outer walls of the house (including the device (liquidation) of external tambourines, porches, showcases), color solutions and (or) external appearance of outdoor walls of the house (including the device (liquidation) of loggias, balconies, elements of the facade decor), installation of air conditioners and other attachments (except in cases of their placement on the courtyard facades).

15. Work on reorganization and (or) redevelopment of premises in an apartment building, the production of which requires appropriate tolerance,
They are carried out by an organization that has a certificate of admission to such work issued by a self-regulatory organization.

III. Composition, sequence, features, deadlines for administrative procedures, requirements for the procedure for their implementation, including in electronic form In the event that the room (apartment building) is an object of cultural heritage or a detected object of cultural heritage within 5 days from the date of inflammation and documents, send copies of documents to the Department of Cultural Heritage of the city of Moscow to obtain a conclusion about the admissibility of reorganization and (or) resilience of residential ( nonresidential) premises in an apartment building.
The Department of Cultural Heritage of the city of Moscow within 15 days presents the conclusion of the admissibility of reorganization and (or) redevelopment of the premises in an apartment building, including the state historical and cultural expertise, which is necessary in the form of acts of state historical and cultural expertise.

The room is a memorial apartment or room in a memorial apartment;
- the room is an apartment or room, the planning structure and (or) the appearance and interior of which relate to the peculiarities of the object of cultural heritage, which makes it a subject of protection and subject to mandatory conservation;
- The production of works on the reorganization and (or) redevelopment of the room in an apartment building has an impact on the common property.
in an apartment building - a monument that makes it a subject of protection and subject to mandatory conservation;
- production of work on reorganization and (or) redevelopment of the room, apartments, houses - the monument changes the size, proportions and
Parameters of this house: its height, floors, angle and (or) appearance of the roof or roof (including the device (liquidation) of the attic, windows,
Veranda, terraces, canopies), quantity and (or) shape of window and doorways in the outside walls of the house (including the device (liquidation)
exterior tambourines, porches, showcases), color solutions and (or) external appearance of outdoor walls of the house (including the device (liquidation) of loggias,
balconies, elements of the facade decor), installation of air conditioners and other attachments (except in cases of their placement on
yard facades)

Provision of public services

2.14. The decision to coordinate the reorganization and (or) redevelopment of the premises in an apartment building (Appendix 3 to this
Typical projects of reorganization and / or redevelopment of premises in apartment buildings are placed in free access on the official website of the Moszhilospects (Regulations), or the decision to refuse to coordinate the reorganization and (or) of redevelopment of the premises in an apartment building (Appendix 4 to this Regulation) is adopted:
2.14.2. Within 35 days from the date of receipt of the application and the set of documents specified in paragraph 2.10 of this Regulation in case
The room (apartment building) is an object of cultural heritage or a detected object of cultural heritage.

Requirements for the composition of the reorganization project and (or) redevelopment
Residential and non-residential premises in apartment buildings

11. For the objects of the cultural heritage and identified objects of cultural heritage in accordance with Article 44 of the Federal Law of June 25, 2002 No. 73-FZ "On the objects of the cultural heritage (monuments of history and cultural) of the Peoples of the Russian Federation" is being developed a project for modern use.
12. The project of adaptation for modern use is attached (in 2 copies) of the original conclusions in the form of acts of state historical and cultural expertise, the originals of the minutes of meetings of the Commission of experts, copies of contracts with experts and copies of the security commitment, provided that:
- The room is a memorial apartment or room in a memorial apartment;
- the room is an apartment or room, the planning structure and (or) the appearance and interior of which relate to the peculiarities of the object of cultural heritage, which makes it a subject of protection and subject to mandatory conservation;
- the production of works on the reorganization and (or) redevelopment of the premises in an apartment building has an impact on the common property in an apartment building - a monument that makes it a subject of protection and subject to mandatory conservation;
- Production of works on reorganization and (or) redevelopment of the room, apartments, houses - the monument changes the size, proportions and parameters of such a house:
its height, floors, angle and (or) appearance of the roof or roof (including the device (liquidation) attic, windows, veranda, terraces, canopies), quantity and (or) shape of window and doorways in the outside walls of the house (in including device (liquidation) of external tambourines, porches, showcases), color solutions and (or) external appearance of outdoor walls of the house (including the device (liquidation) of loggias, balconies, elements of the facade decor), installation of air conditioners and other attachments (for the exception of cases of their placement on the courtyard facades).

If your property (personal, or corporate) or rent is real estate, which is the object of cultural heritage of various jurisdictions (federal significance, regional importance, local (municipal) meaning), any work on its repair or redevelopment must be agreed with the local authority engaged in preservation of such architectural monuments.

This rule introduced in 2002 is operating in all regions of the Russian Federation.

But even before you are given appropriate agreement, it will take project documentation for the preservation of the object of cultural heritage to prepare.

It will help you to develop and arrange properly specialists and designers "" licensed by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation for relevant activities.

When the project will develop in detail (stage "sketch project"), staff experts, certified MK RF, fulfill state historical and cultural expertise (GIKE). Its result will be the issued conclusion, with the rationale for the permissibility or inadmissibility of the changes made.

To start project work, you will also need to get them to develop them. It will be given to you the local authority involved in the preservation of cultural heritage.


Type of service Cost, rub.
Development project documentationJustinizing the work on the preservation of the object of cultural heritage from 500.000
Development of project documentation for the restoration / reconstruction of the cultural heritage object with a device for modern use (including extensions and redevelopment of interiors and facades) from 1.000.000
Development of project documentation for the protection / adjustment zones of the protection of the object of cultural heritage from 800.000
Development of sections for the preservation of objects of cultural / archaeological heritage from 650.000
Lessoning already conducted (completed or unfinished) redevelopment of interiors, facades, attacks, add-ons at cultural heritage sites negotiable price
Order service

Services of the Design Department

The design department at the cultural heritage facilities, represented by a subsidiary legal structure that has a license of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, provides services for the development of the following types of documentation:

  1. To preserve the object of cultural heritage;
  2. On the restoration of the object of cultural heritage;
  3. On the restoration of the object of cultural heritage with a fixture for modern use;
  4. On the reconstruction of the object of cultural heritage with a device for modern use (including possible re-planning individual premises and attachments);
  5. Adjustment (elimination) of the protective zone of the object of the cultural heritage;
  6. Project of protection zones (adjustment of protection zones) of the object of cultural heritage;
  7. Project documentation or sections of documentation that substantiate measures to ensure the safety of the object of cultural (archaeological) heritage included in the registry; the identified object of the cultural heritage or an object with signs of the object of cultural heritage, when carrying out earthly, landoral, economic works, works on the use of forests and other works within the boundaries of the territory of the object of cultural heritage or on the land plot directly related to land plot within the boundaries of the territory of the object of cultural heritage.
  8. Development of sections for the preservation of cultural / archaeological heritage sites in the already existing project documentation of new construction.

Restoration with the adaptation of the object of cultural heritage

Such a complex of work allows not only to preserve a building representing historical and cultural value, but also to functionally adapt it to practical use in modern conditions. The main purpose of this activity is the restoration of the external (sometimes internal) type of building inherent in it at the time of construction. Such events may include:

  • conducting exquisite and research work, allowing to establish what the historical appearance of the building was;
  • based on the information obtained, project documentation for the restoration of the cultural heritage object is drawn up;
  • the development of methods of conservation of an object in case its condition becomes worse, for example, due to weather conditions.

Leading redevelopment inside or outside the cultural heritage object

Would you like to make an extension to the building belonging to you built in the 19th century? Or has such an extension already been done - by you or the previous owner - without relevant approvals? It will take appropriate coordination of the state. Authority, and for him - documentation for working on the preservation of the object of cultural heritage.

It does not matter whether there is already a mentioned extension or redevelopment, or you only assume it to do - permission for project work from the state. You will receive an organ in any case, including in case of unfinished work at the facility that stopped authorized body state power. But in this case, you will need additional funds to bring such redevelopment to the requirements of existing construction norms (this is required condition In order to legalize such work).

As a rule, you will have enough three documents to get redevelopment on the legal basis. This is an act of technical inspection + the project itself, where modern use of an old building + positive conclusion of state historical and cultural examination for this project will be provided. After that, it will be possible to carry out the coordination of redevelopment in government bodies.

For owners of apartments in homes, which represent a special historical value, redevelopment can cause more difficulties than in ordinary typical houses, first of all due to the fact that agreeing changes in the apartment are needed additionally in the Department of Cultural Heritage of the city of Moscow. In addition, only the organization has a license from the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation can carry out project documentation.

Main difficulties in redevelopment in the house of the monument

The complexity and the main difference in coordination of redevelopment in the house of the monument is that in addition to the main package documentswhich is necessary for any redevelopment, it is necessary to prepare additional documents, for example, a photo montage that the events planned by you will affect the facade of the house-monument, as well as the project itself in its composition is significantly different from the standard redevelopment project, and it is called it differently - Draft fixture.

Obviously, house-monuments were built for a very long time, otherwise they would hardly wore such a proud title, respectively, the degree of wear of the supporting structures or engineering systems May be different from which difficulties flow at the design documentation stages. Even towards the demolition of undesupply walls in monument homes, it is necessary to relate with extreme caution, since in most cases these walls are unloading partitions.

Also, it is worth noting that most of these historical buildings have wooden overlapsthat in practice causes a mass of disputes when analyzing those activities that are provided for by the redevelopment project, which we have already mentioned even called otherwise in the case of a monument house - project device Monument for modern use.

Procedure for coordination of redevelopment in the house of the monument

The key task of the owner, according to the current law about the objects of cultural heritage, is that the redevelopment does not affect the characteristics and appearance of the house, which represents cultural and historical value.

If you doubt the status of your home, then it is believed to be addressed to the above objects on the official website Moskomnasyedia.

Let's look at the sequence of redevelopment coordination in a house-monument:

1) At the first stage, the owner should clarify the status of his home and the subject of protection. The house can be either identified by the object of cultural heritage, or the monument itself itself. In the event that the house is the identified object of cultural heritage, the subject of protection is not yet defined. That is, the status of the house in some "suspended" state. That is, the house, as it were, there is signs of the monument, but not yet a monument and "when" must pass a commission that will determine its accurate status. If the house is a monument, it is necessary to understand that it is protected. In the overwhelming majority of houses it is a facade. But in our practice there were cases that internal interiors were guarded (for example, there are some kind of "historically important" stucco "Historically important". Find out this information is acknowledged or from " security obligations A."(If it is. P the acquisition of this document is "act of technical condition", Where complete information on the status of structures, facade and engineering systems are presented.), either by writing a request to the service of one window of the Moskomnasy.

2) Development of project documentation. The device must develop a design organization that has a license from the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and SRO tolerance. (Our organization has both document data).

3) Submission of this documentation for consideration in the housing inspection. The housing inspectorate sends documentation to the Moskomnation for analysis before making a decision.

4) In most cases, Moskomnomedia issues a positive conclusion, after which the housing inspection issues an order to redecessing. However, Moskomnomedia may require additionally obtaining a positive conclusion of three experts in the field of monument protection, which will entail even additional costs.

5) Applying for a permit for redevelopment. Served by the owner to the service of one window along with the following packet of documents (3 copies):

  • document certifying the identity of the owner (copy).
  • draft fixture - 2 copies.
  • copy propulting documents
  • notarial power of attorney if necessary
  • help Mosgaz when pressing a gas stove
  • bank certificate for mortgage

If you want to coordinate the redevelopment in the house-monument, our company is ready to promote you in this, we can both develop project documentation for independent approval, and provide a deposit service in full.

A huge number of ne. typical houses In our native capital, especially in the center, are of particular importance. Owners lived. Sometimes there are sometimes faced problems in such facilities, because the design process the project of adaptation of cultural heritage objects has many nuancesTheir ignoring can cause difficulties for the owner.

Coordination of redevelopment of buildings that are objects of cultural heritage

With any redevelopment of the aforementioned objects, the individual features of the structure should be taken into account, in order to maintain constructive and architectural parameters, actually for this reason, these objects have appropriated so high status. These requirements apply to residential and non-residential area.

First of all, if for some reason you are not sure about the status of your home, information about the availability of the relevant status at the building can be obtained on the Internet resource of the Moskomnasy. The legislative framework imposes an obligation to coordinate redevelopment in buildings with the aforementioned status, to develop a draft adaptation of cultural heritage facilities (ppkin) to modern functionWhat is significantly different from the standard for typical houses.

Development and maintenance of the project

Pickname must include:

  • originals of acts with the conclusion of historical and cultural expertise;
  • protocol part of all meetings of the Commission of experts (copies);
  • if the apartment refers to a memorial or repair work The project makes changes to the proportional features, the size and characteristics of the structure, it is required to provide an agreement with experts and security obligations (copies).

Only those organizations that have been allowed to redevelop the design work on redevelopment of cultural heritage. The Department of Moskomnasydia is conducting a procedure for state historical and cultural expertise, and also monitors the execution of the accompanied obligations assigned to the owner.

If you need to redevelop work for the individuality, it is necessary to provide the following packet of papers with the MoskomMarty: a trust document, a certified copy of the contractor's contract and license, certified by a notarized copy of the contract with design organization, certified copy of the project documentation, in case it has not been developed directly in the Moscow Department of Moskomnasy.

Project Development Procedure

The procedure for developing the ppkin begins with submitting an application to a single "one window" service. For fifteen calendar days, the conclusion is made on the permissibility of redevelopment containing detailed information On the state of the object before and after redevelopment, all the necessary calculated data, the list design work And additional surveys, if this requires the project.

To make a security commitment, you should also contact the "Unified Window" service. This document burden the owner by a number of commitments, among which maintains the state of the object and its engineering systems provided for by the relevant standards. The owner does not have the right to impede inspectors of the Moskomniya inspectors, which are held at least two years.

Example of a security commitment:

Additionally, together with the security commitment, the owner of the apartment, submitting a statement, is issued a technical state, which contains information about the subject of protection, the main characteristics of the house, the current state of communication systems, interior decorations, carrying structures. All the necessary forms can be taken on the Moskomniya website. The statements will be discussed within forty-five days, as regulated in the regulations, after which the owner receives the act of technical condition and security commitment.

Lead the redevelopment of the apartment in the building, which is included in the register of cultural heritage objects, is an order of magnitude more complicated than in the usual typical high-rise building. Moscow legislation in the field of redevelopment requires apartments for owners in historical buildings to coordinate with supervisory authorities Not a process of redevelopment, but a project for modern use (see paragraph 14 of Annex 1 PPM No. 508 in Red.840).

What is it? Law N 73-FZ dated June 25, 2002 "On the objects of cultural heritage ..." in paragraphs 44 gives such a definition:

"The adaptation of the cultural heritage object for modern use is research, design and production work carried out in order to create conditions for the modern use of the object of cultural heritage without changing its features that make up the subject of protection, including the restoration of the historical and cultural value of the elements The object of cultural heritage. "

That is, making redevelopment, it is necessary not only to take into account the wishes of the owner, but also to preserve the characteristics that the cause of the structure, or the apartment itself, was the cause of the structure of cultural and historical values \u200b\u200band make up the subject of state protection. Find out whether it includes your home to the list of urban objects of historical importance, for example, on the website of the Moskomnasy.

The project of the device, which is to be coordinated in the Department of Cultural Heritage of Moscow (Moskomnomediya) is designed if the redeveloped premises is a memorial apartment or room in it, or its layout represents historical value, or is affected by the state-protected general property of the house-monument residents, or changes the appearance and dimensions historic building. The permit for the production of work on the project is issued and Moszhilospects after agreeing with the Moskomnaster.

Before developing a project of a device, you should contact the "One window" of the Moskomnasydia with a statement about registration Conclusions about the permissibility of redevelopment Indoor, which is an object of cultural heritage or is in the house, which is this object. In accordance with the Agreement on the procedure for the interaction of Moszhiliuspection and the Department of Cultural Heritage of December 1, 2011, this conclusion is issued up to 15 days. In particular, information about the available or lost historical layout is provided, it is negotiated if necessary, carrying out additional surveys or design work, indicate the requirements for the reconstruction of lost elements of the facade or interiors, etc.

In addition, the owner of the apartment in the house-monument must take on security obligationwhich is issued in the form of an official document in Moskomnasy. To do this, contact the "One Window" department with a statement. This commitment is the burden of property rights and implies a number of conditions and restrictions. For example, the owner must keep the object in the regulatory state at its own expense, repair it engineering systems and let the department of the Department for Check (at least once every two years).

Supplement to the security commitment is Act of technical condition, where it is precisely the subject of protection, as well as describes in detail the state of structures, communications and decor. This act, in particular, obliges the owner of the apartment to provide project documentation in Moskomname and any other similar materials within 10 days after they are received.

The security commitment and the act of technical condition are issued within 45 days from the date of application. Application forms can be found on the official website of the Department.

Design work related to the objects of cultural heritage and subject to coordination with monument protection authorities can only be carried out by legal entities that have an appropriate license (SRO tolerance) on their conduct. In addition, the project must undergo the state historical and cultural examinationin the organization, certified Ministry of Culture - to substantiate or adjust the work provided for by him. The management of the conservation and use of cultural heritage facilities, which, among other things, controls the execution of security commitments, is engaged in expertise, which is among other things, and can develop projects for the adaptation of buildings and premises to a modern function.

For getting permissions and tasks for repair and fixture for modern use, Moskomnasy's "One Window" of the Moskomnassey are filed (in 3 copies):

A copy of the document certifying the identity of the applicant.

Power of attorney to the representative (if it is).
- A certified copy of the contract contract and a copy of the Contractor's license.
A certified copy of the contract with the designer on the author's supervision and a copy of its license.

A certified copy of the project documentation (except when it was developed by the Department of Project Documentation of the Moskomnasydia).

By own initiative The applicant is provided a copy of the document confirming property rights to the apartment (certificate of registration of ownership or other).

In addition, in accordance with paragraph 12 of Annex 3 to PPM No. 508 in the editorial office 840, the project of the device for modern use is attached (in 2 copies):

Acts of historical and cultural expertise.
- Protocols of the meetings of the Expert Commission.
- Copies of contracts with experts.
- Copies of a security commitment.

Features of redevelopment of the object of cultural heritage:

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