
Interest rate on lending. Where is the lowest consumer loan interest, in which bank? Lowest loan interest

At what percentage does Sberbank issue today consumer credit- this question has become more frequent from our readers. The bank is the largest financial institution in the Russian Federation, which has the largest number of branches. Therefore, many Russians choose his services.

In terms of credit programs, earlier he could not boast of the most better conditions... However, the inhabitants of our country preferred to use his offers, choosing reliability and stability.

And remember !!! Before taking a loan, think 10 times and apply once once. If today you are offered a loan with a rate of over 17%, this is a clear robbery. Look for best offers... They are there, you have to look for them. And do not forget to be sure to read this note before applying, it will help you not to make serious mistakes!

Bank % per annum Filing an application
Eastern more chancesFrom 9.9%Checkout
Renaissance Credit is the fastestFrom 9.9%Checkout
Home credit worth a try too From 9.9%Checkout
Alfa bank credit card0% for 60 daysApplication
Svyaznoy: installment card Conscience credit cardfrom 10% per annumApplication
Home Credit: installment card Freedom credit cardfrom 12% per annumApplication
Sovcombank if everyone refused From 12%Checkout

Borrowers appreciate the following benefits:

  • Reliability
  • Large selection of programs
  • Low percentage
  • A large number of branches, even in the most remote corners of the country
  • No commissions
  • Decent financial resources.

There are, of course, and disadvantages, but they are rarely an obstacle to cooperation with the bank. Sberbank puts forward some basic requirements to its customers:

  • Age - 18-75 years old.
  • Employment - from 6 months in last place.
  • Registration: temporary or permanent.
  • Documentary confirmation of solvency by alternative means.

What proposals are there today:

  1. Unsecured: an amount from 30 thousand to 3 million rubles is offered for a period of up to 60 months. The rate varies from 13.9 to 22.9% per year;
  2. Under the surety - minimum percentage decreases to 12.9%, and the maximum - to 21.9% per annum. At the same time, the proposed amount of lending can be increased to 5 million rubles, the terms of repayment are the same;
  3. If you take out loans secured by real estate, then you will be offered to receive up to 60% of the value of your property, while the amount can reach up to 10 million rubles. The repayment period has been increased to 10 years, the overpayment percentage - from 14 to 18.25%;
  4. For owners of personal subsidiary farms, a special offer is provided, where loans in the range of 300 or 700 thousand can be obtained for 2 or 5 years, respectively, under single percentage at the rate of 17% per annum;
  5. Servicemen without a surety will be able to apply for a loan in the amount of up to 500 thousand rubles. at 15.5% or with a surety - up to 1 million rubles. at 14.5% per year.
  6. In addition, this year there was new service called refinancing. It allows you to combine into one up to 5 different loans issued both in Sberbank and in third-party organizations. They give out no more than 1 million rubles for a period of up to 60 months, the percentage starts from 13.9% per annum.

Please note that all specified minimum rates apply only to salary clients and retirees. If you do not belong to these categories, then you need to add another 1-2 percentage points to the%.

  • Through the official website of Sberbank. To do this, you follow the link sberbank.ru, at the top, hover the cursor over “Take a loan” and select “..for any purpose”. Next, get acquainted with the available programs and their conditions, if necessary, here on the online calculator you calculate your monthly payment. If everything suits you, fill out the form online,
  • If you are a salary client of the bank, then you can fill out a questionnaire at Personal account system "Sberbank Online", after passing the preliminary registration. detailed instructions given

In 2017, banks set new rates on consumer loans, in accordance with which given view the loan becomes more beneficial for the borrowers. This is due to the fact that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation made a special decision, on the basis of which all credit institutions were obliged to reduce the interest on loans provided to individuals for various purposes.

Maximum interest rates for consumer loans

Once a quarter, information is sent to the statistics authorities about what marginal interest rates on consumer loans have been established different banks... According to the decision The Central Bank different credit organizations that issue loans to the population cannot set rates on them that will be higher than the established and certain value.

Accordingly, maximum interest rates can be determined consumer loans in 2017, which include:

  • for microloans, the rate is 806.95%;
  • for microloans, the amount of which does not exceed 100 thousand rubles, and the term is 6 months, and the provision of collateral from borrowers is not expected, the rate is equal to 54.657%;
  • for microcredits that are not accompanied by the provision of collateral, and the term varies from a month to two, the rate is set at 421.768%;
  • for a car loan, the maximum rate is 21.845%;
  • for a consumer loan when buying any product at retail, the amount of which does not exceed 30 thousand rubles, the rate is 48.227%;
  • for a consumer loan when buying at retail, the amount of which is more than 30 thousand rubles, the rate is set at 42.459%;
  • a bank loan of up to 30 thousand rubles. issued under maximum rate – 36,445%;
  • a bank loan in the amount of more than 100 thousand rubles. can be presented at a maximum rate of 29.985%.

As a rule, maximum interest rates for consumer loans or other types of loans are used very rarely, as different credit institutions try to attract as many clients as possible with reduced rates.

Why are borrowers forced to pay more than the established loan rate?

Many people who apply for a loan are faced with the fact that they have to overpay under the loan agreement, although there is such an interest rate at which you need to pay less Money than which are actually listed monthly. This can be easily explained, since borrowers have to pay various commissions along with the interest, insurance payments, payment to retailers, or there may be other purposes for which you have to spend money. Moreover, they are all included in the total loan payment.

Key interest rate

The most important information for many individuals who constantly use different banking products, it became known that the key rate was reduced. It is she who has an impact on all sectors of the country's activity. It stayed at the level of 11% for a rather long time, but in the fall it began to decline, which made it possible to set it at the level of 9%. Now it assumes that by 2017 the key interest rate will be 7.5%.

However, some experts are confident that this decline will soon stop, and there is also a likelihood of a repeated increase in the key rate.

Thus, interest rates on consumer and other types of loans should not exceed the amount that is established The central bank country. At the same time, these values ​​change regularly, so you can track all the innovations.

Car loans


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It is difficult to answer the question: what is the average rate on loans in 2019, it is difficult to answer unequivocally, since its size will be different for each of the regions of Russia. Also, the division goes by the type of loan (mortgage, consumer, auto).

Why is there a discrepancy in numbers? Everything is very simple - financial organizations always follow their internal policy in terms of interest rate formation, they create a line of credit offers, and for each program they define individual conditions.

At the same time, it often happens that conditions in the capital will differ from those in regional offices.

And remember !!! Before taking a loan, think 10 times and apply once once. If today you are offered a loan with a rate of over 17%, this is a clear robbery. Look for the best deals. They are there, you have to look for them. And do not forget to be sure to read this note before applying, it will help you not to make serious mistakes!

Bank % per annum Filing an application
Eastern more chancesFrom 9.9%Checkout
Renaissance Credit is the fastestFrom 9.9%Checkout
Home credit worth a try too From 9.9%Checkout
Alfa bank credit card0% for 60 daysApplication
Svyaznoy: installment card Conscience credit cardfrom 10% per annumApplication
Home Credit: installment card Freedom credit cardfrom 12% per annumApplication
Sovcombank if everyone refused From 12%Checkout

We conducted a sample study among the market of credit products in the city of Moscow and received the following results.

  1. Consumer loans issued in the amount of 100,000 rubles for a period of up to 1 year, minimum rate was 8% per annum, the maximum - 47% per annum. The average interest rate was about 15-23% per annum. To find the most attractive offer, follow the promotions offered by banks in your city. The lowest you can find
  2. The mortgage, issued in the amount of 2 million rubles for a period of 10 years, the minimum interest rate was 6% per annum, and the maximum - 24% per annum. Thus, the average size is 12-14% per annum. To reduce the credit burden, we recommend using state aid, which can be sent to various categories of citizens, in particular - young families, military personnel, state employees, etc. You can explore the most attractive offers
  3. Auto loans approved in the amount of 300,000 rubles for a period of 3 years, the minimum interest rate was 3% per annum for partner programs, and the maximum - 32.5% per annum. The average size is 15-17%, while it is imperative to deposit your own funds in the form down payment... Now it is best to buy new cars, because they are covered Government program with subsidies, which we talk about in more detail in.

If you are planning to take out a loan, then you should carefully read the terms and conditions offered by banking organizations. For example, if you are offered a consumer loan at only 16% per annum, then it is worth reading all the conditions for this, the need for collateral or insurance may emerge.

Why do you need to know the average market interest?

And that's a really good question. Indeed, why look for such information if you can just come to the nearest bank branch and get a loan there?

This position is not entirely correct from the point of view of the consumer. Of course, many of us just want to come and get money right away, but such an opportunity often hides not the most profitable terms lending, in particular - high interest rates. And if you want to overpay as little as possible, then you should work hard:

Why is all this needed? After spending a little of your time, you can find the most attractive discount programs. Even if the branch is far from you, but there is a good promotion with a small%, it is worth going there.

But knowing the numbers themselves, i.e. interest rates, you can make approximate calculations of your future loan on an online calculator. This will help you to soberly assess your capabilities, because there is a chance for approval of the application only if the monthly payment does not exceed 40% of your official income.

Rate% per year:
Term (months):
Credit amount:
Monthly payment:
Pay in total:
Loan overpayment

Use our advanced calculator with the ability to build a payment schedule and calculate early repayment you can on

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Every citizen who chooses a loan offer always looks at the interest rate first. This is the most important reference point for borrowers, it determines the profitability of the program. Everything seems to be logical - the lower the established interest rate, the lower the final overpayment will be. But is it really so?

Interest rate and total cost of the loan

In the description of the loan product and advertising brochures, we see the interest rate that is typical for this offer. Indeed, it is this percentage that will be applied when scheduling payments and overpayments. But the loan also involves additional costs, which borrowers may not even be aware of, and which are not written about in advertising brochures.

So, the bank may provide for commissions for considering an application, for maintaining an account and other additional fees.

When registering secured loans, the services of appraisers or other third parties may be used.

All this is paid and is summed up in the end with the originally assigned interest rate.

Full cost of the loan or UCI

The total cost of the loan (CCC) is an indicator that really indicates the interest rate that will be applied when calculating the loan, scheduling payments and deriving the final overpayment. Focusing only on the interest rate that is used in the description of the loan product is a mistake, you need to find out exactly the UCS value in the bank and focus on it when choosing a program for registration.

Banks are in no hurry to disclose the real value of the CPM and attract borrowers by indicating the interest rate of a consumer loan, which, in fact, is just one of the tools for deriving a real schedule of payments and overpayments. It is quite possible that the rate indicated by the bank will be very attractive for the borrower, but in the end, when making calculations, it will turn out that the overpayment is not so small.

For example, you choose where to get a loan. One bank offers you a loan at a rate of 25% per annum, while another, on similar terms, concludes agreements at 30% per annum. The conclusions seem obvious: where the rate is lower is announced, there it is worth taking out a loan, it will be more profitable. But if you make calculations, it may turn out that in a bank that offers a rate of 30% per annum, the overpayment will be lower than in a bank that offers a rate of 25%.

It's all about the PUK. It's just that a bank that offers a small rate, takes various commissions, includes a loan Additional services that in the end it turns out not 25%, but all 35% per annum. And in the bank, where the rate of 30% of the commission is announced is not so high, the CPM is equal to 32% per annum.

Law and PUK

Previously, banks deliberately concealed from borrowers the value of the full cost of the loan, although they were obliged to voice its value to the applicant. But in practice, no one did this, the borrowers were misled by pseudo-interest rates and, as a result, they entered into agreements on high interest, not knowing it and considering it all normal.
In the agreement, the rate of 20% could be written in large size, and in small-small print on the seventh of ten pages, the bank indicates the real CPC, which could be all 35% per annum. The borrower seems to be pleased that he has issued profitable loan, but in reality this loan is not profitable at all.

From July 1, 2014 entered into force new law on consumer lending. Now banks are obliged to make the value of the CPM in the loan agreement as visible to the borrower as possible. The full cost of the loan is indicated on the first page loan agreement, the UCS value is placed in a square box in the upper right corner. And the area of ​​this frame should occupy at least 5% of the entire page. Now it is impossible not to see the real interest on the loan.

Real interest rates on loans from TOP-5 banks in Russia

Many banks deliberately mislead borrowers. Firstly, in advertising brochures and on their websites in the descriptions of loan products, they indicate a simple interest rate, not a CPC (the CPC itself can be found only in tariffs, which are sometimes not so easy to find on the Internet sites of banks). Secondly, the rate is indicated with the preposition OT.
That is, not "20% per annum", but "FROM 20% per annum". And this means that the rate may turn out to be 30% and 40% per annum, just for this credit product there is a minimum rate of 20%. It can be available, for example, only to regular customers with a good credit history, who take out a loan for 6 months and take at least 1,000,000 rubles. For all other clients, the rate, according to the tariff, is set higher. Here, a marketing ploy is used - to lure a potential borrower with advertising to their offices, and there already experienced managers will take the client into circulation.

So let's figure out what the largest creditors of the country actually offer. In each bank we will make a preliminary calculation of the overpayment using a universal loan calculator. We will calculate a simple cash loan without collateral for a standard non-salary borrower, which is issued on following conditions:
- loan amount - 300,000 rubles;
- processing time - 24 months.
When calculating, we will use the maximum limit of the interest rate offered by the bank. Usually banks indicate, for example, a rate from 23% to 28% per annum, and the exact amount is set depending on the borrower's personal data and other information. For a more objective result, we will take the maximum rate, because in practice it is used most often.

Calculation of the interest rate for a consumer loan from Sberbank

In fact, Sberbank can be called the most transparent bank in the country: it does not impose additional services on borrowers and offers transparent interest rates. The position obliges, after all it is largest bank country owned by the state.

What actually:
- if you study the rates for issuing a loan, then the indicated interest rate is available only to salary borrowers who apply for a loan for a period of 24 months. The CPM for these clients will be at least 17.43% per annum. An ordinary client can receive an amount of 300,000 rubles for a period of 24 months at a rate of 22.5-28.5% per annum, and the PSK will be up to 29.56% per annum.

We take a calculator for calculation:
- if you take 300,000 rubles for a period of 24 months at 29.56% per annum in Sberbank, then the monthly payment will be 16,705 rubles, and the overpayment will be 100,943 rubles.

You have the opportunity to apply online for a cash loan at Sberbank.

Calculation of the interest rate for a consumer loan VTB24

The second most popular bank in the country, which is in no hurry to disclose information on real interest rates. It is not so easy to find a real UCS on his website.

What actually:
- to obtain a loan in cash at VTB24 bank, the borrower must connect the contract comprehensive service and at least a basic service package that contains some paid services. The client will be given bank card, to which the SMS notification service will be connected with payment of 59 rubles per month. Also, you should pay 900 rubles for this card annually. CPM in VTB24 is 20-30% per annum.

We use a calculator to calculate:
- we count a loan of 300,000 rubles for 24 months at a rate of 30% per annum. We get monthly payment in the amount of 16773 rubles and an overpayment of 102,572 rubles. Do not forget to add 1800 rubles here for two years of servicing the VTB24 card and 1416 rubles for the SMS informing service for two years.

If you wish, you can submit online application for a cash loan at VTB24.

Calculation of the interest rate for a consumer loan from Gazprombank

This bank is, of course, the most service-oriented legal entities and large enterprises of the country, therefore, it does not actively attract borrowers individuals... However, you can also get a standard consumer cash loan here.

What actually:
- the rate of 15.5% per annum is available for salary borrowers who take out loans for up to a year and are ready to provide security to Gazprombank. An ordinary borrower, when applying for a loan without collateral for 24 months, is offered a rate of 19% per annum. Now let's look at the tariffs and see that the CPM for this product can reach 24.59% per annum, and in the absence of insurance, the rate will be increased by another 1%.

- we consider the rate of 25.59% (without insurance), the same amount of 300,000 rubles and a period of 24 months. We receive a monthly payment of 16,100 and a total overpayment of 86,409 rubles. So far, this is the most lucrative offer.

Calculation of the interest rate of the consumer loan of the Russian Agricultural Bank

Despite the name, this bank specializes not only in products that are associated with agriculture... You can also get here standard loans for individuals, including unsecured cash loans.

What actually:
- the minimum rate of 14.5% per annum is assigned only to salary clients who issue loans in the amount of up to 500,000 rubles and for a period of up to 12 months. Standard borrowers, when applying for a loan for 24 months, are promised a rate of 22.5% per annum. The PSK in Rosselzozkhbank for this product can reach 29.21% per annum.

We take a calculator and calculate:
- we get that with a loan amount of 300,000 rubles, a period of 24 months and a rate of 29.21% per annum at Rosselkhozbank, you will receive a loan with a monthly payment of 16652 rubles and an overpayment of 99650 rubles.

If you are satisfied with these conditions, you can submit an online application for a cash loan to the Russian Agricultural Bank.

Calculation of the interest rate of a consumer loan Alfa Bank

If all of the above banks are state-owned banks, then Alfa Bank is one of the most significant and largest private banks in Russia.

What actually:
- the minimum rate is available only to salary clients, standard applicants receive loans at rates of 22.9% per annum, but even then, subject to a minimum of RUB 700,000 on credit. If we take 300,000 rubles, then for us the rate will be in the range of 25.99-32.99% per annum. And the CPM in Alfa Bank can reach 44.62% per annum.

We do the calculation on a calculator:
- the amount is 300,000 rubles, the term is 24 months, and the rate is 44.62% per annum. We get that every month it will be necessary to give 19112 rubles, and the overpayment will eventually amount to 158706 rubles.

Of all the above banks, it is most profitable to apply for a loan from Gazprombank, it offers borrowers the lowest CPR value. The most unprofitable loan is in Alfa Bank, where the CPC can be almost 45% per annum. For the rest, large banks with state participation offer similar interest rates, the difference in monthly payments and overpayments is insignificant.

Please note that each bank sets the minimum possible loan interest rates for its salary borrowers. Therefore, if you receive wages to an account in any bank, then it is worth contacting him initially for a loan. The difference in rates can be significant.

There is no need to rush to apply to the bank, which offers to get a loan for a very low interest... Remember the free cheese in the mousetrap. Illustrative example we see in Alfa Bank, which offers to get a loan at a rate of 18.99% per annum, and in the end full cost the loan in this bank can be almost three times higher.

Be sure to make overpayment calculations in several banks, this is the only way you can determine the most advantageous offer. But you do not need to count at the rate that the bank offers in the advertising brochure, look at the bank's rates, and then you need to find the CPM value. All information can be found on the website credit institution... Calculate the interest rate yourself on the calculator based on the maximum value of the UCS. And remember that accurate calculation you will be made only with your personal appeal to the bank after examining your package of documents and conducting an interview.

Quantity advantageous offers in financial institutions for a wide range of the population can confuse even an experienced economist. The calculation of the interest rate on loans in banks is carried out according to completely different schemes and methods, therefore it is difficult to find a profitable and cheap lending program in Moscow. The client needs to understand how the rise in the cost of his loan is formed, and what nuances are taken into account when paying.

What is the rate on a loan in a bank

The interest rate is the amount of the overpayment that the borrower makes for using the financial capital of the bank and making a profit on his own deposits. The base interest is calculated and formed directly from the demand in the credit services market. Officially, financial players form this indicator on their own, but most states legislatively and, by influencing the market, try to keep it at an acceptable level for the population. The interest rate on bank loans can be simple, complex or effective (depending on the calculation formula).


The calculation of a simple interest rate on loans in banks is used for short-term credit transactions with a one-time accrual of interest. Long-term contracts rarely use an unregulated percentage: the possible dynamics of the market are not taken into account, the financial institution deprives itself of a guaranteed profit with the dynamics of lending prices. Simple interest is a flat rate on the entire original loan. The lender's income is secured by an agreement and looks like an annuity amount (equal monthly payments).


Some lawyers consider the existence and use of complex loan settlements to be an illegal mechanism, but it is legally fixed and permitted for use. Such an interest rate implies the accrual of additional interest on the existing ones after the expiration of the agreed payment period. So the bank increases its profit for a loan with a long-term loan (for periods up to 1 year, the result of simple and compound interest approximately the same).


Such an adjustable interest rate is prescribed in the loan agreement without fail. At its core, these are the fully scheduled expenses of the borrower for obtaining a loan: the percentage of rise in price, commission, payment for paperwork, and the like. The client in an effective calculation sees all the points of the loan that will need to be paid for. However, banks do not provide this information immediately. So it may turn out that under apparently equal conditions, an offer of 15% per annum is less profitable than 17%. Before signing, you need to carefully read the clauses of the contract.

What determines the interest rates on loans

The formation of the cost of a loan directly depends on three factors: the status of the borrower, the state of the bank and general economic realities in the state. The client, if he wants to get a loan, provides a list of documents that the financial institution requires (if they are needed). On their basis, it sets the limit of a possible loan and the ability to reduce the interest rate, maturity. On the part of a potential borrower, the formation of interest is influenced by:

Key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

The main condition that forms absolutely all offers on the market banking services, is the key rate (KS) of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. This indicator determines the cost money supply for everyone else banking organizations... The loan will not have an interest lower than the established key rate, because it is unprofitable. A change in the COP often does not affect those who have already drawn up a contract, unless the opposite is spelled out in it (an exception for mortgage lending, which directly depends on fluctuations in the key rate).


The inflation rate directly affects the key rate of the Central Bank. The depreciation of money provokes its increase in order to stabilize the market. Like any prices and price proposals, following the rise in inflation, the current interest on loans increases. Some economists argue that a slight increase in the inflation index offers a chance to save the borrower some of the money by implicitly lowering payments, but this assumption does not take into account the depreciation of the bank's client's salary.

Interbank loan rate

Credit transactions (interbank) are aimed at stabilizing the cash fund of a financial institution. Often, only specialists know about such operations, because they indicate a crisis, and it is undesirable for clients to know about it. The presence of debt obligations to another creditor forces the bank to raise the lending rate or complicate its calculation with hidden commissions and additional financial burdens on the client. So own losses are repaid at the expense of physical borrowers (especially if the calculations were carried out at a decursive rate)

Interest expenses to depositors

The raison d'être of a bank is to create as much bulk as possible own funds(fund). With great attractiveness and reliability, a financial organization has depositors who want to increase their capital through deposits. The payment of their dividends is earned by the bank in the greater mass from the repayable interest on loans issued. This means that the more banking structure deposit clients with respect to credit, the higher will be the interest rate for the latter.

Interest on loans in banks

Varieties percentage allowances in most cases of credit directly depend on the duration of the loan. An anti-sipative rate can be beneficial even for a client with a short-term loan, but a decursive rate is easier to repay. Also, interest rates on loans in banks are divided according to the degree of risk accounting, external factors, methods of calculation. The percentage itself is a complex of factors that influenced the determination of the amount of the refund. physical client:

  • for accounting for inflation: nominal or real (the former do not take into account inflation dynamics in the calculation);
  • if possible, changes: fixed or floating interest (the contract stipulates the possibility of an average backlash in the interest rate on loans in banks under the agreed conditions);
  • by the type of calculation: simple, complex, effective (described in detail above);
  • by the term of provision: long-term, medium-term, short-term, forward.

Where is the best place to get a loan

Number of banking and financial institutions providing loans at the indicated favorable interest rates, confuses even an experienced borrower. The first thing to know is that only a full-fledged bank, not an MFI, will give a really profitable loan at a low rate. Second, you need to analyze at least the online price dynamics in the lending market. Modern Russian banking players are increasingly striving to attract customers by simple and fair transactions without many additional commissions and onerous interests, offering rates on consumer loans in banks.

Loan rates in banks for today

When borrowing a loan, each client wants to give as little as possible at an interest rate. This natural desire is trying to support the leading banks of Russia to the extent of the framework established by the Central Bank. In addition, the requirements for the borrower and the documentary burden on him are reduced. Below are the TOP banks-leaders of the Russian Federation, which offer to take a consumer loan with low interest rates for Russian citizens for any non-targeted expenses.


Loan name

Annual rate

Conditions for obtaining



The loan is issued for a period of up to 1 year, a 2-NDFL certificate is required.

Sberbank of Russia


Term - up to 1 year, no certificates are required.

VTB Bank Moscow

Up to 7 years, amount from 50 thousand rubles to 2 million, income statement and work experience of at least 6 months.

Housing Finance Bank

Secured by real estate

Term - up to 20 years, amount - up to 8 million rubles. Required condition- the cost of mortgage housing - from 1.3 million rubles.


Car loan

Up to 7 years, the amount - up to 5 million rubles, without guarantors and with the ability to repay ahead of schedule.

The best loans in Moscow

The Russian capital remains a nominal barometer of lending trends, where to borrow. According to the proposals of Moscow banks, it is possible to track the dynamics of development in the regions. In addition, the largest players in the field of financing the population (Sberbank, Rosselkhozbank, OTP Bank) are trying to equalize tariffs to a single denominator throughout the country, so that regional peculiarities have a minimal effect on the calculation of the interest rate on loans to individuals. In which banking institution can you use an affordable loan offer with a low interest rate:

  • Promsvyazbank: cash on 2-NDFL, rate - from 12.9%, amount - up to 750,000 rubles, loan term - up to 60 months, there is a refinancing program;
  • Renaissance Credit: in cash without certificates, rate - from 12.9%, amount - up to 700,000 rubles, term - up to 60 months;
  • Home Credit: in cash on income statement, rate - from 14.9%, amount - up to 850,000 rubles, term - up to 84 months;
  • Eastern Express: in cash without certificates, rate - from 15%, amount - up to 1,000,000 rubles, term - up to 60 months;
  • Alfa-Bank: cash on 2-NDFL, rate - from 15.99%, amount - up to 700,000 rubles, term - up to 5 years.

Banks with low interest on consumer loans

Consumer lending accounts for the majority of lending to individuals. They are easier to pay back to the client due to the small volume of the loan itself. Modern banks try to offer a loan with a minimum interest rate in order to stimulate the influx of new borrowers and the re-circulation of existing ones. Top market players remain the leaders, who can afford the minimum profit from one loan, but in the context of the total mass of lending, they win. TOP banks offering to take a consumer loan at a minimum interest:

  • Sberbank of Russia: the minimum rate is 14.4% with a maximum of 5,000,000 rubles (bonuses for salary cards);
  • VTB Bank of Moscow: 16.90% for 3,000,000 rubles up to 7 years (it is possible to receive a loan on a card of another bank);
  • Gazprombank: maximum amount - 15,000,000 rubles at a rate of 10.5 to 15% (priority - mortgage payments);
  • VTB 24: the opportunity to issue a consumer loan at 14.95% for 3,000,000 rubles up to 7 years;
  • Rosselkhozbank; offers a rate of 15.5% with a maximum of 50,000 rubles for 1 year (bonuses for salary clients, but there is a penalty for inappropriate use of funds).

Where to get a profitable cash loan

The case when you need cash urgently for any purpose can happen in the life of any person. Banking institutions offer such products, but often a large number of documents are required, many influencing factors are taken into account. MFIs give quick money, but at extortionate rates, so they are not seen as a smart way out. Many banking institutions began to offer to fill out an online application, choose the lowest interest rate on a cash loan, and reduce the documentary burden on the borrower in order to help the client.


Loan name

Annual rate

Maximum loan amount in rubles

Conditions for obtaining

Post bank

Credit purchases

The loan is provided without certificates, guarantors and collateral, only a passport

Alfa Bank

In cash

Income statement, the ability to apply online, the availability of a convenient loan calculator to calculate the rate, loan disbursement on the same day



To take advantage of the loan offer, you need to provide a certificate of income or have a Raiffeisen salary bank card, it is possible to leave an online application, loans are issued 1 day after the approval of the application


Income statement, good credit history, approval of the application in 1 day, mandatory registration credit card


Consumer unsecured up to 5 years

Certificate of income confirmation, without collateral and surety, loan issuance the next day


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