
Eco procedure in ccm is a loan possible. Beauty on credit: how dubious medical centers deceive Khabarovsk residents. What to do if the medical center has imposed a loan

Main News Testimonials Encyclopedia Clinic Services Promotions Contacts Infertility treatment Monitoring pregnancy Donation Cryobank Questions and answers Partners Diagnostics of the causes of infertility Monitoring pregnancy Donor programs Cryobank Genetics Surrogacy Pharmacy Licenses and certificates Gallery Clinic staff Search results Site map Donor base Sperm donation Oocyte donors Genetics Thank you for your help in a successful IVF procedure 404 error Opening a clinic Infertility treatment with ART methods Diagnostics of the causes of infertility Surrogacy AGGLUTINATION Embryological laboratory in St. Petersburg Features of pregnancy after IVF Vitrification of oocytes Karyotype analysis Geneticist's consultation Monogenic pathology Ovarian depletion syndrome (SIA) ACGLEH VARIKOTS infertility 10 reasons for male infertility Spermogram Endometriosis Hyperprolactinemia and pregnancy CRYPTOCHRISM Rules for taking a spermogram Examination of a surrogate mother Indications for surrogacy Legal aspects of surrogacy Legal aspects of donor programs Ovarian hyperstimulation in IVF Oocyte donor examination Screening of sperm donors Treatment of azoospermia. PESA, MESA, TESA, TESE, Micro-TESA Intracytaplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) Urologist-andrologist consultation day treatment IVF oocytes ova ovarian follicles follicle menopause menopause ART IUI ICSI FREEZING VITRIFICATION azoospermia oligospermia TESA PESA PGA ENDOMETRIOSIS INFERTILITY anovulation ovulation oogenesis fallopian tubes Kornilov Nikolay V. Lobzeva Diana Andreevna Nazarov Alexander V. Kornilov Catherine E. Chalikova Marina B. Pustovalova Natalia Sinelnikova Marina S. Fedorenko Illona Igorevna Dear Nikolai Valerievich! Thank you very much and a deep bow for two nice Children! I want to say a huge THANK YOU to Nikolai Valerievich for the happiness of motherhood Nikolai Valerievich, thanks to you, we now have children in our family !!! 10% discount on IVF (ICSI) procedure Thank you very much Nikolay Valerievich. You just worked a miracle. 3 years were treated for some unknown reason. 2 weeks ago we did insemination. Nikolai Valerievich, many thanks and bow to the ground from our whole family! Now we are waiting for our son for 10-11 weeks! Latkova Ksenia Sergeevna MAR-TEST SPERMOGRAM EJACULATION Many thanks to Diana Andreevna Lobzeva! Our long-awaited Angels have appeared in our family! Boy and girl !. You are the BEST DOCTOR! Pavlova Marina Nikolaevna Results of hCG Primary consultation "Delayed Motherhood" - AS A GIFT! Program with 8 donor eggs for only 192 thousand rubles! Ekaterina Anatolyevna Petrova Birthday of Nikolai Valerievich Kornilov Results of the work of our embryologists in April 6th conference of IVI clinics Visiting Anatolia clinic in Turkey Egg Donation with vitrified eggs for 2898 EUR instead of 3737 EUR Promotions under the NGC IVF clinic program Infertility treatment with IVF with tubal IVF factor at the premium clinic Next Generation Clinic IVF consultations IVF for polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) IVF for male factor infertility Where can I sign up and do IVF in St. Petersburg IVF Center: NGC clinic in St. Petersburg How to do IVF inexpensively? The cost of the in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedure Karyotype analysis before the IVF procedure CARIOTYPE Vyatkina Svetlana Vyacheslavovna Prokosheva Alena Sergeevna Strizhova Maria Alekseevna IVF clinics in Russia IVF or insemination IVF ICSI probabilities Embryology laboratory in the IVF clinic IVF ECO center of family medicine and reproduction sexually transmitted diseases BY THE GERM zygote zefta idiopathic infertility Implantation Impotence INTRATUBARNAYA insemination INTRATUBARNY TRANSFER GAMET GIFT INTRATUBARNY TRANSFER zygote intrauterine artificial insemination IMSI capacitation karyotyping CYST wedge resection OVARIAN number of sperm in the ejaculate colposcopy CERVICAL combined infertility congenital BREACH contraception cryocautery Cryopreservation of embryos and oocytes Laparoscopy endoscopic EXAMINATION OF THE ABDOMINAL CAVITY AND PELVIS SMALL LUTEINE PHASE UTERINE UTERINE TUBES MENARCHE MENSTROIS Flax CYCLE multiple pregnancy Morphology urethra Scrotum Peaks miscarriage insufficiency of the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle NEKROSPERMIYA unstimulated CYCLE zoospermia normospermia Famous doctor obstetrician oligozoospermic Fertilization Fertilization "IN VITRO" TUMOR genital warts penis penis KAPTIVUS primary infertility pergonal tubal ligation TRANSFER Embryo Transfer ovum peritoneal factor infertility PERTUBATSIYA tubal PIC LH PLASMA sPERM PLACENTA FRUIT membranes uterine polyps total effective sperm NUMBER OF REPRODUCTION cERVICAL CANCER cervical dilatation retrograde ejaculation salpingitis salpingostomy salpingotomy SALPINGOEKTOMIYA semen seminiferous tubules seminal vesicles vas deferens EJACULATION sept Sertoli Cells SYNDROME ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome Klinefelter syndrome LUTEINIZATION OF NEOVULATED FOLLICLE WITH PERSISTENT SYNDROME ITS FOLLICLE Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Turner syndrome chronic anovulation Syphilis SLIME SPIKES SEMEN spermatozoon spermicide SPERMOTEST GESTATIONAL Sterilization stimulated cycle superovulation superovulation surrogate Teratozoospermia pregnancy test testicular biopsy TESTOSTERONE Tocolytics TOXIN TOXOPLASMOSIS TRIMESTER tubal factor TUBOPLASTIKA IVF in menopause IVF at low anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) IVF by installments IVF for single women Medical Center for In Vitro Fertilization IVF for Endometriosis Dear Doctor Kornilov! Thank you so much for the happiness that is growing with us with your help! May visit by doctor Kornilov to the republics of Chavashia, Mari-El, Tatarstan May monthly meeting of employees Hotel Park Inn Pribaltiyskaya Hotels Solo Sokos Hotel Apartments on Vasilievsky Island Center for Family Planning and IVF Preparation for IVF: tests that need to be passed PELVIC CAVITY POSTCOITAL TEST PRE-EMBRYO PRESENTATION OF FETUSES PREMENSTRUAL SYNDROME PROSTATE Gland PREMATURE LABOR CONDOM ACCIDENTAL Miscarriage of Testicular Addendum Indications for IVF June 20, 2015 the clinic does not work Dear Nikolai Valerievich! I sincerely congratulate you on the opening of your own clinic! Nikolai Valerievich, let me tell you from the bottom of my heart a huge human thanks! You are Nicholas the Wonderworker in modern world... An external audit was carried out at the NGC clinic by a well-known specialist - Cecilia Sjoble. My husband and I are growing a daughter of 1.8 thank you very much !!! Celebrating the day medical worker Embryo donation in St. Petersburg Oocyte (egg) donors, donation prices Oocyte donor bank, search and selection in the database Become an oocyte donor in St. Petersburg: how much do they pay for eggs Egg donation programs in St. Petersburg How does the egg donation procedure take place? IVF (in vitro fertilization) with donor sperm IVF programs with donor eggs IVF and preimplantation diagnostics (PGD) Medical center for reproductive medicine in St. PGD ​​NGS in St. Petersburg: terms, prices, reviews Thanks to Nikolai Valerievich for his son! AI turned out right the first time! For surrogate mothers Nikolay Valerievich, my magician - I have a son! Infertility treatment in St. Petersburg New high-tech manipulator for ICSI and biopsy procedures Operating hours for the period from 08/14/2015 to 09/01/2015 Lobzeva Diana Andreevna completed an internship at the IVI clinic in the city of Valencia IVF for oncology or uterine myoma IVF ICSI clinic in St. Petersburg Causes of infertility and treatment How to choose a sperm donor? Sperm donation in St. Petersburg - how much does donor sperm cost for patients? Gynecology Gynecology Colposcopy Paypel-biopsy (aspiration) of the endometrium Introduction of an obstetric unloading pessary Non-surgical correction of the intimate zone in women G-spot augmentation Many thanks to Diana Lobzeva, who helped us find a daughter after 4 years of trying! For a long time I tried to get to see Doctor Kornilov, but I was recommended in the clinic by another excellent reproductologist - Fedorenko Illona Igorevna. N.V. THANKS! We are 2.3 years old. May the Lord Protect You ... How to properly prepare the body for IVF IVF with one ovary Leukospermia and IVF Ectopic pregnancy with IVF IVF ICSI procedure Benefits, features, possibilities and effectiveness of IVF Donor programs NGC clinic at the RARCH-2015 conference IVF programs First time I got to HB for an appointment back in 2006. Of course, I went to him after collecting the opinion of the medical luminaries of the whole city ... New clinic where IVF is done Today I donated blood biochemistry. I am very pleased with the laboratory assistants. I did IVF with the head physician of the clinic Romanov A.B. Very attentive and competent specialist! Patients from other cities Many thanks to Alexandra Vladimirovna Nazarova! Examination of patients in preparation for ART programs IVF with SIA The number and quality of eggs with IVF IVF without a husband, how to choose a donor for IVF Eco experience Treatment of infertility using in vitro fertilization methods How does IVF begin? IVF in Europe Reception of a reproductive specialist for 2500 rubles. Castle Hotel Accommodation Illumina PGS 2015. Symposium in Prague. Tarasova Lidia Ivanovna IVF PGD services for 23 pairs of chromosomes in St. Petersburg and Moscow Medical centers and clinics for the treatment of infertility Free correspondence consultation How to start effective treatment of infertility in Russia Increase in the cost of the first IVF cycle Growth rates of more than 100 IVF cycles per month Expansion of admission in Clinic Geography of Successful Childbirth NV Kornilov was elected to the Board of the RA RARCH Materials within the framework of the Univadis program NGC Reproduction and Genetics Clinic became the base of the departments Fedorenko I.I. Dear Nikolai Valerievich! I would like to express my gratitude to you for your attentiveness, understanding, professionalism 10/15/15. our son Andrey was born! Selection of a donor according to the database Many thanks to Diana Andreevna Lobzeva for the fact that my husband's and my dream came true and got pregnant. Kornilov Nikolai Valerievich Pavlov Konstantin Mikhailovich Pavlov Alexander Vladimirovich Bakhtina Anna Alekseevna Kalinina Ekaterina Borisovna Mazur Angela Viktorovna Shestakova Karina Pavlovna Natalya Andreeva attended a 5-day embryological course Advantages of infertility treatment in NGC Was today at Alexander Borisovich's appointment under supervision, did an ultrasound examination of the fallopian tubes! Working hours on December 23 and 24 changed Working hours on holidays Determination of the blood group of the unborn child Price and cost of IVF infertility treatment with a 15% discount! Vasiliev Roman Vyacheslavovich Preimplantation genetic diagnosis of embryos There are no words to express gratitude and gratitude to Nikolai Valerievich! Clinic for reproductive medicine: ART center in St. Petersburg Become a sperm donor in St. Petersburg: how much is paid for donation Marina Valerievna Krechmar Cytogenetics Participation in the X Anniversary International Congress on Reproductive Medicine Medical and genetic counseling in St. Petersburg NIPT - non-invasive prenatal test Mini-hotel " Seven cabins "Genetic factors of infertility in men Genetic causes of female miscarriage of pregnancy I would like to express my deep gratitude to all the staff of the clinic and, of course, Nikolai Valerievich! Conference UIT 2016 I want to express my deep gratitude to Nikolai Valerievich Kornilov, he is a Doctor with a capital letter. New generation NGS sequencing method. Practice with today at the NGC clinic 30 years of IVF in Russia Geneticist Marina V. Krechmar begins the appointment Down syndrome - causes, diagnosis, risk factors, symptoms, prevention Genetics and IVF: from a healthy embryo to a healthy child We sincerely want to thank Nikolai Valerievich for our son! Perinatal medicine: from pregravid preparation to healthy motherhood and childhood Discounts on cards of any laboratories! I would like to express my deep gratitude to the entire team of the NGC clinic and separately to Fedorenko Illona Igorevna! Diana Lobzeva completed a course at IVI clinic in Valencia, Spain Next Generation sequencing methods. Today's practice at NGC. I want to express my gratitude to the wonderful doctor Nikolai Valerievich Kornilov, a real doctor from God, a professional in his field! Urology Paternity test during pregnancy "Following the results of the ASRM2015 and ESHRE2015 Grand Slam conferences" Conference-holiday "IVF + genetics: a new generation" Molecular genetics Prenatal DNA testing for 34,000 rubles. Consanguineous Marriages On March 23, 2016, a conference of Reproductologists was held. FREE IVF IVF procedure + GENETICS-NEW GENERATION Egg donor programs Genetic passport of an IVF donor is paid for: the advantages of an individual approach Egg bank My husband and I would like to express our deep gratitude to Nikolai Valerievich Kornilov. Clinic work on the May holidays IVF in the natural cycle 1823 1825 1827 1829 1831 1839 1453 1843 176 1844 1848 1850 1852 1855 1861 1865 1866 1868 1870 1871 1874 1878 1880 1911 1882 1886 1891 1893 1898 1900 1902 1907 777 1909 1912 1914 30 603 1916 1915 1913 22 1910 1908 1906 1256 1905 1904 1901 890 1897 1899 1896 96 1890 1888 99 1527 1885 1884 1883 104 105 106 1881 1879 283 110 1887 113 1875 115 116 117 1310 462 1869 1867 1862 1534 1859 1858 1857 127 128 23 1854 131 1853 1851 135 1353 1849 1847 139 25 142 1845 1835 1838 32 1860 1279 1864 151 1872 1876 1889 155 1894 1917 158 20 160 1993 769 1918 164 1921 166 1923 1925 170 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 394 1932 178 179 1933 1934 1935 184 121 1155 1936 1937 189 583 1938 1939 1940 1941 37 396 1711 1712 561 1078 513 555 482 294 615 770 438 489 754 877 716 564 31 851 846 697 508 233 671 417 551 683 1985 1181 491 1693 532 753 1163 1988 222 997 1895 1892 1873 1856 1922 1467 1842 1841 1803 1837 756 1836 1834 1833 643 897 951 1830 1070 1164 1217 1 828 1826 1824 1526 1580 1999 474 398 2002 912 364 1036 1668 381 422 2084 2228 758 2442 2377 873 2610 2611 2585 2586 1924 2662 2664 2669 2510 2784 2734 2743 2685 2686 2842 IVF for endometrioid cyst or mammary gland 3838 4068 2927 2584 2990 IVF non-carrying 1602 3821 2903 3719 2827 2852 3136 4141 2514 2621 2564 2229 2651 2618 852 1247 2334 2425 2601 2654 2676 2806 3032 2991 3026 2960 3117 904 3111 2919 2646 2976 3373 3115 3129 315 3416 3422 3158 3051 3804 1250 2290 in the absence of ovulation IVF with unclear genesis I express my deep gratitude to Nikolai Valerievich. I live in Los Angeles. Exactly a year ago, I came to Russia and Dr. Kornilov made me an intrauterine insemination. Options for surrogate programs 3rd conference on biomarkers in reproductive medicine NGS in medical genetics IVF and low hemoglobin 3964 3286 Changes in the pharmacy schedule during the May holidays Conference "The present and future of ART" Our embryologists at the Alpha 2016 Congress in Copenhagen, Denmark 4178 4345 3462 4102 4000 4375 4389 3862 4069 4030 Seminar "Biopsy of trophectoderm for each Clinic" Download expertise New in infertility treatment Treatment of secondary infertility in women Treatment of hormonal infertility in women 696 2857 PGD embryos in St. Petersburg Drug treatment of infertility In April this year Nazarova A.V. made our family happy with pregnancy! We are your patients from Khabarovsk. On February 16, 2016, at a period of 31 weeks, our babies were born - a daughter - 1.6 kg. Modern methods and methods of infertility treatment 4503 4525 4533 2080 Dear Alexey Olegovich! My son is six months old. For a long time I could not find you while you were working in America .. Center for surrogacy and egg donation 4110 Happy Medical Worker Day! Zhuzhulova Ekaterina Ivanovna Kukhtina Yulia Andreevna Tarasova Oksana Aleksandrovna Chalikova Marina Borisovna Prenatal DNA screening of chromosomal pathology Requirements for a sperm donor Private sperm donors Sperm donor bank Become a surrogate mother Donor "s eggs for ivf Monetary reward surrogate mother Interview N.V. Kornilov Ferring Talk 4534 4001 Need a sperm donor: how and where to find one in St. Petersburg? Dear Nikolai Valerievich, please accept congratulations from our family on the day of the medical worker. There are no words of gratitude that would express my feelings for the fact that soon it will be two years, how happy I am to raise my wonderful daughter. Conference "Prenatalis. NIPT in prenatal diagnostics" Aleksey Olegovich! I am your grateful patient. My son is already 6 years old! Dear Nikolai Valerievich, congratulations from our family 4536 4783 4851 Sperm donation clinic in St. Petersburg Children after fertilization with donor sperm Requirements for an egg (oocyte) donor Summer mode of operation Artificial insemination with donor sperm Is it possible to become an egg donor: what is the danger? Nikolai Valerievich! thanks! we have twins, two girls! Questionnaire or application for surrogacy 4458 IVF / ICSI programs in case of infertility diagnosis 5086 5087 5088 5089 Our cryobank was replenished with sperm from the Danish cryobank Cryos International Surrogacy program Surrogacy in family planning centers Selection of a surrogate mother Selecting egg donation clinic or agency 59 5144 ESHERE Annual Conference Caesarean Treatment for IVF Pathology for IVF IVF Duration Increased Prolactin and IVF Laparoscopy or IVF Search for Surrogate Mothers Cost of Surrogacy Surrogacy in Russia and St. Petersburg IVF Restrictions Beautiful egg donors Thank you very much for your ongoing support Dear Diana Lobzeva! Thank you so much for everything you did Thanks to Russia for the hospitality and their experience in IVF treatment Preparation for IVF men Polyp and IVF 5262 5098 Database of surrogate mothers Surrogacy and donor programs Surrogacy programs Many thanks to my doctor Diana Andreevna! 5303 4642 Many human thanks to Dr. Diana Andreevna Lobzeva! 2546 5066 Opening hours of the clinic from 15.08 4837 Very good clinic! In general, the clinic has a very homely atmosphere, there is no divorce for money, there is no pathos. 5338 Pregnancy with donor eggs in IVF program I want to thank Diana Andreevna - our good fairy from the bottom of my heart! Egg donors in Russia 3253 5238 5353 Kornilov N.V. "Validation of NGS PGD in reproductive clinics" Panel on monogenic diseases Pregnancy of egg donor. IVF success rate 5469 5464 5003 ART method - IVF IVF Delivery with IVF pregnancy IVF for women IVF with a guarantee Artificial insemination by donor sperm NextGen carrier screening - way to succesful and healthy pregnancy Legal aspects of the donor programs Examination of the egg donor 5506 5476 There are no words to express my gratitude for our long-awaited son Embryo donation Genetics and IVF: from healthy embryos to a healthy child Advantages of PGD IVF center: NGC clinic in Saint Petersburg, Russia Advantages of using frozen donor eggs Frozen (vitrified) donor eggs Reproductive technologies today and tomorrow 2016 I want to tell my story! I'm 43 years old. 5487 5555 4826 Genetic blood test for karyotype All information about in vitro fertilization The staff of the NGC clinic congratulates Nikolai Valerievich! 5709 5702 5202 5748 5457 Donate sperm for IVF: spermogram Hysteroscopy for IVF 5595 In vitro fertilization success rates by age Angela Danielyan IUI or IVF. Comparison Intrauterine Insemination and In Vitro Fertilization Conference "Innovative technologies in reproductive medicine" 5801 Advantages and disadvantages of ivf treatment New obstetrician-gynecologist-fertility specialist Medical and genetic counseling Prenatal DNA screening Egg donation - The best qualified egg donors Family building for single men individuals Fertility testing and treatment for single women Postponed maternity - Social egg freezing How to choose the best IVF clinic or center? 3090 2723 2725 3002 5954 5959 5585 3279 3193 2804 3066 How to find a surrogate mother? Prenatal care Donorship of sperm, eggs, embryos Cryobank and donor base Diagnostics of male and female infertility reasons ICSI in natural cycle with 6 vitrified donor "s oocytes 4834 Donation program with 12 donor" s eggs and ICSI Personified donation program with 12 donor "s eggs Personified program ICSI in natural cycle with 6 vitrified oocytes IVF with own eggs Second and following attempts of IVF ICSI in natural cycle IUI with donor sperm IVF with sperm donor Donation program and PGS for 2 embryos Personified donation program and PGS for 2 embryos Postponed maternity . 1 step program. Postponed maternity. 2 step program. Fresh embryo donation Frozen embryo donation Ion World Tour 2016. Clinical Solutions Morev Vladimir Vladimirovich 5660 6223 5621 The price and cost for surrogate mother program Morev Vladimir Vladimirovich Chief physician VV Morev, urologist-andrologist of the highest category Information for IVF patients with own eggs and PGS for 2 embryos Free premium access to the donor database 63 96 5147 3815 Once again I want to thank Alexandra Vladimirovna Nazarova! Last year she had IVF. Definition of In Vitro Fertilization The most important information about IVF services and programs What is Assisted reproductive technology? 6492 Donor examination list before the IVF procedure 6496 How is an egg taken for IVF? How to decide and undergo IVF? Pregnancy planning IVF 6546 Opening ceremony of the Scientific and Educational Center of ART named after Frederic Paulsen 6756 5816 6848 6941 6943 4397 IVF with Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGD / PGS) Medical genetic consultation (appointment with a geneticist) in St. Petersburg IVF with a sperm donor for single women Fresh and frozen embryo donation program 6992 November 16 Morev V. B. speaks live on the program "On Health" The study of the genetic status of the parents ICSI treatment procedure 7149 Donors of sperm for IVF / AI Travel support AMENORRHEA androgen spermatoschesis asthenozoospermia basal temperature of secondary infertility GENE haploid genotype hysteroscopy Hysterosalpingography diploid DYSMENORRHOEA dyspareunia superovulation induction coitus laparotomy micromanipulation Oligo-OshenozoSPrummy Fruit Egg Preimplantation Diagnosis Panking Uterus Saktosalpinx Salping Salpoplasty SalpingOnovicalizis Secret Phenotype Ferilization Fertility Chromosome Embryos Estrogens Extracorporal Feedbacking 7101 7193 7194 7195 7199 7291 7113 7238 7291 7113 7238 7291 7113 7238 7291 7113 7238 7291 7390 7391 6311 Speech by N.V. Kornilov at openmedcom.ru What is Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis / Screening or Testing (PGD, PGS or PGD)? Programs with donor eggs Importance of genetic research in ART The price and costs for preimplantation genetic diagnosis (screening) in IVF program 6691 Late implantation in IVF Indications for medical genetic consultation Fertility doctors in St. Petersburg Infertility and endometriosis - diagnosis of causes and symptoms, treatment ART methods Treatment of the immunological factor of infertility 6339 7584 A deep bow and gratitude that knows no bounds Schedule of work on holidays and pre-holidays 2016-2017 Dear you are our man! Thank you! Diagnosis of hereditary diseases 7774 Thanks to the great best man, our daughter was born 5615 Inherited diseases carrier screening test How to improve IVF success rates? How much does an in vitro fertilization procedure cost? Infertility of unknown origin: diagnosis of causes, effective treatment Human karyotype what is it? Definition of the term Secondary infertility in women: diagnosis of causes, modern methods of treatment 7954 Tubal peritoneal infertility: diagnosis of causes, modern methods of treatment Treatment of endocrine infertility in women Assisted reproductive technology I want to express my deep gratitude to Nikolai Valerievich Kornilov and Elvira Nikolaevna Nenashkina 7975 8013 8035 Available genetic diagnostics of embryos for all couples! 8044 8144 7842 8170 In vitro fertilization method 8207 8201 8213 8196 8012 7959 IVF programs ICSI IMSI in the medical center I want to express my deep gratitude to Nikolai Valerievich Kornilov I want to express my deep gratitude to the doctor Angela Vyacheslav Danielyan and the apothecary work hours of the clinic on March 8 "The best with ASRM and ESHERE" 7960 8491 Operations before IVF: laparoscopy, office hysteroscopy, fertiloscopy Cystic fibrosis: effective diagnostics and prevention - analyzes and tests 8617 Many thanks to Nikolai Valerievich Kornilov! 8680 8671 8208 8734 Sophia Genetics wet lab training courses from 21 to 22 February in Geneva 8730 8804 8827 8831 8435 7964 8897 8826 8911 8922 8950 8945 9008 I express my deep gratitude to Diana Lobzeva 8963 All-Russian conference "Homeostasis and Reproduction" 851231 8463 5092-9 th International Conference on Preimplantation Genetic Diagnostics We chose a clinic for a long time and luckily we found NGC !!! Everything in it is at the highest level: from the staff to the entourage! Reproductive genetics. New PGD technologies in the era of ART 9164 5292 9227 9275 8868 850 5381 Valeeva Dinara Andreevna Nesterenko Olga Yurievna Lopatina Irina Aleksandrovna Bolonina Vlada Alekseevna 8062 9381 CONSTRUCTOR 5480 letter html 4985 4903 Working hours of the clinic and pharmacies in May 2017 .2017 9463 9473 In the summer, on the recommendations, I went to the clinic to Dr. Kornilov. It was necessary to hold eco 9440 5498 9342 9517 9433 IVI International Conference in Bilbao (Spain) 9784 4866 Rising Star of the East - Nazarova Alexandra Vladimirovna IVF in installments - 0%! 9985 10036 10046 5067 10174 We sincerely thank Ilona Igorevna Fedorenko for her sensitivity, understanding and professionalism! Shared-risk and guarantee program 5580 10183 Many thanks personally to Nikolai Valerievich Kornilov and all the staff of the clinic! The embryo as a patient: the practice of genetic research in the field of ART 10206 1689 9652 10296 From July 1 to July 31, the clinic and the pharmacy will switch to summer mode The Avilov family expresses its deep gratitude to all the clinic staff, and especially to the doctor Lobzeva Diana Andreevna, for the happiness of being parents 10391 10418 Thank you Nikolai Valerievich for the happiness of being parents ... before us the doctors shrugged their shoulders, having undergone so many unpleasant procedures, an operation, an unthinkable number of tests, we were already losing hope. Gvasalia Rusudan Givievna Advance confirmation of the time and date of appointment for a visit to the clinic From today, a gynecologist-reproductive specialist Gvasalia Rusudan Givievna 10713 10430 A successful IVF is real at the NGC! Many thanks to Rusudan Givievna. Not a doctor, but a sorceress. Everything worked out on the 1st try. I want to leave my review about the doctor Gvasalia Rusudan Givievna! We would like to thank Gvasalia Rusudan Givievna. Wonderful doctor! 10209 10946 10951 10947 Egg donor database (bank) in Russia 10952 What is egg donation? 10953 10954 How egg donors are screened? Legislation about donating eggs in Russia Whom can egg donation help Egg donation fertility clinic (agency) Next Generation 10955 10956 10957 10948 11038 Cryobank NGC replenished with sperm from the Danish cryobank Cryos International Kazaryan Liya Mikhailovna Kazaryan Lia Mikhailovna Mosesova Yulia Evgenievna Huge THANKS to Doctor Diaryeva Di our long-awaited son Dimo. Hello Rusudan Givievna! I am writing to you to once again, on behalf of my whole family, thank you for our wonderful baby, who was born on August 21, 2017. XXVII International Conference of the Association for Human Reproduction Evgenia Olegovna Mikhailova +42 egg donors examined at NextGen21 11291 11374 11402 Embryological laboratory in Moscow Opening of NGC in Moscow So long-awaited children's laughter finally sounded in our house !!! After 6 long years of unsuccessful fermentation in clinics and doctors, we came to her. 11457 Nikolai V. Kornilov NGC geneticist RV Vasiliev was awarded a diploma for a report at the RHRCH Gvasalia RG, the cost of the initial admission was reduced to 2,000 rubles. 10172 11660 Next Generation Clinic (NGC) in Moscow. IVF of the future Loboda Oksana Anatolyevna 11747 11237 7878 11647 Arkhipova Marina Gennadievna Kotova Margarita Vitalievna Petrova Lyubov Polyakova Natalya Aleksandrovna Photo report from RARCH-2017 Programs with non-anonymous egg donors Bogolyubov Sergei Vladimirovich 10354 Warm words from Svetlana Borisovna Pavlovna NG48 Moscow 12043 I would like to say a huge thank you to Rusudan Givievna for her professionalism, support, and iron calm. I learned about the opening of a clinic in Moscow and that Lia Mikhailovna Ghazaryan now works as the chief physician there. Doctor Zabelkina Olga Igorevna begins the appointment from November 1 Bublikova Maria 7450 12168 12194 Bank of donor oocytes banners Many thanks to the entire team of the NGC cryobank and especially to their talented embryologists! Yakovlev Maxim Anatolyevich 12100 12006 12441 ASRM 2017 Conference Elena Zhelunina Me and my husband want to thank Diana Lobzeva and NGC clinic for their assistance Enormous Spasibo about the doctor Lobzeva Diana Andreevna! Scope of services - draft 11925 12529 12580 Repeated IVF ICSI program in the natural ICSI cycle with minimal IVF stimulation with low AMH (oocyte banking). Stage I 7687 The entire staff was fantastic. Many speak English. My husband & I went twice this last summer from Dallas, T.X. and the second time I came home pregnant. IVF with low AMH (oocyte banking). Stage II IVF with low AMH (embryo banking) 11308 Program with 12 donor eggs Program with 12 donor oocytes and adult donor photos Program with donor embryo Delayed motherhood - Stage I Delayed motherhood - II stage Artificial insemination with donor sperm IVF / ICSI program with donor sperm 12632 We would like to express our gratitude to our doctor Rusudan Givievna Gvasalia for a very professional attitude to her work, peremptory confidence in success 11358 12657 We would like to note the outstanding professionalism of Dr. Gvassalia Rusudan Givievna! 8370 12804 Online conference STEP TOWARDS THE FUTURE 11868 Bank of donor embryos in St. Petersburg 12365 12322 Many thanks to our best, professional and understanding Doctor - Nikolai Valerievich Kornilov, calm and knowing his job. I would like to express my gratitude to all the staff of the clinic, and in particular to Krechmar Marina Valerievna and Lobzeva Diana Andreevna 12867 9763 Live broadcast with a reproductive specialist: answering questions 12825 12364 12893 12992 IX International Congress KARM 1 How the IVF procedure takes place in stages: a detailed description of the process 13144 752 11871 13150 1034 Planning for our baby started in September 2015. Thank you very much to the DOCTOR .. Nazarova Alexandra. for Daughter Thanks to all the staff of the clinic and especially to Diana Andreevna Lobzeva for her professionalism and sensitivity. 13292 13296 13303 9984 13066 We express our boundless gratitude to Fedorenko Illona Igorevna for her wonderful son! 12911 13354 13374 13350 1 IVF - 1 healthy child 13328 13431 11971 8130 I express my deep gratitude to Nikolai Valerievich Kornilov, his high professionalism. We sincerely thank the wonderful Doctor Nikolai Valerievich Kornilov for the birth of our children. Many thanks to the clinic with very responsive specialists and a separate human immense gratitude to Angela Vyacheslavovna Danielyan for an attentive, sensitive attitude towards her patients 13002 13489 13527 Schedule of work on New Year's holidays 12418 13588 Koloda Elena Igorevna Murza Galina Valerievna 137 Methods of payment 13776 12891 Evgenievna Many thanks to Olga Igorevna for her professionalism and optimism Korneeva Irina Evgenievna 14026 6757 Zvereva Svetlana Alexandrovna 9279 We choose this clinic for the good prices and conditions 13470 14228 14283 12892 Big thanks to Marina and Doctor Dian a Lobzeva and all staff of the clinic. I would like to express my deep gratitude to Diana Andreevna Lobzeva. We would like to express my deep gratitude to Oksana Anatolyevna Loboda for the preparation and implementation of the IVF program and successful infusion Thank you very much, GVASALIA RUSUDAN GIVIEVNA !!! 13424 13123 Osepaishvili Maka Nikolaevna 14412 Berezina Ksenia Vladimirovna Zelichenok Evgeniy Eduardovich Voytetskaya Elizaveta 13441 Delayed motherhood 13695 Transportation of eggs, sperm, embryos Storage of eggs, embryos, sperm Dr. Dianna is really helpful for her kind patient , and she speak English very well 15061 8368 Open House Day at NGC Moscow 17 February 15309 Staffing schedule on holidays (23 February) Me and my husband did donor cell frozen embryo transfer at Next Generation Clinic in St. Petersburg after many failed attempts in Finland. 7278 15334 We would like to express our deep gratitude to Gvasalia Rusudan Givievna !!! You gave us the meaning of life! 15350 15377 15449 Message Thank you very much, your clinic helped us make our dream come true. Gift in honor of March 8 from NGC Moscow We express our deep gratitude to Diana Andreevna Lobzeva for our daughter Veronica, a very attentive and highly professional doctor !!! Aizikovich Asya Borisovna 15479 13585 8987 15671 11813 15698 Opening hours 15603 15730 15801 15952 15957 15963 15966 15967 15968 15970 15972 15974 15976 15977 15978 15981 15928 14840 I strongly recommend this place to people who have difficulty getting pregnant We are 3 years old! Cryobank replenishment with sperm donors from Cryos International The patient should know that sooner or later everything will be fine 16154 16169 What is egg donation treatment? Egg donation and IVF / ICSI We express our deep gratitude for the happiness of becoming parents personally to Diana Andreevna Lobzeva and the entire team of the clinic! II International Conference "HEMOSTASIS, THROMBOSIS AND REPRODUCTION: AN INTERDISCIPLINARY APPROACH" 16445 13774 16575 Ovulation stimulation school for outpatient specialists 16426 16081 15363 IVF without stimulation (IVF + IVM) 16774 Cycle schedule for May holidays Double donor using 17034 anonymous donor eggs I would like to thank Rusudan Givievna. For many years I could not get pregnant, I came to Rusudan Givievna on the recall of friends with the last hope. 10711 11697 16229 15895 16661 Scientific and Practical Conference "Reproductive Technologies: State of the Art and Modern Approaches to Treatment" International Conference in Shanghai 17714 On June 16, 2018, an open day will be held at the NGC Moscow clinic! On May 25, Moscow hosted the conference “All inclusive Individualized Controlled Ovarian Stimulation (ICOS)” 11327 16918 Celebrating Medic Day on June 3! 16952 11126 11125 Analysis for AMG as a gift Free correspondence consultation with a reproductive specialist Summer mode of operation in 2018 11972 ATTENTION, PROMOTION! Tan Juning 11445 16117 17045 PGS NGS embryo as a gift Delivery of sperm from Cryos at a reduced price! Since June, the psychologist Shirokorad Galina Nikolaevna has been conducting an appointment at the NGC Moscow clinic! 16207 18042 Non-anonymous egg donation program Non-anonymous egg donation program and PGS FAQ Mira Jo 13469 17580 18364 Dear Patients! Joint consultation with a reproductologist and andrologist IVF = 0 rubles! Big Summer Promotion in NGC Moscow 18203 16969 18631 We would like to express our deep gratitude to the excellent reproductive doctor Gvasalia Rusudan Givievna! I would like to express my deep gratitude to Rusudan Givievna for her professionalism and reverent attitude towards the patient. Once again, from the bottom of my heart, I wanted to say THANK YOU to Rusudan Givievna !!! 16448 Hello! I would like to thank the NGC clinic and separately the embryologist Marina Pavlova for the work and for the level of how you do it! 17771 17538 18827 18045 11145 18111 13668 17233 18885 18802 19571 19572 19574 19575 19576 19577 17640 15982 19581 19582 Volkomorova Ekaterina Alekseevna 17528 19090 17876 19039 19811 非常 感谢 NGC 给与 的 帮助 , 帮 我 完成 经历 了 母亲 的 的 的 经历 做 母亲 个 月 宝 的 噩梦 , 是 NGC 给 了 我 希望 , 圆 了 这个 梦想 , 让 我 的 家庭 因为 孩子 的 到来 , 得到 了 圆满! 非常 感谢! QL We have had very positive experiences at NGC. We selected NGC after visiting two other clinics in St. Petersburg. I feel very lucky that I have chosen NGC clinic. Filimonov Sergey Fedorovich Makolkin Alexander Alexandrovich 19997 19962 19244 ACTION "ECO = 0 rubles!" extended until the end of September! 09.22, at 14:00, the NGC Moscow clinic will host an OPEN DOOR DAY! Unified test for aneuploidy, microdeletions and point mutations 10156 19479 19934 11836 18940 18487 20276 20635 20603 19775 17540 Review for dr. Diana Lobzeva 20272 20499 20600 18908 20664 Delivery from CRYOS - cut prices in half! 13111 20323 Asaeva Diana Georgievna Fertility specialist's appointment for 0 rubles. 20660 21357 20177 19955 21508 21081 Good evening! I would like to leave a positive review of your clinic and staff. Good day! I would like to express my gratitude for the help in achieving the dream of N.V. Kornilov. and embryologist Pavlov Marina I want to say a huge thank you, Rusudan Givievna! We express our deepest gratitude to Alexandra Vladimirovna Nazarova. I want to thank the wonderful doctor Illona Igorevna Fedorenko. Many thanks to Illona Igorevna Fedorenko - a sensitive, delicate person, a wonderful doctor and a professional in her field! We are grateful to Dr. Gvasalia Rusudan Givievna I want to say a huge thank you to Illona Igorevna Fedorenko! I would like to express my deep gratitude to your clinic! I would very much like to express my deep gratitude to Fedorenko Illona Igorevna Stimulation of the ovaries: preparation, conduct and safety issues 21428 21482 Nesterova Ekaterina Mikhailovna Efimova Polina Rodionovna Belik Inna Nikolaevna Fokicheva Aminat Anatolyevna Visloguzova Alexandra Vladimirovna 21980 20330 to all 22301 Clinic 22301 Heartfelt thanks to Dr. N.V. Kornilov. I want to express my deep gratitude to the clinic and personally to the doctor Nikolai Kornilov. We express our deep gratitude to Diana Andreevna Lobzeva! 21974 21158 22455 22436 22437 22452 22440 test Happy New Year 2019! Opening hours of the clinic on New Year's Holidays 22439 22449 22445 21026 22438 22441 22442 22444 22446 22447 22450 22453 22454 22456 22457 22458 22459 22460 22461 22501 22448 22310 From the bottom of my heart, send mutual congratulations on the upcoming New Year 2019! miracles, joyful moments and lucky protocols! Vyndysheva Maria Olegovna Rudakova Olga Gennadievna 22327 Grebneva Elena Nikolaevna Webinar: "Standard and non-standard IVF protocols" 22234 22545 21389 22221 Gushchina Kristina Nikolaevna Review Mr Li & Mr Li Prudnikova Natalya Yurievna Malbakhova Ekaterina Timurovna Semikinova Alexandra Vladimirovna 2240 22289 21683 21491 21985 Maria Sergeevna Aristarkhova 21635 44 24345 20027 22306 21608 Pologoiko Galina Petrovna 22236 We express our heartfelt gratitude and gratitude for your sincere participation and disinterested help! I want to say THANK YOU for the long-awaited happiness - my daughter - to doctors Lobzeva Diana Andreevna and Gvasalia Rusudan Givievna! 24108 Many thanks to Diana Andreevna Lobzeva! I want to write a review not about the clinic itself, but about a specific doctor - Alexander Alexandrovich Makolkin. The path to the cherished dream was long! Opening hours of the clinic on February 23 and 24 24158 21507 24340 22239 -5% for a program with 12 donor eggs and an anonymous donor 23229 24343 24347 24341 22324 24342 24344 24399 23089 24346 24348 24349 24350 24351 23661 23448 23492 Webinar "Postponed 17213 24353 23133 24354 23153 23033 Thanks to Alexander Alexandrovich Makolkin for our already second child 24937 24355 22111 Webinar "IVF with donor eggs. Opinion of the program manager" Trofimova Angelina Viktorovna 12853 25154 23441 Yakovlev Pavel Pavlovich - a glance "IVF with donors" Fasakhutdinova Leysan Khanifovna I would like to start by saying that thanks to the NGC and it's wonderful staff I had my first beautiful ... Webinar "IVF with donor eggs - an embryologist's view" 24842 23213 Good afternoon, beloved NGC clinic! I recently turned 2 months old. 25659 25688 25561 25010 25328 Webinar: "Donor Programs and Genetics" 25022 They worked very professionally !!! 25934 21939 We would like to express our deep gratitude to your clinic and especially our doctor Angela Vyacheslavovna Danielian 21844 Thanks to NGC, Dr Olga, Vlada and thank you Saint Petersburg! !! 24894 24291 Summer mode of operation 26312 Webinar "Pregravid preparation before IVF" Preferential delivery of cryosperm from Cryos 21609 25424 Thank you Rusudan Givievna for the highest level of professionalism, attention and patience! 25740 26543 24989 25335 25189 I want to express my deep gratitude to the NGC clinic and Rusudan Givievna for my pregnancy that has come. Webinar "IVF for PCOS" 27123 27124 20203 26341 19208 25496 20640 26542 25801 25622 19211 26770 22141 20959 1338 Fedorenko Illona Igorevna, she is a real professional in her field, a very strong and competent doctor 27847 Pikauskaite Daiva Osvaldovna Khodova Svetlana Ivanovna Babayan Victoria Valerievna 27848 27849 Webinar "IVF with a poor answer" 20187 27566 27073 28105 26825 Summer prices for 28209 gratitude embryos Fedorenko I.I. 28337 28257 27683 28557 26530 28356 28614 Individual egg donation Individual egg donation with PGS for 2 embryos 28524 Free correspondence consultation with a reproductive specialist Genetic consultation included in the IVF price Free storage of sperm in programs with donor eggs 27928 Elite apartments NGA with a 50% discount 28214 Elite apartments 50% 6525 2868 19474 28087

  • If you are 19 years old (for women) and 20 years old (for men);
  • You have a permanent registration on the territory of the Russian Federation
  • Have a permanent place of work, work experience of at least 3 months;
  • No overdue loans - feel free to contact a consultant for a loan. *

JSC "ALFA-BANK" reserves the right to refuse to provide a loan without explaining the reasons.

Benefits of IVF with AlfaBank funds

Opportunity to do IVF at today's price

If you save a year or two for in vitro fertilization, it is not a fact that having collected the required amount, you will be able to do it. The ruble is getting cheaper. It is likely that IVF will rise in price, and the money you have saved will not be enough to conceive in a test tube. What then to do - to collect further?

Opportunity to do IVF at a young age

With each passing year, the chances of success with in vitro fertilization decrease. This does not mean that you will not be able to have children if you contact in a year or two. But it is quite possible that more attempts will be required, which means that the child will cost you more. By doing IVF today, you save money.

Opportunity to do IVF at the most favorable moment

Today you do not have infectious or dyshormonal diseases. Are you sure it will always be this way? It is likely that in a year, when the required amount has been accumulated, it will turn out that you have obstructed fallopian tubes due to the inflammatory process, or you will be diagnosed with cytomegalovirus in the active phase, which is a contraindication to pregnancy. It is better to do IVF today, without waiting for a deterioration in health.

The IVF method (in vitro fertilization) is one of the most effective in the fight against infertility. However, when appointing it, it is not always convenient to immediately pay the entire amount in full. In this case, the ART-ECO clinic can offer to use the specially developed program "Installment plan for IVF". As part of the offer, an interest-free installment plan for IVF programs is provided with the possibility of processing all documents directly at the clinic. The decision to provide the installment plan is made by the clinic's managers within 20 minutes.

You can arrange programs in an interest-free installment plan:

"IVF program"(the program includes: ultrasound monitoring of follicle growth, follicle puncture, including anesthetic aid, day hospital stay, embryo cultivation, embryo transfer into the uterine cavity) * 125 000
"IVF program using donor native oocytes"(the program includes: examination of the oocyte donor, payment to the oocyte donor, ultrasound monitoring of the oocyte donor and recipient, the cost of the donor stimulation protocol, puncture of donor follicles, embryo cultivation, embryo transfer into the uterine cavity) 300 000
"IVF program using donor vitrified oocytes" 200 000
"IVF program with the transfer of embryos of a surrogate mother"(the program includes: ultrasound monitoring of the patient and surrogate mother, puncture of the patient's follicles, embryo cultivation, embryo transfer into the uterine cavity) 140 000

Total cost of services: from 20,000 rubles up to RUB 300,000
No down payment.
Term: 6, 10 or 15 months
Requirements: age from 20 years for women, from 21 years for men.
Documents: passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Submit your application:

Installment plan for operative gynecology

The ART-ECO clinic offers its patients in need of urgent treatment to take advantage of an interest-free payment by installments for services in operative gynecology. As part of the offer, you can arrange an interest-free installment plan for a gynecological procedure worth from 60,000 rubles without leaving the clinic. The decision to provide the installment plan is made by the clinic's managers within 20 minutes. Everything Required documents issued on the spot.

ECO on credit

ECO on credit

IVF is far from the cheapest procedure. And not every married couple in Moscow has time to save money for it, because the years go by, and the chances of pregnancy are getting lower every day.

VitroKlinik patients have the opportunity to enter into the IVF protocol immediately, even in the absence of the entire amount Money... For this, you can take out a loan. It is provided by our partner - Credit Europe Bank.

Advantages of IVF on credit at VitroKlinik:

  1. You can enter the protocol without waiting for the required amount to be accumulated.
  2. You do not need to go to the bank to register it - you can do it at the clinic.
  3. From the documents, you only need a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  4. The decision to grant a loan will be made on the day of application.
  5. Minimum conditions for granting a loan - it is available to the overwhelming majority of our patients.

The loan is provided subject to the following requirements:

  • Citizenship of the Russian Federation and registration in the regions where Credit Europe Bank is present.
  • No overdue debts on other loans.
  • Having a permanent place of work within the last 4 months.
  • Age for women - from 19 years, for men - from 20 years.

Lending terms:

  • The loan is provided for a period of 6 to 24 months.
  • A schedule is drawn up for its repayment, on a monthly basis, in equal parts. The loan can be repaid ahead of schedule, if possible.
  • An initial fee can be from 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% or 50%, depending on the total cost of the provided medical services.
  • The loan is issued in the amount of 30 to 300 thousand rubles.
  • The loan is issued in rubles (up to 41% per annum).

An IVF loan is an excellent chance to conceive a child for married couples who have already made a decision to perform in vitro fertilization, but have not managed to raise the required amount. Take this opportunity!

Our manager will advise you on obtaining a loan in Moscow or other regions and help you choose the most suitable and acceptable option for you.

Medical beauty centers offering Khabarovsk residents to rejuvenate impose on their clients big loans for useless services. Why people, without looking, sign documents for large sums, and how not to become a victim of beauty swindlers, the Khabinfo correspondent figured out.

A couple of years ago, expensive household appliances were imposed on the Khabarovsk residents in this way, and now the swindlers have taken up rejuvenation.

How medical centers impose loans

- Hello! We invite you to visit our center, we now have a promotion - free introductory procedures for rejuvenation, - a pleasant female voice sounds in the telephone receiver. - Be sure to come, we will be waiting for you. Please bring your passport with you.

The townswoman Elena Pavlova also agreed to such an "attractive" offer. The woman says that she went to such a center out of curiosity, and she herself did not understand how she returned home with a loan of 80 thousand rubles.

“They made me some kind of face masks, they drove a rejuvenation machine over my skin,” the woman recalls. - And then the manager said that I needed a course of such procedures, after which the skin will be in excellent condition. I myself do not know how I agreed and signed some papers. It turned out, loan agreement.

And there are dozens of people like our heroine in Khabarovsk. According to lawyers, today in Khabarovsk, three such centers of "beauty and health" operate according to this scheme. Clients are offered what they have dreamed of for a long time - for someone services to restore health, for someone procedures to preserve beauty and youth. Women leave there, as a rule, with a loan of several tens of thousands of rubles.

- It is possible that one of these centers of "beauty and health" is the same office that traded vacuum cleaners a few years ago, and then water filters, - said the Khabarovsk lawyer Denis Lokantsev.

Dozens of townspeople have already turned to him for help, who, after visiting the medical center, issued bonded loans.

According to the lawyer, of the three firms that are engaged in rejuvenation on credit, only one has a license to provide medical services. The rest, judging by the data from tax authorities are engaged in a completely different activity.

Those wishing to rejuvenate are offered super-effective masks and procedures using a miracle device, which, according to pseudo-medical experts, heals everything. A complex of 10-20 procedures costs 60-100 thousand rubles for naive townspeople.

Beauty salon hypnosis?

It is noteworthy that almost all clients of such offices are women of low income of pre-retirement and retirement age.

- Recently, an 83-year-old woman from Khabarovsk contacted us, she managed to visit such offices three times! And every time I went out with a loan. Good psychologists work there, and it is not difficult for them to find out what worries a person. What the client complains about, then their miracle masks are "treated". Why do people with a pension of 10-15 thousand rubles go for this? - the chairman of the public organization for the protection of consumer rights, Denis Lokantsev, is surprised. - People themselves wonder how they could succumb to such a psychological influence, someone even talks about hypnosis. Nevertheless, almost everyone who came in, as they say, to take a look, comes out with a round sum of credit.

Lawyers advise Khabarovsk residents who find themselves in a similar situation not to despair. It is possible that the imposed loan agreement has been terminated, and there are already examples of this.

Where do the employees of supposedly medical and cosmetic centers take citizens' cell phones to lure them in? There are several options. Firstly, citizens often leave their numbers on the Internet by themselves, where you can download illegal databases of phone numbers. And, secondly, in these offices they ask their clients to give their friends' numbers in order to make them happy with "rejuvenating" procedures.

“I know of cases when the offices hung up advertisements at the entrances and misled the townspeople by inviting them to an“ urgent medical examination, ”even referring to the order of the head of state,” the expert says. - Attract townspeople in different ways.

It has been noticed that such centers are opened mainly in large cities... Residents of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Tyumen complain about the activities of such pseudo beauty salons. And in small towns, rejuvenating scammers do not take root, popular rumor quickly exposes their methods.

What to do if the medical center has imposed a loan

After visiting such a beauty salon, Khabarovsk women, as a rule, come to their senses at home. And, of course, they want to give up expensive procedures. But, according to the lawyer, no more than 10 percent of the victims come for help. The rest do not believe in justice and are left alone with their misfortune, paying off the loan for unnecessary procedures.

- I want to note that now these offices still agree to terminate the contract without bringing the case to court, - says our expert. - Most likely, they do not want to attract undue attention to themselves, go into open conflict. Especially those without a medical license.

- If it happened that you still fell under the "spell" of rejuvenating swindlers, then you need to contact the bank the next day with a statement to terminate the contract. A similar statement should be referred to the company, the lawyer explains. - And the sooner this is done, the better. If the case goes to court, then the question will arise why you did not apply immediately.

Another "fishing rod" of swindlers

There is one more scam scheme. While it is widespread in other cities, experts do not exclude that it will soon reach Khabarovsk. The bottom line is simple: the townspeople are invited to a conversation about delicious and healthy food, and during the event, visitors are shown wonderful dishes: "high quality", "modern" with incredible properties and super-discounts. Some 80-100 thousand rubles. If a client has taken a bite, but there is no money with him, visitors are offered to take a loan on the spot. And they can even provide their own car to go home for money or documents.

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