
Major Military Construction Department of the Ministry of Defense. Strengthening the Arctic frontiers. Some preliminary results already have

Driving by the Academy of the FSB on Michurinsky Avenue, I drew attention to the fact that the new complex of buildings is building a private firm. As if there are no military in our country construction organizations. Actually, except for the specialist of Russia, they are not left now. Over the years of reforms, the main military-building management was privatized, the main military-building department of the Center (GWS Center "), the main department of the construction industry of the Ministry of Defense. Until recently, only GUSS was kept (the main management of special construction), which was renamed to the management of the arrangement of troops (UUs), then to the General Directorate of the arrangement of troops. Currently, the former GUSS is also decided to incorporate, and those divisions that conducted work on objects similar to the Plesetsk cosmodrome and fulfilled other responsible tasks are transferred to the Federal Agency of Special Construction (Specstroy Russia). Thank God that it exists and develops, and then in general, defense construction could simply be to get used.

Currently, the headquarters of military structures are also disbanded - Central Organizing Management (COPU).

How did we come to the fact that the most powerful military-building complex was actually liquidated?!

Since 1987, neglection began in the media of military-building parts. They were called the heirs of the military settlements of Arakcheev, the remnants of serfdom. Such publications such as "Spark", "Moscow Komsomolets", Izvestia were especially developed. In the future, even the magazine "Soviet warrior" joined the evidence of the evaluators of the important and necessary military specialty. Since 1989, the "Red Star" in defense of military builders has become less than the milititis. Yes, even the vile work of Kaltedina "Stroybat". You will read such materials and wake up: mock the people, they say, they are unnecessary at all for the army. Yes, and in any country there are no such formations. Military construction loans as if they did not know that military-construction work actively leads the engineering corps of the US Army, which the military-building formations under different names exist in all countries of the world and were at all times since ancient Egypt. By the way, even the ancient Romans, who borrowed a lot of modern humanity (up to the weather and taxis reports), believed that construction was one of the most important military specialties.

I do not mind that the construction parts were in vain, persons who had a criminal record, that non-statutory relationships brought exactly the latter. But after all, military builders performed important work for the benefit of the Motherland, and also received valuable specialty for civilian life. The position had to be corrected, and not to pour the child with water, and engage in the privatization of military organizations. Maybe in general, confidence in foreign construction companies to build special fortification facilities (SPS) and other defense facilities. Let them know what and how it is arranged, because you can reveal all the secrets!

By the way, the importance of military builders has made even more important that occurred in the 50s scientific and technical revolution In military affair associated with the development of rocket-nuclear weapons, determined the fundamental changes in the structure and technical equipment of the troops. The role of special military facilities (combat missile systems, aircraft and anti-missile defense complexes, high-breeding teams, wired communication sites, adoptive and transmitting radio centers, airfields, airframes of the navy, etc.), which are erected in advance in peacetime), has increased dramatically. capital construction. Significantly more special structures have appeared significantly and appeared, technical systems and equipment of special facilities have changed qualitatively. At the same time, the requirements for the arrangement and quartering of troops were significantly tightened. There was a fundamental change in the nature of all construction in the Ministry of Defense, its tasks were significantly expanded, the volumes increased.

We needed special educational institutions whose network, at present, in connection with the reduction in the volume of construction and the disbandment of most parts began to be folded.

It's a shame that with the reform of sad fate awaits the next year the famous Military Engineering University (VITU), who has recently noticed its 70th anniversary. It will have to enter into the Military Academy of Rear and Transport and be replicated from St. Petersburg.

Birth of the university on June 22, 1939, when the drugs NMF N.G. Kuznetsov signed an order No. 301, which said: "On the basis of the Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the Union of SSR No. 148 dated June 10, 1939, on the basis of the Leningrad Institute of Industrial Construction Engineers, the Higher Navy Engineering and Construction School of the Republic of Kazakhstan Navy (Ints)" It was not random.

Quantitative and qualitative change in the structure of the navy as one of the important component parts The armed forces of the country demanded the creation of new and root reconstruction of the existing forces and means of basing the fleet and coastal defense.

This task was practically solved on the basis of the wide introduction of the achievements of science and technology and the use of world experiences design, construction and operation of coast and hydraulic objects of the fleet. Since the technical and electric power equipment of these objects has increased dramatically, an acute need for an increase in the number and improvement of the preparation of military energy engineers of a wide profile arose.

In April 1960, the Directive of the Defense Minister The Higher Engineering and Technical Red Banner School was transferred from the Navy system to submission of the USSR Deputy MO for the construction and housing of troops. It was assigned to the task of training military engineers for the entire capital construction system of the Ministry of Defense. Since September 1960, the School became referred to as the highest military engineering and technical school (VVITK).

New and new specialties on the basis of existing faculties appeared. Including electrical engineers on the installation of electrical equipment of special objects of MO, electromechanics engineers for the installation of heat-power equipment of special objects of MO, as well as completely new to the School of Specialists - mechanical engineers for the operation of construction machines and equipment manufacturing enterprises of military-building organizations. Educational institution Successfully developed. In it at the beginning of the 21st century began to prepare and psychologists and specialists.

Back in the dashing 90s, as evidenced by Doctor of Technical Sciences Colonel V.G. Krivov in his book "At the Roots of Military Energy", the far-sighted leaders were made by everything so that this university is glorious with its scientific schools, which was transformed in 1993 to the Military Engineering and Construction Institute (VISI), was preserved. At its base, it is necessary to create the first polytechnic university in the armed forces, preparing frames not only for the military-building complex. For example, the Energy Faculty of School, the base of which was established on June 10, 1941 the Electromechanical Faculty, today became the leading educational unit for the training of military energetics.

In connection with a special role as a training and scientific center in the preparation of military engineering personnel and scientific support for the construction of VISi and Pkin Supreme Military Engineering Building School (PVISU), Military Engineering and Technical University (VITU) was formed. The transformation to the university was an act of recognizing its high authority as an educational and scientific center of the construction and apartment bodies of the Ministry of Defense. Vita was assigned to: the implementation of professional educational programs of higher and postgraduate education in military engineering and technical specialties; preparation, retraining and (or) improvement of the qualifications of scientific and educational staff, as well as training on a contractual basis of specialists for federal authorities; implementation of scientific research; The implementation of the functions of the scientific and scientific and methodological center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in the field of its activities.

The planned now union with the Academy of Rear and Transport will lead to the death of unique scientific schools Military Engineering and Technical University, the destruction of military traditions and will not serve as a strengthening of the defense of our Fatherland.

Military engineer and historian,

Vasily Lamstsov

Timur Ivanov, Deputy Minister of Defense, stated that the volume of construction of military facilities today is comparable to scale with the post-war period. Reportedly, more than 2 thousand facilities both special and social destination are currently being built at the same time. "Our version" figured out that the military department is building, and whether there is such an urgent need for a crisis to invest in ambiguous sometimes projects.

According to the military, today there are practically a complete update of military infrastructure throughout the country. In 2016, over 2.5 thousand buildings and structures with a total area of \u200b\u200b2.7 million square meters were built. New radar stations, hydraulic structures, airfields, medical facilities, residential buildings, schools and kindergartens, cadet schools, military towns, polygons and moorings are erected. One of the most successful recognizes the construction of submarine bases in the Pacific Fleet - in Vilyuchinsk, preparing objects of the mooring front and coastal engineering infrastructure for receiving the submarine of the project 955 "Borey". On the Black Sea in Novorossiysk, a modear front for submarine project 636 was built. In the Southern Military District, the arrangement of military towns for two missile brigades "Iskander-M" was completed. The infrastructure of the first RVSH regiments, equipped with moving and stationary rocket complexes "Yar", was completed, completed the arrangement of the rocket brigade in Shua. In addition, in just five months from scratch, the Tula Suvorov Military School was rebuilt and the construction of the Petrozavodsky Presidential Cadet School began.

Military Towns are built on the border with Ukraine and in the Arctic

Much attention is drawn to the construction of military towns near the border with Ukraine. So, in Belgorod, 25 kilometers from the border with the Luhansk region of Ukraine, the Ministry of Defense from scratch builds a new army complex: nine barracks, warehouses for storing rocket-artillery arms and other ammunition, as well as educational and medical centers. A motorized rifle brigade will be replicated to this military town. There is a construction of a military base in the Boguchar of the Voronezh region - there will also be a motorized rifle brigade. In addition, in 2016 it was announced on the formation plans for more three new Motor-terrain divisions that will be stationed in Voronezh, Smolensk and Rostov regions.

The increase in the forces is carried out not only in the south, but also on the northern frontiers. At the end of last year, the Ministry of Defense reported that the work on the construction of an administrative and housing complex of the first in Arctic Military Town of the closed cycle on the island of the boiler is close to completion. In the future, the Russian military facilitation plans to build five more comfortable towns in the Arctic. At the same time, the cost of each of these objects exceeds 4 billion rubles. It is also planned to restore the network of polar airfields - Naryan-Mar, Alykel, Amderma, Anadyr, Rogachevo, Nurstskaya and Tiksi.

Alexander Perenigiyev, expert of the Association of Military Politologists:

- Indeed, the volume of construction in the interests of the armed forces has now increased significantly, but the words about unprecedented successes should be treated with some caution. The scale of the work that military-building parts was performed in the Soviet Union were significantly more. So, perhaps, the statement of Timur Ivanov, who had previously led JSC "Oboronstroy", followed in imaging purposes.

Nevertheless, the last events suggest that the Ministry of Defense returns to the situation when the military officers were responsible for the construction of objects for the army, that is, the former decisions of Anatoly Serdyukov today are seriously adjusted. So, at the end of 2016, the specialist functions were transferred to the military department, now the remaining organizations responsible for the construction of the armed forces are transmitted now in the actual submission of the Ministry of Defense. For this, the legal framework is channeled - for example, joint Stock Company become causative enterprises. Apparently, the Ministry of Defense came to the conclusion that only so you can control the quality. A single military-building complex is created, the system becomes more centralized, appeared officersfrom which you can hardly ask.

Large construction - big problems

Unfortunately, a significant amount of construction requires the involvement of a wide variety of subcontractors. The work of some of them was accompanied by frequent facts of corruption. Another problem at construction site is a lag from the deadlines. Military nets on unfair contractors who delay the deadlines for the delivery of objects. A characteristic example is the situation that has developed on the construction of military towns on the islands of ITUURUP and Kunashir Kuril Ridge. At the same time, the main works there were not provided by private companies, but Specstroe, who built military positions, training polygons, ammunition storage zones and technology. Last year, a number of specialist officials were detained on charges of embezzlement of 450 million rubles in the construction and reconstruction of nine facilities. total area Buildings on the islands will be over 260 thousand square meters, of which they are about 140 thousand square meters, on Kunashir - more than 121 thousand square meters. Previously, the unemployed Ministry of Defense Specstroy has already been sissing during the construction of the Eastern cosmodrome. Then Roscosmos lost millions on bribes and money did not reach the workers.

Another resonant case of an indiscriminate approach to the choice of developer and uncontrollism may be considered a history of housing for military personnel in Moscow. For money received from the Ministry of Defense in 2011-2012 for the construction of four microdistricts (this is approximately 70 billion rubles), Su-155 began to implement commercial projects. Under the terms of the contract, all new buildings were to be prepared in the settlement back in 2014, but the work was still not completed. The amount of the indispensable advance amounted to 18 billion rubles. Due to problems with an unscrupulous contractor, the housing process of military personnel, which are allocated by housing in Moscow, was delayed. To recover the amount of the indispensable advance with SU-155 is now very problematic. As a result, the situation led to the fact that the officers organized into the "Homeless Regiment" group and regularly collect mass rallies, demanding to complete construction.

But in addition to problems with contractors during the crisis, people arise the question of the need for image and patriotic-educational spending. For example, some surprised the desire of the Ministry of Defense to spend 50 million rubles for re-equipment of the Aisberg Sports Palace in Sochi to the headquarters of the Winter World War Games.

From October 2015 to December 2016, the main management of the arrangement of troops has completed the construction of two metropolitan microdistricts, not completed and abandoned by the Su-155 company on the streets of Sinyavinskaya (15 high-altitude buildings at 4731 apartments) and Bolshaya Ochakovskaya (10 high-altitude buildings at 1796 apartments ). There is their planned settlement. Four houses on 714 apartments in a new building on the left bank street and three at 652 apartments on ul were also handed over. Polina Osipenko in the Khoroshevsky highway.

The agency is trying to fully inform servicemen about the progress of construction and emerging issues. Supported " hot line»Main management of the arrangement of troops (open access) +7 909 697 89 07.


As the Ministry of Defense decides the "SU-155 problem"

Currently, the Ministry of Defense has developed a mechanism for obtaining additional financing of the completion of two metropolitan neighborhoods located on the street Left Bank and Khoroshevsky highway. To do this, the right to agency of mortgage housing lending will be used to act as a state agent to implement the property of the military department.

At the end of 2012, a moratorium on sale real Estate Ministry of Defense. As a result, not a single square meter of housing or land was sold. Now according to the law of the Ministry of Defense, it has the right to transfer released (not used in the interests of the armed forces of the country) land and buildings agency for mortgage lending To involve them in the economic turnover.

In the first decade of February 2017, the main management of the arrangement of the troops expects the first tranche within the framework of additional funding for the completion of the Su-155 company of two metropolitan microdistricts, which will allow renewing active work on the venues.

During 2017, military builders are planning to complete construction and installation work and the phased commissioning of 19 buildings for 5142 apartments in the capital. This will allow for apartments of 85% of military personnel who have selected Moscow. The remaining officers awaiting apartments in the capital will receive a housing subsidy. For this in 2017-2019 federal budget Allocation is provided for 37.78 billion annually.

From 2012 to the present, the service of military personnel to receive housing decreased by 2.8 times: from 82.4 thousand to 29.8 thousand people. And of 29.8 thousand military personnel, 9.8 thousand are offered apartments and 7.8 thousand. Of these, they agreed with the proposal. Since the fall of 2012, when Sergey Shoigu became the Minister of Defense, 106 thousand military personnel were provided with permanent housing, of which 89 thousand received apartments, and 17 thousand chose housing subsidies.

Building Tsiolkovsky Near Cosmodrome Eastern

The scale of the construction of objects for the Ministry of Defense of Russia reached the level of the post-war period. In the interests of the department, about 2 thousand facilities are being built, in 2016 2.5 thousand buildings were built. About this "Kommersant" stated Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Timur Ivanov. He clarified that "these are radar stations, hydraulic structures, airfields, medical facilities, residential buildings, schools and kindergartens, cadet schools, military towns, polygons and berths."

The total area of \u200b\u200bfacilities is 2.7 million square meters. m. The recruited pace of construction by 18% exceeds 2015 figures and more than 10 times the period of 2010-2012, when only 210 objects were introduced. On the plans of military construction and the creation of the necessary infrastructure for the army, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu spoke at the final collegium of the defense department in December 2016.

According to him, on this moment The overall need of the army in infrastructure facilities, taking into account the stock factors, is 30 million square meters. In 2017, it is planned to put 3290 buildings and structures.

As noted in the military department, the use of modern technologies has twice allowed to reduce the deadlines for the construction of shelters for equipment and objects of the barrel and housing stock and achieve the cost of construction of 1 square meters. m objects of the Ministry of Defense, not exceeding 30 thousand rubles, which is lower than in the country as a whole.

The measures taken in the development of the military-building complex made it possible to achieve synchronization of the creation of infrastructure with the terms of weapons entering the troops and military equipment
Sergey Shoigu
russian Defense Minister

Weapon base

Naval base in Vilyuchinsk

In Vilyuchinsk in Kamchatka, a number of most important objects of the moderate front and coastal engineering infrastructure were commissioned to the arrival of the first atomic submarines of the class "Borea".

Currently, there are three submarines of the project 955 as part of the fleet. In just 2021, it is planned to build eight such missilers, and five of them are an upgraded project 955a. In December 2016, the eighth submarine of this project was laid on Sevmash.
In the south of the country in Novorossiysk, a gentle front for submarines of the project 636 was built. These are the latest diesel-electric submarines of Warshowan type. Six submarine are already serving in the Black Sea Fleet.

In the Southern Military District, the arrangement of the military towns of two rocket brigades equipped with the operational-tactical missile complexes "Iskander-M" was completed. Also completed the arrangement of a missile brigade in Shuy (Ivanovo region). In 2016, the land forces received two brigade sets of this complex.

The infrastructure of the first regiments of the rocket troops of the strategic appointment, equipped with moving and stationary rocket complexes "Yar", commissioned. In 2016, mobile complexes were received in the amount of 23 units in the RVSN regiments in Teikovo, Nizhny Tagil and Novosibirsk. In 2017, mobile and mine "Yarsa" will also continue to enter Kozel, Yoshkar-Olin, Novosibirsk and Irkutsk missile compounds.


Arctic territories are integrated by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Until the end of 2017, more than 100 infrastructure facilities will be built. The surrendered objects are located on the territory of the Arctic military bases that deployed on the Earth Franz Joseph, the new land, the islands of middle and boiler house, Cape Schmidt, the island of Wrangel.

On the island of the Land Alexandra (Earth Archipelago Franz Joseph), by the end of the year, more than 30 facilities will be erected, including the Nurstie airfield. Currently, the builders performed clearing the site, the device of temporary roads. After the completion of modernization, the airfield will be able to yearly take most types of military transport aircraft.

As noted in the military department, "the Arctic Trilisnik administrative and residential complex is underway here, which is the only capital construction object in the world, erected on the 80th degree of northern latitude.

In the village of Rogachevo (New Earth archipelago), the construction of technical positions and social infrastructure is underway, as well as the airfield.

At Cape Schmidt (Chukotka Autonomous District), by the end of the year, it is planned to pass more than 30 objects of military and social infrastructure. The construction of stationary objects of the radar branch and the point of attachment of aviation continues.

More about 30 capital construction objects will be surrendered by the end of this year on the island of Wrangel.

A number of objects intended for delivery in 2017 are located on the island of Middle (Archipelago North Earth).

In 2016, within the framework of the environmental treatment of the Arctic, the divisions of the Russian army collected 6054 tons of scrap metal, of which 4778 tons were exported to the mainland. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe purified territory was 161 hectares.

Construction in the Arctic is a unique logistics, delivery, construction and installation work project. For the first time B. modern Russia Such large-scale work is underway in the Far North
Timur Ivanov
deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation

According to the Ministry of Defense, today in the design stage and at the stage of preparatory work - the creation and modernization of a number of airfields in the Arctic zone, such as Tiksi, Anadyr, Vorkuta, pace and others. Work on the arctication of divisions of the Ministry of Defense in the Arctic will continue until 2020.


View of the runway from the slope of the volcano on the island of Matu

A number of new military facilities are built on the Kuril Islands ITUP and Kunashir, as well as social infrastructure: hostels for military personnel, cultural and leisure and sports centers. The total construction area reaches 400 thousand square meters. M, everything is planned to build 392 buildings and structures.

In 2016, together with the Russian geographic society, the military held an expedition to the islands of Matua and Paramushir (included in Kurili), during which he studied the possibility of placing troops there. Participants were examined by the runway of the island, deployed mobile airfield complexes and equipment to ensure the movement of aircraft.

As part of the planned strengthening of the Eastern Rubber, Russian military leadership intends to create a new item for the basic forces of the Pacific Fleet on the island.


Baltic Naval Base

In the interests of the Baltic Fleet, it is planned to build barracks and dining rooms in the military towns of Sovetsk and Baltiysk, as well as tontobile shelters for weapons in the park areas of the Military Towns of Chernyakhovska and the village of Donskoy.

According to the plan there is a reconstruction of the Fleet Basement Point in Baltiysk. Work at the communal complex began in 2012 after the engineering examination revealed the emergency condition of the objects that were used for 60 years without proper maintenance.

It is expected that as a result of the reconstruction, the Fleet Basement point will be recreated, capable of providing parking and servicing the most contemporary ships entering on weapons and for the future.

In total, in the framework of further arrangement of the Baltic naval base, a wide front of work is provided for up to 2020.

Road bypassing Ukraine

Railway troops continue to build a section of the railway Railway - Millerovo bypassing Ukraine. Earth canvas are ready. The scope of work amounted to 9 million cubic meters. m. 23 km of railway canvases from 84 are laid. Complete construction is planned until September 2017.

Thus, the task of construction of the railway railway for the construction of the railway railway for the construction of the railway railway and Russian Railways will be performed early, more than a year before the deadline
Dmitry Bulgakov
deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Army General

Previously, Bulgakov reported that railway Bypassing Ukraine will begin to function on August 15, 2017. According to him, the site will have to build six new stations and reconstruct two already existing ones.

Military housing

Since the beginning of 2016, the Ministry of Defense has passed on the planned mode of providing permanent housing. Also withstand high rates of service personnel with service housing. In 2016, the apartments received 28,500 people. Additionally, 12,100 residential premises are included in the specialized housing fund of the Ministry of Defense.

As reported in the military, taking into account the decisions taken to increase the amount of compensation for carrying real level, the problem of service housing is solved.

As Timur Ivanov, Timur Ivanov, Timur Ivanov, told "Kommersant", in 2017, in Moscow will be transferred to the settlement of the remaining residential buildings - more than 8 thousand apartments. This will give a solution to the problem for 85% of military personnel who have chosen Moscow.

The remaining servicemen awaiting apartments in the capital will be provided by receiving housing subsidy. In 2017-2019, it provides for the federal budget for the allocation of 37.78 billion annually.

Military schools

In 2016, in just five months from scratch, the Tula Suvorov Military School was rebuilt. Established in the south-east of the city by the forces "Defense" and the main department of arrangement, on September 1, it took 240 Suvorians of the fifth, sixth and seventh classes.

The decision to recreation of the school accepted President Vladimir Putin in March last year. It is expected that after completing all the construction queues, about 560 children will live in it.

The construction of the Petrozavodsk Presidential Cadet School has begun. Work is carried out by their own forces in the amount of about 30 thousand people. The cost of the entire complex of work on the creation of the school is 4.1 billion rubles.

The decision on its creation was adopted by the President of the Russian Federation upon proposal State Commission In preparation for the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the formation of Karelia. The place was chosen in the military town No. 6 located on the Komsomolsky Prospect in Petrozavodsk. In September of this year, the school must open its doors for new pupils.

According to the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Timur Ivanova, the creation of such educational institutions And the revival of the glorious traditions of the cadet is for the Ministry of Defense a priority strategic task.

We have experience in building such objects in a short time. In just four months, two colleges were built: in Sevastopol and Kyzyl. In 2016, for the same period, the Suvorov School was built in Tula, so we are confident that in 2017 the first 360 pupils will begin their studies
Timur Ivanov
deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation

East cosmodrome

The eastern cosmodrome is the first Russian civilian cosmodrome, located in the Amur region near the future Nasupograd Tsiolkovsky. Construction, which began in 2012, occupied less than four years: In April 2016, the first successful start with the conclusion in the orbit of three satellites was produced from the cosmodrome. For 2017, the construction of the second stage of the eastern one is planned.

In December 2016, it became known about the abolition of a specialist Russia. Instead, eight FSUE will be created, which will only build special objects of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The reason for the elimination was numerous claims of customers and authorities to the deadlines for the execution of work and financial discipline subordinate to the Agency of FSUE, in particular, discontent was caused by a large number of violations on the construction of the Eastern cosmodrome.

FSUE "Center of operation of objects of ground-based space infrastructure" (Cennie) will hold start-up and technical complexes, as well as water intake facilities to ensure start-ups from the Eastern Cosmodity in 2017. Cenci has already concluded eight contracts with subcontract organizations.

Western polygons

In the Western Military District, a large-scale reconstruction of the polygons began. Connections and military units in Leningrad region Receive updated tank directresses and military shooting, and the polygons of the Nizhny Novgorod and Voronezh region are new tankodromes.

Military shooting and tank directors will be equipped with tactical sets to create a remotely controlled target situation and computer simulators for modeling any educational situations.

As the military assured, "new tankodromes will meet the modern requirements for the preparation of mechanics-drivers of tanks of various modifications," and the reconstruction of the polygons and the construction of new facilities will significantly reduce the training deadlines and combat interaction of units.

Airfield in Akhtubinsk

The main department of construction of roads and airfieldris has concluded a contract for the second stage of the reconstruction of Akhtubinsk airfield in the Astrakhan region. The State Flight Testing Center named after Valery Chkalov is based on this airfield.

The construction of new facilities on this airfield is planned even more large-scale: several specialized sites, buildings, heating, sewage systems, power supply. The construction of the network is envisaged road roads and other objects.

Mountain roads

The troops of the Southern Military District this year will be built eight mountain transitions in Chechnya and Ingushetia for the development of tourism. They will be used to deliver building materials in highlands, where tourist zones will be created.

Transitions are built through mountain streams and rivers, which do not allow you to climb the mountain plateau. We plan five transitions in the Chechen Republic and three transitions to Ingushetia. This will allow organizations to go to the construction sites in hard-to-reach areas at an altitude of up to 2.6 thousand meters, where the construction of mountain tourist clusters will be deployed.
Konstantin Bakery
head of Engineering Forces of the Southern Military District, Major General

By it is mixed, construction has already begun in certain districts. In some cases, for the delivery of materials and food, the military uses pack animals - horses and donkeys. After construction, these transitions will be transferred to civilian organizations.

Any army needs its own infrastructure. And the larger and the technologies of the army, the more diverse the nomenclature of the weapon used is the larger and the harder facilities are required to accommodate personnel and equipment, warehouses and polygons of weapons or warehouses, training positions for training troops.

In Russia, the design and construction of all these objects is engaged in the military-building complex of the Ministry of Defense. Not so long ago, he once again underwent large-scale reform.

In recent days of 2016, the decree of Putin's president "On the abolition of the Federal Agency for Special Construction" was published, according to which, by July 1, 2017, Specstroe should terminate his independent activities, and its functions are transferred to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

In the military expert community, this decision caused a definitely positive reaction. After all, B. soviet times The military-building complex was under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense and only due to the restructuring turned into a completely "civilian" service. And, I must say, has greatly degraded.

So the Russian RosSpetsstroy is not at all the same as the famous Soviet Specstroy.

Primary of the Specialist of the USSR - Construction Management No. 565 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR - was established on March 31, 1951, and in 1953 it was transformed into the General Directorate of Special Construction (GlavspecStroy). Prior to this military-building complex, as a single structure did not exist.

GlavspecStroy was created mainly for the construction of the Moscow air defense system C-25 "Berkut". Large and small concrete rings around Moscow are car artery of this system. Then GlavspecStroy built a Leningrad air defense system, known as C-50, air defense facilities in Kalininskaya (now Tverskaya), Novgorod and Pskov regions.

On the account of the Harpset Construction of many major industrial facilities In the XX century. This is the construction of the Upper Maker's Metallurgical Production Association, the so-called titanium magnetic, and the expansion of Izhevsk engineering and metallurgical plants, and the construction of special communication systems, the construction of the M. V. Khrunichev plant, Red October factories, "Energomash" and "Banner of Labor" , Rocket and Space Corporation "Energia" them. Academician S. P. Queen and many other civil or dual objects. And all this is not counting the construction of special military facilities, many of which are still secret.

But so it was before the collapse of the USSR.

In the 90s, Specstroy was subjected to a number of abolitions, reorganizations and abbreviations, engineering and construction parts were transferred to the subordination to other structures, the states were climbed and so on.

In general, the trend was understandable. The army, not going to fight with the West, which reduces their ranks and turning into a contract basis, is not needed its own powerful construction complex. He does not fit into the concept of market relations. And the problems of preserving unique developments, highly professional frames, and just the secrecy of anyone was not worried about.

By 1997, only 20 thousand people left military builders and a little more than 200 people of the central apparatus. But the reorganization continued, and they ended only in 2004 by education Federal Agency Special construction (ROSSPETSSTROY).

But it was not the end of the reformist misfortunes of the military-building complex. Because Anatoly Serdyukov became the head of the Ministry of Defense. He, together with his famitian Dmitry Naginsky, what is called, "spoiled" RosSpetsstroy from the Ministry of Defense.

Serdyukovsky team decided to make civil engines involved in military construction. And now the parties in the composition of VSK, the construction organizations undertook to work solely on a tender basis. It is worth just to think about - strategic, secret and special defense facilities were built by conventional commercial firms!

In addition, there was a banal "cut" property of the VSK, because the enterprises belonged to the military-building industry had expensive lands, equipment, buildings, often in prestigious areas of large cities, and other material assets. Here it is worth remembering the story of the construction of the building of the Design Institute of 31 GPISs in the Smolensk Boulevard in Moscow at one time.

That is, the spacious for the frauds opened unprecedented, and Rospecters took advantage of this fully. Only when in November 2015, due to the unpretentiousness of the cosmodrome "East", the president had to be transferred for six months the launch of the Soyuz-2.1A launch vehicle, the business began to unwind. As a result of the inspections, monstrous abuses were found.

It turned out that Specstroy himself performs work only by 15-20% of the cost of contracts, and everything else (including design and estimate documentation) instructs third-party structures. It is not surprising that the deadlines for the implementation of state contracts (in the amount of more than 159 billion rubles), and the lag from the work schedule were 72 of 83 military facilities.

But specially distinguished Specstroy precisely on the cosmodrome "East". There worked more than 250 "Sharacter offices" (then because construction companies), the majority of which did not have the necessary competence, nor equipment or high-quality specialists. In cases of embezzlement and non-payment of wages, many dozens of criminal cases were initiated. There was no more about secrecy, to achieve at least relative quality.

So the abolition of ROSSSPORIY produced by the president and the transfer of its assets to the Ministry of Defense was a matter of critically necessary in terms of the security of the country.

Before the new structure, extremely serious tasks were delivered:

  • be able to create special, conceptual, typical projects military and civil facilities, taking into account engineering and transport infrastructure, climatic and geographical features locality;
  • to be ready to build any buildings, complexes and special army facilities;
  • the erected objects must have a modern infrastructure and a well-equipped medium, they must be fully equipped with new, high-tech equipment according to the appointment;
  • an everyday task is to operate residential and housing and barracks.

So, the tasks are defined, the goals are indicated. It would seem that at last SSK found what he needed so long - the meaning of his existence. However, not all so simple.

First, it is only new organizations and a new structure has been created for an external non-breaking look. And in fact, the personnel composition, and the technique, and everything else in the mass of their own was simply translated from the liquidated enterprises, all the same stealing ROSSSETS.

Secondly, it is not yet completely, but very seriously during the incorporation of the late 2000s, special design institutions are ruined. A huge number of cool military specialists is lost - part was dismissed, part of retired. This and during the times, a specialist affected the quality of work and to an even greater extent affects now.

Thirdly, the inertia of the management of the management method remains and continues to be kept. The Rossetsstroy is accustomed to the fact that since the construction workers in the state and the park technology are small, then the missing frames are hired in places of construction, and cars are taken to rent. The result is appropriate.

The former psychology has been preserved, which will have to get rid of a very long time. Neither the familiar cooking corruption, nor the disruption of the work of work, nor non-payment of contractors - did not share anywhere. And this is one of the reasons for the low quality of the eared objects. And no "personnel orgvodovats" inside the structure according to the results of such violations was not done. Perhaps correct this problem will allow the inclusion of major construction activities in State program Armament, which stated Sergey Shoigu on the board of the Ministry of Defense on December 26, 2017. Wait and see.

While the only advantage is the very fact of transferring special military construction under the wing of the Ministry of Defense. This creates a single responsible for the state defense system in the field of special construction. Which, at the end of the formation process, will be appointed the only provider in the field of design and construction for the Ministry of Defense. But here it did not cost without a spoon of tar - completely from the tender procedures of VSK was not released. The enterprises of the military-building complex under the law are obliged to hold a tender for their subcontractors, and nothing has changed in this sense.

Thus, the problems of the military-building complex to the end are not eliminated, there are many weak points that corruption can take advantage. And what is the most important thing - all reforms and permutations in the military-building complex will be ineffective until people will come to the posts of the upper and mid-managerial link, who in the first place the fulfillment of the tasks that are sick for their own and the common cause are Can build relations with the surrounding departments and organizations, not believing with personal preferences and interests, but only on the basis of the benefit for the army and the state.

Now let us ask for two fundamental issues. The first of them is whether the state is capable of (and even the greatest power), leading only private (commercial) construction, ensure its defense capability?

More wise ancient Romans believed that construction was one of the most important military specialties. The tasks of military construction have since become immeasurably large-scale. So can civil builders who do not know the specifics of special construction, ensure proper quality, for example, missile mines or airfields for our strategic bombers?

The second - the military-building complex on the very fact of its belonging to the system of the Ministry of Defense is made closely connected with this issue, and not to receive commercial profits. Of course, there are also cases of embezzlement and fraud, but this does not cancel the principle - building defense facilities, military builders understand that they are necessary in case of war, and refer to their task, respectively. Whereas for commercial construction firmsInhibited only about his pocket, this is another regular object, the means to be released on which should be able to solve as efficiently as possible. And whether it will be reliably functioning in wartime - this firm does not care.

So transfer the special construction to the Ministry of Defense is just half an end. And then it is necessary to a solid and meaningful leadership of this system, returning to research institutes and military construction organizations of old experienced personnel and systematic cultivation of new, ubiquitous hard control to get rid of the criminal skills of work and much more.

And the main thing is to try to save at least the scope of the country's defense capability from the "market" methods of work, which sooner or later will lead the army and the defense to death.

Introduction to work

The current state of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the development trends are under the influence of the country of military reform. the main objective Which consists of creating a new model of a zampmissiveness of the military organization of the state with economics, politics and society. The result of the transformation carried out should be the creation of a unified, effective military organization of the state corresponding to modern geostrategic. Socially political, economic and military-technical realities, as well as tasks for guaranteed ensuring defense and military security of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the basis of the new approach to the construction of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is being laid on the principle of achieving the maximum efficiency of military organization with minimally permissible financial and material costs" .

Military reform in a new way set the task of satisfying the zoenco-icongicheski needs of the armed forces. The special place of the resheshshs of these tasks belongs to the military-building complex (all. Being an integral part military economy States, he at the same time forms the basis of the industrial sector of the Armed Forces and is designed to maintain the high combat readiness of Zoyisk and ensure the safety of the state. Its activity is inextricably linked with the general process of functioning of the economy of our state and the reform of the Armed Forces (Sun) of the Russian Federation (RF).

Considering the features of the experienced period characterized by the development of new relations in the country's economy, including in the construction station, which has changed the nature of the tasks solved by the Ministry of Defense, the need to adapt to the conditions of tough budget Policy, determine the objective necessity and the need for theoretical development conceptual basics reforming the military-building complex and determining the main directions of increasing it economic efficiency.

In this way, the relevance of research This problem is due to a number of circumstances:

First, the radical changes in the nature of the tasks facing the military-building complex, in connection with the reform of the armed forces, predetermine the need to develop the conceptual foundations of the new economic and military-technical policy in the construction of military infrastructure facilities.

See: Main War Construction Document. Independent Military Review. - 1998, TO" 6, p.4.

Secondly, in the conditions of the crisis development of the economy, the state's approaches to the investment and credit policy as a whole and in relation to the military-strongel complex in particular are fundamentally, in particular.

Thirdly, the reform of the military-building complex requires a thorough military-economic analysis of the accommodated measures for its structural transformations, in accordance with the new. \\ W principles of the construction of the Armed Forces.

Fourth, with the transition to market system Real! Objectively arises the need for theoretical development and the methodology for assessing the economic efficiency of enterprises and organizations of the military-building complex is improved.

Fifth, the process of reforming the armed forces, in Novokhhu raised questions related to the improvement of the social-infrastructure of the army and the fleet, the arrangement of troops in the deployment places, by decision housing problem Fired and dismissed to the margin of military personnel and others.

Theoretical understanding of the economic problems of the development of the construction complex of the armed forces, due to their special significance, has always been the subject of close attention of scientists. Special place in this occupy the work of military authors. "

Ayaisimov A.E. Systems approach To the problem of providing the housing of military personnel. In Sat.: Some Scientific and Technical Problems of Military-Building Science. - M.: MO RF, 1996; Bulanov A.I., Andreev LS, Borisov O.A. , and others. Economy of capital construction of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR.- M.: Milivdat, 1988; Gerasimenko I.I. Study of methods for improving the structure of the department of management of the construction complex of the Military District. Diss ... Cand. those. science - L.: LVVIS, 1989, (chipboard);

Gordeev I.A. Problems of pricing and construction efficiency. In Sat.: Meeting Materials Section "Economics, Organization and Management of Construction in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.". - M: MO RF, 1995; Gulis A.F. On improving the effectiveness of capital construction in the Ministry of Defense in the context of improving the economic mechanism. Thematic scientific collection. - M.: Milivdat, 1982; Dollty.d Capital construction economy in the Ministry of Defense. - M.: VFEF, 1995; Isaev V.V. State and main directions of improvement organizational structure Capital construction management in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. In Sat: Organizational and Scientific and Technical Problems of Improvement and Reforming Capital Construction of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. - M.: MO RF.1996; Kirisyuk G.M., Lakhovsky B.C. Lending to the expense construction organizations of the Ministry of Defense. -M: Milivdat, 1993; Pavlkzhov ch. Features of the determination of cost construction work military-building organizations in the conditions of transition to the market. In Sat.: Problems of the economy and management in the construction of infrastructure facilities of the Armed Forces and the ways to solve them. - M.: MO RF, 1997; Solomatin A.V. Problems housing construction In the army: solutions. - MO RF, 1995; Khrustalev E.Yu., Annenkov A.P., Batjkovsky A.M. Ways to solve the problem of investing in

Having gave tribute to the authors of the above work, it should be noted that they are more:! The degrees are associated E with the analysis of the Conptial areas of the activities of the units of the military-building complex: financial and economic. production and technological, organizational and lawn and others.

Relevance, insufficient scientific desires and without \\ "Slovench's practical significance of the NSelated \\ EMOI" II problems and determined Zybor subject research.

Premogt Islegunky It is zoishly-obeying complex of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the problem of increasing its effectiveness. 3) Words of reforming the Armed Forces.

The purpose of the junk work is a comprehensive study of the problem of improving the efficiency of the military-building complex 3 modern conditions.


    analysis of the state and features of the development of enterprises of the military-building complex of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in modern conditions:

    theoretical substantiation and clarification of categories "Military-Building Complex" and "" Social Infrastructure of Armed SIP "";

    analysis of the current state of the military infrastructure of the state and the definition of measures for its creation and improvement;

    theoretical analysis of the improvement of the methodology for assessing the nature of the enterprises of the construction complex of the Armed Forces;

    zkonomіgsky analysis of the optimization of management bodies and the development of a list of basic measures to improve the organizational structure of VSK;

    study of the most acceptable organizational and legal forms of military-building prefigi in the transition to the market;

    economic analysis The state of the housing problem in the armed forces and the determination of possible conceptual approaches to its solution.

The general theoretical and methodological base of the study are: Methods of economic theory, systemic and military-economic analysis, research of operations, "Methods of optimal decision-making.

housing construction of the Ministry of Defense. - "Military Thought." - 1997, and 1. Shatunov V.I. Economy, organization and planning of capital construction in the Ministry of Defense. - M.: VFEF, 1984; Shcherbak V.P., Savchenko B.F. Finance capital construction in the Ministry of Defense. - M.: VFEF, 1980.

The empirical database of the dissertation was:! Concrete joniology-eetpetyceek data, materials from start-geohetcheekph. Practical and military-scientific conferences, some periodic printing data. For Development of Laying "! Theses also used individual documents of government bodies and the establishment of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Scientific novelty It is to solve the tasks of the dissertation research and consists of the following:

with the analysis of the modern features of the state and development of the zoomed-strollery complex and the determination of possible areas of jaconosphere and military-technical policy on the creation of the state infrastructure improvement of zoennop:

in theoretical substantiation and clarification of the categories "Military Construction Complex" and "Social Infrastructure of the Armed Forces":

in determining the possible direction of improving the economic efficiency of enterprises of the construction complex of armed SIP:

in justifying possible approaches to investing housing construction in conditions transition economy and improving the service life of servicemen's service housing.

According to the results of the research on protection, the following provisions are made:

    The results of the analysis of the current state and the prospects for the development of the military-building complex.

    The substantiation of the priority directions of economic and military-technological policies to create and improve the military infrastructure of the state.

    The main directions to improve the methodology for assessing the economic efficiency of enterprises of the construction complex of the Armed Forces are.

    Conclusions and suggestions for improving the organizational structure of the military-building complex.

    Proposals for improving housing construction in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Practical significance of work lies in the fact that the author studied by the author allowed to make a number of concrete conclusions and practical recommendationswhich can be used interested government agencies and the leadership of the Ministry of Defense, on the optimal use of budget and

extrabudgetary funds. In order to improve the economic efficiency of the activities carried out on the reform of the military-building complex of the Armed Forces.

Along with this, the dissertation research materials can be used by the progress of the military economy, other profile disciplines in the highest military and educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense, as well as other powerful departments of Russia.

Offers and recommendations of dissertation research were used in preparation regulatory documents to develop a program for reforming the construction complex of the Armed Forces. The author himself participated in the implementation of a number of NIRs held by the Ministry of Defense for Profile Problems.

Approbation of research. The main provisions of the dissertation work were used in reports at scientific and practical conferences conducted by sectoral research institutes and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The volume of publications on the topic of more than 5 pl.

Structure of oissing Introduction Chapter 1. The condition and features of the functioning of the military-building complex in modern conditions. 1.1. Construction complex and economic problems His development. 1.2. Ensuring the methodology for assessing the economic efficiency of enterprises in the field of military construction. Chapter 2. The main directions of increasing the economic efficiency of the military-construction complex. 2.1. Potimization of management bodies and organizational structure of the construction complex of the Ministry of Defense. 2.2. Akon1Gal problems of housing construction in the armed forces and possible ways of igh decisions. Conclusion. Bibliographic list of used literature. Applications.

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