
How to calculate the profitability of real estate investment. How to calculate the profitability of shares. Yield is a quantitative characteristic expressing the effectiveness of investments

You are not easy, Maman!

Want to truth in a glass -

Heavyly weigh so much,

And the bulls are ten -


Vladimir Vysotsky

The period of clinically unfolded alcoholism giving us percent of eighty patients. This happens, apparently, because they are not treated at the early stages of the disease, because they do not consider patients, and many do not live up to later stages. For the heyday of alcohol disease, two syndrome are the most typical: a hangmel syndrome and the so-called tolerance plateau.

Thick syndrome formed in the preceding period, in the second stage, occurs almost after each massive use of alcohol. Especially pronounced it happens after. Everything is here: and a muddy look, and swollen crimson face, and shaking hands, and convulsive seizures, and "white and white". The desire to dream of intensity often exceeds all other feelings. For such an unreleased alcoholic, there is no thirst, hunger, debt, responsibility, love. All this later, then, and now - how the air is needed a sip of a lively liquid, and only after that a person is briefly returning to real worldAnd then everything is repeated with a new force. A hangover lasts, as a rule, from several days to several weeks, and another month-and-and-a half stretch the loop of the so-called asthen-neurotic syndrome: poor sleep, fatigue, irritability, reduced performance. If a person at this stage drinks at least once every two months, then in good condition, by and large, it does not have time to go. With this embodiment of the second stage of the disease, alcohol is usually used according to pseudo-registered type, although certain patients may already have true ruses.

"Plateau tolerance" is a classic variant of constant alcoholization. If, in the early stages of the disease, the body adapted to the flow of large doses of alcohol and its resistance to the alcohol constantly increased, then in the second stage it reaches maximum values \u200b\u200band keeps at this level, sometimes over the years. Such an alcoholic can drink several liters of vodka every God's day, almost without sober gaps. The maximum of alcohol drinks in the evening hours, so at work it may not be reflected. If the specificity allows labor activity, It can drink small doses of alcohol during the working day. There is also a phenomenon of the so-called delayed wings, which often allows the alcoholic proudly to declare that he never wondered in his life. The bottom line is that with constant alcohol consumption, against the background of high tolerance to it, the abolition syndrome does not fully have time to develop in the morning, and the person in a fairly decent state goes to work. The work, as a rule, is brown, and the alcoholic is vigorously engaged in a labor day, and wander around immediately after its end, sometimes a spare alcohol in advance. But this is already evaluated not as a hangover, but as another, planned, if you can put it, alcohol consumption.

Thus, in the second stage of alcohol disease, the forms of alcohol consumption - on cyclical and constant. But no matter how a person drinks during this period, his whole life is under constant and non-pressing control of green serpent. Even this stage of dependence on the background of universal alcoholization can sometimes be considered a variant of the norm, although the narrowing of the human life range is already clearly determined. If you take a permanent form of drinking alcohol, then at best, while the alcoholic is socially adapted, his life is divided into a mandatory non-alcoholic minimum (work, driving of the car) and everything else - but already in the company with Green Zmeim. All his aspirations, joy, pleasures are now possible only in combination with a bottle. Now the alcoholic lives in a different dimension, in the parallel world, and only episodically briefly returns to reality. During periods of forced sobriety, he feels like a diver, who delays his breath, sailing under water, and then with relief, he dumps into such a familiar, close and beloved world, where he breathes with a full breast.

With cyclical, that is, the winding, drunkenness of the dependence algorithm somewhat different. Sober periods that alcoholic "overs are" are sometimes quite durable, up to several months. During this period, a person can be very active, but still "sober" time is mainly spent on the neutralization of the effects of the previous feed and the preparation of the soil for the next. Cycle circuit approximately as follows:

  • support (or pseudo-margin)
  • hangover
  • output
  • solving the problems that a person creates himself during alcoholization
  • period of external well-being
  • provoking factor
  • another feed.

Despite the flourishing of the disease, few of our patients during this period considers themselves patients until he still lives with his family, has no serious complaints about health and nonlade with law. The awareness of the problem in many begins when the threat of dismissal, ships, divorce, hospitalization arises. And some of this, in such cases, the use of alcohol is terminated only in cases where a person is reliably and for a long time isolated from a bottle or sick to such an extent that a glass cannot be conveyed to the mouth.

But even those patients who recognize the presence of alcohol disease, for the most part consider it a temporary undergoing phenomenon.

Take several standard options. During this period of the disease in the framework of the alcoholic hold three main whales: health, work, family. But it is held within the framework, that is, they are not allowed to sleep in a short period of time, and not protect and do not get rid of the disease.


To drink in the way they drink in the second stage of alcoholism, health needs to have non-lawn. Therefore, there are no weak. They already or died, or threw a drink. If the alcoholic has just moved any serious illness or operation, it is usually not stopping. At best, he will drink medication, keep a diet, can take a break in alcoholization, but then everything will return to the circles. The only option when a person throws to drink is a disease, to a sharp exacerbation of which even minimal doses of alcohol lead. For example, an alcoholic is a bit of drinking a little, as he has a heavy hypertensive crisis, an allergic reaction, an attack of suffocation, arrhythmias, and so on. Moreover, the reaction should develop immediately after taking alcohol, so that a person does not have time to experience any pleasant sensations, and immediately felt very bad. Because if "very bad" will be at least an hour later, he will still have time to get drunk. And so, having tried to drink several times and having received a serious reaction in response, he understands that his friendship with Green Zmiem came to the end. On this occasion, the alcoholic first fall into depression, and then with surprise notes that it became much better and more interesting to live. This is a rather rare version of "recovery" from alcoholism, but it exists and, unfortunately, supports an erroneous idea of \u200b\u200bthe temporary, passing nature of the disease and the possibility of self-removal.


Work is most often no obstacle to a person at this stage of the disease. Problems and conflicts arise only when the algorithm of employment does not correspond to the algorithm of algorithmization. In most cases, the alcoholic of the second stage finds for itself the work that is well combined with its main, and most often - the only passion. And his main goat will be a long time: "What an alcoholic I am if I work?". Let's estimate how the main forms of alcohol consumption in the second stage of alcoholism with some professions and specialties are combined.

1. Permanent alcohol consumption against high tolerance. The person drinks every day, drinks a large number (up to several liters of vodka) alcohol. The maximum of the daily dose of alcohol is used in the evening. In the morning and drank a little bit and then only if the work allows.

We see that any option with the standard work week is suitable as it is impossible. Sober or relatively sober clocks remain the clock in the morning and before the end of the working day. All the rest of the time (except sleep), an alcoholic can drink - what he does. So drank and drink workers in many factories, factories, trade workers, drivers, teachers and many, many others, whose working day is normalized and ends, as a rule, after lunch or, at worst, not very late. Mushily wiped the required number of hours without the usual doping, the multi-millionth army of alcoholics and candidates in them fills in numerous cafes, cafes, kitchens in publications, an inceptic space and other places to reward themselves for a long post. Drink alone, drink companies, drink families to get up with one thought - would rather be the end of the working day! So a person can live and worry, having a reputation as a good employee. The only thing that is needed for this is not to come across the urban over the eyes.

2. Short rare pseudo-margin. The person drinks two to three or four days in a row, then the month or two does not drink.

For our country, this is the option of the norm. Such an alcoholic can work almost for any position, and no one will think that he has problems with a glass. Beydia happens more often on weekends (Sunday alcoholism) and can be around the clock; If it happens in the middle of the week, the algorithm of use as in the previous version: the absence or minimum of an alcoholic day, maximum in the evening. Problems in this situation usually create only forms of intoxication with hyperactivity, and no matter what direction: with aggression or, on the contrary, with obsessive kindness and participation. That is, a person, having come to work not quite sober, instead of working to work, begins to "download the right" or to climb everything by offering his help. Naturally, the colleagues may not like this behavior, and they will create all the conditions for the speedy dismissal.

3. Short frequent pseudo-margin. A person also drinks two or three days in a row, but the intervals between alcoholization are small, as a rule, no more than two or three days.

A similar form of alcohol is most consistent with the Watchwork. For example, a day twisted - three days at home, and you can do everything that pleases. So do doctors, policemen, firefighters, drivers and many others work. After handing out the duty or returning from the flight, the alcoholic begins to drink and stops before the next workers. It does not affect this, as a person has time and get drunk, and go out.

4. Long pseudo-margin. Alcohol is used every day on average from week to month.

With such an alcoholization option, a person can work in seasonal work in the field, at a construction site. All other types of cyclic activities are also suitable, which are accompanied by long-term business trips with subsequent leave. So work sailors, geologists, military and others. And finally, there are types of labor activities that allow drinking alcohol during a working day - for example, work by a loader. Although, justice for the sake of, it is worth noting that now no decent organization will keep the alcoholic even as a loader or cleaner. This is the lot of municipal structures, where the salary is so small that you do not have to choose.

5. True rips. Alcohol is used around the clock, with maximum doses of alcohol in the first days and followed by a decrease in doses due to progressive decrease in tolerance. Loins, as a rule, no more than a week.

During the true fusion, a person cannot work even in our country, therefore only cyclic activities described above are possible here. Or the option when the bosses or co-founders closes the eyes to periodic regips, due to the special "camp value". But such situations are now more common and less often.

A family

Most often, wives come to us, leading husbands (about 70% of our patients), less often - parents with children (15%), even less often - husbands with wives (10%) and quite rarely - children with parents (5%). Why such a split, I hope everyone is understandable. Children grow up and become whose husbands and wives. Women, fortunately, less often suffer from alcoholism, well, if they suffer, then the husbands are not long with them. Such a woman either throws to drink, or her husband throws her. Parents are also alcoholics not so often wait until adult children begin to engage in them.

Thus, we see that the main burden falls on the fragile shoulders of our beautiful half. And if you consider that the five sixth alcohol iceberg (it is such a piece of ice blocks under water and is hidden from prying eyes) - it is in the family that it becomes clear: very serious tests fall into the share of alcoholics. And it is not surprising that the first disturbing signals come to us from them. At the same time, many situations are similar, they can be divided into several options. Immediately I want to make a reservation that as a problem with the family is aware of mainly those manifestations of alcoholism, which are accompanied by uncontrolled behavior, especially with aggression, or - the lack of social adaptation, from which the level of the level is primarily wages. If, for example, the husband daughters quietly every day and the same quietly goes to bed, but at the same time managed to work and get good money, no one will call him an alcoholic. Wife will begin to worry only when a quiet husband becomes periodically "to do" or stop bringing home salary.

So one of our patient, working as a plumber, drank every day a few bottles of vodka. Drunk, from the words of his wife, was not lying anywhere, the money brought regularly. He drank vodka, which was received for the "left" job. And all all arranged for several years. But the day came when honestly earned money began to go on alcohol, and the wife immediately scored alarm.

So, in problem families, the following options are most often found:

Option 1. Husband drinks with loss of control, with aggression, but earns good money and provides a family. Man is still socially adapted. The wife suffers until you can endure, performing the traditional role of an alcoholic wife - the role of nannies. For many years, the poor woman suffers, trying to create the appearance of a normal family, hoping that at one fine moment the husband will finally move and calm down. It helps an alcoholic to solve the problems created by him in a drunken state, but thereby only potentiate the development of his illness. Any sober response is perceived by her as a long-awaited recovery, but unfortunately, the husband begins to drink again. Forecast options are a bit: either an alcoholic consciously begins to fight green serpent and finds the wife of a reliable assistant in his face, either continues to spawn and loses the family and the family and work. That is, goes into the following option.

Option 2. Husband drinks with loss of control and everything that earns, hesitates.

This is the most disadvantageous situation, often such families live together only because of the technical inability to disperse, for example, when it is hard to exchange an apartment. In this case, the problem must be solved very quickly, since most often we are talking about the malignant the course of alcoholism, with the rapid degradation of the person. Therefore, if a person refuses treatment, it is necessary to protect himself and its loved ones from the danger, which he represents for them. How? You can discuss with our specialists - psychologists, lawyers, psychiatrists.

Option 3. The husband "quiet" alcoholic, the family does not provide. With such an alcoholic can live for a long time, sometimes to the natural finals of alcoholic disease. Wife plays a dominant role in the family, performing almost all functions. An alcoholic in such families exists in the form of a kind of familiar affation: there is some kind of help - well, no - well, God with him. It is often brought by hand to be treated, but at the first opportunity he begins to drink again. If it is still thrown, he, as a rule, is rapidly degrading and turns into what we call homeless.

So, we see that the green sniped is perfectly adapted at this stage and in most cases legally rolled among people, despite the obvious signs of their dependence on it.

Summing up, add to the already existing symptoms of alcoholism those that appeared at this stage of the disease.

1. Separation into two forms of alcohol consumption: cyclical and constant.

2. Fully formed physical dependence on alcohol and as its manifestation - deployed hanging syndrome.

3. The highest resistance to alcohol for all time of alcoholization, the so-called tolerance plateau.

4. The narrowing of the human life range, when all free time, besides the mandatory non-alcoholic minimum, is spent on alcoholization, the production of means for this and the neutralization of harmful consequences.

Most drinking people want to believe in mythical stories that if you dramatically stop drinking, then the body is expected by severe consequences. However, the inspired thought is far enough from the truth, because alcohol is an affordable drug, which slowly kills and destroys all human bodies, thereby inflicting irreparable harm to human health. What happens to the body when you throw drink?

Alcohol slowly kills and destroys all human bodies

The state of a person who abandoned from alcohol

To say exactly how an alcoholic will feel after a sharp abandon from alcohol, it is quite difficult, because every organism is rare. Heredity, mental features, duration of ropes and volumes of drinking alcoholic beverages, all this will directly affect the consequences and the duration of the restoration of the body, after the alcoholic threw a drink.

All the upcoming difficulties can be divided by two stages: physiological disorders and mental difficulties. With a sharp stopping of drinking alcoholic beverages, the following changes may occur:

  • termination of the receipt of poisonous substances into the body;
  • the brain is deprived without familiar stimulation, the person becomes balanced;
  • the body is completely eliminated from harmful toxic substances;
  • a man falls asleep healthy, strong sleep, the head does not spin and does not hurt, almost complete absence of pain.

If a person has abused with ethyl alcohol for many years, his organs are not easy to amazed, alcohol has become an integral part all system. This is connected with the fact that drinking lost weight either recovered, since the body does not cope with doses. He begins to suffer without alcohol, does not function well. With the cease of taking alcohol, the whole body begins to hurt.

This is pronounced painful, poor condition - breaking, which lasts for three weeks. The body will require the arrival of doping, thereby the alcoholic constantly comes headaches, nausea, begin to root the limbs, it becomes hard to sleep, a person goes into herself, all these processes can contribute to the slimming of the body.

Getting rid of alcohol will save personality and intelligence

The mental state of man, during the long use of alcohol, changes greatly. In this situation, degradation is an irreversible process, I want to believe in a miracle, but, alas ... Therefore, the earlier the decision is made to get rid of alcohol, the faster and more realize the person and intelligence.

Important: If a person stopped drinking, harm the body will not bring this solution. Along the opposite, the body will experience relief, because the poison will stop poisoning it. Maybe some time will not be easy, even hard. Try to sleep more, because the dream is the main leakage in such ailments. Then, in the processes of cleansing the body, toxins will be taken away, and the person will be able to look at himself and on the world with other eyes - sober.

Threw to drink what the body expects in the first stages

A person renounced alcohol, the organs begin to be cleaned from harmful toxins, thereby leading the body to some symptoms:

  • nausea reflex and vomit;
  • diarins;
  • head is regularly spinning;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • general weakness, trembling in the knee joints;
  • it is difficult, but I want to fall asleep, regularly torments insomnia, uncomfortable sleep;
  • constantly there is a sword.

If sharply throw drinks, then the consequences may be heavier associated with diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Alcoholic has a depressive state, he wants to get into himself, he constantly wants to sleep, but he fails to sleep, as a result of depression.

The restoration of the body after the man threw a drink

If the drinking alcohol was irregular, abandoning alcohol, life will change for the better. It will fall asleep, and waking up each morning, a person will feel cheerful, the head will contain clear thoughts and a great mood. These are the only changes that he will feel.

Sometimes without the help of doctors can not do

If the windscreen syndromes were long and alcoholic decided to stop drinking sharply, in this case should behave with extreme caution. Sometimes without the help of doctors, the patient may not cope.

  • Literally 7 days later, the sleep is normalized, to sleep a person will become easier and calmer. Looking at himself in the mirror, you can see the change in the skin of the skin, because alcohol is no longer dried, the liver is restored, poor well-being disappears.
  • After 14 days, brain activity resumes, thoughts become clear and productive. The heart does not hurt, and the rhythmic heartbeat comes to normal, the pressure in the arterial vessels decreases, the head is no longer spinning, and the headaches disappear, there are no problems with the breath and weight, sleep is easy, and waking up happily!
  • If a person has lost weight with alcoholic becks, and in the period of refusal from alcohol, it scored overweight, then literally for the seventeenth day the former alcoholic will return to its original weight. Alcoholic toxins without a residue are removed from the brain, and the head normalizes the activities of the vessels.
  • There is an increase in sensitivity, normalization of an emotional background, improving intimate life.

At that moment, when a person wants to change, and he decided to sharply tie with alcohol for himself, the first thing he should worry about is about the further restoration of the body.

Your fate depends only on you

Here are some useful adviceThat will certainly use:

To establish the flow of nutrients by food into the body. As much as possible, use natural, easily driving food.

  • Constantly take drugs, no matter how bad or well you treat them. They will help restore the liver, during alcohol poisoning.
  • More often to walk. Fresh air not only favorably affects the overall condition of the patient, as well as after walks easier and comfortable sleep, the head stops sprinkling and root.
  • Complex reception vitamin.
  • If a person has previously been far from exercise, it is worth reconsidering his views on life and play sports. If a person during the swallows heavily lost weight, then sports is needed.
  • Try not to think about alcohol.
  • Trying to sleep as much as possible, despite the fact that it is difficult to fall asleep. To make it easier to cope with insomnia, you can resort to drugs. They will help to fall asleep that is extremely necessary in this situation.

A man who quit sharply drink acquires many advantages from a sober life. Overodol, and defeats dependency will continue to be expected only by pleasant consequences of sobriety, a bright successful future, a happy family and good health. If you decide to quit sharply drink, then you should not be afraid of a context result. The condition of sobriety is fine, because nothing bothers nothing, and does not hurt!

Alcoholism is a fairly serious and complex disease that requires complex and competent treatment. For an alcoholic, throw a sufficiently serious act. You need to throw drinking correctly, otherwise a sharp refusal can significantly worsen the state of health and give a new push into the wind state. In this article, we will tell you whether it is possible to drag sharply, which consequences may arise and how to behave correctly in such a situation. We find out why it is impossible to abruptly refuse alcoholic beverages.

Throwing to drink correct

You can get rid of alcohol addiction with one effective method - stop drinking alcohol. Unfortunately, not always in a person who consumes alcohol, enough willpower and desire to abandon strong drinks. Thus, drinking through the day takes alcohol to facilitate its condition. In such a situation, experts recommend using the coding method. The encoding allows not to drink without negative consequences For the body. The coding technique allows you to change a person and return to normal life. Today, many specialized medical centers Remote coding services.

How does the body behave in a sober state

People who cease to drink alcohol can feel such consequences for the body:

  • sleep disorder, Besonia;
  • bad state of health;
  • strong headaches;
  • sharp weight loss;
  • nausea attacks;
  • tremor limbs;
  • excitation, irritability.

At the time of a sharp refusal of alcohol, all these symptoms and processes are launched in the body, and the patient feels depressed. Such sensations arise, because the human body ceases to flow in the form of alcohol. Accordingly, the brain is not stimulated by doping, and toxins begin to leave the body. Based on the psychological state, a person can manifest itself:

  • sense of loneliness;
  • lack of joy and good mood;
  • no control of what is happening.

In such a situation, throwing drinking wants to drink even more and plunge into his usual state. Such symptoms is accompanied by the formation of depression, and if it does not pay attention to a sick person, everything can end even suicide.

Refusal of alcohol or consequences by day

The hardest and difficult period is when people refuse to alcohol, because Symptoms and change in the patient's behavior is visible immediately. We propose to disassemble the calendar of the day and understand what is happening with the body when you throw drink.

The first day

This day for throwing the needles is the most difficult, the condition is accompanied by a hangover syndrome. For him are characterized by such signs:

  • severe headache, heavy head;
  • shiver all limbs;
  • high excitation, nervousness;
  • tachycardia;
  • sharp pressure jumps;
  • nausea or vomiting;
  • mood difference;
  • violation of sleep or insomnia.

Second and third day

The first 3 days are characteristic of the manifestation of high nervousness, excitability, people are not able to control their emotions. The overall condition is bad, all the time headache, intestinal disorders are possible, not a calm dream, a permanent feeling of anxiety, sometimes hallucinations happen. In such a state, constant control of medical personnel is necessary, because There is a possibility of deterioration of health.

First week

At this stage, a person already has a clear head, the body is filled with force and energy. This happens due to the fact that the blood is completely cleaned of alcohol and toxins. The swelling of the face, the skin becomes fresh and becomes natural. Liver, pancreas are restored and start working in normal mode, restored and sleep. In such a state, a person sees the result of a sober lifestyle, so he doesn't want to drink it.

Month without alcohol

As a rule, the whole month the body is gaining strength, restored and get rid of toxins. This time is enough to restore and launch the entire body into normal and full-fledged work. In just just during this time, a person begins to engage in its usual affairs, and its moral state becomes more stable. Symptoms of people who threw back in the first month:

  • the head does not hurt, the thoughts are clear, the person is able to make decisions and respond for their actions;
  • did leaves, the cardiac system comes to normal, tachycardia disappears;
  • intimate life is being established.

However, experts claim when a person throws drinking the consequences that manifest themselves in the exacerbation or appearance of diseases. For example, the digestive system can fail.

For information! In order not to provoke exacerbation of diseases, you should completely refuse alcohol. As soon as the alcohol consumed enters the blood, the body gives a failure and can be sick again.

Half a year and more

During this period of time, the body is fully restored, provided that the patient will not return to the former regime. In the video, the specialist explains which consequences arise after the refusal of alcohol.

What makes a sharp refusal of alcohol

Is it possible to sharply throw a drink? On this question, narcologists give a clear answer that a sharp refusal can be dangerous for the patient. In such a state, the patient does not know how he does, his head thinks only about one, as if to drink and relax. Poor well-being causes fear, experiences, anxiety and here it can start the process with just "drinking beer", but to end the breakdown and leaving. A sharp refusal of alcohol is easily transferred only at an early stage with drinks in small quantities. In all other situations, narcologists consider it is impossible to sharply throw drunk, because Such an action often causes a difficult condition and the appearance of white hot, requiring emergency medical care. It is worth noting, it is impossible to leave challenging alone with his problem, it quickly gives up and again begins to want to drink alcohol.

We restore the body after alcohol

  • power should be light and balanced;
  • complete the course of drug treatment on restoration of the liver and nervous system;
  • walk more in the fresh air, it is the hiking strings that quickly restore sleep and saturate the brain with oxygen;
  • complete the course of treatment with vitamins;
  • take care of sports, exercise will help to quickly come into shape;
  • avoid noisy companies and alcohol;

Remember, a sober way of life brings exclusively positive emotions, joy in life and a bright future.

How do you respond if you are invited to a wedding, and already in the process it turns out that she is non-allegocol? Whether you will perceive such a turn if it will be a confusion or anecdote for you, remembered for life? And by the way, it happens, and it is not so rare, especially now, when in honor of a healthy lifestyle and useful habits.

And what would you say on offer to try not to drink? Not that we suspect you in criminal addiction, but still ... Meetings with friends, a quiet evening at the cottage with kebabs - like here without drinking, right? It turns out that the refusal of alcoholic beverages even for some 2 weeks will create with your body what you can not achieve for months, and maybe for years.

This is what can happen if you refuse alcohol for 2 weeks!

For many, summer - it is time for parties, musical festivals and gatherings by the fire at night. It seems to many that drink is normal. But doesn't your seemingly innocuous "Margarita" with friends more harm than good?

Most experts respond to affirmative. For example, Dr. Jake Doych, founder and chief physician medical clinic Cure, believes that even moderately drinking people should immediately refuse to drink.

- damage to the liver accumulate. It turns out that several glasses are equally bad daily as an excessive drunkenness at the weekend. Continuous liver disorders and digestive tract can lead to ulcerative disease, pancreatitis and liver cirrhosis, "says the doctor.

Perhaps it is a little rigid, but if you don't drink 2 weeks at all, you will notice amazing changes.

Here are a few things that can happen if you are sober only 14 days in a row:

1. Accumulated in the winter kilograms, finally go away
The absence of nights in your life "in the style of Bugs" will help you return to the gym alcohol, such as Sangria or KosPolitane, is on average 200-700 calories. In fact, in one glass of such a drink more calories than in the same volume of sweet cream! In addition, it is proved that excessive consumption of the hall. And save from absorption tons of extra calories. The fact is that in sweet alcohol can reduce the development of the muscles and reduce it is difficult to work in the gym.

2. Your skin will begin to breathe
The hangover kills the skin. After a night of drinking, your face is annoyed and dehydrated. "Such a condition of the skin is associated with the damage that alcohol causes liver," Dr. David Colbert told Dr. David in an interview with Huffington Post. - You can look at it under a different angle: what does a person dying from hepatic failure look like? He has a yellowish, handful face, with great pores. " Failure to drink can give your skin a blush and a healthy color to which you are so strive.

3. Finding harmony and tranquility will be much easier
The hangover never leads to a good mood. Depression is often associated with alcohol. The study of the university in Binghemton showed that students who use strong alcohol felt significantly more depressed than their non-drinking classs. Similarly, representatives of the "generation Y", which grew up in 2000s, as a rule, suffer more suffer from stress, which may be due to the number of alcohol that we drink. Alcohol can change how the body copes with stress: the removal of stress with the help of alcohol actually prolongs it.

4. You will sleep better and feel more vigorous throughout the day.
Regular alcovens will ultimately be reflected in your dream. Alcohol destroys the deep stages of sleep, so we wake up tired and less energetic. This explains why we feel broken in the morning after drinking alcohol. This often leads to an unproductive day.

5. Thank you will tell you more and wallet
Saving money that was usually spent on drinks can significantly improve the state of your finance, which will lead to a more positive look at life and well-being. Considering the fact that most young people are interrupted on low and medium salary, buying expensive drinks for them can mean the refusal of what is really important.

6. Refusal of drinking does not mean the refusal of pleasure
Given all this, it becomes clear that the rejection of alcohol for 2 weeks or is expedient and effective. But the fact that you are no longer drinking does not mean that now it remains only to sit at home. You can join your friends in the club, pulling Narzan all night. Well, or tea. Or juice with a smoothie.

Are you ready to give up alcohol at least 2 weeks?

For people who use alcohol for a long time, the failure of the habit is a serious step. The drinker wants to know what changes in his life are waiting if he live, for example, half a year without alcohol.

How to tie with alcohol correctly

Drinking people often make up the erroneous opinion that it is necessary to drink, once and forever. Doctors narcologists do not agree with such methods and say that a sharp refusal of alcohol can lead to a deterioration in the state of human health.

If you drink for a long time, and then suddenly decide to tie, then in the first time a person will feel:

  • deterioration of the overall state of health;
  • fear attacks;
  • headaches;
  • depression;
  • anxiety.

Naturally, all these feelings will testify in favor of the fact that alcohol has a beneficial effect on the body, since it has become sharply so bad. This is an erroneous opinion, but to prove it to drunk and dissuade him to take another dose will be at best difficult and, which is more likely, it is impossible at all.

If alcoholics drink for a long time, then they consider drugologists, attempts to abruptly part with the habit are contraindicated. Their refusal must be phased to not injure the body. Also gradual failure will help prevent the development of white hot.

What feels the body

Alcohol is a drink that causes the strongest addictive not only on the physiological, but also on the psychological level, if you use it regularly. The time when the drinker decides to refuse a detrimental habit, is considered very difficult not only in physical, but also psychologically. It is necessary to understand what to expect from the body day after day.

First days

The first day without alcohol is considered one of the most difficult, since during this period it is necessary to deal with a hangover. A person got used to clog the hangmest syndrome, once again drinking alcohol, but if he decided to tie with a habit, it would be impossible to do it. Instead of alcohol, drink brine, pills from headaches, a lot of fastening sweet tea.

Important! In the first day it is necessary to show stubbornness and in no case can not be struggling to the ethanol bottle.

The first two or three days are characterized by a restless state. A person may experience nervousness, feel bad, in some cases there is a disorder of digestion or chairs. Sometimes such malaise instead of two to three days lasts five to seven days, after which there is a noticeable improvement in the overall condition.

The first few months

  • The first month without alcohol is characterized by a noticeable improvement in the overall state of the person. He himself may noted that he began to think better, it's easier to memorize information, the color of his skin has improved, leveled.
  • 2 months without alcohol marked the restoration of the body's protective forces. will again start working at full power, protecting against infections and unfavorable external environment.
  • 3 months without alcohol will be accompanied by improving sleep, stabilization of mood, lack of diseases of infectious nature, since immunity will again protect the body fully. Many people notice: "I do not drink for a couple of months, and never felt so well!"

In addition to positive changes in the physical condition of the body, improvements will come in moral terms. For example, a person will have solid moral principles again, he will cease to look for an excuse and start response for himself and his actions. During this period, it is important to support the former alcoholic, prevent excessive pressure on it, so that it is not to push it again to the curve.

The first six months

5 months without alcohol requires the body to fully recover, get rid of the toxins of ethanol and start working normally and fully and fully. Sometimes, depending on the individual characteristics and the duration of the previous drunkenness, it takes a little longer.

The restoration of all the functions of the body will be accompanied by:

  • lack of headaches;
  • clarity of thinking, the ability to bear responsibility for itself and their actions;
  • the work of the heart and blood vessels is normalized, the person is no longer tormented by shortness of breath and tachycardia;
  • intimate life stabilizes, no longer arises in bed.

Important! Improvements occur only if a person completely refuses to alcohol! Even a small dose of ethanol may again cause a failure, violating the recently established fragile equilibrium.

If a former alcoholic is not drinking for a year and a half or more, it can be considered that its dependence is in the remission stage. In this case, measures are being taken to preserve a sober lifestyle for a long time. To do this, it is recommended to contact the society of anonymous alcoholics, learn to share their problems, master a variety of hobbies.

How to help the body recover

To help the body faster get rid of the influence of consuming alcohol, there is a simple set of measures that are recommended to follow the day during the day during the entire treatment from drunkenness. These measures include:

  • selection of light and balanced nutrition;
  • drug therapy aimed at restoring the liver and nervous system;
  • regular walks in the fresh air (preference is recommended to give exactly hiking);
  • passage of the course of vitaminotherapy (former alcoholics and their families say: "Here, we drink the course of vitamins all together");
  • relief of relationships with constantly consisting of alcohol companies in which refund to the bad habit is possible.

Properly organized assistance to the recoverable body will help reduce the negative sensations that will experience a drunkard in the first days of the abandon from alcohol. Thanks to such assistance, it will be possible to prevent the re-returning person to his harmful habit and convince him that sobriety, unlike drunkenness, is positive emotions, a bright future and joy.

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