
Exploration work in construction. Geological Exquisites - Source of Knowledge of the Plot Engineering Research Geological Geodesic Environmental

All works are classified based on their goals. So, in the direction and specificity of activity, 3 main groups are allocated:

  • Geodesic activities. Mandatory work before the construction of a real estate object, which includes the preparation of the topographic painting of the area. After collecting data, they are transferred to paper - make a drawing, general planning. The creation of the drawings is engaged in an engineer-geodesist, which studies relief of the terrain. Exquisition for the design of this species allows you to carry out vertical planning, plan the landscape design. Topographic surveys recreate the painting of the area near the object.
  • Geological activities. Engineering and geological surveys are a set of actions at the initial stage of construction, which are aimed at assessing its expediency. The specialist studies the state of the soil so that you can define the appropriate type of foundation, features of fasteners and the design itself.
  • Environmental activity. The specialist studies the environmental climate. If the risk factors are found, they are eliminated and the optimal conditions for construction are eliminated. The result of the survey enters permissive documentation. Indications are necessarily taken into account when drawing up projects.

The organization of engineering surveys in construction is completed by the document - permission to the commission for the construction of the facility. As a result, the developer receives all the data to create a safe, environmentally friendly object accessible to accommodation. If at least one of the types of research has not been fulfilled, the construction permit will not be issued.

Engineering composition

The engineering activity includes several studies. The territory is analyzed from an economic, technical and environmental point of view. Analysis is carried out to collect the full amount of area data.

Survey in construction - mandatory procedures when erecting the following types of objects:

  • civilian;
  • industrial;
  • residential;
  • road, transport junctions and others.

What enters engineering surveys, the following factors determine:

  • how accessible and the object is studied;
  • what are the scale of the planned work;
  • for which the construction is intended;
  • how will build construction?

The types of engineering surveys are combined into a single large-scale work of specialists. They carry out calculations that allow you to see the real characteristics of the terrain on paper. All data obtained is fixed and have legal force. Information about the territory is the basis for construction planning.

In addition to the above, there are other varieties of research that can confirm, refute or clarify the previously obtained data. For example, the external environment, the state of the soil, soil, underground water is additionally studied. The developer can get detailed results of laboratory analysis of all samples and samples.

Objectives and objectives of engineering surveys

Exquisitions are carried out in accordance with the requirements of construction rules and standards SNIP 11.01-1995 for the following purposes:

  • get complete information about the plot;
  • make a forecast for possible changes in the future;
  • compile based on exact data volumetric layout;
  • eliminate possible negative factors in construction;
  • get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe natural potential of the site;
  • take into account all the details when designing;
  • create an object documentation with the designation of all accurate measurement data;
  • establish a real estate interaction sphere with an external environment;
  • make an object as safe and convenient as possible;
  • improve the reliability, stability and operational properties of objects.

Also, engineering surveys allow you to track the relationship of the design of the object and the overall natural environment.

Thus, the survey in construction is a combination of mandatory procedures that are aimed at studying all the characteristics of the construction site. The results of the research are enshrined legally and the basis of the documents for construction.

Additional services

In addition to the main types of work, engineers offer the so-called additional services in which there is a need for controversial situations. They often appear in the construction of large objects.

The secondary research includes:

  • geotechnical diagnostics of the territory;
  • project on fact with initially obtained data - soil samples,
  • the results of water analysis;
  • identifying potential risks from man-made and natural cataclysms;
  • creating a convenient engineering protection of an object from negative environmental factors;
  • full examination during the entire construction period.

Additional services and expertise are carried out throughout the construction. The approach includes an analysis of the quality of construction, building materials. Analysis results are also fixed on paper. It is possible to contact her later if controversial situations arise or the case will reach the court.

Types of research

Allocate the following types of surveys:

  • engineering and geotechnical - the study of the Earth, the composition of the soil;
  • engineering and hydrological - analysis of the natural environment and features of the conditions of the territory;
  • engineering and hydrometeorological - weather conditions of the district;
  • engineering and environmental - environmental conditions;
  • engineering and geological - natural medium in terms of geological activity;
  • engineering and geodesic - sightseeing of the terrain from different angles;
  • engineering and topographic - topographic shooting of a plot of future building and adjacent territory.

Economic and engineering and construction factors are also taken into account.

The final result of engineering surveys

Construction always begins with the creation of a project and studying the documentation, which engineers-geodesists are obtained as a result of a prolonged analysis of the site. The results of their work include:

  • topographic survey with reflection of terrain, communications, engineering structures;
  • geological report, including the specifics of the area and laboratory analysis of the soil;
  • hydrological information about weather conditions;
  • environmental assessment of water quality and air.

Planning and exercising engineering activities

Work, during which make up a detailed report, consists of several stages.

  1. Preparatory Stage: Request of the developer or the owner of the territory, collecting primary information and appeal to archival data. Planning volume and duration of work.
  2. Field activity: carrying out all types of work, ranging from geological and ending with engineering and technical surveys.
  3. Cameral stage: analysis of the data obtained, systematization of information, drawing up documentation.

Procedure for Engineering Exquisites

All types of work that need to be held before construction starts only if there is a written tolerance to them. Admission is needed both to legal entities and individuals.

All preparatory work is carried out in order to:

  • obtain data on the natural area of \u200b\u200bthe site and technogenic factors;
  • take into account possible changes in the environmental side and develop a construction option with the maximum safety of nature;
  • get information for documentary reporting.

Before starting work, you need to collect a package of documents:

  • urban planning planning of the territory, documentary permission for land development;
  • extract from the Unified Registry of the Cadastral Room Motion;
  • technical characteristics of the object.

The city planning plan is issued within a month after the request. After that, engineering surveys are carried out, make up the construction project, make a volumetric layout. The project is developed on the basis of the rules of the city planning code and other regulatory acts.

Then the long process of planning the construction or reconstruction of the object begins. All design options provide for consideration by the Commission, which coordinates the final result.

If the design takes up too much time, permission to connect engineering and technical networks loses legal force. In this case, the owner or developer appeals to the municipal authorities for a new resolution.

To avoid delays, when contacting you need to provide a number of information:

  • the level of permissible load when connected;
  • the period for connecting real estate.

The validity period of technical conditions is 2 years from the date of issuing permission.

Specifications also indicate the documentation, all the nuances are described in the contract. After choosing an organization, which will provide engineering and technical services, negotiate with the company that will be connected. Information about the timing and methods of payment and connection must be provided within 2 weeks.

Single rates for preliminary evaluation of the cost of work:

Geology for individual (private) construction in Moscow and the Moscow region from 1,200 rubles / meter drilling
Geology for the design of civil and industrial facilities in the Moscow region from 1,500 rubles / meter drilling
Geology for the design of civil and industrial facilities in Moscow from 1,800 rubles / meter drilling
Geodesy in the Moscow region - from 10,000 rubles / ha
Geodesy in Moscow - from 25,000 rubles / ha
Ecology for the design of civil and industrial facilities in Moscow and the Moscow region - from 15,000 rubles / ha

Engineering surveys from the Mosgerad

The main objective task is to obtain a maximum of information about the environment and conditions in which the designed structure will be. Affordable prices for the services of the Mosgeoproject - the merit not only competent specialists, but also greater experience. Contact us and we will find the optimal approach and to your project!

We rightly occupy a leading place in our region - we trust us exploration work for construction Various scales. Our clients receive comprehensive information about all the features of the construction site. Designers engineering Technical Research Provide information about the geological cut, state of soil, air, water, etc. All data are issued on official in accordance with all standards and regulatory documents.

Conducted engineering Survey Works allow you to predict the effect that will enable the structure of the structure. This makes it possible to provide protective measures before the construction of construction. Thanks to this, you will save money, and time.

Engineering surveys in Moscow

A difficult situation with land plots in the capital leads to a state of confusion of many developers. Part of the price of engineering research prices in construction - many unscrupulous organizations seriously overestimate prices. We accounted for this problem and provide our customers with optimal conditions for cooperation, which are selected individually, based on the aggregate of factors. Under the guidance of qualified specialists, integrated engineering surveys will take at least time!

We carry out the following types of engineering surveys:
- geological surveys, which include testing of soils with probing and stamps, drilling exploration wells, determining the properties of soils and modeling changes of conditions, along with the assessment of geological risks;
- Environmental studies in which radiological work on the site, the analysis of the soil for heavy metals, radionuclides, petroleum products and bacteria, as well as an assessment of the impact of physical factors;
- Geodesic work - measurement and centering, topographic shooting, maintenance during construction.

Our center for Engineering Exquisites Prepares technical reports on the results of all studies. All of them are compiled in accordance with current standards and successfully undergo the state expertise of engineering surveys.

The cost of engineering surveys in the Moscow region

Our organization has all the necessary documents confirming qualifications and competence. Mosgeoproject has the right to produce engineering surveys that affect the safety of capital construction facilities.

Compliance with standards provides customers as quickly as possible to resolve all issues. Compiled by professionals treaty for engineering surveys and design Includes all the necessary work. The strict operation of the tasks assigned ensures the correctness of all research results. Of course, you can independently make a program of work, but it is better to entrust this business to those skilled in the art.

With this level of quality, the price question seems quite trivial. Our department of Engineering Exquisites Provides customers with individual cooperation plan. You can always find an option that will satisfy you and start working on it. Just call - and our managers will help you find out what amount should count!

Construction surveys these days

With the improvement of construction facilities, studies aimed at ensuring their safety were consistently improved. On full-scaleengineering Construction Exquisites Inexperienced contractors can leave more time than professionals. Turning to the experts, you save your time and seek the tasks much faster!

Implementation of engineering surveys for construction accompanied by a number of other studies. Among them, geophysical, geotechnical, hydrogeological works, as well as surveys of the technical condition of structures of structures. Also, the Mosgeoproject can perform drilling of wells of any destination, carry out laboratory studies of soil and groundwater. All this information will be a valuable advantage in the hands of specialists. Of course, all data will then be included in the technical characteristics of the object in official documents.

Upscale institute of Engineering ExquisitesDeployed within the framework of our organization, provided the rapid start of construction of the mass of objects in Moscow and the Moscow region. We work with clients of various "sizes", from private traders to a large business. We earned a magnificent reputation due to the responsible approach and compliance with the timing of work.

If you need organization of engineering surveys - Call! Our managers will help you understand and select the most profitable option for cooperation.

Engineering surveys are a special special type of work, which is held before the start of any design for construction to study engineering and geological conditions within the site of the designed structure and adjacent territory. Engineering and geological conditions - the properties of soils, hydrogeological conditions, the structure of the geological cut, the presence of adverse processes. After all this, a technical conclusion is drawn up on the possibility of engineering and geological conditions and the possibility of construction in this area. Engineering and geological surveys are conducted by specialized organizations.

All engineering and geological surveys are conducted on the basis of a contract between the customer and the Contractor. All surveys are held on a legislative basis in order to conduct research, the Contractor must receive a technical task from the Customer, in which there must be a topographic plan of the terrain where construction will be held. The basis of all surveys is a geodesic card. The customer still applies permission that it is allowed to build this construction on this territory, then paper for the right to use this site (land separation). All surveys begin with the fact that in the geonadzor, the Contractor receives permission to conduct surveys.

Engineering surveys include:

Geotechnical control;

Survey of soil bases of buildings and structures;

Assessment of danger and risk from natural and technological processes;

Rationale for engineering protection of territories;

Local monitoring of environmental components;

Geodesic, geological, hydrogeological, hydrological, cadastral and other related work and research in the construction, operation and liquidation of objects;

Scientific research in the process of engineering surveys for the construction of buildings, structures and enterprises.

Thus, engineering and geological surveys are a complex of field and laboratory work, which are carried out in order to study engineering and geological conditions in the territory, which is intended for construction. The result of engineering and geological surveys is the source information for the design of industrial and civil buildings. 5-15% of the cost of the structure stands out on engineering and geological surveys.

Construction without engineering and geological surveys is prohibited!

In engineering and geological surveys, climate, relief, geological structure, properties of rocks, conditions for their occurrence, chemical composition of soils and groundwater, geological processes are studied. After analyzing the data obtained, the territory under study is carried out and choose the most favorable plot for construction.

Organization of research in construction

Engineering and geological surveys are conducted by specialized organizations and private firms that have a special license for this type of work.

The composition of engineering and geological surveys includes:

Collection and processing of materials of the surveys of past years

Conference of Cosmo-, Aerial Footage and Airborne Observations

Route observations (reconnaissance survey)


Geophysical studies

Field studies of soils

Hydrogeological research

Seismological studies

Seismic microdistrict

Stationary observations

Laboratory studies of soil and groundwater

Survey of soil bases of existing buildings and structures

Cameral processing of materials

Compilation of forecast changes in engineering and geological conditions

Drawing up a technical report

According to the results of engineering and geological surveys, the text part of the technical report is drawn up, which must contain: Introduction, engineering and geological conditions, physico-geographical and man-made conditions, geological structure, hydrogeological conditions, primer properties, geological and engineering and geological processes, engineering and geological Zoning and conclusion.

After carrying out all the work, a report is drawn up in this area in which geological cuts must be necessary, the table of the physicomechanical properties of soils, a list of dangerous geological processes, an assessment of hydrogeological conditions, conclusions should be made, where it is possible to build on this area, where it is impossible, and Tips for designers are given.

The technical task for engineering surveys for construction, as a rule, must contain the following information and data:

Object name;

Construction type (new construction, reconstruction, expansion, technical re-equipment, conservation, liquidation);

Information about the stage (phase of work), design and construction timing;

Characteristics of designed and reconstructed enterprises (geotechnical categories of objects), levels of responsibility of buildings and structures (according to GOST 27751-88);

Characteristics of the expected impact of construction objects on a natural environment, indicating the limits of these effects in space and in time and environmental impacts on an object in accordance with the requirements of SNIP22-01-95;

Necessary initial data to substantiate measures for the rational nature management and environmental protection of the natural environment, ensuring the sustainability of the designed buildings and structures and the safe living conditions of the population;

Information and data on the projected facilities, engineering protection activities of territories, buildings and structures in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.01.15-90 and SNiP 2.06.15-85, on the need to rehabilitate territory;

Goals and types of engineering surveys;

The list of regulatory documents, in accordance with the requirements of which it is necessary to carry out engineering surveys, including territorial construction regulations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

Data on the location and boundaries of the site (platforms) and construction trails;

Information on previously performed engineering surveys and research, data on those observed in the area of \u200b\u200bconstruction facility (at the site, highway) complications in the construction and operation of structures (deformations and emergencies);

Information about the degree of study and the main characteristics of natural and man-made conditions of construction should be given on materials and data from state federal, territorial and departmental funds.

Additional requirements for the production of certain types of engineering surveys, including industry specifics of the designed structures;

Requirements for accuracy, reliability, reliability and availability of the necessary data and characteristics in engineering surveys for construction;

Information on the need to implement research in the process of engineering surveys;

Requirements for the assessment of danger and risk from natural and technological processes;

Requirements for the composition, timing, order and form of the presentation of survey products to the customer;

Requirements for the preparation and presentation in the composition of the contractual (contact) documentation of the program of engineering surveys to coordinate the Customer;

Graphic and text documents required for the organization and conduct of engineering surveys at the relevant stage of design should be attached to the technical assignment:

Copies of existing topographic maps, engineering and topographic plans, situational plans (schemes) indicating the boundaries of sites, sites and directions of tracks, master plans (schemes) with contours of designed buildings and structures, cartograms, copies of the solutions of the local self-government body on the preliminary agreement of the placement of platforms (Trails) or an act of choosing a site (highway) of construction, a copy of the decision of the executive authority of the subject of the Russian Federation or local self-government on the provision of land for survey work and research.

Separate types of work when exploring

1. Recommendation Engineering-geological - a complex of work in engineering and geological surveys at the stage of compiling pre-project documentation performed in order to control, clarify and additions the assembled materials of the surveys of past years, the establishment and comparative assessment of the engineering and geological conditions of the territory under study, making the program of subsequent surveys, establishing the boundaries of the distribution and conditions for the development of dangerous geological processes.

2. Shooting engineering-geological is a comprehensive method for obtaining engineering and geological information necessary and sufficient to prepare design options.

3. Intelligence engineering and geological - a complex of work in engineering and geological surveys in areas for designed buildings aimed at obtaining engineering and geological information necessary and sufficient to develop work documentation, including calculations of the underground part of the natural technical system.

Surveys technical means:

Mining work

After engineering and geological reconnaissance, geological shooting and intelligence on the territory under study, mining work is planned - carrying out the opening of soils by penetration of various mining workings.

Mountain production - artificially created in the near-surface part of the cavity lithosphere, used to study the geological structure of the territory, sampling, organization of observations on groundwater and exogenous geological processes.

Conduct to determine the structure of the ground array and select soil samples for laboratory tests from layers open by drilling rocks.

All drilling wells are divided into:

Exploration (description of opened rocks);

Technical (laboratory selection for laboratory work, for description)

Drilling methods:

Mechanical drilling (shock-cable, screw, vibration);

Manual drilling.

Field testing of soils

Experienced engineering and geological (field) studies include:

Testing of soils of sensing methods (dynamic and static);

Testing soils with static loads (experienced stamps in the shurf).

Experienced hydrogeological studies include:

Determining the coefficient of filtering of soils in the aeration zone by the method of infiltration (methods of water in the shurta);

Determination of the soil filtering coefficient in the aquifer of the experimental pumping method.

Geophysical methods of work

Geophysical studies include:

Work with a single-channel seismic installation of the OSU 1;

Electrical exploration by vertical electrical sensing method (VEZ);

Among independently performed include:

Drilling rigs by drilling method;

Testing soils by dynamic sensing;

Conducting a cycle of filtration observations.

Geological surveys give us the opportunity Technically justify the expediency, as well as the principle of construction of construction in a particular locality already at the design stage. In case there is a need to pre-evaluate the feasibility of construction in the selected area from an economic point of view, engineering and geological surveys become a mandatory preparation procedure before starting construction.

The relief features, the hydrological regime of the area of \u200b\u200bthe chosen development is determined by geological surveys. The mechanical composition of the soil, soil is also exposed to the study. With the help of the data acquired during the data process, the preparation of the tectonic and seismological characteristics of the area occurs. Here is also a forecast of possible changes in the geomorphological, hydrological situation, which are capable of changing after and in the process of construction of the facility. The versatile engineering and geological study of the territory of the new building is of the most important meaning in designing the development. All this is carried out directly at the presenter preparation stages.

Engineering and geological surveys serve to calculate the reliability of the area allocated for construction. Naturally, this is carried out before the start of designing the foundation of the new object. The choice of the formation of the foundation of the building and the subsequent design is based on information on the physicochemical qualities of the soil and the hydrological regime of this territory (especially information about the levels of groundwater). In the event of a shortage or lack of such information, geological surveys increases the likelihood of errors and shortcomings of engineers during the design time of the project. The incorrect design of the foundation over time is able to apply for deformation, premature destruction of the constructed object.

The construction of a new object in the urban feature often occurs next to an existing building or building. Such a construction can lead to the modification of the geomorphological process in neighboring territories, which can cause already built buildings for deformation. The situation worsens also by the fact that the underground plot of the new building is often involved to create trading rows or parking for cars. The reconstruction of an existing building is very often associated with an increase in the burden on the foundation of the structure. This design feature in the city requires special, careful study of the plans for the planned construction and choice of the territory corresponding to all necessary safety requirements.

Geological surveys have absorbed a lot of research areas:

  • evaluation of archival information of similar studies in the territory of the planned construction (provided that there is such information);
  • drilling geological well;
  • selection of samples of soil and water for research in the laboratory. Study of the chemical, as well as the physico-mechanical properties of the material;
  • geophysical study in order to detect the territory with an unfavorable geological composition, identifying underground communications, trails and other objects;
  • study of the geological structure of this section of the land allocated for future construction;
  • study of the hydrological regime, as well as the structure of groundwater and soil features in the studied area;
  • detection of actual and potentially permissible processes that are dangerous to build a building, subsequent operation;
  • geodesic binding of planned objects, as well as parallel engineering developments on the ground.

Geological surveys provide chance Get information based on which a technical report is created. This report is subject to approval in the MoscowGogotrest, as well as Mosoblgeotrest.

Studying materials from the archive on geological survey on the locality of the planned construction.
The presence of information on the previously generated study of the territory of the planned construction provides the possibility of the maximum accurate mapping of the current geological process. Information about the dynamics of changes in the geological construction of the territory and its hydrological regime is mandatory for the forecast of further changes in geo-active, taking into account the impact of the future object of geossed. Drilling of geological well, samples and laboratory tests of material. The drilling of the well is carried out in order to intimidate the soil sample at various depths for subsequent laboratory analysis. In the laboratories, studies are conducted by the physicochemical properties of the soil, separately, its exchange and absorption properties, the tendency to shrink, swelling, osmosis, diffusion, as well as corrosive activity and some other qualities.

Geophysical work on the detection of a geologically unfavorable area, underground communication and other underground object can be through the study of data from the archive, as well as using the instrumental method. The study of the hydrological regime of the territory, the composition of soil groundwater and the characteristic of the soil, soil.

The purpose of the study is to study changes in the water object located on the territory of future construction. What is the effect of anthropogenic and natural factors on water bodies. In the process of the study, the dynamics of possible modifications of water - channel, level, composition, temperature is also known.

Study of geological buildings of terrainIn which construction work will be carried out, comprises a complex for the analysis of the soil in order to obtain information on the chemical composition of the soil, as well as the definition of its geotectonic platform. Information on the features of the geological structure of the territory, also information of the hydrological regime is used to form the results of a devastating process that makes it difficult to build a building and representing the danger to its operation. The results in turn serve as the basis for the foresight of the subsequent development of the possible and detected occurrence, which was not previously seen in the geological process. The geodesic attachment of the object, as well as the accompanying engineering development to the territory, is necessary for the highest accuracy of geodesic surveys. Of course, this is relative to the reference point on the territory.

Studying the geological structure of the area in which construction work will be held
Includes integrated soil and soil analysis to obtain data on the chemical composition of the soil and determining the geotectonic platform. The obtained data on the peculiarities of the geological structure of the site and the existing hydrological regime are used to form the statistics of destructive processes that impede the construction of an object and representing the potential danger to its operation. Statistics in turn serves as the basis for the forecast of the further development of the revealed and possible occurrence of previously recorded geological processes.

Physico-chemical characteristics of the soil Climbing in a table, which, as well as the topographic plan, is added to the technical report on advanced geological work. Reports are based on regulatory documents that regulate the amount of work. Further, reports are subject to coordination in the state institution of the Mosgorgeotrest and Mosoblgeotrest. For the implementation of geological surveys in the preparation (pre-project) future construction, the Customer organizes a technical task. This task is compiled in accordance with the requirement of clause 4.13 SNiP 11-02, as well as the topographic plan of the territory allotted under construction with an underground communication and a circuit of the planned building. In the presence of these documents, the program of geological surveys is formed. And already a complex of studying the territory under the construction of a new object is carried out on the basis of this program.

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