
The needs of people in various countries are the same. Types of needs. Basic concepts of theme

Infinity of needs and limited resources. Problem of choice.

Option 1.

Exercise 1.

For each definition or term, select the definition:

1. Limited resources.

2. Economic benefits.

3. Production factors.

4. Capital.

I. The funds necessary to meet the needs of society and at the disposal of the Company in limited quantities.

II. The situation when resources are not enough to meet the needs of people.

III. Resources used by people for the production of consumer goods and services and for the production of new resources, labor resources, Earth, Capital.

IV. Production factor that includes man produced by man production: machines, mechanisms, production buildings, Equipment and raw materials.

Task 2.

1. The problem of limited resources will be solved when people can fully realize the achievements of scientific and technological progress.

2. At the same time, the needs of people in different countries are the same.

3. Wool used for mating scarves is capital

4. The percentage is income to capital.

Task 3.

For study at school or a visit to the district doctor, do not pay. Does this mean that the services of doctors and teachers are free benefit?

Alternative costs and curve of production capabilities.

Task 5.

a) alternative costs of storage of money in the Safe of the Bank are zero, as money is not factors of production,

b) the maximum production volume in the country at each moment of time is determined by the volume of demand for goods and services,

c) if all human and material resources are involved in the production, then increase the production of any product is possible only in private enterprises, and not on state,

Task 6.

Specify which of the listed statements is correct, and what is erroneous. Alternative travel costs abroad can be:

Education fee will be 4 thousand years old,

Food costs - 3.5 thousand years old,

Transport costs - 0.5 thousand year,

Payment of removable housing - 2.5 thousand years old,

Expenditures on clothing - 5 thousand year,

Salary of the secretary - 1.8 thousand year,

Costs for textbooks - 0.4 thousand year.

Task 9.

Imagine that your class was on a uninhabited island, where there is an opportunity to hunt the hares and build housing. If everyone goes to hunt, per day you can get 8 sinking carcasses, and if you build housing - you can build 4 dwellings.

Build curve production opportunities.

How will the CPV position change if:

a) During the construction of housing, some devices will be used?

b) Hunters tame dogs for hunting?

c) Food and housing will increase equally?

All answers mark on the graph of curves.

Task 10.

a) Build CPV.

IV. Production factor that includes people with their physical and mental abilities, which are used in the process of creating economic benefits.

Task 2.

Read carefully and specify which correct, and which are erroneous:

a) the problem of choice exists only for manufacturers,

b) tangerines grown on plantations can be viewed as a factor of production,

c) money is the most important resource required in the production of economic benefits,

d) dividends are income received by a hired employee from those who use his labor resource.

Task 3.

When we are talking about the fact that the needs of people increase that we mean by this: quantitative or qualitative changes?

Alternative costs

and curve production opportunities.

Task 5.

Specify which of the above provisions are correct:

a) alternative costs of storage of money in the Safe of the Bank are growing if the percentage of deposits in the bank is growing,

b) the maximum production volume in the country at each moment of time is determined by the number and quality of labor, capital and natural resources subject to complete use,

c) If all human and material resources are involved in the production, then increase the production of any product is possible only in conditions of price increases.

Task 6.

The rational behavior of the economic entity involves:

a) the feasibility of his behavior,

b) comparability of results and costs,

c) consideration of the opinions of the people around

d) definition of the price made by him

e) analysis of options for achieving the goal.

Task 7-8.

There are two types of goods in the country: computers and toasters. Production options can be represented as a table:

Toasters (thousand pcs.)

Computers (thousand pcs.)

1. Build the curve of production opportunities, postponing to the vertical toasters.

2. What is equal to alternative costs of increasing the production of computers

From 20 thousand to 30 thousand pieces?

C10 thousand to 40 thousand pieces?

From 30 thousand to 40 thousand pieces?

Task 9.

By performing the task of the center, Major Pronin learned that points A (90 guns, 80t oils), in (70 guns, 100t oil), with (30 guns, 120t oil), belong to the CPV. In addition, he derived that the general headquarters of the enemy plans to produce 50 guns.

What forecast will make an excellent student in the economy of Pronin, regarding the forecast of the enemy? What are the possibility of maximizing guns? Oil?

Task 10.

Before you, the table of production opportunities military products and civil goods:

a) Build CPV.

b) What do shown the point of the curve?

c) if the state wants to increase the production of tanks up to 5,000, how will this affect the production of oil?

Task 11.

Can the following points lie on the curve of production capabilities: A (15.3), b (8,13), in (13.6), d (5,12).

Task 12.

The farmer has three fields on which wheat grows and potatoes. On the first it can grow either 16t potatoes, or 4th wheat, on the second - 8t and 3t, respectively, and on the third - 4th and2t. Build the curve of production capabilities of everything farm.

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary school №8 Krasnoarmeysk"

Cards with tasks

on the "Evolution of Capitalism"

Prepared teacher history and social studies

Polyakova Tatyana Ivanovna

Card number 1.

For each of the concepts and terms, select the definition of it.

    Limited resources.

    Production factors.



    Economic benefits.

    Free benefits.





A. Rivalry between producers of goods and services for market sales markets and for receiving income.

B. Section of the economic theory, exploring the economy as a whole. It analyzes the problems of economic growth, poverty, inflation, etc.

B. Section of the economic theory, which sets out appraisal judgments about economic decisions and economic policies.

The section of the economic theory studying the behavior of individual households, individual firms, as well as situations arising in individual markets and industries.

D. The funds necessary to meet the needs of people and at the disposal of the Company in a limited quantity.

E. Insome resources that can be used in production and which are necessary for the production of economic benefits.

J. The behavior of a person, which implies the maximum result in these results or minimizing costs when achieving a specified result.

C. Production factor, which includes human produced by man.

I. The situation when resources are not enough to meet the needs of people.

K. Resources that are used by people for the production of goods and services.

L. Factor production that includes people with their physical and mental abilities that are used in the process of creating economic benefits.

M. Goods available in unlimited quantities and people received for free.

N. What had to be sacrificed, making a choice, the best of rejected options.

Card number 2.

Select to each term definition.


    Economic system.

    Production factors.






    Alternative cost.

    Motive profitability.

    Mixed economy.

    Economic model.

A. Visible and tangible items providing certain value.

B. Place where sellers and buyers are found.

B. prompts enterprises to produce things that have demand.

Used to explain and predict economic events.

D. Method of organizing a society that answers questions that, like who.

E. Invisible and intangible objects representing value.

J. Economic system in most democratic countries.

Z. He who risks for profit.

I. Lack of resources to meet the needs of all people.

K. Science on how to use resources limited to meet the needs and desires of people.

M. What you have to donate to get a product or service.

L. Earth, labor capital.

Card number 3.

Read the following assertions and specify which of them are correct, and what erroneous. Argument your choice.

    The problem of limited resources will be solved when people can fully realize the achievements of scientific and technological progress.

    The percentage is income on capital.

    At the same time, the needs of people in various countries are the same.

    Mandarins grown on plantations can be considered as a factor of production.

    The object of macroeconomics is the regulation of money circulation.

    To say that the unemployment rate this month is 7.8%, means to express a regulatory judgment about the macroeconomic concept.

    In the countries of S. market economy Planning is unacceptable.

List of used literature.

    Begheyeva TP Poundwork on social science. M. "Vako". 2008.

    Bogolyubov L.N., Lazebnikova A.Yu., Smirnova N.M. Social science. Textbook for general education institutions. M. "Enlightenment". 2011.

    Kravchenko A.I. Social science. Tutorial for 10 grade educational institutions. M. "Russian Word". 2010.

Lesson 23. Evolution of capitalism

28.10.2013 18339 0

Objectives: Familiarize S. economic essence trade and exchange, give a characteristic of modern forms of manifestation of capitalism; develop the ability to work with the educational text; Shape economic thinking in students.

Type of lesson: combined.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

(The teacher calls the subject of the lesson.)

Determine the content of the educational material. (Evolution - gradual development, which means that capitalism originally originally originally originated, as they changed. modern forms; What was the reason for changing these forms.)

We will consider the following questions:

1. Exchange and trade.

2. Historical types of farm.

3. Factors of influence on the phase of commercial capitalism.

4. Forms of modern capitalism.

II. Checking homework

Perform test tasks by options.

10 minutes execution time.

Test 1.

1. Intelligent competition provides for ...

a) product quality growth;

b) lower prices;

c) discounts, premiums;

d) cheap sales.

2. Each economic system Fundamental questions "What, how and for whom to produce" are solved on micro and macro levels. Which of the proposed questions can decide on the microeconomic level?

a) how to achieve the level of complete employment;

b) what and how much to produce;

c) how to get rid of inflation;

d) how to stimulate economic growth.

3. Set the correspondence of the characteristics of economic systems and their types.

a) during the trade of countries with each other, customs barriers are established to prevent the import of cheap goods;

b) to meet unlimited resource needs, always lacks;

c) Profit is not high enough to interest manufacturers to expand production;

d) sellers hold the goods to cause price increase.

5. Alternative cost of storage of money in a banker safe ...

a) equal to zero, as money is not factors of production;

b) grows if the percentage of deposits in banks is growing;

c) falls if the percentage of bank deposits is growing;

d) falls if the percentage of loans is growing.

6. Provision competition provides ...

b) additional guarantees;

c) lower prices;

d) product quality.

7. In a market economy, in contrast to the command-administrative economy, the manufacturer characterizes ...

a) economical business;

b) economic independence;

c) compliance with employment ethics;

d) the desire to improve the qualifications.

8. Economic systems existing in society distinguishes the sign ...

a) the volume of investment in the economy;

b) a way to distribute limited resources;

c) Number cash in circulation;

d) the level of qualifications of employees.

9. Install the correspondence between the example economic activity and the economic system.

10. Alternative value of the goods is measured ...

a) the cost of resources for the production of this product;

b) the number of money spent on the production of this product;

c) the number of other goods from which it was necessary to refuse for the sake of producing another product.

Test 2.

1. Economy as science studies ...

but) historical aspect development of society;

b) legal laws;

c) the development of science and technology;

d) various aspects of people's economic relations.

2. The necessary sign of a market economy is ...

a) free pricing;

b) the use of resource-saving technologies;

c) high quality products;

d) foreign economic activity states.

3. Are the following judgments true?

A. Competition manufacturers does not affect the quality of goods.

B. Competition has an impact on the establishment of market prices.

a) is true only a;

b) is true only b;

c) true and a, and b;

d) both judgments are incorrect.

5. Which of these characteristics does not relate to the market economy?

a) competition;

b) centralized planning;

c) Private property;

d) freedom of entrepreneurship.

6. Problems "What, how and for whom to produce" may be related ...

a) only to the planning-directive economy;

b) only to the market economy;

c) only to the backward economy;

d) to any society, regardless of its socio-economic and political organization.

7. The main problem of the economy is that ...

b) resources are limitless;

d) only in underdeveloped countries there are deficit problems.

8. In the state of Eclavland, economic benefits are produced from time immemorial to the old Dedovsky way, the profession is determined at birth. In this state ...

a) traditional economy;

b) market economy;

c) command economy;

d) mixed economy.

9. State in the Command-Administrative Economics ...

a) the law enshrines the domination unified form property;

b) provides the economic independence of the manufacturer;

c) develops laws limiting monopolies.

10. If all human and material resources are involved in the production, then increase the production of some product ...

a) can only be in private enterprises, and not on state;

b) only in conditions of price increase;

c) is impossible under any circumstances;

d) You can, if you cut the production of any other products.

Test 3.

1. The main problem of the economy is that ...

a) human desires are limited;

b) resources are limitless;

c) people should always make a choice when using limited resources;

d) Only underdeveloped countries have a deficit problem.

2. When economists talk about the need to save, they mean ...

6 Pounding on social science

a) the creation of savings;

b) extraction of maximum profits from available;

c) the study of the economy;

d) the need to spend as little as possible.

3. Alternative cost is the cost of goods or services measured ...

a) price index;

b) inflation;

c) the price of the purchased goods;

d) what you need to donate to purchase a product or service.

4. Limitable is a problem that ...

a) exists only in poor countries;

b) there is only poor people;

c) have all people and societies;

d) never arises from rich people.

5. Life on the verge subsistence minimum more characteristic of ...

a) market economy;

b) traditional economy;

c) centralized economy;

d) the economy of highly developed countries.

6. Curve production opportunities illustrates ...

a) the influence of the deficit and alternative value for society;

b) the benefits of producing one product instead of another;

c) change in the price of various products;

d) an alternative cost of production or one or other goods.

7. Payment for the use of capital or profits from its use is called ...

a) rent;

b) salary;

c) percentage;

d) profit.

8. People and enterprises affect the production ...

a) in a market economy;

b) in the traditional economy;

c) in a centralized economy;

d) in all economic systems.

9. About 100 years ago, a well-known economist suggested a theory that binds unemployment with stains in the sun. This theory is example ...

a) alternative value in action;

b) curve of production capabilities;

c) production factors;

d) economic model.

10. Fabulous Country C. produces fishing rods and fishing line. All people have a job, and the factory work in full force. If the ruler of this country wants to produce more rods, what will you advise him?

a) reduce the production of fishing line;

b) increase the production of fishing line;

c) give an order to produce more fishing rods;

d) under no circumstances to increase the production of fishing rods.

Evaluation criteria:

For each incorrect answer, the evaluation decreases by 1 point.Answers:

Test 1: 1 A, 2 B, 3 Babab, 4 b, 5 b, 6 V, 7 b, 8 b, 9 Abbab, 10 V.Test 2: 1 b, 2 g, 3 V, 4 V, 5 b, 6 g, 7 V, 8 A, 9 A, 10 g

Test 3: 1 B, 2 b, 3 g, 4 V, 5 b, 6 g, 7 V, 8 A, 9 g, 10 g

At this time, several students perform a job task.

Card 1.

For each of the concepts and terms, select the definition of it.

1. Limited resources.

2. Production factors.

3. Capital.

4. Labor.

5. Economic benefits.

6. Free benefits.

7. Earth.

8. Microeconomics.

9. Macroeconomics.

10. Competition.

A. Rivalry between producers of goods and services for market sales markets and for receiving income.

B. Section of the economic theory, exploring the economy as a whole. It analyzes the problems of economic growth, poverty, inflation, etc.

B. The section of the economic theory, which sets appraisal judgments about economic decisions and economic policies.

The section of the economic theory studying the behavior of individual households, individual firms, as well as situations arising in individual markets and industries.

D. The funds necessary to meet the needs of people and at the disposal of the Company in a limited quantity.

E. Insome resources that can be used in production and which are necessary for the production of economic benefits: Earth, water, forests, fields of natural fossils, etc.

J. The behavior of a person, which implies the maximum result in these results or minimizing costs when achieving a specified result.

3. Production factor that includes man produced by man production: machines, equipment, industrial buildings, tools, raw materials, semi-finished products, etc.

I. The situation when resources are not enough to meet the needs of people.

K. Resources that are used by people for the production of goods and services.

Ji. Production factor that includes people with their physical and mental abilities, which are used in the process of creating economic benefits.

M. Goods available in unlimited quantities and people received for free.

H. What I had to donate by making a choice, the best of rejected options.

Correct answer: 1 3.2 and 3 g, 4 K, 5 g, 6 ji, 7 d, 8 V, 9 b, 10 A.

Card 2.

Read the following assertions and specify which of them are correct, and what erroneous. Argument your choice.

I. The problem of limited resources will be solved when people can fully realize the achievements of scientific and technological progress.

2. The percentage is income on capital.

3. At the same time, the needs of people in different countries are the same.

4. Mandarins grown on plantations can be viewed as a factor of production.

5. The object of macroeconomics is to regulate the money circulation.

6. To say that the unemployment rate this month is 7.8%, means to express a regulatory judgment about the macroeconomic concept.

7. In market economies, planning is unacceptable.

The correct statements of 2.4, 5. The remaining statements are erroneous.

Card 3.

Select to each term definition.

1. Economy.

2. Economic system.

3. Production factors.

4. Products.

5. Market.

6. Entrepreneur.

7. Limitable.

8. Services.

9. Alternative value.

10. Motive of profitability.

11. Mixed economy.

12. Economic model.

A. Visible and tangible items representing a certain value.

B. Place where sellers and buyers are found.

B. encourages enterprises to produce things that have demand.

Used to explain and predict economic events.

D. Method of organizing a society that answers questions that, like who.

E. Invisible and intangible objects representing value.

J. Economic system in most democratic countries.

3. The one who risks the sake of profit.

I. Lack of resources to meet the needs of all people.

K. Science on how to use resources limited to meet the needs and desires of people.

M. What you have to donate to get a product or service.

Ji. Earth, work, capital.

Answers: 1 K, 2 d, 3 l, 4 A, 5 b, 6 3, 7 and, 8 e, 9 m, 10 V, 11 g, 12 g

Oral answers:

1. Types of economic system.

2. Production factors.

III. Studying a new material

1. Exchange and trade

Read the textbook text Kravchenko on with. 73.

Name the overall and different in exchange and trade.


1. The exchange compensates for the deficit of the desired things for both exchanging parties.

2. Trade is aimed at making a profit.

3. Execute equal to equal; Trade in what is in demand.

4. Exchange and trade is the two first phases of the development of capitalism.

2. Historical types of farm

In primitive society, the economy was initially assigned, and after the Neolithic revolution became producing. But for a long time, the farm wasnatural , i.e. everything that was produced in the farm was consumed inside it. Natural exchange dominated when the surplus of one product exchanged the needed product.

As the production becomes complicated, expanding the names of produced products, there was a need for a mediator. The role of an intermediary equivalent played the goods that in this area were in high demand or were extremely rare. For example, the ancestors of the Udmurt people living on the Vyatka River, such an equivalent were the Beliches of the skins - "Kons". In the modern Udmurt language, the money is called "Copdon".

Gradually exchange acceptsmonetary form. And the role of the equivalent has moved to precious metals. At the same time, a social group is formed, which has become an intermediary in the exchange, the trains. In Kiev, they were called "guests". The centers of trade became the city. In any country, they arose primarily at the crossroads of trade routes or at the locations through water barriers.

Read the textbook text with. 74-77.

What is the economic and political importance of trading in the history of mankind? (Cities became centers of crafts and trade, written legislation appears, formed a third estate, the basis for the development of industry, colonial trade is a higher stage in the development of the Institute of Trade, Wholesale trade.)

Trade capitalism has formed a sufficient base for the development of industrial capitalism. Products appear: money is invested in the production of goods for profit.

3. Factors of influence on the phase of commercial capitalism

Read the textbook text with. 78.

From which factors depends the duration of the phase of commercial capitalism?

Give examples from the history of Russia and foreign countries.

(In conclusion, the teacher tells what the goods are and what

properties The product has.)

Product - This is a thing or service designed for your own consumption, but for sale. The goods have two properties: cost and consumer cost.

Cost - This is the number of socially necessary time spent on the production of goods or services.Consumer cost - This is necessary, the utility of things.

According to which property, we compare the goods when we say that one product is more expensive than the second, and why on this property?(At cost because it quantitative characteristic And it can be compared. Consumer cost - this is the concept of B. more than Subjective, i.e., for a separate person, the usefulness of the thing is determined by its preferences.)

4. Forms of modern capitalism

Read the textbook text with. 80. Write up modern forms of capitalism.

IV. Fixing the material studied

Discussion of issues 4, 6, 7, p. 80-81.


Tutorial Kravchenko: § 10, workshop.

Theme 1. Subject and method of economic theory. The source categories of economic theory.

The first theme helps to clearly present the role and value of the economy as economic activity and science that studies this real activity.

The main concepts of the topic:

Economy -the economic system ensuring the satisfaction of people and society needs by creating and using the necessary life benefits.

Economy- Public science, which describes and analyzes how society, when limited to resources, distributes them in order to satisfy their needs.

Economic relations - Certain connections and relationships in which people in the process of social produced are coming independently of will and consciousness.

Economic Law - The most significant, sustainable, constantly repetitive objective causal relations and interdependence in economic phenomena and processes.

Organizational and economic relations - Relationship between people in the process of organizing production.

Labor subject - All that person affects the process of labor.

Productive forces of society -production tools and people who have certain skills and experience.

Curve production opportunities- a curve reflecting the possible combinations of production volumes of various types of products in the full use of the resources of a country or enterprise.

Production- the process of human impact on the substance of nature in order to create material benefits and services necessary for the development of society.

Work force- Individual ability to work.

Resources- Everything that is spent in the process of producing goods and services.

Socio-economic relations - Relationship between people about the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of material goods.

Means of production - All the totality of funds and labor items.

Farm products - Things or complexes of things, with which a person processes labor objects.

Cost of goods - labor costs for its production.

Technology- Ways to expose a person for labor.

Product- A thing that has a certain value that can be seen and touch. It has cost and consumer cost.

Work- The expedient activity of people aimed at modifying the substances and forces of nature and their adaptation to meet their needs.

Services- intangible benefit, which has a certain value; wearing a commodity, are made by doctors, lawyers, banks, financial companies and etc.

Production factorsproduction resources; Includes natural, human resources, capital and organization of entrepreneurship.

1.1. Fundamental problems of the economy.

Exercise 1. For each of the concepts given here and definitions, select the definition of it.

1. Fundamental issues of the economy.

2. Microeconomics.

3. Macroeconomics.

4. Positive economy.

5. Regulatory economy.

6. Economic model.

7. Nominal values.

8. Real values.


A. That part of the economic theory, which studies the facts and dependencies between them.

B. Questions that need to be addressed both to a separate manufacturer and any economic system in the conditions of limited resources: what to produce? How to produce? for whom to produce?

B. Section of economic theory, dealing with the study of the economy as a whole. It analyzes the problems of economic growth, unemployment, inflation, poverty, etc.

The simplified description of the economy, expressing the functional dependence between two or more variables, as well as the economic result of this dependence.

D. Economic indicators, expressed in constant prices.

E. Relative values \u200b\u200bshowing how many times or how many times have changed the economic indicators of the period under consideration (time) compared to the base period (time of time).

J. The part of the economic theory, which sets the estimated judgments about whether they are good or bad economic decisions and economic policy.

3. Section of the economy, which studies the behavior of individuals, individual households, individual firms, as well as situations arising in separate markets and industries.

I. Economic indicators expressed in current prices.

Task 2. What are faithful from the following statements, and which is not?

1. The object of studying macroeconomics is the regulation of money circulation.

2. To say that the unemployment rate this month is 7.8%, means to express a regulatory judgment about the macroeconomic concept.

3. The consequences of the monopolization of the economy are the object of studying microeconomics.

4. Fundamental economic problem is to determine the volume of products that must be produced.

5. Economic science It is engaged in the study of methods, ways to use limited resources for the most complete satisfaction of the needs of people.

6. Regulatory statements are usually controversial.

7. Using economic models, It is possible to predict the future development of economic processes.

8. If prices do not change, the nominal values \u200b\u200bare real.

9. If the index of real wages in 2010 compared to 2009 amounted to 93.8%, which means that wage In 2010, compared with 2009 grew by 93.8%.

Task 3. Specify which of the above provisions is correct.

1. Economic theory Explores: 1) laws of economic development; 2) accounting; 3) state economic policy; 4) consumer behavior;

a) all statements are true;

b) correct 1) and 3);

c) is true only 1);

d) true 1), 3) and 4).

2. Which options include fundamental issues of the economy?

a) who produces, how to make it consumed.

b) what is done, how to produce, who is consumed

c) how to produce, who is made, as consumed.

d) who produces what is consumed, by whom it is consumed.

Task 4. Specify which of the above provisions are correct.

In the following cases, we are talking about microeconomics problems:

a) the firm managed to use for production instead of natural raw materials, and production costs decreased;

b) the fallen snow and the coming cold led to the death of coffee trees and the increase in coffee prices in world markets;

c) decline in the accounting rate Central Bank made loan more accessible, and in the economy there was a revival;

d) the director of the school could not make a decision: to spend the allocated school money for the dining room repair or buying new equipment for the Cabinet of Chemistry;

e) the rise in energy prices caused a new wave of inflationary rising prices;

g) economic crisis He led to the fall in demand for furniture and an increase in unemployment among workers of furniture factories.

1.2. Infinity of needs and limited resources. Curve production opportunities.

Task 5. For each of the concepts and terms given here, select the definition of it.

1. Limited resources.

2. Economic benefits.

3. Free benefits.

4. Production factors.

5. Natural resources.

6. Capital.

8. rational behavior.

9. The price of choice.

10. Curve production opportunities.


A. Means needed to meet the needs of people and at the disposal of the Company in a limited quantity.

B. The resources available in nature that can be used in production and which are necessary for the production of economic benefits: land, water, forests, mineral deposits, etc.

B. The behavior of a person who involves maximizing the result in data costs or minimizing costs to achieve a given result.

M. Production factor, which includes man produced by man production: machines, equipment, production buildings, tools, raw materials, semi-finished products, etc.

D. The situation when resources are not enough to satisfy the needs of people.

E. The schedule showing those combinations of economic benefits that can be produced in cash factors and the constant level of scientific and technological progress.

J. Resources that are used by people for the production of consumer goods and services and for the production of new resources. These include: work, land and capital.

3. Production factor that includes people with their physical and mental abilities, which are used in the process of creating economic benefits.

I. What had to donate, making a choice, the best of rejected options.

K. Goods available in unlimited quantities and people received for free.

Task 6. Read the following statements carefully and specify which of them are correct, and which are erroneous.

1. The problem of limited resources will be solved when people can fully realize the achievements of scientific and technological progress.

2. At the same time, the needs of people in different countries are the same.

3. The troubleshooting problem exists only for manufacturers.

4. The wool used in the factory for mating scarves is capital.

5. Mandarins grown on plantations can be viewed as a factor of production.

6. Money is the most important resource required in the production of economic benefits.

7. Dividends are income received by the owner of labor from those who use it.

8. The percentage is income to capital.

Task 7.Find some of the listed statements is correct.

1. The problem of limitations occurs because:

a) during the trade of countries with each other, customs barriers are established to prevent the import of cheap goods;

b) to meet unlimited resource needs, always lacks;

c) Profit is not high enough to interest manufacturers to expand production;

d) sellers hold the goods to cause price increase.

2. Find an option in which all three factors are listed:

a) conveyor, finished products In stock, sea water;

b) stone coal, stationary, money;

c) doctor, x-ray apparatus, medicines;

d) accountant, computer, land.

3. The factors of production include:

a) money in the cashier of the bank's cashier;

b) conveyor line;

c) labor;

d) the time spent on the production of goods;

e) deposit of uranium ores.

Task 8. There are two types of goods in the country: computers and toasters. Production options can be submitted by the table:

Options Toasters (thousandschat) Computers (thousandschat)

1) Build the curve of the production capabilities of the country, laying on the vertical axis of toasters, and horizontal - computers. What form does production possibilities have a curve? Why?

2) Note which of the following options for production is possible, impossible, ineffective:

a) 80 thousand toasters and 20 thousand computers;

b) 50 thousand toasters and 22 thousand computers;

c) 20 thousand toasters and 35 thousand computers;

d) 60 thousand toasters and 30 thousand computers.

3) How will the position of the production capacity curve, if:

a) will increase the level of qualifications of workers in both sectors;

b) will increase by attracting foreign workers the number of people employed in the production of computers;

c) upgraded equipment will be used in the manufacture of toasters;

d) The dictatorial regime will come to power in the country, which will prohibit the use of new technologies in the production of computers and toasters.

4) what is equal to the alternative cost of increasing the production of computers: from 20 thousand to 30 thousand pieces; from 10 thousand to 40 thousand pieces; from 30 thousand to 40 thousand pieces?

Similar information.

Infinity of needs and limited resources. Problem of choice.
Option 1.
Exercise 1.

limited resources.
economic benefits.
production factors.
I. The funds necessary to meet the needs of society and at the disposal of the Company in limited quantities.
II. The situation when resources are not enough to meet the needs of people.
III. Resources used by people for the production of consumer goods and services and for the production of new resources, labor resources, land, capital.
IV. Production factor that includes man produced by man production: machines, mechanisms, production buildings, equipment and raw materials.
Task 2.

The problem of limited resources will be solved when people can fully realize the achievements of scientific and technological progress.
At the same time, the needs of people in various countries are the same.
Wool used for mating scarves is capital
The percentage is income on capital.

Task 3.
For study at school or a visit to the district doctor, do not pay. Does this mean that the services of doctors and teachers are free benefit?

Alternative costs and curve of production capabilities.
Task 5.

a) alternative costs of storage of money in the Safe of the Bank are zero, as money is not factors of production,
b) the maximum production volume in the country at each moment of time is determined by the volume of demand for goods and services,
c) if all human and material resources are involved in the production, then increase the production of any product is possible only in private enterprises, and not on state,
Task 6.
Specify which of the listed statements is correct, and what is erroneous. Alternative travel costs abroad can be:
a) the country house whose construction had to postpone the future
b) payment of courses for the preparation of managers, from the visit of which had to refuse
c), income that can be obtained for performing an urgent order of an adjacent firm,
d) the cost of the voucher,
Task 7.
The farmer on his field can grow for sale or carrots, or beet. He uses labor 10 seasonal workers. Each worker can grow either 100 kg of beets or 80 kg of carrots. Build a schedule of production opportunities of the farm and explain why it has such a form.
Task 8.
After graduation, you must make a choice: learn further or go to work as secretary.
Calculate the alternative costs of your decision to study at the Law Faculty, if:
education fee will be 4 thousand years old,
food costs - 3.5 thousand years old,
transport costs - 0.5 thousand year,
payment of removable housing - 2.5 thousand years old,
expenditures on clothing - 5 thousand year,
salary of the secretary - 1.8 thousand year,
costs for textbooks - 0.4 thousand year.
Task 9.
Imagine that your class was on a uninhabited island, where there is an opportunity to hunt the hares and build housing. If everyone goes to hunt, per day you can get 8 sinking carcasses, and if you build housing - you can build 4 dwellings.
Build curve production opportunities.
How will the CPV position change if:
a) During the construction of housing, some devices will be used?
b) Hunters tame dogs for hunting?
c) Food and housing will increase equally?
All answers mark on the graph of curves.
Task 10.

View of the product
Production alternatives


Controlled rockets (thousand pcs.)

Cars (million pcs.)

a) Build CPV.

c) What is the alternative value (in million cargo), if the state produces 12 thousand missiles?
Task 11.
The qualifications of cosmetics manufacturers has increased. What variant of the graph of the curve of production capabilities reflects this circumstance?
13 Embed PBRUSH 1415

Task 12.
4. Notary, who came to work in the city center on his car, did not want to put it on a paid parking lot where there were places. He spent 20 minutes, driving around around the quarter, found a free place at the sidewalk where and parked the car. Notary believed that he secured free parking and saved money. Describe the actions of the notary in terms of the law of alternative value.

Infinity of needs and limited resources.
Problem of choice.
Option 2.
Exercise 1.
For each definition or term, select the definition:
free benefits.
natural resources.
labor resources.
I. Goods available in unlimited quantities and people received for free.
II. The behavior of a person involving maximizing the result in data costs.
III. In nature, resources that can be used in production and which are necessary for the production of economic benefits are land, water, forests, mineral deposits.
IV. Production factor that includes people with their physical and mental abilities, which are used in the process of creating economic benefits.
Task 2.
Read carefully and specify which correct, and which are erroneous:
a) the problem of choice exists only for manufacturers,
b) tangerines grown on plantations can be viewed as a factor of production,
c) money is the most important resource required in the production of economic benefits,
d) dividends are income received by a hired employee from those who use his labor resource.
Task 3.
When we are talking about the fact that the needs of people increase that we mean by this: quantitative or qualitative changes?
Alternative costs
and curve production opportunities.

Task 5.
Specify which of the above provisions are correct:
a) alternative costs of storage of money in the Safe of the Bank are growing if the percentage of deposits in the bank is growing,
b) the maximum production volume in the country at each moment of time is determined by the number and quality of labor, capital and natural resources, subject to its full use,
c) If all human and material resources are involved in the production, then increase the production of any product is possible only in conditions of price increases.

Task 6.
The rational behavior of the economic entity involves:
a) the feasibility of his behavior,
b) comparability of results and costs,
c) consideration of the opinions of the people around
d) definition of the price made by him
e) analysis of options for achieving the goal.
Task 7-8.
There are two types of goods in the country: computers and toasters. Production options can be represented as a table:

Toasters (thousand pcs.)
Computers (thousand pcs.)

Build the curve of production opportunities, postponing to the vertical toasters.
What is equal to alternative costs of increasing computers
from 20 thousand to 30 thousand pieces?
c10 thousand to 40 thousand pieces?
from 30 thousand to 40 thousand pieces?

Task 9.
By performing the task of the center, Major Pronin learned that points A (90 guns, 80t oils), in (70 guns, 100t oil), with (30 guns, 120t oil), belong to the CPV. In addition, he derived that the general headquarters of the enemy plans to produce 50 guns.
What forecast will make an excellent student in the economy of Pronin, regarding the forecast of the enemy? What are the possibility of maximizing guns? Oil?

Task 10.

Before you, the table of production opportunities for the release of military products and civil goods:

15 000

12 000
2 000

10 000
3 000

6 000
5 000

3 000
5 500

a) Build CPV.
b) What do shown the point of the curve?
c) if the state wants to increase the production of tanks up to 5,000, how will this affect the production of oil?
Task 11.
Can the following points lie on the curve of production capabilities: A (15.3), b (8,13), in (13.6), d (5,12).
Task 12.

The farmer has three fields on which wheat grows and potatoes. On the first it can grow either 16t potatoes, or 4th wheat, on the second - 8t and 3t, respectively, and on the third - 4th and2t. Build the curve of the production capabilities of the entire farming.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state