
Application application for mortgage. Application form for a housing loan in Sberbank. Filling Rules - Sample

When a citizen decides to take a housing loan in Sberbank of Russia, then the first thing he is asked to fill out the application form, where basic information relating to the potential borrower is designated.

Subsequently, this document also includes a packet of papers confirming the information specified in the application. However, not everyone knows that it is the questionnaire that is a decisive aspect in establishing a banking commission of a limit, timing and other mortgage conditions.

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This article covers in detail how to fill out a questionnaire to a mortgage in the largest financial institution of Russia.

Document General Information

The mortgage application can be filled in any branch of Sberbank of Russia. In addition, since 2009, customers of a financial institution can go to its official website and shape. There are examples of completed questionnaires.

To those clients who are registered in the Sberbank service online, you can fill out an application for a housing loan via the Internet without leaving home.

In general, this document consists of 5 pages and includes fields in which the Bank's client indicates its personal and contact details and marital status information, as well as:

  • data on the size of the loan and its conditions;
  • information on collateral property;
  • the amount of the income of the client and other participants of the transaction (guarantors, co-coaches).

All potential borrowers when filling out a blank form for a mortgage from Sberbank, it makes sense to take into account the following important aspectsshown in Table:

Key criteria for filling the questionnaire for a housing loan from Sberbank of Russia

Criterion Description
Reliability All data made to the questionnaire must be real, because sooner or later banking Commission Anyway will be viewed and the documents attached to the application.
Accuracy Special attention It should be done to fill personal data. So the surname, address and phone should be written without errors.
Fullness of information If possible, the client should fill most of the profile fields. Lowering only those that do not relate to it at all. Semi-empty applications are the first reason for the mortgage.
Credit amount The statement is better to specify several great amountSince the bank, as a rule, always reduces this indicator.

It should be noted that in the form itself contains prompts on what exactly should be prescribed in one or another field of the document.

If cooked miners, mortgathor and guarantors are involved in the design of the mortgage loan, then it is better to fill in the questionnaire in their presence: in paper it will be necessary to register their passport data.

Features of filling sections

For the convenience of filling and understanding the terms of mortgage, ordinary citizens, Sberbank Sberbank experts divided the application into several important sections, including:

  • information directly O. credit Product and conditions of the mortgage program;
  • information about the participants of the transaction is the borrower, guarantors, pledgers and coaches;
  • data O. financial opportunities the client and its transaction partners who must fully comply with the accompanying documents;
  • information relating to existing loans, if any borrower available;
  • property information serving the object of pledge.

It is advisable to consider each of the above sections in more detail in order to establish which data it will be necessary to make them.

Section 1: Main data on a mortgage loan

This section is essentially comprehensively describes the mortgage loan.

It indicates such aspects as:

  • purpose of attraction borrowed moneywhat is within mortgage lending mainly the acquisition of housing;
  • the type of loan, where among the above values \u200b\u200bshould be selected housing;
  • the time to attract money, which should be placed in the conditions defined in a specific mortgage program;
  • the method of coverage of debt, including in form or payments.

Particular attention should be paid to the last item.

The fact is that in most mortgage programs Sberbank of the Russian Federation operates only an annuity redemption form, so it is better to clarify this issue in advance at the credit consultant.

If the choice is still provided, it is better to calculate both scenarios of the credit coverage and clarify how much will be:

  • client overpayment by bank;
  • monthly payments;
  • for what time it accounts for the maximum amount of payments.

If the client cannot settle independently, then he should contact this issue to the credit expert.

When specifying the repayment method is also established, after which periods of time payments are carried out - month, quarter or year.

Section 2: Information about the main participants in the transaction

The participants of the mortgage transaction, as a rule, include the borrower itself, its co-coaches and guarantors, as well as pledgers, if they are involved in attracting mortgages.

On the sample of filling the questionnaire to the mortgage in Sberbank of Russia, it was established that for each of the persons listed above, the statement must contain complete and reliable information of the following nature:

  • FULL NAME. participant;
  • family position and degree of kinship with a borrower, if any;
  • place of work of each of the participants.

It is worth noting that credit Commission Sberbank of Russia with great confidence belongs to co-coaches who are relatives of the client.

In addition, it is important to indicate all contact details quite accurately: since we are talking about a major loan, then the bank employees are likely to call on all phones and check information, including on the issue of the borrower and its partners in these institutions.

If the information falsification is found, then all negotiations with the client will be immediately discontinued, and in the mortgage it will be denied.

Especially in detail in the questionnaire you should register information regarding the borrower itself.

Additional benefits to the Sberbank to the Client will give such facts as:

  • availability of own movable and real estate;
  • the existence of an additional source of income except the main salary.

These facts confirm the credit commission that the borrower is wealthy and in any case there will be funds to repay a loan.

Section 3: Financial Part

In this part of the application for mortgage, the income and expenses of the borrower and its transaction partners are described in detail.

It should be followed by such rules:

  • Official earnings. Credit Commission will consider only those incomes that have documentary confirmation.
  • Additional income. All additional arrivals that are not official, for example, the benefits of renting an apartment for rent, material aid relatives or part-time job should be spelled out in the previous section in the Count "Additional Information about the Borrower".
  • Cost description. Costs, as a rule, are prescribed not in detail, but in generalized form. Excessively not to understand the real figure meaninglessly: bank employees, based on experience, know how much the cost of the life of a separate family in a particular settlement.

It is important to remember that according to the evaluation of financial institutions the perfect combination of tributaries and outflows family budget The borrower is a two-time excess of income over costs.

This situation is fully explained, because a citizen will have to take their family in subsequent years not only to ensure its family, but also to regularly carry out current mortgage payments.

Section 4: Other Client Credits

If a person has outstanding consumer, automotive or other loans in front of other financial institutions, it does not mean that in the Sberbank mortgage he will refuse him.

However, these loans will have to be specified in the statement, in particular:

  • in which financial institutions of the client have loans;
  • what is the balance of accounts;
  • for what period of valid loans will need to pay off.

Hide from the bank the fact of the existence of outstanding loans is pointless: the banking commission will ask credit history Customer, and find out the concealable fact of the existence of other loans.

In this case, the mortgage will definitely refuse mortgages.

Also, it is also very appropriate before applying for a major housing loan. Close all minor loans: it will increase the chances of the borrower, and also allows you to count on a lower interest rate and an extended credit limit.

Section 5: Colonial Property Description

The pledge is an important guarantee for Sberbank of Russia in the fact that the loan will be repaid in any case. That is why the Credit Commission extremely carefully studies information regarding the object of pledge.

In this regard, in this section, the borrower will have to register the following information:

  • address of the property of real estate;
  • size of the house or apartment and its physical condition;
  • approximate value of property.

For Sberbank, not only its cost is, but also such a factor as liquidity.

The house or apartment protruding the facilities must have all the necessary communications, convenient layout And to be located in the urban area so that if necessary, they could be promoted.

Nuances drawing up an account

Despite the fact that the basic rules for filling out an application for a mortgage in Sberbank of Russia are available and understandable to everyone, there are some nuances that can help the borrower to get the desired housing loan without unnecessary problems.

Mostly these subtleties relate to the filling of sections concerning the borrower and other transaction participants.

For the borrower and coaches

Russian banking legislation establishes that the borrower and co-coaches have the right to write in the questionnaire to receive a mortgage loan from Sberbank of Russia only the information considered by the desired one.

However, there are points that should be paid to the special importance, including:

  • not only full name. and passport data, but the date of birth should be inscribed in the questionnaire exactly, since any error in this important document may become;
  • in any application, there is a section "Marital Status of the Borrower". The unknown rule, operating in Sberbank, is that co-workers who are spouses who attract housing loans are enjoyed big confidence;
  • when choosing co-crews, it is important to pay attention to the number of juvenile children in their family. The greater this number, the less favorably it affects the mortgage design;
  • when specifying the current place of work, it is important to register a stationary phone where bank employees will definitely be able to talk with persons who can confirm the employment of the borrower or co-service man in this organization;
  • if the desired loan is very large, then the additional income of the co-serviceer, even if they are not official, as well as the presence of its property should also be specified.

When preparing the statement should be extremely attentive: in all empty fields you need to put the dock or the word "no".

Questions left without an answer, even having no relation to the borrower, testify that he simply took the questionnaire.

For guarantor

Unlike the coacher, the guarantor can act third-party individual. When designing very large mortgage loans Sberbank of Russia may not require one, but several guarantees.

When choosing a suitable candidacy, you must pay attention to the following points:

  • the guarantor must have a permanent official place of work, at a minimum, for one year;
  • his revenues should be sufficiently high: monthly loan payments should not be more than 40% of the tributaries into the budget of the guarantor;
  • the presence of movable and real estate, own business or a large account in the bank - factors that can positively affect the decision of the banking commission.

It is worth noting that if the guarantor himself once performed in the face of the borrower and conscientiously repaid his credit, then this fact can also play in favor of the transaction.

Read 6 min. Views 74. Published 08/22/2018

Almost every adult Russian faced in his life with the need to make a loan. The most difficult and time-consuming in the design - a loan issued for the purchase of housing. Mortgage not only is distinguished by increased demands on the consideration and approval of the candidacy, but also severity in terms of collecting and designing documents.

Sberbank under the conditions of taking mortgage loan Requires the preparation of the primary questionnaire. This document is quite bulky, saturated with many questions. The future borrower needs to know that the correct questionnaire on the Sberbank mortgage increases the chances of receiving approval on the loan from the bank.

In case of difficulties in filling out the questionnaire, it is worth contacting the bank employees

Why do I need a questionnaire for mortgage lending

In order for Sberbank to quickly reviewed the submitted application and made a verdict on a loan, the client needs to pass the documentation package, the list of which includes this application application. In this document, the future borrower seizes a desire to take a loan and provides a lender detailed information about himself.

When connected to obtaining a settler's loan, it will need to fill the same questionnaire. Both statements can be printed, after completing in electronic format And attach to the rest of the documents.

Regulation Rules Application Application

The mortgage application statement is a corporate form. It is intended for independent fill. That is why you should know how to fill out an application application application housing loan Sberbank, taking into account all existing nuances. This document consists of five full pages that fill the client and an additional sheet intended for the marks of the Sberbank.

In the statement cap, the future borrower / co-machine indicate the existing status, and then carefully and carefully fill the remaining graphs. Sberbank questionnaire form at the mortgage includes the following items:

  1. Man's status in the procedure for registration of a loan (borrower, coincide, guarantor or pledger).
  2. All personal data: Own and passports. If there was a change in the surname, you should specify the previous one, and in the presence of a passport - to mark a certain count.
  3. Phones. And you need to enter all available (home, cellular, working).
  4. The address of actual accommodation with the registration (permanent or temporary).
  5. Information about the existing relatives (spouse / spouse, children). At this point, metrics and those persons are recorded in related bonds, but do not live together.
  6. Work. All information about the organization is indicated, where the future borrower works (the full name of the company, its address, contacts), the type of employment: full / incomplete and labor experience in this service place.
  7. Yield. This item will tell the client's income level. The salary of both spouses is indicated. It is also necessary to confirm the information provided. It is necessary to separately register the level of regular expenses (contributions, rent, other existing payments). By the way, the costs of utility and other types of household payments are not taken into account.
  8. Available in the possession of a family pair of other property. If this property is specified by the year of acquisition of housing, cost and area. For motor vehicles, you must specify the registration information of the machine.
  9. A separate point is specified by the presence of salary or pension card from Sberbank. It is worthwing to know that the owners of this plastic are relying benefits when the loan is designing, as well as the chance of receiving approval.
  10. The rest of the future borrower ( insurance polishesexisting or already closed loans).
  11. Detament date.
  12. Characteristics of the loan (loan amount, type of mortgage lending, expected maturity time, the cost of purchased residential property). Here the client's wishes are also clarified initial contribution According to the loan, and according to which principle it is desirable to draw up a payment schedule.

The future borrower also indicate its consent to the processing of all data (and personal including). This item enters into force at the time of signing the document and maintains strength for 5 years. But in the Rights of the borrower, withdraw the consent of personal information processing when providing a bank of a written statement.

The accuracy and completeness of all submitted information in the questionnaire significantly increases the chances of approval by the Bank of the credit application.

Required documents on the design of the mortgage

All information filed and indicated in the application application to the mortgage is obliged to be accurate and reliable. Sberbank carefully checks all the information and, in the case of identifying the slightest inaccuracy, gives failure. Be sure to fill out all statements of the statement, the Sber does not accept the semi-empty papers. Also, the future borrower will be useful to learn some recommendations that can increase the chance of credit approval:

  • it is better to specify in the amount of the loan increased from the required amount (usually the bank then reduces this border);
  • it is impossible to fill out those graphs that are designed to fill out other persons (guarantors / co-coaches);
  • when changing the surname, it is necessary to inform the previous one (it is necessary that the bank checks the existing credit history);
  • do not conceal the available marital status, it is necessary to specify information about the spouse, since the married couple can become coaches, and close relatives in this role increases the chances of approving the loan;
  • in the claims of the statement, it is impossible to write "no" or to put a fiber, it is better to leave such items empty.

Where you can get a questionnaire

Before filling out the document, you can familiarize yourself with how a statement should look like. A sample of filling the questionnaire in Sberbank to the mortgage can be asked for consideration from the bank employee or to look at the Internet. And the application form itself can and download, pre-fill on the computer and print.

Profile form for a mortgage

Getting a blank in the bank office

If there are obscure moments to fill this important document, it is better to take a form of an application form in the jar. At the same time, pre-clarify all the obscure moments. And the document is allowed to fill and other person (and a bank employee). It is important that all the information provided information is accurate and neatly decorated.

Download sample from the Internet

The bank is allowed to issue a questionnaire in electronic form. To do this, you can use the following options:

  1. Copy the prepared application form for a PC, arrange it and print.
  2. Fill out an electronic form (for example, on the Domklik website, with which you can easily choose the option of mortgage housing). It is impossible to download and print such an application, the questionnaire is filled and immediately sent for its intended purpose.
  3. On the official portal Sberbank-online. For this you need to have plastic cardreleased by Sberbank and registration on the site.

Application form for a housing loan Sberbank: Filling Sample

In principle, there is nothing complicated that the right handwriting is correct and accurately fill out all the available claims. But, if the future borrower has obscure moments, it is worth contacting the already existing sample of the questionnaire. It looks like this:

Sample filled questionnaire


For decoration primary document To obtain a mortgage loan, it is necessary to approach extremely responsible. The extensity of the questionnaire can cause some difficulties in its design, so it is better to keep a sample application at hand. By the way, it can be printed in advance and, focusing on it, begin to fill the document.

If a person decided to buy housing on credit, he will fill out a questionnaire for a mortgage in Sberbank. Paper plays a meaningful role during the decision to make money in debt. For this reason, the profile for a mortgage must be filled correctly. Making data into form does not cause difficulties, but a number of nuances should be taken into account in advance.

basic information

The Sberbank questionnaire on the mortgage refers to general documents. It can be obtained and fill in any compartment. credit organization. The document form is posted on the official website of the bank. By downloading an application for a mortgage in Sberbank, the borrower protects itself from the need to personally visit the company's department for obtaining a document.

Making data into the questionnaire is no difficulty. To fill in the document, the borrower must enter information in the document graphs or select, putting a tick in the appropriate cell.

At the end of the questionnaire there must be a signature of the applicant. Its presence confirms that a citizen agrees to data processing.

Experts advise to show maximum attentiveness while filling out the document. Errietary data may cause a change in the provision of mortgage in Sberbank.

Filling the document

Filling the questionnaire can be performed on a computer or manually. The choice of method depends on the convenience of the client. Curving data, you need to take into account the following tips:

  1. The client must try to provide Sberbank the most complete information by making data into most of the profile fields. Counts can remain empty only if a person does not have information for filling them. If the application is half empty, the probability of its deviation will increase.
  2. The questionnaire needs only reliable information. The data presented in the application is tested. If Sberbank employees find that the potential borrower tried to deceive a credit institution, the request for a loan will be rejected.
  3. Before submitting an application, you need to check the accuracy of the information specified in it. Data must be specified without errors. Special attention should be paid to the name, address and telephone for the implementation of operational communication.
  4. The size of the desired loan amount is worth indicating a little more than required. Statistics shows that the Bank often reduces this indicator.

The document form contains prompts indicating the information you need to make in the application field. If the applicant encountered difficulties in the paperwork, it can help a sample of filling the questionnaire to a mortgage in Sberbank, which we attached below.

The presence of guarantors and co-coaches complicates the procedure for filling out the application. The questionnaire will require specify their passport data. For this reason, experts are advised to fill the questionnaire in the presence of coaches and guarantors.

Section number 1

The first section is common. It contains a comprehensive description of the mortgage loan. Section No. 1, the following information must be specified:

  • The goal, to achieve which the borrower wants to receive money;
  • A type of loan;
  • The period during which the borrower plans to implement a complete calculation on the obligations;
  • Features of closing debt before Sberbank.

Pointing the time interval during which a person plans to pay off debt, it must be borne in mind that the period must comply with the conditions of one of the current mortgage programs. The inconsistency of the established framework can lead to a rejection of the application.

Special attention should be paid to the fixation of the challenges of the closure of debt. As part of this paragraph, a person should specify the form of payments - annuity or differentiated. It should be remembered that the closure of debt on most mortgage programs is carried out using the first type of payments. To prevent an error, experts advise to clarify this issue at Sberbank Specialist before making data into the questionnaire.

Section number 2.

Section number 2 make information about persons participating in the transaction. Usually they include:

  • Borrower who wants to get money to buy housing;
  • Guarantors;
  • Coaches;
  • Pledgers, if they take part in the transaction.

According to the rules operating in Sberbank, every person involved in the transaction must be presented complete information. The section will have to specify:

  • Personal data of the applicant and other persons who will appear in loan agreementif the bank agrees to grant money in debt;
  • Family position;
  • Place of exercise labor activity.

I make information about coaches and guarantors, you must specify their degree of relationship with the applicant if it takes place. Statistics show that if the participants of the transaction are relatives, confidence in them by the Credit Commission is significantly increasing.

The probability of approval of the application will increase in the event that the person who wants to get a loan already has real estate Or there is an additional source of income.

Section number 3.

The third section is necessary to reflect the information about the financial situation of the applicant and other persons participating in the transaction. If you are using a sample of the questionnaire to a mortgage, Sberbank will ask the client to make truthful data. Pointing information on the amount of income, it must be borne in mind that the Credit Commission will take into account only a monthly amount moneywhich a potential borrower receives at the official job site.

The section presents the Count "Additional Revenues". It is intended to indicate income information that is not part of wages From the official place of work. The section includes revenues obtained:

  • With the delivery of real estate for rent;
  • For the exercise of employment at an additional place of work;
  • From relatives as material assistance.

Indicating income information, the borrower is obliged to mention monthly costs. Costs are usually not specified. A generalized figure is made in the column.

Experts advise not to be understood. Banks know the average number of expenses that the person bears monthly.

Section number 4.

If Sberbank is chosen to get a loan for the purchase of housing, the profile of the mortgage will contain section No. 4, designed to indicate other unlocked loans. If a person has unlocked debenturesThis fact is not always an obstacle to the purchase of a loan for the purchase of housing. However, the borrower will have to notify the company about the presence of loans. Filling Section No. 4, you will need to specify:

  • Credit institutions in which the applicant has unlocked debt obligations;
  • The amount of debt that the applicant remains to pay off;
  • The period required to close loans.

Experts do not recommend hiding the fact of the existence of unclosed debt obligations. Application form for obtaining a mortgage must contain information about their availability. Sberbank checks the data of applicants. If it turns out that the applicant has unlocked loans, in the provision of mortgages will be denied.

Before getting a loan to buy housing, small debt obligations should be closed. The execution of manipulation will increase the chance of approval of the application and reduce the overpayment amount of the mortgage. Credit limit It can also be enhanced.

Section number 5.

Mortgage is issued strictly secured by real estate.

In his quality, accommodates housing that a person acquires money for money. The presence of security allows Sberbank to protect themselves from the loss of funds in case of violation by the borrower of the provisions of the loan agreement.

Section No. 5 is designed to describe real estate, which will act as collateral. Throwing around how to fill out a questionnaire for a mortgage in a credit institution, the borrower must make the following data:

  • Address of the location of real estate;
  • Physical condition of the apartment or house;
  • The size of the acquired object;
  • Property price.

Making an assessment of the collateral object, Sberbank takes into account not only the price of real estate, but also its liquidity. The company willingly provides money in debt to buy housing, which:

  • Located in urban area;
  • Equipped with all communications;
  • It has a convenient layout.

Facts affect the speed of housing sales. If the company understands that there may be significant difficulties in real estate, the probability of deviation of the questionnaire will increase.

Sample questionnaire

Examples of filling out of the questionnaire

Existing nuances

If a person has chosen Sberbank to receive money to buy a housing, the profile for the mortgage will be ease. However, a number of nuances still should be taken into account.

Sberbank is one of the largest banks in Russia. A large number of departments provide several tens of thousands of people. In the state of the current crisis, many decide to try themselves as a job as a vacant position. In order not to get surprise, people want to know in advance how to fill out a Sberbank questionnaire to work.

General information about work in Sberbank

To become a Sberbank employee, it is necessary to declare its intention to the department of the credit institution. Reception there is carried out in the format of interviews, to which the applicant needs to fill out a questionnaire to work in Sberbank.

The most commonly emerging vacancies are the following:

  • operator;
  • cashier;
  • manager;
  • collector.

For the successful passage of the interview, the applicant must take with him:

  1. summary;
  2. filled Sberbank's questionnaire.

Much will depend on education, experience and candidate skills. They take into this organization, as a rule, people of talkative, sociable, capable of finding contact with other people, especially with bank customers.

If the summary is more or less understandable - it is filled in arbitrary form yourself, then difficulties and questions may arise with the filling of the questionnaire. In many ways, this is due to the fact that the document is quite voluminous, and it contains information to almost all spheres of human life.

Questionnaire to work in Sberbank: content and features of filling

Immediately, I would like to note that you can fill in the questionnaire to work in Sberbank in online mode. To do this, it must be previously. To avoid unnecessary misunderstandings or questions, you can download a sample, fill out all the graphs and send the document to the employer through online system Site or the mail specified in the vacancies.

The questionnaire is filled in a special form with the logo of the organization, everything is indicated there necessary information about her. The document must necessarily contain a photograph of the applicant, it is glued to the first application list.

general information

First there is standard information: FULL NAME, FLOOR, Age, Citizenship, date and place of birth. It is also indicated by the place of registration and accommodation of the applicant (in detail, not just a city, and the exact address), all sorts of phones - home, mobile, working (if the applicant is still employed elsewhere). A separate graph includes passport details that fit into the line.

At the end of the first sheet of the questionnaire, a person indicates which position he claims and where he learned about the presence of such a job (this may be a printed publication, an online portal, an official website). If someone from Sberbank employees recommended this work, then its full name is indicated.

Education, Professional Skills

The second page indicates data on education. If the higher people have several, then he must enter the information about everyone. When passing any courses, seminars, the PDAs about them also need to write in the questionnaire. In this case, the numbers of the documents, the names of the courses, the date of passage, and sometimes academic hours are indicated.

Since Sberbank is one of the largest banks, it determines the frequent maintenance of foreigners. That is why there is a questionnaire separate question On knowledge of languages. Interested, as a rule, the following languages \u200b\u200band degree of ownership of them:

  • english;
  • german;
  • french;
  • spanish.

Sberbank is a modern institution, to work in which it is necessary with the knowledge of computer and other specialized programs. The amount of necessary skills depends largely on which the position claims the applicant. The main requirement for working in the office is the ability to work with Microsoft products (including Word, Excel, Access, Mail), Internet.

Interested in Sberbank and the attitude of the applicant to military duty, the availability of driver's license, family status.

A separate column is information about the nearest relatives. In principle, such information is standard for any questionnaire. The data is subsequently used to fill the T-2 personal card.

It is very important to maximally and reliably fill out information about your experience. Data is better to rewrite from labor book . If necessary, you can take a copy at the current job place.

It should be described in detail not only about previous places of work, but also describe in detail what skills in the course of this activity were obtained. Here you can be guided by official duties from the previous work. The reasons for the dismissal / desire to change the generation of activities are indicated.

Separate graphs go sizes of wages at the same place of work and the amount that a person wants to receive in Sberbank.

To evaluate the readiness of a person to learning, it is envisaged in the questionnaire questions about whether it is ready for business trips, if so, for what time what skills he wanted to get.

If the applicant has people (former employers), which can characterize it from a positive point of view, you need to specify their names and contacts so that Sberbank employees can contact him and clarify information about the employee.

other information

Sberbank is socially oriented, so he takes care of the right leisure of his employees. The presence of useful hobbies in the form of sports activities is welcomed. The presence of a discharge will be only a plus when taking to work.

If desired, a person may indicate itself some kind additional information In the column designated for this.

In the end, consent is affixed to the processing of the data received by Sberbank, the date and signature of the compiler of the questionnaire.

To increase the chance of a cherished position, you must answer all the questions extremely and honest. This characterizes the applicant as a responsible and honest employee.

If there are questions, it is always possible to contact a bank specialist. It will help with the filing of the questionnaire, will provide a sample. In general, the document is drawn up by the same type as in other organizations. It is based on the data in the T-2 personal card.

The first thing to be faced with the client when making a consumer loan in any credit institution is filling the corresponding questionnaire. It is one of the official documents that the potential borrower must provide a bank. The questionnaire serves for the creditor the main tool for collecting information about the client. All data in the document is thoroughly checked by the Bank's Security Service. To fill out the application, it is necessary to approach responsibly and competently, not allowing errors. The article describes in detail the application of the application of the questionnaire to consumer credit In Sberbank.

Requirements for completing the questionnaire on the consumer loan in Sberbank

Sberbank provides several types of consuming potential borrowers:

  • without ensuring;
  • under the guarantee of individuals;
  • secured by real estate.

They are available to persons who meet the basic requirements for age and experience.

On any of the three types of credit, you should fill out the same option of the questionnaire.

Features of making information into the document:

  • the data fit in a printed or handwritten form from the words of the borrower;
  • corrections are allowed to compose a person's signature whose information needs to be corrected;
  • it is prohibited to exclude items from the application.

The application of false data entails a refusal to design a consumer loan. An employee of the bank warns in advance about the client's responsibility for providing unreliable information.

  • Education.

Select from the proposed options.

Part 2

Allocated to identify targeted data and family position of the potential borrower.

  • The address of the permanent registration.

Fill in the fields completely in accordance with the passport registration.

  • Address of the actual residence.

Specify the stay of the residence and type of housing. If the address does not coincide with the constant, then the lower fields should be fill.

  • Temporary registration address.

Filled only if available.

  • Family status.

Put a tick in the appropriate window.

  • Relatives.

For married / married, you will definitely enter the spouse (s), children, if they are. Information about other relatives indicate if they are coaches or guarantors.

Part 3.

It is assigned to fill out information about employment, income and property property.

Data on the work of the Bank asks to reinforce the photocopy of the workbook. Real estate information is indicated only if these houses, apartment, etc. Officially belong to the applicant. The Bank requires a guarantee of the reliability of the future borrower.

Any unreliable information may be regarded as fraud and entail criminal prosecution. In the points "Revenues" and "Costs" should not specify overestimated data.

Part 4.

The section is informational and confirmed, it should be read carefully. This is an additional part, also concerning applicants who are salary / retirement clients in Sberbank. Need to make a card number or bank account, confirm the information and conditions of PJSC Sberbank.

Block with individual information insurance number Filled only if the applicant's income will be taken into account when determining the loan amount.

Part 5.

The bank is not obliged to issue the amount specified in the questionnaire. It defines the solvency of the applicant and gives as much as it considers it necessary that the client can return debt together with interest.

Part 6.1

It is filled in the case of filing a questionnaire to a consumer loan in order to refinance loans.

Sample questionnaire (download link)

Send a questionnaire through the online service is not possible. But the potential borrower is available to download shape, fill and print. Next, it is simply necessary to attribute it to the nearest branch of Sberbank and give the credit specialist. The questionnaire is not a loan agreement.

An example of a questionnaire, as well as the form of the document, is located on the Sberbank website in the section "Useful to know". If, when filling out the document, any difficulties arise, it is possible to leave a review about the correctness of the questionnaire.

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