
Documents on the target use of the loan. On approval of areas of use of investment loans and a list of documents confirming the target use of investment loans. Mortgage loan - a loan for the purchase of real estate: houses, apartments

List of documents confirming the target use of investment loans

List of documents confirming the target use of investment loans Documents confirming the target use of investment loans received for the purchase of machines and equipment

3. Copies of payment orders confirming the payment of machines and equipment, certified by the head of the borrower and the bank.
4. Copies of contracts for the supply of machines and / or equipment certified by the borrower.
5. Copies of commodity and transport invoices, invoices for the purchase of machines and equipment, certified by the borrower.
6. Copies of acts on the acceptance transmission of machines and / or equipment in accordance with All-Russian classifier Management documentation OK 011-93 (F. N OS-1, N OS-1B, N OS-15), certified by the borrower.
7. Additional documents confirming the acquisition for the currency of machines and / or equipment and provided by the borrower:

b) copies of payment orders and documents confirming the opening of the letter of credit for the payment of machines and / or equipment certified by the head of the borrower and the bank;

Documents confirming the target use of investment loans obtained for the purchase of tribal animals, tribal young birds, tribal planting material of fish, tribal beasts
1. A copy of the loan agreement certified by the Bank.
2. The repayment schedule of the loan borrower and percent on it, certified by the bank.
3. A copy of the contract for the purchase of tribal animals, tribal young birds, tribal planting material of fish, tribal animals, certified by the borrower.
4. Copies of payment orders confirming the payment of tribal animals, tribal young birds, tribal planting material of fish, tribal animals, certified by the head of the borrower and the bank.
5. Copies of acts of receiving transmission of tribal animals, tribal young birds, tribal planting material of fish, tribal animals, certified by the borrower.
6. Copies of invoices for the purchase of tribal animals, tribal young birds, tribal planting material of fish, tribal animals, certified by the borrower.
7. Additional documents confirming the acquisition of tribal animals for the currency, tribal young birds, tribal planting material of fish, tribal beasts and provided by the borrower:
a) a copy of the contract for the purchase of tribal animals, tribal young birds, tribal planting material of fish, tribal animals, certified by a borrower;
b) copies of payment orders and documents confirming the opening of the letter of credit to pay tribal animals, tribal young birds, tribal planting material of fish, tribal animals, certified by the head of the borrower and the bank;
c) copies of debit advice to confirm the transfer of currency to the supplier or hypertension with currency transfer certified by the bank;
d) a copy of the cargo customs declaration, certified by the borrower in the deadlines specified in the contract;
e) a copy of the passport of the import transaction, certified by the borrower;
e) certificate of the passport state of an import transaction certified by the Bank;
g) Documents confirming the tribal value of the acquired tribal material.

Documents confirming the target use of investment loans for the construction and reconstruction of objects of animal husbandry and feeding, enterprises for processing flax and flabbing
1. A copy of the loan agreement certified by the Bank.

3. Copy of the title list of the construction site, certified by the borrower.
4. A copy of the design and estimate documentation for the construction and / or reconstruction of agricultural facilities, certified by the borrower.
5. Copies of contracts for the supply technological equipment, on the execution of contractors, certified by the Borrower and Contractor, and / or a copy of the order for the appointment of responsible persons and the timing of the work of the work in a businessman, certified by the borrower.
6. Documents provided by the borrower as the work schedule is fulfilled:
a) copies of payment orders confirming the payment of technological equipment performed under the contracting method, certified by the head of the borrower and the bank;
b) copies of acts of passing the acquired equipment in the installation (f. N OS-15) certified by the borrower;
c) copies of the acts of work performed, certified by the borrower;
d) a copy of the act of acceptance of the object or a copy of the order for the commissioning of an object during the work of the workforce certified by the borrower.
7. Copies of acts on the reception of the building (facilities) (F. N OS-1A).
8. Mastering certificate credit funds In the form according to Appendix N 3 to this order.
9. Additional documents confirming the acquisition for the currency of the equipment and provided by the borrower:
a) a copy of the contract for the purchase imported equipmentcertified by the borrower;
b) copies of payment orders and documents confirming the opening of a letter of credit for the payment of equipment, certified by the head of the borrower and the bank;
c) copies of debit advice to confirm the transfer of currency to the supplier or hypertension with currency transfer certified by the bank;
d) a copy of the cargo customs declaration, certified by the borrower in the deadlines specified in the contract;
e) a copy of the passport of the import transaction, certified by the borrower;
(e) Help on the state of the passport of the import transaction, certified by the Bank.

Documents confirming the target use of investment loans received for the bookmark of perennial plantations and vineyards
1. A copy of the loan agreement certified by the Bank.
2. The repayment schedule of the loan borrower and percent on it, certified by the bank.
3. Copies of payment orders confirming the payment of the planting material, payment of the work on the bookmark of many years of plantations, certified by the head of the borrower and the bank.
4. Help on the development of credit funds according to Appendix N 4 to the order.
5. Technological map.
6. Copies of acts of receiving perennial plantations (intermediate and final).
7. Additional documents confirming the purchase of landing material for the currency and provided by the borrower:
a) a copy of the contract for the purchase of landing material, certified by the borrower;
b) copies of payment orders and documents confirming the opening of the letter of credit to pay for the plantation material, certified by the head of the borrower and the bank;
c) copies of debit advice to confirm the transfer of currency to the supplier or hypertension with currency transfer certified by the bank;
d) a copy of the cargo customs declaration, certified by the borrower in the deadlines specified in the contract;
e) a copy of the passport of the import transaction, certified by the borrower;
(e) Help on the state of the passport of the import transaction, certified by the Bank.

Source - Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia of 04/20/2005 No. 64


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A list of documents of the documents to be inventory (sample) list of documents confirming the income of family members of a citizen or a lonely resident of the citizen in the territory of the city settlement Solnechnogorsk of the Moscow region a list of documents confirming the quality of materials and products in the implementation of construction controls on federal roads Form No. F-5 is a list of documents confirming the availability of a citizen of grounds for liberating him from the execution of military duty from calling on military service To recognize him not subject to military service and to provide him with a postponement from calling for military service to submit a draft commissions (in the military commissariat) a list of documents confirming the target use of the Borrower of an investment loan for the construction and reconstruction of pig-breeding complexes and a poultry farm and for the construction of shipping facilities for Shipment of grain (grain terminals) List of documents confirming the target use of investment loans The list of documents confirming the target use of loans received by citizens leading personal subsidiary farming The list of documents confirming the target use of loans received by agricultural consumer cooperatives to conduct seasonal work list of documents confirming the target use of loans received by agricultural producers by agro-industrial organizations complex peasant (farmer) farms By consumer cooperation organizations by repair and agricultural organizations, a list of documents submitted to the management of the Rosselkhoznadzor in the city of Moscow and the Moscow region to obtain a departure permit (production) of water biological resources on the fishing section of documents of the documents submitted by the Declarant when placing goods and vehicles under the customs regime of temporary importation (export )

List of documents confirming the target use of investment loans

Documents confirming the target use of investment loans received for the purchase of machines and equipment

3. Copies of payment orders confirming the payment of machines and equipment, certified by the head of the borrower and the bank.

4. Copies of contracts for the supply of machines and / or equipment certified by the borrower.

5. Copies of commodity and transport invoices, invoices for the purchase of machines and equipment, certified by the borrower.

6. Copies of acts on the acceptance-transmission of machines and / or equipment in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Management Documentation OK 011-93 (F. N OS-1, N OS-1B, N OS-15), certified by the borrower.

7. Additional documents confirming the acquisition for the currency of machines and / or equipment and provided by the borrower:

b) copies of payment orders and documents confirming the opening of the letter of credit for the payment of machines and / or equipment certified by the head of the borrower and the bank;

Documents confirming the target use of investment loans obtained for the purchase of tribal animals, tribal young birds, tribal planting material of fish, tribal beasts

1. A copy of the loan agreement certified by the Bank.

2. The repayment schedule of the loan borrower and percent on it, certified by the bank.

3. A copy of the contract for the purchase of tribal animals, tribal young birds, tribal planting material of fish, tribal animals, certified by the borrower.

4. Copies of payment orders confirming the payment of tribal animals, tribal young birds, tribal planting material of fish, tribal animals, certified by the head of the borrower and the bank.

5. Copies of acts of receiving transmission of tribal animals, tribal young birds, tribal planting material of fish, tribal animals, certified by the borrower.

6. Copies of invoices for the purchase of tribal animals, tribal young birds, tribal planting material of fish, tribal animals, certified by the borrower.

7. Additional documents confirming the acquisition of tribal animals for the currency, tribal young birds, tribal planting material of fish, tribal beasts and provided by the borrower:

a) a copy of the contract for the purchase of tribal animals, tribal young birds, tribal planting material of fish, tribal animals, certified by a borrower;

b) copies of payment orders and documents confirming the opening of the letter of credit to pay tribal animals, tribal young birds, tribal planting material of fish, tribal animals, certified by the head of the borrower and the bank;

c) copies of debit advice to confirm the transfer of currency to the supplier or hypertension with currency transfer certified by the bank;

d) a copy of the cargo customs declaration, certified by the borrower in the deadlines specified in the contract;

e) a copy of the passport of the import transaction, certified by the borrower;

e) certificate of the passport state of an import transaction certified by the Bank;

g) Documents confirming the tribal value of the acquired tribal material.

Documents confirming the target use of investment loans for the construction and reconstruction of objects of animal husbandry and feeding, enterprises for processing flax and flabbing

1. A copy of the loan agreement certified by the Bank.

3. Copy of the title list of the construction site, certified by the borrower.

4. A copy of the design and estimate documentation for the construction and / or reconstruction of agricultural facilities, certified by the borrower.

5. Copies of contracts for the supply of technological equipment, to perform contractual work, certified by the borrower and contractor, and / or a copy of the order for the appointment of responsible persons and the timing of the work of the workman, certified by the borrower.

6. Documents provided by the borrower as the work schedule is fulfilled:

a) copies of payment orders confirming the payment of technological equipment performed under the contracting method, certified by the head of the borrower and the bank;

b) copies of acts of passing the acquired equipment in the installation (f. N OS-15) certified by the borrower;

c) copies of the acts of work performed, certified by the borrower;

d) a copy of the act of acceptance of the object or a copy of the order for the commissioning of an object during the work of the workforce certified by the borrower.

7. Copies of acts on the reception of the building (facilities) (F. N OS-1A).

8. Help on the development of credit funds in accordance according to Appendix N 3 to this order.

9. Additional documents confirming the acquisition for the currency of the equipment and provided by the borrower:

a) a copy of the contract for the purchase of imported equipment, certified by the borrower;

b) copies of payment orders and documents confirming the opening of a letter of credit for the payment of equipment, certified by the head of the borrower and the bank;

c) copies of debit advice to confirm the transfer of currency to the supplier or hypertension with currency transfer certified by the bank;

d) a copy of the cargo customs declaration, certified by the borrower in the deadlines specified in the contract;

e) a copy of the passport of the import transaction, certified by the borrower;

(e) Help on the state of the passport of the import transaction, certified by the Bank.

Documents confirming the target use of investment loans received for the bookmark of perennial plantations and vineyards

1. A copy of the loan agreement certified by the Bank.

2. The repayment schedule of the loan borrower and percent on it, certified by the bank.

3. Copies of payment orders confirming the payment of the planting material, payment of the work on the bookmark of many years of plantations, certified by the head of the borrower and the bank.

4. Help on the development of credit funds according to Appendix N 4 to the order.

5. Technological map.

6. Copies of acts of receiving perennial plantations (intermediate and final).

7. Additional documents confirming the purchase of landing material for the currency and provided by the borrower:

a) a copy of the contract for the purchase of landing material, certified by the borrower;

b) copies of payment orders and documents confirming the opening of the letter of credit to pay for the plantation material, certified by the head of the borrower and the bank;

c) copies of debit advice to confirm the transfer of currency to the supplier or hypertension with currency transfer certified by the bank;

d) a copy of the cargo customs declaration, certified by the borrower in the deadlines specified in the contract;

e) a copy of the passport of the import transaction, certified by the borrower;

(e) Help on the state of the passport of the import transaction, certified by the Bank.

The target leverage refers to the most common type of lending. This banking service Allows the borrower to receive funds for concrete purchases. The feature of such a loan is that it is possible to spend credit funds only on that product or service, which are provided for by a loan agreement, for example, to purchase housing, education, repair work in the house shopping household appliances etc.

Types of target loans

Target lending It is the most profitable and comfortable for those borrowers who accurately decided on what the funds will spend. For banks, such loans are considered to be the least dangerous in terms of no return. For this reason, they are cheaper for the client and there are less failures for them. Distinguish several types of loans target direction: For the purchase of housing, building a house or repair, education and consumer lending.

  • Target loan for the purchase of housing

This loan can be taken either on housing under construction, that is, there is still no ownership of ownership of it, or a finished apartment. In any case, according to the terms of the mortgage, the deposit is the acquired property or other property belonging to the borrower and having a commensurate value. In addition, they will need funds for the first installment.

  • Target loan for building houses or repair

Repair of the apartment, and even more so at home the case is not cheap. Roads are not so many materials for repair, how much the work of qualified masters. And in this situation will help the loan for repair work.

When it is received, you can count on enough great amount, up to 10,000,000 rubles, with a bet of 16% per year and not even need to make a first installment. Funds are issued in cash, and the decision on lending to banks takes quickly, in one day.

Of course you will have to provide a creditor documentation confirming the right of the borrower of NATU real estate, where repair is assumed.

Building House S. zero cycle Need not small sum money. In this case, it may also help the loan, provided that sufficient monthly income At the client. Banks offer several types to choose mortgage lending - Choice for the client.

When stopping construction work Or when the borrower occurs at the borrower of payments, the lender will incur considerable losses. It is this fact that requires a mortgage loan in the form of land plot or another real estate object owned by the borrower.

Making such a loan for a long period, you need to know about additional expenses required to assess the collateral, payment of insurance, notary services and commission for issuing a loan.

  • Target consumer loans

This is the most popular view of the loan. Its obtaining usually does not cause special difficulties. As a rule, it is issued one document, if you need to purchase household appliances, furniture and other expensive products.

Such loans are made right in the outlets, then the borrower takes the goods from the store, the bank is calculated with the trade organization for choosing the client. Next, in the agreed contract, the borrower reimburses the funds spent by the lender, plus pays interest for the use of the loan.

The target loan will also help if you need to pay bills for utilities, settle for medical treatment or rehabilitation. This date of lending includes the purchase of cars.

  • Target education loans

It is no secret that higher education in Russia for the most part paid and total amount For the entire period of study, very rather big. Use the opportunity to receive citizens who have reached the age of 18 or their parents attracted as co-coaches. For registration of a loan, both confirmation of personality and evidence of income, as well as property for collateral and an agreement with an educational institution. Moreover, each month you need to be provided with a creditor that the borrower is still a high school student.

The difference between target loans from non-target lies in several aspects:

  1. The purpose of credit funds is fixed in the lending agreement.
  2. With a positive decision of the bank about the issuance of the loan, several options are possible:
  • funds come to the account of the organization that provides goods or services to the borrower;
  • the bank gives the client cash or translates money on his credit card, but in obligatory requires documentary evidence of the targeted use of funds.

The procedure for registration and features of the contract

Surely the future borrower wants not just to take a loan, but to do it on favorable conditions. Therefore, in the event of a need for a target loan, an effort should be made to analyze the lending market in the region of your stay, find out the conditions for repayment of debt, the amount of interest rates, the requirements for the pledge and the presence of guarantors. That is, reasonably approach the choice of a credit organization.

Any citizen of the Russian Federation of 21 years (sometimes 18 years old) can claim to receive a target loan (sometimes 18) to 60-65 years, which has a permanent official income confirmed by the relevant document and possessing property for collateral. These Conditions B. more than refer to expensive loans (mortgage at housing, car loan, loans for education). The main thing is to make the correct assessment of your financial opportunities And make them commend them with requests.

So, to get a target loan, you need:

  • Select a bank that has the desired target credit program.
  • Apply for lending along with the package required by the documentation.
  • banks are considering such applications for 3-10 days, checking not only the borrower, but the organization providing a product or service.
  • After approval for the issuance of the target loan, the client signs two contracts. In the first loan agreement, the terms of issue are contained. money (purpose, amount, rate, and so on). In the second contract of collateral, it is indicated that the borrower gives the creditor as a borrowed apartment purchased, a car or a different thing.

It is much easier to take a consumer-type target loan for the purchase of household appliances. Many banks have already concluded contracts with various trading organizations and at trading points are provided for jobs for credit managers.

This allows the borrower in the presence of a passport and a minimum time to become the owner of the necessary equipment for the home.

Features of the contract for the target loan:

  • The document is spelled out the target assignment of funds.
  • In most cases, the recipient organization is indicated.
  • Along with the borrower, the creditor will check the seller of goods or provided services, if it is found in the "black list" or is related to fraud, then the loan will be denied.
  • There is a condition for penalties, in case it will be found that money is not spent by appointment.
  • Loans for large amounts are issued only in the presence of pledge and making insurance for an apartment acquired or car.
  • The insurance contract is extended annually until the debt is repaid.

Target loans imply the allocation of funds for specific purposes: buying a car or home, receiving a loan for construction, replenishment current means Enterprises or purchase of goods, etc.

All target loans can be clearly divided into 2 types: targeted loans issued to individuals and target loans issued by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

Target loans for individuals and legal entities differ. The difference is not only in the interest rate, but also methods and forms of control of the use of funds obtained on the basis of a loan agreement.

Targeted loans for individuals, what is the difference and how controls the use of a loan on the intended purpose

Target loan issued to an individual distinguishes not only lower interest rate on credit. Other differences are the possibility of obtaining such a loan for a longer period (for example, a mortgage loan) with registration protection property (For example, the car acquired on credit is at the same time a pledge, the apartment purchased on credit is also a pledge if another equivalent deposit was not provided).

Main types of target loans for Fiz.litz

Housing loan - a loan for the construction or hyponstruction of the property object

Housing credit involves the introduction of the first contribution and the presence of guarantors. Pledge can be provided by a borrower to increase the amount of the loan and a possible decline in the percentage, but not required. The maximum term for which a housing loan is issued for 12 years. Unlike mortgage housing, which is purchased within housing loan It is not mortgaged and the ownership of the object remains at the borrower.

Housing loan for construction, requiring a significant amount of funds, can be decorated with a deposit. A collateral can be the object under construction. As it is construction, a regular revaluation of the object is carried out. If the object is commissioned to full repayment The loan is also the last revaluation and the object remains pledged by the bank before paying the entire loan amount.

To confirm the target spending of funds on a housing loan, the borrower is obliged to provide in the bank required documents: contract sales, transmission acts, expendable documents, other documents confirming the target expenditure (payment of the appraiser services, as well as the costs of risk insurance, payment of services for the selection and design of residential premises).

Mortgage loan - a loan for the purchase of real estate: houses, apartments, land

Mortgage You differ from the housing is issued for a period of up to 30 years. The main requirement is to issue a property acquired property as a collateral for the entire period of the loan.

The resulting loan is not issued by the Bank in cash, but is listed on the details specified in the contract.

When executing the object of the property acquired on the mortgage, the property certificate will contain the string "with the encumbrance". In contrast to the housing loan, no guarantors are used in mortgage, but the loan coaches. Any action with collateral property can be carried out only with the consent of the bank, including early repayment. How to correct early repayment read in the article. The bank also has the right to check the property transferred to the pledge.

Confirmation of targeted funds

Documents confirming the target expenditure of funds are the property contract (house. Apartment, Land) and, if the payment of insurance is included in the cost of the loan, a copy of insurance contracts. Additional expenses, such as payment for the appraiser, housing broker, etc. The list of documents for confirmation of mortgage costs is not included and paid by the borrower on their own. (check).

Car loan - loan issued to the purchase of atobly

The loan is issued to buy a car for a period of 1 to 5 years. Compared to the above types of target loans, this is one of the simplest target loans. Registration of such a loan does not require guarantors and extensive expenses. Usually, such a loan provides for the first installment, as a rule from 10%. Get a car loan for the purchase of a car individual does not seem possible. Credit funds are not issued in hand, and transfer to the R / C organization with which the contract of sale was concluded. The car becomes the acquired car.

Confirmation of targeted funds

Confirmation of the target use of funds is a sale agreement vehicle. If the insurance policy is also purchased on credit, then it also (its copy) is the reporting document.

Educational loan - loan issued by the Bank for training

Loan issued by the Bank for training in educational institution For a period of 1 to 10 years. Educational credit It is not issued in hand, but is listed on the account of the educational institution on the basis of the contract. Does not require pledge. The guarantee may be required by persons over 18 years old. If independent income is not enough, the faces under the age of 18 cannot get a loan on their own, we can act as a loan as coaches.

Confirmation of targeted funds.

Confirmation of the target spending of funds is the borrower agreement with educational institution, confirmation of the commission of the next session, and at the end of the university - a diploma.

The main types of target loans for JUR. persons

It should be noted that for enterprises and organizations, any loan received in the bank is the target whether it will be a loan or credit line.
As a rule, enterprises receive loans to increase working capital, salary payments or equipment purchases or raw materials.

Confirmation of targeted funds

Confirmation of the targeted use of credit funds is easily tracked by a credit inspector analysis of funds in the enterprise's current account. But for full confirmation to the bank also provide documents that are the foundation: contract with counter-agents, commodity checks, receipts, acts of work performed, etc. The exact list of documents necessary for the report is usually reported to the legal entity of the Bank's credit inspector with which a loan agreement has been concluded.

Credit for replenishing working capital and loan to replenish the main assets

There are loans to replenish basic assets and credit to replenish working capital. The main difference is the provision period. As a rule, a loan to replenish working capital is issued for a short time.

Tip - You should not use a loan to replenish working capital to replenish assets.

Low liquidity and long payback period involves a longer credit period. Using a loan is not for the appointment, the organization or enterprise not only risks a violation of the execution of credit commitments to the Bank, but also a possible problem - the requirement early refundIf the bank does not receive evidence of targeted use.

Credit line

When opening credit line The legal entity is obliged to provide the Bank a full report on the use of funds and only after the adoption and approval of the target spending, JUR. The face can be provided with the following tranche.

Investment Credit

Not so often, but still enterprises use such a type of target loan - an investment loan. This type of loan is obtained under a specific investment projectA feature of such a loan is to provide a bank, in addition to a standard package of documents, a business plan containing a detailed description of the project, relevance, profitability and viability. The maximum loan period is up to 10 years.

Regardless of the Credit Credit, the Bank will require a loan provision.

This may be guarantee from other enterprises, property of the organization, securities Organizations or its assets. The provision of a loan (except for guarantee) is transferred to the bank in pledge for the period of the loan.

Council - there are cases under which a loan issued for certain goals cannot be used to be appointed (contracts and contractors have changed, the goals of the organization have changed, the banknote bank has not been held) - the first thing to be done is to call your credit inspector and explain the situation.

In this way, you can not lose time by receiving a new bank approval, redirect the credit fund issued to the current project or the transaction. Perhaps the company will be favorable to return completely or partially unused credit. \\

Responsibility for the inappropriate use of funds

The inappropriate use of credit funds is as for physical and for legal entities, a proven bank not only entails a list of unreold customers in the "black" list and usually limits the possibility of obtaining a new loan, but the Bank can take advantage of the right to request early return of funds issued in full (amount loan with interest for the entire period under the contract).

All major commitments, as well as fines and sanctions are indicated in each loan agreement Conclosed between the Borrower and the Bank.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state