
Will the salary of doctors raise the year. Increase salary to medical workers. What will be with the salary of doctors? Government News

Each person wants to receive payment of labor that corresponds to the intensity and tensions of his work, makes it possible to buy the necessary products, pay for travel and, regularly buy clothes, and in general - to feel that labor is rewarded by merit. People who have chosen their mission to protect the health of Russians are no exception. We all know how responsible the work of the physicians who have chosen far from the most simple professional path for themselves.

Unfortunately, we can safely say that now the work of the doctors of state medical institutions in Russia is much less appreciated than their colleagues in private clinics, not to mention foreign physicians. The government has promised that this problem will be solved already in 2018, so medicine will return to the category of the most prestigious areas of activity. Let's figure it out if there are any movements in this matter, and also learn what salaries can count on health workers under current conditions.

The Government of the Russian Federation promises that the wages of doctors will grow already in 2018

How is the salary of doctors?

To date, the salary of health workers consists of such parts:

  • salary;
  • additional payments for the complexity, intensity, load;
  • saving allowed years and category;
  • compensation and regional coefficients.

Usually, health workers can only count on an increase in the salary itself, since it is precisely this part that is most often subject to indexes and increases. It should be noted that the gross part of the doctrine of the physician usually constitutes awards, additional payments and compensation, but to lose them just just, since the accrual of these wage elements is often depends on the direct supervisor.

Growth prospects for salaries

According to the statements made by Vladimir Putin, in 2018, the wages of doctors should be brought to 200% of the average in which doctors are busy. As for the younger and middle medical staff, they were promised to increase 100%. The head of Russia noted that the first steps in this direction were already made - salaries in some parts of the country increased to 180% in 2017, as close as possible to the targets.

Confirmed Putin's statement and Olga Hungts. She reported that the money for the implementation of the "May" decrees was already laid in. Doctors, according to her, will receive a decent salary for work, because it is possible to talk about improving the efficiency of services, on which the health of Russians depends.

The increase in wages to doctors by 200% seems to be somewhat distant from reality

It should be noted that the salaries of doctors in Russia are distinguished by unevenness from the region to the region - the highest salaries receive those representatives of this profession that work in Moscow and St. Petersburg. However, the authorities claim that this situation will be corrected - the increase will occur in such a way as to equalize the metropolitan and regional remuneration of doctors.

Current situation

Despite the statements that salaries have increased, many doctors in the regions complain that the situation looks inversely: their real income fell in 2016-2017. This is explained simply - as already mentioned, the payroll of the physician consists of the main part in the form of the salary and the variation, to which all sorts of surcharges and compensation for processing are. Many medical facilities, having received an order to raise the salary, but not receiving additional funds for it, it simply raised salaries, reducing the degree of payments of premiums and surcharges.

In most regions, junior staff receives 20,000 rubles by the hands, and doctors are about 30,000. If you look at the situation with the regional cuts in the regional cut, then, despite the statements of official statistics, in early 2017 there was a decrease in the remuneration of health workers with higher education - Such a situation is observed in the Jewish autonomy, Nenets District, Ingushetia, Adygea, Dagestan and the Arkhangelsk region.

In 25 regions there really was an increase, but the doctors of the Voronezh region and Altai say that the amount of this increase is expressed 32 and 53 rubles, respectively. The most insignificant earnings in doctors working in Kalmykia - they receive an average of 27,300 rubles per month. Medical work in Ulyanovsk (30000), Samara (35,000), Penza (33400), North Ossetia (28000) is not too high. The highest salaries receive doctors of Sakhalin, Chukotka, Moscow, Peter and the Khanty-Mansiysk District - they added about 6,000 rubles. At the same time, the doctors receive an income of 117,000 per month in Chukotka.

So far, the average surcharge, which the doctors received is 1000 rubles

You can also trace the difference in the remuneration of the doctor by regions by the example of a separate category - therapists. Thus, in the capital, the average salary of this category of physicians in 2017 - 60,000 rubles, in the Moscow region the indicator is significantly lower than - 45,000, in Kamchatka - 40,200, in the Leningrad region - 40,000 rubles per month.

At the same time, if we talk about real payments of the doctors of the state clinic - these figures are far from true, because statistics reflect the average salary of all therapists, that is, those who work in elite clinics, getting an order of magnitude more. For comparison, I want to bring data that characterize the remuneration of the doctor abroad. For example, the therapist in the US on average receives 416,000 rubles (translated into Russian currency), in France - about 200,000, Germany - 225,000 rubles per month.

However, the sharp difference in paying for labor between the central, southern and northern regions, Eduard Gavrilov (director of the Health Foundation) explained by the Nordic Dip. He also said that only in 2015, about 3.2 trillion rubles were allocated for the salaries, which significantly more than previous years (for example, in 2011, 1.9 trillion rubles were allocated to this article), so It is necessary to deal with non-governmental promises, but with regional authorities.

What can I count on?

Perhaps the increase in wages in the Russian Federation will end with massive contractions

Experts have already expressed an opinion about the current situation. It is possible that before the salaries do not really increase. It is possible that the average salary in 2018 will rise from 35,000 rubles to 45,000-50000 rubles. Nevertheless, this can be a consequence of only regular contractions in this area of \u200b\u200bemployment. It is quite natural that the doctor forced to work for one and a half bets will receive 50% more.

It is often a situation where the doctor takes and 2-2.5 bets. It is easy to predict how such an intensity of labor and chronic lack of sleep on the quality of treatment will affect. In any case, so far in the government did not voiced specific dates and inclusion figures in 2018. It is only known that in October 2017, the doctors, as well as the other civil servants, are indexed by salaries. However, they will be increased by 5.5%, which is immediately "eating" annual inflation.

One of the most sought-after tasks is to improve wages to representatives of decent professions this year. Will us expect an increase in salary in 2018 in Russia, what the latest news and statements were mentioned on the expanses of the Runet, which is able to help draw up the most objective overview of the problem and answer this question. Who will get a higher profit?

First of all it is worth considering the statements of our president. In them, he proposes index wages to state employees who have not touched the changes declared in the "May Decrees" that were created about six years ago. The chapters already received the heads of all regions, which clearly states that it should be found in order to increase the salary and compensate for the current shortage of budgets. Who will seem to become in the ranks of those who will increase their wages?

At first it should be noted that it is planned to be a worthy increase in the salary of doctors in 2018 in Russia: the latest news it says that the doctors will finally become a worthy of money, commensurately spent efforts, but when will the raise occur? Increasing the salary should enter into force from the first month of the year and will be approximately two secondent income in the Russian Federation. Such a statement was made by Olga Golodets, holding the post-prime minister of the government. It promises that the minimum wage in 2018 will be improved by means of money laid out in the federal budget of the country.

Olga Golodets, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation

In addition to doctors, I would like to affect such a question as an increase in the salary of medical examinations in 2018, in Russia: what the latest news can you tell about this profession? A lot of them coincides with doctors, but there are differences. For example, if the increase in the wages of doctors reaches two hundred percent from the average salary, then the nurses will reach one hundred percent from the average salary, official sources are stated. In addition, doctors should be warned so that they do not too much, since the concept of "average salary" is not at all as in reality. Differentiation of the salary of medical sesters is more decorated compared to doctors. This is the result of an unequal attitude towards the work of doctors.

School. Training professions

In addition to doctors, the increase in the level of salary can also be expected by teachers. Their salary can rise to the same level as doctors. But, unlike physicians, an increase in the salary will take place from the beginning of the year, but only in October, to be more accurate, then the day of the teacher. Teacher's income will be increased by 200% compared with six-year-old salary.

Initially, the increase was planned to do gradually, but due to the crisis, which began four years ago, it became impossible to increase the wages to teachers. It is still not clear to the end whether the promise can be made this year, given the large-scale deficit of the federal budget. Unambiguously answer this question is impossible. But despite this, teachers may not worry, the increase in their salary will occur completely in accordance with the general level of inflation. As a rule, it is about 6% somewhere, such a surcharge will be at teachers quite soon.

And one more thing. If you finally disassemble the topic with doctors, what kind of salary increases in 2018 in Russia can we expect, what other news is there on this topic? The government has repeatedly disassembled such a matter as the younger generation incoming to medical institutions. Students must be motivated to work on the resulting specialty. Consequently, if you raise wages to a high level, then the working conditions will acquire a more favorable and attractive view.

Over the past years, programs were developed, the purpose of which was to replenish the funds of the budget for health care. Contributions coming from compulsory health insurance for improving health care should be raised to twenty-one percent. Then the money will appear on the latest equipment, and it will be possible to increase the remuneration of medical workers, which also applies to the doctors and to the medical examinations. In addition, there was a rumor about the fact that to increase the salary of doctors, the amount of 450 billion rubles was reserved.

Police employees salary

Now about police officers. For many years, these structures have been forced to undergo various reforms, such as the name of the name from the police per police. In addition, internal optimization was carried out, which was reflected in the number of divisions. These changes have to have had to somehow affect the income of employees.

According to our president, the salary of power structures increases twice this year. The Ministry of Finance only confirms the words of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, but there are no accurate data on the size of increasing salaries. If you take into account the May Decrees of the President, then the employees are guaranteed to increase the salary by 160% compared with the salary, which was almost six years ago. All benefits and surcharge will be saved at the previous level.

If you look at the current economic situation, it should be noted that it is hardly possible to implement the changes that have been conceived. But the staff of force structures can console such information that in any case there will be an annual increase in the total salary amount by 5.6%, and the salary is 8%.

And the latest news about the increase in wages to doctors in 2018 in Russia, a list of interesting facts regarding wages of medical workers:

  • According to the results of the first year of the previous year, the salary of the medical worker is fifty-two thousand nine hundred rubles. This is four thousand more, compared with the previous year.
  • Specialists of media doctors receive 29,400 rubles, the youngest - 19,400 rubles. It is about two thousand higher than before. For comparison - 28 thousand and 17 500 rubles.
  • The highest wage among doctors working in the North-West Federal District is 66,400 rubles.
  • The lowest salary in North Ossetia, Alanya, where the salary is equal to 28,400 rubles, and Kalmykia - 29 thousand rubles.

In Moscow, doctors receive 90 100 rubles.

This can be completed the topics of the topic "Increased wages to doctors in 2018 in Russia the latest news" and now you can go further.

State workers

To clarify the current incomes of civil servants, a special system will be used, which identifies the effectiveness of the work of a separate civil servant. Legislative project for increasing the salary of officials by 2 times. But this increase, as a result, will carry some duties prescribed in the employment contract, which each official will be obliged to sign to get an increase in its wages. There will be a detection of the level of how effective the work of the official will be. And if the tasks delivered will not be performed, then in this case it will entail the cutting of salaries and deprivation of the allowance.

TO i will increase salary in Russia

In order to increase wages, you need to have sources for this. The Ministry of Finance is actively working on this, which suggests such ways to find missing funds as:

  • personnel reductions of the highest level service. Theoretically, similar reductions will save up to 19 billion rubles. Reducing people engaged in teaching activities will not be held.
  • regarding income taxation - it is planned to increase it from eighteen to twenty-two percent, insurance payments will be reduced from thirty-two to twenty-two percent. As a result, you can save two hundred fifty billion dollars and use them to increase wages.

The growth of revenues of employees of the budget sector was and remains one of the priorities of the social policy of the state. Among them - medical workers. Will there be a raising of the salary of doctors in 2018? Is it worth it to expect a real increase in income or exclusively alignment on the inflationary coefficient? How is the May presidential decrees? All answers - in our article.

Salary Salary Growth Program

5 years ago Russian President Vladimir Putin In his May decreases put a strategic task:

Bring the level of wages of doctors in 2018 to 200% of the average in the region. For the average medical staff installed a bar 100%.

According to the authorities, already in the current 2017 in a number of areas and edges of the country, the incomes of medical personnel approached the mark of 180% of the middle of the regional. Olga Golodets, who responds to the government for the social destination, pleased with the message that the money for the execution of this project was programmed in the budget. Doctors remain only to improve the quality of services, receiving a decent reward for their work.

An important component of this process is the equipment of the country's medical institutions with high-tech modern equipment. I am glad, as Vladimir Putin emphasizes that about 60% of such high-precision equipment is produced in Russia, some of them are on defense plants within conversion programs.

Moreover, it is really now coming to remote regions. For example, in the Arkhangelsk region make complex surgery on vessels, including stenting an endovascular method, that is, the stent on large vessels is made without cuts, through a puncture in one of the large arteries. And recently, there, in the city hospital, Arkhangelsk, for the first time he conducted a transplant of donor kidneys.

Complexity of industry reform

The first problem lies on the surface - the economic complexities of the country lead to a deficit of finance, this is the first brake on the way of increasing the salary of doctors in 2018.

Therefore, a partially question is solved through "optimization", and simply - through the reduction of employees and the seal, and the closure of the offices.

For five and a half years since the announcement of decrees, 90 thousand health workers lost their jobs. And the process will surely continue in the coming years.

The remaining employees have to take an increased burden on themselves. It is no secret that many doctors and nurses, Sanitars work for one and a half bets, plus - night duty. But these "existers" partially eaten inflation, the growth of retail prices and tariffs for various services.

At the end of October, an obstetrician gynecologist who worked in the Angarsk perinatal center died. She retired, at least 24 hours, many sources reported that her "working day" lasted 30 hours without a break. The body did not stand the load, especially since it was not the first long duty of a responsible qualified employee of the maternity hospital.

Now the salary of health workers is consisted of the following components:

  • salary;
  • surcharges for intensity and complexity;
  • premiums for category and long service;
  • regional coefficients.

If the salary from time to time is growing, it is quite realistic to lose the awards and other premiums: it looks like the bosses look.

It is important that, depending on the region, the level of remuneration may noticeably discharge. Both capitals have the opportunity to maintain the level of income of the doctors and other employees of the sphere at a decent level, but in other areas of the country, it is not always the matter of the situation as well.

If the country's leadership puts the task of aligning these planks, the authorities of the capital are trying to preserve the privileges of the Moscow Eclap. Recently, the Mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin announced that for 2017-2018, the salary of employees of Moscow medical institutions will be raised by 40% compared with 2016. In absolute numbers it will be 120 thousand rubles a month in 2018, promised the Grador. The mayor also called on health officials to monitor the workload of physicians.

What do you have in reality today?

With Muscovites, everything is clear. And on average in the country, if the task set by President Putin will be executed, by the end of 2018, doctors should have a salary of 90 thousand rubles. But here there is one big trick:

Since 2017, in general "piggy bank" makes revenues not only of state institutions of health, but also by private owners. Add regional "scissors" to this - and the picture becomes even confusing.

Now officially already called the average salary of the doctors of 47 thousand rubles. In private clinics today, the "average" cosmetologist or a specialist of a different profile has 90 thousand. The municipal therapist in Ingushetia can only count on 23 thousand per month, and in the Yamalo-Nenets and Chukotka autonomous districts it comes to 110 thousand (including the northern premiums).

Nurses are content with a salary of 20 thousand, and also on average. In a number of areas of the country, a decline in the wages of medical personnel in the first half of 2017 is Ingushetia, Adygea, Dagestan, Jewish autonomy, Arkhangelsk region and the Nenets district.

25 regions showed an increase, but on a very small amount, let's say, in Altai this plus 53 rubles per month. And somewhere less. Disproportions are especially visible against the background of the income of Western doctors. In terms of our money:

  • the American therapist receives about 416,000 rubles;
  • in France, his salary - 200,000;
  • in Germany - 225,000 rubles.

Increased wage doctors in 2018: news from the government

In October 2017, the salary of health workers was indexed by 5.5%. Government Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets It hopes that in 2018, the execution of May presidential decrees will be able to fully fulfill. They are differently called " Social guarantee development program».

Some experts are in doubt that the May Decrees can be realized next year.. But the Deputy Prime Minister is more optimistic. The hunger reminds that more than 670 billion rubles were allocated for the project from the state treasury. If you compare the financing of the medical industry in the salary part of the year and the following year, optimism looks reasonable. In 2018, the countries will be twice as large in different regions of the country than a year earlier. In this regard, the prospects for a tangible increase in the salaries of doctors in 2018 look real.

Colleague fours I. minister of Finance. Anton Siluanov foresides improving the situation in the public sector as a whole in the near future:

According to forecasts, next year, in real terms, salary will grow by 4.1 percent. This, including due to the fact that we increase wages, payments in the budget sector.

From the budget in 2018, 80 billion rubles will come to the medical industry for raising wages. This was announced by the head of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation Maxim Topilin. In part, the growth of salaries in health care is possible at the expense of such a factor as a permanent standard. In 2018, it will increase 21.7%, which will be a total of 333.2 billion rubles. This standard can be described as the amount of funds allocated per year per person attached to a specific medical institution, according to the system of compulsory medical insurance.

Despite the fact that the medical industry in Russia is declared by the strategic priority of the focus of internal reforms, the state of material support and the medical institutions themselves, and the health workers of the best. The government says that such a "turbulence period" is short-term. Since 2018, the doctor's work, nurses and paramedics will be able to return to the most prestigious Russian professions. Are there economic prerequisites for the implementation of the stated plans? What salary can Russian doctors count in 2018?

How much do medicines earn in the Russian Federation

In order to have an idea how the remuneration of the medical worker is being formed, we will examine the main components of his salary. What is the monthly income of the doctor, nurses, paramedics?

    first of all, it is a salary;

    secondly, it is a surcharge for intensity, increased loads, and, in general, the specifics of work;

    thirdly, these are premiums for skills and long service;

    regional coefficient and other payments are also included in the salary.

Despite such segmentation, precisely, it is premiums and allowances to make a majority of salary, while if the salary to be indexed is established centralized by industry officials, the size of additional payments for intensity and other premiums are already determined in the medical institution itself, and may be as accrued and canceled.

Such an alignment was the reason for the trend of some recession of physicians in 2015-2016 - lifting the salary at the same time suspended the possibility of making payments of a number of other premiums, which caused obvious discontent among workers. Such a fall in the income of physicians was recorded in the Arkhangelsk region, Dagestan, Ingushetia, Jewish autonomy and other regions.

What salary should doctors and nurses get the statistics? 30 thousand rubles and 20 thousand rubles, respectively, is the monthly income of physicians in most Russian regions.

The minimum is the salary of Kalmyk doctors - their monthly salary is only 27,300 rubles per month. Not much more receive doctors of North Ossetia - 28 thousand rubles per month. A similar situation in Ulyanovsk - doctors with higher education have income at the level of 30 thousand rubles.

Maximum wages among Russian physicians receive doctors in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Khanty-Mansiysk District, Chukotka and Sakhalin. Their allowances allow to obtain a salary, in some cases, exceeding 100-115 thousand rubles.

Such uneven income in the context of regional binding is widespread, and concerns all categories of doctors. So, for example, Moscow therapists receive more than 60 thousand rubles per month, and their colleagues in the area - by 15 thousand less. Doctors therapists in Kamchatka can count on a salary of no more than 40 thousand rubles.

In addition to all, we note that the real figures of wages of state employees may be much lower - in their information Rosstat takes into account the indicators of the wages of doctors, both state and private medical institutions, where, doctors and nurses income are traditionally higher.

Will there be a salary to employees of the Ministry of Health in 2018: the latest news

Already in October 2017, the salaries of doctors will be indexed by 5.5% - according to the inflationary level. As for 2018, the opinions of experts were divided: some believe that an increase in the minimum medical salary up to 50 thousand rubles in the country is quite real, given that the elections are coming next year. Other financial analysts agree that a partial increase in salary will be implemented through abbreviations in the industry - in the state budget simply there will be no money to increase the salaries to the existing number of doctors in Russia. It is predicted that the income of the doctors "pay" the income from the beginning of 2018 by an increase in their workload - up to 1.5 bets.
However, both sides are their forecasts with maximum caution.

Government plans for raising wages of Russian doctors

But the officials of the Russian government more boldly assess the prospects for an increase in wages of the medical industry. The Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Olga Golodets said that the pre-200% salaries of physicians up to 200% in 2018 by previously announced by Putin's president in 2018 - it is quite realistic, and money in the state budget to these needs is already provided. And, in general, the levels of wages of doctors will be equalized in all regions of the Russian Federation.

Analysts have already managed to find in this statement "Lazeki": it is possible that the increase in revenues by 200% will be committed relative to the wages of the 2012 level - we will remind, it was then that, according to, the Mayan Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the program has been launched an increase in salary of public sector workers, And the final program of the program should be the year 2018.

The latest news confirm the intentions of the authorities to increase the salary of doctors in 2018. President Vladimir Putin stressed the need to fulfill the obligations recorded in the May Decals. Experts believe that the actual planned increase may not coincide with real, since the budgets of various levels retain a significant deficit.

Latest news for doctors: expected salary increase in 2018

As part of the May decrees, the salary of physicians should be significantly increased until 2018. Next year, doctors should receive at least 200% of the average wage in the region. For middle and younger personnel, this indicator cannot be less than 100%. The authorities fully fulfill this task, emphasizes the head of state Vladimir Putin.

Since 2012, the salaries of physicians constantly increased, emphasize officials. Despite the consequences of the economic crisis, this year, the remuneration of doctors will reach 180% of the average in the region. Since the beginning of the year, the wages of doctors increased by 7.5%, the second stage of increase is scheduled for October 1. According to the results of 2016, the average salary of the doctor exceeded 50 thousand rubles, for secondary and junior personnel, this indicator reached 28.2 thousand rubles, respectively. and 18.4 thousand rubles.

The transition into two stages of raising the salaries of doctors during the year indicates the intention of the authorities to optimize budget expenditures, emphasize experts. The authorities continue to experience a deficit of funds to finance social obligations, which forces how to look for ways to reduce costs. In such conditions, the high probability of incomplete increase in the wages of physicians from January 1, 2018 is preserved.

In addition, some regions are significantly lagging behind the execution of presidential decrees, not finding the necessary means to increase remuneration of medical personnel.

Regional features of raising

The head of the Health Foundation Eduard Gavrilov emphasizes the problems that can prevent the authorities fully fulfill the obligations to increase the wardrobe of medical staff. It should take into account the peculiarities of remuneration of doctors in medical organizations of various types. If we take into account the regional and municipal institutions, the ratio of the salary of the doctor to the average level will be 2.8% lower.

To access the new level of medical salaries in 2018, the regions made up their own roadmaps that fix intermediate target values. At the end of last year, more than a third of the regions did not reaches the planned level of improving the remuneration of doctors, emphasizes Gavrilov. Also, 16 regions do not perform an indicator for middle of the medical staff. However, the greatest problems are related to pay for the labor of the younger staff.

According to the Health Fund, about 75% of the regions could not fulfill the target level of increasing the labor of the younger medical staff. Such statistics indicates the availability of system problems when performing road maps. In addition, the low labor payment of the younger personnel leads to high frame frames. This tendency negatively affects the quality of medical services, considers Gavrilov.

Another negative trend - some regions make changes to the approved roadmaps, if they cannot ensure their execution. Such a situation was observed in the Omsk and Ryazan regions, which at the end of 2016. - early 2017. Adjusted our own plans.

Experts emphasize that the main factor in the implementation of May decrees remains the presence of money in the state treasury. In 2017, the Government expects an improvement in the economic situation, but the domestic budget remains in a vulnerable position.

Budget constraints

The increase in the salary of physicians and the fulfillment of other social obligations depends on the income of the Russian budget. The dynamics of oil quotes remains unstable, which creates risks of increasing the deficit of the state treasury. The basic forecast involves stable prices in the oil market, but excessive oil production can lead to a new price collapse.

The government does not exclude a new decline in oil prices, which will significantly limit the financial capabilities of the budget. According to the forecasts of the Ministry of Finance, the pessimistic scenario allows the collapse of quotations to 25-30 dollars / barrel. In this case, the authorities will try to delay the planned increase in wages by the end of the year.

Medical workers next year await another increase in wages. The authorities intend to increase the salary of doctors up to 200% of the average in the region. For the remaining categories of medical staff, this indicator will be 100%.

Experts note the regional features of the implementation of presidential decrees, which indicate the availability of systemic problems. In addition, the vulnerability of the domestic budget before external challenges may prevent the implementation of officials of officials.

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