
The role of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in the Russian economy. Krasnoyarsk Territory - Industry and enterprises of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Lifetime of the population

The economic and geographical location of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in the north of Asia, the remoteness from the warm oceans and the natural conditions caused by these difficulties make it difficult to economic development of the territory. In addition, the Krasnoyarsk Territory is significantly removed from the most developed in economicly economical central districts countries .

The natural conditions of the Krasnoyarsk Territory are characterized by the severity of the climate, the presence of permanent, peat swamps, tundra, taiga, as well as the predominance of elevations and mountains. The absence of natural conditions increases in the northern and eastern directions. The most convenient natural climatic relationship is the south-western part of Eastern Siberia. Therefore, the majority of the population, the largest industrial centers are concentrated here, transport links are most developed.

The influence of natural conditions and resources on the placement and development of the economy in some areas of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is very large. Therefore, naturally, the harsh environment, the higher the cost of produced products and the more valuable and unique it should be to compensate for the increased costs of its production. This is especially important in the conditions of the formation and development of market relations.

Krasnoyarsk Territory, despite the lack of its geological study, is distinguished by exceptional wealth and wide variety natural resources. Most of the hydropower resources and total coal are concentrated here, there are unique deposits of non-ferrous, rare and noble metals (copper, nickel, cobalt, molybdenum, niobium, titanium, gold, platinum, etc.), many types of non-metallic raw materials (mica, asbestos, Talca, graphite, Magnesit, Platical Plovet and others), open large reserves of oil and natural gas. Krasnoyarsk Territory belongs to one of the first places in the Russian Federation by wood reserves.

Geological reserves of coal reaches 3.7 trillion, which is more than half of Russia coal resources and twice the coal resources of the United States. Kansky-Achinsky, minus centened pools are most studied and mastered. The Tyamyarsky, Tungusky pools are still insufficiently developed and especially.

Oil was discovered in the 1960s near Ust-Kuta in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Markov in the following years, oil and natural gas resources were opened in Evenki, the Nizhne-Angarsk district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, but industrial mining is not yet conducted. There are also minor stocks of combustible shale.

According to the wealth of hydropower resources, the Krasnoyarsk Territory occupies the first place in Russia. The hydropower resources of rivers, technically possible to use, are estimated at 700 billion kWh, and in a cost effective part of them - 350 billion kW "h. On the territory of the region proceeds by one of the greatest rivers of the globe - Yenisei. According to aquifension, it ranks first in Russia, takes a daily 548 km of 3 water into the ocean, i.e., 2.5 times more than the Volga. Due to the fact that the Ryphells of Yenisei flows through mountain areas, and on average its channel runs at less minority, it has a very greater flow rate, as well as very favorable conditions for the construction of power plants due to the presence of good stems. The river has huge stocks of hydropower resources, it can be built on it a hydroelectric power station with a total capacity of up to 30 million kW average annual production Electricity up to 140 billion kW * h. Along with the already operating Sayano-Shushenskaya, Krasnoyarskaya, the Mainic HPP is possible the construction of new power plants. The most-water influx of Yenisei - Angara. On it, ranging from Baikal and ending with a shift in Yenisei, that is, for 1826 km, the fall of the river is about 380 m. Therefore, the water flow rate is so great that the river does not freeze in many places even in the strongest frosts. In addition, if in the upper flow, the width of the hangary reaches two kilometers, then on average, especially in the Padunsky narrowing, it decreases by half, and the power of water drop is so great that the conditions for the construction of the HPP are simply unique (it is, so the Bratsk HPP was built) . The meaning of the hangars as a unique source of cheap electricity increases many times due to the regulatory role of Lake Baikal, providing a constant water consumption, which is an important factor in the sustainability of the power plants.

In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, large stocks of iron ore and non-ferrous metal ores are concentrated. General balance sheets of iron ores are calculated in 4.6 billion tons. The main resources are located in the Angaro-Pit, the Angaro-Ilimsk and the Khakasso-Minusinsky pools. The best in quality in Eastern Siberia are ores of the Angaro-Ilima basin (deposits Korshunovskoye and Rudnogorsk). They relate to magnetites and contain an average of 46--48% iron.

The Krasnoyarsk Territory is rich in various colored and rare metals, especially gold, molybdenum, tin, nickel and copper. In addition, substantial reserves of aluminum, zinc, lead, cobalt.

The reserves of lead - zinc ores are focused mainly in the Goringe and Kyzyl-Tashtyag deposits of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. In polymetallic ores, except lead and zinc contains precious and rare metals. It should be noted that in some cases the cost of these additional components of polymetallic ores significantly exceeds the cost of lead and zinc.

Krasnoyarsk Territory has large stocks of copper and nickel. They are focused mainly in the copper-nickel deposits of Norilsk and in the Medical sandstones and copper-nickel ores of the Udokan ore district. Along with copper in ores and industrial concentrates, molybdenum is contained to a lesser degree cobalt, tungsten, gold.

Aluminum raw materials are represented mainly by nephline ores and to a lesser extent by bauxes. The largest deposits are located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory (Goryathegorskoye, Ugric, Chadobetsk) and in Buryatia (Bloom).

The gold deposits are found here as in the form of quartz and gold, and in the places. The bulk of gold is mined in the Yenisei Taiga.

Krasnoyarsk Territory has great reserves of various non-metallic fossils. There are deposits of a platform spat, mica, graphite, magnesite, talc, cement mergels, etc. In many areas there is an Asbesta deposits rich in the Krasnoyarsk region in reserves of the cook salt.

Krasnoyarsk Territory is one of the richest forest areas of the globe. The forests occupy about half of the entire territory, and in terms of wood reserves, calculated in 27 billion m 3, it belongs to the first place in Russia. The bulk of the forests are coniferous breeds - larch, pine, spruce, cedar, fir, which accounts for 93.5% of all forests, and only 6.5% falls on deciduous rocks, mainly birch and aspen. A distinctive feature of the forests of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is the compactness of forests and large stocks of wood for 1 hectares of forests, which determines the higher economic efficiency Forestry compared to other areas.

An important problem associated with the development of the forest wealth of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is their protection. Forests annually on large areas are dying from fires, pests and improper operation. Forestry is not always accompanied by forest-based work.

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City of Krasnoyarsk Social and Economic Characteristics

Founded in 1628
Territory (on 01/01/2019) - 379.5 km2
Distance from Krasnoyarsk to Moscow - 3,955 km
Population (as 01.01.2019) - 1,096.1 thousand people
Number of administrative districts - 7
The number of business entities (on 01.10.2019) - 79.7 thousand units

Krasnoyarsk - the largest industrial and cultural center of Eastern Siberia, the capital
Krasnoyarsk Territory, second in the area of \u200b\u200bthe subject of Russia. It is located in the very center of Russia in a small river Kachi and the Great Yenisei. The Cossacks laid in 1628 under the beginning of the governor Andrei Dubensky Ostrog were originally called "Red Yar". The status of the city of Krasnoyarsk received in 1690, when Siberia was finally attached to Russia. In 1822, he became the center of the Yenisei province.

The city is distinguished by unique landscapes, mountain landscapes, mighty Siberian forest and the famous "Poles" reserve. The location of the city on the Yenisei River, which is a major transport highway, makes it a gate to exit through the North sea Path The deep regions of Central Siberia to the global market.
The position of Krasnoyarsk at the intersection of existing and promising intercontinental trails of railway, automotive, air and maritime transport is due to the possibility of the development of the city as the largest transport center, the European-related countries with the countries of the Asia-Pacific region, North America and South Asia, the North Atlantic and the Northern Pacific.
The proximity of Krasnoyarsk (compared with the cities of the European part of the country and Western Siberia) to Japan, China, South Korea and other countries of a dynamically developing Asia-Pacific region creates the possibility of active development of the economic and other city's potentials based on the expansion of foreign economic activity and cooperation.

Krasnoyarsk gradually increasing demographic, economic, investment and scientific potential. The city has historically developed a polytobraft structure of the economy (12 main types of economic activity). Along with traditional industrial sectors: metallurgy, energy, engineering - the construction industry, the service industry, education and health care, the production of ideas and technologies, including in the social sphere, which allow the city to maintain leading positions and develop their investment Attractiveness.

Krasnoyarsk forms more than a third of the region's population, 65% of housing entry, 60% retail turnover, 21% of investments in fixed assets. About 79.7 thousand business entities are registered in Krasnoyarsk, including 46.3 thousand legal entities, 0.5 thousand branches, representative offices created without the rights of a legal entity, 32.9 thousand individual entrepreneurs.

The scientific potential of Krasnoyarsk is quite high. The development of diversified production, especially in the leading industries, is impossible without the participation of fundamental and applied science. There are more than 50 organizations that carry out research and development, including 6 major institutions in the Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
To create conditions that meet all the modern requirements of the educational process in Krasnoyarsk operates 114 day schools, 199 preschool
institutions, 19 institutions of additional education, 7 centers of psychological and pedagogical and medical and social assistance.
Krasnoyarsa carefully keep their history, restoring and protecting architecture monuments and valuable features of lifestyle. For the whole of Russia, the regional center is famous for Paraskeva Friday. One of the main attractions of the city is Krasnoyarsk bridges. Krasnoyarsk was elected capital of the XXIX World Universiade 2019 in the city of Krasnoyarsk.

Krasnoyarsk is one of the six cities of Russia with all types of cultural institutions. IN
Krasnoyarsk provide services 5 state theaters, the regional philharmonic, which is famous for the whole world of the State Academic Dance Ensemble Siberia. M.S. Godenko, Krasnoyarsk Academic Symphony Orchestra, Team "Free Ballet Valery Tereshkin"; 6 municipal children's art schools, 2 municipal children's art schools and 9 children's music schools; 12 state, municipal and 8 departmental club institutions; 48 state and municipal libraries, 7 state and municipal museums; 2 municipal cinema; 5 municipal creative teams in which the Krasnoyarsk Chamber Orchestra includes, the dancing ensemble "Yenisei dawns them. Petukhova "; Krasnoyarsk Park Flora and Fauna ROOFs; Krasnoyarsk Circus.

Status of Krasnoyarsk in the country and in the Siberian region
Krasnoyarsk is one of the largest cities of Russia, with a developed infrastructure, urban
economy, having significant opportunities for the development of human and economic potential.
Among the major Siberian cities with a population of more than five hundred thousand people Krasnoyarsk
it occupies a leading position:

  • on the turnover of retail trade per capita;
  • in size of the average monthly salary;
  • in terms of industrial production per capita;
  • upon entering residential houses per capita.

For his long history, the city of Krasnoyarsk has repeatedly awarded and noted - as
the Government of the USSR and the Russian Federation and various influential
international organizations.

The economy of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is focused on both capital-intensive, energy-intensive production, based on the use of a rich resource-raw materials base, and to the release of intermediate products intended for deliveries to other regions of Russia and to countries of near and far abroad.

The development trend of the economy of the Krasnoyarsk Territory reflects: specialization in export-oriented types of economic activity; Some growth in the specific gravity of mining and manufacturing production in the region due to the implementation of large investment projects on the development of fuel and energy resources, the transport infrastructure of the region; stabilization of production of mineral mining; an increase in the degree of concentration of color and ferrous metallurgy; Strengthening positions in the cultural services market, sporting events and tourist business.

The leading mining enterprises of the coal industry of the region are SUEK JSC and Krasnoyarskrayegol JSC. The main companies of oil-producing edge - Vankorneft JSC, East Siberian Oil and Gas Company JSC, PJSC Gazprom, PJSC "NK" Rosneft. The leader in gold mining in the region is PJSC Polyus, huge contribution PJSC "MMC Norilsk Nickel" and LLC Socirtica will also contribute. Large metallurgical enterprises are PJSC "MMC Norilsk Nickel" and Krasnoyarsk Aluminum Plant OK RUSAL. The Novoangan processing plant at the Goringe field provides almost 80% of lead ore mining in the Russian Federation.

Machine-building enterprises of the Krasnoyarsk Territory produce products of both civil and defense purposes. Among the largest enterprises of the region - the Krasmash plants, the Krasnoyarsk Metallurgical Plant, Information Satellite Systems JSC. Academician M.F. Reshetnyova. "

The forest industry ranks third in the region in the number of jobs created - after metallurgy and mechanical engineering. In this area there are about 400 enterprises, the largest of them are the Lesosibirsk LDK, Novoenisey Lhk and others. The chemical industry of the region produces gasoline and petroleum products (Achinsky refinery), rubbers, the atomic industry is concentrated in Zheleznogorsk (Mining and Chemical Plant) and Zelenogorsk (electrochemical plant).

Krasnoyarsk Territory is one of the leaders among Russia's regions in terms of investment activity. Regional authorities actively supports investment activities. Among the sectors of the regional economy in which the funds are invested, the first place is occupied by the mining of fuel and energy minerals, on the second - metallurgical production and production of finished metal products. Investors are also interested in transport and communications. One of the largest investment projects of the region is the Angaro-Yenisei cluster, providing for the creation on the territory of the Lower Priangarya, the association of mining and timber and timber industries, the oil pipeline "Kuyumba - Tayshet", which tied the oil fields of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Kuyumbinskoe and Yurubcheno-Takhomsky with a head oil pumping station of the pipeline system " Eastern Siberia - Pacific Ocean, "An Integrated Investment Project" Yenisei Siberia ", aimed at the development of three regions: Krasnoyarsk Territory, Republic of Khakassia, Republic of Tyva.

The Krasnoyarsk Territory is held by the Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum, which traditionally discuss all-Russian tactical minimum programs and strategic maximum development programs for the entire country.

Krasnoyarsk Territory is a major transport and distribution and transit node of the Siberian federal District. In the territory of the region, the Trans-Siberian Railway Railway (with the branches "Achinsk - Lesosibirsk", "Solims - Karabul", "Achinsk - Abakan"), South Echinsk Railway Magistral and Norilsk railway, Federal car tracks P255 "Siberia" and P257 "Yenisei". The main road roads of the region also includes the "Yenisei tract" (Krasnoyarsk - Yeniseisk) and the Achinsk-Uzhur-Troitsky highway. On the territory of the region there are four river ports - in Krasnoyarsk, Lasosibirsk, Dudinka and Igark. The largest airport of the region is the international port "Emelyanovo" under Krasnoyarsk.

More than 50% of the edible volume of agricultural production falls on areas located in the central and southwestern parts of the region: Nazarovsky, Emelyanovsky, Uzhursky, Berezovsky, Shushensky, Manx, Balahtinsky, Sharypovsky, Minusinsky and Redottransky.

Economic potential of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

In terms of production of timber industrial production, the region takes 12th place among the regions of the Russian Federation and second place in the Siberian Federal District (after the Irkutsk region).

Among the subjects of the Federation, the region ranks 9th in terms of the volume of gross regional product, and the first place among the regions of the Siberian Federal District (SFO).

The world final and economic crisis could not not affect the situation in the region. Nevertheless, even in these difficult conditions, the socio-economic position of the region against the background of other regions of the country remained sustainable and successfully opposed the negative impact of the crisis.

The basis for the sustainable socio-economic situation of the region and the potential of its further development is the implementation of large investment projects on the development of traditional and creating new high-tech industries. This is evidenced by an unprecedented extension of investment activities in the region in recent years. Only over the past 5 years, investments in the region's economy in comparable prices increased by more than 2.8 times. Even in the crisis in 2009, in terms of implementing large investment projects on the territory of large investment projects, the volume of investments in fixed assets increased in comparable prices by 17.8%.

Currently, the largest investment project of the region is the integrated development of the Lower Priangarya. The project is designed for a long term, within the framework of the first stage of the project implemented on the principles of public-private partnership, the construction of the Boguchanskaya HPP (capacity of 3000 MW), an aluminum plant (capacity of 600 thousand tons of aluminum), a timber processing complex (power of 850 thousand tons of cellulose , 800 thousand cubic meters. M. Sawn timber), the construction of energy, auto and railway infrastructure has been underway on scale and pace.

In the future, it is planned to continue the industrial development of the Nizhny Priangarya, to implement the development of gold mining, mining, mining and processing of hydrocarbon resources. The development of the transport infrastructure of the territory that gives way to oil and gas fields of the South Evenkia will continue.

The next major investment project of the region is the development of the Vankor field. Mining at the field began in August 2009, during 2009 the volume of oil production amounted to 3.6 million tons. In 2010, it is planned to produce 12.6 million tons of oil, and more than 25 million tons of oil per year will be accomplished at the peak of mining from the subsoil.

As a result of the Vankor project, as well as the development of the fields of Southern Evenki in the region, a new center for the extraction and processing of hydrocarbon raw materials of the federal level will be created.

Another major investment project of a federal scale, carried out in conjunction with the Republic of Tyva, is the construction of the Kyzyl-Kuragino railway line, which gives access to numerous mineral deposits of the Tiles and the south of the region.

A huge and far from fully involved forest potential of the region is an incentive for the development of woodworking and deep processing of wood raw materials. Today in the forest industry of the region there are serious qualitative changes, in the territory of the region, 7 large investment projects included in the Ministry of Industry of Russia are being implemented in the List of Priority in Forestry.

Prerequisite Investment projects are the presence of a powerful fuel and energy complex, an increase in energy transport and energy efficiency. Today, on the territory of the region, the construction of new power facilities is underway - Zheleznogorsk CHP, the 1st power unit of the Krasnoyarsk CHP-3, the power unit of the Berezovskaya GRES.

Prospects for the development of the region are associated not only with the development of its rich natural resources. In the context of globalization of the global economy and development competitive markets Strengthen the socio-economic positions of the region is planned by the implementation of projects aimed at structural transformation and innovative development of the regional economy.

In the innovation sector of the region's economy today, a project for the production of semiconductor silicon with a complete cycle from mining and processing to the production of finished products is being implemented. The region participates in the implementation of the federal problem on the creation of the GLONASS global navigation system.

Work is underway to form an innovative edge system, which integrates its scientific and educational and production potential. One of the important competitive advantages of the system being created is that in the region there are large enterprises and industrial groups of the federal level, which are able to form and finance the order for new developments - ranging from research and development and ending with the introduction into production.

For closer integration into the international system economic connections On the basis of the airport Krasnoyarsk provides for the creation of an air transportation international node. On the territory adjacent to the airport, it is planned to create a port special economic zone, the project of which was held competitive selection and received federal support.

In order to recruit the growing economy of the region in 2006, the Siberian Federal University (SFU), whose educational and scientific activity was focused on the preparation of qualitatively new specialists who are capable of creative activities and the transfer of new technologies were established on the basis of the four largest universities of Krasnoyarsk. The specifics of the SFU is that it develops in partnership with large companies operating in the territory of the region. Already today, with financial support from Rosneft, the Institute of Oil and Gas has been formed in the Siberian Federal University.

Creating a large air transportation assembly in Krasnoyarsk and the development of the Scientific and educational complex of the region on the basis of Siberian federal University are the largest projects of the forming Krasnoyarsk agglomeration. This project also provides for large-scale construction of business infrastructure, housing, socio-cultural facilities. The formation of agglomeration provides for the formation of new road transport corridors.

The region has a unique natural potential, which allows to develop the sphere of recreation and tourism. The most attractive in terms of the development of the tourist and recreational complex is the Natural Park "Ergaki" located in Eastern Sayanov, the project of the arrangement of which is currently being implemented in the region.

Thus, the edge today has a number of investment projects being implemented, as well as new proposals for potential investors. The successful implementation of investment plans for the development of the region will transform the existing potential in economic growth and the high quality of the life of the population. In the economic space of the country, the Krasnoyarsk Territory will further strengthen its position as one of the regions leaders.

The main socio-economic indicators are given in Appendix 1.

1.2. Development of the real economy sector

Krasnoyarsk Territory remains one of the most industrialized regions of Russia. It accounts for 2.6% of the total volume of industrial products produced in Russia. The share of the region in the all-Russian production of non-ferrous metals is 30%, including more than 70% of copper, more than 80% of nickel, more than 90% of the platinum group metals, 28% of aluminum, about 10% of gold at the territory of the region.

Industrial production index in 2009 amounted to 94.5% at an average annual index of manufacturers of 89.3 percent. The established indicator was due to the established values \u200b\u200bof the production index of the main industrial activities:

mining of minerals - 105.4%;

manufacturing production - 92.6%;

production and distribution of electricity, gas and water - 91.6 percent.

Among the regions of the Siberian Federal District on the production index, the Krasnoyarsk Territory took 7th place (94.5%), the leaders - the Republic of Khakassia (107.5%), the Trans-Baikal Territory (99.9%), the Tomsk region (98.3%).

The volume of shipped goods on industrial activities in current prices in 2009 decreased by 0.5% and amounted to 565.7 billion rubles (in 2008 - 568.6 billion rubles).

Moreover, the reduction occurred in the conditions of lower prices of producers of industrial goods (89.3%) caused by a decrease in world prices for the main non-ferrous metals (79.6%) produced in the region, as well as a decrease in prices for products from wood (96%), Petroleum products (79.5%), building materials (92.7 percent).

Leading participants who carry out foreign economic activity in the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory are: ZF "Norilsk Nickel", Krasnoyarsk Aluminum Plant ", Association of Electrochemical Plant", LDK №1 ", Processing Plant", Ledochemical Complex ", Polyus, Satellite Systems them. Academician. The foreign trade operations of the named participants of the WED occupied 86.7% of the value of foreign trade turnover.

The export of goods in 2009 amounted to $ 4500 million and compared to 2008 decreased by 17 percent. The import of goods amounted to 1120.4 million US dollars and compared with 2008 decreased by 19.9 percent.

The basis of the export of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is raw materials and processing products. The leading position in the export region occupies the products of color and ferrous metallurgy: aluminum, nickel, copper and products of them, inorganic chemistry products (petrochemical products), timber.

Imports of the region mainly consists of finite consumption goods, mainly industrial equipment. The most important goods for the region are imported goods during the reporting period: engineering products (53%), products of the chemical industry (32.5%), fuel and energy products (4.3 percent).

1.4. Investments

In 2009, 246.4 billion rubles were invested in the economy and social scope of the region, which is 18% more than in 2008. More than half of them, 51%, aimed at construction non-residential buildings and structures, 29% - for the purchase of cars, equipment, vehicles, 11% - for the construction of housing. From the total investment of large and medium-sized organizations, 78% amounted to funds raised (in 2008 - 65 percent), including borrowed funds of other organizations amounted to 46% of the total investment, budget funds - 16%, the share of banking in the real sector financing Economy - 4 percent.

According to the results of 2009, in terms of investments in fixed assets and growth rates, the Krasnoyarsk Territory took 1 place in the Siberian Federal District. Among the regions of Russia, the region entered the top ten (8th place in terms of investment and 9 - in terms of growth rates).

Investment activity in the region is connected, first of all, with the implementation of large projects, as well as with investments in infrastructure provision of these projects.

Among the largest investment projects of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, capable of supporting the impact on the development of the regional budget economy and the regional budget tax base, are considered as follows:

"The integrated development of" Nizhny Priangarya "worth 274.8 billion rubles (as of 01/01/2010, the general financing of the project was 77,256.7 million rubles);

"The development of the Vankor Oil and Gas field" with the total investment in the project - 232.3 billion rubles (in the industrial operation of the Vankor oil and gas field was introduced on 08/21/2009);

"Construction of Zheleznogorsk CHP" with an indicative volume of investments - 24.4 billion rubles;

"Gasification and gas processing in the Krasnoyarsk Territory" with a total investment - 420 billion rubles (in 2009, geological exploration continued, the volume of developed investments amounted to about 7 billion rubles, developed General scheme Gasification and gas supply of the Krasnoyarsk Territory (15 municipal edges are included in the scheme).

In addition to major investment projects in 2009, 28 federal targeted programs were implemented in the region, as well as financing federal property facilities in the territory of the region from the federal budget for the non-program part of the Federal Address Investment Program.

Total in 2009 from funds federal budget 14.89 billion rubles were sent to state capital investments.

In the region, the mechanisms of state support for investment activities are created and implemented.

Subsidation of expenses for the payment of interest rates on loans received in Russian credit institutions for the implementation of investment projects, as well as leasing payments for property received from leasing companies on leasing agreements to the implementation of investment projects, is one of the in-demand and effective forms of state support for investment activities. .

In the years, the investment council selected 24 investment projects totaling 9924 million rubles were selected, 156 million rubles of regional budget funds were listed, including in 2009 - 47 million rubles.

In the framework of the implementation of these projects by the end of 2009, over 4,800 jobs were created and maintained over 4,800 jobs, the main funds costing more than 4993 million rubles were commissioned.

In order to implement investment projects, the Lord of the Region of the Regional Budget annually provides for budget investments in the authorized capital of legal entities and for the construction of facilities ensuring the implementation of investment projects.

At the expense of regional budget in 2009, investment projects and infrastructure facilities were financed to ensure the implementation of such large-scale investment projects as:

"Creating a natural park of the edge value" Ergaki ";

"Complex Development of the Lower Priangarya";

"Reconstruction of the lighting equipment of the airport" Krasnoyarsk "and" Renovation of aircraft fleet for regional passenger traffic ";

According to the results of 2009, in the number of small enterprises per 100 thousand inhabitants, Krasnoyarsk Territory took 2 place among the regions of the Siberian Federal District, among the regions of Russia - the 23rd place (in 2008 - 4th place in the SFO and 25th place in Russia). At the same time, according to the total number of small enterprises (4.7 thousand units), the Krasnoyarsk Territory took the 12th place in Russia and 1 place in the SFO.

The average number of employees of small enterprises in 2009 increased by 8.3% by 2007 and decreased by 3.5% compared to 2008. Changes occurred B. industry Structure The average number of employees in small enterprises. Slightly, but grew by the proportion of employed in small enterprises in agriculture, hunting and forestry (from 6.8% in 2007 to 8.7% in 2009), in providing other utilities, social and personal services (from 1, 5% in 2007 to 3% in 2009). At the same time, there is a reduction in the number of employed in the enterprises of the wholesale and retail trade, repair vehicles, motorcycles, household products and construction.

The turnover of small enterprises in 2009 decreased by 5.1% compared with 2008 and amounted to 145.7 billion rubles. The share of the turnover of small enterprises in the turnover of all organizations of the region was 12.6%, which is lower than the same period of the previous year (16.7 percent).

During the reporting year, 5.3 billion rubles of investments were attracted to the small business, the main share of which was aimed at construction (76.7 percent).

Support for the development of small and medium-sized businesses of the region was carried out within the framework of the regional target program "Development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Krasnoyarsk Territory" for years. 668 million rubles were sent to financing the activities of the program in 2009, including 247.3 million rubles at the expense of the regional budget, 420.65 million rubles - at the expense of the federal budget. Governmental support In the form of subsidies and grants in the amount of 181.5 million rubles, 416 entities of small entrepreneurship of the region were provided, 98 entities of entrepreneurship were provided by microloans, 9 guarantees were provided.

In addition to the provision of direct financial support, small and medium-sized entrepreneurship entities were informational, consulting, methodological support at the municipal level.

In 2009, 60 municipal support and development of small and medium-sized businesses were implemented in the region (in 2008 - 37), 39.3 million rubles were sent to finance local budgets. In fact, programs were implemented in 35 municipalities with the development of funds in the amount of 62.7 million rubles, taking into account the boundary and federal funds. Of the 62.7 million rubles, the share of the city of Krasnoyarsk amounted to 47.9% (31.2 million rubles) at 54.2 percent exploration of funds.

1.6. Consumer market

In the consumer market of the region in 2009, a decrease in the physical volume of retail trade turnover was observed, which decreased compared with 2008 in comparable prices by 6.3% and amounted to 283.7 billion rubles.

Among the regions of the Siberian Federal District, according to the results of 2009, the Krasnoyarsk Region turnover took 2 place after the Novosibirsk Region, among the regions of Russia - the 21st place.

The decrease in the volume of retail turnover is due to a large extent to the slowdown in sales dynamics (in the first quarter - 100.3%, in the second quarter - 92.2%, in the third quarter - 89.6%, in the IV quarter - 92.9% to the relevant period 2008) due to the slowdown in the growth rates of real disposable monetary incomes of the population, deterioration of the conditions for lending to trade organizations and the population. The volume of non-food sales (Q1 - 98.8% in the first quarter - 86.2%, in the III quarter - 87.5%, in the IV quarter - 88.1% to the corresponding period of 2008) decreased.

Turnover catering In 2009, it decreased in comparable prices by 18.4% and amounted to 12.6 billion rubles (Russia - 86.5 percent).

The amount of paid services rendered to the population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in 2009 amounted to 75.3 billion rubles and decreased compared with 2008 in comparable prices by 4.7 percent.

Among the regions of the Siberian Federal District in terms of paid services per capita, the region occupies 3 place after the Tomsk and Novosibirsk regions, among the regions of Russia - 25th place.

The decline in the growth rate of paid services to the population has occurred mainly due to the fall in the volume of transport (81.1%) and housing and communal (96.1%) services (according to preliminary data), which occupy a high proportion of the total amount of paid services ( 16.2% and 34.7%, respectively).

The decline in the volume of transport services is caused by the termination of the activities of the two main air carriers (airlines "and), housing and communal services - the non-registration of payment by the population of the housing and utilities provided.

In 2009, a decrease in household volumes (91.2%) and medical (95.3%) services was noted.

IN reporting period There were no significant changes in the structure of paid services. Over 50% of the total cost of services for services, the population spends on the services of "compulsory nature", inelastic to the income of the population - housing and communal services, separate types of passenger transport and household services services.

Among the observed types of services, the communication services market occupies a special place. The dynamic development of this sector is preserved for several years (in 2007, the growth was 115.4%, in 2008 - 109.4%, in 2009 - 107.8%), which contributes to improving the quality of communication services provided, and implementation New forms of public service.

In addition to communication services, during 2009 an increase in tourist services (104.5%) and cultural organizations services (104.4 percent) were noted.

1.7. Standards of living

The average monthly accrued wage operating in 2009 reached 20422.8 rubles and in relation to 2008 nominally increased by 7.9%, while the real salary decreased by 2.4 percent. A decrease in real wages is mainly due to the introduction of incomplete employment regimes, as well as downtime that occurred during the year in the most influence of the crisis industries (construction and production of building materials, production of machinery and equipment).

In the magnitude of the average monthly wage, the region stably ranks 1 place among the regions of the Siberian Federal District. Among the regions of the Russian Federation, according to this indicator in 2009, the region took 13th place.

In 2009, significant differences in the magnitude of the average monthly salary in various sectors of the economy were preserved. The leaders in terms of wages in 2009 remained extraction of minerals, production of petroleum products, metallurgical production, (excess of the midcreamer level by more than 2 times). The lowest level of average monthly salary is maintained in agriculture - 42% of the midcard.

The average per capita cash income on the edge for 2009 was at the level of 16256.9 rubles, with respect to 2008 the nominal growth rate was 104.2%, the real - 94.3 percent.

Total overdue wage arrears in the territory of the region as of 01.01.2010 amounted to 50.4 million rubles. Salary did not receive 2.7 thousand workers. Compared to 01.01.2009, debt decreased 12 times (555.1 million rubles), compared with 03/01/2009 (when the maximum level of debt was noted) - 13.9 times (650.4 million rubles) .

The greatest share of total debt accounted for organizations:

processing industries (construction industry) - 20.1 million rubles, or 40% of total amount debt;

construction - 18.2 million rubles, or 36.2% of the total amount of debt;

processing industries of other types - 6.6 million rubles, or 13% of the total amount of debt.

Wage arrears in the organizations of housing and communal services amounted to 3.3 million rubles, agriculture - 1.9 million rubles, transport - 0.3 million rubles.

Debt in the branches of the budget sector, as well as due to the underfunding due to the budgets of all levels is absent.

From the total amount of debt 60.3% (30.4 million rubles) have to

on organizations that are in various stages of bankruptcy.

The volume of overdue wage arrears is 0.38% of the monthly wage foundation of workers of the observable types of economic activity, on average in Russia - 1 percent.

The volume of total overdue wage arrears in the region as of 01.01.2010 is significantly lower than in such industrialized subjects of the Siberian Federal District, as the Altai Territory (155.2 million rubles), Novosibirsk region (126.4 million rubles), Irkutsk Area (108.6 million rubles), Transbaikal region (77.3 million rubles).

General education is necessarily publicly available.

Residents of all settlements The edges are serviced by municipal general educational institutions (medium secondary schools). Such schools 716. In some small rural settlements are initial or main schools. In this case, the older children are driving on specially equipped school buses in secondary schools for training. In the region, with a mandatory accompaniment of school employees, 14,000 children are driven by 535 school buses.

In large and medium cities of the region, secondary schools are numerous. Classes are engaged up to 25 children. In rural settlements, general education schools are mainly small. In the region of 439 schools with a number of students 50 or less. In schools of rural settlements, one employee from among administrative and pedagogical staff accounts for an average of 4 schoolchildren.

The schools of the region are equipped with modern computer equipment and modern educational offices for studying physics, chemistry, biology, foreign languages. 90% of municipal generals educational institutions They have their own sites in the Internet information and telecommunications network.

Every year, school sites are exhibited public reporting reports.

In all educational institutions with the number of students of 51 people, collegiate representatives of the School Management Tips are more. Parental self-government is developed in the schools of the region.

Schools study 99.6% of the total number of school-age children. The cost of training at the expense of the budget of the edge of one child at school in 2009 on average on the edge is 18,550 rubles per year.

The effectiveness of training in schools is checked: regional control work in the Russian language and mathematics of elementary graduates; exams received by interschool examination commissions in graduates of the main stage; The unified state exam in graduates of the older stage.

In 2009, the share of graduates of general educational institutions that received the unsatisfactory results of a single state exam in the Russian language and in mathematics amounted to 2% of the total number of graduates. This figure in 2009 as a whole in the Russian Federation is 2.2%. In 2009, 92% of graduates of the initial stage of schools of the region successfully coped with the regional control papers in the Russian language and mathematics.

In the period until 2012, work will continue to bring conditions in the edge schools to full compliance with legislative requirements and to improve the effectiveness of school learning.

There are 950 kindergartens in the region.

By mid-2009, 10,6985 preschool children are covered by the services of kindergartens. This is more than 52% of the total number of preschool children living in the region. Along with a high degree of coverage, there is a shortage of places in kindergartens in the province. 84356 children (41% of the total number of preschool children) await a place in kindergarten. At 32772 children aged 1.5 to 3 years parents get monthly compensation In the amount of 3,000 rubles for not a place for not in kindergarten.

In the period before 2011, 50 new kindergartens will be opened in the region.

1.9. Professional education.

In connection with the implementation of large investment projects on the territory of the region, the need for restructuring of the primary and secondary vocational education system was revealed in order to bring the quality of work and specialists to the dynamic compliance of the quality, volumes and training profiles of work personnel, personnel support of investment projects.

To achieve this goal, the departmental target program "Development of the General and Vocational Education of the Krasnoyarsk Territory for 2 years" was adopted.

The main task of the program is to create a professional education system that would prepare specialists with an increased level of qualifications that meet the requirements of employers and modern productionSurvived in the labor market.

In 2010, the number of federal educational institutions of primary vocational education was transferred to the land of 8 federal educational institutions with 72 in 2006 to 70 in 2010. The number of secondary vocational education institutions has increased from 13 in 2006 to 14 in 2010.

In the above-mentioned institutions, 142 professions and specialties are prepared. More than 21 thousand students are trained in primary vocational education programs and more than 8 thousand students - on medium-sized vocational education programs. In the institutions of primary and secondary vocational education, subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, employs 1.5 thousand teachers and 1.13 thousand workshops of production training.

From 2006 to 2010, the scope of vocational training of young people and an unemployed population was expanded. In 2009, preparation was carried out at 47 professions, in demand in the real sector of the economy: Master of carpentry and parquet works, tractor driver (categories B, C, D, E, F); Theft, tractor driver on the preparation of the cutting board of a trout and export of the forest, driver of the automatic drive, a mechanic for repairing the logging equipment, electric welder of manual welding, driver of the skiing machines, an autocompressor driver and a number of other professions.

There was an improvement in the quality of vocational education of students. The percentage of graduates with elevated discharge increased from 22% in 2006 to 31.5% in 2009. Diplomas with honors in 2009 received 322 graduates.

From 2006 to 2010, the personnel potential of the system was carried out. The proportion of masters internship at leading enterprises of the region increased from 1% in 2006 to 18.7% in 2010. The share of engineering and pedagogical workers engaged in the introduction of new educational, information technologies to the educational process increased from 17% in 2006 to 38.4% in 2010.

The priority direction of the conversion of a professional education system is the creation of modern vocational education centers. By 2011, 20 such centers should be created in the province, which are able to prepare the necessary highly qualified personnel to implement priority national projects and investment programs.

1.10. Social politics

The social policy of the Government of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is aimed primarily to preserve and improve the health of the population, an increase in the level of education and culture of the inhabitants of the region, targeted support for poor citizens. The expenses of the consolidated budget of the region on the development of the social sphere are priority, in 2009 they exceeded 83 billion rubles and amounted to 48.5% of the total volume of all expenses.

In 2009, certain successes have been achieved in health care and availability. medical care, ensuring sanitary and epidemiological well-being, improve the demographic situation in the region.

Maternal mortality decreased by 29.9 percent. In 2009, 8 cases of maternal mortality were registered against 11 cases in 2008.

The infant mortality rate for 2009 amounted to 10.4 per 1,000 babies born. In absolute figures, 397 children died (for 2008 - 354 children). The growth of the indicator occurred in the two main classes of diseases - the class of individual states of the perinatal period (the increase in the number of children born with a low (up to 1500 g) and extremely low (up to 1000 g) body weight) and the class of congenital anomalies (heart and vessels). The decline in the indicator is noted in the class of diseases of the respiratory organs, infectious diseases and the external causes of death.

In order to implement measures for the protection of women's health and children, 64 resuscitation complexes and 60 incubators for maternity hospitals and children's hospitals were acquired.

In the edge and federal sanatoriums, 7 thousand children received sanatorium-resort treatment.

The children's compartment for 55 beds in Nazarovo was commissioned, the construction of the regional perinatal center for 190 beds began.

The mortality rate of the population has decreased (662 per 100 thousand population against 688.1 per 100 thousand population for 2008). Reducing the indicator contributed to a number of measures to develop on the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Region of New modern species Treatment, development of high-tech medical services in the treatment of blood circulation diseases.

Additional measures have been implemented on the development of modern medical technologies affecting the duration and quality of life of the population. In 2009, 4 vascular centers were commissioned (more than 4 thousand patients with a stroke and myocardial infarction) were commissioned (rehabilitation and rehabilitation), 10 health centers. Preferential medicinal assistance, including expensive effective drugs, received more than 300 thousand people.

In 2009, work was continued aimed at raising the level and quality of life of socially unprotected categories of citizens.

The coverage of elderly and persons with disabilities with all types of social services at home (Nainan Players) amounted to 510 people (in 2008 - 491 people). In 2009, 27,787 elderly and disabled citizens were served at home.

Provided with technical means of rehabilitation 3071 persons with limited features In the amount of 31.4 million rubles, 6927 technical means of rehabilitation were issued in excess of the federal list.

Unified social cards of transport service benefits introduced in 14 territories of the region.

Specific successes are achieved in the field of education.

In 2009, in order to create conditions for the receipt of children of high-quality education in the region:

4 secondary schools for 370 students were commissioned;

an experimental project was implemented to improve the organization of the nutrition of students in 25 educational institutions;

within the framework of an integrated project modernization project, 165 educational sites, 50 interactive software and hardware complexes, computer equipment, software and organizational equipment for schools, sports equipment were acquired;

18 sports courtyards were commissioned;

for the organization of the student's student in basic schools, 225 buses were purchased.

At the expense of the regional budget, 1 pre-school educational institution was commissioned by 180 seats. After reconstruction and overhaul, 522 places in the 7 pre-school educational institutions of the region were additionally introduced. In 5 institutions, work is completed and equipped.

At the expense of municipal entities, 1117 seats in pre-school educational institutions were introduced, 560 groups of short stay, which attended 6,330 children.

The share of children aged three to seven years receiving a pre-school educational service and (or) a service for their content in organizations of various organizational and legal form and form of ownership, in the total number of children from three to seven years increased in 2009 to 71.9 % against 68% in 2008.

Much attention was paid to additional education. Capital and current repairs of 23 stationary recreation camps were carried out. Held a government competition
and municipal educational institutions of additional education of children to provide grants for the modernization of the material and technical base. Among the winners - 54 additional education institutions.

The share of schoolchildren employed by additional education increased from 65.9% in 2008 to 79.3% in 2009.

In total, in 2009, at the expense of all, 62 country recreation camps were functioning in the province, which rested 225 thousand children. The share of healthcare children of school age in 2009 reached 80.3% (in 2008 - 77.6 percent)

In the region is supported by talented youth. Public awards in the amount of 30 and 60 thousand rubles received 87 people, monthly regional scholarships - 101 people. Public Prizes are paid to graduate students, doctoral students, masters of production training, pedagogical and engineering and pedagogical workers of vocational education institutions.

Increasing the role of physical culture and sports in the formation of a healthy lifestyle of the population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the upbringing of a healthy young generation, a decent performance of Krasnoyarsk athletes in the All-Russian and international arons are the priority areas of industry development.

Conducting municipal, inter-municipal and regional sports events among all groups and categories of the region's population are one of the effective means of attracting residents of the region to physical culture classes. At the end of 2009, the number of participants in the regional sports and mass events amounted to 41.8 thousand people. The number of systematically engaged in the year increased by 27.4 thousand people.

In 2009, about 10 billion rubles were aimed at the implementation of all sources of financing in the Krasnoyarsk Territory to implement all sources of funding.

In order to stimulate development housing construction and demand for housing:

the 4th edge law was implemented towards supporting mortgage housing lending, providing social benefits to residents of the Krasnoyarsk Territory to repay interest rates and repay the principal debt on loans attracted. Recipients social payments Steel 4884 inhabitants of the region;

in the direction of resettlement of citizens from the emergency housing stock, regional programs "Resettlement of citizens from the emergency housing stock in the Krasnoyarsk Territory" were implemented for years, within the framework of which 704 families were resettled (1901 people) in 9 municipalities of the region (Achinsk, G. Yeniseisk, Krasnoyarsk, Lesosibirsk, Minusinsk, Nazarovo, P. Aban, Bigauliangian villagers, Holmogorsk village council), and "Resettlement of citizens from the emergency housing stock, taking into account the need to stimulate the development of the housing market in the Krasnoyarsk Territory," in the implementation of which 2 municipalities participated: Krasnoyarsk and G. Sharypovo, 450 residential premises were purchased with a total area of \u200b\u200b22.8 thousand square meters. Meters and 1366 people were resettled from 49 emergency houses.

In the direction of the fulfillment of government obligations to provide housing some categories Citizens were commissioned 14 social residential buildings (8 and 16-apartment) with a total area of \u200b\u200b13017.8 square meters. m. sq. meters, 660 people were resettled from the low-income citizens, veterans of the Second World War, orphans.

In order to improve the quality of the housing stock, a regional address program "Conducting overhaul Apartment houses in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. " In 2009, 1592 apartment buildings with a total area of \u200b\u200b4612.5 thousand square meters were repaired. meters, the living conditions of 199704 citizens of the region are improved.

In accordance with the list of buildings and facilities funded by the regional budget funds in 2009, the construction of 127 facilities in 40 municipalities of the region were carried out, 35 housing and communal objects were commissioned in cities and regions of the region with a total financing of 3811,2 million rubles, including:

the building of the district department of the internal affairs in p. Taseyevo;

special residential building on 54 seats for elderly in s. Cossachinsky;

sleeping corps of the psychoneurological boarding school in Nizhneingash and Berezovsky districts;

children's pre-school institution of a combined view in Dudinka;

schools in Cossack, Nazarovsky, Turukhansky districts, an extension to school in Bogotol;

two hostels and the first phase of the complex of buildings of the Siberian Federal University;

the first stage of the polyclinics in the city of Yeniseisk;

physical and wellness complex in Uyar and the Center for Extreme Sports in Krasnoyarsk;

regional Special Library-Center for Sociocultural Rehabilitation Disabled Disabled in Vision in Krasnoyarsk;

the reconstruction of the first stage of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Philharmonic was completed;

engineering networks and access roads to the Federal Code of Cardiovascular Surgery in Krasnoyarsk;

podaching pumping station of the heating system GMH Houshs in Sosnosoborsk.

On the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, a number of regional programs are being implemented in which compatriots, transplancing from abroad, can participate in the Russian Federation:

The long-term target program "Providing housing of young families for years", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Krasnoyarsk Territory dated 01.01.2001. ;

The Law of the Krasnoyarsk Territory -3552 "On additional measures to stimulate the construction industry of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in 2 years."

2. Evaluation of the demographic situation in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

In 2009, some positive shifts were observed in the demographic development of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, for the first time in 16 years, a natural population population was recorded - 0.2 people per 1000 inhabitants (38.2 thousand kids were born in the region, it was 3.6% more than in 2008 ). In Russia, on the contrary, a natural decline of the population was marked - 1.7 people per 1000 inhabitants.

The number of permanent population of the region as of January 1, 2010 amounted to 2893.9 thousand people and from the beginning of the year increased by 4.1 thousand people or 0.2% (the number of permanent population increased by 0.02%).

The reproductive characteristics of the region's population are still kept more favorable in comparison with the average term level:

higher birth rate - 13.2 people per 1000 inhabitants for 2009 compared with 12.4 people per 1000 inhabitants in Russia;

lower population mortality - 13.0 people per 1000 inhabitants for 2009 compared with 14.2 people per 1000 inhabitants in Russia.

Real impact on the number and composition of the population, except for the natural movement of the population, has migration.

Krasnoyarsk Territory, as a major region, is characterized by high activity of migration processes. Since 2007, a positive migration balance is observed in the region: in 2007 - 866 people, in 2008 - 1542 people, in 2009 - 3626 people

Under the influence of the prevailing demographic processes in the near future, an increase in the number of population is predicted.

The estimated population in 2011 will be 2898.3 thousand people, in 2012 - 2901.5 thousand people.

However, with an expected general increase in the population of the region, the population of working age and its share in the entire population will decline. By 2012, the population of the working age will amount to about 62.7% of the population of the region, against 65.1% in 2008. This phenomenon is due to the peculiarities of the population's reproduction in the 90s, when the number of born was observed.

Currently, there is a tendency to increase the population of older than working age. Each sixth resident has reached retirement age. In the medium term of retirement age, every fifth resident of the edge will reach.

In the future, under the influence of the established demographic processes, the implementation of the program "Improving the demographic situation in the Krasnoyarsk Territory", the priority national project "Health" in the direction of "generic certificates", the introduction of effective medical technologies, the development of specialized high-tech medical care in 2012 is expected to decrease mortality, An increase in fertility and, as a result, the stabilization of the population. The main indicators of the natural growth of the population are given in Appendix 2.

In economic growth in the Krasnoyarsk Territory will increase the need for a qualified working force, the source of replenishment of which will be external labor migration.

The main migration reserve is compatriots living in neighboring countries and far abroad.

The use of this migration resource, the implementation of measures to stimulate fertility and the prevention of mortality will suspend natural decline and stabilize the number of permanent population, which is a strategic purpose of demographic policies.

3. Analysis of the labor market situation in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

On the registered labor market of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, since 2010 there is an improvement in the situation:

reducing the registered unemployment. As of 01.07.2010
in organs public service 37.0 thousand people are officially registered employment, which is 6.7 thousand people less than at the beginning of 2010 and 8.2 thousand people less than in the same period of 2009 (45.2 thousand people on 07/01/2009). The level of registered unemployment, calculated on the number of economically active population, was 2.3% (by 0.5 pp. P. Lower than at the beginning of the year, by 0.6 pp. 2009). According to the end of 2010, the number of unemployed citizens will not exceed 43.7 thousand people, the unemployment rate will be no more than 2.8% of the number of economically active population;

reducing release volumes. January-June 2010
From employers to the authorities of the public employment service, information on the planned release of 11.2 thousand workers was actually released, 3.4 thousand people were released (11.5 thousand people were released in a similar period of 2009). At the beginning of July 2010, 4.2 thousand workers were under the risk of dismissal (in June 2009 - 2.2 times more (9.2 thousand people)). By the end of the year, the number of released will not exceed 7 - 9 thousand people (by 40-50% lower than in 2009);

an increase in the need for workers in the employers in the authorities of the public employment service. As of July 01, 2010, the Employment Employment Service has had information about 29.1 thousand vacancies (at the beginning of 2010 - 8.4 thousand vacancies, on July 01, 2009 - 22.6 thousand vacancies), of which the working professions announced 22.2 thousand vacancies or 76.4% (in a similar period of 2009, 17.9 thousand vacancies were announced on working professions or - 79.0%). In general, in 2010, the need declared by employers will be at least 172 thousand vacancies;

reducing tension on the registered labor market. The coefficient of tension (the ratio of job seekers to the number of declared vacancies) decreased from 5.4 at the beginning of 2010 to 1.6 to 07/01/2010, which is 1.6 times less than the same period in 2009.

In January-June 2010, employers in the public employment authorities stated information about 107.4 thousand vacancies (5.0% more than in the same period of 2009).

As of July 01, 2010, among the officially registered unemployed citizens, 53.9% are women, 28.4% are young people in an eating.

The labor market of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is currently functioning in conditions of reducing the number of working-age population, as well as the territorial and structural inconsistency of the demand and supply of labor, which forms structural unemployment: 80-85% of the vacancies declared in the employment service require workers, mainly men with experience, While 50-55% of unemployed citizens make up women. In the proposal structure, specialists and other employees account for 26.2% (as of July 01, 2010);

employers of the city of Krasnoyarsk stated in January-June 2010, 27.6% of vacancies (taking into account the passing residue), while residents of the regional center amounted to only 15.3% of the total number of unemployed edges. In the countryside of the region live 39.1% unemployed.

During January-June 2010, the greatest demand in the labor market was noted in the following types of economic activity:

provision of other utilities, social and personal services (14.7%);

processing production (13.0%);

agriculture, hunting and forestry (12.6%);

construction (12.0%),

real estate operations, research and so on. (8.3%);

wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles, household products and personal items (7.2%).

Structural changes in the economy, the implementation of investment projects require highly skilled workers and specialists. As of the end of June 2010, there are large part (68.5% or 15.2 thousand units) - qualified labor, of which 33.7% (7.5 thousand units) - workers of large and small industrial enterprises, 13.5% (3.1 thousand units) - in service, housing and communal services, trade and related activities and 31.5% (7.0 thousand units) - jobs for workers without special training.

Among the professions of workers more than employers are in demand by skilled workers of the metalworking and engineering industry, workers engaged in mountainous, mining and construction and installation work, drivers and drivers of rolling equipment, workers of agriculture, employees of individual services, protection of citizens and property, drivers and machinists Mobile equipment, operators, apparatuses, machinists and assemblers of stationary equipment, employees of catering enterprises and other professions of qualified workers of large and small industrial enterprises.

At the same time, as part of the unemployed edges, the proportion of persons who do not have adequate experience and qualifications are 15-20%. Among unqualified workers are required wipers, cleaners, guard, watchmen, wardrobes, lifters, movers, utility workers, unqualified workers engaged in industry, construction, transport, communications, geology and exploration of subsoil, agriculture. Vacancies according to these professions are not in demand among the inhabitants of the region due to low salary and difficult working conditions. Among the posts of employees are the leaders of institutions, organizations, enterprises and their structural units (managers, heads), health professionals (doctors, dentists, veterinarians, faghers, pharmacists, medical specialists, honey. Personnel for care and obstetrics), architects, engineers and experts of related professions (techniques), middle personnel in the field of financial , commercial, administrative and social activities, staff of pre-school education and training, school teachers, business professionals and personnel.

The share of vacant jobs in the data bank from 3 to 6 months, at the end of June 2010 amounted to 16.3% of the total number of vacancies, over 6 months - 6.6%. Thus, in therapeutic and preventive institutions of the region, the vacant posts of doctors, medium medical personnel, as well as vacancies of the service personnel (nanny, nanitars) are not filled. Agricultural organizations require agronomists, veterinary doctors, demers, mechanisters, animal belts.

As of the end of June 2010, compared with the same period in 2009, in the structure of unemployed citizens, the proportion of women practically did not change (07/01/29%), the proportion of persons living in rural areas increased from 34.8% to 39, one%. The main part in the composition of the registered unemployed is faces aged 30 to 53 years (for women) and 58 (for men). The share of this age category increased from 61.7% to 65.1%, also increased by the proportion of persons of pre-age (women older than 53 and men over 58 years old) from 6.3% to 6.5%.

The structure of the number of registered

unemployed Krasnoyarsk Territory

As of the end of the period:

january-June 2009

january-June 2010

january-June 2009

january-June 2010

in% to the outcome

The number of unemployed - total:

including on the floor of women

including at the place of residence in urban area

in the countryside

including by age in the age

previous age (2 years)

other ages

including by education having higher and secondary vocational education

primary and secondary (full) general education

no average (full) general education

including due to uncomfortable: dismissed from organizations in connection with the liquidation of the organization, reduction of the number or staff of employees

dismissed at their own accord

graduates of vocational education institutions that do not have experience

including on the duration of the search for job seekers less than 1 month

from 1 month to year

more than a year

In the structure of the unemployed, increased:

share of persons having a higher and secondary vocational education, from 33.3% to 34.3%;

the share of citizens seeking less than one month, from 9.8% to 11.3%;

the share of citizens seekers for more than a year, from 6.4% to 10.5%;


the share of youth in an eating with 32.0% to 28.4%;

the proportion of persons who do not have an average (complete) general education, from 18.9% to 18.5%;

share graduates educational institutionswho do not have experience, from 1.8% to 1.4%;

the proportion of citizens seeking work from 1 month to a year, from 83.8% to 78.2%;

share dismissed from organizations to reduce states, liquidation of enterprises from 15.4% to 13.6%.

Given the current situation in the labor market of the region, prospects economic Development Krasnoyarsk Territory and, as a result, an increase in the demand of the regional economy in a qualified work force, the task of attracting external labor resources focused on the tradition and culture of the Russian state becomes relevant.

The main indicators of the labor market of the Krasnoyarsk Territory are given in the application. 3. The conscience of organizations in qualified workers from among compatriots, including in the implementation of investment projects, taking into account the situation in the labor market of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, is given in Appendices No.


Krasnoyarsk Territory is one of the largest industrial resource regions of the country with huge reserves of natural resources. Russian colonization reached the Yenisei at the beginning of the XVII century, at the same time in 1628, the administrative center of the region of Krasnoyarsk was founded, but actually the development of the region began only at the very end of the XIX century, when the Trans-Siberian Highway was held through its territory.

Introduction 3.
Natural resources 4.
Land resources 4.
Mineral and raw materials 4
Forest resources 5.
Water resources 5.
Biological resources 6.
Mineral mining 6
Economy edge 7.
Industry 9.
Metallurgy 9.
Production of machinery and equipment 11
Chemical production 11.
Coal industry 12.
Mining Industry 12.
Fuel and energy complex 12
Forest complex 13.
Construction activities 14.
Agriculture 14.
Transportation 16.
Rail transport 16.
Automobile transport 17.
Water transport 17.
Air transport 17.
Pipeline transport 17.
Foreign economic activity. nineteen
Export and import 19
Investment Policy 21.
Conclusion 23.
References 24.

Work consists of 1 file

Federal Agency for Education

Kemerovo College of Statistics, Economics and Information Technologies, Branch of GOU VPO "Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI)"


for the subject "Regional Economics"

topic: "Economics of the Krasnoyarsk Territory"

Performed: Students of the group 2B-1

Checked: teacher

Kemerovo 2011.

Introduction 3

Natural resources 4

Land resources 4

Mineral resources 4

Forest resources 5

Water resources 5

Biological resources 6

Mining 6

Economy edge 7

Industry 9

Metallurgy 9

Manufacture of machinery and equipment 11

Chemical production 11

Coal industry 12

Mining industry 12

Fuel and energy complex 12

Forest complex 13

Construction activities 14

Agriculture 14

Transport 16

Railway transport 16

Automobile transport 17

Water transport 17

Air Transport 17

Pipeline transport 17

Foreign economic activity. 19

Export and import 19

Investment policy 21

Conclusion 23

Bibliography 24


Krasnoyarsk Territory is one of the largest industrial resource regions of the country with huge reserves of natural resources. Russian colonization reached the Yenisei at the beginning of the XVII century, at the same time in 1628, the administrative center of the region of Krasnoyarsk was founded, but actually the development of the region began only at the very end of the XIX century, when the Trans-Siberian Highway was held through its territory. The modern Krasnoyarsk region was formed in 1934, before the revolution, the Yenisei province existed on its territory, the territory of which throughout the XIX century. served as a place of reference. It was here that the reference was held by the future leaders of the Soviet state - Lenin and Stalin.

By area along with the districts (2339.7 thousand square meters), the Krasnoyarsk Territory is inferior only to Yakutia, and without counties (710 thousand square meters) takes 7th place, in the population (no districts - 3038.2 thousand people.) - 13th place. The majority of the region's population is Russian, there are quite large communities of Ukrainians, Tatars and Germans, the share of the indigenous peoples of the North is very small - less than one percent of the population. The prevailing religion of the edge of Orthodoxy, the Krasnoyarsk and Yenisei diocese is one of the oldest in Siberia, but the positions of Protestant churches are quite strong and positions.

I chose the Krasnoyarsk region as a topic of this abstract because it is the most promising region of Russia. It concentrates huge stocks of coal, land, water, forest and other resources. Natural and climatic conditions satisfy the life needs, which contributes to the development of large companies and industries. And the wealth of territories and resources attracts investors not only by Russian, but also international levels.

Natural resources

Resource-raw material potential is the availability of the main types of natural resources. Krasnoyarsk Territory is the largest resource-raw material base of Russia, primarily the mineral resources represented by the reserves and forecast resources of basic mineral resources.

The main natural resources of the Krasnoyarsk Territory are land, mineral and raw materials, forest, water and recreational (biological).

Land resources

The Land Fund of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is 72,367.1 thousand hectares.

Mineral resources

Krasnoyarsk Territory is the largest resource-raw database of Russia for the production and reserves of gold, coal, lead, aluminum, copper, nickel, cobalt, platinoids, other minerals, occupies the leading position in Russia and in the world.

More than 95% of the reserves of nickel and platinoids of Russia, 71% of copper, 50% cobalt, 28% aluminum are concentrated in the region.

The lead reserves from all-Russian are 42%, gold - 20%, silver - 6%, concentrated about 70% of Russian coal reserves, i.e. approximately 20% of world stocks.

On the explored reserves of gold, Krasnoyarsk Territory ranks second in Russia. The main volume of gold mines in the region (87%) provide three companies: ZDK Polyus CJSC, Sochernik LLC, CJSC Vasilyevsky Rudnik.

The leads of lead and zinc in the Krasnoyarsk Territory are concentrated in a unique Gorezky lead-zinc field. It is concentrated with 42.7% of lead reserves and 2.5% of zinc reserves from all-Russian.

Norilsk Rudny District is unique with respect to copper-nickel with platinum of mineralization. On its raw material base, a mining and metallurgical complex - CJSC "Mining and Metallurgical Company Norilsk Nickel" is the world's largest manufacturer of nickel and metals of the platinum group. This company fully ensures the needs of Russia in copper, nickel, cobalt and metals of the platinum group and is the largest supplier of non-ferrous and noble metals to the global market.

According to the initial total resources of oil, natural gas and condensate in the amount of more than 53 billion tons of conditional hydrocarbons Krasnoyarsk Territory ranks second in Russia after the Tyumen region. 25 oil and gas deposits are open in the region.

Already prepared for industrial development a number of oil and gas fields on the Turukhan North and in Priangar. From the standpoint of investment attractiveness, the main projects in the oil and gas sector are associated with the industrial development of the Turukhan-Wanneau group of gas-field deposits, the Yurubcheno-Tomhomsk zone and gas deposits of the Lower Priangarya.

The Razhinskoye deposit of manganese ore is one of the largest in Russia. The state balance of mineral reserves in the field 29.4 million tons of manganese in oxide ores in categories C1 + C2 was taken into account.

Krasnoyarsk Territory has a competitive raw material base of rare metals and Niobia is the Chuktankonskoye and Tatar field.

The Krasnoyarsk Territory is very attractive and for such types of minerals, like aluminum raw materials (GoryachehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhT Deposit, balance reserves of ore 219.4 million tons, forecast resources - 219.1 million tons), Talc (Kiegietic deposit, balance reserves - 7.6 million tons), Magnezit (Verkhtopovskoye deposit, Balance reserves - 110.7 million Tons), phosphoritis (Seybino deposit, ore reserves - 6.6 million tons), zeolite (Sakhaptinskoye deposit, reserves of zeolite-containing rocks - 33.2 million tons) and others.

Forest resources

The Square of the Forest Foundation of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is (taking into account the Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) and Evenki municipal regions) - 155,781.2 thousand hectares (45.1% of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe Forest Siberian Federal District). The total stock of the wood of the main forest-forming breeds -11 120.22 million m 3 (36.4% of stocks in the SFO, 13.6% of all-Russian stocks of wood).

Forests cover 65.9% of the territory of the edge. The edges of the edge of 85.7% consist of coniferous rocks, 34.5% fall on larch, 18.2% - pine, 16.9% - cedar, 10.7% - birch, 8.8% - fir, 7, 3% fir, 3.6% refers to other woody rocks.

Water resources

On the territory of the region from the south to the north flows r. Yenisei. The total number of lakes with a square of 1 square mirror. km and more than - 352, in the southern part of the region, a complex of lakes containing mineral waters and healing mud is concentrated. The approved operational reserves of surface waters as of 2007 are on the edge of 1,771.88 thousand cubic meters. / Day.

Annual water intake throughout the region is 2,731.5 million m. Cube., Wastewater discharge -2 424.2 million cubic meters .. The approved groundwater reserves in the region are 1,664.1 thousand cubic meters. per day, 0.61 km cube. - in year.

Biological resources

The biological resources of the edge in terms of the number of species are significantly superior to the resources of any territory of Russia. Many species are affordable hunting resources: brown bear, reindeer, roar, maral, elk, wolf, hare, duck, goose, dehumaric, and taste, and others.


The presence of a rich raw material base creates favorable conditions for the development of mining industries. Among the regions of the Siberian Federal District in the amount of mineral mining, the region takes 3rd place after the Kemerovo and Tomsk regions.

Production minerals in the region in 2007 were engaged in 318 organizations. Mining production was carried out by 5 organizations with the participation of foreign capital.

In 2007, oil production (4.4%), gas (17.9%) increased, iron ore (2.9%), materials of construction non-metallic (10.3%), graphite (10.2%).

Economy edge

The economy of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is focused on both capital-intensive, energy-intensive production, based on the use of a rich resource-raw materials base, and to the release of intermediate products intended for deliveries to other regions of Russia and to countries of near and far abroad.

The development trend of the economy of the Krasnoyarsk Territory reflects:

  • specialization in export-oriented activities;
  • some growth in the specific gravity of mining and manufacturing production in the region due to the implementation of large investment projects for the development of fuel and energy resources mining,
  • transport infrastructure of the region, the implementation of a comprehensive program for the development of Lower Priangarya, including the construction of the Boguchanskaya HPP;
  • stabilization of production of mineral mining;
  • an increase in the degree of concentration of color and ferrous metallurgy;
  • strengthening positions in the cultural services market, sporting events and tourist business.

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