
Government Decree 468 dated 21.06 10. Government Decision on the procedure for conducting construction control in the implementation of construction, reconstruction and overhaul of capital construction facilities - Russian newspaper. Chairman

Government of the Russian Federation


In accordance with part 8 of Article 53 of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation, the government Russian Federation


1. To approve the attached provision on the conduct of construction control in the implementation of construction, reconstruction and overhaul Objects capital construction.

2. To establish that in relation to capital construction objects, funded in whole or in part with the involvement of funds federal budget:

a) if preparation project documentation Completed and adopted by the Customer on the act of acceptance of work performed before the entry into force of this Regulation, the Customer of the Project Documentation has the right to send it to a state expertise without additional work related to the implementation of the calculation of the cost of building control;

b) the lack of calculating the size of the cost of conducting construction control in the design documentation submitted to the state expertise, in the case specified in subparagraph "A" of this paragraph, as well as if the state examination of the project documentation is not completed before the entry into force of this Regulation is not is the basis for the preparation of a negative conclusion of the state examination of project documentation;

c) in the absence of a project documentation for calculating the amount of costs for building control, financing costs for its implementation is made at the expense of the funds provided for in unforeseen work and costs in the consolidated estimated calculation of the cost of construction, in the amount not exceeding the size calculated in accordance with paragraph 15 The provisions approved by this Resolution except if the costs of building control on the date of entry into force of this resolution exceeded the established size.

Chairman of the government
Russian Federation

Regulations on the conduct of construction control in the implementation of construction, reconstruction and overhaul of capital construction facilities

decree of Government
Russian Federation
dated June 21, 2010 N 468

1. This Regulation establishes the procedure for conducting construction control in the implementation of construction, reconstruction and overhaul (hereinafter - construction) of capital construction objects, regardless of the sources of funding, as well as the procedure for determining the amount of costs for the construction control and the number of employees carrying out construction control, Objects financed in whole or in part with the attracting funds of the federal budget.

2. The subject of construction control is to verify the performance of work in the construction of capital construction facilities for compliance with the requirements of the project and prepared on its basis working documentation, Results engineering Exquisites, requirements of the city planning plan land plot, technical regulations in order to ensure the safety of buildings and structures.

3. Construction control is carried out:

the developer, the customer or the organization that provides the preparation of project documentation and attracted by the Customer (Developer) under the contract for the implementation of construction control (in terms of checking the compliance of the work of the project documentation) (hereinafter referred to as the Customer).

4. Construction control functions have the right to carry out employees of the Contractor and the Customer, which in the prescribed manner is entrusted with the obligation to implement such control.

5. Construction control carried out by the Contractor includes the following tests:

a) checking the quality of building materials, products, structures and equipment set for the construction of an overhaul object (hereinafter referred to as products, input control);

b) checking compliance with established norms and rules for storing and storing the products used;

c) checking compliance and composition technological operations in the construction of the object of capital construction;

d) together with the customer inspection of works hidden by subsequent work (hereinafter - hidden work), and an intermediate acceptance of the erected building structuresaffecting the safety of the object of capital construction, sections of engineering networks;

e) acceptance of completed species (stages) of work;

(e) Checking together with the customer compliance with the completed construction of the facility with the requirements of the project and the work documentation prepared on it, the results of engineering research, the requirements of the city planning plan of the land plot, technical regulations.

6. Construction control carried out by the Customer includes the following tests:

a) verification of completeness and compliance installed deadlines execution by contractor input control and reliability of documentation of its results;

b) checking the execution of control measures to comply with the rules for storing and storing the products used and the accuracy of documenting its results;

c) checking the completeness and compliance with the established periods of execution by the contractor for monitoring the sequence and composition of technological operations on the construction of the construction of capital construction and reliability of documenting its results;

d) together with the contractor, examination of hidden works and an intermediate acceptance of the erected construction structures that affect the safety of the capital construction object, sections of engineering and technical support networks;

e) checking together with the contractor compliance with the completed construction of the facility with the requirements of the project and the working documentation prepared on it, the results of engineering research, the requirements of the urban planning plan of the land plot, the requirements of technical regulations;

(e) Other activities in order to implement the construction control provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and (or) concluded by the contract.

7. Input control is carried out until the use of products in the construction process and includes verification and maintenance of documents providers containing information about the quality of products, its compliance with the requirements of working documentation, technical regulations, standards and rules arches.

The contractor has the right to carry out input monitoring in the prescribed manner measurement and testing of relevant products on their own or entrust their holding an accredited organization.

In case of detection of products that do not meet the established requirements for construction, its use is not allowed.

8. In the event that, during the inspection of compliance with the rules of storage and storage, violations of established norms and rules, the use of products stored in violation, is not allowed to be confirmed to confirm the compliance of its quality indicators to the requirements of working documentation, technical regulations, standards and rules arches.

9. In the course of monitoring the sequence and composition of technological operations on the construction of capital construction facilities, an inspection is carried out:

compliance with the sequence and composition of the technological operations performed and their compliance with the requirements of technical regulations, standards, arrangements of the rules, project documentation, the results of engineering research, the urban planning plan of the land plot;

compliance of the quality of technological operations and their results with the requirements of the project and the working documentation prepared on it, as well as the requirements of technical regulations, standards and draft rules.

10. Prior to the completion of the process of examining hidden work, the execution of subsequent work is prohibited.

11. In the event that the control measures are performed in accordance with paragraphs 5 and 6 of these Regulations shared by the contractor and the customer, the Contractor provides notifying the Customer about the date and time of these events no later than 3 working days.

If the Customer was notified in the prescribed manner and did not appear to participate in the control measures, the Contractor has the right to hold them in the absence of the customer.

12. Holding control event And its results are fixed by drawing up the act. Information about the control measures carried out and their results are reflected in the general journal of work with the application to it appropriate acts. Acts compiled by the results of control measures carried out jointly by the contractor and the customer are drawn up in 2 copies and are signed by their representatives.

In the case provided by paragraph by the second paragraph 11 of these Regulations, the Contractor within 3 days after the completion of the control event is obliged to send the Customer 1 copy of the act compiled by the results of the control event.

13. At capital construction sites, built in whole or in part with the attracting funds of the federal budget, the implementation of construction control contractors is funded by the coverage of the contractor provided for in the price of the construction contract.

14. Regulations of the Customer for the implementation of construction control in the construction of capital construction facilities funded in whole or in part with the attracting funds of the federal budget, and the number of employees of the Customer, in which the construction control is established in the prescribed manner, are determined according to the annex.

15. The cost of the Customer's costs to carry out construction control in the construction of capital construction facilities funded in whole or in part with the attracting funds of the federal budget is determined on the basis of the total cost of construction, with the exception of the costs of acquiring land plots, in the basic price level as of January 1, 2000 (without value added tax) by calculation using customer spending standards defined in the annex to this Regulation, and indicates chapter 10 of the consolidated estimated calculation of the cost of construction on a separate line "Construction control".

Annex to the Regulation. Regulations of the Customer's expenses for the implementation of construction control in the construction of capital construction facilities funded in whole or in part with the attraction of funds federal budget, ...

to the Regulations on the construction
control in the implementation of construction,
reconstruction and overhaul
capital construction facilities

Customer's expenses for construction control in the construction of capital construction facilities funded in whole or in part with the attracting funds of the federal budget, and the cost of the number of employees of the Customer, in which the construction control is established in the prescribed manner.

Cost of construction in the basic price level as of January 1, 2000 (million rubles)

Customer's spending standards for construction control (percent)

The number of employees of the customer carrying out construction control (person)

from 30 to 50

from 50 to 70

from 70 to 90

from 90 to 125

from 125 to 150

from 150 to 200

from 200 to 300

from 300 to 400

from 400 to 500

from 500 to 600

from 600 to 750

from 750 to 900

Note. With the cost of construction more than 900 million rubles in the basic price level as of January 1, 2000:

a) standards for the expenditures of the Customer's construction control are determined by the formula

N \u003d 0,04193 * s / s,


N is the cost of expenditures to carry out construction control of the customer as a percentage;

C - the cost of construction in the basic price level as of January 1, 2000;

C - the cost of construction in the basic price level as of January 1, 2000, erected into 0.8022;

b) the number of customer employees carrying out construction control increases by 1 person for every 30 million rubles in excess of the specified amount.

Electronic document text

On the application of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 21.06.2010 N 468

Accepted Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation
  1. The Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation considered the appeal on the application of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 21.06.2010 N 468 "On the procedure for conducting construction control in the implementation of construction, reconstruction and overhaul of capital construction facilities" (hereinafter referred to as a resolution N 468) and reports the following.
  2. 1. Subparagraphs "A" and "B" of clause 2 of the Resolution No. 468 establishes a list of cases in which the lack of calculating the size of the cost of building control is not a basis for preparing a negative conclusion of the state examination of project documentation. The lack of calculating the amount of costs for the construction control, including those accountable in the cost of the customer's service, in other cases is a violation of the requirements for the content of the design documentation sections established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 16.02.2008 N 87 "On the composition of the project documentation sections and Requirements for their content. "
  3. According to clause 24 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05.03.2007 No. 145 "On the procedure for organizing and conducting a state examination of project documentation and engineering research results" The discrepancy between project documentation sections with the requirements for the content of project documentation sections is the basis for refusing to adopt project documentation submitted to the state Examination.
  4. 2. Based on the provisions of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 13, 2010 No. 716 "On approval of the rules for the formation and implementation of the Federal Address Investment Program" (hereinafter referred to Directorate).
  5. The cost of the Customer's expenditures to carry out construction control, established in the second column of the application to decree N 468, is applied in the event of a specialized organization for construction control by the state customer. The size of the Customer's costs for the implementation of construction control, calculated using the specified standard, is reflected in chapter 10 of the consolidated estimated calculation of the cost of construction by a separate line "Construction control".
  6. In accordance with paragraph 41 of the Resolution No. 716, for the construction of facilities of capital construction of industrial purposes, as well as large objects of capital construction of non-productive purposes on individually developed projects, the Directorate (Unified Directorate) of Construction can be created. At the same time, according to paragraph 42 of the specified resolution, if the Directorate (a single Directorate) is created, it exercises construction control, except in cases established by the acts of the Government of the Russian Federation. When creating a Directorate (Unified Directorate), a standard of the number of customer employees carrying out the construction control specified in the third column of the application to the Resolution No. 468. At the same time, the Customer's spending standards for the implementation of construction control set in the second column of the Annex to Decree No. 468 is not applicable. Customer's cost for the content of the Directorate (Unified Directorate), including those calculated using the specified standard, are not included in the consolidated estimated estimate.
  7. Director Department
  8. Architecture, construction
  9. and urban-planning policies
  10. I.V. Pononarev

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 21, 2010 N 468
"On the procedure for conducting construction control in the implementation of construction, reconstruction and overhaul of capital construction facilities"

15. The cost of customer's costs to carry out construction control in the construction of capital construction facilities funded in whole or in part with the attracting funds of the federal budget is determined on the basis of the total cost of construction, with the exception of expenses for the purchase of land plots, in the basic price level as of January 1, 2000 G. (without value added tax) by calculation using customer spending standards defined in the annex to this Regulation, and indicates Chapter 10 of the consolidated estimated calculation of the construction cost of a separate line "Construction control".

to the Regulations on the conduct
construction control Ply
implementation of construction,
reconstruction and overhaul
capital construction facilities

Regulations of expenses
customer for the implementation of construction control in the construction of capital construction facilities funded in whole or in part with the attraction of federal budget, and the regulations of the customer's employees, on which the established procedure is assigned to the implementation of construction control

(million rubles)

Customer's spending standards for construction control


Regulation of the number of employees of the customer carrying out construction control


1.72. At the cost of construction more than 900 million rubles in the basic price level as of January 1, 2000:

a) standards for the expenditures of the Customer's construction control are determined by the formula

N is the cost of expenditures to carry out construction control of the customer as a percentage;

The cost of construction in the basic price level as of January 1, 2000, erected to 0,8022;

b) the number of customer employees carrying out construction control increases by 1 person for every 30 million rubles in excess of the specified amount.

  • - What is the procedure for recognizing the calculation of the tax on the income of expenses in the form of introductory, membership fees, as well as contributions to the compensation fund of the self-regulating organization?
  • - Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated July 12, 2010 N 03-03-05 / 150 The Department of Tax and Customs Tariff Policy reviewed the letter on the procedure for recognizing expenses ...
  • - can they participate in the auction, which are held in accordance with the law of 07.21.2005 No. 94-FZ "On the placement of orders for the supply of goods, work, the provision of services for state and municipal needs", an organization that does not have evidence of Admission to work on the organization of construction?
  • - No, he can not. The condition for admission to participate in auction to perform work on the construction, reconstruction, overhaul of the capital construction object established in the bidding documentation ...
  • - We ask you to explain to the following formulation reflected in the certificate "is entitled to enter into agreements on the implementation of the organization of work on the construction, reconstruction and overhaul of capital construction facilities, the cost of which one contract does not exceed 10,000,000 (ten million rubles). 1. Does This wording for the entire list of works, the tolerance to which is allowed specified in the annex to the certificate or only to work in which the functions of the general contractor are performed. 2. Is it possible with the exception of the functions of the general contractor to carry out work in the amount exceeding 10,000,000 (ten million) rubles. 3. Please give the definition of the term "general contractor" function "
  • - 1. The wording in an annex to the admission certificate to a certain type or types of work that affect the safety of capital construction objects - the organization is entitled to enter into contracts ...
  • - B: Will the change in the list of workshops, which affect the safety of capital construction facilities, the change in civil liability insurance contract?
  • - O: In the event of a change in the list of types of work affecting the safety of capital construction facilities, as a result of which new types of work are introduced, part of the types of work are excluded ...
  • - Q: Can evidence, certificates and other documents issued by Rostekhnadzor on learning outcomes individuals According to various specialties, equal to documents on advanced training?
  • - O: Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (Rostechnadzor) is not an educational institution, and the issuance of certificates or certificates of advanced training is not included in ...
  • - In: Does the person have the right to have evidence of admission to the work issued by different self-regulatory organizations?
  • - Oh: In accordance with Part 7 of Article 55.6 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur may be a member of one or more self-regulatory organizations of each ...
  • - Q: Does the certificate of admission maintain its effect in the event of a change in the composition of the founders of a legal entity?

Resolution No. 468 of 21.06.2010

On the procedure for conducting construction control in the implementation of construction, reconstruction and overhaul of capital construction facilities

A source: Government of the Russian Federation

A place: Moscow

In accordance with Part 8 of Article 53 Town Planning Code Of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. To approve the attached provision on the construction of construction control in the implementation of construction, reconstruction and overhaul of capital construction facilities.

2. To establish that in relation to capital construction objects, funded in whole or in part with the attraction of the federal budget:

(a) If the preparation of project documentation has been completed and adopted by the Customer for the act of acceptance of work performed before the entry into force of this Regulation, the Customer of the Project Documentation has the right to send it to the State Examination without carrying out additional work related to the calculation of the cost of building control costs;

b) the lack of calculating the size of the cost of conducting construction control in the design documentation submitted to the state expertise, in the case specified in subparagraph "A" of this paragraph, as well as if the state examination of the project documentation is not completed before the entry into force of this Regulation is not is the basis for the preparation of a negative conclusion of the state examination of project documentation;

c) in the absence of a project documentation for calculating the amount of costs for building control, financing costs for its implementation is made at the expense of the funds provided for in unforeseen work and costs in the consolidated estimated calculation of the cost of construction, in the amount not exceeding the size calculated in accordance with paragraph 15 The provisions approved by this Resolution except if the costs of building control on the date of entry into force of this resolution exceeded the established size.

Chairman of the government

Russian Federation V.Putin


decree of Government

Russian Federation

N o l o f n and e

on the conduct of construction control in the implementation of construction, reconstruction and overhaul of capital construction facilities

1. This Regulation establishes the procedure for conducting construction control in the implementation of construction, reconstruction and overhaul (hereinafter - construction) of capital construction objects, regardless of the sources of funding, as well as the procedure for determining the amount of costs for the construction control and the number of employees carrying out construction control, Objects financed in whole or in part with the attracting funds of the federal budget.

2. The subject of construction control is to verify the performance of work in the construction of capital construction facilities for compliance with the requirements of the project and the working documentation prepared on it, the results of engineering research, the requirements of the urban planning plan of the land plot, the requirements of technical regulations in order to ensure the safety of buildings and structures.

3. Construction control is carried out:

a face engaged in construction (hereinafter - the contractor);

the developer, the customer or the organization that provides the preparation of project documentation and attracted by the Customer (Developer) under the contract for the implementation of construction control (in terms of checking the compliance of the work of the project documentation) (hereinafter referred to as the Customer).

4. Construction control functions have the right to carry out employees of the Contractor and the Customer, which in the prescribed manner is entrusted with the obligation to implement such control.

5. Construction control carried out by the Contractor includes the following tests:

a) checking the quality of building materials, products, structures and equipment set for the construction of an overhaul object (hereinafter referred to as products, input control);

b) checking compliance with established norms and rules for storing and storing the products used;

c) checking compliance with the sequence and composition of technological operations in the construction of the object of capital construction;

d) together with the Customer, the inspection of works hidden by subsequent work (hereinafter - hidden work), and an intermediate acceptance of the erected construction structures that affect the safety of the capital construction object, sections of engineering and technical support networks;

e) acceptance of completed species (stages) of work;

(e) Checking together with the customer compliance with the completed construction of the facility with the requirements of the project and the work documentation prepared on it, the results of engineering research, the requirements of the city planning plan of the land plot, technical regulations.

6. Construction control carried out by the Customer includes the following tests:

a) checking the completeness and compliance with the established time of execution by the contractor input control and the accuracy of documenting its results;

b) checking the execution of control measures to comply with the rules for storing and storing the products used and the accuracy of documenting its results;

c) checking the completeness and compliance with the established periods of execution by the contractor for monitoring the sequence and composition of technological operations on the construction of the construction of capital construction and reliability of documenting its results;

d) together with the contractor, examination of hidden works and an intermediate acceptance of the erected construction structures that affect the safety of the capital construction object, sections of engineering and technical support networks;

e) checking together with the contractor compliance with the completed construction of the facility with the requirements of the project and the working documentation prepared on it, the results of engineering research, the requirements of the urban planning plan of the land plot, the requirements of technical regulations;

(e) Other activities in order to implement the construction control provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and (or) concluded by the contract.

7. Input control is carried out until the use of products in the construction process and includes verification and maintenance of documents providers containing information about the quality of products, its compliance with the requirements of working documentation, technical regulations, standards and rules arches.

The contractor has the right to carry out input monitoring in the prescribed manner measurement and testing of relevant products on their own or entrust their holding an accredited organization.

In case of detection of products that do not meet the established requirements for construction, its use is not allowed.

8. In the event that, during the inspection of compliance with the rules of storage and storage, violations of established norms and rules, the use of products stored in violation, is not allowed to be confirmed to confirm the compliance of its quality indicators to the requirements of working documentation, technical regulations, standards and rules arches.

9. In the course of monitoring the sequence and composition of technological operations on the construction of capital construction facilities, an inspection is carried out:

compliance with the sequence and composition of the technological operations performed and their compliance with the requirements of technical regulations, standards, arrangements of the rules, project documentation, the results of engineering research, the urban planning plan of the land plot;

compliance of the quality of technological operations and their results with the requirements of the project and the working documentation prepared on it, as well as the requirements of technical regulations, standards and draft rules.

10. Prior to the completion of the process of examining hidden work, the execution of subsequent work is prohibited.

11. In the event that the control measures are performed in accordance with paragraphs 5 and 6 of these Regulations shared by the contractor and the customer, the Contractor provides notifying the Customer about the date and time of these events no later than 3 working days.

If the Customer was notified in the prescribed manner and did not appear to participate in the control measures, the Contractor has the right to hold them in the absence of the customer.

12. Conducting a control event and its results are recorded by drawing up an act. Information about the control measures carried out and their results are reflected in the general journal of work with the application to it appropriate acts. Acts compiled by the results of control measures carried out jointly by the contractor and the customer are drawn up in 2 copies and are signed by their representatives.

In the case provided by paragraph by the second paragraph 11 of these Regulations, the Contractor within 3 days after the completion of the control event is obliged to send the Customer 1 copy of the act compiled by the results of the control event.

13. At capital construction sites, built in whole or in part with the attracting funds of the federal budget, the implementation of construction control contractors is funded by the coverage of the contractor provided for in the price of the construction contract.

14. Regulations of the Customer for the implementation of construction control in the construction of capital construction facilities funded in whole or in part with the attracting funds of the federal budget, and the number of employees of the Customer, in which the construction control is established in the prescribed manner, are determined according to the annex.

15. The cost of customer's costs to carry out construction control in the construction of capital construction facilities funded in whole or in part with the attracting funds of the federal budget is determined on the basis of the total cost of construction, with the exception of expenses for the purchase of land plots, in the basic price level as of January 1, 2000 G. (without value added tax) by calculation using customer spending standards defined in the annex to this Regulation, and indicates chapter 10 of the consolidated estimated calculation of the cost of construction by a separate construction control line.


to the Regulation on Conducting Construction Control

in the implementation of construction, reconstruction and overhaul

capital construction facilities

Regulations of expenses

customer for the implementation of construction control in the construction of capital construction facilities funded in whole or in part with the attraction of federal budget, and the number of employees of the customer,

on which in the prescribed manner assigned a duty to implement construction control

Cost of construction

in the basic price level as of

(million rubles)

Customer's spending standards for construction control


Regulation of the number of employees of the customer carrying out construction control


up to 30.


from 30 to 50


from 50 to 70


from 70 to 90


from 90 to 125


from 125 to 150


from 150 to 200


from 200 to 300


from 300 to 400


from 400 to 500


from 500 to 600


from 600 to 750


from 750 to 900



At the cost of construction more than 900 million rubles in the basic price level as of January 1, 2000:

a) the standards for the expenditures for the construction control of the customer are determined by the formula H \u003d 0.04193 * from 0.8022 / s,


N is the cost of expenditures to carry out construction control of the customer as a percentage;

C - the cost of construction in the basic price level as of January 1, 2000;

From 0.8022 - the cost of construction in the basic price level as of January 1, 2000, erected into a degree of 0.8022;

b) the number of customer employees carrying out construction control increases by 1 person for every 30 million rubles in excess of the specified amount.

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