
Types of modern cash. Money: money functions. Types and functions of money. Modern credit money

Initially, the volume of goods produced was relatively small and the exchange of goods between tribes was random (all produced goods went to consumption) and was carried out in kind. Gradually, the volume of production increased and excess the goods began to appear. The exchange began to wear a constant, massive character. There was a need for a special treatment tool, with which it was possible to exchange one product quickly and with minimal costs to another. Money has become such a means of circulation (the first money function - money as a means of circulation).

The main property of money is absolute liquidity.

Liquidity - This is a measure how quickly you can exchange any asset for cash.

In the system of cash relations, three subsystems are distinguished:

  • functional;
  • economic;
  • in the shape of .

Functional subsystem

Money - This is a means expressing the values \u200b\u200bof commodity resources participating in this time in the economic life of society, the universal embodiment of value in the forms corresponding to this level of commodity relations. Such a definition is built on the concept of value, which is more consistent with the adopted in world science approach to money.

In another definition, money is an absolutely liquid exchange tool that has two properties:

  • exchanges for any other product;
  • measures the cost of any other product (this function is expressed in price and on the scale of these prices).

The essence of money is revealed in five functions:

  • Tools of circulation

The measure of value It is formed when the price is formed, it determines the cost of goods, which is measured by money (i.e., equating goods between themselves). Thus, quantitative compounds are obtained.

Money measurement cost - price. It depends on several conditions:

  • production conditions;
  • exchange terms.

In order for prices to be comparable, they must be brought to a single scale.

Price scale - It is the weight content of gold or silver fixed as a unit of measurement.

As a measure of value, money can act as countable, speaking in the form of numerical values. Accounts are used to express prices, accounting and analyzing, conducting accounts of participants in economic life.

Tools of circulation. The monetary expression of the value of goods does not yet mean its implementation. Exchange must occur. Money - Intermediaries when exchanging from the start of the transaction (T - D) before it is completed (D - T). During the prevalence of trafficking, the money was mainly acting as a means of circulation; After the emergence of the loan and the development of the economy, the function of the payment means of the payment, which includes the function of the means of circulation and is transformed into the function of the calculation means. This contributes to the use of plastic cards and other electronic calculation tools, allowing you to pay through the transfer from a bank account, as well as the implementation of wholesalers and retail purchases.

Payments - payment time does not match with time payment, goods sell on credit, with a delay of payment
(T - O and O - D).

Means of accumulation - Monetary reserve (balances in accounts, gold and foreign exchange reserves). Money performing the accumulation function participate in the process of formation, distribution, redistribution national income, population savings.

World money Used in international calculations.

In a modern developed economy, there are three functions of money - a measure of cost, means of accumulation and means of calculations, and the means of appeal remains in very small sizes.

Economic subsystem

Financial system:

  • distribution of money in the country;
  • budget formation in the country.

Credit subsystem:

  • regulates internal and external debt;
  • forms loan capital;
  • associated with the appeal valuable papers;
  • related to international credit and currency relations.

Currently, it is not used to issue money for the deficit. But if there is a federal budget deficit, the government should find sources of its coverage. Until 1995, the source of the coating was used in the Russian Federation, which is not peculiar to the market economy - government loans at the Central Bank. This leads to additional inflation, because the economy is additionally produced by money, not provided by the goods.

Using market mechanisms Provides deficit sources and provides:

As a result of the issue of state securities, there was a redistribution of money between the subjects of the economy:

  • persons who had free cash paid them on credit to the state, having received a bond;
  • budget organizations received funding their expenses at the expense of this money.

The budget deficit, covering, does not change, inflation does not increase, but the public debt is growing.

Funds for repayment of public debt are provided in federal budget The article "Expenditures".

Form of cash flow

Commodity money

For a long time, rare and expensive goods served with money: cattle, sinks, tea, tobacco, rice, salt, fish, fur.

As a result of the internationalization of connections, humanity came to the noble - gold and silver.

Precious metals were chosen because:

  • they could save their value for a long time
  • were homogeneous in quality
  • have a division and high cost (due to the disadvantage of their production and processing)

Gold and silver performed the money function for millennia. Final displacement precious metals From the status of money occurred in the mid-70s of the 20th century, when gold was shifted - the replacement of gold and other precious metals with paper and credit money.

Money in its development passed several forms of material carriers:

1. Commodity, metal money - Valid or full-fledged money.

Actual money is the money that the nominal value corresponds to real value Metal, from which they are made (copper, silver, gold).

The coin had set distinctive features ( appearance, Weight content).

2. Replays of real money (defective) is money, the nominal value of which is higher than real, i.e. above the cost of labor spent on their production. These include:

  • metal signs of value - a child coin, a small coin made from a cheap metal (copper, aluminum);
  • paper cost signs - made of paper. These are paper money and credit money.

Paper money

Right issue paper money It has a state.

The difference between the nominal value of the issued money and the cost of their release forms the emission income of the treasury. The essence of paper money lies in the fact that they are produced for the coating and are endowed with the state forced course. Paper money is not exchanged for metal.

Economic Nature of Paper Money:

  • they are always unstable (they cannot constantly fix their course);
  • their release is never regulated by the need for commodity turnover;
  • there is no objective removal mechanism from the turnover of extra money.

The depreciation of paper money is associated with excessive release, decay confidence in the government, unfavorable country.

Credit money

Credit money is obligations, the total amount of concluded contracts, placed orders or received services, which fall for a certain period of time, regardless of when the necessary funds were allocated and when actually payments are made.

The essence of the loan - the amount given back will return with interest.

Credit money appeared on the basis of the money function as a means of payment.

Allocate the following types credit money:

  • banknote;
  • electronic money.

Types of money in the modern world

Types of money B. modern system Cash circulation

  • Cash
    • Small coin
    • Paper money:
      • Treasury tickets, they did not have a real value, but were mandatory for reception in all payments and calculations. Today, in most countries, paper money due to their property is replaced by credit money (credit money is money that has arisen on the development of credit development relationships. Split cash and non-cash credit money.).
      • Assignments
    • Credit money:
      • Bill
      • Banknotes
  • Cashless money - money that exists only in the form of records on the calculated, current, savings and other accounts of physical and legal entities. Computerization banking sector led to the emergence electronic money and credit cards.
    • Credit plastic cards
    • Payment plastic cards
    • Electronic money - This is money on electronic bank accounts

Money functions

Money functions - this is the concentrated expression of their roles in the farm.

Money has such a variety of properties that the need arises to classify them, highlighting a number of functions. Each of the money functions describes a more or less homogeneous circle of economic operations performed using this function. It should be borne in mind that money is not the amount of functions, and performing any one function, they retain their unity and contain all other functions.

The functions of money are in constant dynamics: some have arisen earlier, some later; Separate functions have greatly changed their content and even have lost a noticeable value.

The emergence of money functions in the process of their evolution can be represented as follows:
  • Stage I. . Historically, the first money function. As a measure of value, the money is a unified meter of values \u200b\u200bof all goods.
  • Stage II. Money as a purchasing agent. Money as a purchasing agent is a means of circulation.
  • III stage. . In the functions of money as a means of payment arises temporary lag (incurred in time) between selling goods and receiving money for it. Under these conditions, conditions are objectively created for such economic phenomenonlike a loan.
  • IV stage. Money as a distribution tool. In the distribution function of money there is only their movement from their owner to the recipient. This feature consists of an objective economic prerequisite for state finance.
  • V stage. and savings. The process of savings and savings is the necessary element of the modern economy.
  • VI stage. . In the functions of world money, money contributes to currency exchange, creating a balance of payments, currency education.

As measures of value Money allocated from the world of goods to perform the role of universal equivalent. Being a measure of value, money act as a universal meter of the values \u200b\u200bof all other goods. In the money find the expression of goods, services, production costs, individual and general needs, production at the level of enterprises and total national economy; wealth, income, debts - everything has monetary evaluation. Modern money has a compliance property not only in statics, but also in dynamics.

Buying - Also one of the historically first functions of money. In this function, the money is serviced by the sale process. This feature is called a means of circulation, since money in this case serve the continuous process of turnover of goods, services, securities, etc. This function is associated with the purchase and sale process, i.e. with the transformation of goods in money.

In the course of the sale of goods, there may be a gap in the time between the transfer of goods to the buyer and receiving money from it. The seller in this case represents the buyer the so-called delay of payment or credit. When money still comes to the seller, then they perform a function payments. In this case, the amount of duty is quenched in this case, they serve not only a loan, but also paying wages, as well as all other types of advance payments.

Distribution function of moneyHistorically, after the appearance of such functions as a means of circulation and means of payment, is that one independent economic Subject transmits to another certain amount of money without requiring no equivalent compensation. It is on this monetary function that the state budget is based, the distribution of enterprises' profits, socio-economic systems of modern states

In function savings and savings Money is not used to appeal, but to create an independent form of wealth. All investment process depends on this, i.e. economic growth; development banking system, stock market, insurance, retirement and other financial funds.

Money has always been serviced not only, but also world-economic connections. The role of the currency function of money is constantly increasing, especially in the context of globalization of the global economy and finance. Collective currencies are created, for example, the euro.

Name of parameter Value
Theme of article: Types of money
Rubric (thematic category) Finance

1. Commodity Money (Coins) - Money used as a means of exchanging, as well as sold and purchased as ordinary goods.
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Coins - ϶ᴛᴏ metal ingot of special shape, weight, samples. The advantages of coins are certified by the state.

but) full - gold and silver coins;

Money is called fullIn the event that the goods from which they are manufactured have the same cost as in the sphere of circulation as money and in the area of \u200b\u200baccumulation as wealth. Having internal cost, full-fledged money is independent of any other types of wealth, nor from market conditions in which they appeal. The full-fledged money includes all types of commodity money, gold and silver coins.

b) defective coins;

For inferior money include such money purchasing power which exceeds the internal value of the goods serving with the money relations. The purchasing power of this money is determined exclusively market conditionsAt the same time, the internal cost of defective money does not have any impact on it. Incompute money includes in all types of post-rolled money - paper and credit money.

2. paper money - These are means of payment, whose value exceeds their value in alternatively. They are representatives of gold and replacing it in circulation. Paper money does not have its own value, they are signs of gold ͵ are introduced by state power, which gives them a compulsory course. This compulsory course is valid only within the given state. The real value that paper money represent does not depend on state power, is determined by the objective laws of money circulation. Paper money will be accessed by the cost of the gold money replaced by them in the event that there are as much as gold money is extremely important in accordance with the law of paper den. In the event that the release of paper money exceeds the needs of turnover in golden money, they are depreciated. There is a rise in prices.

Paper money are banknotes (banking tickets). Such a name - banking tickets - reflects the history of the occurrence of these paper den. Banknotes arose in the Middle Ages and were a banker's certificate that he received a definition of a certain amount of gold. In the banknote, the amount of gold was noted ĸᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴇ should have a return owner at its request. These bank receipts began independent movement: they were taken in the calculations. In the future, the right to issue banknotes get the largest (central) banks. Because they become banks of governments over time, the right of the issue of banknobots takes on the state. At first, banknotes exchanged on gold and their release was associated with the golden reserve of the country. At the beginning of the XX century. Most countries of the world stop the exchange of banknotes for gold, and their release is subject to other requirements.

To paper money belongs also treasury tickets . They are issued by the Ministry of Finance to cover state costs. Treasury tickets never exchanged gold. By the time such an exchange was carried out regarding banknotes, between them and treasury tickets existed difference. After the exchange of banknotes on gold was discontinued, this difference disappeared.

Consequently, modern paper money performs the money function not because they themselves are a commodity or are provided with gold, but due to the fact that they define them in this role. From the standpoint of the above criterion, money is divided into commodity and decreed. Money that own your own internal cost is called commodity. Modern money that does not have internal cost, and their value is determined from the outside, are called decreated.

3. Credit Money - Tools of appeal, which represent from themselves by private individual or firm. Means that replace money. Such means belongs to checks, credit cards bill. Οʜᴎ are used in the calculations, but provided that there are either bank accounts for each of them, or cash.

Receipt - Order (order) of the owner of the bank account transfer the definition in favor of the check locker. The consequence of this order should be either a cash bearer presenter, or cashless recalculation of money from one bank account to another.

Bill - The debtor's written obligation to pay a certain amount of money within a certain period. Billset has details: name; defined payment amount; specifying the term of payment; The name of the one who should be made; The place, the date of the bill and the signature of the one who issued it.

A bill may start an independent movement, if it is transmitted from one owner to another way of a special handling inscription - an endorsement. The bill can be transferred to the bank, obtaining (with a defined discount) of the debt first indicated on the bill of time. In case of refusal to pay, the owner of the bill submits to the court and the amount specified in the bill of exchange is charged in judicial order Since who issued a bill.

Therefore, legislation on the movement of the bill of exchange, the relevant legal mechanism, a developed banking system, is extremely important for existence in the country of bill of exchange.

4. Bank accounts (or deposit money) - This is a kind of means of displaying and monitoring the condition and movement of funds (deposits) of the owner of the money owner, which handed them to the bank. Accounts are divided into indefinite and urgent. The means from an indefinite account (account to demand, the current) of their owner can get at any time. Urgent accounts become accessible to depositors, that is, they can get money from them, only after determining time.

5. Electronic money - These are the same deposit money, the use of which is based on electronic technology (computer). It makes it possible to translate money and register information about their movement with paperless way. ʜᴎʜᴎ, in fact, is not an independent form of Den.

There are several technologies that ensure the functioning of electronic denune. The technology "automated settlement fee" is a network of banks related to one computer center. Technology "Automated Cashier" helps without human participation to make such operations: making cash, deposit, transfer money from one account to another.

Mold forms

With the money function as a means of treatment associated with the form Denᴦ. There are two main forms of money:

1. cash - paper signs and exchange coins;

2. non-cash money. Cashless turnover money is characterized by specific.

Features of non-cash cash settlements are manifested in the following:

a) Payer and recipient transmitting cash take part in cash settlements. In the non-cash cash payments of the participants of the three: payer, the recipient and the bank, in which such calculations are implemented in the form of records on the accounts and recipient's accounts;

b) Cashless cash settlements consist in credit relations with the bank. These relations are manifested in the amounts of balances in the accounts of participants in such calculations. There are no similar credit relations in cash turnover.

Money types - concept and types. Classification and features of the category of money 2017, 2018.

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    The emergence, essence, function and evolution of finance. References 1. A.V. Mogilev, N.I. Pak, E.K. Hyonner Computer Science: - M., 1999; 816 p. 2. Particles A.P. Magazine "Informatics and Education", 1996. 3. Guiter R.S., Polov Y.L. From Abaka to computer. - M.: Knowledge, ....

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  • Money surrounds people everywhere. This is a specific product that serves as an equivalent to assess the value of other goods and services. You can exchange absolutely everything for money. This is the only object that is created in order to get rid of it sooner or later. A kind of financial asset is used to make purchase and sale transactions. Without money it is impossible to imagine life in a civilized society. But once they did not exist at all.

    When did the money circulation arise?

    The money in its classic form arose spontaneously. Back in ancient times, there was a commodity treatment. People exchanged things and food. When excessive goods arose, there was a need for a special asset, which when entering the appeal could be exchanged for this or that item. This asset was just money. The main functions of money are precisely in circulation to exchange goods between consumers.

    Absolute liquidity was considered the main property of the money since ancient years. They can be fully exchanged for goods or service. At different times and in various countries, precious metals, feathers, cocoa beans, cattle were used as money. Only with time people became clear that the money is better to produce with constant weight and in a certain form. Thus arose familiar to many coins. Metal most suitable for the manufacture of a financial asset. It is easy to handle and possessed good wear-resistant characteristics. Types and functions of money change over time. But their form has been preserved since ancient years. These are round coins or paper products.

    The most first coins that were used as financial assets appeared in China in the XVII century BC. Money was made of silver alloy and gold. The functions of money were to exchange them on goods and services. Thus, Barter was replaced by financial turnover. Paper money appeared much later, also in China. After all, it was in this country for the first time a paper appeared. The first money was the receipts for precious metals and stones that surrendered to special storage shops.

    Essence of money

    Money is the main component of the economy of any society. Financial relations Representatives of individual countries could not be established without a special asset. The consistency of a separate person or society as a whole express money. The essence and functions of money are closely related. The main nature of financial assets is that with their help you can estimate the quality and demand of a certain product or service.

    Today, money is universal equivalent. With the help of barter, of course, you can get the necessary product. But the accumulation will not succeed. It is not by chance in ancient times, a cash turnover appeared, from which the separation of society began into classes. On the poor and the rich are precisely money. Types and functions of money determine the development of society in which they rotate.

    In a market economy, money and their functions are constantly changing. Currency courses depend on the events that occur in a particular society, natural cataclysms. One kind of money can be strengthened or falling in relation to another. Despite this, the scope of use of money every year increases. New types of financial assets appear. A bright example can be electronic money, with the help of which you can pay for the same goods and services or multiply your capital.

    Main types of money

    All types of money can be divided into two large subgroups. These are commodity finances and symbolic. More specific types and functions of money may depend on the society in which they appeal. Based on the fact that they arose due to the need for commercial exchange, the main species are the commodity finances. Money is a product that is able to assess the cost of all other goods and services. For a long time, precious stones and metals were used as commodity money due to their properties.

    Today, full-fledged money is used, the cost of which is fully consistent with the actual value of metal. Metal coins are produced in different nominal. Thus, it is much easier to pay for a particular product. The coin has installed external signs. Money is manufactured in a certain form, with a specific pattern.

    Commodity also includes paper money. The types and functions of money in this format do not differ from the coins. They were created in order to save metal. Paper is much cheaper. But in modern society to fake paper banknotes is almost impossible. They are manufactured by a special way of state enterprises. Used dyes and paper of the highest quality. The difference between the real and nominal value of paper money is huge. Due to this, the emission income of the state treasury is formed. Money is able to cover the budget deficit.

    Paper financial assets have a special economic nature. They are almost always unstable. There can be no permanent fixed rate. The issue of money is not regulated by turnover. That is why inflation occurs.

    Credit money

    The total amount of services received, concluded contracts and obligations is all credit money. Essence, functions, types of this financial asset determines the agreement of both parties. In any case, the essence of the loan is to return money with interest. Credit finances can be issued in the form of banknotes, electronic money, bills or checks.

    Separately stands out credit cards. They are the key to bank accountwhere money is located. The essence and functions of the money of this species are the same as other types of credit finance. The only difference is that the contract for the provision of a loan is issued. It is possible to send money from the account an unlimited number of times within the limit provided by the Bank. The only thing to do is to make a monthly minimum payment.

    Money as a measure of value

    Money is today the only tool of economic relations in any society. Functions of financial assets cannot be implemented without people's participation. By setting prices, the cost of goods or service is determined. Speaking easier, the price is the cost of a certain object in monetary terms.

    Money performs perfect function measure function. IN modern world Banknotes of various denominations are produced. Due to this, you can set the most accurate price of a product. Under these conditions, Barter loses its relevance.

    Together with this, the money circulation feature as a cost measure is performed virtually. After all, in order to determine the cost of the goods and hang on it the price tag, real financial resources are not needed. The seller sets the price on his own, in his mind. In the same way, in order to find out the cost of goods or services, it is not necessary to have real money available. All you need to do is explore the price tag or price list.

    Measuring the cost of various services and goods can be compared with measurement of the distance in meters. The monetary unit acts as a scale. Thus, the value of individual resources, services and benefits is determined. Prices in a separate market can be under the influence of a huge number of contracts for the sale of goods and the provision of services. The more the demand for a separate economy is growing, the more cost its cost increases. It turns out that the main functions of money are closely related to each other. Functioning of funds as a measure of value cannot be carried out without real monetary turnover. At the same time, money acts not only as a means of circulation, but also in the form of a payment tool.

    Money functions as means of circulation

    As a means of circulation, only real money can be used. The functions of money are concluded in the simultaneous turnover of goods and financial resources. The seller receives cash assets, and the buyer at the same time becomes the owner of the desired product. At the same time, the transaction is considered genuine only if there are relevant documents. When buying real estate or expensive objects is a contract of sale. In stores with minor goods are used checks.

    In the global economy, all functions of money are important. The reference means must be implemented. If the seller does not conclude an agreement with another goodsseller, money will lose its value. Crisis phenomena in the economy are generated by a break-selling chain. It is the inability to realize the function of money as a means of treatment has become a impetus for the emergence of paper financial funds. The amount of money has not answered the need for financial treatment. In this regard, there are many cases of serious economic crises. In order for the function of the access tools to be implemented in full force, each product should be assigned the cost in the equivalent with a weight part of a precious metal.

    More correctly perform the function of money as means of circulation, metal coins. It should be borne in mind that today for the manufacture of coins use metal is not the highest quality. Money is erased, lose their original weight. In order for the money function to continue correctly, low-quality coins must be disposed of in a timely manner.

    Money - Payment Tool

    For most people who do not understand the economic nuances, the money performs the payment function in the first place. At the same time, the buyer may not necessarily pay for the goods at once. The function will be implemented, even if a loan agreement is issued. Often there are cases when the goods are already paid, but the owner cannot use them yet (the manufacture of furniture under the order). At the same time, the money also act as a means of payment. For taxes, rental housing, wages to employees also need financial resources. This is expressed by the functions of money. The payment tool can be both real and virtual. Electronic money lately are becoming increasingly popular. People acquire goods via the Internet, pay for services through special services. At the same time, it is not necessary to have a certain amount of money in the wallet. The main thing is that the bank is open to the bank.

    With the money function as a means of payment is associated with another possibility economic crisis. Especially it became relevant with the development of the credit sphere. It often happens that the payer has no money at the time of the deadline loan agreement. He cannot fulfill its financial obligations. At the same time, many products business owners buy goods from each other on credit. The insolvency of one entity of the economy leads to the insolvency of the other. A vivid example is banking institutions. If one client cannot pay the money on the loan, the financial institution will not be able to return the deposit funds to another client.

    Money as a means of accumulation

    Financial means that do not participate in the turnover and are not used as payments, can become an object of accumulation and multiplication of wealth. What functions do money, people understood from a long time. But it was not always implemented to implement them. Accumulating wealth, many simply depreciated the money. Inflation, economic crisis, military actions can lead to the fact that great wealth will lose its cost.

    Accumulate money at home is inexpedient. In antiquity, people kept treasures and gold coins in the chests. Thus, the money was lying without movement, made from the trade turnover. Multiplying wealth in this way did not work. The wrong one who does not store money, but let them go to the economic turnover. A reasonable entrepreneur who spends a certain amount on the development of his business, only multiplies the money. The functions of money, like the means of accumulation, are fully implemented.

    Accumulation of money today is required condition development of any production. At the same time, the state is functioning normally, inflation does not hit the pockets of citizens. All money and their functions are closely related. Finance - as a means of circulation - can simultaneously act and the means of accumulation. The main thing is to approach the issue of accumulation of money reasonably.

    What is global money?

    The country's development is impossible without international economic relations. What functions do money, all heads of state should understand. At the same time, each individual country can have its own currency. In the global market, many monetary units lose their strength. If the state does not have a high economic DevelopmentHis currency will not be in demand.

    International markets are most often used currencies of individual developed countries (US dollar). In addition, artificially created currencies can be used. A bright representative is the euro. World money and their functions are closely related to finance that work within a particular state. The only difference is that the money turns occurs at the international level. In the international market, not only individual states, but also private organizations and structures can act as sellers and buyers.

    Modern monetary system

    Today, paper money is widespread. The functions of money determine the degree of development of a particular state. If they are fully fulfilled, the economic crisis can be avoided.

    Modern paper money has their own distinctive features. First of all, it is the cancellation of gold content. Paper can not act as an equivalent of precious metal. Gold left international system calculations.

    The last few decades monetary system Characterized by a decrease cash Capital and an increase in the number of electronic money. At the same time gold cash functions Today almost does not fulfill.

    What functions of money would not be provided, they are necessarily regulated by the corresponding state body. Depends on his work financial condition Countries in general and its position in the international market.

    Since its occurrence, money is constantly changing and developing. It is important to note that in different periods under certain parameters and in different spheres of money circulation apply different kinds Modern. Nowadays exist different types money.

    Types of money and their features

    The most common money is paper. In almost all corners of the world, they enjoy everyday life. The right to their release has an exclusively state. The main functions of paper money is that they are means of payment, as well as a means of circulation. Paper money is the signs of value, and their essence is to cover the deficit in the country's budget.

    Banknote - Paper money issued only central Bank a certain country.

    When talking about what types of money exist, it is impossible not to mention credit money. Their appearance is due to the progress and development of all sorts of industries, when the process of purchase and sale occurs with installment payment, lending. In this case, the obligation to repay the debt to the valid money during a certain period of time. The following type of money is a bill. They represent the unconditional obligation of the debtor in writing. A bill guarantees the payment of a certain amount in deadlines And transmitted in the installed place. There are two types of bills - a simple, which is issued directly by the debtor and transferable (also called "Tratta"), which is issued by the debtor by the lender.

    Checks are monetary documents containing the following information. Account owner in a credit institution, it undertakes to pay the check to the check the amount that is indicated on it.

    It is worth separately allocating the category of electronic money. Given the development of technical progress, an increasing number of people are enjoyed by cash.

    Electronic money is stored in electronic devices on the client's account, if desired, they can be displayed using special services to real money.

    Also now increasingly replaced credit cards Checks. They are equipped with a built-in microsystem and, as a rule, are manufactured on the basis of the account of the holder of this card.

    Money is a specific product that is a universal equivalent of the value of other goods or services. According to the most common version, the Russian word "money" occurred from the Turkic "tenge".

    Before the emergence of money was a barter - direct moneyless exchange of goods. Money arose when moving from natural economy to the production of goods. In various regions of the world, various things were used as money (commodity money): cattle, fur, animal skins, pearls. Later, gold and silver began to use as money, first in the form of ingots, and then in the form of coins.

    Gradually gold and silver coins have displaced the rest of the goods from handling as money. This is related to the convenience of their storage, crushing and compounds, relative large value with a small weight and volume, which is very convenient for exchanging.

    Thanks to the use of money, it was possible to divide the one-time process of mutual exchange of goods by two multipoint of the process: the first is to sell its product, and the second in the acquisition of the necessary goods at another time and elsewhere.

    The functioning of money acquires the traits of an independent process. Commodity producers can store money derived from the sale of their goods before the purchase of the right goods. From here there were monetary accumulations that could be used for both the purchase of goods and to provide money and repayment of debts.

    As a result of such processes, the movement of money has gained independent importance, separated from the movement of goods. The functioning of money was even greater independence due to the replacement of full-fledged money with their own value, monetary signs, as well as upon subsequent cancellation of the fixed gold content of the monetary unit. With this, in the turn, money has been functioning, not possessing our own value, which made it possible to emiate monetary signs In accordance with the need of turnover, regardless of the presence of gold collateral.

    Types of money

    Money has extremely many varieties. In each form of money there are subspecies that combine their diverse forms. They differ in both the type of money material and the methods of circulation, and use and accounting cash, and the possibilities of turning one species to others. But historically allocate four main types of money: commodity, secured, fate and credit.

    Commodity money (Natural, real, valid, real) are products with independent cost and utility. They include all types of goods that were equivalents at the initial stages of the development of commodity treatment (livestock, grain, fur, etc.), as well as metal money - copper, bronze, silver, gold full-mounted coins.

    Secured money (Exciration, representative) can be exchanged for presenting a fixed amount of a certain product or commodity money, such as gold or silver. In fact, secured money is representatives of commodity money.

    Fitate money (Symbolic, paper, decreated, unreal) do not have an independent cost or it is disproportioned with a par. They do not have values, but are able to perform the functions of money, as the state takes them as payment of taxes, and also declares the legal payment tool on its territory. Today, the main form of fate money is banknotes and non-cash money on the bank.

    Credit money - These are the right demands in the future in relation to individuals or legal entities specially decorated debt, usually in the form of transmitted securities that can be used to buy goods (services) or paying their own debts. Payment for such debts is usually made on a certain period.

    These types of money are also distinguished as full and defective; Cash and non-cash.

    Full money Possess a commodity value that allows you to form their purchasing power. Purchasing power, in turn, adequate internal value of money determined by the conditions for their reproduction. Full money is divided into commodity and metal.

    Infectious money do not have commodity cost and can be secured and unsecured; Hartal and monetary surrogates (depending on the legislative framework for the circulation of monetary signs). Infectious money provided with goods or foreign exchange metals is considered representatives of full-fledged money and, without have its own value, possess a representative value. Representative value - a measure of the purchasing value, which is possessed by infallible secured money due to the exchange for full. Since unsecured money does not have ensure, they are not exchanged for gold or currency metals and are money due to universal recognition and confidence in them business entities.

    Hartal - types of defective money, the appeal of which has a legislative basis, is recognized and supported by the state.

    Cash - These are those who are in the hands of the population and serve a retail trade turnover, as well as personal payment and settlement operations. Thus, cash is metal and paper money, which are transmitted from hand to hand in kind.

    Non-cash money - This is the bulk of cash in bank accounts. They are also called deposit or credit money non-cash payments.

    The form of money is called an external expression (embodiment) of a certain type of money differentiated on the functions performed. The following forms of money are distinguished: metal, paper, credit, bills, banknote, deposit, checks, non-cash, electronic.

    Metal money

    Of many types of consumer money, precious metals were distinguished, which gradually became a universal form of money. They did not spoil over time and easily shared on the part. These metals have at the same time high cost and relatively widespread (they are found in almost all regions of the planet, but in low concentration).

    At about the late 7th century BC. e. In Lydia (Small Asia), coins were invented - round ingots of precious metals whose standards were guaranteed by the state chasing. Coins quickly became a universal exchange agent for most of the civilizations of the old light. Since gold and silver coins have their own value, they could be used in all countries where metal money was in the go. However, each state sought to minted his own coin, demonstrating this sovereignty.

    Metal money is valid money, i.e. They have a nominal value corresponds to the real value or cost of the metal from which they are made.


    Historically, paper money appeared as substituents who were in the circulation of gold coins. At the initial stage, they were produced by the state along with gold coins and with the aim of their implementation exchanged on them. The peculiarity of paper money is that they, being devoid of independent cost, are equipped with a state forced course. Paper money is performed only by two functions, being a means of circulation and a means of payment. The state constantly experiencing a lack of financial resources, as a rule, increases the release of paper money without taking into account commodity treatment and payment turnover. The absence of gold exchange makes them unsuitable for the function of the treasure and surplus them can not leave the appeal.

    Credit money

    Credit money arise with the development of commodity production, when buying and selling is carried out with installment payment (on credit). Their appearance is associated with the money function as a means of payment, where they act as a commitment to be repaid within the prescribed period.

    A feature of credit money is that their release is linked to the actual turnover needs. The loan is issued to provide certain types of stocks, and the repayment of loans occurs when the remnants of values \u200b\u200bdecrease. Due to this, the linkage of the volume of payment facilities provided to borrowers can be achieved with the actual need for money turnover.

    Credit money does not have their own value, they are a symbolic expression of the cost, which is enclosed in the Equivalent product. Their release is usually produced by banks when completing credit operations. Credit money passed the following development path: bill, acceptance bill, banknote, check, electronic money, credit cards.


    A bill of exchange is the first type of credit money, resulting from trading with installment payment. A bill of exchange is a written unconditional obligation of the debtor to pay a certain amount into a pre-agreed period and the established place. There are a simple bill issued by the debtor and the transfer (Tratta), discharged by the lender and sent to the debtor to sign up with the return of the creditor.

    Currently, there are also treasury bills that are issued by the state to cover the budget deficit and cash rupture, friendly bills issued by one person to another for the purpose of accounting them in the bank, bronze bills that do not have a coating. A bill guarantee of bills increases with acceptance (agreement) by the Bank is an acceptable bill.

    The features of the bill are:
    Abstract - on the bill not specified the type of transaction;
    Constability - mandatory payment of debt up to the adoption of compulsory measures after drawing up an act of protest;
    Appeal - the transfer of bills as a means of payment to other persons with a transfer inscription on its turnover (zhiro or endressive), which creates the possibility of mutual credit of bill liabilities;
    A bill of exchange serves only wholesale tradein which the balance of mutual requirements is repaid in cash;
    A limited circle of persons is involved in the bill appeal.


    Banknote - credit money manufactured by the central (emission) bank of the country. Initially, the banknote had double security: commercial guaranteebecause it was produced on the basis of commercial bills related to the trade turnover, and the gold warranty, which ensured its exchange for gold. Such banknotes were called classic, had high stability and reliability.

    The banknote from the bill is different:
    1. For urgency - a bill is an urgent debt obligation (3-6 months), a banknote is an indefinite debt obligation.
    2. Guarantees - the bill is published in circulation by a separate entrepreneur and has an individual guarantee, the banknote is issued by the Central Bank and has a state guarantee.

    Classical banknote (i.e., translated on metal) differs from paper money:
    1. By origin - paper money arose from the money function as a means of circulation, a banknote - from the money function as a payment tool.
    2. According to the method of emissions - paper money issues the Ministry of Finance, banknotes - Central Bank.
    3. By return - classical banknotes after the expiration of the bill of exchange, which they are released, return to the central bank, paper money is not returned.
    4. By exchange, the classical banknote on returning to the bank was exchanged for gold or silver, paper money has always been undeveloped.

    Currently, the banknote is in appeal by bank lending to the state, bank lending to the economy through commercial banks, exchange foreign currency On banknotes, this country.

    Modern banknotes Do not exchange gold and not always provided with goods. Currently, central banks of countries produce banknotes of strictly defined dignity. Essentially, they are national money throughout the state.

    Deposit money

    These are numerical entries on customer accounts in the bank. They appear upon presentation by the owners of cheering to its account in the bank. The bank instead of paying banknotes for bill of exchange over the bill with which the payment is carried out by write-off.

    Deposit money is capable of performing a cumulative function due to the percentage obtained in the transfer of funds to temporarily use the Bank. They serve as a measure of cost, but cannot perform the function of handling.

    Deposit, like a bill, has a double nature. On the one hand, this is a cash capital, and on the other hand payment Tool. The resolution of the contradiction of the deposit between the capital function (savings) and the payment function was carried out due to the separation of the deposit for the current account and the savings, urgent deposit.


    Receipt - cash documentcontaining the order of the account holder in the credit institution on the payment of the check holder of the specified amount. There are the following types of checks;
    1. Named - discharged to a certain person without the right to transfer.
    2. Orders - compiled on a certain person, but with the right to transfer to another person on the endorse.
    3. Beasoning - for which the indicated amount is paid to the check locker.
    4. Calculated - used only during non-cash calculations.
    5. Acceptable - by which the bank gives acceptance, or agree to make a payment of a certain amount.

    The entity of the check lies in the fact that it serves as a means of receiving cash in a bank, acts as a means of circulation and payment, and is also an instrument of non-cash payments.

    Non-cash money

    IN developed countries With a market economy, most of the handling funds fall on cashless money. Cashless money - records in the accounts in the central bank and its branches, as well as deposits in commercial banks.

    Cashless money is essentially not paying means, but at any moment they can turn into cash guaranteed by credit institutions. Almost they act along with cash and even have some benefits of them.

    Electronic money

    The end of the XX century is marked by the transition to a new type of money - "electronic". This became possible due to the mass production of computers, which made it possible to proceed to electronic payment transfers.

    Electronic money in a broad sense is defined as electronic storage monetary value using a technical device that can be widely used to make payments in favor of not only the issuer, but also other firms that do not require mandatory use bank accounts For transactions, and acts as a prepaid tool for the bearer.

    Electronic money is the issuer's monetary obligations in in electronic formatwhich are on the electronic media at the disposal of the user.

    The basis of electronic money is the usual deposit treatment, based on the initial contribution to the person committed by the payment, a certain amount of credit money.

    It should also distinguish electronic fate money and electronic non-pity money. Fiat are necessarily pronounced in one of the state currencies and are a kind of monetary units. payment system One of the states. The state of law obliges all citizens to accept fate money to pay. Nefiat - are electronic units of the value of non-state payment systems. Accordingly, emissions, appeal and repayment (exchange for fate money) electronic non-pity money occur according to the rules of non-state payment systems.

    Electronic money gradually displaces checks and replace them with credit cards - a means of calculations that replace cash, as well as a means of obtaining short-term loans in banks.

    Money functions

    Essence of money as economic category It is manifested in their functions that express the internal basis of the maintenance of money. Unity of functions creates an idea of \u200b\u200bmoney as a special specific product involved in the quality of the necessary element in the reproduction process of society. Money can be performed only with the participation of people. It is people who use the possibilities of money can determine the prices of goods, use them as accumulation. In the developed commercial economy, the following functions are performed: cost measures, means of circulation, means of payment, means of accumulation and global money.

    The function of the cost is to assess the value of goods and services. The cost of goods expressed in money is called its price. In the market prices may deviate up or down from the cost (depending on the ratio of supply and supply). Money is also used when registering the cost expression of any economic parameter or entry of commitments.

    The money function as a means of circulation is used as an intermediary in the acts of purchase and sale of goods. Easyness and speed with which money can exchange for any other product are extremely important for this function (liquidity indicator).

    The money function as a payment tool appeared in connection with the development of credit relations, that is, with the possibility of delaying the payment. This function is performed in the provision and repayment of cash loans, with monetary relations with the financial authorities, also when repaying debt wages etc.

    The function of the accumulation means performs money directly not involved in the turnover. Money as a means of accumulation allows you to transfer purchasing power from the present to the future. However, it must be borne in mind that the purchasing power of money depends on inflation. To make money not depreciated, their accumulation is widely practiced in the form of gold, foreign currency, real estate, securities.

    The function of world money is manifested in the relationship between economic entities: states, legal and individualslocated in different countries. Until the 20th century, noble metals played the role of global money (primarily gold in the form of coins or ingots), sometimes precious stones. Nowadays, this role is usually performed by some national currencies - the US dollar, pound sterling, euro and yen, although economic entities can use other currencies in international transactions.

    In the modern market economy, the function of money has undergone modifications. Commodity relations have gained universal and global. Thus, all the goods, services, natural and intellectual resources, as well as the work and abilities of people are estimated today in monetary form.

    Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state