
The project "Young Family" is state help to young parents. How to get help in improving housing conditions

The order of the formation of the queue according to the program "Young Family"

In accordance with the law turn in2011-2020 is formed by dates of reception by district administrations of applications for obtaining the status of needing improvement of housing conditions. Citizens who submitted documents in one day are registered in it by the number of children. If it is equally, the turn is formed in alphabetical order. Registration is conducted in a special journal. Responsible employees are obliged to conduct strict control and accounting of statements of citizens.

Families that have submitted documents on the program operating in 2002-2011 and have not received certificates, must provide them again. After their check, they will be staged in accordance with the date of reception of the first application.

Lists For each region on planned year Approved as of September 1. This means what to purchase accommodationin 2016, citizens who submitted documents until July 31, 2015 may be. Certificates are provided on the basis of the possibilities of regional budgets. First of all, they are issued to citizens who are registered until March 1, 2005.

After submission of documents, families can find out the number of their turn. To do this, contact the local administration. Many municipalities provide the opportunity to receive this information on-line on their official sites.

In order to find out in detail how the queue is formed on the "Young Family" In the region, citizens have the opportunity to make an appointment with specialists. The administration also provides advice on the procedure for issuing documents and granting a subsidy.

The rules for providing state support funds for young families are regulated by the terms of the federal project "Housing for 2011-2020".

List of laws

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Russia has various federal and regional programs that allow young families to receive various benefits and subsidies to improve housing conditions. However, despite the wide fame of various state events, many citizens are not solved to take advantage of the help of the state.

It is caused by this opinion that it is necessary to spend a lot of time and strength to get money. Indeed, to appoint subsidies to comply with a certain procedure, but with knowledge of certain rules it is possible to significantly simplify the process of registration of state aid. Consider how to stand on a queue for housing under the program "Young Family".

The program "Young Family" and the conditions for participation in it

In 2011, a program was launched in the Russian Federation, allowing newlywed to improve their housing. She was given the name "Housing". As part of this program, measures were developed to provide monetary assistance to young citizens, widely known as the "young family". However, in early 2018 it was customary to restructure the dwelling.

In this regard, the program completed its action. Instead, they introduced a new title "Provision of affordable and comfortable housing and communal services citizens Russian Federation" Events for granting subsidies to new families found a new name - "Providing housing of young families." However, among the public, this program is still the name "Young Family".

The main purpose of events is compensation to those in need of citizens of the part of the funds that lacking for the acquisition of personal residential premises. Compensation size is calculated depending on the number of square meters missing for comfortable accommodation families. As a rule, the state pays 30-40% of the cost of living space.

Subsidies are issued for new or housing. Money can be used as a first contribution to a mortgage or as a reimbursement of a part of the loan by a banking institution.

Conditions for participation in the program have undergone some changes. Family without children could participate in the dwelling. According to a new order, the subsidy of childless pairs is not provided. The rules for issuing state assistance are enshrined at the federal level. However, the leadership in the regions is given the opportunity to make their adjustments. Basic conditions for participation in the program:

  • The age of participants is less than 35 years old. When applying should be taken into account that both family man should achieve the specified age at the time of the appointment of the subsidy. Since the queue for obtaining financial assistance can last more than six months, it is necessary to correctly calculate its age.
  • All family members should have registration at one address.
  • At the time of handling the family, at least one minor child should appear. The subsidy can be obtained if the child is adopted.
  • Applicants must confirm that they need an improvement in the living space.

Confirmation can be: certificate from housing buildrs with the calculation of the number of square meters per family member, the documentation from Rosreestra, confirming the absence of his own home or apartment, medical papers, certifying that citizens live together with a person suffering from a severe illness.

Who can take part in the program?

The program can participate as complete and incomplete families. If the mother brings up a child without a father, she has the right to take advantage of state help to buy an apartment or at home. The following citizens may stand for the purchase of housing:

Only those couples in which both spouses are citizens of the Russian Federation could take part in the dwelling program. The "young family" admits to the participation of a family in which one of the partners is not a citizen of Russia (see also :). However, their child must be worn by Russian citizenship. In most regions, when calculating the shortage of living space, only family members who are citizens of the Russian Federation are taught.

  • families who raise more than two children;
  • women who are engaged in the education of the child without the support of the Father;
  • families of veterans of hostilities;
  • citizens who are in service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Procedure for obtaining a subsidy

To obtain assistance from the state, a young family should receive the status in need of improving housing conditions. Applicants for subsidy need to contact the local administration with a certain documentation and a statement on registration. The application is filled directly in the administration. Sample:

The application is viewed by state institutions for 10 days. If citizens are recognized as needed in best conditions Housing, they are reported in writing or by phone. After accepting a positive decision, the family put in a queue for statement of state-owned.

Waiting for state assistance can last more than a year. If during 12 months, citizens will not receive a subsidy, they need to reaffirm the status of needing improvement of the housing. This requires re-applying and package of documents to the administration.

However, to obtain money, the family needs to collect additional documents. After the family becomes one of the first in line for the purchase of housing, a message will be received from the administration. To make a subsidy, it is necessary to confirm that citizens are able to pay for their own part of the cost of housing, which will not cover the ultrasound.

After checking the documents, the recipients of the subsidy will be issued a certificate. It is necessary in order to confirm in the credit institution that part of the debt will be paid from the state budget.

The certificate is used within 60 days after receipt. If the term is exceeded, the family will lose subsidy.

What documents are needed?

Many citizens begin with distrust to treat the program at the moment when they learn what documents should be collected to participate in the program. However, the state cannot provide money without reason. It is necessary to consider the requirements and collect the required documentation. To recognize families in need of accommodation, the following should be prepared:

In the regions, the standard package of documents can be supplemented. After setting a queue, applicants must prepare for the fact that after a while, the following portion of securities should be presented. Some documents need to be duplicated. For public funds need the following documentation:

  • passports of parents;
  • children's documents;
  • marriage or divorce certificate;
  • certificate from the passport table;
  • document on the number of square meters falling on each family member;
  • documentation for existing residential property;
  • papers confirming full calculation with utilities;
  • order on the formulation of a young family into account as needing improvement of housing conditions;
  • documents confirming the official employment of adult family members;
  • income certificates for the last 12 months;
  • information from the bank about the amount that the family will be provided;
  • documents certifying the availability of finances on personal accounts of family members;
  • paper confirming the availability of valuable property.

In Moscow, to obtain assistance in improving housing conditions in most cases can only those families that consist of housing records can. Today there are three categories of such citizens:

  • in need of improving housing conditions (those who stood up before March 1, 2005);
  • in need of residential premises (those who stood up after March 1, 2005 and was recognized Mostly-inclusive citizens are recognized by residents of Moscow, the property security of which is less than the cost of the total area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises, which must be purchased by family members to ensure the norm of the area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises per person.

    Property security is defined as the sum of the value of the property owned by family members and to be taxed, and the monetary expression of income of all family members for estimated period. At the same time, the cost of family members on the right of ownership of residential premises or their parts is not taken into account.

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  • in need of assistance in acquiring residential premises (those who stood up after March 1, 2005 and was not recognized as poor).

3. What can be calculated by those who stood up after March 1, 2005?

In need of assistance in the acquisition of residential premises, may claim:

But only if they managed to apply for the improvement of housing conditions with one of these methods until January 9, 2017. The choice of a method for improving housing conditions after January 9, 2017 for this category of facilities is not provided for, as the legislation does not define the forms of assistance in acquiring housing.

In need of residential premises can apply only for housing provided under the contract.

4. How help people with dangerous chronic diseases?

If in the family, consisting on housing, there is a patient suffering from a severe form of some chronic diseases, housing conditions are improved in accordance with the selected way, but out of turn. At the same time B. new apartment (or home) must be a separate isolated room for such a patient.

5. How do the elderly and disabled help?

Improve housing conditions can families in which are:

  • disabled with disabilities of the musculoskeletal system;
  • citizens of older age and disabled people living in stationary institutions of social services that no longer want to live there, provided that the housing they occupied before to provide them is impossible.

They can get housing for the specialized housing Foundation of Moscow by. Accommodation will correspond to the individual program of rehabilitation and abillation.

6. How to get a liberated room in a communal service?

If in communal apartment The room (or several rooms) is released, it is obliged to offer on a social hiring agreement to families from the same apartment in the following sequence:

  • we are registered in need of residential premises (regardless of their place in the general queue on improving housing conditions). If there are two such families in a communal apartment, then first offered the vacant housing by those who stood up earlier;
  • not consisting of such accounting, but having to be accepted.

If neither those nor others in the apartment, the released premises must offer to families that are provided with total area Housing for one family member is less than the provision rate - 18 square meters, under the contract of sale.

In all other cases, someone from the villains of housing accounting can be installed in the released room.

7. How to get housing residents of emergency and dilapidated homes?

Residents of Moscow, in the prescribed manner unsuitable for accommodation and repair or reconstruction, are not subject to, including residents of five-storey houses to be demolished, not consisting of housing, should be provided by housing of the same type.

Residents of the houses of the K-7, II-32, II-35 series, 1605-AM, 1MG-300, consisting on housing, provide residential premises under the contract

Young couples at the beginning of their lives have to deal with many difficulties.

For many of them, there is a question of their own housing.

The ability to become owners of a separate residential area is not available to everyone.

Hope in such a situation accounted for relatives and (or) assistance from the state. In this article, we will tell you in detail about how to properly stand on a housing queue of a young family in need.

Today, a federal target housing program continues to work, in particular, its subsection concerning the possibility of acquiring housing with young couples.

The program is again prolonged, so take advantage It will be for a minimum of four years.

In fact, it consists in providing families with certificates for a set amount of money, allowing partially to solve the issue with housing. Do not count on the free provision of separate residential premises or full payment of its purchase.

However, financial assistance in the amount of 30 -40 percent will be a good help to acquire desired square meters.

To participate in this program called "Young Family" maybe each subject to some mandatory requirements.

These include:

  • disadvantage of limit thirty-fightened ages of both spouses (or a parent in the family of incomplete);
  • needy in obtaining better residential premises;
  • the presence of income, cash that will make the rest of the housing fee beyond the subsidy.

It should be known that the program can join both full families, married couple with children (without children) and incomplete (parent and child).

As for the citizenship, the citizen of the Russian Federation can be only one member of the couple.

If the size of the family's income allows them to acquire real estate independently, then in the provision of assistance will be denied.

The program is primarily designed to assist needy low-income families. However, this fact must be established officially, corresponding Acts of the authorities in the city (region) of power.

Statement of citizens in the queue to improve their housing situation is an indispensable condition for obtaining a target subsidy.

How to get the status of the needy?

Since this question refers to the main, consider how to get a young family to the housing line.

To begin with, it is necessary to clarify which institution in your city is engaged in housing problems, as well as - the implementation of this program.

Before applying, you must collect a number of documents:

  • certifying personality;
  • certificate of marriage, its termination (for incomplete families), the birth certificate of children, children (if any);
  • documents for residential premises (contract, warrant, state registration of rights, technical transport);
  • documents for other housing (if available);
  • extract from the facial account, a house book or a vehicle at the living room.

Documents are transferred to the administration employee (another commissioner Organ) in the original for familiarization and copies for further work with them.

Provided copies are wrapped in place and left with a statement, and then returned the originals rightholders.

Depending on the place (city) of residence, the list of necessary documents may be a little bit, so it is better to specify them in the local administration or other authorized body.

At the same time, attention should be paid to the following points.

It is necessary to provide information about all places of residence, in particular, about their area, for the previous appeal five years. If citizens (spouses) have several residential premises, you need to transfer documents for each of them.

At the same time, to determine the area for evaluating the degree of family needs by addition.

Square meter rate for each person installed In various regions in-it. It usually varies within ten square meters

All submitted documents are studied, including, the question of whether actions were not committed against a special deterioration in their housing conditions.

If such actions are revealed, then submit documents will be available not earlier than five years from the moment they are committed.

To meet the statement, the family should reside either in an insufficient house of housing, or in a dilapidated emergency, or in a communal with other people's sick people, which creates a threat to health.

After consideration of all papers, a solution may be made or on the presence of grounds for the applicants to improve the existing housing conditions, or not.

In disagreement with the solution of the power body, if desired, it is possible to submit a complaint against him.

Getting a subsidy

After the family managed to get the official status of needing better accommodation, you can begin to the next step.

This step will be an appeal now with a statement to grant the certificate for this program.

To obtain the Subsidy itself, it is necessary to go to the authority to the authority to deal with the issues of housing with the following list of documents:

  • statement (in 2 copies);
  • copies of certifying the identity of documents;
  • a copy of the marriage certificates, the birth of a child, divorce (if available);
  • documents on the production of a housing queue;
  • confirming the ability to take a loan, pay housing in a part that is not covered by subsidies, documents (about income, other sources of funds).

If the submitted application and the documents attached to it meet all the requirements, the applicants becomes its participant.

At the same time, it should be known that if at the time of the consideration of documents, who, from spouses, will reach the limit thirty-fightened age, they are excluded from the program.

Therefore, timely appeal is extremely important for help. If the statement is denied, then after the correction of all identified disadvantages, you can again appeal to receive a subsidy.

Opinion of a lawyer expert:

Conditions for housing Not so complex, as it may seem at first glance.

Decisions on the formulation are made by housing commissions under administrations. On the Internet, you can clarify where the housing commission is located in your settlement.

One of the conditions of the program is the age of family members. At the time of making a decision, at least one parent must be no more than 35 years.

The package of documents is not difficult to collect. The main thing is to submit to the application for registration of a copy of the passports of all adults and birth certificates for children, an extract from the personal account on the composition of the family, revenues for the last calendar year. Certificates about the presence of vehicles and on the available real estate municipality will request independently by electronic exchange. If the process of analyzing documents, the commission will identify that the cumulative income per family member exceeds middle salary By region, such a family will be denied. The calculation is taken and market value Car and share in the right to registered apartment from any family member. If the documents are in order and the revenue part corresponds to the required level, the meeting of the Housing Commission makes a decision on registration as needed by housing.

It is worth noting that in each region there are additional measures to support young families. Such measures can be as a provision land plots under construction of young and large families, Subsidy to young professionals. All existing programs can be obtained information on the official sites of the administration or in the housing inspection of your region.

However, by this time the applicants should not exceed thirty-five years old.

The formation of the queue is based on the date of receipt of applications and other documents. When the feed date coincides, they are distributed in alphabetical order.

All data is entered into a special account of the account.

Information about the number of its turn can always be clarified. Some citizens groups can count on the priority receipt of this subsidy.

These include families:

  • having three or more children (large families);
  • living in bad conditions;
  • submitted applications until 2011, but not received it.

This process can occupy a long time, since people awaiting a lot from the state. Lists of those families who will receive funds in the seventive year are formed in September of the previous year.

When there is a queue, the family receives a notice from local authorities. No later than one month, you need to apply with all the documents specified earlier now to obtain a certificate.

With a positive result of consideration of the application for the applicants, a certificate is issued. You can only get it once.

Cash on hand is not issued by anyone, all calculations and translations occur non-cash. Their end-size depends on the existing composition of the family adopted in the region, the city of housing prices.

The final calculation of this payment is carried out on the basis of information on how much one square meter costs in the city, the region of residence of applicants, the norms of the square, relying on one family.

Careless couple, mostly, can hope for thirty percentage payments. For par from one kid her the size can increase before thirty five percent, for larger quantity children before magpie percent. IN different regions finite sum aid can vary.

Using certificate

After receipt family certificate, need to proceed to solution question about his application.

It certifies right concrete address on the installed amount subsidies, so wears name character.

Predict his in selected bank, for condition, what is he works from this program, family can in flow integers two months. This time given for search suitable housing, achievements preliminary agreements from seller or solutions other questions his acquisition.

If a monetary funds will be used in quality first contribution by loan in dann bank, that everything decides faster. Certificates, presented in bank after double month time, to execution not accepted.

but, for such circumstances, a family it has full right contact from request replace certificate in tOT organ, which the his gave out.

If a certificate will be adopted bank, that opens special score.

Monetary funds enroll straight on the this score and tack transfer on the bills persons, speaker seller, representative developer, other face, indeed room for accommodation.

IN whole funds certificate should be implemented not later nine months from moment his issuing. After his expiration the time not extended.

If a time actions certificate yet not released, but is he was utermen or spoiled, that possibly contact per issuing his duplicat.

Usually duplicate issued by expiration month from moment arrivals relevant applications.

Important remember, what subsidies have target character and should be spent on the concrete goal. A family can apply funds certificate for purchases suitable residential premises, the buildings own at home, initial contribution mortgage credit.

Application his for others goals not allowed, per than carefully follow organs, issued certificate. For detection violations target use tools dedicated subsidies, can be accepted decision about them return.

Separately follow to tell about tom, what not worth it trust persons, promising teach money by certificate on the hands, or other fashion implement his in bypass normal procedures. Showing negligence, can easily get caught on the trick fraudsters.

On the options for improving housing conditions with the support of the state - we look at the video:

Important moment When submitting documents for recognition by poor: All adult citizens must or work or to be listed in the employment service or be pensioners. Family members without confirmed income, or its absence, will make it difficult to make the process of collecting documents.


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