
How to find out the house is insured. I want to insure an apartment. How to do it right? How to insure a two-room utility apartment? Residential premises are not privatized

For a long time, the toning was formally forbidden, but a fine of 500 rubles did not scare anyone really and each second car was stuck up to the driver's glass. It came to the point that the traffic cops even stopped writing out the protocols. But everything changed in 2012 ...

Then the law was adopted, according to which the driver was not just deprived small money (500 rubles), but also a license plate to eliminate the violation. To get them back, I had to go to the traffic police department, but was and legitimate way Solve everything in place: Toning massively fought straight at the posts of the traffic police or simply in those places where they caught the violators, even the penalty did not usually discharge, but simply wanted a happy path. Literally in a couple of months, almost all cars became transparent.

In any case, in front. Let me remind you, the rear windows are not normalized in terms of tinting and you can at least "score boards". So expressed one of my familiar traffic cop. But the front should have a light of 75% on the windshield and 70% on the side front.
In order for you to understand, the photo on the right is clean glass, and the atrumal film is pasted on the left - it is generally intended only for the salon that the cabin does not get harder, and it is not designed to affect the blackout. And at the same time, the athermal film is already on the verge of prohibition, because it passes through itself 70-75% of the light (checked on the device), i.e. Any other tinting will be in any case outside the law, these are such strict requirements.

It is believed that the traffic police forbids toning, because it can lead to an accident (like from the inside it is not clear). In fact, if you do not tinker the windshield (and only Caucasians are made because of the large ponts), then the driver's light tinting of the side front glasses does not interfere at all, you can talk to friends who have it. Moreover, there are no statistics that would talk about the danger of the film.

Then what is the reason? Cause safe, but not drivers, but traffic police ...

Imagine, he stops a similar car, and nothing can be visible inside, especially in the dark, that the driver is underdeveloped - it is not clear. There were cases when the window was opened and the traffic police officers were shot, or other unpleasant incidents occurred. Maybe they are in quantity and a little, but the police decided to defend the most progressive way - to ban. It is psychologically easier to approach the transparent machine. With the same success, bandits and terrorists can jump out of the rear toned door, but they have already decided not to change anything.

My position is simple: the windshield should not be toned in any way, but the front side end can still be allowed to darken about today's restrictions.

Toning Auto District is the process of applying light filters on the inside of the glass. Many people think that toning is used only from aesthetic considerations, but this is not the case, it has a number of other beneficial properties that will be considered in this article.

This article is almost entirely devoted to tinting the autofiled film, since this type of toning is the most practical and high-quality in Russia.

It should be aware that the incorrectly selected (according to the transparent parameter) the tint film can cause fines. Therefore, before toneding the car, you need to get acquainted with Goste.

Pros and Cons Toning

Test glasses have both the advantages and disadvantages that should be considered before making a decision on toning.

Pluses tinting

  1. The car with tonned glasses looks more effectively and stylish;
  2. When driving in the cabin with toned windows, a feeling of comfort is created, plus everything, you are practically not visible from the side, not visible left things in the car;
  3. Toning protects the salon from burnout and overheating. In hot sunny weather in a tinted car, it seems slightly cooler, since the intensity of light, when passing through the film, is noticeably reduced;
  4. Eye tension is reduced in a bright day of day;
  5. Partially absorbed solar glare.

Cons Tinovka

  1. Safety of driving is reduced, since with insufficient lighting, the visibility of the road is noticeably deteriorated through the toned glasses;
  2. When toning the front windows, frequent soldiers are possible from the staff of the traffic police, problems with the passage of technical inspection vehicle (In the case of a car toned not according to GOST).
  3. In some countries of the European Union (for example, Finland, where many residents of St. Petersburg often go beyond shopping) you just will not be the roads with tonned international Standard Glasses.

Tinging methods of auto glass

Foreway toning

It is produced by the vehicle manufacturer by adding various tinting additives to the glass mass, or by vacuum plasma spraying of the finest metal layer on the glass surface.

Pluses of the method

  1. High quality and wear resistance;
  2. Factory tinting practically does not affect driving safety;
  3. There are no complaints from the traffic police inspectors to the factory tint.

Cons method

  1. High degree of light transmission;
  2. The impossibility of dismantling without the complete replacement of the glass set.

Toning of spraying

It is produced by applying glass of a thin layer of metal or polymer on the inner side (this method requires removal of glass from the car). Unlike the factory deposition method, toning is made without using a vacuum chamber. Most often, toning by spraying is produced in half a culture conditions, which greatly affects its quality.

Pluses of the method

  1. Spectacular appearance (mirror, with transitions and various shades).

Cons method

  1. Has mirror properties;
  2. Not dismantled;
  3. Toning is susceptible to mechanical effects (it is easy to scratch, the chips appear in winter around the heating threads on the rear window).

Toning film

It is made by applying a self-adhesive film on the inside of the glass. This is the most popular method of toning in Russia, as it is distinguished by practicality, simplicity and relatively low cost.

Pluses of the method

  1. A wide range of films of various colors and swelling of light transmission;
  2. The ability to dismantle the film and replace it to another;
  3. Significant weakening of the SF and IR radiation penetrating into the salon, which prevents the burnout of the panels and protects the interior from overheating;
  4. The relative ease of applying the film is not dismantled during the toning process.

Select film

On the question of choosing a film must be taken very seriously. Much depends on this:

  • Toning quality.
    The Russian market is filled with cheap Chinese tint. It is not worth buying unequivocally, as it completely burns out for 2-3 seasons, it is survived, cracks.
    You should buy a high-quality American tint. She is durable and beautiful, perfectly exhibits all its stated properties. Suntek, American Standard Window Films, Johnson Window Films, Infinity and Llumar, in my opinion are the best films that have proven themselves among Russian car enthusiasts;
  • Problems from the traffic police.
    If you do not want to periodically pay fines in the amount of 100 rubles, then I advise you to tint the car in accordance with the laws.
  • Your security.
    If the whole car is toned to toned, then in the evening you will have serious problems. Through the tint even with the middle coefficient of light source in the evening it is difficult to see anything, and at night the more.

Films are classified by the transmission rate of visible light, for example: SP 05, SP15, SP20, and so on (where the numeric index indicates the amount of transmitted light in percent).

I believe that the most ideal option is the toning of the rear windows of the car (rear + 2 rear side) film type SP 25 (medium indicator of light-resistance). With such a tinting of the car, a feeling of comfort and comfort in the cabin is created, the car is no longer so visible, the safety of motion is practically not reduced.

To have at least some idea of \u200b\u200bthe degree of light-resistant film, read the following images:

In any case, ask the toners to show you different kinds Films, as these photos will not give you a real idea of \u200b\u200btinting transparency.

It should be noted that the more the windows are toned in the car, the less you can be seen from the street. For example, if the car is toned lying (all glasses) with a film with an average coefficient of light-resistant, then you will not be visible at all. That is, the smaller the light penetrates the car's salon, the worse he is visible from the street.

The toning of the car with film type SP 35 is characterized by a light haze on the glass, the visibility of the road is practically not limited and the interior is completely visible.

If the car is toned with a film SP 20, then the visibility of the road is slightly limited in day and evening, the silhouette and the features of the passenger face will be visible from the street.

When tinting a film SP 15, the visibility of the road is limited in the afternoon and is significantly limited in the evening day, only the silhouette of passengers is visible from the street.

SP 05 - the visibility of the road in the afternoon is significantly limited, in the evening the road is almost not visible, from the street, nothing is visible at all.

Tinting film - the best way. When tinted, glass is not dismantled, as the maximum can be removed the door panels.

The machine is toned from one to five hours (depends on the type of car body and the number of toned windows). On average, all glass sedans are toned in two or three hours.

The cost of works depends on the region, car and quality of the film. The average cost of tinting a car (in addition to the cost of materials) - 3000 rubles. The price varies from one to seven thousand rubles.

A good quality film is not afraid of a frost, nor overheating, does not fade, not demetallizes, not mirrors, does not scratch, does not penetrate, not covered with bubbles. It holds very well on the glass, and without a certain skill and the tool it is very difficult to tear off. You can talk about tinting with a calm soul, and nothing will happen to her. Everything will be all right around the heater, the film is withstanding the heating to 600 degrees Celsius.

In the winter period, the film dries over a week, in the summer in two or three days. While the film dries, do not use the windows.

Tinging the car is best in the summer. I strongly recommend tinting glass in frosts, as the divorce can remain and the film will have to be transferred.

After tinting between the film and the glass can remain water. You should not panic, wait a week. If a week, the divorces remained - throw the film under warranty.

Toning laws, GOST

Toning AutoCulakol must comply with GOST, otherwise you will periodically write out fines in the amount of one hundred rubles, you will not pass a technical inspection, do not remove the car from accounting and do not put it on account.

You should know the following:

  • The traffic police inspector does not have the right to finish you, measuring the light-glass ability of glasses on the eyes. To measure light-resistance, the inspector must use a special instrument - a tumter, and only on the basis of the instrument readings to write a fine. Such devices are only enough for DPS posts;
  • Taumeters give the correct indications only under certain conditions (suitable temperature and glass humidity). For example, in winter, at a temperature of less -5 degrees Celsius, they give incorrect readings.

Excerpt from the Interstate Standard GOST 5727-88 "Glass safe for terrestrial transport. General technical conditions »

The lighting of the shaded bands in the region above the zone in for passenger cars and zones 1 for other vehicles is not normalized. The definition of windshield zones is indicated in Appendix 3.

Wind heat-absorbing glasses should not distort the correct perception of white, yellow, red, green and blue colors.

2.2.4 Svetopropsy glasses providing visibility for the driver must be at least:
75% - for windshields;
70% - for non-wind vehicles included in the normative after a review of P, which determines the front visibility (see features. 1a).

The lighting of other non-hard glasses is not normalized.

Glasses with light transmission less than 70% are additionally marked with a sign V.

Windshields, painted in mass and tinted, should not distort the correct perception of white, yellow, red, green and blue colors.

From exposure you can draw the following conclusions:

  • You can tonit all the rear windows and a part of the front side (approximately halfway) by any toning. Also on the windshield can be applied the light-protective strip, not exceeding 15 cm in width.
  • The zone of the front windows included in the regulatory field of the inspection can be tinted with a film with light-resistance in 90%, but this will not give any effect, as it is practically transparent.

We know that for 2019 the tinting in principle is not prohibited. It is prohibited that the operation of a vehicle with toned windows, the front hemisphere of which has a light transmitability of less than 70% - that is, it passes less than 70% of the entire light inside the car's interior.

But even on the rear hemisphere is not allowed. First, you can tongue toned with curtains or even even plywood if there are side mirrors of the rear view. Everything is simple - all modern cars have such mirrors, and if they are not, then they will not be sent new ones to our country. Secondly, the mirror toning on any windows of the machine is prohibited. But you will not find the definition of mirroring anywhere, and in this difficulty. In fact, the inspector itself determines whether you have a mirror toning or not, and then, when you appeal a decree, the judge will already solve the issue of mirroring - again, for personal convictions.

In general, if the film clearly does not look like a mirror (you can see people in the car salon), then the inspectors do not have special prejudices on this expense, and if only needed by anything for different reasons to punish the driver, may fall asleep to mirror Toning.

So, it turns out that to answer the question of whether different types of toning are allowed: Dubai, Chameleon, Athermal, Infinity, Carbon and others, we can allocate 3 types of such a ban:

  1. The film is fully resolved on any windows.
  2. The film is allowed only on the rear hemisphere, since its light source is less than 70%.
  3. The film is prohibited everywhere, as it has the effect of mirror.

Is the toning of athermal film allowed?

Attermal film is dedicated to us. Of it, you can find out that such a film film is mnit, and, although most of them are tested by the transmission of the traffic police officer, some are still missing less than 70% of sunlight, and therefore prohibited on the front hemisphere.

The athermal film effect does not most often have an athermal film, so this film is not prohibited on the rear hemisphere.

Is Dubai film allowed (a la dubai)?

But Dubai film is in principle a mirror - about it directly stated by manufacturers of such films and this is a generally accepted fact. The film is in blue, green, gold, silver, or violet color and is designed to specifically hide the driver and passengers from prying eyes due to their mirror.

It is because of its mirror the tinting of the film of Dubai outside the law. The essential minus "Dubai" also in the fact that the DPS inspector is usually afar sees an approaching machine with such a film.

Is the tinting of the Hameleon film allowed?

Toning chameleon is a type of athermal tinting. Its peculiarity lies in the ability to change color and light-resistant, unlike a simple athermal film. Despite its transparency, very often chameleon does not undergo a translucent test.

In addition, when shading the film can sometimes give a mirror effect, so when using chameleon, you need to be prepared for fines for tinting.

Is the tinting of the film carbon?

Despite its bright name, the carbon film has nothing to do with the same material. This is the usual tinted dark gray color, the peculiarity of which is the absence of a metal in the composition. This means that it has a very small mirror effect. Consequently, this film is allowed on the rear hemisphere (one could say "the most resolved"), but on the front hemisphere, it almost never will be tested by the instrument for light-resistance.

Is transitional toning allowed?

Toning with the transition of color and effect is quite common today. It is often used in color coinciding with the color of the car. Most often, such a film has a transition from a mirror to just dark tint or even to transparent. Obviously, due to the mirror, such a film for 2019 is prohibited both in front and rear of the car.

Is the toning of infinity filter allowed?

Infinity toning is a mirror toning (thanks to several layers of a fish saturated with metal). Such tinting as well as Dubai is prohibited in most cases, although it most often has less mirror effect.

There are numerous risks, and therefore the buyer is desirable to know how to buy the "purity" of the apartment on their own. The main thing is to avoid the basic, largest risks whose information contains this article. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the possibility of challenging the transaction and the right to an apartment, and therefore the recommendation on how to check when buying "purity" of the apartment will be submitted in a detail.

The first steps

The first is the authenticity of the documents that the seller provides for familiarization. It must be checked particularly carefully, otherwise it may later be revealed by claims to this housing of completely third parties. Here it is necessary to take into account that situations with documents accompanying the purchase of housing, an excellent set, and a single recipe relatively legal issuesHow to check the "purity" of apartments when buying yourself, give it very difficult. However, you need to protect the transaction to the maximum, and therefore all the steps recommended for checking documents is better to commit. Of course, it is necessary to check the legal "cleanliness", without going beyond the scope of rationality, but the maximum of information must not only get, but also to appreciate, and it should concern and the apartment itself, and everyone who is involved in its property and status.

Of course, it would be much more convenient to turn to professional lawyers, but we have another question: how to check the "purity" of apartments when buying yourself? In principle, it is reasonable, although more troublesome. Moreover, the help of a professional can only increase the reliability of the transaction, but it will not be able to guarantee one hundred percent success and it cannot. In the extreme case, you can insure the title if fears continue to remain. Insurance companies Usually quite willingly go to meet.

New building and "Secondary"

And in this case, when housing is bought in a new building, checking documents must be careful, even if this sale is from the developer. The secondary housing, of course, will require great efforts, because the new buildings do not have such a rich history of registration-issues and shifts of the owners. But here even after a thorough check of the legal "purity" of real estate, which is made in all the rules, the probability of imprisonment of the purchased apartment remains. If the feed will be able to prove that his rights during the purchase were infringed, for example. But if the secondary housing is bought, disassembly will be held not only with the seller, but also with the owner who has owned this apartment before him. Probably, a whole series will have to go through court proceedings. Long and hardly checked legal "purity" when buying an apartment in the secondary market: this is the authenticity of all documents, this is an assessment of the legal status of real estate, this is an analysis of possible risks that are related to this purchase.


The legal "cleanliness" of the apartment can be checked, the maximum fixing the transaction when buying any real estate. You must request the seller the following documents.

  1. To begin familiarizing with the documentation is best with the right, as well as with the associates: contracts on the purchase and sale or inheritance, about the gift, about privatization and the like.
  2. The second step will be the study of the discharge of the USRP. It is in containing all the information about holding any transactions with this property.
  3. The third step is to extract from the house book to make sure there are no registered residents on this housing. This extract can be ordered in any multifunctional center. The document should indicate that all those who have previously lived in this apartment from the registration account.
  4. Certificate - also from the MFC - will answer the question of how to check the debts when buying an apartment, since the presence of any communal debts It is indicated.
  5. Be sure to make a certificate from the seller from the psychoneurological and drug treatment dispensary.


How to check if there is an arrest on an apartment? From the discharge of the USRP. It is indicated if it is a simple extract if the seller is the owner. And in the expanded version of the statement there is the entire history of this apartment from the first entry to the USRP. It is indicated who was the owner earlier and how often it was sold. However, one of this discardment is impossible. How to check if the apartment is laid when buying? Often housing is sold by proxy, and therefore the owner of participation in the transaction practically does not accept. This is a very risky situation. Quite often, such documents are mined dishonest.

Therefore, everything you need to check especially carefully when buying an apartment is the documents of the direct owner of the housing. To do this, you need a trustee to ask contact and contact the owner, so that he confirms that the apartment is sold. Next, you need to check the "encumbrance" in the discharge of the USRP, which contains information regarding the status of the apartment, is whether it is in pledge. If real estate is sold immediately after inheritance, it is better not to buy it. During three years New heirs may appear, which will challenge this transaction. Also, on an extended version of the Help, the USRP can be established that, for example, a mortgage for this apartment is not paid to the end.

What to pay special attention to

First of all, you need to look at the price. If similar apartments are more expensive, it should be particularly alert, and only with a huge interest in this object of real estate, it is possible to check its "cleanliness" in legal terms, and this is much more careful than previously expected. The seller needs to ask meticulously and seek details: not only who owns this apartment, but also when, how and whom she was purchased, why it was sold again, whether the apartment participated in litigation. Then check the said according to the documents. From here it will be clear how the seller is true, because you have to have a deal with him as a counterparty. And how to check the seller apartments when buying otherwise?

Be sure to be checked with all the attention of his passport and other documents relating to the apartment: on the basis of which property is registered, where, when a certificate is received, registering the right to her. Be sure to take copies to re-examine, but the originals check for the presence of seals, signatures, watermarks and the rest of the rest of the state document. Also be sure to compare copies with the original. It may well submit quite other documents. The information set forth on paper should coincide with the oral seller's story. How to check the heirs when buying an apartment? In no way. It is best to buy it when the right will be approved by the last one from the moment of inheritance. How to check the apartment before buying through Rosreestr? It is said above that the IFC you can order and get absolutely any documents relating to real estate.

More information

Before receiving and studying the documents, no advance, nor the departure to send the seller, since the former owner can leave the original certificates and treaties, even already selling this apartment. It is necessary to find out the documenor, whether the seller does not have a dependency of incapable citizens, minor children, is it now the seller in marriage and whether he was married at that time when they purchased this apartment, and most importantly, he personally acts, or through a trustee.

Do not talk with the owner personally, it is impossible to conclude a deal. The contract is better to make up with the owner, and not with a trustee. A significant number of fake transactions is the pretext that the owner is absent: in another city, in another country, and so on. Power of attorney can be false. If a trustee does not want to show the buyer of the apartment owner, it should cause suspicions, and the reasons here are completely out of importance. To verify the authenticity of the power of attorney at the notary, who was given it, it is also unlikely to succeed, because the notaries do not respond to such requests.

Guardianship and Capacity Capacity

If juvenile children were registered in the selling apartment, you need to demand the written consent of the guardianship authorities, otherwise the deal cannot be concluded. If the seller himself is recognized officially incapacitated, his cases are entrusted with a guardian, and only the one who appoints the guardianship authority. From the documents you need to check the court's decision on the first question (about incapacity) and on the second issue (about the appointment of the guardian). And to commit the transaction itself, it is necessary to obtain the consent of the guardianship authorities. The risks on such a plan of the transaction are so great that most often the buyer refuses to acquire such a housing.

But even more problem is the situation where the seller is incapable not recognized, but constantly or at times it happens in a state of failure to understand the value of its own actions (this definition is derived by law). It is quite difficult to calculate the condition to the eye even with repeated personal meetings. Therefore, just in case, you need to ask a certificate from a psychiatrist dated from the day of the transaction. Output may be an invitation to a familiar psychiatrist on a deal as a relative or friend. However, from all bad cases, this transaction is simply unrealistic. Even entering into a transaction from the notary, the complete success of this enterprise can not be achieved. Therefore, it is better to abandon a dubious enterprise, the benefit today of real estate proposal is almost three times higher than demand.

On official sites

It is necessary to go to the official website of the district court, to which this living space belongs, and to type the seller's name and its predecessors in the search for the names of the apartment. The same principle acts if you need to check whether the sellers and their spouses had any cases in court, and if there were, what. The main thing was whether the marriage was not terminated and did the property undertaken if the owner was not recognized. The latter is checked at the place of registration, so the seller's passport must be studied very carefully, and after contacting the site of that court, where this person is registered or was registered.

The judicial system is not yet configured so that you can find all this in a couple of clicks, unfortunately. Arbitration courts also have a formal database. It is necessary to establish whether the seller has been recognized as bankrupt. If it was, it is necessarily reflected in the Arbitration Court of the city, where he is registered. Through open official base Data online executive industries It is necessary to know if the owner of the apartment or his spouse is a debtor and does not initiate a matter of these citizens.

On extracts and certificates

According to the owner's card, there is an extract from the house book, you need to establish who is registered in this apartment, including (and especially) and those who live there. Payment must also be submitted communal services. The ideal option, when no one was registered in the apartment, but it is not always lucky. If the person registered in the apartment has, it is necessary to indicate the period in the contract during which they will remove from registration. Those who are registered on this housing, but do not live there, should present a notarized commitment to withdraw from accounting to a certain period.

The latter is better to write out of the apartment before making a deal, otherwise you can stay in a purchased apartment with a "filling". In court cases relating to eviction lawsuit, quite often play, since this question contains many unpleasant nuances. Notarized consent to the transaction is also needed to the owner who is in a registered marriage, which makes it certifying that the spouse or spouse is not against the sale of this housing. This is done in obligatoryIf the apartment purchased during the action of marriage, and by the time sales marriage is terminated. No additional documents do not need if the apartment received as a gift, to inheritance (more than three years ago!) Was privatized. That's about the most important thing that you need to check when buying an apartment. After receiving all this volume information, the packet of documents is carefully studied and analyzed.

Legal status

It is primarily necessary to evaluate the legal status of this apartment: as on the basis of which it was acquired existing owners, when did it happen. If three years have not passed since the acquisition, two problems appear. Not expired of limitation, that is, the transaction for buying an apartment can still challenge the former owners. To minimize taxes, the Seller may ask to specify the smaller cost of the apartment in the documents. It is better not to agree, because if this transaction is invalid, the seller will not return the full amount, but will return only the one that is in the contract.

The most expensive reason for the acquisition of an apartment with its owner is to obtain it inheritance, especially if the three-year term is not expired. If a new heir appears in court later than this period, then the buyer's risks will significantly decrease. If the apartment is often sold and bought in a short period of time, this is the most eloquent sign of fraud. It is better to immediately enter another purchase option, the benefit is now practically no problem. The more sales and shopping apartments, the time of its legal history. If the desire to buy exactly this housing is truly great, then you need to check not only the last seller, but also a spouse or spouse and all previous owners over the past five years at least.

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