
OTD bank loan cash without reference. Overview of all credit products of the bank. What can I get a loan in the bank

Those who often use borrowed funds know that consumer credit OTP Bank issues on ordinary and understandable conditions for all borrowers. This is an excellent chance to get in debt quickly and with a low percentage of return.
Customers planning major costs, as well as for those who have unscheduled spending, should pay attention to such financial product as a bank loan.
The ratings, compiled by different indicators, characterize the company as a fast-growing leader in the field of consumer lending. OTP Bank - one of the most reliable in the field banking services and quality of service.

OTP Bank Cash Credits

The services of the bank can be used by directly coming to the office or through the site. Online application for credit in the bank bank is great way Save time, besides, it is promised to consider remotely and report a decision in a few minutes.

To submit a request for cash loan in the bank can citizens who have a passport of the Russian Federation, age category from 21 to 65 years and registered in settlementwhere there is a representative office financial organization.

The key requirement for borrowers is the official place of work. Experience from 3 months. also credit. They must confirm the fact of receiving a pension of certificates or accounts with accounts if they receive:

  • labor pension to achieve age;
  • long service retirement for military personnel;
  • pension officer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

How to take a cash loan through the site?

Now almost every person wants to spend a minimum of its time for the search for goods and services, so it takes it all through the Internet. Lending is one of those areas where people try to solve their financial issues remotely. In OTP Bank online application for a loan gives such an opportunity.
The decision-making process, ranging from the filing of the questionnaire and ending with checks of information about the client, his documents and credit history, is remotely. There is no need to go to the bank to make an application for credit, everything can be issued without leaving the house or without leaving your workplace.

Conditions for obtaining borrowed funds

Credit can be issued in the amount of from 15 thousand to 1 million rubles. The term for which money is provided is a maximum of 5 years. Cash loan rates differ and are established based on the parameters of each request, starting from the mark of 11.5 percent per annum. The value of the rate also depends on the following criteria for evaluating the borrower:
  1. Solvency.
  2. The quality of repayment of past loans.

The procedure for consideration of the remote questionnaires happens quickly, all the conditions are transparent and selected personally for each debtor, there are no hidden commissions and payments, and the bank filed in OTP is a cash loan. Cash significantly reduces the time spending credit Agreement.

After approval of the application, the issuance of the loan of the cash bank is carried out in offices. For imprisonment loan agreement And you need to get money with your passport. Online Cash Credit Application, submitted in OTP Bank is an undoubted advantage to solve its financial issues in the shortest possible time.

On filling electronic form Questionnaires and its shipment is given for about one hour. If the user did not have time to fully enter the data or distracted because of urgent affairs, the application will leave in the form in which it was at the time of the expiration of the feed time.

The questionnaire with incomplete information goes into the status is automatically rejected, and the following request can be made after the month. In this case, you need to contact the staff on the website specified on the website or write a letter to the support service with a request to resume the fill process.

OTP Bank respects its customers and offers high quality service for those who want to take a consumer loan.

Credit OTP Bank: Main conditions

What documents are submitted to the bank a bank loan application

As already mentioned above, an application for a loan in the bank can be left both through the site, and come personally to the office. Consideration occurs individually, based on the parameters of the loan and evaluation criteria for the borrower itself. Depending on the amount, a package of documents that must be provided are formed:

  1. When requesting up to 200 thousand rubles. The minimum set is required - a passport and any document to choose from (TIN, SNILS, RIGHT, AND OTHER). Pensioners at this stage will have to confirm its income of the discharge from the account or certificate from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
  2. In the amount of 200 to 400 thousand rubles. SPU jar need a copy labor book With a record about the experience of 3 months at the last place of work.
  3. Over 400 thousand rubles. - All of the above documents are needed, plus it is necessary to confirm the income of the reference in the form of 2-NDFL.

Take a loan just? How to appreciate in the bank of an online application

Each application for the issuance of a loan takes place - scoring, where the accuracy of the submitted information about the client is being studied, the authenticity of documents, and it also turns out whether the third person has the impact of fraudulent action. If the borrower safely passes the assessment of its reliability and receives approval - it is invited to the department for the conclusion of a credit transaction. Opens the nominal loan account and cash out.

If some points of the contract call questions or their meaning after reading is incomprehensible - it is necessary to ask the specialist to give exhaustive answers and explain everything in detail.

Still have people who perceive as debt pit And they are afraid to take money in the bank. Some scare high percentagesOthers do not want to collect a kip help and spend your time at it. Here it should be analyzed in the market offers from financial institutions, Compare rates, evaluate customer requirements and find the optimal product that can be used without loss of time and money.

A loan in the bank is online - and there is the type of consumer loan that will help save time for registration and is issued at relatively small rates. In addition, the bank practices an individual approach to each borrower, it allows you to take a loan easily and without load on the budget.

OTP Bank: How to apply for a loan online

  • when making data into the application using online formYou need to be extremely attentive. All information must be valid and filled with no errors. If, when checking, any discrepancies will be detected - OTP Bank will dismiss the questionnaire automatically;
  • before making an application for a loan in the bank, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the items of the loan agreement, to study the requirements for documents, calculate online calculator The amount of overpayment - all this information can be found on the site;
  • when concluding a loan agreement, a payment schedule is issued, in accordance with which monthly payments must be made. You can close the loan without additional boards.

OTP Bank Cash loans for all occasions

What does misuse lending mean is the ability to take money to absolutely any goals. With the bank, OTO can go to rest, repair the apartment, celebrate the wedding. What to spend money the client decides itself, no need to report to the bank.

In OTD Bank to take a cash loan means for the borrower to commit obligations to repay deadlines and in a certain amount. In case of late payment, penalties are accrued in the amount of 0.5% of the amount overall debtAnd the credit history will deteriorate.

Often, planning large purchases we use loans, and if you do everything according to the mind, the loan overpayment will not be as cosmic. It costs at least to estimate, through how much you can fully pay off the debt to the bank.


If you have a period of less than two months when calculating you, it is better to use credit cards with an interest-free period. Then you can avoid paying interest to the bank.

Debt refund is scheduled for 2-6 months, then it is worth using installments.

But if the purchase is really expensive, and on your calculations, you can fully close the loan you can only within a few years, then definitely take a cash loan for any purpose.

When I needed a cash loan, it was necessary to buy equipment for work, I rather deeply promoted bank offers. After analyzing the results, my choice fell on a cash loan from OTP Bank.

Conditions for issuing a loan in the bank

I chose this bank for two reasons, the first is a positive credit experience in OTD and a low interest rate - 12.5%. Immediately I will say, the interest rate of 12.5% \u200b\u200bper annum you will not receive immediately, according to the terms of the contract, the bank will reduce your% rate provided that you will timely pay monthly payments without overdue.

Initially, the interest rate ranges from 21.9% to 38.9%, it is determined for each borrower individually.

  • If the loan period from 12 to 18 months, then you need to pay 4 months, then if there is no delay, the rate is reduced to 12.5%;
  • If the loan period from 19 to 36 monthswill drop in 8 months;
  • If the loan period from 37 to 60 months, after a year of flawless payments, the bet will be reduced to 12.5%.

Reducing% rates will automatically occur. If, when repaying the loan you made a delay, then the loan will be under the initial interest rate for the entire loan period.

The amount of the loan from 15,000 rubles to 1 million rubles is for Moscow and Peter, for other regions the minimum loan amount of 300,000 rubles, the maximum one is also a million. This is if you want a bet of 12.5%, but in general the minimum loan amount of 15,000 rubles, but then the minimum rate will be 14.9% per annum.

Requirements for the borrower

  • You are from 21 to 68 years;
  • You have Russian citizenship;
  • You have permanent registration in Russia;
  • The place of residence coincides with the regional credit region;
  • You are officially working, and your work experience more than six months;

Making a loan

If you are satisfied with the conditions for lending to the bank, then you can proceed to design. Go to the site of the bank, and fill in a small profile (will take 2-3 minutes). In principle, everything is standard, full name, phone, email address. True, there are unusual fields, for example, you yourself enter the status of your credit history, where you indicate whether you have a delay or credit history is ideal.

On average, the Bank makes a decision on preliminary approval or refusal, within 15 minutes.

Next, the Bank's employee calls you, which reports the preliminary approval of the loan and tells what documents you need to take by visiting the bank. For each document list individual:

  • Passport;
  • Reduss;
  • Information "Inn Organizations" (for employed at a permanent job);
  • Pension certificate (for the age / retirement of the military personnel / retirement of the Ministry of Internal Affairs).

Additionally, it will be necessary to provide confirmation of income if the loan amount:

  • from 200 001 - 400,000 rubles. A copy of the employment record will be required (certified by the employer)
  • in the amount of over 400,000 rubles. We need a copy of the employment record (certified by the employer), a certificate of 2-NDFL form for the last 6 (six) months or a certificate of income in the form of a bank.

After the conversation, we collect the necessary package of documents and we are going to depart the bank, in the department we sign the contract and get money.

By the way, in contrast to the Renaissance bank, you are voiced in the return rate at the rate of the bank employee, after scoring, it is established depending on the category of the borrower, risks and loan amounts.

Repayment of credit

It is convenient to repay a loan in the bank. First, you can make cash in the departments of the bank, terminals and ATMs, in Russia more than 12,000 cash reception points.

Secondly, it is very convenient to repay from any bank cardThe payment is credited to the next business day, but there is a 2% commission. On the same conditions, you can repay debt through mobile app Credit.

Again, you can use bank Translations and payment through Russian Post, but the deadlines for enrollment rather long. However, in the post office for repayment of the loan, the Commission will not take that of course plus.

How to control the amount of debt and the date of the next payment

To find out what debt to the bank and the date to which you need to make the following loan payment, in the following ways:

  • Through the Internet Bank "Spedrequit" - login and password are issued when issuing a loan;
  • Through mobile Bank "Sweep";
  • Mobile application "Credit" - you can download Google Play and App Store.For login, use your phone number;
  • SMS Informing - Just send an SMS with the text of a loan to a short number 5927;
  • Or call the free 24-hour number 88001005555;
  • And of course you can come to the bank branch - do not forget the passport.

Underwater stones when making a loan in the bank

1. When issuing a loan in the department, be attentive, the Bank's employees suffer, it is suffering that mania of the transfer of potential customers to a non-state pension fund. Namely to the NPF Future JSC. Sometimes yes, the staff honestly ask your consent to transfer your pension deductions to the NFP, but there are cases when this happens without the consent of the client.

How to determine what OTD employee is going to translate you to NFP without your consent? If the Bank's employee ask you to name the code from SMS from NPFINFO, do not call if you do not want to transfer your retirement to the non-state pension fund.

2. The Bank extremely reluctantly issues loans in cash without life insurance service. Yes, by law, you have the right to refuse, but if you refuse, the bank's employee themselves make that you refuse to refuse - apparently the authorities put tight limits for issuing loans without insurance.

3. The electronic queue in the bank's separation, it does not happen worse (even in Sberbank it works better), the bank employees are sitting (not Bekofis, namely in the area of \u200b\u200bwork with clients), so not occupied by anything, and the electronic queue works only to one of them. Very long wait for turn.

Is it worth making a cash loan in a sub-bank

A loan is not bad, but initially the rate on it is quite high, but if you pay on time, it automatically decreases.

Yes, the loan will have to execute (read buy) insurance of life. Again, it will be possible to refuse it after registration. I do not know how it happens in reality in this bank, but the law states about such an opportunity.

Consider the application very quickly, and the final decision voiced the day a day. True, in the department itself, you will spend more thanks if I have not yet decided the issue with e-queueMore precisely with employees who apparently manipulate it, not paying attention to visitors.

It is convenient to repay the loan, but you can even without additional commissions. But I better pay 2% per transfer from the card, than once again I will visit the separation of the bank, I do not want to translate pension payments in NPF.

In the hope that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is elected to take a license from OTD Bank, since it is an international bank, we decided to make a review on credit products of this organization. So how to get a cash loan in the bank, and most importantly - what gives?

It is no secret that most large shopping is committed precisely thanks to the possibility of getting a bank loan. Cars, apartments, country real estate, as well as small and large appliances Most often purchased with the help of borrowed money. Given the current inflation rates, accumulate funds for a large purchase, not always possible. Therefore, people and turn into banks for loans.

In the bank, there are only three credit products, as well as in most banks. Only in contrast to other banks that come up with dozens of names for their loans, OTO since 2016 went in a simple way (the same simple way chose and). In each form of lending to leave one loan product with less general conditions, And the rest to remove. That's right! Development credit products Requires qualifications, time, labor and strength, and after a double wave of dismissal on banking market In 2014, 2015, engage in the development of the product line is a non-disabilities - you need to reduce the cost of personnel.

OTP Bank this moment It is considered one of the largest banks of Eastern Europe, the bank is this Hungarian. Its main specificity is commodity lending. Therefore, consumer loans and maps are mainly in its interests.

In view of this, the bank supports close partnerships with network shops that are interested in meeting the interests of their buyers, which is called directly at the checkout. Therefore, the Bank is not particularly interested in working with corporate clients, as well as with products intended for small business representatives and small-scale products.

After all, as you know, commodity lending is most expensive among other credit products, only microloans are more expensive.

Consumer loans from OTP Bank:

Pros and cons


  • they give loans to even retirees, but age up to 65 years
  • pensioners servicemen
  • pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other civil services
  • credit individual entrepreneurs and notaries (but the term of activity should be more than 12 months)


  • no diversity (as of 2016-2017, OTP Bank removed all the variety of credit products, left only a loan in cash to 750,000 rubles, credit cards and commodity loans)
  • very high interest rates, up to 46% per annum (and this is not a credit card, but for a normal require)
  • availability of credit cards credit Limita up to 1500 000 rubles - super indicator in the market

Cash loans

In some cases, take a cash loan in the send bank easier and more convenient. There is practically no such person who would have had no situation when money is urgently, right now! Of course, there is a huge number of microfinance organizations, which are glad to count the right amount without requiring almost no documents. But still more reliable and cheaper to ask for a cash loan from OTD Bank.

As a rule, cash loans are taken if it is necessary to pay an expensive service. It may be the acquisition of a new car, the treatment of teeth at the dentist, buying a refrigerator. In most cases, such loans are approved by banks, provided that the borrower is in working age, has a positive credit history, and sufficient income


This type of loan refers to consumer loans. In order to receive it, you do not need to search for the guarantor, and you will also need a minimum of documents.

But you need to look at things soberly, and understand that since 2014 in the banking sector of the crisis. What is he manifested? Loans approve only to really good borrowers.

And even consumer bank loans are convenient for those borrowers who require cash to pay for services or goods. At the same time, the purchased goods will not act as collateral. The bank considers the questionnaire within a few days, the Commission on this view of the loan is not provided, but the insurance is optional. At first glance, everything looks tempting. Nevertheless, it is necessary to carefully study the conditions of loans by cash of OTD of the Bank, on which it can provide a loan.

Conditions of cash loans.

  • the loan amount can reach 750000 rubles
  • minimum loan amount - 15 000 rubles
  • rapid decision making
  • a small loan rate (is only 14.9% per year)
  • common percentage limit from 14.9% to 39.9% per year
  • you can get a loan cash online
  • you can return a loan for the month, and you can pay for 5 years


Requirements for borrowers:

  • revenue from 20 thousand rubles for large cities of Russia
  • the borrower can be as a able-bodied person from 21 years old, which has stable work and a pensioner, whose age does not exceed 69 years
  • if a person is working, then you can apply after the end of the trial period, which is at least 3 months
  • to mandatory conditions To obtain a loan refers to the requirement of constant registration in the region, where the bank has an official representation


Documents that are needed in order to take a cash loan in OTP Bank:

  • in obligatory The borrower should have a passport
  • on the official website or in the bank it is necessary to fill out the questionnaire
  • requires 2ndfl or request from work
  • or certificate in the form of the bank
  • help is pension Fund about the accrual of pension if you are going to take a loan as a pensioner
  • copy Labor

If the loan amount does not exceed 400,000 rubles or less, then draw up documents confirming income is required. Although it is only in words!

Also, of course, a positive credit history is important for the bank.

It is possible to obtain cash loan in the bank you will also need:

  • driver's license
  • either SNILS
  • either a military ticket
  • international passport
  • perhaps the guarantor will need
  • there should be no overdue loans and corrupted credit history

Commodity loans

Scheduled repairs in the apartment, a man with horror understands that he does not have the necessary amount for him. A breakdown of a favorite smartphone or an old computer can also cause stress. You need to buy a new technique, and with finances at the moment the situation is far from rainbow. What to do? Take a commodity loan in OTD! It also calls a loan in the bank in cash on a passport, because the bank promises to request only a passport from you.

Read also

Big CashBack from OTP Bank - one of best offers 2018.

Take advantage favorable sentence The bank will be convenient and in the event that treatment is required, or you need to urgently pay the semester at the institute.

Bank Ov with pleasure will help solve your financial difficulties. Trade loan in the bank bank in cash on the passport can be minimal from 2000 rubles, and not more than 300,000 rubles as much as possible. It is possible to arrange it completely without any problems and time costs. In order to get the necessary amount, you need to have a passport of a citizen.

You can safely come to shopping center, choose the necessary product, and then immediately make a loan from representatives of the bank.

The peculiarity of OTP Bank regarding trade lending is:

  • credit can be obtained in the form of a product, that is, the bank pays the seller, you get the goods without money, and now you should only have a jar
  • make a map, which is called in POD for some reason, the debit to which the express loan is issued to you

So, with a conventional commodity loan, everything is clear (the first list of the list), but with a debit card is not very. Let's find out!

Map "Cash in 15 minutes"

OTD collaborates on the topic of commercial lending with many network stores, just some of them:

  • Euroset
  • Svyaznoy
  • Media Markt
  • Tehnosila
  • Yulmart.
  • A lot of furniture
  • as well as with a number of other major network shops

That is, if the trading network trades expensive goods, I'll certainly be a rack of the bank, too, there will be among other "commodity" banks. It is understandable - the expensive goods are more often bought for borrowed money. Although now products acquire on a credit card, that is, "in debt".

Commmary credit in the bank bank in cash on the passport is convenient to all those who want to make a serious purchase, which will require credit money, but still does not know, in which store it is to do. And if you need to make several purchases at different outlets? After all, the execution of a large number of loans is not always convenient.

The debit card of the bank will help solve this problem. Just why is it called debit when the essence of her credit? Who will tell?

The decision on her extradition bank takes in a few minutes. The client receives debit cardAnd then the loan is transferred to it. You can use the card in the same way as the usual salary! That is, shopping in stores and to pay it.

Requirements for borrowers

At the same time, the Bank establishes the following requirements for a potential borrower on cash loans from OTP Bank:

  • the borrower should have Russian citizenship
  • he must be in the age group of 21 and up to 69 years
  • availability of permanent registration in the region where there is an official representation of the bank and accommodation in the region where the loan is issued

If you want to take a loan in cash in the bank on the purchase of consumer goods, then you need to have a passport.

Credit cards of the bank

In the bank, fortunately with the assortment of credit cards, things are a little better than with the assortment of cash loans from the bank and commodity loans. It is understandable - a credit card for Europe is a long-habitual thing. However, despite this, the share of the bank in the market of Russian plastic market is far from leading, and all made a Tinkoff Bank.

In the bank there are the following credit cards:

  • "Clear maps"
  • employees of companies serviced by
  • map salary customers
  • for borrowers of the bank

Each of these types of cards is the "golden" standard or "standard" international payment system MasterCard, with Visa OTD does not cooperate.


If the potential customer approaches the standard credit conditions on the bank's credit card, and it suits the bank, then the universal type credit card can be issued.

On the following conditions:

  • interest rate size ranges from 29.9 to 43%
  • the minimum credit card limit will be up to 200,000, but if the borrower will carefully pay interest, the amount of the limit may increase to 1 million
  • the owner can place money in the account, but at the same time capitalizations will not happen
  • grace period It is 55 days

For the release of the card, the bank will not take money, but it is necessary to take into account that if you remove the cash, then the grace period may end earlier. Annual card maintenance is 600 rubles. For cashing of money in an ATM, OTP Bank will have to pay 3.9%, which is at least 350 rubles. In another ATM, the amount can be significantly more.

If the payment of interest on the credit card for any reason is delayed, the bank will accrue the penalty in the amount of from 500 to 1500 rubles. Informing via SMS will cost at least 59 rubles, which will be charged with a loan account. Pay off the debt on the loan is most convenient during the preferential period, when you can return the money to the bank without percent.

As mentioned above, there are several more types of credit cards that have different value of annual service. However, in general, the requirements and conditions for obtaining similar. So the cost of the golden credit card Master Card service per year will be 1,800 rubles.

In general, credit cards are a very expensive credit product, so this is engaged in this. 43% per annum is 3-4% per month, it is almost microloans. Very expensive!


The salary documents can not be provided, but in this case the amount of interest rate will be slightly higher, and the grace period is shorter.

In addition, the Bank requires constant registration in the region where Official Representative Office is present.

This is how the standard information about the required documents for the credit cards of OTP and other banks is published by the official websites of credit institutions and information resources.

In fact, except:

  • card Applications
  • passport of the Russian Federation
  • registration, registration
  • certificate TIN

When you come to the bank branch and begin to have a subject thing about the chances of getting a card, you will also need:

  • copy of workbook, copies of state contracts, contracts
  • help 2ndfl from the employer
  • bank-shaped certificate
  • military ID for men who have not reached 27 years
  • any second document to choose from (driver, SNILS, Pension, etc.)

High probability of approval when submitting an application through our service

Amount - up to 4,000,000 rubles

Fill out a loan application form

Methods obtaining:


Getting borrowed money Without unnecessary efforts, it is solved by contacting a reliable financial organization. On independent preparation of the request for cash loan in OTP Bank JSC Official site requires a few minutes. Reception of applications via the Internet is carried out around the clock 7 days a week. The well-known lender promptly considers applications without unnecessary red tape and preliminary solutions. The applicant without leaving the house learns about the final approval of the requested amount. Customers expect solid limits, low interest rates and a comfortable lending time.

Credit registration at OTP Bank JSC

The remote design of the loan in OTP Bank JSC is carried out according to the passport without information about income and other documents from the employer. Documentary confirmation of solvency and official employment is required to approve a large limit and establishing a minimum interest rate. It is pre-deciding to determine the exact size and preferred length of lending.

Instantaneous credit calculator Allows you to instantly determine the cash resource limit available to a specific user based on data on the amount of earnings and existing obligations and calculate the upcoming monthly payments. In order to reduce the magnitude of regular contributions to a completely comfortable level, even with a large borrowed amount, it is useful to choose a long term repayment of debt. The borrower has the right at any time ahead of schedule to fulfill obligations and save on overpayment.

Take a loan in the bank bank on an online application

The applicant has the right to apply in the office or via the Internet. Wishing to urgently take a loan without refusing to send online application It is necessary to closely fill out a statement application and accurately answer questions regarding:

  1. the personality of the applicant;
  2. contact information;
  3. passport data;
  4. registration addresses;
  5. Reduss;
  6. jobs;
  7. level of income and property support.

The accuracy of information transmitted for consideration provides prompt acceptance of a positive decision.

Loans of the Bank DV for individuals without guarantors

Comfortable loans from DAV for individuals issued without guarantors and collateral of property. Money on urgent needs receive applicants of various social status:

  • employees for hiring and civil legal contracts;
  • civil servants;
  • pensioners;
  • individual entrepreneurs;
  • personal practitioners (lawyers, notaries).

To approve the request, the applicant is enough to have:

  1. russian citizenship;
  2. registration in the presence of the creditor's subdivision;
  3. source of permanent income that allow you to make binding payments in a timely manner;
  4. labor experience at the current workplace for more than 3 months (for IP, private notaries, lawyers - at least 1 year).

Borrowed resources are provided for applicants to 21-68 years (at the time of registration). The applicant who received a positive decision remains to appear in the nearest department of the financial organization and sign an agreement. For a new user is instantly produced payment card. Money is credited within 10-15 minutes after the signing of the documents and come to the Complete disposal of the borrower.

PARTICIPANTS OF PROJECTS FOR LIST wages Expect preferential conditions for issuing credit funds at low interest.

Consumer credit at OTP Bank JSC without commissions

Urgent receipt consumer credit Without commissions for consideration and issuing in JSC "OTP Bank" allows you to quickly fulfill personal plans, acquire all sorts of material benefits, and then gradually return the debt with high-level regular payments. Numerous advantages are provided to customers of a loyal institution:

  • remote application of the application without visits to the office;
  • accelerated correspondence approval;
  • worthy amounts;
  • long term repayment of an impressive loan;
  • the minimum number of necessary documents;
  • unhindered early (full or partial) repayment with recalculation of interest and reduction of overpayment;
  • the possibility of transferring the date of payment to the desired number of the month.

The borrower is freely disposed of provided by means at its discretion without inappropriate control by the creditor. A free mobile application helps to fulfill obligations with the lowest time and strength.

You were interested in a loan from OTP Bank, and would you like to submit an online application for obtaining it? In this article you will find a detailed description of those programs that apply today in this company.

Current programs

To date, 4 proposals that are suitable for obtaining a consumer loan have been operating in the organization presented above. They promise to consider the application and issuing money on the day of the client's appeal, provided that it will prepare all the necessary documents.

  • "Universal" - here you can get 15,000 to 750.000 rubles for a period of 12 to 60 months. Interest rate Various from 14.9% to 33.2%, the issuance occurs without providing security and without chargeing additional commissions. Registration only in the office. Please note that income confirmation is mandatory with or discharge from the Pension Fund. If you want to credit without confirmation of solvency, then you will be available no more than 200 thousand. Consideration of the application occurs on the day of circulation;
  • "Great Opportunities" is a proposal for obtaining a large amount from 1 million to 4 million rubles. The term of the contract is from 1 to 7 years, the percentage ranges from 10.5% to 14.5% per year. Without commissions, without providing security, you also need to confirm solvency. Important: The minimum average monthly income of the borrower should be at least 70,000 rubles;
  • "Special" - here you can also get a large loan from 300 thousand to 1 million rubles. The contract can be issued for the period you need from 1 to 5 years, the rate will be from 11.5% to 19.5% per year. Need to confirm the income, the application will be considered for 1 day;
  • "Cash in 15 minutes" is an express lending option, in which your application will be considered, on average, in 15 minutes. You can get a champion ranging from 15,000 to 400,000 rubles for a period of 12 to 60 months. The percentage varies from 14.9% to 24.9%, without commissions and ensure, confirm income and insurance. We need: passport, TIN and SNILS.

The penalty for the delay in the return of a loan or percent is 20% per annum for the debt balance for each day of overdue payment. To calculate your payment, we recommend using the help of a free calculator:

Calculate credit:
The rate% per year:
Term (month):
Credit amount:
Monthly payment:
Total pay:
Overpayment on credit

Take advantage of our expanded calculator with the ability to build a payment schedule and calculation early repayment You can on this page.

Terms of receipt

Requirements for the borrower:

  • Age from 21 to 68 years;
  • The presence of Russian citizenship and permanent registration;
  • The presence of a permanent place of work, an experience of at least 6 months.


  • Passport of a citizen of Russia;
  • Statement;
  • Certificate of income or extract from the Pension Fund for the last 6 months;
  • Pension certificate (if available);
  • One document to choose from: Certificate of PTS, DMS, passport, can be an active card in a fitness club, to prepare an account of an account with the flow of funds in the account for the last 3 months

Trade loan in the store

If you are going to make a big purchase in the store, but you lack for this own funds, then you can take a commodity loan amount from 2000 to 300,000 rubles to the goals you need. This is only possible in those stores that are partners of the bank, here are some of them:

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state