
Department of Economics and Management in Construction. Heads of scientific schools

  • Construction contract contract
  • Contractive prices for construction products. Calculations for ...

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Legal regulation, basics of organization and management in construction

  • Legislative and regulatory support for construction
  • Construction contract contract
  • Basics of construction and construction production
  • Buildingplane and temporary devices at the construction site
  • Organization of material and technical support of construction production
  • Managing construction production
  • Workshop. Calendar planning of construction production

Pricing and estimated design in construction

  • Composition and structure of estimated pricing and estimated rationing
  • Elemental estimated norms and prices by resource types. Overhead and estimated profit
  • State element estimated norms for construction work (GESN)
  • Methods for determining the price of the cost of construction
  • Composition, shape and procedure for calculating estimated documentation
  • Contractive prices for construction products. Calculations for the work performed

Economy and organization of investment in construction

  • Fixed assets and ways to increase the efficiency of their use in construction organizations
  • Redevelopment and ways to accelerate their appeal in a construction organization
  • Financing and crediting capital investments
  • Economic analysis of the activities of construction organizations
  • Financial calculations in investment activities. Influence influence
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness and financial realizability of investment projects

Organization of construction

  • Engineering Reviews and Design in Construction
  • Organizational and technical preparation of construction production
  • Basics of the streaming organization of construction and production of work
  • Network graphics construction of individual objects and complexes
  • Organization and calendar planning for the construction of individual buildings and structures
  • Organization and calendar planning for the construction of complexes of buildings and structures
  • Buildingplane and temporary devices at the construction site

Management of construction projects

  • Project management system
  • Basics of project management
  • Project development
  • Project management functions
  • Project management subsystems
  • Workshop. Business planning in a construction organization

Material and technical support in a construction organization

  • Facilities and objects of labor as control objects in logistics
  • Functional Purpose of Supply of Enterprises and Organizations by Material Resources
  • The main directions of the functioning of logistics in the enterprise
  • Theoretical provision of equipround activities in the enterprise
  • Structural maintenance of logistics in the enterprise

Labor legislation, technical rationing and payment of labor in construction

  • Labor legislation
  • Frames and labor productivity in construction
  • Essence, principles and methods of technical standardization of labor
  • Basic conditions for the organization of wages in construction

Strategic and Operational Management Organization

  • Strategic management of a construction and assembly organization
  • Operational planning and management of construction production
  • Workshop. Strategic Management

Production management. Quality management in construction

  • Management quality management. Delivery of buildings and facilities
  • Quality Management Systems based on MS ISO-9000
  • Management of the quality of construction and the organization of acceptance of the completed construction of facilities
  • Practical Case "Analysis and Improvement of the Product Quality Management System at the construction organization level"

Marketing management in the organizations of the Investment and Construction Complex

  • Basics of marketing in construction
  • Marketing research in construction business
  • Communication strategy in construction business
  • Modern information technologies in marketing activities of construction organizations
  • Benchmarking in construction

Psychology of management

  • Summonia
  • Conflict Management
  • Art of business negotiations
  • Time management
  • Delegation of authority
  • Psychology of decision-making. Technologies, methods, risks

The end document is a diploma, giving the right to a new type of activity "Economics and Management in Construction".

In the learning process, we use technologies that allow simply and successfully to master the material, independently distribute their load and receive education. For more information about company organizer.

Thank you for your interest in our events!

Silk Dmitry Nikolaevich

Head of the Department of "Economics and Management in Construction"

Our information resources:

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Department Eous MGSU

E-mail: [Email Protected]website 7-903-26-99-77-8

Since 2016, I began to head the EUS Department. In my work, I think the main thing is to take into account the ideas, objections and opinion of each student and the teacher. In the work of the Department EUS, we use such innovations as: an electronic signature; Internet resources: Instagram, VKontakte Group, Electronic Library; QR codes that all over the world are very popular due to the possibility of encoding text information and quick access to it, to different sites, online services with smartphones.

Based on the trends of modern life, it is important to note that many students "live" on the Internet: use various social networks, not always the necessary pages that do not always have useful information. That is why, working with students in the Internet space, we use graphic pictures with informing text, motivating video, reports and interviews to attract their attention.

Of course, it is something new and atypical, but this kind of interaction with students benefits them: the guys are in a timely manner, reliable information relates to both the educational process and student life.

In our group, VKontakte "Department Eous MGSU", every student can ask his question and get a response to it in a short time: it is enough to be registered in the social network VKontakte.

Speaking about the group, I would like to note that the date of its creation is March 2016: in such a short period of time, more than 450 participants are in the group, including students, teachers and staff of the EUS department. Thanks to staff and students of the department, we successfully develop a group and try to help each of the guys.

Also in our work we use an account in Instagram. In this Internet resource, photos from scientific conferences are published in a timely manner, highlights the achievements of students and teachers, various declarations are laid out and MN.

We try to work with students in the usual rhythm and atmosphere. It is important for us to understand what students need for successful and easy studies, and how to help them in a timely manner in the learning process.

I believe that you should not be afraid of a new one, you should listen and hear people with whom you work, it is worth experimenting and keeping up with the times.

Come on the Department of EUS, we will always be happy to see you

Department of Economics and Management at construction and land management enterprises was formed in 2016 on the basis of the unification of two scientific schools: the Financial Management Department (established in 1997) and the Department "Economics and Management and Investments" (Created in 1968) and prepared for Economy Our country has more than 3,000 specialists. Initially, the department was the basis for training on the economy and the organization of specialists for the construction industry. In the future, there was a huge contribution to the development of professional personnel for the tax system, accounting activities, planning and financial structures, the estimated sector, as well as the pricing and estimated system.

Today, the Department is a major regional center for training economists and managers for construction and land management, supply, appraisers and estimators.

Head of the Department

Heads of scientific schools

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.


(4 years - a full-time learning form, 5 years - correspondence form).
38.03.01 "Economy"

  • Economics of enterprises and organizations (construction);
  • Real estate economy;
  • Economics and planning in construction enterprises.

38.03.02 "Management"

  • Logistics and resource management in construction;
  • Management in the construction industry;
  • Real estate management and land-property relations.

38.04.01 "Economics"

  • Economy and management in the investment and construction complex;
  • Economy and management in the construction complex;
  • Modern methods of pricing and the estimate of construction;
  • Economics of firms and industry markets;
  • Corporate Finance.

38.04.02. "MANAGEMENT"

  • Logistics.

38.04.08 "Finance and Credit"

  • Finance, money circulation and credit.

Graduate school
38.06.01 "Economics"

  • Economics and management of the national economy (by industry and fields of activity) (08.00.05).

The department prepares specialists in the field of economics of the construction industry, investment analysis, management of investment and construction projects, the organization of estimated business and pricing.

Leading experts department:

Special projects Department:

  • "Festival of crops of peoples": a colorful creative competition aimed at the development of work competencies in a multinational environment and accounting for business features in different countries.
  • Student Research Laboratory: Practical activities to assess the cost of construction based on the estimated rationing and assessment of real estate, allowing to get acquainted with the specifics of construction and evaluation activities based on the fulfillment of orders of small construction companies.
  • "Club of Erudites": a training course for participation in the Olympics and Competitions, as well as the development of competencies in intellectual sports, management battles and solving cases.

Our graduates are our pride:

  • V.M. Aksenov, Director of the Ural Institute for Evaluation and Marketing.
  • O.V. Artemova, Vice-Rector for the scientific work of the Ural Social and Economic Institute of the Academy of Labor and Social Relations.
  • VB Khristenko, Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission.

Our partners are employers:

Construction Companies, Estimated Companies, Development Companies, Real Establishments, Managing Companies, State Structures

1.2. The subject of the science and practice of construction organization.
The subject of the science and practice of construction organization includes the development and implementation of the methods of a scientific organization of construction and construction production, ensuring the achievement of best production results in the construction or reconstruction process, modernization, overhaul of buildings and structures.
The science of organizing and management in construction is based on the general theory of the organization and management of production, taking into account its specific sectoral features and summarizing the advanced production experience of enterprises and organizations of the industry, as well as certain innovatives of production.
In ch. 1 The content of the construction organization was disclosed. Accordingly, this content to the subject of science and practice of construction organization primarily includes: principles and provisions for organizational and technological preparations for construction;
- Methods and practice of organizing design of construction sites, their complexes and processes of organizing their erection;
- Stream organization of construction and production of construction and installation works:
- methods and practice of planning and management of the production of construction and installation works:
- methods of designing the organization of construction sites and evaluating the effectiveness of the decisions taken at the same time:
- methods for planning material and technical support and production configuration of construction sites, optimization of transport schemes for building structures and materials, placement of the material base of construction:


Section I. Basic provisions for the organization and management of construction
Chapter 1 Development and content of the science and practice of construction organization
Chapter 2. Development and content of science and management practices in construction
Section II. Designing construction organization and construction preparation
Chapter 3 Organization of Design and Construction Exquisites
Chapter 4. Organizational and Technical Preparation for Construction
Chapter 5. Basics of the streaming organization of construction and work
Chapter 6. Network Modeling in Planning and Managing Construction Production
Chapter 7. Calendar Planning for the construction of individual objects
Chapter 8. Calendar planning for the construction of a complex of objects
Chapter 9. Organization of construction sites and design of building master plans
Section III. Organization of logistics construction
Chapter 10. Organization of the material and technical base of construction, logistics and production and technological configuration of construction sites
Chapter 11. Organization of Construction Services
Chapter 12. Organization of the mechanization of construction and operation of construction machines
Section IV Labor, Production and Financial Resources. Costs of construction organizations for the production of works and services in market conditions
Chapter 13. Labor resources and ways to increase their productivity. Warm of workers
Chapter 14. Fixed assets and ways to improve the efficiency of their use in construction organizations.
Chapter 15. Curvas and ways to accelerate their appeal in a construction organization
Chapter 16. Financing and lending to commercial activities of construction organizations
Section V. Economic Manufacturing Mechanism Construction
Organizations (enterprises) Specials of Russia in market conditions
Chapter 17. Economic analysis of the activities of construction organizations
Section VI. Construction management and construction and assembly organization
Chapter 18. Organizational forms and construction management system in Russia
Chapter 19. Organizational and legal forms of construction and assembly organizations
Chapter 20. Functions and methods of management of construction production
Chapter 21. Production and Organizational Structure of a Construction and Installation Organization
Chapter 22. Contracts and Bidding in Construction
Chapter 23. Theory and Project Management Practice
Chapter 24. Strategic Management of Construction and Assembly Organization
Chapter 25 Operational Construction Production Management
Chapter 26. Management of Construction Quality and Organization
Acceptance of the completed construction of facilities
Chapter 27. Fundamentals of the Psychology of Management

Free download e-book in a convenient format, see and read:
Download the book Basics of the Organization, Economics and Management in Construction, Biryukov A.N, Bulanov A.I., 2012 - FilesKachat.com, Fast and Free Download.

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