
If cashless payment. Cashless payments. Elements of payment systems

The minimum order amount in the online store: 5 000 rubles.

Cash payment for individuals

After placing the order you can:

  1. Come to the issue of issuance and pay for the order.
  2. Pay for an order courier upon delivery.

If you take the order yourself, you pay the goods in the office at the address: Moscow, Warsaw Highway, 125D Corp.2, Office: 315 (Item Item)

  • When paying for the order you get a commodity and cash checkand.

Cash payment for legal entities

Payment method for settlements with organizations:

As in the case of individuals, you can pay for the order when delivered or in the office.

  • Payment is made only in rubles.
  • To get the goods, you must provide the original power of attorney from the payer organization or assure our instance of the payer's commodity invoice.
  • When paying the order, you will receive a cash receipt, an invoice and invoice.

Payment on non-cash payment for individuals

How to pay the physical person on non-cash payment:

Individuals can pay for the order bank transaction On our current account (the Bank's Commission is possible). After paying the order, be sure to inform us or about payment by phone +7 495 215-50-52 or email

  • Upon receipt of the order, you get sales and cash checks.

Payment on non-cash payment for legal entities

How to pay a legal entity on non-cash payment:

To pay for the order for non-cash payments you need to provide full details Your company at the address. The manager will invoice your account and send it to the way agreed with you. The account and reserve for goods is valid for three banking days.

The goods are released after crediting funds to our current account. To get the goods, you must provide the original power of attorney from the payer organization or assure our instance of the payer's commodity invoice.

  • Upon receipt of the order, you will receive an invoice, invoice and invoice.

Electronic plates

We pay through: Sberbank, Alpha Bank, Webmoney, Qiwi, Visa and MasterCard, etc.:

Electronic plates - Comfortable service that allows customers to pay for their purchases on the Internet by electronic currency.

We can pay for payment systems:

  • Sberbank
  • Alfa Bank
  • WebMoney
  • Visa and Mastercard.

Note! For the use of some payment methods charges the Commission.

Companies prefer non-cash payments, since in this case it can be saved on the costs of circulation. Non-cash payments are widely used due to an extensive network of banks and the country's interest in their development.

Essence of the question

With the concept of non-cash payments, it is worth familiar with to each enterprise that produces or accepts payments from counterparties.

What it is?

Cashless calculations - cash paymentsWhat is conducted on account records in bank institutions when money is debited from the accounts of companies that list them and are credited to the recipient's account.

There is a system of organizing such calculations under which they mean a set of principles, the requirements that are presented to the enterprise.

It is also a set of forms and methods of calculations and related documentation circulation. Non-cash payments are the main component of all calculations with money.

Their classification

Given the type of calculation documentation, allocate:

  • calculations, which are carried out on the basis of payment requirements;
  • calculations carried out on the basis of collection orders;
  • calculations that are conducted on the basis;
  • check calculations;
  • accredible.

The design documentation on paper is drawn up on the form, which are approved by law and manufactured in printing houses or using computers.

Taking into account the method that is used to organize the payment, allocate:

Calculations When read the mutual requirement
Planned calculations Which lists the amount from accounts of buyers to the accounts of firms, which implemented goods, given the price of the goods received or provided
Factoring operation At which are transmitted debentures Companies factoring institution
Leasing surgery When services are provided with rights in the future to purchase an object
Full calculations for sums What is reflected in the settlement documentation, the calculation of the balance of the mutual requirement of the payer and the recipient
Calculations with guaranteed listings When there is a preliminary on a separate bank account at the location of payers with the possibility of further write-off from accounts, when funds are credited to buyers' locations in the location of payers

Given the nature of the relations of the economic plan, non-cash payments are represented by such species:

Taking into account the method of sales of goods, calculations can be:

The relevance of the subject

The most important condition for the functioning of the economy is a reliable payment system, which can provide dynamic and steady turns when translating money between economic agents.

In the presence of an effective system of non-cash payments, the work of payments is accelerated, the safety of calculations is increased, cash is replaced and the costs of circulation are reduced, the costs of printing are reduced, etc.

The clear organization of settlements of money is relevant, since the monetary stage of turnover of amounts is of great importance in the company's work.

Regulatory legal regulation

The main legislative sources of settlement management:

  1. GK of Russia.
  2. Law on banks and activities of banking institutions.

Arising nuances

Form of the organization of turnover non-transaction - payment systems. The basis is the calculations between companies, citizens,.

The system provides an appeal of non-cash between companies, whose purpose is in a timely manner, correctly and fully fulfill payment obligations.

If the calculations are not timely, it will deteriorate financial condition Participant of calculations, undermined confidence, a stable financial system is violated.

The payment system of Russia is represented by a number of elements, which will ensure the fulfillment of the obligations on the debts, which arises in the conduct of economic activity.

How does such payment system work?

Calculations are carried out mainly by accounts that should be both at payers and the recipients. Calculations of non-cash plan are carried out by companies and individuals through banks where bills opened.

Between the parties is made by bank accounts.

It is necessary to adhere to the organization of non-cash settlements of such principles:

Calculations should be carried out by bank account What is open for storing and transferring money. Calculations should be carried out through bank institutions
Payments are carried out by banking agencies on the basis of the order of the account owners by the order rules What are installed within the permanent amounts on accounts
Adhere to the principle of freedom when choosing a cash-free settlement form firm And their approval in the contract when banks do not interfere in relation. (On the above principles there is information c).
Calculations are carried out, given the timing, which is established in, credit, instructions of the Ministry of Finance, Urgent payments can be made:
  • before holding trade operationsuntil the goods are shipped ( );
  • after the operation is completed;
  • some time after the completion of trading operations ( commercial credit without debt obligations, bill).

There may be early, delayed and overdue payments

The principle of payment of payment, when there should be liquid funds from the payer What can be used when repaying obligations in the face to which money is addressed

Organize a non-cash settlement system, considering such components:

  • principles of payment organization, which is mandatory to fulfill each subject;
  • account system, which will allow payments by non-cash;
  • system forms of payments, documentation and order of turnover by documents.

At the heart - bank accounts, settlement monetary documents. Calculations should be carried out so that the payment is made as quickly as possible so that the reproductive process is continuous and accelerated, and the means turned around.

Payment is made by non-cash payments by transferring to recipient accounts.

Who establishes the rules for the commission of such calculations?

Calculations between firms are conducted by bank agencies (the Bank opens the Customer's current account), and between banking institutions - RCC.

Estimated bank account transactions can be performed according to the bank's correspondent account, which opens from each other, based on.

If the business bodies come agreements, mutual debt standings can be carried out not through the bank.

When the obligations are not fully terminated, payment documents are submitted to banks to transfer the remaining after the credit.

The Government of Russia is performed by the functions of regulating settlements, the limit amounts of calculation of cash and the standards for carrying out settlement operations are determined.

Bank Russian Federation - The body that regulates and issues with the organization of calculations by non-cash, the calculated cash center.

They are established order, deadlines, form and standards of settlement. The rules for holding a cashless payment plan are considered in the Regulations on non-cash settlements in the Russian Federation.

Tools for carrying out operations

Economic base is a production process of a material nature. Most are calculations for operations with shipped goods, performed by the work provided by the services. Rest money turnover - calculations on the off operation.

Multiple forms are used - ways of payments and documentary turnover. Relevant:

  • extracts and providing them with a different participant of settlement operations;
  • the content of the settlement documentation and its details;
  • time when compiled estimated document and rules for filing it to the banking institution and other participants;
  • movements of documents between banks;
  • rules and timing of the payment of documents, translations and receipt of money;
  • rules for applying settlement documents with mutual control of participants in the settlement operations.

The documentation should reflect the name of the document, payers, recipients.

Current accounts open:

  • public, religious and trade union organizations;
  • representative offices and branches that are on independent balances, but do not have permits of a higher authority;
  • non-aging units and branches

Subraffer accounts:

  • open a non-aggregate division;
  • open at the petitions of head firms;
  • open accounts for banking institutions that serve the parent enterprise, etc.

Open such budget accounts:

  • temporary to enroll funds of authorized capital;
  • special to conduct lending operations when loans are received in a banking institution where there is no bill account.
  • deposit to receive additional profits for storing money throughout certain periods.

What does the moment of execution of the monetary obligation mean?

You do not quite understand how this concept is decrypted? Let's try to figure out. Performing settlement obligations, it is worth determining the moment of their execution.

There are no clear rules that would be applied when returning excess tax amounts on the basis of ,.

You clarify that the payer is recognized by the fulfillment of obligations at the moment when the relevant amount will be received in the banking institution specified by recipients.

What is the economic essence?

Most of the money boards are non-cash payments. Their part in the Russian Federation - 60%, and in developed states – 90%.

Operations on the Company's settlement accounts reflect changes on debt requirements and obligations. In the limits of the company reflect, as the national product and national profit is distributed and redistributed.

If a clear job of banking institutions is organized, the calculations of the non-cash plan contribute to the fact that:

  • the turnover of funds is accelerated;
  • accelerated payment of payments;
  • the cash is reduced, which is necessary in circulation;
  • the costs of circulation are reduced - additional costs of printing and recalculating the money required in the work of cash settlements.

Applying non-cash calculations, develop an extensive banking network. Playing important role and the country's interest itself

Available problems

In the Russian Federation there is no unified payment system. The same, which is valid, does not meet the standards established at the international level. A number of segments of the payment system differs from each other in terms of technological development.

Many calculations are also produced to this day through the MFIs of the settlement networks of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. And it does not fulfill the speed and quality requirements.

Integration into global payment systems is slow. Such problems are solved in several directions:

  1. Improved forms of organization of settlements on the settlement network of the Central Bank.
  2. Electronic payments and modern technologies using computer and computer network.
  3. New forms of settlements are developed.

The Bank provides a number of activities aimed at improving state payment systems. The quality of calculations is gradually improved and a platform is prepared in order to introduce modern shape Credit organization.

The measures to improve the settlement methodology are developed and implemented. If not legislative provisions, the payment system is instability. Legal risks will occur for banking institutions and all economies.

In the Russian Federation there is still no legislative basewhich would regulate electronic payments. There are such directions in which work is underway:

  • information technologies are developed;
  • provide comprehensive banking protection;
  • there is a metrological provision of operations in banks;
  • provide standardization of the procedure for making calculations, conducting operations, accounting and reports for banking systems.

Distinctive signs of payment

We list a number of distinctive features:

  • the executing party is a bank institution;
  • banks do not have the right to write off money from accounts, if this does not have the consent of the client;
  • banks can not control the spending of cash by customers;
  • payments are held in the presence of a sufficient balance on customer accounts;
  • there must be strictly comply with documentary forms of settlement documentation.

Prospects for the development of non-cash settlements

It is necessary to implement not only a modern system of transmitting and processing accounting data, but also comply with the requirements for compliance with the settlement networks of the Central Bank of the objectivity of the payment system at each stage of improvement.

You need to reform tools and procedures that are used when transferring money, the system of institutions of the Central Bank. In the near future, the Russian Federation plans to abandon paper data and work with electronic documentation.

The bank believes that it is necessary to carry out operations in order to ensure the delivery mechanism against payments, payments, which are carried out by the clearing and settlement chamber in order to complete the calculations.

The telecommunications network of the Central Bank will develop, which will ensure the permanent action of the payment system. The calculation apparatus will be a holistic system of gross calculations in real time.

Develop an interface for interaction with the calculation of the Clearing Chamber, the settlement system securities, intrabank settlement system.

You can go to promising systems if a single network of data transmission and processing is created. In the settlement network there must be such components:

Features for Subjects

Find out what to pay attention to. What should be known about non-cash calculations carried out at enterprises and IP.

At the enterprise

To carry out settlement operations, open accounts in the bank, providing a number of documents. After that, they carry out most of the calculations - for the return of the loan, selling the goods, the payment of money to employees, etc.

It is important to distinguish operations, which are associated with business activities and are not associated with such that from a legal point of view is not so simple.

Non-cash payments are most of the calculations between business entities. And the government holds a course on the development of the relevant payment system.

There is hope that in the near future calculations by non-cash will be improved, as the authorities hold relevant activities. At the same time it is worth relying on the norms that exist.

Every day, an increasing number of institutions carry out the transition to the cashless procedure for calculating with its customers. Similarly is the case with individual entrepreneurs. Banks are completely free to provide special terminals to pay non-cash payments. At the same time, if necessary ...

Today in accordance with applicable legislative standards There is a need to provide payment opportunities for non-cash payments. And both for retail clients and for wholesalers. Cashless settlement is implemented by private individuals. It is important to deal with the main forms in advance ...

We define what basic principles of the organization of cashless settlements exist, as well as what rules should be remembered in the work of such payments in the Russian Federation. In addition to cash, they are at the disposal of the organization and non-cash settlements. Content information for the basis of the organization of cashless settlements ...

Non-cash payments - These are calculations (payments) carried out without the use of cash, through the transfer of funds on accounts in credit institutions and credit requirements. Non-cash payments are important economic importance in accelerating the turnover of funds, reducing the cash required for circulation, reducing the costs of circulation; The organization of cash settlements using cashless money is much more preferable to payments in cash. A widespread network of banks, as well as the interest of the state in their development, both on the above reason and to study and regulate macroeconomic processes to study and regulate macroeconomic processes are promoted.

In the Russian Federation, the Central Bank has established the following types of non-cash settlements:

Calculations by payment orders

Calculations on letters of credit

Calculations of checks

Calculations on collection

Calculations by payment requirements

Payment order- This is the order of the account owner (payer) to its bank, designed by the settlement document, translate a certain amount of money to the recipient's recipient opened in this or another bank. Payment orders can be in paper and electronic form.

Typically, the payment order is drawn up in four copies: the 1st copy is intended for the payer, 2nd - the payer's bank, the 3rd and 4th are transmitted to the recipient's bank. Payment orders are accepted by the bank regardless of availability money On the payer's account, but are executed only if there are sufficient funds on it.

Payment orders can be transferred funds:

for the goods completed, work provided, services rendered, for pre-payment of goods, works, services, or for the implementation of periodic payments;

to budgets of all levels and extrabudgetary funds;

in order to return / place loans (loans) / deposits and pay interest on them;

for other purposes stipulated by law or contract.

After checking the bank employee, the correctness of the filling and registration of payment orders on all copies (except for the latter), adopted for the execution of payment orders, in the field "Admission to the Bank Bank", the responsible executor of the Bank launched the date of receipt to the payment order bank.

The last copy of the payment order, in which the bank stamp is affixed in the field of the Bank's markup, the date of receipt of payment order and the signature of the responsible performer. The bank, who adopted a payer's payment order, is obliged to list the amount of money to the bank of the recipient of the Receiver to accrual the person specified in the assignment. If necessary, the Bank has the right to attract other banks to fulfill cash transfer operations specified in the client's instructions. The bank is obliged at the request of the payer to inform him about the execution of the assignment.

Accreditative - This is a conditional monetary obligation taken by the Bank on behalf of the order (payer for a letter of credit), to make a payment in favor of the recipient of funds for the letter of credit specified in the letter of credit to submit the last to the Bank of the Documents in accordance with the terms of the letter of credit in the letter of credentials, or pay , to accept or take into account the translated bill, or provide the authority to another bank (executing bank) to make such payments or pay, accept or take into account the transfer bill).

Security paper containing an uncommonled disposal of the check of the bank to produce the payment specified in it by the amount of the check holder. The credit is a person with funds in the bank, which he has the right to dispose of checking the checks, a chek holder - a person in favor of which a check is issued, a payer - a bank in which the cash of the Chekodator is.

The checkbook is not entitled to withdraw a check before the expiration of the deadline for presenting it to payment.

There are cash checks and calculated checks. Cash checks are applied to pay cash holder cash in a bank, for example on wages, household needs travel expenses etc.

Settlement checks - These are the checks used for non-cash calculations, this is a document of the established form containing the unconditional written order of the checkbook to its bank on the transfer of a certain amount of money from his account at the expense of the recipient. Acceptance check - This is a mark on the consent of the payer's bank transfer to the recipient's account specified in the check.

Collection - Intermediary banking operation on the transfer of funds from the payer to the recipient through the bank with the enrollment of these funds to the recipient's account. For the execution of collection banks charge commissions.

Collection - a banking settlement operation, through which the bank on behalf of its client receives money from the payer for the payer, on the basis of the settlement documents, for goods-material values \u200b\u200bshipped to the payer and services rendered to the payer and enrolls these funds to the client's account in the bank.

The collection can be clean and documentary.

Pure collection - This is collectively financial documents (translation and simple bills, Checks and other similar documents used to receive payments) when they are not accompanied by commercial documents.

Documentary inkasso - This is the collection of financial documents accompanied by commercial documents (accounts, transport and insurance documents, etc.), as well as the collection of only commercial documents. Documentary collection in international trade is the obligation of the Bank to receive on behalf of the exporter from the importer amount of the payment under the contract against the transfer of the latter commodity documents and list it exporter.

Disadvantages of the collection form of calculations: 1) the time break between the shipment of the goods, the transfer of documents to the bank and receiving the payment, which can be sufficiently long, which slows down the turnover of exporting funds; 2) the lack of reliability in the payment of documents (may refuse to pay for commodity documents or to be unproved by the time of arrival of them to the Bank of the Importer). These disadvantages are overcome by the use of a telegraph collection that allows you to reduce the unwanted time break, as well as at the expense of the application of the collection with a pre-issued bank guarantee, which allows you to create reliability of payment close to the one that occurs in irrevocable letters of credit.

Payment requirement(in the spacious "Ice") - this is a settlement document containing a creditor's requirement (supplier) to the debtor (payer) on the payment of a certain monetary sum through the bank.

For payment requirements, the payer's acceptance is required. However, at certain cases (if this is stipulated in the payer and recipient agreement, or if such a case is stipulated in the law) it is possible to carry out calculations without acceptance.

Acceptance - The response of the person who is addressed to the offer, about its adoption. Acceptance - consent to payment. According to Russian legislation, the acceptance must be complete and unconditional (the adoption of a proposal for other conditions is recognized as a new offer).

Cashless payment is one of the most convenient options for making calculations; It is high speed and almost complete lack of regulatory restrictions in the payment of payments.

Therefore, many companies choose non-cash payments for their own purposes, minimizing cash circulation.

Moreover, calculations through credit organizations have a cheaper option in comparison with the calculations through banknotes and coins.

What is the non-cash form of calculations?

First of all, such a format of payments is available to all - legal entities, entrepreneurs and ordinary citizens. Cashless payments are carried out only through banking and other credit structures that have to implement banking operations.

In general, non-cash payments are calculations that are implemented by moving money on accounts belonging to participants such calculations.

In fact, the write-off and enrollment of funds occurs in in electronic format. According to the results of the working day, the account holder is given an extract on it, which reflects the remainder at the beginning and end of the day, as well as all profitable-consuming operations. This allows you to monitor cash flows.

Non-cash payments are regulated in the Russian Federation Two main regulatory acts:

  • The Civil Code of the Russian Federation - in his chapter 46 "Calculations" set out the basic provisions of all the permitted forms of non-cash circulation;
  • Regulations on the rules for the implementation of the transfer of funds No. 383-P, which was approved on 19.06.12. Bank of Russia. This document provides a more detailed description. non-cash form settlements, as well as requirements for payment documents. This provision does not contradict the norms of civil law.

In addition, there is another normative actThe Bank of Russia is approved by the Regulation on the emission of payment cards dated December 24, 2004. №266-p. This document discloses the procedure for making acquiring - calculations using payment cards for goods and services. The acquiring is a peculiar form of non-cash payments, which is available primarily to ordinary citizens.

Based on these three documents, the organization and control of non-cash circulation occurs, which faster displaces the Cash intensity faster. And for this there are reasons:

  • calculations bank accounts rarely depend on the time of operation (that is, from the time of day) and from geography;
  • cashless payments are in service much cheaper than cash payments;
  • in addition, for organizations, calculations are more preferred, since such payments are made much less requirements for design, organization and accounting than to cash. Therefore, many novice companies in order to save and protect against fines for errors in compliance and in use or not use, go to non-cash payments. To this strive and large companies with experience.

As for ordinary citizens, it is convenient for them to make it convenient because it is enough to have a payment card for payment, and it is beneficial because when calculating the commission for the commission for estimated service often not charged.

But the state receives its benefit from the growth of non-cash settlements, in particular, the turnover is controlled. cashand a decrease in the amount of cash in circulation reduces the inflation rate.

Views. Their advantages and disadvantages

In legal nature exists several shapesin which non-cash payments are carried out.

Forms and tools

In accordance with the Regulation of the Bank of the Russian Federation No. 383-P to these forms include:

  • Calculations using the payment order. In this case, a document is issued, which contains the instruction of the Bank at the expense of the payer's funds to make the transfer specified in payment document Amounts. Translation is carried out on time and the person specified on the instructions. This transfer option is considered one of the easiest and most traditional. Specifies for 10 days in which the day of document is not included. This calculation format is available even to a conventional citizen who has no current account. The inconvenience of calculations by means of payment orders is that if an error is made in the document when decomriage, it may cause a significant delay in payment or its dispatch it is not a beneficiary;
  • Calculations through a letter of credit. In fact, this is a special account that is used only for calculations on operations requiring the mediation of the bank. In other words, a letter of credit is the disposal of the payer of the bank about the transfer of funds to their recipient only subject to the last special conditions, for example, the supply of goods, providing documents and other conditions. Action letter of credit simple language You can describe this way: the buyer opens in his bank a letter of credit and translates the cost of the purchase by it, but to get these funds the supplier will be able to deliver the goods and transfer of the accompanying documents to the Bank where the letter of credit is opened. And then the bank carries out the transfer of funds. The convenience of such a form of calculations is to protect the transaction. But the lack of a letter of credit in its high cost, in its isolation from the bank account agreement (the letter of credit is discovered separately), in participating in the transfer of funds of several parties: the buyer and supplier, the issuer's bank (it opens up a letter of credit) and the executive bank (it performs the execution of the letter of credit) . By the way, often one bank can be performer, and the issuer;
  • Calculations through collection orders or collection. Their specifics are that such calculations are possible only if the recoverer (recipient) has the rights to make the requirements of the debtor's account (payer). These rights may be provided for by law or agreement, which is concluded between the account holder (debtor) and the bank. Incassion is in essence wears a decisive nature. Those. Recipient to recover the required amount must submit to the bank holder to the payer's account holder necessary information About the debtor and his commitment. Also, the collection order is also notifying for its essence. The debtor will often find out about the debtor's debtor, only after removing his money. And it can make it difficult to hold a debtor of other banking operations due to lack of funds on the account;
  • Calculations through checkbooks. This option can be conditionally called cash-non-cash, since it implies the write-off of funds from the account of the check-in at the expense of a check holder or the issuance of cash. Moreover, the calculation of the checks is made only under the condition that the checkbook has a sufficient amount of money and after confirming the identity of the check of the check itself;
  • Calculations in the form of direct debit. In this case, the transfer of money is made at the request of their recipient. For execution this translation at the operator who will perform calculation operationThere must be an agreement with the payer and his acceptance (consent) to implement such an operation. Such calculations are carried out within the framework of the National Payment System of Russia and in the presence of payment card. The acceptance of the card holder to write off from it must be enshrined in a contract or other document that complements the contract;
  • Calculations in the form of translation of electronic money. Within the framework of this type of non-cash payments, an individual (citizen) provides an operator to conduct cash withdrawal, both from his personal bank account or without any and with invoices of organizations and entrepreneurs who provide funds in favor of this citizen. But this is possible only if such a right is provided in the contract between an individual and the operator. As for entrepreneurs and organizations, they can only use funds from their bank accounts.
    The last two types of cashless payments are governed by the Law "On National payment system"Dated 27.06.11 №161-FZ.

On the benefits of non-cash payments are described in the following video:

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Everything happens in several clicks without queues and stress. Try and you will be surprisedhow it became easy!

Principles of constructing non-cash settlements

System of non-cash settlements based On the following principles:

Based on these principles, not only the construction is carried out. non-cash system settlements, but also their execution.

Order of conduct

Any non-cash calculations are implemented only if there is an account opened under a bank account agreement. However, the current legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the possibility of conducting non-cash operations and without opening the payer of the current account. But this is possible only when making payments by ordinary citizens, whose money transfers are not related to entrepreneurial activities.

To maintain non-cash payments, the account can be opened both in the bank and in other credit organizationlicensed by the Bank of Russia license to perform such operations.

To implement non-cash transfers payers can open:

All these accounts can be opened in rubles and in the currency of foreign countries.

Account rules

For accounting for non-cash operations, the organization uses the account 51 "Settlement accounts", where the analytics are built on each open organization a settlement account. All operations are reflected on the basis, for example, on the basis of payment orders, collection orders, etc. And for reflections of operations on special accounts, organizations apply 55 "Special Bank Accounts" with analytics for letters of credit, deposits, check records, and other similar forms of non-cash payments.

Entrepreneurs do not use, but they bring profitable-speaking operations on a bank account in their books accounting for income and expenses. And on the basis of these registers calculate. As confirmation of non-cash operations, they also use payment orders or in collecting, memorial orders, etc.

As for ordinary citizens, they can receive extracts from their account to control their means.

Responsibility for violation of settlement relations

The punishment for such violations is provided for in chapter 15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Moreover, they are punished, both account holders and credit organizations.

For example:

  • from the payment agents in violation of work with a special account can be recovered from 40 to 50 thousand rubles;
  • if the bank violated the transfer date to the budget from the taxpayer account, then officer Bank will contribute to 5 thousand rubles.

On the history of the emergence and basic principles of these types of settlements are described in the next video lecture:

There are two forms of order payment - this is cash and cashless payments.


  • Payment of the order is carried out only in Russian rubles.
  • By cashless payments, payment is made through any bank.
  • Orders paid for receipts and legal entities on non-cash payments are sent after receipt to the bill of the entire amount for the order.
  • If the order is not paid within 3 (three) days, it is considered canceled.

Payment for cash payments

When delivering orders by courier and in order issuing items, a cash form of payment is used.

Buyer pays for the goods ordered by the representative of the delivery service, previewed and accepting the goods. Please prepare the amount for payment without passing. Thank you!

Payment on non-cash payment for individuals

- By receipt

Making the order Specify the payment method - by receipt. The store manager will send a receipt of PD-4 form by email.

According to this receipt, the buyer can list funds at the office of any bank or using the online office of its bank (for example, Sberbank-online) on store details.

Attention! Order should not be paid before the manager confirmation, it will come by e-mail.

Payment by receipt allows you to reduce the costs associated with shipping. This is a preferred method for the delivery of FSUE "Mail of Russia".

- cash on delivery

Payment by cash on delivery is possible when shipping the order of the FSUE "Mail of Russia".

This payment method is somewhat more expensive than payment by receipt.

When receiving a parcel in the FSUE office of Russian Post, in addition to the amount of cash on delivery, the recipient pays:

  • commission for the translation - 40 rubles. + 5% of the amount of cash on delivery *
  • storage service - 20 rubles for every day Over 5 days *

* Depends on the amount of cash on delivery and the recipient region.

- prepayment by bank card

Payment is carried out through the payment service NET PAY

The ordered product is possible to pay a bank card online immediately after creating an order. In the case of buying a product "under the order" after the receipt of this product in the store. You will see the corresponding button on the order execution page.

  1. To pay a bank card, you will be redirected to the protected payment page of the Processing company Net Pey LLC. Payment page meets the last international requirements Security of payment systems Visa, MasterCard, peace.
  2. During the payment of the bank card, enter its number, validity period, CVV code, specified on the turnover, as well as the name and surname of the owner and the contact details of the cardholder.
  3. Make sure you entered correct data, and then click on the "Pay" button.
  4. If yours bank card Supports 3D Secure technology, you will automatically go to the site of your bank, where you will be asked to enter secret code Activation that will be sent to your phone.
  5. If the details of the maps are entered correctly and on the account of enough money, you will see a confirmation of payment for the order. After that, you will be asked to return to the store page.

Order of receiving an order paid by a bank card

When transferring an order, you will be asked to present a document certifying personality to verify the name of the recipient of the order. In addition to the painting for receiving the order, you will be asked to record the number of this document.

Cash Return Procedure

For a complete or partial cash refund on the map you need to contact the store. Money will automatically return to your card within 2-3 days. The exact period of money return depends on the limitations of the placement of the order and from the bank released the card (the maximum return period cannot exceed 30 days).

Treatment payment information It happens on the Net Pay Processing Center page, so the buyer's card data is not available for the online store. Protection of information transfer is made by technologies developed by international payment visa systems, MasterCard, World - Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). Using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocols, Verified by Visa, Secure Code, Miraccept and closed banking networks guarantees secure transactions with bank cards.

Payment on non-cash payment for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs

  • Choose when ordering payment method - cashless payment;
  • fill in the required form fields (TIN, PPP, P / C, K / S, etc.) or send details of the company to E-mail: [Email Protected]the requisite site is required to design documents (accounts, TTN, etc.);
  • The manager exhibits a bill for payment, which must be paid for three working days;
  • If possible, inform the fact of payment, sending a copy of the document confirming the fact of transfer of the money to order ( payment order With a bank marker in a scanned form or its broken photo) on E-mail: s [Email Protected]website. This will avoid mistakes when crediting funds to our current account.

Attention! Pay for the order only after confirming the store manager by phone or email

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state