
Loan portfolio and loan portfolio. Credit portfolio of the bank. How to make an assessment

The main type of earnings of financial and commercial organizations is the conduct of active operations on financial market After attracting temporarily free funds. A typical example of such activities is the issuance of loans on the long-term or short-term basis to subjects of activity or. It is due to the issuance of loans and a loan portfolio of the organization is formed.

So, the credit portfolio of the organization is a set of debts of borrowers on issued loans at a specific date for monitoring such debts. It is worth recognizing that bank borrowers can be:

  • individuals;
  • legal entities;
  • other financial organizations;
  • state.

As a rule, when assessing the activity of the organization in the financial market, we are talking about a client loan portfolio that covers relations with individuals and legal entities.

The main signs on which the loan portfolio is divided is a gross look (a complete array of loan issued by various subjects of activity), as well as a pure portfolio (characterizes the difference between the amount issued in the loop and the accrued reservations).

Depending on politics commercial organization The following types of loan portfolio can be distinguished:

- loan portfolio with neutral risk. It is characterized by a majority of loans issued by trusty borrowers, which is also negatively reflected on the profitability of the issued capital.

- Risk credit portfolio. Depending on the degree of profitability and availability of cooperation with borrowers of moderate or low solvency, the risk of non-return of funds can be increased. The mechanisms of opposition to such a situation are the reservation of funds in case of difficulties with the service of debt, as well as a rational policy on the collateral provision of loans.

Depending on the compliance of the current loan portfolio, the strategic priorities of the commercial organization allocate:

  • optimal;
  • non-optimal portfolio.

According to a combination of fundamental conditions for the work of a commercial organization (this is a "risk-yield"), allocate:

  • balanced;
  • unbalanced loan portfolio.

Depending on the specific classification tasks, you can also allocate loan portfolios in the national unit or in foreign currency, as well as portfolios of the main branch or peripheral representative offices of a commercial organization.

The procedure for assessing a loan portfolio

To provide financial Sustainability It is important not only to strive to increase loans issued, but also systematically monitor the quality of the loan portfolio. It is worth avoiding the formation and growth of so-called "toxic assets", which are the objects of pledge with low liquidity. Control over the quality of the loan portfolio is carried out using its regular assessment with the help of objective quantitative and subjective qualitative methods.

More accurate quantitative methods suggest a comprehensive analysis. financial reports and specific indicators of the loan portfolio. Financial managers must consistently assess the composition and dynamics of such indicators:

  • volume issued credit funds and their structure;
  • terms of issuing loans;
  • the procedure for servicing the current debt of borrowers;
  • interest rates;
  • general macroeconomic indicatorscapable of affecting the discount rate and the cost of borrowed funds;
  • the currency composition of loans issued.

A subjective assessment applies to the work of experts in the direction of studying the reliability of borrowers and the procedure for their maintenance of current debt. The risks of the current position of the commercial organization and the prospects for further expansion of a commercial organization are evaluated.

The Bank's loan portfolio is the amount of debts that customers have before the establishment at a particular time interval. It is a digit that is calculated with reference to the date. It is taken into account that lending operations are performed daily.

Types of loan portfolios

The loan portfolio is gross and clean. The first includes issued, but not paid loans. Clean is calculated with a minus amount of reserves, which are prepared in case of damages. Each solid financial institution must have a reserve fund. Its size indicates the possibility and risks.

Portfolio and relatively policies of the bank differ:

  • Optimal. It best complies with the bank's marketing and credit strategy.
  • Balanced. Directed on the solution of the most ambiguous problem "Risk - profitability". The structure is similar to optimal, but may differ from the first individual stages.
  • Risk-neutral. This option has low riskiness and yield indicators.

They are divided into other reasons. In subjects of lending are divided into species for individuals and legal entities. The deadlies may be short-term, medium-term, long-term. The larger the short-term loan, the more it is considered liquid.

Features of formation

Creating a loan portfolio is the main task of any financial institution, since it allows you to make a profit. Today it is customary to allocate several stages of formation. Each includes general and specific principles for the formation of a loan portfolio.

Each bank, who has decided to provide funds to citizens, should:

  • analyze the factors that influence the amount of demand;
  • form credit potential;
  • ensure the right potential and loan ratio;
  • develop a plan that will help improve the existing portfolio.

In the formation of the structure, various factors affecting the development of the entire bank are taken into account. These include the peculiarities of the market sector, for example, the work of commercial institutions affects certain economic industries.

An important parameter is the value of banking capital. It depends on the maximum permissible limit issued to each creditor. Due to this, he acts as a limiting factor.

When all the steps are passed, it remains to efficiently manage the company. It is based on profit by minimizing risks. All organizational structure It is built on a clear demarcation of employee competences. The leaders who are at different levels have their own powers, can change the main conditions for the provision of loans, taking into account the previously created formulas.

What enters and is not included in the portfolio?

The structure includes the possibility of choosing a currency or ruble loan account, the presence and method of providing property as collateral, the benefits of debt repayment. Depending on the bank's policy, the specified list can be complemented by other points.

The feature is that the loan portfolio does not include loans issued state structures, varying extrabudgetary funds. This is due to the creation of special conditions for them that implies the absence of providing or a significant reduction in interest rates. Therefore, the loan portfolio shows only the typical activity of the financial institution.

Thus, the formation of a loan portfolio is the first step to obtain the desired result. This indicator is displayed on the bank rating. Therefore, it is important to use the data obtained when analyzing and apply them when solving practical tasks. One of the most effective tools to improve the level of the bank is to develop and implement the optimal portfolio. The correctly formed balance of asset and liability allows the management to competently choose the current course, considering the risks and potential.

There are many different approaches to the question of determining the concept and essence of the bank's loan portfolio. Under the portfolio should be understood by the totality, set, stock of certain material, financial, ideological or other parameters, giving an idea of \u200b\u200bthe nature, direction, amount of activity, the prospects of the company's market niche, bank, organization, etc.

Comparing various definitions of the loan portfolio, it can be concluded that some authors are very widely interpreted by a loan portfolio. financial assets And even bank liabilities: "The loan portfolio is lists of prisoners, existing contracts for attracting and placeing resources," the concept of the portfolio is emphasized here as wide aggregatebased on operations to attract and place the bank funds.

Others - associate the concept under consideration only with loan operations of the bank: "The loan portfolio is a set of requirements of the Bank for loans. The Bank's loan portfolio includes: interbank loans; loans to organizations and enterprises; loans to individuals. " The portfolio is defined as a totality, including loans issued by borrowers of different types.

Third emphasize that the loan portfolio is not a simple set of elements, but a classified aggregate. "The loan portfolio is a combination of loans issued, which are classified on the basis of criteria related to various factors. credit risk or ways to protect against it. "

Common for the presented definitions is the interpretation of concepts as some aggregate. Most of the authors in determining the loan portfolio are based only on one of the criteria for the classification of its elements - credit risk.

For the most accurate determination of the loan portfolio, other factors that have direct influence on it are necessary (for example, the level of profitability and the degree of liquidity of the loan portfolio).

In foreign economic literature under the credit portfolio, it is understood as the characteristics of the structure and quality of loans issued, classified by certain criteria, depending on the management goals set. That is, in determining the essence of the loan portfolio, foreign economists include the result of the application of the elements of the process. loan management. IN lately An increasing number of domestic professionals takes into service precisely the overseas methodology for determining the concept of a loan portfolio.

IN regulatory documents Bank of Russia, regulating individuals from the loan portfolio management (in particular, in the Regulations of the Bank of Russia No. 254-P dated March 26, 2004, "On the procedure for the formation of loan organizations of reserves for possible losses on loans, loan and equivalent debt"), it was determined The structure from which it follows that not only a loan portfolio is included in it, but also various other requirements of a loan bank: provided and received loans, placed and attracted deposits, interbank loans and deposits, factoring, requirements for receiving (refund) debt securities , stocks and bills, taken into account bills, requirements for the rights acquired on the transaction, on the mortgage acquired on the secondary market, on sales transactions (purchases) of assets with a deferment of payment (supplies), on paid letters of credit, on operations financial rental (leasing), on the return of funds, if the acquired securities and other financial assets are necotable or not accepted in the organized market, the amounts paid by the credit institution to the beneficiary bank guaranteesBut recovered from the principal. This structure of the loan portfolio is explained by the similarity of such categories as a deposit, interbank loan, factoring, guarantees, leasing, securitywho are in their economic essence Associated with the return movement of the cost and lack of changing the owner.

The essence of the bank's loan portfolio can be considered in categorical and applied levels.

In the first aspect, the loan portfolio is economic relations arising from issuing and repaying loans to carry out equivalent to credit operations. In this case, the loan portfolio is defined as a tackle credit requirements Bank and other credit requirements, as well as a set of economic relations arising from this.

In the second aspect, the loan portfolio is a set of bank assets in the form of loans, taken into account bills, interbank loans, deposits and other credit requirements classified by quality groups based on certain criteria.

The loan portfolio is characterized by:



The main characteristic of the profitability of the loan portfolio is the effective annual interest rate, which serves as a comparison tool with the profitability of other types of assets and analyzing the validity of interest rates on issued loans. For analysis, as a rule, a real yield is used - the income obtained per unit of assets invested in loans for a certain period of time.

The risk of a loan portfolio is the degree of possibility that the circumstances will come under which the bank will incur losses caused by loans that make up the portfolio.

Under liquidity refers to the ability financial instruments Transform B. cash, and the degree of liquidity is determined by the time period during which this transformation can be carried out, therefore, the liquidity is expressed for a loan portfolio in the timely return of loans.

The loan portfolio, as any other, is characterized by the size and structure. The concept of "loan portfolio size" must be viewed regarding the size of the portfolio of active-passive operations of the Bank and relative to loan portfolios of other banks.

The structure of the loan portfolio is the ratio of specific types of credit operations in the portfolio. Also, the structure of the loan portfolio can be viewed as a set of parameters that can manage the bank by changing the composition of the types of loans included in the portfolio and their volumes. The bank can change the structure of the portfolio in order to obtain the most favorable values \u200b\u200bof its characteristics - yield, liquidity, risk.

Based on these indicators, the very concept of a loan portfolio can be characterized as a set of loans, which has a certain structure, which in turn must meet the requirements of the Bank for profitability, liquidity and the degree of risk.

The objectives of the bank may vary depending on the specified degree of permissible risk, but the ultimate goal is unchanged - this is obtained as much profit as possible.

Depending on the purpose, the Bank forms a certain type loan portfolio. The type of portfolio, in general, is represented as a portfolio characteristic in the ratio of income and risk.

Based on this, all credit portfolios can be distributed on 3 types (Table 2).

Table 2 - Credit Portfolio Types

The loan portfolio consists of a variety of loans provided by the Bank.

Credit performs certain functions. Thus, the credit portfolio functions must be determined through the functions of the loan.

More than ten different credit functions are given in the economic literature. The main two of them were recognized: the redistribution of capital and replacement of real money by credit operations.

The loan portfolio must perform a redistribution function, the essence of which consists in the redistribution of loan capital within the portfolio on the subjects of the loan. It also consists in redistributing the industry sign of temporarily released financial resources. The loan in this case is a macro regulator of the economy, ensuring the satisfaction of the demand of certain industries in attracting additional funds.

The following basic function of the loan is the replacement of real money by credit operations. This feature will be a function of a loan portfolio, because by issuing loans, additional solvent demand will be created within economic SystemThat helps to avoid the overproduction crisis of goods and does not provoke inflation.

The loan portfolio also performs the function of accelerating the concentration of capital consisting in ensuring financial resources of priority areas. This feature will not be executed if the bank will send funds only in the most profitable industrieswithout taking into account national interests.

The credit portfolio function can also include regulation. monetary turnoverwhich is achieved through lending to the needs of various subjects of production and circulation, the mass service of the economy and the population.

One of the functions is also a diversification feature of the bank's income base, increasing financial stability, reducing the overall risk of active operations and ensure high rates of capital growth and income.

The credit portfolio function is also a combination of loans into a single whole.

Thus, the following credit portfolio functions can be distinguished:



credit associations

minimizing credit risks

expansion and diversification of the bank's income base and increasing its financial stability.

The formation of the loan portfolio is proceeded after the common goal of the bank's credit activity is determined, a strategy has been developed credit Policy Bank formulated defining priorities. According to the credit policy of the Bank, credit limits are determined in terms of timing, industries, groups of borrowers, etc. Therefore, constant monitoring of the compliance of the loan portfolio structure of the specified parameters is necessary. The issuance of each loan must be preceded by an analysis of the compliance of the credit facility of the Bank's credit policy, assessment of the creditworthiness of the client.

The credit rating of the borrower should not be limited to analysis financial results Activities, management and marketing at the enterprise are largely a guarantee of the timely repayment of the loan and interest. It is obvious that the quality of the loan portfolio is determined not only by its structure, but, above all, the compliance of the strategic goals of the credit policy.

In addition, the status of the loan portfolio predetermines the results of the bank's credit operations, so constant monitoring allows you to identify deviations from a given optimum and develop measures in the medium term to prevent them in the future. Or monitoring indicates the shortcomings of credit policies and leads to the need for its revision. In this case, the Bank's management should learn to the art of early detection of a problem loan.

The entire process of forming a loan portfolio can be divided into three blocks.

1. It implies the formation of a lending limit system in accordance with the goals and strategics of the Bank's credit policy. Setting credit limits performs credit risk management feature. The loan portfolio is known to represent not only the source of income, but also the source of risks. The degree of credit risk of banks depends on such factors as:

the degree of concentration of credit activities of the Bank in any field (industry), sensitive to changes in the economy;

share of loans and other bank contractsfalling on customers experiencing certain specific difficulties;

concentration of the Bank's activities in poorly used, new, unconventional spheres;

the introduction of frequent or significant changes to the Bank's policy on the provision of loans, forming a securities portfolio;

the proportion of new and recently attracted customers;

introduction to the practice of too much new services for a short period;

adoption as a collateral of values, difficult to produce in the market or rapid depreciation.

In turn, the establishment of credit limits is the main way to control the formation of a loan portfolio used to reduce risks and improve long-term viability.

Through the establishment of lending limits, proportions are optimized different species loans under the entire loan portfolio, taking into account the volume and structure of credit resources. This allows banks:

avoid critical to preserve solvency of losses from the rapid concentration of any kind of risk;

diversify a loan portfolio in order to reduce concentration and ensuring stable profits.

The diversification of the loan portfolio is the distribution, dispersion of credit risk in several directions.

Banks should limit lending to one large borrower or several large borrowers or providing a large loan to a group of interconnected borrowers.

2. It is the selection of specific lending objects for inclusion in the loan portfolio. The selection is carried out, as a rule, based on the assessment of the creditworthiness of borrowers. The general approach to the consideration of real lending objects implies an assessment of the area of \u200b\u200bactivity of the borrower, an analysis of the target funds, the choice of the type of loan, the identification of the risks of the credit transaction.

An important task is to determine the factors that allow preliminary selection of credit objects. Such factors are discussed in Table 3.

Table 3 - Factors defining the selection of credit applications

External environment



Priorities in the policy of implementing a structural restructuring of the region

The level of risk of late implementation of the recentized project and disadvantage

estimated efficiency

Compliance with the credit policy of the Bank's credit policy

The state of the sectoral environment characterized by

the stage of the cycle in which

there is a branch

Management level I.

marketing at the enterprise

The proportion of the required credit investments from the total

bank credit resources

Structure and competitiveness of the industry

Repayment time

the main debt I.

percent on it

First of all, it is necessary to establish whether the credit application matches

bank credit policy. In the case of a positive response, a credit department officer conducts an analysis of the creditworthiness of a potential borrower.

In banking practice analysis financial state The borrower is carried out by the following methods according to its balance sheet and accounting reporting:

vertical analysis;

horizontal analysis;

determination of satisfactory balance of the balance;

calculation of magnitude pure assets creditor on balance sheet;

payment financial coefficients and their comparison with regulatory values.

3. The third block - the loan portfolio analysis unit and the deviation management is largely echoing with the operational management of the loan portfolio, namely with the current monitoring of the loan portfolio. The prerogative medium-term period of time remains the development and implementation of measures aimed at improving the quality of the loan portfolio.

As part of the blocks described above, the loan portfolio formation is proposed a more detailed, phased consideration of the mechanism for the formation of a loan portfolio.

determining the limits of the main classification groups of loans and the risk coefficients sane;

assigning each loan issued to one of these groups;

finding out the structure of the portfolio (shares different groups in their total amount) taking into account every new loan issued;

assessment of the total risk of portfolio and the possibilities of issuing a loan to a specific object;

determining the compliance of the loan portfolio of the Bank's credit policy;

determining the value of the reserves that must be created under each loan issued;

definition total amount reserves adequately cumulative portfolio risk;

identification and analysis of factors changing the structure and quality of the portfolio;

development of measures aimed at improving the quality of the portfolio;

constant monitoring of the deviations of the loan portfolio from the specified optimum (Figure 1).

Figure 1 Mechanism for the formation of a commercial bank loan portfolio

Customer lending is one of the basic functions of any financial institution. The percentages obtained at the same time form the main share of their earnings. An important role in this process plays the correct loan policy of the bank implemented through the management of its loan portfolio. Each head of the banking institution understands that the credit portfolio is optimal for the bank - this is one of its main tasks.

The credit portfolio of the institution appears only the amount of loans issued by the Bank. The expected profit of the bank due to the payment of interest on loans is not taken into account.

But there are certain types of loans, which, as a rule, are not included in the loan portfolio. For example, many financial organizations do not indicate the list of their assets decorated on preferentially loans to authorities and extrabudgetary funds. Not included in it also loans issued by partner structures or subordinate legal entitiesBecause these transactions are generally usually intercorporative transfers, and they are not directed to profit.

The classification of loans included in the portfolio is usually done according to the following parameters:

  • for the purpose of obtaining a loan;
  • on the sources of return of the loan;
  • by maturity;
  • according to the legal status of credited customers.

In addition, loans are classified at risk of non-return. For this parameter, they form the following groups:

  1. Regular loans with minor risks:
  • long-term loans with small regular payments;
  • loans issued to customers with impeccable credit history.
  1. Loans with increased risk issued to new customers, as well as loans for a long time.
  2. Loans whose refund is not guaranteed.
  3. Loans, whose refund is unlikely.

Certain factors and risks affect the formation of a loan portfolio

Correctly form a loan portfolio of the bank - this is a very difficult task, which is to be solved by the analytical service of the financial institution.

The portfolios are classified depending on the degree of risk:

  • optimal- its structure is optimized and fully complies with the Bank's strategy;
  • balanced - Such a portfolio implies a slight risk and at the same time a sufficiently high yield;
  • risk neutral - the basic principle of its formation is to reduce risk to the limit in any way, even at the cost partial loss arrived.

The loan portfolio, which is optimal for the bank, is not always balanced. The reason for this is that some, especially starting their activities in banking institutions, to conquer the trust of potential customers are forced to risk. Therefore, they give very risky loans even with a small yield.

Also, the loan portfolio is gross or clean. Gross portfolio includes all loans issued by the bank at the moment.

Evaluation of factors

For risk assessment, the volume of the pure portfolio is often calculated, in which the amount required to cover losses in case of no return of the loans issued is often deleted. It is impossible to accurately calculate the volume of this portfolio, but on how close to reality the result will be, the well-being of a financial institution depends.

The net loan portfolio is those cash, which, with a probability close to one hundred percent, will be returned to reliable borrowers.

The rest of the loans are in the risk area, and the bank must provide for their non-returns so as not to go bankrupt. Most often, when forming a loan portfolio, bank institutions choose its optimal option. For this, the following events are held:

  1. Analysis of the conditions capable of affecting demand and supply. Internal and external factors are investigated.

To the internal can be attributed:

  • existing credit opportunities;
  • its own funds;
  • the degree of preparedness of the Bank's employees.

External factors:

  • economic situation in the country;
  • volumes and conditions of the loan offer;
  • trends in the development of the credit services market.
  1. Research and analysis of short-term and long-term potentials and formation based on credit potential.
  2. Comparison of credit potential and loans that are planned to be issued.
  3. Classification of loans provided to customers on various features, for example, in terms of returns or categories of borrowers.

Competent management and careful risk analysis contribute to loss reduction

Portfolio Management

And now about what is the management of the loan portfolio. The ultimate goal of this event is to get the maximum profit, ensuring minimal risks.

To this end, the Bank is developing a program that allows you to supervise the loans provided to ensure their timely return. As a result, a system should be formed, which will allow the bank to extract the highest possible profits, without fear of losing money.

To manage the loan portfolio, the following tools apply:

  • clear distinction of the responsibilities of the management of the institution by credit;
  • personal assessment of possible risks for each application for a loan;
  • individual credit conditions for each borrower.

With their help, the Bank's policy is formed, mandatory for all its branches.

Each financial institution uses its methodology to reduce risks and increase profits. They create committees who need, in particular, to establish:

  • maximum monetary sumwhich the bank can issue borrowers;
  • interest rate on loans for a specific time period;
  • the need for guarantors or pledge when issuing loans.

This committee should assess the level of risks that the bank can afford to make a profit. This body is also authorized to make decisions on lending to key clients of the institution.


To determine the methods of extracting maximum profit with acceptable risks, the Bank's staff should regularly analyze the loan portfolio to study its structure directly during the workflows. For such an assessment, the banks use two types of analysis: quantitative and high-quality.

Quantitative includes the analysis of the following indicators for a specific period of time:

  • the number of contracts concluded on each credit program;
  • the structure of loans for groups of counterparties;
  • total amount of loans issued;
  • timeliness of the return of borrowed funds;
  • the magnitude of interest rates.

Conducting such an analysis of the loan portfolio makes it possible to choose the most promising investment objects, as well as identify risky areas, where the conclusion of contracts is extremely undesirable. An important role is played by a comparison of debt balances with expected payments. According to the results of the analysis, it is possible to adjust loan limits. Be sure to be set limits to the total amount of loans issued to one borrower and their number. After analysis, the possible amount of all funds that the Bank can send to the issuance of loans are determined.

Qualitative analysis will allow you to identify:

  • the percentage of problem loans from the total number;
  • the sum of overdue debts and its share of the total loans;
  • the most popular credit types of customers;
  • the activities of the institution developing slower than others.

Market banking services is in a state of continuous change. In this regard, the analysis should be carried out regularly, which will certainly contribute to increasing profits and reduce losses.

An illiterate loan portfolio can lead to bankruptcy


Incorrect formation or unsuccessful management of the loan portfolio may, in the presence of additional adverse factors, bring the financial institution to bankruptcy. When the bank comes to the conclusion that it cannot be paid more for his debts to creditors, he declares itself bankrupt. The institution goes under the leadership of the provisional administration, which will try to correct the situation. If its activity gives the result, the bank will pay off its debt to creditors. If the situation does not work out, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation recognizes the establishment of bankrupt, after which the bank will begin to perform a number of complex procedures, one of which is the sale of a loan portfolio.

A financial institution that bought a loan portfolio from the bankrupt bank, notifies all its borrowers about it. Some clients fear that after transferring the portfolio, the interest rate may increase. However, the new institution has no right to do this. It will be necessary to return money by the same scheme that operated initially.

Summing up, you can make an unambiguous conclusion that the loan portfolio is very important element in activity financial institutionsreceiving basic profit by issuing loans. The portfolio is a kind of indicator for them, allowing to detect unsuccessful solutions when placing loans, timely making credit policy adjustments in the direction of increasing its effectiveness.

Competent management of the loan portfolio gives the bank the opportunity to increase or reduce the amount of funds allocated for lending to improve the structure of the portfolio, which will allow the bank with the greatest efficiency to place its money and get due to this maximum profit.

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The provision of loans is one of the main ways to obtain income banks. In addition, one of the most effective and profitable. There is such a thing as the "bank loan portfolio", which is, we will tell in detail. Already from the name it can be understood that this is a combination of all issued by the bank of loans (loans), classified according to certain features and formed for some period.

For any bank, the activities associated with the formation of a loan portfolio and the choice of its optimal model is fundamental, because it is precisely its future fate on the economic arena.

Tell me what includes a loan portfolio, how it happens and how financial organization Make it optimal.

The cumulative amount of loans must be structured in a definite manner. The grounds for classification may be different:

By volume risks

In addition, loans can be classified by risks. Under this criterion, all loans can be divided into several large groups:

  1. With minimal risks (standard). This group may include:
    • long-term loans with a low regular fee;
    • loans issued to a reliable borrower;
  2. Non-standard loans with an increased degree of risk. These are all loans issued to new borrowers, medium-term and long-term.
  3. Potentially non-returnable loans. These loans are distinguished by an increased risk.
  4. Non-return loans.

The last two groups of the presented classification are dangerous for the activities of any bank. However, it is impossible to avoid them in practical activity.

Non-standard options

There are loans that cannot be included in the total volume. These are loans state and budget institutions and extrabudgetary funds. Such loans are not taken into account due to the fact that special conditions: with reduced interest rate, without financial support, with a simplified loan design system.

Not included in the total amount of loans under consideration and loans, which are provided to affiliate or related bank structures (which is sufficiently disseminated in practice). The reason for this is different: such transfers do not implement the goal of the profit, but are used rather as financial support.

The formation of a loan portfolio allows you to simplify the analytical work on the study of issued loans: there is no need to study each credit contractIt is enough to simply analyze individual groups. However, this is not an end in itself. The data obtained during the work itself cannot give effect and positively affect the practical activities of the Bank. The result is achieved only by high-quality and quantitative analysis.

Quantitative assessment allows you to determine the main characteristics of loans issued: types of borrowers, currency, ensuring, average loan size and return period.

Qualitative estimate allows you to form a list of potential borrowers, identify the conditions under which ensured maximum percentage Return loans.

Types of loan portfolios

All credit portfolios are also conditionally classified by several grounds.

You can split them on gross and clean. The first is the total amount of loans for a certain time. Pure is the same amount of loans less expenses of the bank (operating, insurance, etc.).

They can also be grouped according to the degree of risks. In this case, portfolios are allocated:

  1. With neutral or minimal risks.
  2. With an increased risk.
  3. Maximum risky.
  4. Optimal (stable).

There are several more grounds for classification:

Optimal loan portfolio: formation and management

However, the goal of the Bank's activities is not easy to form a loan portfolio, but to make it optimal. The optimal loan portfolio for the bank is a situation at which the set of issued loans fully complies with the existing financial and economic resources of the Bank (in other words, its economic potential) And at the same time gives the bank the level of profitability as possible with such resources.

To form it - the task is not easy. It is implemented by the following steps:

When the work is completed and the loan portfolio of the bank is formed, the control process begins. It cannot be determined as a specific stage, it is a cyclic process that takes place during the entire operating date credit organization.

It is important to note that a single-generated loan portfolio cannot serve as an effective tool. Information, the number and characteristics of issued loans, the economic situation in the country and in the credit service market are in constant dynamics, it means that it is necessary to constantly update the "content" of the generated portfolio.

The formation of a loan portfolio is only the first step to obtain the desired result. It is important to competently use the data obtained upon further practical work, as well as in the development of financial and economic policy of the credit institution. The optimal portfolio is just one of the guns to achieve the desired result.

Correctly formed the balance of asset and liabilities will allow the bank management not just to be at the helm, but also to competently choose the course. Knowing all possible risks and potential, it is much easier to do and more efficiently.

A competent approach to the formation and optimization of the loan portfolio will allow even a small financial procurement to become a worthy player on the economic arena.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state