
Snip 23 05 natural and artificial lighting. Legislative base of the Russian Federation. Pharmacy lighting standards

Lighting standards are regulated by the set of rules SP 52.13330.2011 (updated version of SNiP 23-05-95).

Below are tables of illumination standards for the most common objects:

Lighting standards are indicated in lux for the working surface: if it is an office, reading room or billiard room, then this is the height of the table, usually 0.8 meters from the floor (G = 0.8); if it is a staircase, a lobby, a sports hall, a road or a stadium, then it is: a floor, a roadbed, a field (G=0.0).

Lighting of streets, roads and squares

Illuminated objects

Average illumination (Esr), lx not less than Illumination distribution (Emin / Еср), not less than
Highways, ferral and transit routes. Road class - A
1 A1. Highways, federal and transit highways, main city highways (outside the city center)
- with a throughput of more than 10,000 units/h
30 0,35
2 A2. Other federal roads and major streets (outside downtown)
- with a throughput of 7,000 - 9,000 units/h
20 0,35
3 A3. Central highways connecting streets with access to highways A1 (in the city center)
- with a throughput of 4,000 - 7,000 units/h
20 0,35
4 A4. The main historical thoroughfares of the center, internal connections of the center (in the city center)
20 0,35
Main roads and streets of regional significance. Road class - B
5 B1. Main roads and streets of the city of district significance (outside the city center)
- with a throughput of 3,000 - 5,000 units/h
20 0,35
6 B2. The main roads and streets of the city of district significance (in the city center)
- with a throughput of 2,000 - 5,000 units/h
15 0,35
Streets and roads of local importance. Road class - B
7 IN 1. Transport and pedestrian links within residential areas and access to highways, except streets with continuous traffic (residential development outside the city center)
15 0,25
8 AT 2. Transport and pedestrian links in residential areas and access to highways (residential development in the city center)
- with a throughput of 1,500 - 3,000 units/h
10 0,25
9 AT 3. Transport links within industrial and municipal warehouse zones (in urban industrial, municipal and warehouse zones)
- with a throughput of 500 - 2,000 units/h
6 0,25
Detached tram line
10 Detached tram line 10 -
Streets and roads rural settlements
11 Main streets, squares of public and shopping centers 10 -
12 Main streets in residential area 6 -
13 Secondary (lane) streets and residential areas 4 -
14 Village roads, driveways on the territory of garden associations and dacha cooperatives 2 -

Lighting of gas stations (gas stations) and parking lots

Illuminated objects
Average illumination
(Esr), lx
at least
Gas stations
1 Access roads from roads of category A and B 15
2 Access roads from category B roads 10
3 Places for refueling and draining oil products 20
4 The rest of the territory with a carriageway 10
Parking lots, storage areas for rolling stock
5 Open parking on the streets of all categories, as well as paid off-street, open parking
in microdistricts, driveways between rows of box-type garages

Pedestrian area lighting

Illuminated objects
Average illumination
(Esr), lx
at least
Illumination distribution
(Emin / Esr)
at least
1 P1. Areas in front of the entrances Areas in front of the entrances of mass cultural, sports, entertainment and shopping facilities, sports, entertainment and shopping facilities 20 0,30
2 P2. The main pedestrian streets of the historical part of the city and the main public centers of the administrative districts, impassable and in front of the factory squares, boarding, children's and recreation areas 10 0,30
3 P3. Pedestrian streets, main and auxiliary entrances of parks, sanatoriums, exhibitions and stadiums 6 0,20
4 P4. Sidewalks separated from the carriageway of roads and streets, the main driveways of microdistricts, entrances, passages and central alleys of children's, educational and medical institutions 4 0,20
5 P5. Secondary driveways in the territories of microdistricts, utility sites in the territories of microdistricts, side alleys and auxiliary entrances of citywide parks and central alleys of parks of administrative districts 2 0,10
6 P6. Side alleys and auxiliary entrances of parks of administrative districts 1 0,10

Lighting of underground and elevated pedestrian crossings

Illuminated objects
Average illumination
(Esr), lx
at least
Illumination distribution
(Emin / Esr)
at least
1 Passages of underground pedestrian crossings and tunnels 75 0,30
2 Elevated pedestrian crossing passages with transparent walls and ceiling or glazed wall openings 75 0,30
3 Staircases, ramps and viewing platforms elevated pedestrian crossings with transparent walls and ceilings or glazed wall openings 50 0,30
4 Stairs and ramps of underground pedestrian crossings and tunnels 45 0,30
5 open footbridges 10 0,30

Building entrance lighting

Emergency lighting for escape routes

Illuminated objects
Average illumination
(Esr), lx
at least
Illumination distribution
(Emin / Esr)
at least
1 Escape routes for high-risk areas 15 0,10
2 Escape routes up to 2 m wide 1 0,025
3 Emergency lighting for large areas 0,5 0,025

Emergency and security lighting

Lighting of premises of administrative buildings(ministries, departments, committees, municipalities, departments, design and engineering organizations, research institutions, etc.)

Illuminated objects
Average illumination
(Esr), lx
at least
1 Project halls and rooms, design and drawing offices. (on tables, Г-0.8). 500
2 Analytical Laboratories. (on tables, Г-0.8). 500
3 Computer and reading rooms. (on tables, Г-0.8). 400
4 Laboratories: organic and inorganic chemistry, thermal, physical, spectrographic, stylometric, photometric, microscopic, X-ray diffraction analysis, mechanical and radio measuring, electronic devices, preparatory. (on tables, Г-0.8). 400
5 Cabinets and workrooms, offices. (on tables, Г-0.8). 300
6 Premises for visitors, expeditions. (on tables, Г-0.8). 300
7 Photocopy facilities. (on tables, Г-0.8). 300
8 Bookbinding rooms. (on tables, Г-0.8). 300
9 Model, carpentry and repair shops. (on tables, Г-0.8). 300
10 Reader's catalogues. (on the front of filing cabinets, V-1.0). 200
11 Conference rooms, meeting rooms. (on tables, Г-0.8). 200
12 Recreation, lobby, foyer. (on the floor, G-0.0). 150
13 Book depositories and archives, premises of the open access fund. (on racks. B-1.0). 75

Norms of illumination of banking and insurance institutions

Illuminated objects
Average illumination
(Esr), lx
at least
1 operating room, credit group, cash room. (on tables, Г-0.8). 400
2 Server room, premises for interbank electronic settlements. (on tables, Г-0.8). 400
3 Production room, processing identification cards. (on tables, Г-0.8). 400
4 Premises of collection department, collector. (on tables, Г-0.8). 300
5 Service premises individuals. (on tables, Г-0.8). 300
6 Depository, depository, storeroom of valuables. (on tables, Г-0.8). 200
7 Safe. (on tables, Г-0.8). 150

Institutional lighting standards
general education, primary, secondary and higher specialized education

Illuminated objects
Average illumination
(Esr), lx
at least
1 Classrooms, classrooms, classrooms, laboratories of general education schools, boarding schools, secondary special and vocational institutions. (On the desk). 500
2 Technical drawing and drawing rooms. (on tables, Г-0.8). 500
3 Classrooms, classrooms, classrooms, laboratories of general education schools, boarding schools, secondary special and vocational institutions. (on tables, Г-0.8). 400
4 Auditoriums, classrooms, laboratories of technical schools and higher educational institutions. (on tables, Г-0.8). 400
5 Cabinets of informatics and computer technology. (on tables, Г-0.8). 400
6 Laboratories in classrooms. (on tables, Г-0.8). 400
7 Offices of service types of labor. (on tables, Г-0.8). 400
8 Workshops for the processing of metals and wood. (on tables, Г-0.8). 300
9 Stages of assembly halls. (on the floor, G-0.0). 300
10 Offices and rooms of teachers. (on tables, Г-0.8). 300
11 Sport halls. (on the floor, G-0.0). 200
12 Assembly halls, cinema audiences. (on the floor, G-0.0). 200
13 Recreation. (on the floor, G-0.0). 150
14 Indoor pools. (on the surface of the water). 150
15 Sport halls. (at the level of 2.0 m from the floor). 75

Lighting standards for leisure facilities

Illuminated objects
Average illumination
(Esr), lx
at least
1 Multipurpose rooms. (G-0.8). 400
2 Theater auditoriums, concert halls. (G-0.8). 300
3 Club rooms, music classes. (G-0.8). 300
4 Auditoriums of clubs, a club-lounge, a room for leisure activities, meetings, theater foyers. (G-0.8). 200
5 Exhibition halls. (G-0.8). 200
6 Foyer of cinemas, clubs. (on the floor, G-0.0). 150
7 Film, sound and light hardware. (G-0.8). 150
8 Cinema auditoriums. (G-0.8). 75

Lighting standards for preschool institutions

Illuminated objects
Average illumination
(Esr), lx
at least
1 Rooms for music and gymnastic classes, dining rooms. (on the floor, G-0.0). 400
2 Group, play. (on the floor, G-0.0). 400
3 Dressing rooms. (on the floor, G-0.0). 300
4 Medical office. (G-0.8). 300
5 Isolators, rooms for sick children. (on the floor, G-0.0). 200
6 Reception. (on the floor, G-0.0). 200
7 Sleeping. (on the floor, G-0.0). 100

Norms of lighting of sanatoriums, rest houses, boarding houses

Lighting standards for sports and recreation facilities

Illuminated objects
Average illumination
(Esr), lx
at least
1 Halls of sports games. (on the floor, G-0.0). 200
2 Halls of aerobics, gymnastics, wrestling. (on the floor, G-0.0). 200
3 Bowling alley. (on the floor, G-0.0). 200
4 Pool hall. (on the surface of the water). 150
5 Halls of sports games. (at a height of 2 m, V-2.0). 75

Lighting standards for public catering establishments

Illuminated objects
Average illumination
(Esr), lx
at least
1 Dining halls of restaurants, canteens. (G-0.8). 200
2 Handouts. (G-0.8). 200
3 Hot shops, cold shops, pre-preparation and blank shops. (G-0.8). 200
4 Washing kitchen and tableware, rooms for cutting bread. (G-0.8). 200

Shop lighting standards

Illuminated objects
Average illumination
(Esr), lx
at least
1 Self-service grocery stores. (G-0.8). 400
2 Trading floors of shops: bookshops, ready-made dresses, underwear, shoes, fabrics, fur products, hats, perfumes, haberdashery, jewelry, electrical, radio products, food without self-service. (G-0.8). 300
3 Fitting cabins. (B-1.5). 300
4 Main cash registers. (G-0.8). 300
5 Premises of departments of orders, bureau of service. (G-0.8). 200
6 Trading floors of shops: utensils, furniture, sporting goods, building materials, household appliances, toys and stationery. (G-0.8). 200

Lighting standards for public service enterprises

Illuminated objects
Average illumination
(Esr), lx
at least
1 Repair shops: watch repair, jewelry and engraving work. (G-0.8). 3000/300
2 Repair shops: manufacture and repair of headgear, furrier work. (G-0.8). 2000/750
3 Repair shops: repair of shoes, haberdashery, hardware, plastic products, household electrical appliances. (G-0.8). 2000/300
4 Repair shops: photo, film, radio and television equipment repair. (G-0.8). 2000/200
5 Atelier for the manufacture and repair of clothing and knitwear: sewing workshops, cutting departments, clothing repair departments. (on tables, Г-0.8). 750
6 Laundries: mending linen. (G-0.8). 750
7 Dry-cleaning atelier: stain removal departments. (G-0.8). 500
8 Atelier for the manufacture and repair of clothing and knitwear: departments of hand and machine knitting. (G-0.8). 500
9 photo labs. (G-0.8). 400
10 Hairdressers. (G-0.8). 400
11 Laundries: drying and ironing departments (manual). (G-0.8). 300
12 Atelier for the manufacture and repair of clothing and knitwear: departments for the preparation of applied materials. (G-0.8). 300
13 Atelier for the manufacture and repair of clothing and knitwear: ironing, decatering. (G-0.8). 300
14 Recording studios: recording and listening rooms, music libraries. (G-0.8). 200
15 Rental points: premises for visitors. (G-0.8). 200
16 Atelier of dry cleaning of clothes: salon for receiving and issuing clothes, rooms for dry cleaning. (G-0.8). 200
17 Laundry rooms with self-service. (on the floor, G-0.0). 200
18 Laundries: departments for disassembling and packing linen. (G-0.8). 200
19 Laundries: drying and ironing departments (mechanical). (G-0.8). 200
20 Laundries: washing departments, laundry, preparation of solutions, storage of washing materials. (G-0.8). 200
21 Laundries: departments for receiving and issuing linen. (G-0.8). 200
22 Photos: salons for receiving and issuing orders. (G-0.8). 200
23 Baths - expectant-staying. (G-0.8). 150
24 Rental points: pantries. (G-0.8). 150
25 Photos: filming room photo studio. (G-0.8). 100
26 Baths - pools. (on the floor, G-0.0). 100
27 Baths - dressing rooms, washing, showers, steam rooms. (on the floor, G-0.0). 75
28 Atelier of dry-cleaning clothes: rooms for storing chemicals. (G-0.8). 50

Lighting standards for logistics centers

Illuminated objects
Average illumination
(Esr), lx
at least
1 For closed warehouses in floor storage with gas discharge lamps 75
2 For closed warehouses with floor storage with incandescent lamps 50
3 For shelving with gas discharge lamps 200
4 For shelving with incandescent lamps 100
5 For open warehouses 20
6 Expedition of receiving and issuing cargo 150
7 Sorting and packaging of goods 200

Hotel lighting standards

Norms of lighting of residential buildings

Illuminated objects
Average illumination
(Esr), lx
at least
1 Baby. (on the floor, G-0.0). 200
2 Living rooms, kitchens. (on the floor, G-0.0) 150
3 General premises: concierge premises. (on the floor, G-0.0). 150
4 Corridors, bathrooms, latrines. (on the floor, G-0.0). 50
5 Common premises: vestibules. (on the floor, G-0.0). 30
6 Common premises: floor corridors and elevator halls, stairs and landings. (on the floor, G-0.0). 20

Lighting standards for auxiliary buildings and premises

Illuminated objects
Average illumination
(Esr), lx
at least
1 Health centers: treatment rooms. (G-0.8). 500
2 Health centers: doctors' offices, dressing rooms. (G-0.8). 300
3 Health centers: waiting rooms, reception, rooms for staff on duty. (G-0.8). 200
4 Sanitary facilities: washbasins, latrines, smoking rooms. (on the floor, G-0.0). 75
5 Sanitary facilities: showers, wardrobes, rooms for drying clothes and shoes, rooms for heating workers. (on the floor, G-0.0). 50

Pharmacy lighting standards

Illuminated objects
Average illumination
(Esr), lx
at least
1 Assistant, aseptic, analytical, packing, harvesting of concentrates and semi-finished products, control and marking. (G-0.8). 500
2 300
3 Premises for storing medicines and dressings, utensils. (G-0.8). 150
4 Storage room for acids, disinfectants, combustible and flammable liquids. (G-0.8). 75
5 Pantry containers. (G-0.8). 50

Station lighting standards

Illuminated objects
Average illumination
(Esr), lx
at least
1 Computing center. (G-0.8). 400
2 Prescription department, departments of manual sales, optics, finished medicines. (G-0.8). 300
3 Waiting rooms, operating rooms, cashier halls, ticket baggage counters, post office, operator room, control room. (G-0.8). 300
4 Mother and child rooms long stay passengers. (on the floor, G-0.0). 200
5 Distribution halls, vestibules. (on the floor, G-0.0). 150

Lighting standards for parks, stadiums and exhibitions

Illuminated objects
Average illumination
(Esr), lx
at least
1 Public recreation areas, areas in front of the entrances to theaters, cinemas, exhibition pavilions and open stages; playgrounds for board games: exhibitions. (G-0.0). 20
2 Public recreation areas, areas in front of the entrances to theaters, cinemas, exhibition pavilions and open stages; playgrounds for board games: citywide parks and gardens of administrative districts. (G-0.0). 10
3 Main entrances: stadiums and exhibitions. (G-0.0). 10
4 Central alleys: exhibitions. (G-0.0). 10
5 Recreation areas in the exhibition areas. (G-0.0). 10
6 Main entrances: citywide parks. (G-0.0). 6
7 Auxiliary entrances: stadiums and exhibitions. (G-0.0). 6
8 Central alleys: stadiums. (G-0.0). 6
9 Side alleys: exhibitions. (G-0.0). 6
10 Main entrances: gardens of administrative districts. (G-0.0). 4
11 Central alleys: citywide parks. (G-0.0). 4
12 Side alleys: stadiums. (G-0.0). 4
13 Auxiliary entrances: citywide parks. (G-0.0). 2
14 Central alleys: gardens of administrative districts. (G-0.0). 2
15 Side alleys: citywide parks. (G-0.0). 2
16 Auxiliary entrances: gardens of administrative districts. (G-0.0). 1
17 Side alleys: gardens of administrative districts. (G-0.0). 1

Lighting standards for sports facilities

Kind of sport
Game class or sports facility
Minimum horizontal illumination (Esr), lx
open structures Covered facilities
1 Football Training 50 300
Competitions 100 500
2 Ice hockey, figure skating Training 100 500
Competitions 400 500
3 Field hockey Training 50 150
Competitions 100 500
4 Ice skating Training 50 150
Competitions 100 500
5 badminton, basketball, volleyball, handball Training 50 300
Competitions 400 500
6 Tennis Training 100 300
Competitions 400 500
7 Table tennis Training 150 400
Competitions - 500
8 Acrobatics, gymnastics, fencing Training 30 200
Competitions 400 500
9 Boxing, wrestling Training 30 200
Competitions - 1000
10 Athletics Training 50 150
Competitions 100 -
11 Weightlifting Training 30 150
Competitions - 500
12 Swimming Training 100 150
Competitions - 400
13 Water polo Training 100 200
Competitions - 400
14 Diving 100 150
15 Trampolining - 200
16 bullet shooting - 75
17 chess checkers - 150
18 Sports halls (on the floor, G-0.) - 200
19 Indoor pools (on the surface of the water) - 150
20 Aerobics, gymnastics, wrestling halls - 200

Illumination standards for industrial facilities according to VSN 196-83
Industry standards for the design of artificial lighting of the main workshops of industrial enterprises of the Ministry of Transport and Construction
Entered into force for the first time on January 1, 1984.

Illuminated objects
Average illumination
(Esr), lx
at least
1. Foundry shops for the production and repair of machines, mechanisms, metal structures and metal products
1.1 Pile department (crushing of scrap metal). Charge yard, plot, lift working platform. Passages through the workshop and approaches to workplaces. (G-0.0). 75
1.2 Mixing department Conveyors. (G-0.8). 30
1.3 Mixing department Runners. (G-0.8). 200
1.4 Mixing department Rollers, sieves. Rod department. Molding department general level of illumination in the department. Making molds, assembling flasks, setting cores for large and medium-sized castings. Technological processing of models, drying. The knockout compartment is the overall level of illumination for the compartment. Mechanical knockout of molds and cores from flasks. (G-0.8). 150
1.5 Molding department making molds for casting according to models. (G-0.8). 300
1.6 Rod compartment Drying and storage of rods. Molding department supply of flasks, molds for pouring. (G-0.0). 50
1.7 The melting and pouring department is a site for inspection and repair of cupolas and furnaces. (G-0.0). 30
1.8 Cooling area for flasks. (G-0.0). 10
2. Forging shops for the production and repair of machines, mechanisms, metal structures and metal products
2.1 Preparatory department. Forging department. Mechanical compartment overall level of illumination in the compartment. (G-0.8). 200
2.2 Mechanical separation of tumbling drums. (G-0.8). 150
3. Cold stamp shops, departments for the production and repair of machines, mechanisms, metal structures and metal products
3.1 The general level of illumination in the workshop, department. Presses, dies, bending machines with manual feed. (G-0.8). 200
3.2 Automatic stamping. (G-0.8). 150
4. Thermal workshops, departments for the production and repair of machines, mechanisms, metal structures and metal products
4.1 The general level of illumination in the workshop, department. (G-0.8). 150
4.2 Thermal furnaces, bath furnaces, HDTV installations, hardening baths, cooling baths. (G-0.8). 200
5. Shops for metal plating, (galvanizing shops) for the production and repair of machines, mechanisms, metal structures and metal products
5.1 The general level of illumination in the workshop. Etching baths, sinks, metal plating. (G-0.8). 200
5.2 OTK. (G-0.8). 500
5.3 branch treatment facilities. (G-0.0). 10
6. Shops for metal structures for the production and repair of machines, mechanisms, metal structures and metal products
6.1 Procurement departments, sections. (G-0.8). 200
6.2 Procurement departments, areas in open areas. (G-0.8). 50
6.3 Drilling area. (G-0.8). 150
7. Welding and assembly and welding shops, departments, production and repair sites for machines, mechanisms, metal structures and metal products
7.1 The general level of illumination in the workshop. Welding, cutting, welding. (G-0.8). 200
7.2 Marking, coring. (G-0.8). 300
8. Painting shops for the production and repair of machines, mechanisms, metal structures and metal products
8.1 Paint shops general level of illumination in the shop. Preparatory operations (cleaning, degreasing, priming). Painting of structures, construction machines, equipment, etc. (G-0.8). 200
9. Mechanical and tool shops, equipment shops for the production and repair of machines, mechanisms, metal structures and metal products
9.1 Tubing-mechanical shop general level of illumination in the shop. Tubing processing complex design on radial drilling machines. (G-0.8). 200
9.2 Mechanical, tool shops, departments, sections, equipment shops, general level of illumination in the shop (G-0.8). 300
9.3 Mechanical, tool shops, departments, sections, equipment shops, marking table, metalwork, pattern work, work with drawings. (G-0.8). 500
9.4 Mechanical, tool shops, departments, sections, workshops of tooling of QCD. (G-0.8). 750
10. Repair and mechanical shops for the production and repair of machines, mechanisms, metal structures and metal products
10.1 The general level of illumination in the workshop. Dismantling of machines, mechanisms. Dismantling of units of machines, mechanisms after washing. (G-0.8). 200
10.2 Department of repair of engines, motors, pumps and other electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic equipment. (G-0.8). 300
10.3 Department of repair of running gears of caterpillar type machines. (G-0.8). 150
11. Mechanical assembly shops for the production and repair of machines, mechanisms, metal structures and metal products
11.1 Department of assembly of large units of machines, mechanisms, equipment. (G-0.8). 150
11.2 Department of assembly of medium units of machines, mechanisms, means of small-scale mechanization, equipment. Workshop, department, site for assembling machines, mechanisms, equipment. (G-0.8). 200
11.3 Department of assembly of electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic equipment. (G-0.8). 300
12. Electrical installation shops for the production and repair of machines, mechanisms, metal structures and metal products
12.1 The general level of illumination in the workshop. Site for mounting shields, panels, consoles, cabinets, etc. (G-0.8). 200
12.2 Wire cutting section, winding operations, assembly of devices and other electrical equipment. (G-0.8). 300
13. Abrasive workshops for the production and repair of machines, mechanisms, metal structures and metal products
13.1 The general level of illumination in the workshop. Department for the preparation of molding mass. Department, section for heat treatment of abrasive wheels. (G-0.8). 150
13.2 Press department. (G-0.8). 200
13.3 Department of mechanical processing of abrasive wheels, hardness and tensile testing, QCD. (G-0.8). 500
14. Concrete mixing shop for the production of reinforced concrete and expanded clay concrete structures and products
14.1 Concrete mixing unit overall level of illumination by unit compartments. Concrete mixing department. Concrete mixer. (G-0.8). 10
14.2 Concrete mixing unit dosing department. (G-0.8). 150
15. Reinforcing shop for the production of reinforced concrete and expanded clay concrete structures and products
15.1 Reinforcing shop Procurement department General level of illumination in the department. Welding shop, department general level of illumination in the shop, department. Welding stations, machines, machines. Reinforcing cage assembly department general level of illumination in the department. (G-0.8). 200
16. Molding shop for the production of reinforced concrete and expanded clay concrete structures and products
16.1 Molding shop overall level of illumination in the shop. (G-0.8). 150
16.2 Thermal chamber. (G-0.8). 50
16.3 Section for stripping, insulation, finishing works, quality control and marking. (G-0.8). 200
17. Sand-lime brick production
17.1 Crushing department. Limestone firing department. Grinding department. Mass processing department. (G-0.8). 75
17.2 Control finished products. Presses, stackers. Forming department. The general level of illumination in the department. (G-0.8). 200
18. Production of red clay ordinary brick
18.1 Roasting shop. (G-0.0). 75
18.2 Drying ovens. (G-0.8). 75
18.3 Finished product control. (G-0.8). 200
19. Lime production
19.1 The general level of illumination in the laboratory. Laboratory equipment, devices. (G-0.8). 300
19.2 The general level of illumination in the department. (G-0.0). 75
20. Processing of granite and marble
20.1 Granite and marble workshops. General level of illumination by workshops. (G-0.8). 150
20.2 Cutting natural stone into slabs. Cutting and edging plates on milling machines. (G-0.8). 200
20.3 Grinding and polishing of plates. (G-0.8). 300
20.4 OTK. (G-0.8). 500
20.5 Packaging of finished boards. (G-0.0). 75
21. Woodworking enterprises and workshops. Lumber production.
21.1 Sites for unloading (loading) raw materials, lumber, finished products from transport (into transport). (G-0.0). 10
21.2 The general level of illumination in the department. Sawmill frame (from the log supply side), second floor. Sawing wood on band, circular, pendulum saws. (G-0.8). 200
21.3 Department of sorting, rejection of lumber. Lumber processing department. (G-0.8). 100
21.4 Waste processing and transportation department, first floor. (G-0.8). 100
22. Woodworking enterprises and workshops. Carpentry production.
22.1 The general level of illumination in the department. Cutting area, marking lumber. Automatic production lines. Assembly department. Glue preparation department. Department of coloring products and varnishing. (G-0.8). 150
22.2 Grinding machines. Areas of glazing window and door blocks. Preparation and coating of products with varnishes and paints. (G-0.8). 200
22.3 Areas of texture selection and veneer stickers. Grinding (cleaning) of the surface of the product. (G-0.8). 300
23. Production of inventory buildings of container and collapsible types
23.1 The general level of illumination in the workshop. Bulk assembly post. Panel production line (wimes, presses, tilters, roller tables, nailing machines, posts for laying insulation). (G-0.8). 150
23.2 Plot of additional and roof elements. Area for cutting and splicing boards along the length and cross section. Section for cutting slabs according to the format. Area for gluing boards. (G-0.8). 150
24. Production of wood-glued structures (DCC)
24.1 The general level of illumination in the department. (G-0.8). 150
24.2 Storage areas for packages. (G-0.0). 50
25. Repair and tool shops, departments, sections
25.1 The general level of illumination in the workshop, department, section. (G-0.8). 300
25.2 Machines for sharpening knives, carbide saws, cutters, rolling. Piloshtampy for a notch of teeths. Tables for assembly, inspection and control of finished tools, workbenches for metalwork. (G-0.8). 300
25.3 Warehouses for metal, scrap metal, lumber, raw materials, bulk materials (crushed stone, sand, cement, etc.), finished products. (G-0.0). 20
26. Car maintenance businesses
26.1 Car washing and cleaning. (G-0.0). 150
26.2 Maintenance and car repair. (G-0.0). 200
26.3 Daily car maintenance. (B - by car). 75
26.4 Inspection ditches. (G - bottom of the car). 150
26.5 Departments: motor, aggregate, mechanical, electrical and power devices. (G-0.8). 300
26.6 Blacksmith, welding-tinsmith and coppersmith departments. Carpentry and upholstery departments. Tire repair and installation. (G-0.8). 200
26.7 Vehicle storage facilities. (G-0.0). 20
26.8 Open areas for car storage. (G-0.0). 5
27. Boiler rooms
27.1 Boiler service areas. (G-0.0). 100
27.2 platforms and ladders of boilers and economizers, passages behind boilers. (G-0.0). 10
27.3 Premises for smoke exhausters, fans, bunker compartment, fuel supply. (G-0.8). 100
27.4 Condensing, chemical water treatment, deaerator, boiler room. (G-0.0). 100
27.5 Bunker room. (G-0.8). 20
28. Electrical rooms
28.1 Chambers of transformers and reactors. (B-1.5). 50
28.2 Switchgear rooms (B-1.5). 100
28.3 Rooms for batteries. (G-0.5). 50
28.4 Battery repair. (G-0.8). 200
29. Premises for electric cars and electric forklifts
29.1 Parking and charging rooms. (G-0.0). 50
29.2 Repair of electric cars and electric forklifts. (G-0.0). 200
29.3 Electrolyte and distillation. (G-0.8). 160
30. Premises engineering networks and other technical premises
30.1 Premises for ventilation equipment (except air conditioners). (G-0.8). 20
30.2 Premises for air conditioners, pumps, heating points. (G-0.8). 75
30.3 Machine rooms of pump rooms, compressor rooms, blowers with constant staff on duty. (G-0.8). 150
30.3 Machine rooms of pump rooms, compressor rooms, blowers without constant staff on duty. (G-0.8). 100
30.4 Premises for engineering networks. (G-0.0). 20

It does not work Edition from 02.08.1995

Document name"NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL LIGHTING. SNiP 23-05-95" (approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation of 02.08.95 N 18-78)
Document typedecree, norms, rules
Host bodyMinistry of Construction of the Russian Federation
Document NumberSNIP 23-05-95
Acceptance date01.01.1970
Revision date02.08.1995
Date of registration in the Ministry of Justice01.01.1970
StatusIt does not work
  • At the time of inclusion in the database, the document was not published

"NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL LIGHTING. SNiP 23-05-95" (approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation of 02.08.95 N 18-78)


SNiP 23-05-95 was developed in accordance with common system regulatory documents in construction and is part of complex 23 (Appendix B of SNiP 10-01-94).

The document establishes the norms for natural, artificial and combined lighting of buildings and structures, as well as the norms for artificial lighting of residential areas, enterprise sites and places of work outside buildings.

1 area of ​​use

These standards apply (with the exception of cases specified in other chapters of the SNiP) to the design of lighting for the premises of newly built and reconstructed buildings and structures for various purposes, places of work outside buildings, sites of industrial and agricultural enterprises, railways of enterprise sites, outdoor lighting of cities, towns and rural settlements. The design of local lighting devices supplied complete with machines, machines and industrial furniture should also be carried out in accordance with these standards.

These standards do not apply to the design of lighting for underground workings, sea and river ports, airfields, railway stations and their tracks, sports facilities, medical institutions, premises for storing agricultural products, placement of plants, animals, birds, as well as for the design of a special technological and security lighting when using technical means of protection.

On the basis of these standards, industry lighting standards are developed, taking into account the specific features of the technological process and construction solutions for buildings and structures of the industry, which are agreed and approved in in due course.

2. Regulatory references

These rules and regulations refer to the following documents:

SNiP 2.01.01-82 "Construction climatology and geophysics".

SNiP 2.05.09-90 "Tram and trolleybus lines".

SNiP 2.07.01-89* "Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements".

3. Definitions

In these rules and regulations, terms are used in accordance with Appendix A.

4. General provisions

4.1 The normalized values ​​of illumination in these standards are given at the points of its minimum value on the working surface inside the premises for discharge light sources, except for specified cases; for outdoor lighting - for any light sources.

The normalized values ​​of the brightness of road surfaces in these standards are given for any light source.

Normalized values ​​of illumination in lux, differing by one step, should be taken on a scale: 0.2; 0.3; 0.5; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 10; 15; 20; thirty; 50; 75; 100; 150; 200; 300; 400; 500; 600; 750; 1000; 1250; 1500; 2000; 2500; 3000; 3500; 4000; 4500; 5000.

4.2 Requirements for room lighting industrial enterprises(KEO, normalized illumination, permissible combinations of glare indicators and pulsation coefficient of illumination) should be taken according to Table 1, taking into account the requirements of clauses 7.5 and 7.6.

The requirements for lighting the premises of residential, public and administrative buildings (KEO, rated illumination, cylindrical illumination, discomfort index and illumination pulsation coefficient) should be taken according to Table 2.

4.3 The safety factor Kz when designing natural, artificial and combined lighting should be taken according to Table 3.

4.4 Artificial and combined lighting should be designed taking into account the requirements for ultraviolet irradiation in accordance with current sanitary standards and guidelines"Prophylactic ultraviolet irradiation of people (using artificial sources of ultraviolet radiation)".

5. Natural light

5.1 Premises with permanent residence of people should, as a rule, have natural lighting.

Without natural lighting, it is allowed to design premises that are defined by the relevant chapters of SNiP for the design of buildings and structures, normative documents By building design buildings and structures of certain industries, approved in the prescribed manner, as well as premises, the placement of which is allowed in the basement and basement floors buildings and structures.

5.2 Natural lighting is divided into side, top and combined (top and side).

In small rooms with one-sided lateral natural lighting, the minimum KEO value is normalized at a point located at the intersection of the vertical plane of the characteristic section of the room and the conditional working surface at a distance of 1 m from the wall farthest from the light openings, and with two-sided side lighting - at a point in the middle of the room . In large industrial premises with side lighting, the minimum KEO value is normalized at a point remote from light openings:

1.5 heights of the room for works of I-IV categories;

"2" ""V-VII"

"3" ""VIII"

In case of upper or combined natural lighting, the average KEO value is normalized at points located at the intersection of the vertical plane of the characteristic section of the room and the conditional working surface (or floor). The first and last points are taken at a distance of 1 m from the surface of the walls (partitions) or the axes of the columns.

It is allowed to divide the room into zones with side lighting (zones adjacent to external walls with windows) and zones with overhead lighting, normalization and calculation of natural lighting in each zone are made independently of each other.

In industrial premises with visual work of I-III categories, combined lighting should be arranged. It is allowed to use overhead natural lighting in large-span assembly shops, in which work is carried out in a significant part of the volume of the room at different levels from the floor and on work surfaces differently oriented in space. In this case, the normalized values ​​of KEO are accepted for ranks I-III, respectively, 10, 7, 5%.

5.3 Normalized values ​​of KEO, eN, for buildings located in different areas (Appendix D) should be determined by the formula

eN = eH mN, (1)

where N is the number of the natural light supply group according to Table 4;

eH - the value of KEO according to tables 1 and 2;

mN - light climate coefficient according to Table 4.

The values ​​obtained by formula (1) should be rounded to tenths.

Table 1

Discharge of visual workSubcategory of visual workThe contrast of the object with the backgroundbackground characteristic
1 2 3 4 5 6
highest precisionLess than 0.15 ASmallDark
" Average
Very high precision0.15 to 0.30IIASmallDark
" Average
high precision0.30 to 0.50IIIaSmallDark
" Average
Medium precisionOver 0.5 to 1.0 ASmallDark
IV AverageDark
" Average
Low precisionSt.1 to 5 ASmallDark
V AverageDark
" Average
More than 5VI
More than 0.5VII Same
permanent A"
VIIIVRegardless of the characteristics of the background and the contrast of the object with the background

Table continuation.

Characteristics of visual workartificial lightingDaylightCombined lighting
Illumination, lxThe combination of normalized values ​​of the glare index and the pulsation coefficient
KEO, eH, %
with combined lighting systemwith general lighting system
with side lightingwith overhead or combined lightingwith side lighting
Totalincluding from the general
RKp, %
1 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
highest precision5000
6,0 2,0
Very high precision4000
high precision2000
3,0 1,2
400 200 200 40 15
Medium precision750 200 300 40 20 4 1,5 2,4 0,9
500 200 200 40 20
400 200 200 40 20
200 40 20
Low precision400 200 300 40 20 3 1 1,8 0,6
200 40 20
200 40 20
200 40 20
Coarse (very low precision) 200 40 20 3 1 1,8 0,6
Working with luminous materials and products in hot shops 200 40 20 3 1 1,8 0,6
General supervision of the production process:
permanent 200 40 20 3 1 1,8 0,6
periodic with constant stay of people in the room 75 1 0,3 0,7 0,2
periodic with periodic stay of people in the room 50 0,7 0,2 0,5 0,2
General supervision of engineering communications 20 0,3 0,1 0,2 0,1


1 For the sub-category of norms from Ia to IIIc, one of the sets of normalized indicators given for this sub-category in columns 7-11 can be taken.

2 Illumination should be taken taking into account paragraphs 7.5 and 7.6 of these standards.

3 The smallest dimensions of the object of distinction and the corresponding categories of visual work are established when the objects of distinction are located at a distance of no more than 0.5 m from the eyes of the worker. With an increase in this distance, the category of visual work should be set in accordance with Appendix B. For extended objects of distinction, the equivalent size is selected according to Appendix C.

4 Illumination when using incandescent lamps should be reduced according to the illumination scale (clause 4.1 of these standards):

a) one step with a combined lighting system, if the rated illumination is 750 lux or more;

b) the same, general lighting for categories I-V, VI;

c) in two steps with a general lighting system for categories VI and VIII.

5 Illumination when working with luminous objects with a size of 0.5 mm or less should be selected in accordance with the size of the object of distinction and referred to the subcategory "c".

6 The glare indicator is regulated in column 10 only for general lighting (with any lighting system).

7 The pulsation coefficient Kp is specified in column 10 for a general lighting system or for local lighting fixtures with a combined lighting system. Kp from general lighting in the combined system should not exceed 20%.

8 It is allowed to provide a general lighting system for categories I-III, IVa, IVb, IVc, Va only if it is technically impossible or economically inexpedient to use a combined lighting system, which is specified in industry lighting standards agreed with the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the Russian Federation.

9 In areas with the temperature of the coldest five-day period according to SNiP 2.01.01 minus 27 ° C and below, the normalized KEO values ​​\u200b\u200bwith combined lighting should be taken according to Table 5.

10 In premises specially designed for work or industrial training of adolescents, the normalized value of KEO is increased by one category according to group 3 and must be at least 1.0%.

table 2

Characteristics of visual workThe smallest or equivalent size of the object of distinction, mmDischarge of visual workSubcategory of visual workRelative duration of visual work with vision directed to the working surface, %
1 2 3 4 5
very high precision0.15 to 0.30A1 At least 70
2 Less than 70
high precision0.30 to 0.50B1 At least 70
2 Less than 70
medium accuracyMore than 0.5IN1 At least 70
2 Less than 70
with high saturation of the premises with light at G
Regardless of the size of the object of distinctionAND Regardless of the duration of visual work
with a large crowd of people 1
with small crowds 2
SameW Same
with a large crowd of people 1
with small crowds 2

Table continuation.

Characteristics of visual workartificial lightingDaylight
illumination on the working surface from the general lighting system, lxcylindrical illumination, lxindicator of discomfort, Mpulsation coefficient of illumination, Kp, %KEO, eH, %, at
top or sidelateral
1 6 7 8 9 10 11
Distinguishing objects with a fixed and non-fixed line of sight:
very high500 150* 40 10 4,0 1,5
accuracy 15**
400 100* 40 10 3,5 1,2
high precision300 100* 40 15 3,0 1,0
200 75* 60 20 2,5 0,7
25** 15***
medium accuracy150 50* 60 20 2,0 0,5
25** 15***
100 Not regulated60 20 2,0 0,5
25** 15***
Overview of the surrounding space with a very short-term, episodic discrimination of objects: Not regulated
with high light saturation300 100 60 3,0 1,0
with normal room saturation with light200 75 90 2,5 0,7
at low saturation of the premises with light150 50 90 2,0 0,5
General orientation in the interior space: Not regulatedNot regulatedNot regulatedNot regulatedNot regulated
with a large crowd of people75
with small crowds50
General orientation in movement areas: SameSameSameSameSame
with a large crowd of people30
with small crowds20

* Additionally regulated in cases of special architectural and artistic requirements.

** The normalized value of the indoor discomfort indicator when the line of sight is directed mainly upward at an angle of 45 ° or more to the horizon and in rooms with increased requirements for the quality of lighting (bedrooms in kindergartens, nurseries, sanatoriums, display classes in schools, secondary specialized educational establishments, etc.).

*** The normalized value of the coefficient Kp of pulsation for children's, medical rooms with increased requirements for the quality of lighting.


1 Illumination should be taken taking into account paragraphs 7.22 and 7.23 of these standards.

2 The smallest dimensions of the object of distinction and the corresponding categories of visual work are established when the objects of distinction are located at a distance of no more than 0.5 m from the object of distinction working with an average contrast with the background and a light background. With a decrease (increase) in contrast, an increase (decrease) in illumination by 1 step on the illumination scale is allowed in accordance with clause 4.1 of these standards.

Table 3

Premises and territoriesRoom examplesartificial lightingDaylight
Safety factor Kz / Number of luminaire cleanings per yearSafety factor Kz / Number of cleanings of glazing of light apertures per year
Operational group of luminaires according to Appendix GThe angle of inclination of the light-transmitting material to the horizon, degrees
1-4 5-6 7 0-15 16-45 46-75 76-90
1 Industrial premises with an air environment containing in the working area:
a) St. 5 mg/m3 dust, smoke, sootSinter plants, cement plants and chipping departments of foundries2,0 / 18 1,7 / 6 1,6 / 4 2,0 / 4 1,8 / 4 1,7 / 4 1,5 / 4
b) from 1 to 5 mg/m3 of dust, smoke, sootForge, foundry, open-hearth, prefabricated reinforced concrete workshops1,8 / 6 1,6 / 4 1,6 / 2 1,8 / 3 1,6 / 3 1,5 / 3 1,4 / 3
c) less than 1 mg/m3 of dust, smoke, sootWorkshops tool, assembly, mechanical, mechanical assembly, sewing1,5 / 4 1,4 / 2 1,4 / 1 1,6 / 2 1,5 / 2 1,4 / 2 1,3 / 2
d) significant concentrations of vapors, acids, alkalis, gases that, when in contact with moisture, form weak solutions of acids, alkalis, and also have a high corrosive abilityShops of chemical plants for the production of acids, alkalis, caustic chemicals, pesticides, fertilizers, shops for electroplating and various industries using electrolysis1,8 / 6 1,6 / 4 1,6 / 2 2,0 / 3 1,8 / 3 1,7 / 3 1,5 / 3
2 Production facilities with a special regime for air purity when servicing lamps:
a) from the technical floor 1,3 / 4
b) from below from the room 1,4 / 2
3 Premises of public and residential buildings:
a) dusty, hot and dampHot shops of enterprises Catering, refrigerated chambers, rooms for the preparation of solutions in laundries, showers, etc.1,7 / 2 1,6 / 2 1,6 / 2 2,0 / 3 1,8 / 3 1,7 / 3 1,6 / 3
b) with normal environmental conditionsOffices and workrooms, living rooms, study rooms, laboratories, reading rooms, meeting rooms, trading rooms, etc.1,4 / 2 1,4 / 1 1,4 / 1 1,5 / 2 1,4 / 2 1,3 / 1 1,2 / 1
4 Territories with an air environment containing:
a) a large amount of dust (more than 1 mg/m3)Territories of metallurgical, chemical, mining enterprises, mines, mines, railway stations and adjacent streets and roads1,5 / 4 1,5 / 4 1,5 / 4
b) small amount of dust (less than 1 mg/m3)Territories of industrial enterprises, except for those specified in sub. "a" and public buildings1,5 / 2 1,5 / 2 1,5 / 2
5 SettlementsStreets, squares, roads, residential areas, parks, boulevards, pedestrian tunnels, building facades, monuments, transport tunnels1,6 / 2 1,5 / 2 1,5 / 1
1,7 / 2

Notes: 1 The values ​​of the safety factor indicated in gr. 6 - 9, should be multiplied by 1.1 - when using patterned glass, fiberglass, armored film and frosted glass, as well as when using light openings for aeration: by 0.9 - when using organic glass.

2 The values ​​of the safety factors indicated in gr. 3-5 are given for discharge light sources. When using incandescent lamps, they should be multiplied by 0.85.

3 The values ​​of the safety factors indicated in gr. 3, should be reduced during single-shift work according to pos. 1b, 1d - by 0.2; by pos. 1c - by 0.1; in two-shift work - according to pos. 1b, 1d - by 0.15.

Table 4

Light openingsOrientation of light openings on the sides of the horizonLight climate coefficient, m
Number of the group of administrative regions
1 2 3 4 5
In the outer walls of buildingsWITH1 0,9 1,1 1,2 0,8
NE, NW1 0,9 1,1 1,2 0,8
Z, V1 0,9 1,1 1,1 0,8
SE, SW1 0,85 1 1,1 0,8
YU1 0,85 1 1,1 0,75
In rectangular and trapezoidal lanternsN-S1 0,9 1,1 1,2 0,75
NE-SW SE-NW1 0,9 1,2 1,2 0,7
V-Z1 0,9 1,1 1,2 0,7
In lanterns like "Shed"WITH1 0,9 1,2 1,2 0,7
In skylights 1 0,9 1,2 1,2 0,75

Notes: 1 C - northern; NE - northeast; NW - northwestern; B - east; 3 - western; N-S - north-south; E-W - east-west; Yu - southern; SE - southeast; Yu3 - southwestern.

2 Groups of administrative regions of Russia by light climate resources are given in Appendix D.

5.4 In the main rooms residential buildings and preschool institutions, normalized KEO values ​​should be provided at the gender level. In the first group of administrative districts for living rooms and kitchens - 0.5, for group, playing, dining rooms and bedrooms - 1.5.

5.5 Calculation of natural lighting of the premises is made without taking into account furniture, equipment and other shading items. The dimensions of the light openings established by calculation can be changed by + -10%.

5.6 The unevenness of natural lighting in industrial and public buildings with overhead or combined natural lighting should not exceed 3:1. The calculated value of KEO for upper and combined natural lighting at any point on the line of intersection of the conditional working surface and the plane of the characteristic vertical section of the room must be at least the normalized value of KEO for side lighting for the work of the corresponding categories.

The unevenness of natural lighting is not standardized for premises with side lighting for industrial premises in which work of categories VII and VIII is performed, with overhead and side lighting for auxiliary and public buildings in which work of categories G, D is performed.

6. Combined lighting

6.1 Combined room lighting industrial buildings should provide for:

a) for industrial premises in which work of I-III categories is performed;

b) for production and other premises in cases where, due to the conditions of technology, organization of production or climate at the construction site, space-planning solutions are required that do not allow ensuring the normalized value of KEO ( high-rise buildings large width, one-story multi-span buildings with large spans, etc.), as well as in cases where the technical and economic feasibility of combined lighting compared to natural lighting is confirmed by appropriate calculations;

c) in accordance with the regulatory documents for the construction design of buildings and structures of individual industries, approved in the prescribed manner.

Combined lighting of premises of residential, public and administrative buildings may be provided in cases where it is required by the conditions for choosing rational space-planning solutions, with the exception of living rooms and kitchens of residential buildings, rooms for children, educational and training and industrial premises of schools and educational institutions, sleeping quarters of sanatoriums and rest houses.

6.2 General (regardless of the adopted lighting system) artificial lighting of industrial premises intended for permanent residence of people should be provided by discharge light sources.

The choice of light sources should be made in accordance with the requirements of Section 7 of these standards.

The use of incandescent lamps is allowed in some cases when, due to the conditions of technology, environment or interior design requirements, the use of discharge light sources is impossible or impractical.

6.3 Standardized KEO values ​​for industrial premises should be taken as for combined lighting according to Table 1.

For industrial premises, it is allowed to take the normalized values ​​of KEO in accordance with Table. 5:

a) in areas with the temperature of the coldest five-day period according to SNiP 2.01.01 minus 27 ° C and below;

b) in rooms with side lighting, the depth of which, according to the conditions of technology or the choice of rational space-planning solutions, does not allow to provide the normalized KEO value indicated in Table 1 for combined lighting;

c) in the premises where work of I-III categories is performed.

Table 5

Category of visual worksThe smallest normalized value of KEO, eH, % with combined lighting
with overhead or combined lightingwith side lighting
I3 1,2
II2,5 1
III2 0,7
IV1,5 0,5
V and VII1 0,3
VI0,7 0,2

6.4 For production premises, when establishing the normalized KEO values ​​in accordance with clause 6.3 of these standards, the following should be done:

a) increase the illumination from the general artificial lighting system by one step on the illumination scale (except for categories Ib, Ic, IIb), if the increase in illumination is not provided in accordance with clause 7.5 of these standards. Illumination from the general lighting system should be at least 200 lux for discharge lamps and 100 lux for incandescent lamps. It is allowed to create illumination of more than 750 lux with discharge lamps and 300 lux with incandescent lamps only if there are justifications;

b) increase the illumination from general lighting fixtures in the combined system by one step on the illumination scale, except for categories Ia, Ib, IIa;

c) the ripple coefficient Kp for I-III discharges should not exceed 10%.

Artificial lighting with combined lighting of premises should also be designed in accordance with Section 7 of these standards.

6.5 Calculated KEO values ​​for combined lighting of public buildings should be 60% of the values ​​indicated in Table 2.

It is allowed to take the calculated values ​​of KEO in the range from 60 to 30% of the values ​​indicated in Table 2 for trading floors of shops and halls, buffets, catering outlets.

7. Artificial lighting

7.4 As a rule, the most economical discharge lamps should be used for lighting rooms. The use of incandescent lamps for general lighting is allowed only if it is impossible or technically and economically inexpedient to use discharge lamps.

For local lighting, in addition to discharge light sources, incandescent lamps, including halogen ones, should be used. The choice of light sources according to color characteristics should be made on the basis of Appendix E. The use of xenon lamps indoors is not allowed.

7.5 Illumination rates given in Table 1 should be increased by one level of the illumination scale in the following cases:

a) during work of I-IV categories, if visual work is performed for more than half of the working day;

b) with an increased risk of injury, if the illumination from the general lighting system is 150 lux or less (work on circular saws, guillotine shears, etc.);

c) with special elevated sanitary requirements(at enterprises of the food and chemical-pharmaceutical industry), if the illumination from the general lighting system is 500 lux or less;

d) during work or industrial training of adolescents, if the illumination from the general lighting system is 300 lux or less;

e) in the absence of natural light in the room and the constant presence of workers, if the illumination from the general lighting system is 750 lux or less;

f) when observing parts rotating at a speed equal to or more than 500 rpm, or objects moving at a speed equal to or more than 1.5 m/min;

g) with a constant search for objects of distinction on a surface measuring 0.1 m2 or more;

h) in premises where more than half of the employees are over 40 years old.

If there are several signs at the same time, the illumination norm should be increased by no more than one step.

7.6 In rooms where work of IV-VI categories is carried out, the illumination standards should be reduced by one step with a short stay of people or in the presence of equipment that does not require constant maintenance.

7.7 When performed indoors works I-III, IVa, IVb, IVc, Va discharges, a combined lighting system should be used. It is allowed to provide a general lighting system if it is technically impossible or inappropriate to install local lighting, which is specified in the industry lighting standards agreed with the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.

If there are working and auxiliary areas in the same room, localized general lighting (with any lighting system) of working areas and less intensive lighting of auxiliary areas, classifying them as category VIIIa, should be provided.

7.8 The illumination of the working surface, created by general lighting fixtures in the combined lighting system, must be at least 10% of the standard for combined lighting with those light sources that are used for local lighting. In this case, the illumination should be at least 200 lux with discharge lamps, at least 75 lux with incandescent lamps. It is allowed to create illumination from general lighting in a combined system of more than 500 lux with discharge lamps and more than 150 lux with incandescent lamps only if there are justifications.

In rooms without natural light, the illumination of the working surface, created by general lighting fixtures in the combined system, should be increased by one step.

7.9 The ratio of maximum illumination to the minimum should not exceed 1.3 for work of categories I-III with fluorescent lamps, 1.5 for other light sources, and 1.5 and 2.0 for works of categories IV-VII, respectively.

Illumination unevenness may be increased to 3.0 in cases where, according to the technology, general lighting fixtures can only be installed on platforms, columns or walls of the room.

7.10 In industrial premises, the illumination of passages and areas where work is not performed should be no more than 25% of the rated illumination created by general lighting fixtures, but not less than 75 lux for discharge lamps and not less than 30 lux for incandescent lamps.

7.11 In workshops with fully automated technological process lighting should be provided for monitoring the operation of the equipment, as well as additionally switched on lamps of general and local lighting to provide the necessary (in accordance with Table 1) illumination during repair and adjustment work.

7.12 The glare index from general lighting fixtures (regardless of the lighting system) should not exceed the values ​​specified in Table 1.

The glare index is not limited for rooms, the length of which does not exceed twice the height of the suspension of luminaires above the floor, as well as for rooms with temporary stay of people and for areas intended for the passage or maintenance of equipment.

7.13 For local lighting of workplaces, luminaires with non-translucent reflectors should be used. Luminaires should be located in such a way that their luminous elements do not fall into the field of view of workers at the illuminated workplace and at other workplaces.

Local lighting of workplaces, as a rule, should be equipped with dimmers.

Local illumination of visual works with three-dimensional objects of distinction should be performed:

in case of diffuse reflection of the background - by a lamp, the ratio of the largest linear dimension of the luminous surface of which to the height of its location above the working surface is not more than 0.4 when the optical axis is directed to the center of the working surface at an angle of at least 30 ° to the vertical;

with directionally scattered and mixed reflection of the background - by a lamp, the ratio of the smallest linear dimension of the luminous surface of which to the height of its location above the working surface is at least 0.5, and its brightness is from 2500 to 4000 cd / m2.

The brightness of the working surface should not exceed the values ​​specified in Table 6.

Table 6

7.14 The pulsation coefficient of illumination on working surfaces when powering light sources with a current of less than 300 Hz should not exceed the values ​​indicated in Table 1.

Ripple factor is not limited:

at a power frequency of 300 Hz or more;

for rooms with periodic stay of people in the absence of conditions for the occurrence of a stroboscopic effect.

In rooms where a stroboscopic effect is possible, it is necessary to turn on neighboring lamps in 3 phases of the supply voltage or connect them to a network with electronic ballasts.


Annex A


Lateral natural lighting - natural lighting of the room through the light openings in the outer walls.

Upper natural lighting - natural lighting of the room through the lanterns, light openings in the walls in places where the heights of the building vary.

The geometric coefficient of natural illumination is the ratio of natural illumination created at the considered point of a given plane inside the room by light that has passed through an unfilled light opening and emanates directly from a uniformly bright sky to the simultaneous value of external horizontal illumination under a completely open sky, while the participation of direct sunlight in creating this or that illumination is excluded; expressed as a percentage.

Emergency lighting - lighting during non-working hours.

Natural lighting - illumination of premises with sky light (direct or reflected), penetrating through the light openings in the external enclosing structures.

The color rendering index is a measure of the correspondence between the visual perceptions of a colored object illuminated by the studied and standard light sources under certain observation conditions.

Combined lighting - lighting in which local lighting is added to general lighting.

Combined natural lighting - a combination of overhead and side natural lighting.

The contrast of the object of distinction with the background K is determined by the ratio of the absolute value of the difference between the brightness of the object and the background to the brightness of the background.

The contrast of the object of distinction with the background is considered:

large - at K more than 0.5 (the object and the background differ sharply in brightness);

medium - at K from 0.2 to 0.5 (the object and background differ markedly in brightness);

small - at K less than 0.2 (the object and the background differ little in brightness).

Coefficient of natural illumination (KEO) - the ratio of natural illumination created at some point in a given plane indoors by sky light (direct or after reflections) to the simultaneous value of external horizontal illumination created by the light of a completely open sky; expressed as a percentage.

The safety factor Kz is a calculated coefficient that takes into account the decrease in KEO and illumination during operation due to pollution and aging of translucent fillings in light openings, light sources (lamps) and fixtures, as well as a decrease in the reflective properties of room surfaces.

Illumination pulsation coefficient Кп, % - a criterion for estimating the relative depth of illumination fluctuations as a result of a change in time of the luminous flux of gas-discharge lamps when they are powered by alternating current, expressed by the formula

En = Emax - Emin 100,

Where Emax and Emin are, respectively, the maximum and minimum value illumination for the period of its fluctuation, lx; Esr - the average value of illumination for the same period, lx.

The light climate coefficient m is a coefficient that takes into account the peculiarities of the light climate.

Red ratio - expressed as a percentage of the ratio of the red luminous flux to the total luminous flux of the light source:

Local lighting - lighting, additional to the general one, created by lamps that concentrate the luminous flux directly at the workplace.

The unevenness of natural lighting is the ratio of the average value to the smallest value of the KEO within the characteristic section of the room.

CIE cloudy sky (as defined by the International Commission on Illumination - CIE) - a sky completely covered by clouds and satisfying the condition under which the ratio of its brightness at Theta above the horizon to the brightness at the zenith is (1 + 2 sin Theta) / 3.

The object of distinction is the object under consideration, its separate part or defect, which is required to be distinguished in the process of work.

The window area So is the total area of ​​light openings (in the light) located in the outer walls of the illuminated room, m2.

The area of ​​the lanterns Sf is the total area of ​​light openings (in the light) of all lanterns located in the cover above the illuminated room or span, m2.

General lighting - lighting in which luminaires are placed in the upper zone of the room evenly (general uniform lighting) or in relation to the location of the equipment (general localized lighting).

Safety lighting - lighting to continue working in case of emergency shutdown of work lighting.

Relative area of ​​light apertures Sf/Sp; So / Sp - the ratio of the area of ​​\u200b\u200blanterns or windows to the illuminated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe floor of the room; expressed as a percentage.

Reflected brilliance - a characteristic of the reflection of the light flux from the working surface in the direction of the eyes of the worker, which determines the reduction in visibility due to an excessive increase in the brightness of the working surface and a veiling effect that reduces the contrast between the object and the background.

Discomfort indicator M is a criterion for assessing uncomfortable glare that causes discomfort with an uneven distribution of brightness in the field of view, expressed by the formula

When designing, the discomfort indicator is calculated by an engineering method.

The glare index P is a criterion for assessing the glare of a lighting installation, determined by the expression

P \u003d (S - 1) 1000,

where S is the glare factor, equal to the ratio threshold brightness differences in the presence and absence of blinding sources in the field of view.

Semi-cylindrical illumination is a characteristic of the saturation of space with light and the shadow-forming effect of lighting for an observer moving along the street parallel to its axis. It is defined as the average density of the luminous flux on the surface of a half-cylinder vertically located on the longitudinal line of the street at a height of 1.5 m, the radius and height of which tend to zero. Semi calculation cylindrical illumination produced by engineering.

Working surface - the surface on which work is performed and the illumination is normalized or measured.

Working lighting - lighting that provides normalized lighting conditions (illuminance, lighting quality) in rooms and in places where work is performed outside buildings.

Estimated value of KEO ep - the value obtained by calculation in the design of natural or combined lighting of premises; expressed as a percentage and is determined by:

A) with side lighting according to the formula

b) with overhead lighting according to the formula

c) with combined (top and side) lighting according to the formula

Light climate - a set of natural lighting conditions in a particular area (illuminance and amount of illumination on horizontal and vertical surfaces differently oriented along the horizon, created by scattered sky light and direct sunlight, duration of sunshine and albedo of the underlying surface) for a period of more than ten years .

Residential zone - the territory intended for accommodation housing stock, public buildings and structures, including research institutes and their complexes, as well as individual communal and industrial facilities that do not require the construction of sanitary protection zones; for the arrangement of intracity communications, streets, squares, parks, gardens, boulevards and other places common use.

Combined lighting - lighting in which natural lighting, which is insufficient according to the norms, is supplemented by artificial lighting.

The average illumination of streets, roads and squares is the illumination, weighted average over the area.

The average brightness of the road surface is the area-weighted average brightness of dry road surfaces in the direction of the eyes of an observer located on the axis of traffic.

The stroboscopic effect is a phenomenon of visual perception distortion of rotating, moving or changing objects in flickering light, which occurs when the frequency characteristics of the movement of objects coincide and the change in the light flux over time in lighting installations made by gas-discharge light sources powered by alternating current.

Conditional working surface - a conventionally accepted horizontal surface located at a height of 0.8 m from the floor.

Background - the surface adjacent directly to the object of distinction on which it is viewed.

The background is considered:

light - with a surface reflection coefficient of more than 0.4;

medium - the same, from 0.2 to 0.4;

dark - the same, less than 0.2.

A characteristic section of the room is a cross section in the middle of the room, the plane of which is perpendicular to the plane of the glazing of the light openings (with side lighting) or to the longitudinal axis of the spans of the room. The characteristic section of the room should include areas with the largest number of workplaces, as well as points of the working area that are farthest from the light openings.

Color temperature, Tc - temperature of the Planck emitter (black body), at which its radiation has the same color as the radiation of the object under consideration, °K.

Color rendering - general concept characterizing the influence of the spectral composition of the light source on the visual perception of colored objects, consciously or unconsciously compared with the perception of the same objects illuminated by a standard light source.

Cylindrical illumination Ец is a characteristic of the saturation of the room with light. It is defined as the average density of the light flux on the surface of a vertically located cylinder in the room, the radius and height of which tend to zero. Calculation of cylindrical illumination is made by an engineering method.

Evacuation lighting - lighting for the evacuation of people from the premises in case of emergency shutdown of normal lighting.

The equivalent size of the object of distinction is the size of an equally bright circle on an equally bright background, which has the same threshold contrast as the object of distinction at a given background brightness.

Annex B

The system of regulatory documents in construction


SNiP 23-05-95




1 DEVELOPED by the Research Institute of Building Physics (NIISF), Limited Liability Company "All-Russian Research, Design and Lighting Institute" (LLC "VNISI"), joint stock company"Central Research and Design and Experimental Institute of Engineering Equipment" (JSC TsNIIEP Engineering Equipment), Academy public utilities them. K. D. Pamfilova (AKH named after K. D. Pamfilov), All-Russian Research and Design Institute Tyazhpromelektroproekt (VNIPI Tyazhpromelektroproekt), Research Institute of Human Ecology and Hygiene environment them. A. N. Sysina (NIIECHiGOS named after A. N. Sysin), Scientific Center for Social and Industrial Problems of Occupational Safety, Ivanovo Institute for Occupational Safety, Limited Liability Partnership "Ceres".

2 INTRODUCED by the Main Technical Regulation of the Ministry of Construction of Russia.

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization and Technical Regulation in Construction (MNTKS) as interstate building codes April 20, 1995

4 ADOPTED AND PUT INTO EFFECT by Decree of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated August 2, 1995 No. 18-78 as building codes and regulations of the Russian Federation to replace SNiP II-4-79.

5 Texts of sections 1-4, 6-7 and applications A-D, F-F real building codes and interstate building codes "Natural and artificial lighting" are authentic.


SNiP 23-05-95 was developed in accordance with the general system of regulatory documents in construction and is part of complex 23 (Appendix B of SNiP 10-01-94).

The document establishes the norms for natural, artificial and combined lighting of buildings and structures, as well as the norms for artificial lighting of residential areas, enterprise sites and places of work outside buildings.




Introduction date 1996-01-01


These standards apply (with the exception of cases specified in other chapters of the SNiP) to the design of lighting for the premises of newly built and reconstructed buildings and structures for various purposes, places of work outside buildings, sites of industrial and agricultural enterprises, railways of enterprise sites, outdoor lighting of cities, towns and rural settlements. The design of local lighting devices supplied complete with machines, machines and industrial furniture should also be carried out in accordance with these standards.

These standards do not apply to the design of lighting for underground workings, sea and river ports, airfields, railway stations and their tracks, sports facilities, medical institutions, premises for storing agricultural products, placement of plants, animals, birds, as well as for the design of a special technological and security lighting when using technical means of protection.

On the basis of these standards, industry standards for lighting are developed, taking into account the specific features of the technological process and construction solutions of buildings and structures of the industry, which are agreed and approved in the prescribed manner.

References to the following documents are used in these rules and regulations:
SNiP 2.01.01-82 "Construction climatology and geophysics".
SNiP 2.05.09-90 "Tram and trolleybus lines".
SNiP 2.07.01-89* "Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements".


In these rules and regulations, terms are used in accordance with Appendix A.


4.1 The normalized values ​​of illumination in these standards are given at the points of its minimum value on the working surface inside the premises for discharge light sources, except for specified cases; for outdoor lighting - for any light sources.

The normalized values ​​of the brightness of road surfaces in these standards are given for any light source.

Normalized illumination values ​​in lux, differing by one step, should be taken on a scale: 0.2: 0.3; 0.5; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 10; 15; 20; thirty; 50; 75; 100; 150; 200; 300; 400; 500; 600; 750; 1000; 1250; 1500; 2000; 2500; 3000; 3500; 4000; 4500; 5000.

4.2 Requirements for lighting the premises of industrial enterprises (KEO, rated illumination, permissible combinations of glare and pulsation coefficient of illumination) should be taken from Table. 1 subject to the requirements of paragraphs. 7.5 and 7.6.

Requirements for lighting residential premises. public and administrative buildings (KEO, rated illumination, cylindrical illumination, discomfort index and illumination pulsation coefficient) should be taken according to Table. 2.

4.3 The safety factor Kz when designing natural, artificial and combined lighting should be taken from Table. 3.

4.4 Artificial and combined lighting should be designed taking into account the requirements for ultraviolet irradiation in accordance with the current sanitary standards and guidelines "Prophylactic ultraviolet exposure of people (using artificial sources of ultraviolet radiation)".


5.1 Premises with permanent residence of people should, as a rule, have natural lighting.

Without natural lighting, it is allowed to design premises that are determined by the relevant chapters of SNiP for the design of buildings and structures. regulatory documents for the construction design of buildings and structures of individual industries, approved in the prescribed manner, as well as premises, the placement of which is allowed in the basement and basement floors of buildings and structures.

5.2 Natural lighting is divided into side, top and combined (top and side).

In small rooms with one-sided lateral natural lighting, the minimum KEO value is normalized at a point located at the intersection of the vertical plane of the characteristic section of the room and the conditional working surface at a distance of 1 m from the wall farthest from the light openings, and with two-sided side lighting - at the point in the middle of the room -schenie. In large industrial premises with side lighting, the minimum KEO value is normalized at a point remote from light openings:

1.5 heights of the room for works of I-IV categories;

" 2 " " " V-VII "
" 3 " " " VIII "

In case of upper or combined natural lighting, the average KEO value is normalized at points located at the intersection of the vertical plane of the characteristic section of the room and the conditional working surface (or floor). The first and last points are taken at a distance of 1 m from the surface of the walls (partitions) or the axes of the columns.

It is allowed to divide the room into zones with side lighting (zones adjacent to external walls with windows) and zones with overhead lighting, normalization and calculation of natural lighting in each zone are made independently of each other.

In industrial premises with visual work of I-III categories, combined lighting should be arranged. It is allowed to use upper natural hanging in large-span assembly shops, in which work is carried out in a significant part of the volume of the room at different levels from the floor and on work surfaces differently oriented in space. In this case, the normalized values ​​of KEO are accepted for categories I-III, respectively, 10, 7, 5%.

5.3 Normalized values ​​of KEO, e N , for buildings located in different areas (Appendix D) should be determined by the formula

e N = e H m N (1)

where N is the number of the natural light supply group according to Table. 4;
e H - the value of KEO according to the table. 1 and 2;
m N - coefficient of light climate according to table. 4.

The values ​​obtained by formula (1) should be rounded to tenths.

Table 1

The smallest or equivalent size of the object of distinction, mm Discharge of visual work Subcategory of visual work The contrast of the object with the background background characteristic artificial lighting Daylight Combined lighting
Illumination, lx The combination of normalized values ​​of the glare index and the pulsation coefficient KEO, e H, %
with combined lighting system with general lighting system with side lighting with overhead or combined lighting with side lighting
Total including from the general R K p, %
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
highest precision Less than 0.15 I A Small Dark 5000
- - 6,0 2,0
b Small
V Small
2500 300 750 20 10
G Average
1500 200 400 20 10
Very high precision 0.15 to 0.30 II A Small Dark 4000
- - 4,2 1,5
b Small
V Small
2000 200 500 20 10
G Average
1000 200 300 20 10
high precision 0.30 to 0.50 III A Small Dark 2000
- - 3,0 1,2
b Small
V Small
750 200 300 40 15
G Average
400 200 200 40 15
Medium precision Over 0.5 to 1.0 IV A Small Dark 750 200 300 40 20 4 1,5 2,4 0,9
b Small
500 200 200 40 20
V Small
400 200 200 40 20
G Average
- - 200 40 20
Low precision St. 1 to 5 V A Small Dark 400 200 300 40 20 3 1 1,8 0,6
b Small
- - 200 40 20
V Small
- - 200 40 20
G Average
- - 200 40 20
Coarse (very low precision) More than 5 VI - - 200 40 20 3 1 1,8 0,6
Working with luminous materials and products in hot shops More than 0.5 VII Same - - 200 40 20 3 1 1,8 0,6
General supervision of the production process:
VIII A " - - 200 40 20 3 1 1,8 0,6
periodic with constant stay of people in the room b " - - 75 - - 1 0,3 0,7 0,2
periodic with periodic stay of people in the room V Regardless of the characteristics of the background and the contrast of the object with the background - - 50 - - 0,7 0,2 0,5 0,2
General supervision of engineering communications G Same - - 20 - - 0,3 0,1 0,2 0,1


1 For the sub-category of norms from Ia to IIIc, one of the sets of normalized indicators given for this sub-category in gr. 7-11.

2 Illumination should be taken taking into account paragraphs. 7.5 and 7.6 of these rules.

3 The smallest dimensions of the object of distinction and the corresponding categories of visual work are established when the objects of distinction are located at a distance of no more than 0.5 m from the eyes of the worker. With an increase in this distance, the category of visual work should be set in accordance with Appendix B. For extended objects of distinction, the equivalent size is selected according to Appendix C.

4 Illumination when using incandescent lamps should be reduced according to the illumination scale (clause 4.1 of these standards):

    a) one step with a combined lighting system, if the rated illumination is 750 lux or more;
    b) the same, general lighting for categories I-V, VI;
    c) in two steps with a general lighting system for categories VI and VIII.

5 Illumination when working with luminous objects with a size of 0.5 mm or less should be selected in accordance with the size of the object of distinction and referred to the subcategory "c".

6 The indicator of blindness is regulated in gr. 10 for general lighting only (with any lighting system).

7 Pulsation coefficient K p is indicated in gr. 10 for a general lighting system or for local lighting fixtures with a combined lighting system. K n from general lighting in the combined system should not exceed 20%.

8 It is allowed to provide a general lighting system for categories I-III, IVa, IVb, IVc, Va only if it is technically impossible or economically inexpedient to use a combined lighting system, which is specified in the industry lighting standards agreed with the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the Russian Federation

9 In areas with the temperature of the coldest five-day period according to SNiP 2.01.01 minus 27 ° C and below, the normalized KEO values ​​\u200b\u200bwith combined lighting should be taken according to Table. 5.

10 In rooms specially designed for work or industrial training of adolescents, the normalized value of KEO is increased by one category for gr. 3 and must be at least 1.0%

table 2

Characteristics of visual work The smallest equivalent size of the object of distinction, mm Discharge of visual work Subcategory of visual work Relative duration of visual work when the vision is directed to the working surface, % artificial lighting Daylight
illumination on the working surface from the general lighting system, lx cylindrical illumination, lx indicator of discomfort, M pulsation coefficient of illumination, K p, % KEO, e n, %, at
top or side lateral
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Distinguishing objects with a fixed and non-fixed line of sight:
very high precision From 0.15
up to 0.30
A 1 At least 70

Less than 70

500 150* 40
10 4,0 1,5
high precision From 0.30
up to 0.50
B 1 At least 70

Less than 70

300 100* 40


3,0 1,0
medium accuracy More than 0.5 IN 1 At least 70

Less than 70

150 50*

Not regulated

2,0 0,5
Overview of the surrounding space with a very short-term, episodic discrimination of objects: Not regulated
with high light saturation G - 300 100 60 - 3,0 1,0
with normal room saturation with light D - 200 75 90 2,5 0,7
at low saturation of the premises with light E - 150 50 90 2,0 0,5
General orientation in the interior space: Regardless of the size of the object of distinction AND Regardless of the duration of visual work Not regulated Not regulated Not regulated Not regulated Not regulated
with a large crowd of people 1 75
with small crowds 2 50
General orientation in movement areas: Same W Same Same Same Same Same Same
with a large crowd of people 1 30
with small crowds 2 20

* Additionally regulated in cases of special architectural and artistic requirements.
** The normalized value of the indoor discomfort indicator when the line of sight is directed mainly upward at an angle of 45 ° or more to the horizon and in rooms with increased requirements for the quality of lighting (bedrooms in kindergartens, nurseries, sanatoriums, display classes in schools, secondary specialized educational institutions, etc.).
*** Normalized value of the coefficient K p pulsation for children's, medical rooms with increased requirements for the quality of lighting.

1 Illumination should be taken taking into account paragraphs. 7.22 and 7.23 of these rules.
2 The smallest dimensions of the object of distinction and the corresponding categories of visual work are established when the objects of distinction are located at a distance of no more than 0.5 m from the object of distinction working with an average contrast with the background and a light background. With a decrease (increase) in contrast, an increase (decrease) in illumination by 1 step on the illumination scale is allowed in accordance with clause 4.1 of these standards.

Table 3

Premises and territories Room examples artificial lighting Daylight
Safety factor K s Number of lamp cleanings per year Safety factor K s Number of glazing cleanings per year
Operational group of luminaires according to Appendix G The angle of inclination of the light-transmitting material to the horizon, degrees
1-4 5-6 7 0-15 16-45 46-75 76-90
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Industrial premises with an air environment containing in the working area:
a) St. 5 mg / m 3 dust, smoke, soot Sinter plants, cement plants and chipping departments of foundries 2,0
b) from 1 to 5 mg / m 3 dust, smoke, soot Forge, foundry, open-hearth, prefabricated reinforced concrete workshops 1,8
c) less than 1 mg / m 3 of dust, smoke, soot Workshops tool, assembly, mechanical, mechanical assembly, sewing 1,5
d) significant concentrations of vapors, acids, alkalis, gases that, when in contact with moisture, form weak solutions of acids, alkalis, and also have a high corrosive ability Shops of chemical plants for the production of acids, alkalis, caustic chemicals, pesticides, fertilizers, shops for electroplating and various industries using electrolysis 1,8
2 Industrial premises with a special regime for air purity when servicing lamps:
a) from the technical floor 1,3
b) from below from the room 1,4
3 Premises of public and residential buildings:
a) dusty, hot and damp Hot shops of public catering enterprises, cooled chambers, rooms for preparing solutions in laundries, showers, etc. 1,7
b) with normal environmental conditions Offices and workrooms, living rooms, study rooms, laboratories, reading rooms, meeting rooms, trading rooms, etc. 1,4
4 Territories with an air environment containing:
a) a large amount of dust (more than 1 mg / m 3) Territories of metallurgical, chemical, mining enterprises, mines, mines, railway stations and adjacent streets and roads 1,5
b) a small amount of dust (less than 1 mg / m 3) Territories of industrial enterprises, except for those specified in sub. "a" and public buildings 1,5
5 Settlements Streets, squares, roads, residential areas, parks, boulevards, pedestrian tunnels, building facades, monuments, transport tunnels 1,6



1 The values ​​of the safety factor indicated in gr. 6-9 should be multiplied by 1.1 - when using patterned glass, fiberglass, armored film and frosted glass, as well as when using light openings for aeration; by 0.9 - when using organic glass.
2 The values ​​of the safety factors indicated in gr. 3-5 are given for discharge light sources. When using incandescent lamps, they should be multiplied by 0.85.
3 The values ​​of the safety factors indicated in gr. 3, should be reduced during single-shift work according to pos. 1b, 1d - by 0.2; by pos. 1c - by 0.1; in two-shift work - according to pos 1b, 1d - by 0.15.

Table 4

Light openings Orientation of light openings on the sides of the horizon Light climate coefficient, m
Number of the group of administrative regions
1 2 3 4 5
In the outer walls of buildings WITH 1 0,9 1,1 1,2 0,8
NE, NW 1 0,9 1,1 1,2 0,8
Z, V 1 0,9 1,1 1,1 0,8
SE, SW 1 0,85 1 1,1 0,8
YU 1 0,85 1 1,1 0,75
In rectangular and trapezoidal lanterns N-S 1 0,9 1,1 1,2 0,75
1 0,9 1,2 1,2 0,7
V-Z 1 0,9 1,1 1,2 0,7
In lanterns like "Shed" WITH 1 0,9 1,2 1,2 0,7
In skylights 1 0,9 1,2 1,2 0,75

1 C - northern; NE - northeast; NW - northwestern; B - east; Z - western; N-S - north-south; E-W - east-west; Yu - southern; SE - southeast; SW - southwest.
2 Groups of administrative regions of Russia by light climate resources are given in Appendix D.

5.4 In the main premises of residential buildings and preschool institutions, the normalized KEO values ​​\u200b\u200bshould be provided at the floor level. In the first group of administrative districts for living rooms and kitchens - 0.5, for group, playing, dining rooms and bedrooms - 1.5.

5.5 Calculation of natural lighting of the premises is made without taking into account furniture, equipment and other shading items. The dimensions of the light openings established by calculation can be changed by ± 10%.

5.6 The unevenness of natural lighting in industrial and public buildings with overhead or combined natural lighting should not exceed 3:1. The calculated value of KEO for the upper and combined natural lighting at any point on the line of intersection of the conditional working surface and the plane of the characteristic vertical section of the room must be at least the normalized value of KEO for side lighting for the work of the corresponding categories.

The unevenness of natural lighting is not standardized for premises with side lighting for industrial premises in which work of categories VII and VIII is performed, with overhead and side lighting for auxiliary and public buildings in which work of categories G, D is performed.


6.1 Combined lighting of the premises of industrial buildings should be provided for:

    a) for industrial premises in which work of I-III categories is performed;
    b) for production and other premises in cases where, due to the conditions of technology, production organization or climate at the construction site, space-planning solutions are required that do not allow for the normalized value of KEO (multi-storey buildings of large width, one-story multi-span buildings with large spans, etc. .p.), as well as in cases. when the technical and economic feasibility of combined lighting compared to natural lighting is confirmed by appropriate calculations;
    c) in accordance with the regulatory documents for the construction design of buildings and structures of individual industries, approved in the prescribed manner.

Combined lighting of premises of residential, public and administrative buildings may be provided in cases where it is required by the conditions for choosing rational space-planning solutions, with the exception of living rooms and kitchens of residential buildings, rooms for children, educational and training and industrial premises of schools and educational institutions, sleeping quarters of sanatoriums and rest houses.

6.2 General (regardless of the adopted lighting system) artificial lighting of industrial premises intended for the permanent stay of people should be provided with discharge light sources.

The choice of light sources should be made in accordance with the requirements of Sec. 7 of these rules.

The use of incandescent lamps is allowed in some cases when, due to the conditions of technology, environment or interior design requirements, the use of discharge light sources is impossible or impractical.

6.3 Standardized KEO values ​​for industrial premises should be taken as for combined lighting according to Table. 1.

For industrial premises, it is allowed to take the normalized values ​​of KEO in accordance with Table. 5:

    a) in areas with the temperature of the coldest five-day period according to SNiP 2.01.01 minus 27 ° C and below;
    b) in rooms with side lighting. the depth of which, according to the conditions of technology or the choice of rational space-planning solutions, does not allow to provide the normalized value of KEO indicated in Table. 1 for combined lighting;

Table 5

Category of visual works The smallest normalized value of KEO, e n,% with combined lighting
with overhead or combined lighting with side lighting
I 3 1,2
II 2,5 1
III 2 0,7
IV 1,5 0,5
V and VII 1 0,3
VI 0,7 0,2
    c) in the premises where work of I-III categories is performed.

6.4 For industrial premises, when establishing the normalized KEO values ​​in accordance with clause 6.3 of these standards, the following should be done:

    a) increase the illumination from the general artificial lighting system by one step on the illumination scale (except for categories Ib, Ic, IIb), if the increase in illumination is not provided in accordance with clause 7.5 of these standards. Illumination from the general lighting system should be at least 200 lux for discharge lamps and 100 lux for incandescent lamps. It is allowed to create illumination of more than 750 lux with discharge lamps and 300 lux with incandescent lamps only if there are justifications;
    b) increase the illumination from general lighting fixtures in the combined system by one step on the illumination scale, except for categories Ia, Ib, IIa;
    c) the ripple coefficient K p for I-III discharges should not exceed 10%.

Artificial lighting with combined lighting of premises should also be designed in accordance with Sec. 7 of these rules.

6.5 The calculated values ​​of KEO for combined lighting of public buildings should be 60% of the values ​​\u200b\u200bspecified in Table. 2.

It is allowed to take the calculated values ​​of KEO in the range from 60 to 30% of the values ​​\u200b\u200bspecified in Table. 2, for trading floors of shops and halls, buffets, distributing catering establishments.


7.1 Artificial lighting is divided into working, emergency, security and duty.

Emergency lighting is divided into safety lighting and evacuation lighting.

7.2 Artificial lighting can be of two systems - general lighting and combined lighting.

7.3 Working lighting should be provided for all premises of buildings, as well as sections of open spaces intended for work, the passage of people and traffic. For rooms with zones with different conditions natural lighting and various modes of operation, it is necessary to separately control the lighting of such areas.

If necessary, part of the working or emergency lighting fixtures can be used for emergency lighting.

The normalized characteristics of lighting in the premises and outside of buildings can be provided both by working lighting fixtures and by the combined action of safety lighting fixtures and (or) evacuation lighting with them.

Lighting of industrial and warehouse buildings

7.4 As a rule, the most economical discharge lamps should be used for lighting rooms. The use of incandescent lamps for general lighting is allowed only if it is impossible or technically and economically inexpedient to use discharge lamps.

For local lighting, in addition to discharge light sources, incandescent lamps, including halogen ones, should be used. The choice of light sources according to color characteristics should be made on the basis of Appendix E. The use of xenon lamps indoors is not allowed.

7.5 Illumination rates given in Table. 1 should be increased by one step of the illumination scale in the following cases:

    a) during work of I-IV categories, if visual work is performed for more than half of the working day;
    b) with an increased risk of injury, if the illumination from the general lighting system is 150 lux or less (work on circular saws, guillotine shears, etc.);
    c) with special increased sanitary requirements (at enterprises of the food and chemical-pharmaceutical industries), if the illumination from the general lighting system is 500 lux or less;
    d) during work or industrial training of adolescents, if the illumination from the general lighting system is 300 lux or less;
    e) in the absence of natural light in the room and the constant presence of workers, if the illumination from the general lighting system is 750 lux or less;
    f) when observing parts rotating at a speed equal to or more than 500 rpm, or objects moving at a speed equal to or more than 1.5 m/min;
    g) with a constant search for objects of distinction on a surface measuring 0.1 m 2 or more;
    h) in premises where more than half of the employees are over 40 years old.

If there are several signs at the same time, the illumination norm should be increased by no more than one step.

7.6 In rooms where work of IV-VI categories is carried out, the illumination standards should be reduced by one step with a short stay of people or in the presence of equipment that does not require constant maintenance.

7.7 When performing works of I-III, Iva, Ivb, IVc, Va categories in the premises, a combined lighting system should be used. It is allowed to provide a general lighting system if it is technically impossible or inappropriate to install local lighting, which is specified in the industry lighting standards agreed with the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.

If there are working and auxiliary areas in the same room, localized general lighting (with any lighting system) of working areas and less intense lighting of auxiliary areas, classifying them as category VIIIa, should be provided.

7.8 The illumination of the working surface, created by general lighting fixtures in the combined lighting system, must be at least 10% of the standard for combined lighting with those light sources that are used for local lighting. In this case, the illumination should be at least 200 lux with discharge lamps, at least 75 lux with incandescent lamps. It is allowed to create illumination from general lighting in a combined system of more than 500 lux with discharge lamps and more than 150 lux with incandescent lamps only if there are justifications.

In rooms without natural light, the illumination of the working surface, created by general lighting fixtures in the combined system, should be increased by ONE step.

7.9 The ratio of maximum illumination to the minimum should not exceed 1.3 for works of categories I-III with fluorescent lamps, 1.5 for other light sources, and 1.5 and 2.0 for works of categories IV-VII, respectively.

Illumination unevenness may be increased to 3.0 in cases where, according to the technology, general lighting fixtures can only be installed on platforms, columns or walls of the room.

7.10 In industrial premises, the illumination of passageways and areas where work is not performed should be no more than 25% of the rated illumination created by general lighting fixtures, but not less than 75 lux for discharge lamps and not less than 30 lux for incandescent lamps.

7.11 In workshops with a fully automated technological process, lighting should be provided for monitoring the operation of the equipment, as well as additionally switched on general and local lighting fixtures to provide the necessary (in accordance with Table 1) illumination during repair and adjustment work.

7.12 The glare indicator from general lighting fixtures (regardless of the lighting system) should not exceed the values ​​\u200b\u200bspecified in Table. 1.

The glare index is not limited for rooms, the length of which does not exceed twice the height of the suspension of luminaires above the floor, as well as for rooms with temporary stay of people and for areas intended for the passage or maintenance of equipment.

7.13 For local lighting of workplaces, luminaires with non-translucent reflectors should be used. Luminaires should be located in such a way that their luminous elements do not fall into the field of view of workers at the illuminated workplace and at other workplaces.

Local lighting of workplaces, as a rule, should be equipped with dimmers.

Local illumination of visual works with three-dimensional objects of distinction should be performed:

    in case of diffuse reflection of the background - by a luminaire, the ratio of the largest linear dimension of the luminous surface of which to the height of its location above the working surface is not more than 0.4 when the optical axis is directed to the center of the working surface at an angle of at least 30 ° to the vertical;
    with directionally scattered and mixed background reflection - by a lamp, the ratio of the smallest linear dimension of the luminous surface of which to the height of its location above the working surface is at least 0.5, and its brightness is from 2500 to 4000 cd / m 2.

The brightness of the working surface should not exceed the values ​​\u200b\u200bspecified in Table. 6.

Table 6

7.14 The pulsation coefficient of illumination on working surfaces when powering light sources with a current of less than 300 Hz should not exceed the values ​​indicated in Table. 1.

Ripple factor is not limited:

    at a power frequency of 300 Hz or more;
    for rooms with periodic stay of people in the absence of conditions for the occurrence of a stroboscopic effect.

In rooms where a stroboscopic effect is possible, it is necessary to turn on neighboring lamps in 3 phases of the supply voltage or connect them to a network with electronic ballasts.

Lighting of sites of enterprises and places of work outside buildings

7.15 Illumination of working surfaces of work places located outside buildings, on shelves outside buildings and under a canopy, should be taken according to Table. 7.

Table 7

Discharge of visual work The ratio of the minimum size of the object of distinction to the distance from this object to the eyes of the worker
IX Less than 0.05 10 -2 50
X From 0.5 10 -2 to 1 10 -2 30
XI St. 1 10 -2 "2 10 -2 20
XII " 2 10 -2 " 5 10 -2 10
XIII " 5 10 -2 " 10 10 -2 5
XIV " 10 10 -2 2

Note - If there is a danger of injury for work of XI-XIV categories, the illumination should be taken according to an adjacent, higher category.

7.16 The horizontal illumination of the sites of enterprises at the points of its minimum value at the level of the ground or road surfaces should be taken according to Table. 8.

7.17 Outdoor lighting should be controlled independently from lighting control inside buildings.

7.18 To limit the blinding effect of outdoor lighting installations at work sites and industrial enterprises, the installation height of luminaires above ground level should be:

    a) for luminaires with a protective angle of less than 15 ° - not less than that indicated in Table. 9;
    b) for luminaires with a protective angle of 15° or more - at least 3.5 m for any light source.

Table 8

Illuminated objects The highest traffic intensity in both directions, units / h Minimum illumination in the horizontal plane, lx
1 2 3
Driveways St. 50 to 150
From 10" 50
Less than 10
Fire lanes, roads for household needs - 0,5
Pedestrian and bicycle paths St. 100
20 to 100
Less than 20
Steps and platforms of stairs and walkways - 3
walking paths on playgrounds and squares - 0,5
Pre-factory areas that are not related to the territory of the city (platforms in front of buildings, entrances and passages to buildings, parking lots) - 2
switch necks
separate turnouts
railway track

Note - For highways, which are a continuation of city streets and have similar roadway pavements and traffic intensity, it is necessary to comply with the norms of the average brightness of roadway pavements given in Table. eleven.

Table 9

Light distribution of luminaires The highest luminous flux of lamps in luminaires installed on one support, lm The smallest installation height of fixtures, m
with incandescent lamps with discharge lamps
1 2 3 4
Semi-wide Less than 5000
From 5,000 to 10,000
St. 10,000 "20,000
" 20 000 " 30 000
" 30 000 " 40 000
" 40 000
wide Less than 5000
From 5,000 to 10,000
St. 10,000 "20,000
" 20 000 " 30 000
" 30 000 " 40 000
" 40 000

It is allowed not to limit the height of the suspension of luminaires with a protective angle of 15 ° or more (or with diffusers made of milky glass without reflectors) on platforms for the passage of people or maintenance of technological (or engineering) equipment, as well as at the entrance to the building.

7.19 The installation height of diffused light fixtures should be at least 3 m with a luminous flux of the light source up to 6000 lm and at least 4 m with a luminous flux of more than 6000 lm.

7.20 The ratio of the axial luminous intensity I max, cd, of one device (a searchlight or an obliquely located searchlight-type lighting device) to the square of the installation height of these devices H, m 2, depending on the rated illumination, should not exceed the values ​​\u200b\u200bspecified in Table. 10.

Table 10

Rated illumination, lx 0,5 1 2 3 5 10 20 30 50
I max /N 2 100 150 250 300 400 700 1400 2100 3500

Note - If the directions of the axial luminous intensity of several lighting devices coincide, the permissible values ​​\u200b\u200bof I max / H 2 of each device are determined by dividing table value on the number of these light fixtures.

Lighting of premises of public, residential and auxiliary buildings

7.21 For lighting the room, as a rule, discharge lamps should be provided. In case of impossibility or technical and economic inexpediency of using discharge lamps, as well as to ensure architectural and artistic requirements, it is allowed to provide incandescent lamps.

The choice of light sources according to color characteristics should be made on the basis of Appendix G.

7.22 Illumination standards. given in table. 2 should be increased by one level of the illumination scale in the following cases:

    a) during work A - B categories with special increased sanitary requirements (for example, in some catering and trade premises);
    b) in the absence of natural light in a room with a permanent stay of people;
    c) with increased requirements for the saturation of the room with light for visual works of categories G - E (auditory and concert halls, foyers of unique buildings, etc.);
    d) when using a combined lighting system for administrative buildings (offices, work rooms, library reading rooms);
    e) in premises where more than half of the employees are over 40 years old.

7.23 Illumination rates given in Table. 2 should be reduced on the illumination scale in the following cases:

    a) one step for the G-E categories when using fluorescent lamps with improved color rendering (LETS, LTBTST, LTBTST, KLTBTs), provided that the norm for the pulsation coefficient is maintained;
    b) two steps for all discharges when using incandescent lamps, including halogen ones.

7.24 In installations for decorative and artistic lighting of the premises of public buildings with categories of visual works G - E, it is allowed to select the level of illumination in accordance with architectural requirements, while in order to ensure the possibility of free orientation in the room, the smallest illumination of the conditional horizontal surface should be at least 75 lux at discharge lamps and 30 lux with incandescent lamps.

In rooms where it is necessary to provide cylindrical illumination, the surface-weighted average reflection coefficient of the walls should be at least 40%, and the ceiling - at least 50%.

7.25 In the premises of public buildings, as a rule, a general lighting system should be used. It is allowed to use a combined lighting system in the premises of administrative buildings where visual work of A-B categories is performed (for example, offices, workrooms, reading rooms of libraries and archives, etc.). At the same time, the normalized illumination on the working surface is increased in accordance with clause 7.22, and the illumination from general illumination should be at least 70% of the values ​​​​according to Table. 2.

At consumer service enterprises in related premises of a production nature, where visual work of I-IV categories is performed (for example, premises for jewelry and engraving, watch repair, television and radio equipment, calculators, etc.), a combined lighting system should be used. Normalized illumination and quality indicators are taken according to Table. 1.

7.26 Indicator of discomfort, regulated to limit glare in lighting installations according to Table. 2, should be provided at the end wall on the central axis of the room at a height of 1.5 m from the floor. The indicator of discomfort is not limited for rooms whose length does not exceed twice the height of the installation of fixtures above the floor.

The pulsation coefficient of illumination should be taken according to Table. 2.

7.27 Lighting of stairwells of residential buildings with a height of more than 3 floors should have automatic or remote control, ensuring that some of the lamps or lamps are turned off at night so that the illumination of the stairs is not lower than the evacuation lighting standards given in clause 7.63.

Outdoor lighting of urban and rural settlements

7.28 Street lighting. roads and areas with regular traffic in urban areas should be designed based on the norm of the average brightness of improved coatings according to Table. eleven.

Lighting of streets, roads and squares of urban settlements located in the northern building and climatic zone of the Asian part of Russia and north of 66 ° north latitude in the European part of Russia should be designed based on the average horizontal illumination of the roadway coatings according to Table. eleven.

The level of illumination of the carriageway of streets, roads and squares with transitional and lower types of coatings in urban settlements is regulated by the value of the average horizontal illumination, which for streets, roads and squares of category B should be 6 lux, for streets and roads of category C with a transitional type of coatings - 4 lux and with a coating of the lowest type - 2 lux.

1 Categories of streets and roads of cities by functional purpose are accepted in accordance with the classification of the head of SNiP 2.07.01.
2 Pavements are classified as improved, transitional or lower types according to the classification.

7.29 The average brightness of pavement coverings adjacent to the carriageway of streets, roads and squares must be at least half the average brightness of the pavement of the carriageway of these streets, roads and squares, given in Table. eleven.

7.30 The ratio of the minimum brightness of coatings to the average value should be at least 0.35 if the average brightness is more than 0.6 cd/m 2 and not less than 0.25 if the average brightness is 0.6 cd/m 2 and below.

The ratio of the minimum brightness of the coating to the maximum along the lane should be at least 0.6 if the average brightness is more than 0.6 cd / m 2 and not less than 0.4 if the average brightness is 0.6 cd / m 2 and below.

Table 11

Object category by lighting Streets, roads and squares * The highest intensity of traffic in both directions, units / h Average brightness of the coating, cd / m 2 Average horizontal illumination of the coating, lx
1 2 3 4 5
A Main roads, main streets of citywide significance St. 3000
St. 1000 to 3000
From 500 "1000
B Main streets of regional significance St. 2000
St. 1000 to 2000
From 500 "1000
Less than 500
IN Local streets and roads 500 or more
Less than 500
Single cars

1 Average coverage brightness express roads regardless of the intensity of traffic, 1.6 cd/m 2 is accepted within the city and 0.8 cd/m 2 outside the city at the access points to airports, river and sea ports of the largest cities.
2 The average brightness or average illumination of the roadway coverage within the boundaries of the transport intersection at two or more levels on all intersecting highways should be both on the main one and at the exits and branches within the city - at least 0.8 cd / m 2, or 10 lux.

7.31 The average horizontal illumination at the level of coverage of impassable parts of streets, roads and squares, boulevards and squares, pedestrian streets and territories of microdistricts in urban settlements should be taken according to Table. 12.

Table 12

Illuminated objects
1 2
1 Main pedestrian streets, impassable areas of areas of categories A and B and pre-factory areas 10
2 Pedestrian streets:
within community centers
in other territories

3 Sidewalks separated from the carriageway on streets of categories:
A and B

4 Landing pads public transport on the streets of all categories 10
5 Footbridges 10
6 Pedestrian tunnels:
evening and night

7 Pedestrian tunnel stairs in the evening and at night 20
8 Pedestrian paths of boulevards and squares adjacent to streets of categories (Table 11):

Territories of microdistricts
9 Drives:
secondary, including sidewalks-entrances

10 Utility sites and sites with waste bins 2
11 Playgrounds at the locations of equipment for outdoor games 10

* The norm also applies to the illumination of sidewalks adjacent to the carriageway of streets of categories B and C with transitional and lower types of coatings.

7.32 On the main pedestrian streets of historical cities, the average semi-cylindrical illumination should be at least 6 lux.

7.33 The average horizontal illumination of the territories of public buildings should be taken according to Table. 13.

Table 13

Illuminated objects Average horizontal illumination, lx
1 2
Kindergartens, general education schools and boarding schools, educational institutions
1 Group and sports grounds
2 playgrounds for outdoor games recreation areas
3 Driveways and approaches to buildings and platforms
Sanatoriums, rest houses
4 Entry into the territory
5 Driveways and walkways to dormitories, canteens, cinemas and similar buildings
6 Central alleys of the park area
7 Side alleys of the park area
8 Areas for quiet recreation and cultural services (public recreation areas, areas in front of open stages, etc.)*
9 Board games, outdoor reading rooms

* Illumination of tables for reading and board games is taken according to the norms of illumination of premises.

7.34 The average horizontal illumination of the territories of parks, stadiums and exhibitions should be taken from Table. 14.

Table 14

Illuminated objects Average horizontal illumination, lx
citywide parks district gardens stadiums Exhibitions
1 2 3 4 5
1. Main entrances 6 4 10 10
2. Auxiliary inputs 2 1 6 6
3. Central alleys 4 2 6 10
4. Side alleys 2 1 4 6
5. Public recreation areas, areas in front of the entrances to theaters, cinemas, exhibition pavilions and open stages; board game platforms 10 10 20
6. Recreation areas in the exhibition areas 10

7.35 The average horizontal illumination at the level of coverage of streets, roads, driveways and areas of rural settlements should be taken from Table. 15.

Table 15


1 The average illumination of the main passages on the territory of gardening associations and dacha cooperatives should be 2 lux, the rest of the passages - 1 lux.

2 In block territory outbuildings and sheds located outside the residential area of ​​rural settlements, the average illumination of passages between rows of buildings should be 1 lux.

7.36 Illumination of sections of highways of the general network within rural settlements should be taken as for category B streets, depending on the type of road surface according to Table. 11 or in accordance with clause 7.28 of these regulations.

7.37 In outdoor lighting projects, it is necessary to provide lighting of entrances to fire-fighting water sources if they are located on unlit parts of streets or driveways. The average horizontal illumination of these entrances should be, lx:

    in cities and towns .......................... 2
    in rural settlements......... 1

Projects for outdoor lighting of streets and roads of categories A and B should provide lighting for sections of unlit adjacent streets and roads (according to the lighting standards for these streets and roads) 100 m long.

7.38 Lighting norm for tram tracks located on the carriageway of streets. must comply with the street lighting standard. The average horizontal illumination of a separate tram track should be 6 lux.

7.39 The average horizontal illumination of the road surface of the roadway of urban transport tunnels with a length of more than 60 m should be taken in the daytime mode according to Table. 16, and in the evening and night modes equal to 50 lux. With a tunnel length of up to 60 m, the average illumination of the road surface should be 50 lux in all modes.

7.40 The average horizontal illumination of the pavement of passages under overpasses and bridges at night should be at least 30 lux with a passage length of up to 40 m, and with a longer length it is taken according to the tunnel lighting standards in accordance with clause 7.39.

7.41 In the areas of refueling and storage of vehicles, the average horizontal illumination should be taken according to Table. 17.

Table 16

Tunnel length, m The presence of a slope of descent to the portal Entrance portal orientation Average horizontal illumination, lx, at a distance from the beginning of the entrance portal, m
5 25 50 75 100 125 150 or more
1 to 100 Doesn't count Any 750 750 400 150 60 - -
Over 100 No bias



Note - In table. 16 the course of reducing the illumination levels of successive sections of the entrance zone meets the requirements for creating necessary conditions adaptation of the driver entering the tunnel.

Table 17

* The minimum illumination on the well cover is standardized.

7.42 The ratio of maximum illumination to the average should be at the norm of average illumination: St. 6 lux - no more than 3:1, from 4 to 6 lux - no more than 5:1, less than 4 lux - no more than 10:1.

7.43 Lighting standards are allowed to be increased in the capitals of sovereign republics, hero cities. historical, resort and port cities of republican significance, as well as in the largest and largest cities:

    a) by 0.2-0.4 cd / m 2 - for lighting installations of streets, roads and areas of categories A and B with improved types of coatings;
    b) up to 20 lux - for impassable lighting installations, it is limited to areas of categories A and B and pre-factory areas, main entrances of stadiums and exhibitions;
    c) up to 10 lux - for lighting installations of streets and roads of category B with transitional types of coatings and main entrances of city parks.

7.44 At night, it is allowed to provide for a decrease in the level of outdoor lighting of city streets, roads and squares with a normalized average illumination of 4 lux, or an average brightness of 0.4 cd / m 2 or more by turning on no more than half of the lamps, excluding turning off two in a row located, or with the help of a luminous flux regulator of high-pressure discharge lamps to a level not lower than 50% of the nominal without switching off the luminaires.

In order to obtain additional energy savings in the evening and morning hours of the day, it is allowed to reduce the lighting level with the regulator:

    by 30% with a decrease in traffic intensity to 1/3 of the maximum value;
    by 50% with a decrease in intensity to 1/5 of the maximum value.

On streets and roads at normalized values ​​of average brightness of 0.3 cd / m 2, or average illumination of 4 lux or less, on footbridges, parking lots, pedestrian alleys and roads, internal, service and economic and fire driveways, as well as on streets and On the roads of rural settlements, partial or complete shutdown of lighting at night is not allowed.

7.45 On the streets, roads and transport zones areas of categories A and B, the glare indicator for lighting installations should not exceed 150.

For lighting installations of streets and roads of category B, as well as lighting installations, the level of illumination of which is regulated by the norms of horizontal or semi-cylindrical illumination, the smallest height of the luminaires under the conditions of limiting glare should be taken from Table. 10.

Outdoor lighting fixtures installed on the walls of buildings should not illuminate the windows of residential buildings.

7.46 In outdoor lighting installations, luminaires with high-pressure discharge light sources should be used, including for lighting installations of streets and roads with traffic - mainly with high-pressure sodium lamps.

7.47 The height of lighting fixtures on streets, roads and squares with tram and trolleybus traffic should be taken in accordance with SNiP 2.05.09.

7.48 The minimum installation height of luminaires in the parapets of bridges and guideways is not limited, provided that a protective angle of at least 10 ° is provided and the possibility of access to the lamps without the use of special tools is excluded.

7.49 In transport tunnels, luminaires with a protective angle of at least 10° should be used. The height of their location must be at least 4 m.

7.50 Luminaires with a protective angle of at least 15° should be used in pedestrian tunnels:

    with fluorescent lamps with a total power of up to 80 W;
    with DNaT (DNaS) lamps up to 110 W;
    with DRL lamps up to 125 watts.

7.51 The average brightness for architectural lighting of the facades of buildings and structures should be taken from Table. 18.

Norms of brightness are assumed to be the same for any light source.

7.52 With uniform illumination of facades with a smooth surface, the ratio of maximum brightness to minimum should not exceed 3:1; and with relief finishing - 5:1.

Table 18

Category of streets, roads and squares Location of buildings and structures Average brightness of the facade, cd / m 2
A Main streets of general city significance, squares: main, station, transport, bridgehead and multifunctional transport hubs 8
B Main streets of district significance, squares in front of large public buildings and structures (stadiums, theaters, exhibitions, shopping malls, collective farm markets and other places of mass visits) 5
IN Streets and roads of local importance, settlement streets, squares in front of public buildings and structures of settlement significance 3

1 When the lighting object is located outside the urban area, as well as on the territory of a park, garden, boulevard and its observation against the sky or unlit greenery, the calculated brightness is assumed to be 3 cd/m2.
2 When the object is located near buildings with large luminous surfaces (for example, with large areas glazing through which illuminated interiors are visible, etc.), the calculated brightness should be taken as 8 cd / m 2.
3 Brightness can be increased by 50% when illuminating buildings viewed from a distance of more than 1 km, as well as buildings with small architectural details that are essential for the perception of the architecture of the building as a whole.

When accentuating individual elements of facades with light or with a system of uneven illumination of them, the magnitude of the unevenness of brightness is not regulated.

7.53 When designing a lighting installation, the reflection coefficient of building and facing materials should be measured or taken from Table. 19.

Table 19

Material Conditional reflection coefficient
White facade paint, white marble 0,7
Light gray concrete, white sand-lime brick, very light facade paints 0,6
Gray concrete, limestone, yellow sandstone, light green, beige, light gray exterior paint, light marbles 0,5
Gray textured concrete, gray facade paint, light wood 0,4
Pink sand-lime brick, dark blue, dark beige, light brown facade paint, dark wood 0,3
Dark gray marble, granite, dark brown, blue, dark green, red facade paint 0,2
Black granite, marble 0,1

7.54 The average brightness of monuments in the main vertical plane should be taken from Table. 18. Brightness in other planes is set depending on the artistic effect.

7.55 When illuminating outdoor shop windows, the average vertical illumination at a height of 1.5 m from the sidewalk level should be taken from Table 20.

Table 20

For showcases with light goods (porcelain, linen, etc.) vertical illumination. indicated in the table. 20 should decrease by one step, and for showcases with dark goods (fabrics, furs, tools, etc.) - increase by one step.

To highlight individual exhibits with light, additional lighting with devices with a concentrated luminous intensity curve should be provided.

7.57 The value of the average illumination of the surface of the illuminated poster, poster or stand should be taken as 200 lux with a web reflectance of 0.4-0.2 and 100 lux with a coefficient of 0.8-0.5. The ratio of maximum illumination to minimum should be no more than 5:1.

Table 21

Note - The maximum brightness is defined as the average overall for an area of ​​0.2x0.2 m.

7.59 All parts of the gas lighting installations located outside the showcases must be at a height of at least 3 m above the level of the sidewalk.

Emergency (safety and evacuation lighting), security and duty lighting

7.60 Emergency lighting is divided into safety and evacuation lighting.

7.61 Safety lighting should be provided in cases where the shutdown of working lighting and the associated disruption to the maintenance of equipment and mechanisms can cause:

    explosion, fire, poisoning of people;
    long-term disruption of the technological process;
    disruption of the operation of such facilities as power stations, radio and television transmission and communication nodes, control rooms, pumping stations for water supply, sewerage and heating, ventilation and air conditioning installations for industrial premises in which it is unacceptable to stop work, etc.;
    violation of the regime of children's institutions, regardless of the number of children in them.

7.62 Evacuation lighting in premises or in places of work outside buildings should be provided for:

    in places dangerous for the passage of people;
    in the aisles and on the stairs serving for the evacuation of people, with the number of evacuees more than 50 people;
    along the main aisles of industrial premises, in which more than 50 people work;
    in stairwells of residential manias with a height of 6 floors or more;
    in industrial premises with people constantly working in them, where the exit of people from the premises in case of an emergency shutdown of normal lighting is associated with a risk of injury due to the continued operation of production equipment; in the premises of public and auxiliary buildings of industrial enterprises. if more than 100 people can be in the premises at the same time;
    in industrial premises without natural light.

7.63 Safety lighting should create on working surfaces in industrial premises and on the territories of enterprises that require maintenance when working lighting is turned off, the smallest illumination in the amount of 5% of the illumination normalized for working lighting from general lighting, but not less than 2 lux inside buildings and not less than 1 lx for the territories of enterprises. At the same time, creating the lowest illumination inside buildings of more than 30 lux with discharge lamps and more than 10 lux with incandescent lamps is allowed only if there are appropriate justifications.

Evacuation lighting should provide the lowest illumination on the floor of the main passages (or on the ground) and on the steps of stairs: indoors - 0.5 lux, in open areas - 0.2 lux.

The unevenness of evacuation lighting (the ratio of maximum to minimum illumination) along the axis of the evacuation passages should be no more than 40: 1.

Indoor safety lighting luminaires can be used for evacuation lighting.

7.64 For emergency lighting (safety and evacuation lighting), the following should be used:

    a) incandescent lamps;
    b) fluorescent lamps - in rooms with a minimum air temperature of at least 5 ° C and provided that the lamps are powered in all modes with a voltage of at least 90% of the nominal;
    c) high-pressure discharge lamps, provided that they are instantly or quickly re-ignited both in the hot state after a short interruption of the supply voltage, and in the cold state.

7.65 In public and auxiliary buildings of enterprises, exits from premises where more than 100 people can be at the same time, as well as exits from industrial premises without natural light, where more than 50 people can be at the same time. or having an area of ​​​​more than 150 m 2, must be marked with signs.

Exit signs can be illuminated, with built-in light sources connected to the emergency lighting network, and non-illuminated (without light sources), provided that the exit designation (inscription, sign, etc.) is illuminated by emergency lighting fixtures.

At the same time, signs should be installed at a distance of no more than 25 m from each other, as well as at the places where the corridor turns. Additionally, exits from corridors and recreation areas should be marked with signs. adjacent to the premises listed above.

7.66 Lighting devices for emergency lighting (safety lighting, evacuation lighting) may be provided for burning. switched on simultaneously with the main lighting fixtures of normal lighting and not lit, automatically switched on when the supply of normal lighting is interrupted.

7.67 Security lighting (in the absence of special technical means of protection) should be provided along the borders of territories protected at night. Illumination should be at least 0.5 lux at ground level in a horizontal plane or at 0.5 m from the ground on one side of a vertical plane perpendicular to the boundary line.

When using for the protection of special technical means, the illumination should be taken according to the assignment for the design of security lighting.

For security lighting, any light sources can be used, except for cases when the security lighting does not normally burn and automatically turns on from the action of a security alarm or other technical means. In such cases, incandescent lamps should be used.

7.68 Scope, illumination values, uniformity and quality requirements for emergency lighting are not standardized.



Lateral daylight- natural lighting of the room through the light openings in the outer walls.

Top natural light- natural lighting of the room through the lanterns. light openings in the walls in places of height difference of the building.

Geometric daylight factor- the ratio of natural illumination created at the considered point of a given plane inside the room by light that has passed through an unfilled light opening and comes directly from a uniformly bright sky to the simultaneous value of external horizontal illumination under a completely open sky, while the participation of direct sunlight in the creation of one or another illumination excluded, expressed as a percentage.

Emergency lighting- lighting during non-working hours.

Daylight- lighting of premises with sky light (direct or reflected), penetrating through the light openings in the external enclosing structures.

Color rendering index- a measure of the correspondence of visual perceptions of a colored object illuminated by the studied and standard light sources under certain observation conditions.

Combined lighting- lighting, in which local lighting is added to general lighting.

Combined natural lighting- a combination of top and side natural lighting.

The contrast of the object of distinction with the background K is determined by the ratio of the absolute value of the difference between the brightness of the object and the background to the brightness of the background.

The contrast of the object of distinction with the background is considered:

    large - at K more than 0.5 (the object and the background differ sharply in brightness);
    medium - at K from 0.2 to 0.5 (the object and background differ markedly in brightness);
    small - at K less than 0.2 (the object and the background differ little in brightness).

Daylight ratio (KEO)- the ratio of natural light. created at some point of a given plane inside the room by the light of the sky (direct or after reflections), to the simultaneous value of the external horizontal illumination created by the light of a completely open sky; expressed as a percentage.

Safety factor K s- calculated coefficient taking into account the decrease in KEO and illumination during operation due to contamination and aging of translucent fillings in light openings, light sources (lamps) and fixtures, as well as a decrease in the reflective properties of room surfaces.

Illumination ripple coefficient K p, %- criterion for assessing the relative depth of fluctuations in illumination as a result of a change in time of the luminous flux of gas-discharge lamps when powered by alternating current, expressed by the formula

where E max and E min - respectively, the maximum and minimum values ​​of illumination for the period of its fluctuation, lx; Esr - the average value of illumination for the same period, lx.

Light climate coefficient t- coefficient taking into account the peculiarities of the light climate.

Expressed as a percentage, the ratio of the red light output to the total luminous flux of the light source is:

where φ(λ) - spectral flux density;
V(λ) - relative spectral sensitivity of the human eye.

local lighting- lighting, additional to the general one, created by lamps that concentrate the luminous flux directly at the workplace.

uneven natural light- the ratio of the average value to the smallest value of KEO within the characteristic section of the room.

CIE cloudy skies (as defined by the International Commission on Illumination - CIE)- the sky, completely covered with clouds and satisfying the condition under which the ratio of its brightness at a height Θ above the horizon to the brightness at the zenith is equal to (1+2 sinΘ)/3.

object of distinction- the object under consideration, its separate part or defect, which is required to be distinguished in the process of work.

Window area S o- the total area of ​​​​light openings (in the light) located in the outer walls of the illuminated room, m 2 /

Lantern area S f- the total area of ​​​​light openings (in the light) of all lamps located in the cover above the illuminated room or span, m 2.

General lighting- lighting, in which the luminaires are placed in the upper zone of the room evenly (general uniform lighting) or in relation to the location of the equipment (general localized lighting).

Security Lighting- lighting to continue working in case of emergency shutdown of working lighting.

Relative area of ​​light apertures S f /S p; S o /S p- the ratio of the area of ​​​​lanterns or windows to the illuminated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe floor of the room: expressed as a percentage.

reflected brilliance- characteristic of the reflection of the light flux from the working surface in the direction of the eyes of the worker, which determines the decrease in visibility due to an excessive increase in the brightness of the working surface and a veiling effect that reduces the contrast between the object and the background.

The criterion for assessing uncomfortable glare, which causes discomfort with an uneven distribution of brightness in the field of view, expressed by the formula

where L c is the brightness of a bright source, cd/m 2 ;
ω is the angular size of the bright source, sr;
φ Θ - position index of the bright source relative to the line of sight;
L hell is the brightness of adaptation, cd/m 2 .

When designing, the discomfort indicator is calculated by an engineering method.

Blinding index P- criterion for assessing the blinding effect of the lighting installation, determined by the expression

P \u003d (S - 1) 1000,

where S is the glare coefficient equal to the ratio of the threshold brightness differences in the presence and absence of glare sources in the field of view.

Semi-cylindrical illumination- a characteristic of the light saturation of space and the shadow-forming effect of lighting for an observer moving along the street parallel to its axis. It is defined as the average density of the luminous flux on the surface of a half-cylinder vertically located on the longitudinal line of the street at a height of 1.5 m, the radius and height of which tend to zero. The calculation of semi-cylindrical illumination is carried out by an engineering method.

Working surface- the surface on which the work is performed and the illumination is normalized or measured.

Work lighting- lighting that provides normalized lighting conditions (illuminance, lighting quality) in the premises and in the places of work outside the buildings.

Estimated value of KEO e p- the value obtained by calculation in the design of natural or combined lighting of premises; expressed as a percentage and is determined by:

a) with side lighting according to the formula

b) with overhead lighting according to the formula

c) with combined (top and side) lighting according to the formula

E b n - LEO value at calculated points under side illumination, created by direct light of sky areas visible through light openings (taking into account the distribution of brightness over the cloudy sky of the CIE);
β a - coefficient of orientation of light openings, taking into account the resources of natural light around the horizon;
E zd - geometric KEO of the section of the facade of the opposing mania, visible from the calculated point through the light opening;
b f - the average relative brightness of the facades of opposing buildings;
γ a - coefficient of orientation of the facade of the building, taking into account the dependence of its brightness on the orientation along the horizon;
k zd - coefficient taking into account the change in the internal reflected component of the KEO in the room in the presence of opposing buildings;
r 0 is the coefficient that takes into account the increase in KEO in side lighting due to the light reflected from the surfaces of the room and the underlying layer with an open horizon (the absence of opposing buildings);
E in n - the value of KEO at the calculated points under the upper illumination created by the direct light of the sky (taking into account the distribution of brightness over the cloudy sky of the CIE);
E in ref - the value of KEO at the calculated points with overhead lighting created by light reflected from the internal surfaces of the room;
τ 0 k C - the total coefficient of light transmission and the safety factor filling the light opening;
e k p - the total value of KEO at the calculated points with side and top lighting.

Light climate- a set of natural lighting conditions in a given area (illuminance and amount of illumination on horizontal and vertical surfaces differently oriented along the horizon, created by scattered sky light and direct sunlight, duration of sunshine and albedo of the underlying surface) for a period of more than ten years.

residential area- the territory intended for housing stock, public buildings and structures, including research institutes and their complexes, as well as individual communal and industrial facilities that do not require the construction of sanitary protection zones; for the arrangement of intracity communications, streets, squares, parks, gardens, boulevards and other public places.

Combined lighting- lighting, in which natural lighting, which is insufficient according to the norms, is supplemented by artificial lighting.

Average illumination of streets, roads and squares- Illumination, weighted average over the area.

Average road surface brightness is the area-weighted average brightness of dry road surfaces in the direction of the eyes of an observer located on the axis of traffic.

Stroboscopic effect- the phenomenon of distortion of visual perception of rotating, moving or changing objects in flickering light, which occurs when the frequency characteristics of the objects movement coincide and the change in the light flux over time in lighting installations. made by gas-discharge light sources powered by alternating current.

Conditional work surface- conventionally accepted horizontal surface, located at a height of 0.8 m from the floor.

Background- the surface adjacent directly to the object of distinction on which it is viewed.

The background is considered:

    light - with a surface reflection coefficient of more than 0.4;
    medium - the same, from 0.2 to 0.4;
    dark - the same, less than 0.2.

Typical section of the room- a cross section in the middle of the room, the plane of which is perpendicular to the plane of the glazing of the light openings (with side lighting) or to the longitudinal axis of the spans of the room. The characteristic section of the premises should include areas with the largest number of jobs, as well as points of the working area. farthest from light openings.

Color temperature, T s is the temperature of the Planck emitter (black body), at which its radiation has the same color as the radiation of the object under consideration, °K.

Color rendering- a general concept that characterizes the influence of the spectral composition of a light source on the visual perception of colored objects, consciously or unconsciously compared with the perception of the same objects illuminated by a standard light source.

Cylindrical illumination E c- a characteristic of the saturation of the room with light. It is defined as the average density of the luminous flux on the surface of a vertically located cylinder in the room, the radius and height of which tend to zero. Calculation of cylindrical illumination is made by an engineering method.

emergency lighting- lighting for the evacuation of people from the premises in case of emergency shutdown of normal lighting.

Equivalent size of object of distinction- the size of an equally bright circle on an equally bright background, which has the same threshold contrast as the object of distinction with a given background brightness.



If the distance from the object of distinction to the eyes of the worker is more than 0.5 m, the category of work according to the table should be set taking into account the angular size of the object of distinction, determined by the ratio of the minimum size of the object of distinction d to the distance from this object to the eyes of the worker l.



For extended objects of distinction having a length a 2b, where b is the width of the object, the category of visual works is determined by the equivalent size of the object. In other cases, the category of visual work is determined by minimum size object of distinction.

At distances from the eye to the object, less than 500 mm, the equivalent size is determined by the nomogram shown in Fig. 1.

At distances from the eye to the object greater than 500 mm, the equivalent size is determined by the nomogram shown in Fig. 2.

Converting the linear dimensions of the object of distinction (in millimeters) into angular (in arc minutes) using the nomogram shown in Fig. 2 is carried out according to the formula

α = 60 arctan (x/l), (1)

x is the size of the object, mm;
l is the distance from the eyes to the object, mm.

The conversion of the equivalent size obtained from the nomogram from angular dimensions (minutes of arc) to linear dimensions (millimeters) is carried out according to the formula

x \u003d l tg (α / 60), (2)


Table 1

Operating groups of luminaires

Structural and lighting schemes of lamps I II III IV V VI VII
With incandescent and high pressure lamps A
With fluorescent lamps B1
Hardness group of lighting materials (coatings) T ST M T ST M T ST M T ST T ST T ST T
Operating group of luminaires 5 4 3 6 5 4 2 2 1 7 6 5 4 6 5 7

table 2

Type of material or coating Materials (or coatings) of reflectors or diffusers
reflecting light translucent
T - solid silicate enamel coating silicate glass
ST - medium hard 1 Epoxy powder coating
2 Coating with NTs-25 nitro enamel
3 Enamel coating ML-12
4 Alzac-aluminum protected with a layer of liquid glass
1 Polycarbonate
2 Polymethyl methacrylate
3 Polyvinylchloride rigid film type "Sunloid"
M - soft 1 Enamel coating ML-242
2 Enamel coating AK-11022
3 Acrylic enamel coating
4 Vacuum sprayed aluminium, protected with UVL-3 lacquer
1 High density polyethylene
2 Polystyrene



Group number Administrative region
1 2
1 Moscow, Smolensk, Vladimir, Kaluga, Tula, Ryazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Sverdlovsk, Perm, Chelyabinsk, Kurgan, Novosibirsk, Kemerovo region, Mordovia, Chuvashia, Udmurtia, Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, Krasnoyarsk region(north of 63° N), Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (north of 63° N), Chukotka National Okrug, Khabarovsk Territory (north of 55° N)
2 Bryansk, Kursk, Oryol, Belgorod, Voronezh, Lipetsk, Tambov, Penza, Samara, Ulyanovsk, Orenburg, Saratov, Volgograd regions, Komi Republic, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, North Ossetian Republic, Chechen Republic, Ingush Republic, Khanty-Mansiysk national . county, Altai region, Krasnoyarsk Territory (south of 63° N), Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (south of 63° N), Republic of Tuva, Buryat Republic, Chita Region, Khabarovsk Territory (south of 55° N), Magadan region
3 Kaliningrad, Pskov, Novgorod, Tver, Yaroslavl, Ivanovo, Leningrad, Vologda, Kostroma, Kirov regions, Karelian Republic, Yamalo-Nenets nat. Okrug, Nenets nat. county
4 Arkhangelsk, Murmansk regions
5 Kalmyk Republic, Rostov, Astrakhan regions, Stavropol region, Dagestan Republic, Amur Region, Primorsky Territory
Illumination, lx
1 2 3 4 5
Color control with very high requirements for color discrimination (control of finished products in garment factories, fabrics in textile factories, sorting of leather, selection of inks for color printing, etc.) 300 or more 90 5000-6000 LDC, LDC UV, (LHE)
Color matching with high requirements for color differentiation (weaving, garment production, color printing, etc.) 300 or more 85 3500-6000 LBTsT, LDTs, LDTs ​​UV
Discrimination of colored objects with low requirements for color discrimination (assembly of radio equipment, spinning, winding wires, etc.) 500 or more
300, 400
150, 200
Less than 150
There are no requirements for color differentiation (machining of metals, plastics, assembly of machines, tools, etc.) 500 or more
300, 400
150, 200
Less than 150
LB, (LHB), MGL, (DRL),
Characteristics of visual work according to the requirements for color discrimination Illumination with a combined lighting system, lx Minimum color rendering index of light sources, R a Range of color temperature of light sources, T s, °K Exemplary types of light sources for lighting
general local general local general local
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Color control with very high requirements for color differentiation (finished product control in garment factories, fabrics in textile factories, leather sorting, selection of inks for color printing, etc.) 150 or more 85 90 5000-6000 5000-6000 LBCT, (LDC) LDC, LDC UV, (LHE)
Color matching with high requirements for color differentiation (weaving, garment production, color printing, etc.) 150 or more 50 85 3500-5000 3500-6000 LB, (LHB), MGL LBTsT, LDTs, LDTs ​​UV
Discrimination of colored objects with low requirements for color discrimination (assembly of radio equipment, spinning, winding wires, etc.) 500
300, 400
150, 200

There are no requirements for color differentiation (machining of metals, plastics, assembly of machines and tools, etc.) 500
300, 400
150, 200

1 The use of NLVD lamps is allowed for work of categories VI - VIII.
2 For rooms without natural light when working with low requirements for color discrimination, the range of color temperatures indicated in the tables should be limited to 3500-5000 °K at illumination levels of more than 300 lux.
3 LDC UV fluorescent lamps in the ultraviolet region of the spectrum have a radiation composition close to natural, which is important when monitoring fabrics and paper made with optical brightener.
4 In parentheses in the tables are energy less efficient light sources.

Lighting Requirements Characteristics of visual work according to the requirements for color discrimination Illumination, lx Minimum color rendering index of light sources, R a Range of color temperature of light sources, T s, °K Exemplary types of light sources
1 2 3 4 5 6
Ensuring visual comfort in the premises when performing visual work in discharges Comparison of colors with high requirements for color differentiation and color selection (specialized stores "Fabrics", "Clothes", etc.) 300 to 500 90 3500-6000 LDC, (LHE)
Comparison of colors with high requirements for color differentiation (drawing rooms, serving types of work, cutting departments in the atelier, meeting rooms of republican significance, chemical laboratories, exhibition halls, mock-ups, etc.) 300 to 500
" 150 " 300
Distinguishing colored objects with low requirements for color discrimination (rooms of circles of educational institutions; supermarkets, trading floors of shops, ateliers of dry cleaning of clothes, dining halls, indoor pools, gyms; pantries of rental centers, shops). There are no requirements for color discrimination (offices, workrooms, design, drawing offices, reader's catalogs, archives, book depositories, etc.) 300 to 500
" 150 " 300

300 to 500
" 150 " 300

Less than 150





Ensuring psycho-emotional comfort in rooms with categories of visual work Ms. Discrimination of colored objects with low requirements for color discrimination (concert halls, auditoriums of theaters, clubs, assembly halls, lobbies, etc.) 300 to 500
" 150 " 300

Less than 150

There are no requirements for color differentiation (cinema auditoriums, elevator lobbies, corridors, aisles, passages, etc.) Less than 150 45 2700-3500 LB, (GLN, LN, DRL**)
Ensuring visual and psycho-emotional comfort in the premises of residential buildings Discrimination of colored objects with low requirements for color discrimination:
living rooms, kitchens
hallways, bathrooms
There are no color requirements:
stairwells, elevator lobbies, vestibules
Less than 100 45 3000-3500 LB

Note - Energy less efficient light sources are indicated in parentheses in the table.




ON THE APPROVAL OF SP 52.13330 "SNIP 23-05-95*


In accordance with the Rules for the development, approval, publication, amendment and cancellation of sets of rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 1, 2016 N 624, subparagraph 5.2.9 of paragraph 5 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree Government of the Russian Federation dated November 18, 2013 N 1038, paragraph 42 of the Plan for the development and approval of codes of practice and updating previously approved codes of rules, building codes and regulations for 2015 and the planning period until 2017, approved by order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing Public Utilities of the Russian Federation dated June 30, 2015 N 470 / pr, as amended by order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation dated September 14, 2015 659 / pr, I order:

1. Approve and put into effect 6 months from the date of publication of this order SP 52.13330 "SNiP 23-05-95 * Natural and artificial lighting" in accordance with the appendix (not given).

2. Since the entry into force of SP 52.13330 "SNiP 23-05-95 * Natural and artificial lighting" recognize as not applicable SP 52.13330.2011 "SNiP 23-05-95 * Natural and artificial lighting", approved by order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2010 N 783, with the exception of paragraphs of SP 52.13330.2011 "SNiP 23-05-95 * Natural and artificial lighting", included in the List of national standards and codes of practice (parts of such standards and codes of practice), as a result the application of which on a mandatory basis ensures compliance with the requirements federal law"Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures", approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2014 N 1521 (hereinafter referred to as the List), before the relevant changes are made to the List.

(see text in previous edition)

3. The Department of Urban Development and Architecture, within 15 days from the date of issue of the order, send the approved SP 52.13330 "SNiP 23-05-95 * Natural and artificial lighting" for registration to the national body of the Russian Federation for standardization.

4. The Department of Urban Development and Architecture shall ensure the publication on the official website of the Ministry of Construction of Russia in the information and telecommunication network "Internet" of the text of the approved SP 52.13330 "SNiP 23-05-95 * Natural and artificial lighting" in electronic digital form within 10 days from the day registration of the set of rules by the national body of the Russian Federation for standardization.

Natural and artificial lighting in the premises is regulated by the norms of SNiP 23-05-95, depending on the nature of visual work, the system and type of lighting, the background, the contrast of the object with the background. The characteristic of visual work is determined by the smallest size of the object of distinction (for example, when working with instruments - the thickness of the scale graduation line, when drawing work - the thickness of the thinnest line). Depending on the size of the object of distinction, all types of work related to visual tension are divided into eight categories, which, in turn, depending on the background and the contrast of the object with the background, are divided into four sub-categories.

Artificial lighting is normalized by quantitative (minimum illumination Emin) and qualitative indicators (blindness and discomfort indicators, illuminance pulsation coefficient kE).

Separate rationing of artificial lighting has been adopted depending on the light sources used and the lighting system. The normative value of illumination for gas-discharge lamps, other things being equal, due to their greater light output, is higher than for incandescent lamps. With combined lighting, the share of general lighting should be at least 10% of the rated illumination. This value must be at least 150 lux for gas discharge lamps and 50 lux for incandescent lamps.

To limit the glare of general lighting fixtures in industrial premises, the glare index should not exceed 20 ... 80 units, depending on the duration and category of visual work. When lighting industrial premises with gas-discharge lamps powered by alternating current of an industrial frequency of 50 Hz, the pulsation depth should not exceed 10 ... 20%, depending on the nature of the work performed.

When determining the norm of illumination, one should also take into account a number of conditions that necessitate an increase in the level of illumination selected according to the characteristics of visual work. An increase in illumination should be provided, for example, with an increased risk of injury or when performing intense visual work of I ... IV categories throughout the working day. In some cases, it is necessary to reduce the illumination rate, for example, when people stay indoors for a short time.

Natural lighting is characterized by the fact that the created illumination varies depending on the time of day, year, meteorological conditions. Therefore, as a criterion for assessing natural lighting, a relative value is taken - the coefficient of natural illumination of the KEO, which does not depend on the above parameters.

KEO is the ratio of the illumination at a given point inside the room Evn to the simultaneous value of the external horizontal illumination En, created by the light of a completely open sky, expressed as a percentage, i.e.

KEO = 100 Eur/En.

Separate rationing of KEO was adopted for side and top natural lighting. With side lighting, the minimum value of KEO is normalized within the working area, which must be provided at points furthest from the window; in rooms with overhead and combined lighting - according to the average KEO within the working area. The normalized value of KEO, taking into account the characteristics of visual work, the lighting system, the location of buildings in the country:

en = KEO ts,

where KEO - coefficient of natural illumination; determined according to SNiP 23-05-95;

m - coefficient of light climate, determined depending on the location of the building in the country;

c is the coefficient of sunshine of the climate, determined depending on the orientation of the building relative to the cardinal points;

coefficients m and c are determined according to the tables of SNiP 23-05-95.1

Combined lighting is allowed for industrial premises in which visual work of I and II categories is performed; for industrial premises under construction in the northern climatic zone of the country; for rooms in which, according to the conditions of technology, it is required to maintain stable parameters of the air environment (areas of precision metalworking machines, electroprecision equipment). At the same time, general artificial lighting of the premises should be provided by gas-discharge lamps, and the illumination standards should be increased by one step.

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