
Profitable bank for mortgage. In which banks are the most profitable mortgage: conditions, rates, initial contribution and reviews. The rest of the package will be the usual

Mortgage lending in 2018 remains one of the most real ways to acquire its own housing for hundreds of thousands of Russians. The tendency to reduce key rates of the Central Bank in last years influenced the reduction in mortgage interest rates in leading russian banks. Credits have fallen significantly. In turn, the requirements for borrowers became higher. What kind mortgage conditions In 2018, the largest credit banks offer, we will describe in more detail.

Choosing a mortgage program

Before starting monitoring mortgage lending, it is important to determine the following aspects:

  • the purpose of contacting the Bank: Mortgage Loan on an apartment in a new building, programs for secondary housing, lending to construction, refinancing of the mortgage, etc.
  • buyer category: Young families with children, families with disabled people, servicemen, hostilities, residents of real estate emergency sites, state employees and other categories of citizens have the right to get a mortgage on preferential terms offered by the Bank.

Comparative Table - Mortgage Briefcase for July 2017

Rating Bank Volume issued mortgage loans (thousand rubles) Retail share loan portfolio For July 2017.
1st place PJSC Sberbank 2 519 552 463 56,53%
2nd place Group VTB 1 046 877 499
3rd place Gazprombank 225 904 014 71,01

What should pay attention to the borrower

The key parameters of the selection of the mortgage are:

  • availability of special preferential and promotional programs;
  • interest rate;
  • the value of the initial contribution;
  • lending period - long loan period reduces monthly payments, but increases the amount of overdue overdue;
  • option early repayment debt;
  • the possibility of using maternal capital;
  • the opportunity to sell an apartment under the encumbrance: the conditions for issuing permission to sell a third party;
  • additional costs when designing a procedure.
  • the dimensions of penalties, fan and penalties in non-compliance with the terms of the contract.

Top 3 banks in the mortgage loan market in 2018: much better go for mortgage

In accordance with the specified criteria, as well as the frequency of client requests for mortgage credit lendingThe most popular in this segment are the following banking institutions:

PJSC Sberbank of Russia

Bigger russian bank It has an extensive network of departments and representative offices throughout the country and enjoys the authority of the most reliable financial institution in Russia.

With its potential borrowers, Sberbank offers one of the widest line of mortgage lending, which includes:

  • mortgage for up to 30 years to the apartments under construction at an annual rate from 6.7% with an initial contribution of 15% of the cost;
  • live for a period of up to 30 years on ready-made apartments with an interest rate from 8.6% and a primary contribution of 15%;
  • refinancing mortgages at a rate of 9.5%;
  • program preferential mortgage As part of the state support of families, where from the beginning of 2018 a second or third child is born - a young family is given the opportunity to issue a loan under 6% per annum, for a period of 30 years;
  • loan for purchase or construction country house under 9.5% per annum;
  • military mortgage” - preferential credit for military personnel for the purchase of primary or secondary housing under 9.5% per annum, for a period of 20 years;
  • the possibility of using maternal capital for credit real estate;
  • loan restructuring for clients with temporary material difficulties in debt repayment - applying and signing an agreement, the borrower may increase the credit period, or temporarily reduce the amount of monthly payments.


The conditions for mortgage lending from VTB 24 in 2018 are also attractive to Russian borrowers. In the Credit Portfolio of VTB 24 - a number mortgage programs For the acquisition of primary or secondary housing:

  • from 9.1% per annum for 30 years to buy a finished apartment, or real estate in a new building with the first contribution of 10% of its cost;
  • mortgage for servicemen for any housing - from 9.3% per annum for 20 years;
  • program of collateral real estate - the ability to buy an apartment in bank property (pledge) on specials: from 9.6% per annum for up to 30 years;
  • program state support young families with a newborn second or third child from the beginning of 2018 - under 6% per annum and initial contribution of 20%;
  • non-target loan in the amount of up to 15 million rubles under 11.1% per year for a period of 20 years on the bail of the apartment;
  • preferential conditions when buying an apartment from 65 square meters. m. - Reducing interest rates up to 8.9% with a contribution of 20% of the total cost.


Among the most sought-after mortgage services Russian banks in 2018 included credit programs Gazprombank.

To date, the institution offers a number of mortgage lending options, including:

  • mortgage on primary and secondary real estate at a rate of 9.2% per year for up to 25 years at the initial contribution of 10%;
  • promotional offers for the purchase of housing for the largest developers at a 9% annual rate, for a period of 25 years;
  • preferential mortgage for young families under the program of state support - lending at a rate of 6% per annum with the first contribution of 20% of the amount;
  • military mortgage to buy any housing at a 9% rate for a period of 20 years;
  • refinancing loan at housing at a special rate of 8.8%;
  • the program "Premium Standard" - a reduced rate in the amount of 8.7% per annum on the housing of the business class with an initial contribution of 25% of total amount cost.

Other popular articles:

  1. Credit calculation;
  2. : types of programs;
  3. : Main ways

Buying your own housing is an urgent question for many Russians. Solve this task in a short time can be necessary housing loan. It is a target long-term creditissued for the purchase or construction of residential real estate. When buying an object, you can consider options both in the primary and in the secondary market. Mortgage in Moscow necessarily implies collateral. Often they become an object bought on borrowed funds. The loan amount can reach 10-20 million rubles. Much will depend on the level of your income. You can conclude a deal for 20-30 years, the main thing is to fit into the age range. Most often it ranges from 21 to 75 years.

Procedure for registration

Before submitting an application, pay attention to the interest rate, possible bonuses to salary customers and the possibility of early repayment. Learn a loan repayment scheme in advance (annuity or differentiated payments). With the first version, every month you need to make the same amounts, during the second - the amount will gradually decrease. Mortgage is drawn up in Moscow as follows:

  1. Applying an application (in the bank or remote) and pre-decision.
  2. Selection of real estate based on the approved amount and creditor requirements for residential facilities.
  3. Evaluation of selected housing and providing all documentation by a bank specialist.
  4. Obtaining a final solution and providing a full package of documents.
  5. Conclusion of the agreement and registration of the living space in Rosreestre.

Where and how to look for a suitable solution?

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All offers displayed on this page are the best or profitable exclusively by experts by Bank.Ru

. In the application you need to choose a method (shape) of providing residential premises - social mortgage. To sign it should all Applicants are all those specified in your accounting case. "\u003e Applicants and Family members are spouses and juvenile children of all applicants. "\u003e Members of their family.
  • If necessary, submit documents for . This procedure is carried out at least once every 5 years. It is also necessary to carry out at least a year before the decision on the provision of housing and immediately before making such a decision. It is necessary to make sure that you have reserved grounds to consist of housing records. Typically, the procedure is carried out without the participation of waiting. But if necessary, you may be asked to submit missing documents.
  • Select accommodation.After changes will be made to your accounting, the Department of Urban Property (in accordance with The number in the amount of housing accounting is assigned only to those who are recognized as needing improvement housing conditions (taken to account until March 1, 2005), and those who are recognized as those who need residential premises (poor citizens adopted on March 1, 2005). Moscow residents recognized as needing in the acquisition residential premises, consist on housing accounting without assigning the number.

    You can find out your place in the queue by sending a request through the service of one window of the Moscow City Property Department. The answer will be provided to you in writing for 30 days.

  • The desire to get a loan for an apartment at a low interest rate is quite explicable, since the average housing rates are now 15-20% per annum. To find the most profitable enough to enter into our credit calculator Search options you need, and you will receive a list of banks and their suggestions.

    How to find the most profitable mortgage in Moscow?

    If you are a customer of some particular bank, then you should first consider its credit programs. Many belong to customers who are the holders of their cards or account owners are more loyal, which means they can offer for you better conditions by mortgage. Therefore, do not hurry to write off a credit institution in which you have repeatedly addressed and enjoyed its services.

    Count on low percentage It is possible in the following cases:

    • if you take an apartment in a new building, and not secondary housing;
    • if you are ready to make an initial fee at least 40%;
    • you are a bank client;
    • you can confirm your solvency certificate of salary;
    • you have good credit history And you have an employment experience at least 6 months at the current job place.

    Found profitable terms Mortgages in Moscow, do not pull the time with the submission of the application, since bank programs can change at any time.

    For many families, mortgage in Moscow - the only possible variant Acquisition of housing. Nowadays it can be obtained without a down payment using maternal capital Or by taking part in special programs for military or young families. The main thing is to find out what interest rate on this or that credit, and clarify the terms of lending, as well as correctly arrange documents for the mortgage.

    How to make a mortgage in Moscow

    In order for Moscow banks to provide you with mortgage lending in 2020, it is necessary to act like this:

    1. Initially, you need to compare the conditions for such credit, find out what interest rate on the mortgage and the payloads in each bank. Should choose the best way For myself, using a mortgage calculator online to calculate your expenses.
    2. Then you should submit documents that the mortgage requires.
    3. Next, you need to choose housing, for the purchase of which the bank will issue money.
    4. When approve of mortgages, you should conclude an insurance contract, make interpretations with the seller of housing and register a loan officially.

    What documents are needed for mortgage in Moscow

    To take a mortgage in Moscow to a new home or on the apartment, you need to submit a number of documents to the bank. Their list includes:

    • Passport. If you need a military mortgage, you need a military certificate to represent. Also, male faces need to submit a military ticket.
    • SNILS.
    • Documents on education.
    • Marriage certificate, birthday documents.
    • Labor book from work (if you are officially officially).
    • Certificates confirming the level of income.

    In some cases, mortgage conditions may provide for the provision of additional documentation. This may be a certificate of death of relatives, a pension certificate, documents for the right of ownership of expensive property. The Bank determines the list of such documents individually.

    In which bank of Moscow is better to take a mortgage

    Mortgage in Moscow banks can be issued on different conditions. Its most profitable mortgage programs offer Sberbank, VTB, Alfa-Bank and some others. Here you will be offered low mortgage rates in Moscow and even refinancing.

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