
Kazan Federal University. Kazan Federal University what it is and why it is important

Head of the Department: Honored Builder of the Republic of Tatarstan, Honorary Citizen of the City, Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences.


The engineering and construction department was founded in 1978 as the General Edemanechnical Faculty of the Kazan Engineering and Construction Institute. In 1980, the Faculty was joined to the Kamsky Polytechnic Institute, since 2013, as a department, is part of the Naberezhnogo Institute (Branch) of Kazan (Volga) Federal University

What we have:

The engineering and construction department in collaboration with leading enterprises of the Republic of Tatarstan is preparing highly qualified personnel for the construction industry of the Zabami region of the Russian Federation. Over the past period, more than 4.5 thousand builders engineers, ecologists and managers of all levels in the field of industrial and civil, road construction, land management, as well as ecology and technospheric security are prepared.

FROMtructure of the department:

Department of Math

Department of Chemistry and Ecology

Department of Construction Technology and Real Estate Management

Department of Industrial, civil construction and building materials

The department is preparing:

Bachelor and masters in the direction of "Construction", "Land Department and Cadastra", as well as "Technosphere Safety". Graduates can work in all areas building production, housing and communal services, land use and environmental activities: designers, prohibits, engineers, technologists, estimates, cadastral engineers, ecologists, etc.

Preparation levels: Specialty, Bachelor, Master, Graduate Studies.

At the departments of the engineering and construction department, 6 doctors of sciences, 34 candidates of science and more than 20 senior teachers and assistants work. Leading experts of enterprises and organizations are involved in learning students. Engineering and construction department leads scientific development in directions: the study of the strength and supporting ability of structural elements; The use of waste industry in the production of building materials, an increase in the durability of road grounds based on the use of the foundry waste; Development of methodological approaches to assessing the effectiveness of activities construction organization; Improving the energy efficiency of housing and communal services.

At the Department of the Naberedochelinsky Institute of the CFU, more than 1000 students are studying, about 50% of them - for full-time learning.

Students of the engineering and construction department are taking practice with possible employment at such well-known enterprises of the construction industry of the region, as JSC "Ostala", PJSC "CammedEnergostroy", PJSC "Tatelektromontazh", FEZ "Alabuga", LLC "Profit", LLC, "Tat'tinVestgradnproekt" EUROSTILE LLC, JSC TREST CAMDONSTROY. Our graduates are successfully working in many leading organizations and institutions of the country, have excellent reviews.

Among the famous graduates and teachers of the department:

Bibishev Marat Shakirovich - Honored Builder of the Russian Federation and RT, Laureate of the USSR Mr.

cavalier of the orders of Lenin, the October Revolution, Labor Red Sign and DR;

Filimonov Viktor Petrovich - Hero of the Socialist Labor of the USSR;

Rachkov Sergey Gennadyevich - Honored Builder of the Russian Federation and RT, Chairman of the Council

directors of Optal JSC, JSC "Tatprof", deputy of the State Council of the Republic of Tajikistan;

Mashkin Vladimir Mikhailovich - Honored Builder of the Russian Federation, RT, cEO

Moscow Ring Railway;

Harisov Aidar Ilshatovich - Chief Engineer of the GUP project "Tat'VestgradnProekt", Laureate

prize of the Government of the Russian Federation for the project "Grad Sviyazisk";

Krasilnikov Alexander Aleksandrovich - Honored Builder of the Russian Federation, Head of Zhiluks

Alekseev Alexander Alekseevich - Head of the Su-930 CJSC "Trust" Camdorstroy ";

Bilyalov Ildar Hailievich - Director "Installation of the" Naberezhinsky Crane Plant ".

« Thought that the price would not rise?»

Teachers of the Kazan Federal University (KFU), which invested in the construction of a corporate village in the Konstantinovka region, turned to the editorial office. This social project For the construction of housing for KFU employees started in June 2014.

Upon approval of the KFU management federal Fund Promoting the development of housing construction (RZHS) transferred a specially created housing and construction cooperative (HSSC) "University Castle KFU" to gratuitous urgency (for a period of four years), a plot of 289 thousand square meters. meters. Once, back in 1984, the University planned to create a botanical garden there, but there was no money for it. It was decided that housing is more important.

As stated on the project website, a member of the professorship-teaching team, who worked as a teacher at least 5 years old, could be submitted to the Economy of the trade union committee, who had a pedagogue for at least 5 years and had a land dedicated land. The list was approved by the order of the KFU Rector Ilshat Gafurova and agreed by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Plots area - from 1000 to 1500 square meters. m, economy cottages - 100, 120 and 150 square meters. m. It was originally planned to build 173 at home, but some members of the HCC in April 2015 were excluded due to non-fulfillment of obligations, and only 130 cottages remained.

Will the teachers call for their salvation firm hand in the face of Rector KFU Ilshat Gafurova, who argued the list of shareholders? What, and he knows how to build ... photo: " BUSINESS Online»

Initially, the cost of houses was calculated on the top plank established in the law, the average market price of the "square" in Tatarstan - 31 thousand 640 rubles. As a result, for a house of 100 square meters. M teachers should have given 3,164,000 rubles; 120 kV. m - 3 796 800; 150 sq. M. M - 4,746,000 rubles. The money was made in installments by four mutual contributions (membership fees on the current expenditures of the HSSC are also charged). These amounts included engineering communications For the village. Architectural projects I. project documentation Repeated application The RHD Foundation transferred to the cooperative free of charge. The property of members of the HSSC sectors and houses are transferred only at the end of the construction of the entire village.

Correspondent " BUSINESS Online"Visited the construction site in Konstantinovka. Life there, if not boiling, then it is: workers walk, tractors drive, the crane works. And in general, teachers were lucky: the village is at the very beginning of Konstantinovka, that is, almost in the city, near the kindergarten, shops and even the clinic. You can get from Kazan by bus, and for personal cars a good road is laid ... In short, prices are reasonable, the location is 5 km from the city, so you can understand people who decided to invest in the case (naturally, the majority went on loans ).

In 2014, RZHS handed over to the CFU University Castle Lucky section of 289 thousand square meters. meters (marked on the map x1). CFU planned to create a botanical garden there, but it was decided that housing is important to enlarge, press

Euphoria lasted until past autumn, when it became clear that the contractor - LLC " Construction management Radiant"- will not be able to complete the construction site by December 31, 2017, as stated in the contract (and the deadline for commissioning is no later than July 1, 2018). Moreover, by last fall, the Board of the HCC announced the rise in the cost of the project. One of the members of the cooperative, subject to the preservation of anonymity, told " BUSINESS Online"That first information about increasing the cost was brought to one of the colleagues, then went further, and people were excited. "As a result, everything was confirmed at one of the meetings," says our interlocutor. - We just said: Are you really naive and thought that the price would not rise? Say, inflation, prices have grown. " According to him, "Su Radiant" intends to increase the cost of "square" to 41 thousand rubles, that is, by almost 25%. Thus, a house of 100 square meters. M will cost a member of the cooperative of 4,164,000 rubles - more than 1 million is more expensive. With regard to the village as a whole, its value should have been about 500 million rubles, now it can grow by 125 million.

The increase in the cost is unjustified, indigose members of the housing department, especially since many initially and "bought" is precisely low cost. With increasing price, they believe, the social idea of \u200b\u200bthe case is lost, which was ensured by free land and project papers, as well as independent expense control. "Independent experts on low-rise construction say that 40-41 thousand rubles are a strongly overestimated price," notes our source. - An increase of 10% can still be survived, but 25% is already too. Many of us took loans to pay for the construction of the house. Now it turns out that we will have to renew the contracts and look for a new source of financing. " According to the interlocutor, about 30 people increase the price simply not pull.

Where to apply to concerned people? The KFU management seems to be particularly interested in the project. Legally, the ESCC is completely independent structure, originally established by the initiative group of university employees. And if it were not for a mark in the charter that only university employees can enter the cooperative, could have a feeling that he didn't know about the university about the University Town. " BUSINESS Online"Interested in the opinion of the KFU leadership about the current situation. However, the press service was reported that the ECC is a separate legal entity and the issues of its activities are not subject to the university.

The Board of the HCC was elected back in 2014 and since then did not change. He is headed by the senior teacher of Jurfak Alisher Khodzhiev (gets 38 thousand rubles per month for it) photo: kpfu.ru

Rainy summer and encroachment on business reputation

At the end of May December, the Board of the HST held a meeting of his participants. Correspondent " BUSINESS Online"I managed to get to it. The Board of the Cooperative was elected at the general meeting of shareholders back in 2014 (on a non-alternative basis) and has not changed since then. He is headed by the Senior Lecturer of the Law Faculty Alisher Khodzhiev (By the way, it gets 38 thousand rubles per month from the Cashier ZhSK). The authority also includes Associate Professor Jurfak Richat Khasanov , Senior Lecturer of the Department of Geophysics and Geoinformation Technologies Sergey Petrov , Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematical Analysis Rustem Salahutdinov and Vice-Rector for administrative work Kf. Andrey Khashov (their remuneration is 17 thousand rubles).

Initially, Salahutdinov reported on the course of construction. At the end of December, 127 out of 130 foundations were flooded. At different stages of construction - 94 houses: 52 of them are covered with roof, 40 plastered, 24 - at different stages of masonry wall, 13 - on the completed stage. Water and sewage to the sections are 100% connected, gas is 98%.

"Works must end December 31, 2017," said Salahutdinov. Immediately the indignation of the hall was rising, they say, why then everything was so delayed. Khodzhiev explained that the reasons for the lag from the graph of several. For example, the building area increased by 307 square meters. M is three houses. Summer was rainy. Some members of the cooperative decided to change the square of the houses. "Including a question on cash- the board justified. - He [Contractor] builds at his own expense. We pay in fact, we do not give him money for construction. " All the same, this does not explain that it was built so little, exclaimed from the hall. "Your questions are not constructive," answered because of the department. - You did not live in the project 3.5-4 years. You do not know what you are talking about. You are incompetent! "

The cost of "square" increased to 41 thousand rubles, that is, by almost 25%. Thus, a house of 100 square meters. M will cost a member of the cooperative at 4,164,000 rubles - more expensive for almost 1 million rubles. Photo: Irina Erokhina

In proof of the Contractor's rightness, members of the Board spoke about prices for similar houses in neighboring villages. So, in "Turgas", square. m in the house at 100 "squares" costs 33.7 thousand rubles. The value of the Earth is 85 thousand rubles for a hundred (and they are due to each shareholder 10). That is, from the total cost of 3.37 million rubles, 850 thousand rubles are tested. Accordingly, if compared with the village of KFU, per square meter. m, indeed, it remains much less - 25.2 thousand rubles. "But what does the developer offer? - explained Khodzhiev. - Centralized water supply is absent. The well is made one by two or three houses. There is no centralized sewage, a cesspool is made. Domestic communications and house finish are the same as we. Battery wiring and radiator, no electricity in the house is missing. There are no ties and the entrance door too. That is, a house with draft trim. "

In general, teachers were lucky: the village is located almost in the city, near the kindergarten, shops and even the clinic, the good road is laid. Photo: Irina Erokhina

But the hall is buzzed, especially active almost shouted. "The market value in Kazan is 57 thousand rubles per square meter, it should be known ..." - In the end, they declared on the board that only added irritation to opponents. " And 35 thousand is sold in Kazan. We know!"- Appeared came.

Further, the Board passed into counteroffensive. Members of the cooperative were accused of creating a group in whatsapp, where the construction of construction is discussed. "We are not against such platforms to be created, but there is the law of the Russian Federation and Ethics KFU! - ran out due to the department. - Some messages are directly accused of criminal, negligent actions. We gave these messages to a preliminary examination - there is a direct encroachment on a business reputation! "

The team's creator tried to explain that in the chat members of the HCD only exchange information on the project. "The situation is complex, the emotional heat is clear, and I will apologize for those who did not quite correctly spoke, she turned to the Board. - But this comes from despair. I ask you to post documents on the site so that I do not torment you anymore. "

Apparently, the Ethics of the CF, although the HST does not have a legally executed relationship to the university, it was not randomly mentioned. Today a number of members of the Zhsk fears that they can be dismissed - due to position on the cooperative. From communicating with teachers correspondent " BUSINESS Online"Concluded that people are pretty frightened. Teachers rein the opponents in the organization of pressure and "Khamsky" behavior.

"As that government program, I do not possess any rights of the cooperative as a cooperative, - one of our interlocutors explains the causes of passion passions. - We can be expelled for non-passing fee and even for the spread of discustering the cooperative information. We will be returned with a dull fee without any compensation and all on this, "says one of the project participants. And indeed, in the charter ZhSK says that shareholders can be expelled in the case of "the fact of the dissemination of information that disappoints a business reputation of a cooperative", however, "established in judicial order».

The contractor Zhsk was chosen at the competition, he won "Su Radiant" to enlarge, click

And who, actually builds?

Initiative group Members of the cooperative alarms the behavior of the Board, which is not trying to protect them, but it explains well that the price increases, most likely, will have to go. The team hints at the affiliation of the contractor and members of the Board, although no evidence leads.

The Board of the ZhSK reported to our newspaper that the contractor was chosen at the competition, "Su" Radiant "won it. The choice was based on the criteria established by federal law.

Judging by the protocols of meetings, the technical customer of construction was originally approved in June 2015. Then Khodzhiev reported that the commercial proposals were requested from four companies (Ak Bars Engineering LLC, LLC "Grant-Invest", Radiant LLC, MUP "Technical Supervision Service"). And for the set of conditions, he proposed to choose LLC Radiant - the most, note, a little-known structure from the list. The meeting voted for her unanimously.

The construction contractor was approved at the meeting in a year - in June 2016. It is proposed by the Board on a non-alternative basis - according to the results of "monitoring" of contracting organizations. They were unanimously approved LLC "SU" Radiant. "

According to the database, both companies with similar names on parity grounds control Yuri Fedyanin and Damir Amirov which is indicated by its director. That is, they themselves and build, and control the course of construction. Members of the Board is not at all embarrassing "The technical customer and contractor are independent legal entities- It is reported in the answer of the ECC at the request "Business Online". - At the same time, the entry of these organizations in one group of companies ensures the presence of a single responsibility center for the implementation of the project. " Also in responses it is reported that the author's supervision is also conducted by the specialists of JSC Tatdorproekt (this company in the contract is not mentioned). " BUSINESS Online"Offered a contractor to comment on the situation, but the answer has not yet followed.

In 2016, the revenue of Su Radiant LLC increased three times, up to 154 million rubles, net loss - 3 thousand. Participation in high-profile or large-scale construction sites for "SU" Radiant "was not observed, the only one, the company for the state contract carried out by 69.7 million rubles for construction and installation and restoration work in the Black Lake Park. In the arbitration card there are several cases of non-fulfillment or improper performance "SU Radiant" of obligations under construction contracts. The amounts of lawsuits, however, are small - 30 thousand, 180 thousand and 211 thousand rubles.

Now to calm the team, the Board of the ECC decided to hold a state expertise of increased estimates and appealed to the GAU "Management state expertise and pricing of the Republic of Tatarstan for construction and architecture. " But teachers predict that the examination, as usual, will confirm everything that will be submitted to check. The leadership of the cooperative, however, it assures that the price is finally the price, despite the results of the examination, all members of the HSSC will be approved - vote at the meeting.

Judging by the words of the teachers, the Board of the HCC does not plan to apply to the contractor and penalties, specified in the contract for the breakdown of the term. The management of the JUSK explained the "Business Online": despite the fact that in the contract, the term of construction and installation work was established on December 31, 2017, the execution period may increase on the deadlines for obtaining the necessary permits and documents. "And for violation of the deadlines for the fulfillment of the customer's duties under the contract, the Contractor has the right to demand a penalty in turn," pay attention to him. To an increase in the terms of execution by the parties by the obligations under the Treaty, according to the rule, the duration of coordination of the landing of individual residential buildings in certain areas, an increase in the construction of awards. m. Houses under construction, the duration of the land survey of the land plot, as a result of which work is suspended on gas wiring. "In the conditions of the presence of mutual claims of the Customer and Contractor and the ongoing active construction on the land plot, the Board of the HSK considers the non-constructive transition to the claim work with the Contractor," in the end, the HSC is assured.

"Independent experts on low-rise construction say that 40-41 thousand rubles are a strongly overestimated price. An increase of 10% can still be survived, but 25% is already too "Photo: Irina Erokhina

But how can I increase the cost of houses, if it is fixed by law and is even spelled out in the Charter? The Board agrees that the cost of the premises under federal legislation should be calculated on the basis of the average market value sq. m in the region. However, approved in the letter, high inflation 2014-2016 led to an increase in the average market value of the "Square" in the Republic of Tajikistan: at the IV quarter of 2017 - 36,667 rubles. In such conditions, housing and construction cooperatives working on the Federal Law "On Promoting Housing Development", it became almost impossible to observe the originally named prices. And in the FZ, appropriate adjustments were made.

In the press service of the Agency of Mortgage Housing Lending (AHML - controls the implementation of the construction programs of such university) correspondent BUSINESS Online"Confirmed that the cost of construction is now not limited and determined general meeting members of the housing But they made a reservation: the Format of the Justician with it is free of charge provided by the site, minimizing development expenses, independent control of expenses on design work And behind the construction, "allows us to provide the final cost of housing for citizens by an average of 20-50% lower than the market."

The press service of AHML also reported that the federal law provides for the right of the agency to terminate the contract gratuitous use Earth in case of non-use of the site for three years since the conclusion of the contract. "At the same time, in the case of an objective reasons for the decline in the pace of already started construction, it is possible to consider an increase in the period established by the term of gravity of gravity land plot "Muscovites add more gently, hinting for a possible condesception. It should be noted that today in Russia there are 93 projects of the ECC with state support, and 138 thousand square meters have already been commissioned by 12 of them. m housing.

In the reign itself, they assure that the project for the construction of individual housing through the creation of the HSSC on the basis of the above-mentioned law is unique for the republic: "Similar ECCs are more created in various subjects of the Russian Federation, but in Tatarstan, as far as we know, we are the only". The Guide of the Cooperative assures that the project faced many difficulties of the pioneer. "We had to independently create experience in applying provisions federal Law, overcome difficulties and find a real content of certain regulatory provisions, "say in the housing system, adding that in the context of the crisis in the construction industry and the upcoming abandonment of percentage based on the 214th FZ, the experience of building residential buildings through the creation of the HCC" should be covered And submitted to the general public. " In general, at the time to defend the thesis and dissertations.

"The fact that the contractor himself behaves supervising the construction of an object is not entirely correct. IN this case The control function disappears, "the experts say: Irina Erokhina

« The control function disappears»

Experts " BUSINESS Online»It is believed that controversial points with the price and even more so in terms of timing should be covered in the contract. "If no other thing is agreed in the contract, then in the case of changing the price of the material, compensation is made by the customer, - explains the general director of Megaron LLC (construction low-rise houses) Nikolay Denisov . - If stipulated, the contractor does not have the right to change anything, because the price at that time was fixed. And the contractor will not be able to protect himself in court, it will still be forced to build up at the initial price. " Of course, you can simply change the contractor, but if the reason for the appreciation is in the increase in the price of materials, it is not beneficial to customers themselves - you still have to pay extra charge, Denisov notes.

By the way, during the aforementioned Assembly, Khodzhiyev said: "When the contract was concluded, the question was stipulated and the question of the price, the contractor said:" If you want to fix the amount, you will indicate us (pay - auth.) 100% and we will sign, no more a penny ask " . But we did not do that. " However, in the contract (there is at the disposal " BUSINESS Online") It is said that" the contractor is not entitled to demand an increase in the price of work under the contract. " To this clarification in the answer to the request of the newspaper, once again referred to the aforementioned legislative norm FZ, which was changed as a result of inflation. According to them, the calculation of the value of individual residential buildings for members of the HCC in p. 49 of the Charter was based on this formula. In paragraph 52 of the Charter of the HSSC " University Town Kfu.»Talk:" Approximate cost residential premises Consistent with a citizen encounters a cooperative, and is indicated in solving the conference of members of the cooperative on the reception of a citizen in a member of the cooperative. After the construction of a cooperative for a member of the cooperative residential premises, the size of the share is specified on the basis actual value Built by the cooperative of residential premises, objects of engineering infrastructure and objects to ensure the operation of housing and is indicated in solving the conference of members of the cooperative on the transfer of residential premises to use a member of the cooperative. "

Associate Professor of the Department of Examination and Real Estate Management Institute of Economics and Management in the Construction of KGASU Vadim Rozhkov It believes that the price of building materials for three years, of course, has grown, inflation is, but, most likely, the problem is different: "Maybe this: when the village was conceived, they did not provide any additional work. Completing situations can always be climbed, which have not been provided in the initial project. To understand the cause of the rise in the cost of the project and the adequacy of the new price, you need to watch the conclusion of the State Expertization. Cost square meter With full finish (floors, ceilings, windows, wiring, boilers, and so on) today, according to Denisov, about 60 thousand rubles turnkey. If you deduct the value of the land, - in the area of \u200b\u200b50 thousand, so the price is still adequate.

However, according to him, the contractor and the technical customer must still be two independent organizations: "The fact that the contractor himself behaves supervising the construction of an object, not quite correctly. In this case, the control function disappears. "

Well, an experiment with university self-government and democracy seemed to show himself in all its glory. Will the teachers call for their salvation hard hand in the face of the rector? What, and it knows how to build ...

Elena Galeev, Timur Latypov, Victor Osmanov Persons: Gafurov Ilshat Rafkatovich This material is published on the BEZFormata website January 11, 2019,
the following date is indicated when the material was published on the primary source website!

The project "University Town KFU" gave rise to a conflict of shareholders with the Board on the Master of the film "Garage" - Dates are torn, prices rose by 25%

The cause of the rebellion of the scientist of the intelligentsia can be a corporate settlement under construction federal Program For KFU employees on the lands launched under the Botanical Garden. As the "Business Online" found out, after more than three years, from the moment the project is launched, the house is not ready, and teachers notified the increase in their cost to almost a quarter. At the same time, it's not to complain about anyone - a legally university has no relation to construction, the scientists themselves lead to all.

"Thought that the price would not rise?"

Teachers of the Kazan Federal University (KFU), which invested in the construction of a corporate village in the Konstantinovka region, turned to the editorial office. This social project for the construction of housing for KFU employees in June 2014.

According to the leadership of the CFU, the Federal Foundation for the Development of Housing Construction (RHD) handed over to the specially created housing and construction cooperative (HSSC) "University Castor KFU" in a gratuitous urgent use (for a period of four years), a plot of 289 thousand square meters. meters. Once, back in 1984, the University planned to create a botanical garden there, but there was no money for it. It was decided that housing is more important.

As stated on the project website, the application for accession to the ECCC through the trade union committee could submit a member of the professorship-teaching team with an experience of working as a teacher at least 5 years, which is not owned by a land plot allocated by the state. The list was approved by the order of the KFU Rector Ilshat Gafurova and agreed by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Plots area - from 1000 to 1500 square meters. m, cottages economyracts - 100, 120 and 150 square meters. meters. Initially, it was planned to build 173 homes, but some members of the HCC in April 2015 were excluded due to non-fulfillment of obligations, and there were only 130 cottages.

Will the teachers call for their salvation firm hand in the face of Rector KFU Ilshat Gafurova, who argued the list of shareholders? What, and it knows how to build ... Photo: "Business Online"

Initially, the cost of houses was calculated on the top plank established in the law, the average market price of the "square" in Tatarstan - 31 thousand 640 rubles. As a result, for a house of 100 square meters. M teachers should have given 3,164,000 rubles; 120 kV. m - 3 796 800; 150 sq. M. M - 4,746,000 rubles. The money was made in installments by four mutual contributions (membership fees on the current expenditures of the HSSC are also charged). These amounts included the cost of holding engineering communications for the village. Architectural projects and project documentation Repeated application RHD Foundation transferred to the cooperative free. The property of members of the HSSC sectors and houses are transferred only at the end of the construction of the entire village.

The reporter "Business Online" visited the construction site in Konstantinovka. Life there if does not boil, then it is: workers walk, tractors ride, work faucet. And in general, teachers were lucky: the village is at the very beginning of Konstantinovka, that is, almost in the city, near the kindergarten, shops, and even the clinic. You can get from Kazan by bus, and for personal cars a good road is laid ... In short, prices are reasonable, the location is 5 km from the city, so you can understand people who decided to invest in the case (naturally, the majority went on loans ).

In 2014, the RHD Foundation passed the LCC "University Coon Castle" section of 289 thousand square meters. meters (marked on the map x1). KFU planned to create a botanical garden there, but it was decided that housing is more importantTo enlarge, click

Euphoria lasted until past autumn, when it became clear that the contractor - the Radiant Construction Department LLC - will not be able to complete the construction site by December 31, 2017, as stated in the contract (and commissioning is no later than July 1, 2018) . Moreover, by last fall, the Board of the HCC announced the rise in the cost of the project. One of the members of the cooperative, subject to the preservation of anonymity, told "Business Online", which first information about increasing the cost was brought to one of the colleagues, then went further, and people were excited. "As a result, everything was confirmed at one of the meetings," says our interlocutor. - We just said: Are you really naive and thought that the price would not rise? Say, inflation, prices have grown. " According to him, "Su Radiant" intends to increase the cost of "square" to 41 thousand rubles, that is, by almost 25%. Thus, a house of 100 square meters. M will cost a member of the cooperative in 4,164,000 rubles - more than 1 million almost 1 million. As for the village as a whole, its value was supposed to be about 500 million rubles, now it can grow by 125 million.

The increase in the cost is unjustified, indigose members of the HSSC, especially many initially and "bought" in the cheapness. With increasing price, they believe, the social idea of \u200b\u200bthe case is lost, which was ensured by free land and project papers, as well as independent control over costs. "Independent experts on low-rise construction say that 40-41 thousand rubles are a strongly overestimated price," notes our source. - An increase of 10 percent can still be survived, but 25 percent is already too. Many of us took loans to pay for the construction of the house. Now it turns out that we will have to rerun contracts and look for a new source of financing. " According to the interlocutor, about 30 people increase the price simply not pull.

Where to apply to concerned people? The KFU management seems to be particularly interested in the project. Legally, the ESCC is completely independent structure, originally established by the initiative group of university employees. If it were not for a mark in the charter that only university employees can enter the cooperative, could have the feeling that he did not know about the University of the University Town. "Business Online" asked the opinion of the KFU's leadership about the current situation, but the press service was reported that the ECC is a separate legal entity and the questions of its activities are not included in the university.

Photo: Kpfu.ru.

Rainy summer and encroachment on business reputation

At the end of May December, the Board of the HST held a meeting of his participants. Correspondent "Business Online" managed to get on it. The Board of the Cooperative was elected at the general meeting of shareholders back in 2014 (on a non-alternative basis) and has not changed since then. He is headed by the Senior Lecturer of the Law Faculty Alisher Khodzhiev (By the way, it gets 38 thousand rubles per month from the Cashier ZhSK). The authority also includes Associate Professor Jurfak Richat Khasanov, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Geophysics and Geoinformation Technologies Sergey Petrov, Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematical Analysis Rustem Salahutdinov and vice-rector for administrative work kf Andrei Khashov (their remuneration is 17 thousand rubles).

Initially, Salahutdinov reported on the course of construction. At the end of December, 127 out of 130 foundations were flooded. At different stages of construction - 94 houses: 52 of them covered in roof, 40 plastered, 24 - at different stages of masonry wall, 13 - on the completed stage. Water and sewage to the sections are 100% connected, gas is 98%.

"Works must end December 31, 2017," said Salahutdinov. Immediately climbed the hall: they say, why then everything was so delayed? Khodzhiev explained that the reasons for the lag from the graph of several. For example, the building area increased by 307 square meters. M is three houses. Summer was rainy. Some members of the cooperative decided to change the square of the houses. "Including a question about money, - justified the Board. - It ( contractorapprox. ed.) Builds at my own expense. We pay in fact, we do not give him money for construction. " All the same, this does not explain that it was built so little, exclaimed from the hall. "Your questions are not constructive," answered because of the department. - You did not live in the project 3.5-4 years. You do not know what you are talking about. You are incompetent! "

The cost of "square" increased to 41 thousand rubles, that is, by almost 25%. Thus, a house of 100 square meters. M will cost a member of the cooperative of 4,164,000 rubles - more expensive for almost 1 million rubles Photo: Irina Erohina

In proof of the Contractor's rightness, members of the Board spoke about prices for similar houses in neighboring villages. So, in "Turgas", the square meter in the house at 100 "squares" costs 33.7 thousand rubles. The value of the Earth is 85 thousand rubles for a hundred (and they are due to each shareholder 10). That is, from the total cost of 3.37 million rubles, 850 thousand rubles are torn. Accordingly, if compared with the KFU village, the square meter really remains much less - 25.2 thousand rubles. "But what does the developer offer? - explained Khodzhiev. - Centralized water supply is absent. The well is made one by two or three houses. There is no centralized sewage, a cesspool is made. Internal communications and finishing of the house are the same as we. Battery wiring and radiator, no electricity in the house is missing. No tie, the front door is also. That is, a house with draft trim. "

In general, teachers were lucky: the village is located almost in the city, near the kindergarten, shops and even the clinic, the good road is laid Photo: Irina Erohina

But the hall is buzzed, especially active almost shouted. "The market value in Kazan is 57 thousand rubles per square meter, it should be known ..." - In the end, they declared on the board that only added irritation to opponents. "And 35 thousand is sold in Kazan. We know! " - Appeared came.

Further, the Board passed into counteroffensive. Members of the cooperative were accused of creating a group in whatsapp, where the construction of construction is discussed. "We are not against such platforms to be created, but there is a law Russian Federation and ethics KFU! - ran out due to the department. - Some messages are directly accused of criminal, negligent actions. We gave these messages to a preliminary examination - there is a direct encroachment on a business reputation! "

The team's creator tried to explain that in the chat members of the HCD only exchange information on the project. "The situation is complex, the emotional heat is clear, and I will apologize for those who did not quite correctly spoke, she turned to the Board. - But this comes from despair. I ask you to post documents on the site so that I do not torment you anymore. "

Apparently, the ethics of the CFU, although the HST does not have a legally executed relationship to the university, it was not randomly mentioned. Today a number of members of the Zhsk fear that they can be dismissed - due to position on the cooperative. From communicating with teachers, the reporter "Business Online" concluded that people are pretty frightened. Teachers reinforce opponents in pressure and "Khamsky" behavior.

"Since this is a state program, the members of the cooperative members do not possess no rights," one of our interlocutors explains the causes of passion. - We can be expelled for non-passing fee and even for the spread of discustering the cooperative information. We will be returned with a dull fee without any compensation - and all on this, "says one of the project participants. Indeed, in the Charter ZhSK says that shareholders can be expelled in the case of "the fact of the dissemination of information that disappoints a business reputation of a cooperative", however, "established in court".

The contractor Zhsk was chosen at the competition - the company "SU" Radiant "won itTo enlarge, click

And who, actually builds?

The initiative group of members of the cooperative is alarming the behavior of the Board, which does not try to protect them, but it explains well that the price increases, most likely, will have to go. The team hints at the affiliation of the contractor and members of the Board, although no evidence leads.

The Board of the HCC reported to our newspaper that the contractor was chosen at the competition, he won the company "SU" Radiant ". The choice was based on the criteria established by federal law.

Judging by the protocols of meetings, the technical customer of construction was originally approved in June 2015. Then Khodzhiev reported that the commercial proposals were requested from four companies (Ak Bars Engineering LLC, Grant-Invest LLC, Radiant LLC, MUP "Technical Supervision Service"), and on the totality of the conditions proposed to choose LLC " Radiant "- most, notice, a little-known structure from the list. The meeting voted for her unanimously.

The construction contractor argued at the meeting in a year - in June 2016. It is proposed by the Board on a non-alternative basis - according to the results of "monitoring" of contracting organizations. They were unanimously approved LLC Su Radiant. "

According to the database, both companies - Radiant LLC and LLC Radiant, LLC "- with similar names on parity grounds control Yuri Fedyanin and Damir Amirovwhich is indicated by the director of the latter. That is, they themselves and build, and control the course of construction. Board members are not at all embarrassing. "The technical customer and contractor are independent legal entities," reports in response to the RESC of Business Online. - At the same time, the entry of these organizations in one group of companies ensures the presence of a single responsibility center for the implementation of the project. " Also in responses it is reported that the author's supervision is also conducted by the specialists of JSC Tatdorproekt (this company in the contract is not mentioned). "Business Online" invited the Contractor to comment on the situation, but did not follow the answer.

In 2016, the revenue of LLC "Su" Radiant "increased three times to 154 million rubles, net loss - 3 thousand. Participation in high-profile or large-scale construction sites for the company "SU Radiant" has not been noted, the only state of the state contract carried out for 69.7 million rubles for construction and restoration work in the Black Lake Park. In the Arbitration Card there are several cases of non-fulfillment or improper performance of SU Radiant obligations under construction contracts. The amounts of lawsuits, however, are small - 30 thousand, 180 thousand and 211 thousand rubles.

Now, to calm the team, the Board of the ECC decided to hold a state examination of an increased estimate and appealed to the GAU "Department of State Examination and Pricing of the Republic of Tatarstan for construction and architecture." But teachers predict that the examination, as usual, will confirm everything that will be submitted to check. The management of the cooperative nevertheless assures that the final price, despite the results of the examination, will be approved by all members of the HCC - vote at the meeting.

Judging by the words of the teachers, the Board of the HCC does not plan to apply to the contractor and penalties, specified in the contract for the breakdown of the term. The management of the JUSK explained the "Business Online": despite the fact that in the contract the deadline for the end of construction and installation work was indicated on December 31, 2017, the execution period may increase on the deadlines for obtaining the necessary permits and documents. "And for the violation of the deadlines for the fulfillment of the customer's duties under the contract, the contractor has the right, in turn, require paying a penalty," pay attention to him. To an increase in the terms of execution by the parties by the obligations under the contract, according to the rule, the duration of coordination of individual residential buildings in certain sites, an increase in the construction of square meters of houses under construction, the duration of the landline of the land plot, as a result of which the work on the wiring of gas is suspended. "In the conditions of the presence of mutual claims of the Customer and the Contractor and the ongoing active construction on the land plot, the Board of the HCC considers the non-constructive transition to claim work with the Contractor," in the end, they are assured in the Board of the HCC.

"Independent experts on low-rise construction say that 40-41 thousand rubles are a strongly overestimated price. An increase of 10 percent can still be survived, but 25 percent is already too " Photo: Irina Erohina

But how can I increase the cost of houses, if it is fixed by law and is even spelled out in the Charter? The Board agrees that the cost of the premises under federal legislation was to be calculated on the basis of the average market value of the square meter in the region. However, it is approved in the letter, high inflation 2014-2016 led to an increase in the average market value of the "Square" in the Republic of Tajikistan: for the fourth quarter of 2017 - 36,667 rubles. In such conditions, housing and construction cooperatives working on the Federal Law "On Promoting Housing Development", it became almost impossible to observe the originally named prices. And in the federal law appropriate adjustments were made.

In the press service of the Mortgage Housing Agency (AHML; Controls the implementation of the construction programs of such university), the "Business Online" correspondent confirmed that the cost of construction is now not limited and is determined by the general meeting of members of the HSC, but made the reservation: the Format of the ZhSK with its duty provided by the site, Minimizing developership expenses, independent control of expenses for project work and for construction "allows us to provide the final cost of housing for citizens by an average of 20-50% lower than the market."

The press service of AHML also reported that the federal law provides for the right of the Agency to terminate the contract of free use of land in case of non-use of the site within three years from the date of the contract. "At the same time, in the case of an objective reasons for the decline in the pace of the construction, it is possible to consider an increase in the deadline established by the land plot of a land plot," Muscovites add more gently, hinting for a possible condesception. It should be noted that today 113 projects of the ECC with state support are being implemented in Russia, 138 thousand square meters have already been commissioned by 12 of them. m housing.

In the reign itself, they assure that the project for the construction of individual housing through the creation of the HSSC on the basis of the above-mentioned law is unique for the republic: "Similar ECCs are more than 100 created in various subjects of the Russian Federation, but in Tatarstan, as far as we know, we are the only."The Guide of the Cooperative assures that the project faced many difficulties of the pioneer. "We had to independently create experience in applying the provisions of the Federal Law, overcome difficulties and find a real content of certain regulations," they say in the housing department, adding that in the context of the crisis in construction industry and the upcoming refusal from percentage based on the 214th FZ. Residential buildings through the creation of the HSSC "should be covered and submitted to the general public." In general, it is fit to defend the thesis and thesis.

"The fact that the contractor himself behaves supervising the construction of an object is not entirely correct. In this case, the control function disappears, "experts say Photo: Irina Erohina

"Disappears the control function"

Experts "Business Online" believe that controversial moments with price and even more so in terms should be covered in the contract. "If the contract has no otherwise stipulated, then in the case of changing the price of the material, compensation is made by the customer, - explains the General Director of Megaron LLC (construction of low-rise buildings) Nikolay Denisov. - If stipulated, the contractor does not have the right to change anything, because the price at that time was fixed. And the contractor will not be able to protect himself in court, it will still be forced to build up at the initial price. " Of course, you can simply change the contractor, but if the reason for the appreciation is in the increase in the price of materials, it is unprofitable to customers themselves - you still have to pay extra charge, Denisov notes.

By the way, during the aforementioned Assembly, Khodzhiyev said: "When the contract was concluded, and the question of the price was stipulated, the contractor said:" If you want to fix the amount, you indicate us ( payapprox. ed.) 100 percent, and we will sign, you will not ask a penny anymore. " But we did not do that. " However, in the contract (there is at the disposal "Business Online") it is said that "the contractor is not entitled to demand an increase in the price of work under the contract." To this clarification, the answer to the request of the newspaper in the Board once again referred to the aforementioned legislative norm of the Federal Law, which was changed as a result of inflation. According to them, the calculation of the value of individual residential buildings for members of the HSSC in paragraph 49 of the Charter was based on this formula. In paragraph 52 of the Charter of the HCC "University Town of KFU" says: "The approximate cost of residential premises is consistent with a citizen encouraging a cooperative member, and is indicated in solving the conference of the members of the cooperative to accept a citizen in a cooperative member. After construction of a cooperative for a member of a residential premises, the size of the share is clarified on the basis of the actual value of the co-operative of the residential premises, engineering infrastructure facilities and facilities to ensure the operation of housing and is indicated in solving the conference of members of the cooperative on the transfer of residential premises for the use of a cooperative member. "

Associate Professor of the Department of Examination and Real Estate Management Institute of Economics and Management in the Construction of KGASU Vadim Rozhkov It believes that the price of building materials for three years, of course, has grown, inflation is, but most likely the problem is different: "Maybe this: when the village was conceived, did not provide for any additional work. Completing situations can always be climbed, which have not been provided in the initial project. To understand the cause of the rise in the cost of the project and the adequacy of the new price, you need to watch the conclusion of the State Expertization. The cost of a square meter with full finish (floors, ceilings, windows, wiring, boilers, etc.) Today, according to Denisov, approximately 60 thousand rubles turnkey. If you deduct the value of the Earth - in the area of \u200b\u200b50 thousand, so the price is still adequate.

However, according to him, the contractor and the technical customer must still be two independent organizations: "The fact that the contractor himself behaves supervising the construction of an object, not quite correctly. In this case, the control function disappears. "

Well, an experiment with university self-government and democracy seemed to show himself in all its glory. Will the teachers call for their salvation hard hand in the face of the rector? What, and it knows how to build ...

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