
Opening and maintenance of the bank account. Cash service to legal entities and IP. Coursework: Organization of Banking Services of Legal Entities in modern conditions Types of banking operations servicing legal entities

Bank account is such accounting documents (registers) in which the presence and movement of customers' cash are recorded. When opening the account, the Bank under the contract undertakes to take cash payments entering the client, as well as to fulfill its instructions on the various transfer, issues of certain amounts and other operations prescribed by the Treaty. Bank accounts The client opens by agreement to produce non-cash calculations, store and translate funds, receive loans. What is the account maintenance? We'll figure it out in this article.

Difference in bills

It is necessary to distinguish between the internal accounts of credit institutions used in accounting, and bank accounts. Their difference is that the bank's account opens on the basis of the statement and the Credit Organization and Customer Agreement. It enters the latter. For this account, operations corresponding to its orders are carried out. It also closes on the client's application. The internal accounts in the bank are provided for by the accounting accounts plan in the credit organizations that the latners are directly disposed. The need for them is that they are used for financial Analysis Accounting and various types of banking operations of a credit institution. Service of the IP account is offered in many banks.

Operations without opening an account

IN bank law There are also operations, which is possible without opening the account. For example, individuals can produce money transfers (excluding postal) with the help of the bank and do not open a special account in this case. But this is an exception to the rule. Account maintenance is not very expensive, but significantly facilitates entrepreneurial activities.

Normally, recorded in part of the second Article 5 of the Federal Law "On Banks and Banking Activities", it is written that credit organizations open bank accounts to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs (except local governments and state authorities), based on certificates of state registration individuals Like an IP, legal persons, also that they are registered in the tax service.

How does the settlement account service take place?

Types of accounts

The following types of accounts are distinguished:

  • current;
  • budget;
  • calculated;
  • correspondent;
  • correspondent subaccount;
  • special banking;
  • trust management;
  • deposit for ships or bailiffs, law enforcement, notaries;
  • deposit accounts.

Current and settlement accounts received the greatest distribution, with the help of which non-cash calculations are possible.

Calculation accounts use all organizations, despite the ownership form, built on commercial principles and registered as a legal entity. Account maintenance - the process is quite simple.

Own settlement accountmay manage to do with the means, has its own balance, independently pays all payments and enters the bank to credit relationships, that is, the account owner is independent and legally.

In our country, the company received permission to open different accounts in several banks in the first years of market reform. In the Soviet period, the company could have only one equity account in a single bank. Availability of multiple accounts in several banks is normal for market economy and even necessary because banking system In particular, the economy as a whole will benefit from this, while individual commercial banks that were previously comprehensively serviced by the client carry losses.

A large number of accounts that have no restrictions is regarded as a way to overcome bank monopolism. In addition, there is a decrease in the subordination of the business entity to the Bank, the relationship of competition between banks is stimulated, the characteristics of settlement and cash maintenance are improved.
The ability to have a large number of settlement accounts gives the enterprise the possibility of maneuvering its financial means, choose the most favorable banks in which the opening and maintenance of accounts costs less, reduce the risks in case of loss of liquidity bank (if the latter froze any account).

The consequence of such an innovation was the fact that financial and cash control over credit institutions has become much more complicated, since an enterprise, if there are several accounts in various banks, has the same number of cash balances and other cash registers. Despite the recommendation of the monetary authorities to commercial banks to coordinate cash regulations among themselves, in reality it turns out to be very difficult, since the account and information about it are confidential.

Current accounts can be opened by organizations that are not engaged in commercial activities and are not public, legal entities or institutions whose funding comes from the budget.

There are limitations of the independence of the owner of the current account compared to those who have a calculated account. The first can dispose of money only in accurately compliance with the estimate, which is approved by a higher organization. List available operations Installed at the moment when the score opens. Cashless calculations form a cashless turnover, reflecting on current, settlement and other accounts.


To open a settlement account in the bank, you need to provide such documents:

Responsibilities of the Bank

Between the bank and the organization consists of an agreement on the opening and maintenance of the current account, which reflect the duties of the client and the bank. The duties of the Bank include the following:

  • conduct timely complete cash service providing current regulatory documents;
  • ensuring the safety of cash received to accounts, the return of their client on the first request, maintain the confidentiality of information on the client's activities;
  • preservation of commercial secrets for all operations committed by the client.

Customer duties

The client must:

  • strictly fulfill the requirements of all regulatory acts that regulate the implementation of cash and settlement operations;
  • store all your funds only on the score;
  • give the bank at certain times statistical and accounting reports and other necessary documents;
  • in writing, pre-notify the bank on the closure of the account and change of the organization's form.

The owner of the account as a taxpayer should report in writing in writing in writing tax organization At the place of accounting information about opening / closing the account.

For example, in Sberbank, the service of the current account is inexpensive.

Features of calculation and cash maintenance

Cash service, which contains the opening and maintenance of accounts legal entities In the bank, is very favorable and important activities. This is primarily due to the fact that these procedures are associated with the conduct of various operations that contribute to the attracting financial resources of legal entities and place them on behalf of the Bank are the criterion for which the bank differs from a different credit organization.

Attracting legal entities to maintain accounts in a bank, you can establish business bonds with them in such a way that they can grow after some time to grow into closer forms of interaction: rendering bank guarantees, lending, factoring, leasing, trust, etc. Built by this method, the relationship becomes very strong, since the client and bank trust each other and own full information about the opposite side, and therefore become partners with mutual interests and mutual benefits. Account maintenance in Sberbank attracts many.

RKO benefits banks also because it supports the increase in their resources. Remaining funds from bank accounts of clients generated with this type of service are communariesrepresented by the bank in the form of claims to demand. And the way they are getting more cheap and simple, the week is the receipt of such funds from sources of another type: deposits, deposits, interbank loans, debt securities, etc.

In addition, the funds received by the Bank allow it to provide its liquidity, that is, the fulfillment of obligations in accordance with the deadlines.

How exactly is the service of the current account for SP?

Theoretical base of RKO

All transactions that have connections with the supply of any material goods and the provision of various kinds of services are completed by monetary calculations between the supplier and the buyer. To carry out non-cash calculations, legal entities engaged in commercial activities, as well as individuals with private practice and individual entrepreneurs must open a settlement account. At the same time, the organization may have several accounts in various banks.

The opening and maintenance of the IP account in the Bank is carried out only when the Bank has been submitted to the Bank, as well as after the identification of the client and the conclusion of the relevant contract with it. According to this Agreement, the Bank assumes obligations to receive and enroll in the Open Owner's account of funds, the implementation of the Customer's instructions on transfer and issuing the required amounts, conducting other operations on it. At the end of the opening of the calculated account, the corresponding entry is made to the account registration book not later than during the next after the conclusion of the working day agreement. Service treaty bank account Must be strictly observed.

Calculations are executed by banks in forms, rules and standards that are established Central Bank RF. If there are no such rules, then by mutual agreement. Regardless of this, banks must be credited and transferring cash to the owner from his account or not later operating dayfollowing the receipt of the required payment document, if other requirements are not provided at the legislative level, in the bank account agreement or in the payment document. Distributed funds from the account after receiving the appropriate order of its owner or at the request of third parties as a result of a court decision.

Responsibility of the bank

If the tools are written off / enrolled untimely or incorrectly, the bank is obliged to pay interest on the amount of cash data in such and the amount that article 395 of the Civil Code.

Usually bank, given banking rules and the requirements of the legislation, creates the standard forms of the Treaty of opening a bank account, under the terms of which the service of the IP account is performed. After that, the client or accepts conditions in full, or, in case of his disagreement, at least with one point, may refuse to conclude such an agreement.

The specifics of the bank account agreement also manifests itself in the fact that the parties due to the extreme diversity and complexity of relations, rather detailed study in banking rules and laws, do not define mutual responsibilities and rights in all details, but only give their consent to the established conditions.

Who is regulated?

RKO regulates the law "On banks and banking activities" regulatory base Central Bank of the Russian Federation, including the Regulations on non-cash settlements adopted in our country, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Regulation regulating the procedure for the implementation of cash transactions in various credit institutions, as well as other regulatory documents. Also between the bank and the client, an agreement on the provision of settlement and cash maintenance of the account should be concluded.

Services RKO

The following main services are included in the RTO:

  • Calculations with cash, i.e. cash services.
  • Non-cash operations.
  • The provision of extracts on the account of all operations generated.

Currency accounts

It is also appropriate to remember that the calculation and cash maintenance most often assumes an objective possibility of opening and use not only by ruble account, but also currency. In addition to the above-mentioned basic services, banks may also include additions to RKO. These include, for example, collector services, carrying out accounts through a system that provides remote access. RKO is such a bank service with which it can earn money. It is worth noting that the basic services are usually or generally free, or the low commissions are charged for them. For side services, the Bank takes payment in the form of interest payments or as a monthly cost of service.

Tariffs of RTO PJSC Sberbank

Sberbank offers its customers favorable cooperation terms. Let us give the following tariffs for settlement and cash maintenance for entrepreneurs:

  • Opening an account - 3000 rubles.
  • Account management - 1700 rubles.
  • Transfer of funds - 11 rubles. in Sberbank, 32 rubles. to other banks.
  • Listing funds to the budget - free.
  • Cash removal from the account - 1.4% of the amount, at least 250 rubles.

There are several tariff plans in the bank - the minimum, basis +, asset +, optima +, salary, shopping and others. From this dependes the limits on operations. Also varies the cost of the package of services. You can pay for half a year ahead, then it turns out more profitable.

We reviewed how to maintain accounts of legal entities.

The main activity of any bank is the calculated cash services of individuals and individual entrepreneurs. Service Complex includes the following procedures with financial flows:

  • check in;
  • storage;
  • moving;
  • recalculation;
  • collection;
  • accounting.

The client concludes a contract, after which an account opened, in which financial transactions will be carried out. Depending on the type of currency and the specifics of entrepreneurial activity, the number of open accounts may differ.

Legal and individuals offer various packages banking products. Some of the services can be provided free of charge. Tariffs for paid services are strictly regulated by government legislation, the requirements of which are mandatory for all commercial banks.

In the process of creating a contract, the parties can make certain requirements and additions to the conditions. Failure to comply with the rules of the Agreement shall be punishable in the form of a penalty, the size of which is also controlled by the legislative bodies. The main responsibility of the financial organization is to ensure the operational and uninterrupted motion of the Customer's cash with a high level of security of all procedures.

Legal regulation of cash service

Maintaining a foreign or ruble account includes the implementation of a large list of operations. Legal regulation in the field of banking allows the population to safely store, use and place their own savings or profits from the operational commercial activity, as well as get interest on deposit deposits.

The work of banks in the field of RTO is controlled by the following standards:

  • federal legislation;
  • Civil Code of the Russian Federation;
  • the provisions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

The main regulatory mechanism is a contract concluded between the parties. Any commercial companies can use banking organization services. Individual entrepreneurs choose themselves financial institution To obtain RKO.

The opening of the account is the necessary measure to access the main package of banking services, which allows you to create a competent trip to the maintenance of operational commercial activities. State legislation regulates the following responsibilities to the client:

  • storage of cash;
  • enrollment of received amounts;
  • transferring money to the accounts of other citizens.

The contract may be spelled out specific features, rights and obligations of the parties.

Cash-based service of legal entities

RKO for legal entities is a range of services aimed at meeting the needs of enterprises and organizations. This field of activity provides the operational and uninterrupted flow of cash flows.

An important feature of the RTO for legal entities is access to foreign exchange operations that can be made in the presence of three accounts:

  • transit;
  • current;
  • account for purchasing currency in the national market.

Monetary service includes:

  • purchase and sale (on behalf of the organization);
  • sales of the currency obtained from the operational activity of the enterprise (the specific part of which is regulated by state legislation);
  • conversion;
  • regulation of export and import transactions.

An important part of the work in this area is to carry out cash transactions. Financial Organization provides not only the main (reception, issuance, accounting), but also additional services (recalculation, collection, accommodation on the Internet).

Cashier service of individuals

Work with individuals is a separate sphere of banks. The prospect of this area is a fairly large audience of customers. The population provides the following services:

  • closing and opening an account;
  • accrual interest on the balance of cash (the conditions are described in the Conditions of the Agreement);
  • cash issuance at the service office of the service department;
  • extradition interest on deposits;
  • implementation of remittances;
  • transfer on behalf;
  • implementation of proxy operations;
  • creation and issuance of certificates of operations;
  • receive funds for paying utilities, taxes, insurance and fines.

Citizens are provided with a number of additional services that can be aimed at financial control and automation of payments of an individual. The contract is prescribed by special rules and requirements for the request of the client.

The presence of a bank account allows the physical face:

  • receive wages, pension or scholarship;
  • carry out payment of goods and services on the Internet;
  • take cash in an ATM with a plastic card;
  • make payments to meet business needs;
  • introduce cash In local and state funds.

Modern Internet services play important role In the functioning of the system of providing RTO to the population.

Cash service cash-free operations

In the RSC cashless operations include:

  • fast and safe execution of orders;
  • notification of removal and receipt of cash;
  • creating account statements.

Each individual entrepreneur has the right to independently choose a range of services that will mostly satisfy the requests of commercial activities. The economic relations between the client and the financial organization are built on the creation of certain instructions and their timely execution.

To date, it is possible to create instructions in real and virtual space. The last method is more economical and comfortable, as it does not require personal presence in the department. Internet banking allows you to create instructions and online requests, which contributes to a significant reduction in operation time.

Cash exchange service for currency transactions

Many companies have to cooperate with foreign partners in the process of implementing commercial purposes. Such a state of affairs forces constantly use euro or US dollars to resolve economic relations.

It is necessary to open three accounts at once when concluding a contract with a financial institution to legally use the currency of another country. The current legal entity can credit funds for further use and profit. The transit account is monitored and accommodating the company's revenue. The third account is necessary to take into account the foreign currency that was purchased in the national market.

Under the Treaty, the Bank can sell or purchase currency on the basis of an established assignment from a legal entity. At the same time, each client undertakes to sell part of the currency on the market, which was reversed from international entrepreneurial activities. The financial institution takes responsibility for conducting conversion operations. Big role in the structure currency transactions Recovering the use of funds in the process of implementing import and export transactions.


Using the acquiring service, the client can completely get rid of cash. In the outlets in which special terminals are installed, it is possible to pay for goods, works and services using a bank credit card. This service is provided only by major financial organizations that have sufficient solvency for:

  • installation of special equipment;
  • settlement of legal peculiarities of activity in this area;
  • behavior of procedures for use plastic cards in retail outlets.

The acquiring acts not only in real, but also virtual space. Citizens who have a plastic card of the Equiler can make calculations online, receive reports on perfect purchases and fill special forms for transactions. Internet acquisition suggests the following procedure for the financial operation:

  • the company is a contract with the bank;
  • the organization's website contains data on the possibility of using a plastic map of a certain species;
  • the client fills the form for transaction;
  • the bank monitors requests and satisfies them in the presence of the necessary conditions;
  • the application for sending goods is drawn up.

In this case, the Bank assumes responsibility for verification and tracking of requests.

Internet acquisition

Internet acquiring is available to those enterprises whose activities meet the requests of international payment systems. For signing the contract, the following conditions are required:

  • evidence of authorized implementation of commercial activities;
  • internet type of entrepreneurship on the Internet;
  • the presence of a correctly decorated virtual retail space.

The service is provided only to the sites of those companies that contain the necessary information about the products and services being implemented.

An important role in the process of providing this service is played by processing centers that coordinate settlements on the Internet. All payments are processed in automatic mode to ensure the functioning of e-commerce as a whole. Some banks have their own processing centers, but other financial institutions have to resort to supporting third-party partners.

Cash operations

The main financial instrument when making cash transactions is a checkbook, which is characterized by universality and ease of use. It makes it possible to produce an individual entrepreneur:

  • issuing wages;
  • payment for production and economic needs;
  • calculation with suppliers of raw materials and goods.

Another equally important tool is a corporate card. Access to obtaining it opens after creating a special account in a credit organization. The signing of the Agreement imposes on the bank the following obligations:

  • maintaining the register of financial transactions;
  • creation and issuance of extracts;
  • informing the client about accruals and residues.

The legal entity rents cash with cash, after which the employee draws up a customized orders for a standardized form. After that, the money is credited, and the authorized employee issues a report on the procedure conducted.

Large companies are important to monitor cash. To ensure this need, the collection procedure is used, which is only available after opening the account and signing an additional contract.

State legislation strictly regulates the activities of the economy's credit sector, therefore establishes certain requirements for pricing in the field of banking services.

Cash service in banks of Russia

In the banks of Russia, RTO is provided on terms of payability. However, on a number with the creation of prices for services, credit organizations can work on the development of a special package of free additional services. For example, Internet banking is in free access for all Russian citizens who signed an agreement with a credit institution.

RKO in Russia is provided to individuals and legal entities. For each client group, the banking package can have significant differences.

All commercial banks operate only within the rules and regulations of the current state legislation. Depending on solvency, credit organizations can constantly expand its product range in order to maximize population requests.

In a commercial bank, there are various banking operations for legal entities. The specifics of the bank is determined by the features of its activities. The result of this activity is to create banking services.

Banking services must first be divided into specific and nonspecific services. Specific services are all that follows from the specifics of the Bank's activities as a special enterprise. Specific services include three types of operations performed by them:

1) deposit operations;

2) credit operations;

3) Estimated operations.

To deposit operations Commercial banks include investment operations in deposits (passive deposit operations) or the placement of the commercial funds in deposits in other credit institutions (active deposit operations).

In accordance with Article 5 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Banks and Banking Activity", raising funds of legal entities in deposits (to demand and for a certain period) refers to banking operations, and in accordance with Article thirteen of the same law, banking operations are subject to licensing.

Deposits include funds received by the Bank by entering into a bank account agreement (contract for settlement and cash services) and contract bank deposit (deposit agreement For legal entities), as well as remnants of funds on correspondent accounts of other banks in this bank (Correspondent Loro accounts).

By time, the deposits are customary to divide into two groups:

demand deposits;

urgent deposits.

Requirement deposits include funds on current, settlement, budgetary and other accounts related to making calculations or targeted use, funds for correspondent accounts of other banks (LORO). Due to the frequency of operations according to the accounts, operating expenses are usually higher than on term deposits, but since on these accounts banks, as a rule, pay low interest, or do not pay interest at all (then customers can be provided with various kinds of benefits), these resources for the bank relatively cheap. At the same time, this is the least stable part of resources, banks need to have a higher operational reserve for them to maintain liquidity. Therefore, the proportion of such funds in the bank resources is considered optimal to 30-36%. In Russia, the proportion of these funds is usually higher.

Urgent deposits are funds made to the Bank for a fixed term. Owners are usually paid over them. high percentThan on demand deposits and, as a rule, there are restrictions on early seizure, and in some cases - and to replenish the contribution.

Urgent deposits are divided into deposits with a period:

up to 30 days;

from 31 to 90 days;

from 91 to 180 days;

from 181 days to 1 year;

from 1 year to 3 years;

over 3 years.

In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, legal entities are not entitled to list the funds on deposits to other persons or take cash from them. Means from a deposit account can be directed only to the current account.

Urgent deposits are issued by the Banking Deposit Treaty, as well as bank deposit certificates.

Credit operation It is the main operation of the bank. It is not by chance that the bank is sometimes called a major credit institution. And this is true: in total amount Bank Assets The main proportion of credit operations. Most often, due to lending to customers, the bank receives a majority of income.

Credit operations are the relationship between the lender and the debtor (borrower) on the provision (obtain) in the temporary use of funds, on the terms of repayment, urgency, payability and security.

To provide a loan, legal entities to the Bank provide the following documents:

ѕ Credit application;

ѕ Economic and Economic Justification;

ѕ Application for a loan;

ѕ Financial Report;

ѕ report on the movement of cash receipts;

ѕ Internal financial reports;

ѕ internal management reports;

Financing forecast;

ѕ Tax Declarations;

ѕ business plans;

urgent obligations;

ѕ Page agreement (warranty letters, insurance policies);

ѕ Information about the laid property.

The documents drawn up by the Bank include:

Conclusion on credit bid. client;

Statement by the client's condition of the contract, including repayment of the loan and paying interest;

ѕ Client credit case.

Special place among credit documents Belongs to the loan agreement, regulating the entire relationship between the bank's relationship with the client. how legal document The loan agreement must comply with highly stringent requirements for design, structure, definition of wording. An important condition for the loan agreement is the condition of the term. The loan agreement lies for a certain period, the beginning of the reference of which should be considered the moment of concluding a contract (if otherwise indicated in the contract). The end of the term of the loan agreement in accordance with Part 2 of paragraph 3 of Art. 425 GK is the moment of execution by the Parties of its obligations under the contract.

Estimated operations which makes the bank to be carried out in non-cash form. On behalf of customers, banks can open various accounts from which payments are made related to the purchase or sale of commodity values, payroll, transfer taxes, fees and other equally important payments. When calculating the bank acts as a mediator between sellers and buyers, between enterprises, tax authorities, population, budget. In the production of calculations, the banks use various modern equipment, providing rapid bonds and technical processing of documentation entering the bank.

The following documents are submitted to open a settlement account to the Bank:

Application for opening an account on the established form;

Certificate, the powers of officials who are given the right to dispose, the current account (head of the enterprise, chief accountant, head of the Financial Department);

Card with sample signatures of these individuals and print printing of an enterprise or organization;

Copy of the document of the authority,

confirming the legality of the creation and registration of this legal entity, and a copy of the approved statute (provision).

Experience comprehensive service Customers are gradually being introduced by domestic commercial banks that begin to perform new services (trust, leasing, factoring, and others), satisfying increasingly complex customer needs. This approach increases their competitiveness in attracting credit resources and new customers.

Trust or trusting operations are carried out by the Bank on behalf of and due to the Party (principal), on a reimbursable basis, if it is provided for by the current legislation or is established in the contract of instructions in coordinating the parties. Their essence is to transfer to customers to banks of their property for the subsequent investment of these funds on behalf of their owners and on their instructions in various financial markets in order to receive profits for customers with which banks charge a certain fee banking Commission. Trusting operations clearly reflect the essence of banking activities in general - its passive-active nature, which consists in attracting funds and their subsequent placement in order to profit.

Factoring is a type of trade and commission combined with the creditative capital of the client. The basis factoring operation It is the purchase of a bank (or factoring firm) of the invoice invoice for shipped products on the terms of immediate payment and transfer by the supplier to the bank (or factoring firm) the right of payment of payment from the debtor. Banks buy supplier's invoices, as a rule, on the terms of the immediate payment of 80 percent of the invoice cost. The remaining 20 percent are paid by the Bank (minus interest for credit and commission for services) after receiving the payment from the debtor or regardless of the receipt of payment from the debtor.

In world banking practice there are two types of factoring:

Open factoring (conventional);

Confidential factoring (hidden).

The use of factoring allows you to accelerate the payment by the supplier from your counterparties, guarantees bills of accounts, reduces the costs of accounting for invoices from the supplier, ensures the timeliness of payments to suppliers with financial difficulties in the buyer, improves the financial indicators of the supplier.

Bank leasing operations - long-term car rental, equipment, vehicle, production facilities. Depending on the term distinguish the following types of rental:

Hiring (medium-term lease) - a period of 1 year to 3 years;

Leasing (long-term lease) - a period of 3 years to 20 years and more.

When conducting a leasing operation, there are a number of risks: the risk of imposing arrest on property; seizures in budget income; The risk of poor maintenance of equipment or property; the risk of disadvantageous resale property in the used goods market; Cash spending and time spent on the refund and transfer of property. Therefore, the participants of the transaction are usually insured against any similar risks. At the same time, various methods of overcoming the risks of non-return are used, including the insurance of residual value, the obligations of the tenant for the sale of property and others.

Other (additional) bank services. The main directions of the consulting activities of banks may be the following:

Carrying out marketing research market research on the customer's order;

Information and reference services: provision of copies of documents (settlement and other), identifying customer amounts, assistance in the wanted list, guided references in the bank archive and other;

Consulting and legal services, including on the application of economic legislation, credit and settlement relations, organization and maintenance accounting and financial and economic work at the enterprise;

Custom customer service services (preliminary preparation and delivery of cash to customers for paying wages and other payments);

Other services and operations not prohibited by legislation to carry out banks there are no restrictions on banking legislation.

In conclusion, I would like to note that banks seek to provide as much as possible spectrum of banking services at customer conditions for customer to meet their needs.

Greetings, friends! Remember when in last time Did you calculated in the cash shop? I am sure that most of you use cache for small purchases, paying most of their acquisitions through non-cash payments. And if ordinary individuals actively use the possibilities of settlement accounts, which can be said about enterprises. Today, the calculating cash maintenance of legal entities has become literally an integral business component, both small and large. It is unlikely that someone will argue with the fact that the bank's account is to trust the bank - the decision is extremely responsible and requiring maximum seriousness. In fact, all the cost of the company, the safety of cash flows and, as a result, its profitability is in the hands of the bank. In this article, I would like to highlight the topic of RKO in more detail, tell you what is the service, and in which bank it looks the most favorable tariffs.

What is RKO and how does it work?

So, I suggest the first thing to find out what the current account is, and then proceed to the main topic of the review. The current account is a JUR account. Persons with independent balance in a banking institution, which is intended for saving money, carrying out non-cash operations with other legal or individuals.

Based on this definition, we can disclose the essence of the calculation and cash maintenance. RKO is banking services systemWith the help of which the accounts of individuals and legal entities are served, all monetary operations are carried out in any currencies.

To enjoy this kind of opportunities, potential customers need to be sent to the bank a specific package of documents and conclude with it treaty. Legal aspects of RTO are enshrined in the law " About banks and banking activities", And also are determined by the regulatory and legal acts of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Checking account - This is an account jUR. Self-Balance Persons In a banking institution, which is intended for money saving, the implementation of non-cash operations with other legal or individuals

Today, almost any organization does not cost anything. In addition, the need for non-cash monetary turnover arises from individuals. It is for this reason that no cashless operation is not carried out without cash service, they are not being taken and they are not going to cash at the expense of cash, no accounts are underway in currency and disclaimers are not issued on the execution of transactions on settlement accounts.

RKO for legal entities in credit institutions implies all Operations on settlement accounts. This includes accrual of wages, and paying pensions, and scholarships, and other similar payments. It is worth noting that transactions can be carried out both in rubles and in foreign currency.

Services of services

If we talk about the fundamental services of this sphere, they can be reduced to a single classification:

  • non-cash calculations;
  • cash calculations;
  • registration bank statements on accounts.

Carrying out work with accounts and cash operations, banking organizations use special forms:

  • money orders (If we are talking about the current accounts for payment) or, as they are also called, " forms 0401060»;
  • cash enrollment forms on bank accounts;
  • chek.which are issued at the time removal tools in the form of cash from the account.

The signing of the Cash Service Treaty means that the firm has the right to receive checking book . It is one of the main tools for cashing funds that are necessary to pay for the company's personnel and its other needs.

In order to improve settlement and cash services, many banks offer their customers to use the system " Bank-client" Its specificity is that in addition to the basic service package, customers also receive additional options It seems to collection or remote access to the settlement accounts.

However, here you need to be prepared for the fact that if the main unit of the Bank provides free of charge or completely minimum feeThe associated options will have to pay. In general, there is nothing surprising in this, because, how not to twist, but the bank is a commercial organization.

fROM RKO and use 2 months for free

What is RKO?

In accordance with the settlement and cash service treaty, the Bank provides clients with such a list of services:

  • operational and uninterrupted flow of funds;
  • holding currency transactions;
  • reception and issuance cash funds.

For the successful implementation of the above tasks, banks use special financial instruments. Of course, the main account is the current account, after the opening of which it will be possible to access other products of the bank associated with the appeal of finances. These include such:

Non-cash operations

This is the operational execution of client orders, and regular informing about the arrival and expendable Operations, and issuing bank statements. To manage the client's finances, banks can choose a certain package of services, which will include basic and additional operations.

Companies can interact with credit institutions in two ways:

  • Classicby passing orders to paper From hand to hand either through proxies. However, in this case you will have to spend time traveling to the bank office;
  • Online. Using Internet banking for finance management, all payment requirements and orders can be performed remotely. Such interaction prefers the predominant majority of companies.

RCO tariffs can differ significantly depending on which services will be ordered.

Currency operations

If organizations need to carry out their activities not only in national currency, she needs to open another currency account, or rather three accounts at once:

  • current (To dispose of the currency existing legal entity);
  • transit (To keep records of the incoming revenue);
  • an account on which the entire currency bought within the domestic market will be taken into account.

The package of cash accounting services for currency accounts includes:

  • purchase / sale of a currency based on the company's instructions;
  • sale currency revenue in the amount established by law;
  • conversion operations;
  • receiving payments or sending them to export-imported client transactions.

Equiphering and Internet acquiring

For a start, I suggest find out what accuming for an entrepreneur in principle. Imagine the situation that your company is located on RKO in some credit organization. This means that you can use bank card reception service to charge payment for goods in your trading point - by acquiring. Financial organizations that implement this kind of activity are called the Equile Banks. I want to draw your attention to the fact that they not only carry out the installation of the appropriate equipment in stores, but also engage in the organization of events for the use of maps.

Analogue of this service is to receive payment through cards on the Internet. In this case, the terminal for reading information is a special form filled by the buyer. This type of activity is referred to as Internet acquiring.

Cash operations

After the conclusion of the Agreement on the RTO, an enterprise can issue a bank in a bank who will deal with service, a checkbook. An alternative, more modern version of this payment tool can be considered corporate bank card. This plastic design is accompanied by a map binding to your account, on which a credit institution will register all payment transactions, issue extracts on the turnover and the residue, keep accounting money at the current account.


The service is recommended to order all enterprises that regularly contribute or receive large amounts of funds. The Bank will ensure the collection and transportation of cash or any other values \u200b\u200bbetween organizations, thereby ensuring their safety and safety.

Internet banking or mobile banking for legal entities

I will immediately say that such services provide only the most advanced banks, and therefore do not be surprised if your credit institution cannot provide you with remote access to your current account.

What to pay attention to first?

The choice of a bank for RKO is not easy task. To make it easier to ease it, I suggest you navigate when choosing at such moments:

Bank reliability

Immediately I tell you that it is not worth considering the top 30 of the best state banks. Yes, they are really reliable due to a large number of assets and cash revolutions within these banks. However, they are intense, not flexiblely flexible in the question of document management and solving non-standard tasks. In addition, as a bonus from interaction with these banks, we also get a super-trigger department of financial monitoring and monetary monitoring. Considering what to freeze our payments in a flat place and demand a huge list of documents to confirm one or another translation - this is the usual problem for them, problems in moments when payments need to be done quickly, we just do not avoid.

It is best to give preference to commercial banks with a flexible system and customer orientation. Of course, you should not attach my money to some Sharashkin to the office, the bank must have a license of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, but at the same time not to strain customers inadequately obsessive controls, help solve complex and non-standard problems, consolidating you truly competent Manager. Ideally, if the bank also organizes the reception of most documents online via the Internet or a mobile bank attached to your RTO.

Consider the top 30 of the best state banks should not be better to give preference to commercial

Subscription fee

The amount of payment for accounting in the Russian market varies within 500-3000 rubles. It all depends on which package of services is included in this tariff. For example, the presence of 100 free payments per month, reduced commissions or a certain limit without commissions for transfers of funds to the personalities of individuals (simple debit cards), drawing up tax reporting And the like events. It will be more profitable to cooperate with the bank, which for fewer money will offer you the greatest number of similar buns that can save your time, money and nerves.

The cost of the payment order

Varies within 15-40 rubles for one payment order. Average market value It is 23 rubles. In addition, many banks offer their customers a payment transfer service out of turn. Imagine that the billing day in your bank ends at 8 pm local time. This means that all payments on accounts will be held strictly until the specified time, and the closer the clock arrow will approach the mark "8", the less we will have a chance that the payment will have time to spend before the end of the day. However, for 300 rubles (the tariff may differ) we can advance in line and ensure the transfer of payment for today, throwing other customers for tomorrow. This function works in banks that spend most of the operations manually.

Suppose your director leaves to an unscheduled business trip, and it is needed for a daily or business trip right today. Obviously, money is needed to 9 pm. In this situation, an option with an increased priority will be very powerful and will exclude the need to transfer to the personal bank card of the employee.

Commission for removal in the checkout or on a check

Pay attention to the Commission's size: from what amount it depends and under what volumes it decreases or increases. The percentage of commission in the RTO market varies in the range of 0.5-1.5%. There are options and 4-8% of the amount of removal, but these are already cashing circuits. In this case, it all depends on the bank with whom you want to work, and on how much you need.

The severity of financial monitoring

Highly an important indicator. Financial monitoring is in every bank. You should be interested in, in which of them can close the eyes into partly gray schemes of the work of Jurlitsa. Even if you work extremely honestly, pay all taxes, I insist that you discover accounts in top commercial banks. No matter how it was, but the giants banks never refuse to ruble documents in a flat place. So need find the Gold Mid of the Bank's reliability and its adequacy For financial operations of customers. I do not advise you to open accounts in little-known or financially unstable banks. Such organizations give green light to almost all types of activity and master everything that is moving. Such Robin Hoods live no more than 2-3 years until their "shop" does not decide to cover up the Central Bank. Unfortunately, no one guarantees that your coverages Someday returned to your company's accounts after the closure of such a bank.

Accrual for money balance on account

Many banks now offer a service similar to accrual interest on the balance of funds debit cards. For example, on your current account lies the amount of 2,000,000 rubles. This money is simply dusting on the balance sheet, because in the next 1-5 days no movements are foreseen. This money can be put on internal cumulative accountwhere they will additionally be accrued 6-9% per annum. This will allow scrolling interest and give money the opportunity to work a bit for the benefit of the company, and not just lie on the account of the dead cargo. Often there are situations where you need to pay with suppliers in a week, and the required amount lies in the account now. Agree, it will not be stupid not to take advantage of money during this downtime.

Terms of work of operationalists and processing payments

This time for which payments for settlement accounts are held. in manual mode. IN different banks Terms may differ and vary within 9-20 hours per day. Modern banks Offers payments in many positions in automatic mode. The steeper the bank, the greater the operations it automates, leaving for handmade only the check of large sums and foreign operations in the currency.

Internet bank

As in any form of personal accounts, here the main thing is convenience and time saving. Internet banking allows you to create templates of payments, conduct operations document work: sent / signed or waiting for shipments, in processing, made and so on; Mark reports and statistics on perfect operations and amounts. By the way recommended by me banks Tinkoff And the point have in their arsenal yet mobile banks For YurlitzThat allows you to carry out all operations on a settling account directly from the phone. The most important thing in this case is don't forget about information security. Easily convenience, but if you lose or forget your phone, just imagine how many problems you can earn, and how much money is lost. So as not to give fraudsters to get to your mobile application RKO, use passwords and reliable blocking. Talk to your manager and find out what regulations enjoy in such situations.

Card binding conditions

Many banks offer to bind a "business card" to RKO. Here you should pay attention to the annual subscription fee, the availability of a network of ATMs (% for cash withdrawal and monthly removal limits). If it is more profitable to remove funds on the check in the checkout, then why not save your time and do not use the services of an ATM?

Technical support of the bank and consolidate the manager for you

This moment is not so important, but still helps a lot when questions arise, the answers to which in open sources are not found. Wonderful if a person with an internal number or a working mobile phone is enshrined, which you will know who you are and what is your work system. This will solve the problem of the endless repetition of the same things on the hotline of the bank with permanent expectations. Agree, it is often necessary to feel a parrot when, explaining the problem to the operator, it turns out that this problem is unknown to him, and he is forced to reassign her decision to another specialist. To avoid such an unpleasant communication, you ask if you open an account, can you get the contacts of your manager, and then call him to meet and check if you gave you a room.

Question: What documents are needed for RKO?

To open a bill account in a bank for IPYou will need to provide a credit institution next package of documents:

  • passport;
  • an identification number;
  • registration number of an individual entrepreneur.

But to legal entities with status LLC, JSC, PAO And the like, the package will be needed. From them a credit organization requires:

  • registration number;
  • an identification number;
  • Company Charter;
  • Order on the appointment of the director of the enterprise;
  • other constituent documents of legal parties.

More detailed step-by-step instructions, how to open a bank account in a bank, you will find in my separate article.

What banks give the most favorable conditions on RKO

Remember how we chose a bank in which you can make profitable? Then we went over with you a lot of credit institutions and revised several dozen plastic cards before you could find the most suitable option for ourselves. In the case of RKO, it is even more complicated. It's not so easy to find a bank that can be entirely entrusted with your money and allow the company's current account. The choice should be based on many factors. I suggest you to consider the proposals of the two largest banks of the country and decide which of them is closest to you.


Tinkoff, in addition to the SMS warning system, business lending, Internet acquiring and other things, offers integers two month free maintenance Accounts and payments. You can cooperate with a bank remotely through personal Area in the application. The program can be downloaded for mobile or tablet, you can work with the bank through the browser. In addition, the Bank saves the time to pass the tax reporting, since it is independently dealing with taxes, fixed contributions And automatically calculates all payments, forms payment orders and reminds of the need to list them. All that is required from you is to sign the Declaration and send it from your personal account.

You can choose one of three tariffs for your business:

  • « Plain 490 rubles per month. The first three payments can be performed completely free, and each subsequent will cost 49 rubles. For account replenishment, 299 rubles will need to be given;
  • « Advanced", The value of which is 990 rubles per month. With the framework of this tariff, you can spend 10 payments, and all subsequent will cost 29 rubles. Unlimited payments will cost customers at 990 rubles per month. But for the replenishment of the account, you will have to pay a commission in the amount of 99 rubles, if the invoice will be replenished in the amount of up to 100 thousand rubles, or 749 rubles, if we are talking about the amount within 100-300 thousand;
  • « Professional", Cost 4990 rubles. Each payment costs 19 rubles here, and the acquisition of the package of unlimited payments will cost in 1990 rubles per month. Account replenishment is exactly the same as in the case of " Advanced"Tariff.

Trust RTO Bank TKS


Bank " Point", Which is a branch of the system-forming bank" Opening"It proposes to transfer the entire opening process in online. Immediately after submitting an application for the entrepreneur, the account number is enshrined, which can be safely indicated in the treaties and transfer it to its counterparties. The bank independently notifies the tax on the opening of the account and informs the Client's partners about the change of details. You can connect to the current account overdraftto inspire yourself in case of cash rupture accumulated accounts receivable Or with increasing turnover. In addition, you can use currency control services, acquiring, collection and other credit and insurance services.

Bank Offers tariffs for Th three categories:

  • « Losost.»With monthly payment in 7 50 rubles. Such a tariff plan allows you to perform 5 free payments per month, take up to 100 thousand rubles without a commission in any ATM. By the way, the ability to cash out tools automatically solves the problem, how to remove money from the current account;
  • « Economy»Cost 1900 rubles per month - this accrual of 7% for the balance of funds at the current account (for those who do not know how to calculate interest, I advise you to read my article ""), 100 free payments per month, the possibility of removing 200 thousand rubles from the account;
  • « Business" per 7500 rubles per month - 7% per annum on the balance of funds, 500 free payments and as many as 300 thousand rubles, which can be credited in any ATM with a 0% commission.

Start collaboration with a point


Well, summarize? I am confident that after reading this article, you all came to one, with a single conclusion - no businesswoman can exist without settlement and cash services today. The advantages of this service are obvious, because the possibility of carrying out non-cash payments helps us make your life easier, more convenient and more mobile. Even despite the fact that RKO implies additional costs, such a service saves timeSince all operations on a settling account can be carried out through a smartphone with Internet access.

I sincerely hope that after reading this review, you discard all doubts about paying or not to pay for RKO, and start saving your strength and time, delegating part of the work of the bank. I have everything on this. As I always ask you to share your impressions from RKO in the comments, tell what banks you order service and why. For now, I say goodbye to fast meetings!

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Types of banking operations for legal entities

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In a commercial bank, there are various banking operations for legal entities. The specifics of the bank is determined by the features of its activities. The result of this activity is to create banking services.

Banking services must first be divided into specific and nonspecific services. Specific services are all that follows from the specifics of the Bank's activities as a special enterprise. Specific services include three types of operations performed by them:

1) deposit operations;

2) credit operations;

3) Estimated operations.

Deposit operations of commercial banks include investment operations in deposits (passive deposit operations) or the placement of funds available at the disposal of funds in deposits in other credit institutions (active deposit operations).

In accordance with Article 5 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Banks and Banking Activity", raising funds of legal entities in deposits (to demand and for a certain period) refers to banking operations, and in accordance with Article thirteen of the same law, banking operations are subject to licensing.

In Russian practice, deposits are called funds made to the Bank by customers for certain accounts and used by the Bank in accordance with the account regime and legislation.

Legal entities are acting as subjects of deposit operations.

Deposits include the funds received by the Bank by entering into a bank account agreement (contract for settlement and cash services) and a bank deposit agreement (deposit contract for legal entities), as well as balances on correspondent accounts of other banks in this bank (Correspondent Loro accounts).

By time, the deposits are customary to divide into two groups:

1) demand deposits;

2) Urgent deposits.

Requirement deposits include funds on current, settlement, budgetary and other accounts related to making calculations or targeted use, funds for correspondent accounts of other banks (LORO). Due to the frequency of operations according to the accounts, operating expenses are usually higher than on term deposits, but since on these accounts banks, as a rule, pay low interest, or do not pay interest at all (then customers can be provided with various kinds of benefits), these resources for the bank relatively cheap. At the same time, this is the least stable part of resources, banks need to have a higher operational reserve for them to maintain liquidity. Therefore, the proportion of such funds in the bank resources is considered optimal to 30-36%. In Russia, the proportion of these funds is usually higher.

Urgent deposits are funds made to the Bank for a fixed term. On them, owners are usually paid a higher percentage than on demand deposits and, as a rule, there are restrictions on early seizure, and in some cases - and to replenish the contribution.

Urgent deposits are divided into deposits with a period:

· Until 30 days;

· From 31 to 90 days;

· From 91 to 180 days;

· From 181 days to 1 year;

· From 1 year to 3 years;

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Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state