
Signs: how to give and take money to debt, is your way to wealth! How to give and take money in debt not to attract financial problems

- When you give duty, keep the fig in your pocket (do your left hand).

- The debt must be given in the morning so that the money is kept (so there is).

- You can not let go of money or bread in the evening, it will not be in the house, nor the other (salt can not be given to neighbors at all).

- On Monday, you do not pay money on Monday, and then all the money from home will leave (there is a folk wisdom that says: do not let money in debt).

- Who eats a lot of blueberries, the poverty is not terrible (folk sign promises money, doctors guarantee good health A man who regularly consumes blueberries).

- Broadbands are blocked - to tears, large shallow bills - to spent (it is better to spend money without running out).

- The sun is the village - from home the garbage does not do it, rent output (very correct sign).

- After leaving guests, shake up the tablecloth to the street so that the money was found.

- On the table, do not sit, it's to poverty.

- If you have a beggar and looks in your eyes, give him a coin and say: the moths of the Isus of Christ, he will wish.

- Nurse must be filled with silver, copper thread so that it does not impose himself. It is impossible to give up paper bills (very correct sign).

- You can not whistle in the house - all the money will be allowed (the old sign).

- If you give someone a kitten or a puppy or another animal, you need to take a money in payment.

- Empty bottles on the table can not be kept to ruin (to grief, to quarrel, to tears).

- You want money to arrive, keep all paper money in the wallet to yourself face (very good sign).

- to more money It was, put in the wallet of the osine leaf (this sign is considered folk wisdom).

- In order for the money in the house there is, in each corner, put on the coin (the main thing later they do not touch them).

- When you come to you big money, post down some monetary check And always carry with me so that she attracts the other money to themselves. Never waste it and do not run.

- If the blood goes the nose, the caps on the most big Couple. In the wallet, such a few will come.

- To make money in the house, put a broom stick (superstition).

- To see the excrement in a dream - to the money. The more excrement, the more you get money.

- Do not stand on the threshold, and then money will be hard in the house to pass (folk sign).

- Nails cut off on Tuesday or Friday, to make money.

- Do not put money on the table, it is to money losses (rather life observation than the sign).

- When the left hand itches, an unexpected money will come.

- Birds above you noted, to the big cash parish (sign).

"So that the money is large to come, in the young moon, the smooth cat with white legs on the wool and the cheeses in the mustache, and he himself (a) sentence:" Koteshok-Batuschok, give us money, perhaps you are more. "

Money does not like light.

When there is no money, there are many desires where to spend them, and more sumThe less desires becomes.

The greater the amount of money, the sooner it increases, (money attracts money).

Money does not give, if there is any duties of cash or other in front of the debtor.

It is impossible to give to the debt to a person in front of which you have any duties, he will not return a debt, believing that he has it right.

It is impossible to give money in debt if there is no mechanism for returning.

Money needs to love, constantly think about them.

When you return say: "So that you have always been and I have multiplied with me," passing bills from hand to hand.

Money must be kept in the house ("Money for money goes"), and regularly recalculate.

Never mine bills, do not tear, not trample with legs.

There must be a coin under the threshold (silver). Speaking through the threshold to speak: "I am home and money for me."

Coins must be in the corner of the room. The greater the hill, the stronger the vibration. Do not sweep, do not take.

Do not borrow on Tuesday and on a decreasing moon. And also in the evening.

Do not take money from hand to hand - they are good damage.

Generously let the tips for a well-done work - you will return three times more.

Economic law - the higher your income, the more your expenses. "How and how much it came, and so much will leave."

Do not occupy and do not return money in the evening. If there is hopeless situations - put money on the floor, the table, the end. Only not at the dinner table.

For everything you need to pay.

The more you give, the more you get.

Having taught, say: "So that I have always been and you have multiplied with these mutual rods, you closure a money circle

Take money with your left hand, give right.

Remember, returning money, you return the energy.

Money should always be in circulation. It is impossible to save money "on your pocket", better for the purpose of accumulation to use the bank, to reduce the risk of several different banks. Money loves turnover, as they are their native environment.

It is necessary to receive money with pleasure, and to part with them without regret.

Never position the goal is to accumulate money, because the money may not be a goal, but are only a means to achieve goals. (Possible goals achieved by money - Apartment, car, trip abroad, etc.).

Respect for money. If you saw a coin on the road, be sure to lift, because if you pass by, you show your disrespect for the egregor of money, he does not need to worship, but respect.

Contact money politely.

When they come to you, talk with them, for example, "Hello, my coins, my little crispy paper" or you can also say a "magic" phrase: "Money for money."

When they go away from you, tell them: "Goodbye, my coins, my little crispy paper, I hope we will see you soon."

Signs that will bring you money.

So that the money went to your home, you can not spend a single ruble on the salary day, the whole amount should spend the night of the house. Some priests of everyday wisdom advise to preserve during the year large billwhich claims they "charged" by your energy will begin to attract money to him. There will be no money: if you whistle in the room, crumbs from the table to clean your hand. You can not blame the neighbor bread and salt - wealth can leave your home and go to another family. So that in the house we started the money broom to put the handle down.

On Wednesday afternoon is best to increase the salary. Do not take money on Monday, do not blame on Tuesday and do not give debt on Friday. To give and loan will certainly in the morning, because Any action with money in the evening is fed up. And in general, try it once does not occupy, but more often to give in debt, you are programming money to come back to you.

Clothing pockets hanging out for the season in the closet, supply small dignity bills; And the money does not like torn pockets or torn buttons.

Never hold your wallet blank, let him lie at least a coin. All bills should be located face-to-owner. In the smallest department itself, store the triangle of the bill in one dollar. Also in the wallet should be a "happy coin" (the first earned, received from a good person, from a successful transaction, etc.). This coin cannot be spent - she is a happy mascot of wealth, otherwise money will be offended and will not go into hand.

Throw through three coins with holes in the middle of a red ribbon and constantly worn in her dog. Every time, opening a wallet, gently stroking the talisman - he will respond a profit.

(won, earned by the dishonest path, found, presented, etc.) do not bring happiness and therefore should not be delayed in your wallet. Speak them in need or immediately spend. Signs that will bring you money.

The money question has always been relevant. A person needs money to build or purchase accommodation, make repairs to eat well every day. With the growth of unemployment and increase prices, it becomes more difficult to fit into the budget. Earned funds are categorically lacking, and many people appear to occupy money. Here you need to stop and think very well.

Is this money necessary

Of course, there are different situations. But very often a person believes that he really needs to take money when he can easily do without it. Yes, before the salary will have to be very refused. Perhaps to work will also go on foot. But next month, a bit will redistribute the budget and reach the next salary already without any problems. This is called live by means. Want more, you have to seek part-time.

Borrow money is a very slippery path. Of course, if next month you have a large bonus, but the money is needed today, it can be justified. But it happens anything here. The boss has changed plans, the size of the prize was not at all as promised. And now it turns out to return debt.

Simple - Complex Solution

But most often it happens differently. The person does not plan additional income, but he still decides to borrow money. It usually counts on the fact that at the expense of these means it will close the basic needs (clothing, shoes, repair of equipment, medicine). Then in the next month he will need to spend money only for products, and the rest he will be able to give.

As usual, it was smooth on paper. A month later, someone from the relatives fell ill, invited to the anniversary, broke something from the necessary household appliancesThe child lost a cell phone, a new hat or a jacket. Again the costs that are superimposed on the loan. And it turns out that you should take even to somehow pay. Such a scenario is called a debt. Each time you have to take more and more to give the amount of debt and leave for life. And since the income does not grow, you still do not have the opportunity to close the debt out of the salary and live until the next without loans.

Home Accounting

Before thinking where to hire money, to analyze your income and expenses. Then you can know for sure whether you can return duty. To date, many programs that allow you to lead all home bills. You just need to not be lazy and make all receipts, as well as expenses, broken through the classifier. For example, it may be the costs of products, treatment, training, transport.

Then you will see a clear entire flow rate - a loan. For example, if you receive a month 20,000 rubles per month, and monthly expenses take 16,000 rubles. You can count on a loan or loan, the amount of which will not exceed 4,000 rubles per month. And if on the contrary, the costs exceed income (for example, the money periodically gives parents, and due to this deficiency overlap), then the loans are better forget. But if it is decided that without additional injections, your home economy will not cost, then you need to think well about where to take money.

Lend from relatives

Category of colleagues, friends and acquaintances also includes. That is, all your surroundings. Very convenient way out. No need for any receipts and papers. Money will give under honestly, and will not ask the interest for the use of this amount. Unfortunately, not every person can come to your aid. Close people can and experience material difficulties themselves. Sometimes they can put your interests above their, but it imposes additional responsibility. Not having time to return money in the shortest possible time, you will bring relatives and spoil relations with them.

We consider - give

Indeed, take from relatives or friends - it is very convenient and fast. But if there are people among your surroundings, ready to give money in debt, then think about your opportunity to return them. This should be done in the shortest possible time. It is best, if before the deadline for which you agreed. Moreover, you will need to pay the debt immediately fully. This one of the few ways, when money can be obtained quickly, without commissions and interest, so you need to use only at least.

In debt on receipt

If you need to urgently take the money, then you should open the newspaper and you will see dozens of offers. These are all sorts of loans and loans for private individuals or microcredit organizations. To date, there are so many of them that the part is close. But the demand gives birth to an offer.

First of all, you need to choose who you would like to see your creditor. With the organization to deal with safer. If you take money from a private person and then overdue paying, you can face the most different troubles. Usually private traders can afford the content of the lawyer, but will return their money with different methods, right up to criminal. It would be strange to think that before giving money, people would not think about how to pick them back.

But also private lenders, and MFIs have a number of shortcomings. The interest rate of them is very high, fines are prescribed for non-payment. As a result, the amount grows as on yeast. If you are not sure about the stability of your income and money is needed longer than a week, it is better to avoid these organizations.

Features of filling receipts

Racing money is not so difficult. It is much more difficult to return them later back. To regulate this process, a receipt is compiled. It specifies the passport details of the lender and the borrower, the address of the actual residence and constant registration. The amount of debt must define not only in numbers, but also in words. Then no one can add extra zeros. The receipt must be the date of the return of money, interest rate, as well as the percentage of penalties at delay. Such a transaction is usually performed with witnesses whose passport data also fit into the receipt.

Financial literacy

Before you take money on receipt, you need to stop again and weigh everything well. It should be understood that the conditions in this case differ from banking. There the whole amount is divided by equal payments for a certain number of months. Having completed the last payment, you close your duty. When you take a loan, then most often you paint a monthly schedule for repayment of interest, after which you will have to give the primary debt. That is, the amount you took. It will need to be done at the same time.

Agree, it is quite considerable. Let's give an example. You took 400 thousand rubles. Every month it will be necessary to give 50 thousand rubles (percent) and after 6 months to return the debt completely. Will you can cope with such a load without additional loan? If not, it is better to pick up other credit schemes, or copy the amount yourself. Before giving an announcement "Loan money under interest", you need to evaluate the risk factors. If you owe the bank, you will be charged with the amount within the law. But if the lender is a private person, you do not know that he will take in case of delay. Maybe your loved ones will be in danger?

Why it's so difficult to give loan

Most often, people take money on things that do not represent values \u200b\u200bfor them. After meeting the desire of consumption, they sincerely do not understand why they should give so much money. It happens differently. The person has money, but he does not want to spend and takes them banking loan. It is usually argued by the fact that interest on the loan is small, and monthly amount He will be easy. That is, he got the desired and did not spend his savings. Do not forget that a prosperous loan zone is considered a threshold not exceeding 25% of total amount Monthly income.

Bank loans

Everything is quite transparent here. You come to the office or make a request through the site, and after a few hours you receive an answer. The interest rate will depend on whether you have a source of income. If you are employed over the past few years and get a good salary, you can count on fairly loyal conditions. There are programs for those who work unofficially. Some banks have developed separate credit lines even for those who have a credit history are spoiled. Of course, in this case, the interest rate will be very high. But you can improve your small loans credit history and next time get a loan for more favorable conditions.

Credit card

This is another banking Productwho has great convenience. In this case, you will not need an additional money loan agreement. Just consult a bank branch that serves your salary card, and ask to open credit line. Depending on the duration of cooperation, wagesand sometimes the amounts on deposit account You can get different amounts credit Limita. It will be spelled out on electronic account. That is, you can at any time get cash within this amount. To do this, it will be enough just to approach ATM. To date, Sberbank receives more and more popularity. Raise money here is quite simple, and percentages are very affordable.


If the money is urgently needed, and in the bank you already have a large loan, or the excitement, then you need to look for other options. Check out can Lombard. The advantage is that money you will get quickly. Literally 5 minutes, you sign the contract and get cash. From minuses worth noting high percent and limited loan period. Usually no longer than 2 months. In the hands you will receive no more than a third part. market value Your property. And if you can't pay the percentage and return the loan amount, you will lose all rights to property. It will be implemented through trading.

Instead of imprisonment

Of course, in the life of every person there are black stripes, when money is not enough money. For such moments you need to prepare in advance. Take a rule to postpone from each salary by 10% per deposit account. This will make the airbag. If you come bad times, you will have a reserve account that will allow them to survive them.

If the situation is developing in such a way that it is not necessary to do without a loan, then we need to weigh the most thoroughly, what amount you need, for how long you can give it, immediately or parts. Based on this, it is necessary to select credit conditions for yourself. After the choice is made, wait a few more days to make sure that the decision is correct.

Each of us is absolutely different to folk signs Some believe that signs are primarily the experience of our ancestors accumulated years and even centuries, while others are skeptical about any beliefs. But if you pay close attention, then many people will take work, for example, those that are associated with the weather are generally rarely mistaken and even skeptics listened to them. But for some reason, as for the money of good luck and well-being, there are few people paying attention to popular beliefs, transferred to contemporaries by our ancestors.

Regarding the money there is a huge number of people's rituals, rules and laws and believers, of course, remember them quite difficult, but at least some of them do not hurt. Some folk signs, and, more precisely, most of them are associated with debts, that is, each of us has to take money to one degree or another and it is important to know how to do it right. Therefore, I will answer the question when you can not give money the signs and beliefs.

Money saving laws

So, you believe in signs or not, not so important, but still you should know some rules for saving money. Among other things, it must be said that this is not easy, folk signs, and entire laws that follow our ancestors for more than one hundred years. Major folk signs:

  • give money to the right hand, and take the left;
  • money can not be transferred from hand to hand, put them on the table, only not for dining, or on the floor;
  • money that you lent on Sunday are not returned back;
  • if borrowing cash on Monday, then they will be inappropriate at return;
  • on Tuesday, you should not think about money, it is bad sign, testifying for future problems with money and debts;
  • it is impossible to give money 13 numbers and 31;
  • money can not be given and take into debt into major Orthodox holidays;
  • return money should be the same bills that you have taken;
  • if someone asks you to alms, then it is impossible to refuse, while it is not recommended to give bills, only coins.

Also, the people are of the opinion that it is impossible to give money in debt in the evenings, as well as return them. But sometimes life circumstances dictate their conditions, while even if they are not particularly needed. It is not only in time of day, but in the correct transfer of money to the leopards, first of all it is impossible to transfer bills from hand to hand.

As you can see people will adopt with a pretty money-related money, before answering the question, how to give money to debt, you need to note one important detail: When you lend money, never regret it, on the contrary, wish the borrower of good luck and benefit from your savings. If you do not follow such simple rule, then risk not getting debt back, and if you get, then the money will be spent inexpedient.

Note, if we are talking about the fact that the money cannot be transmitted in the evening, then this is not entirely correct, the interpretation, in fact, the following: Take and give a debt you can not at sunset.

How to give money in debt

When can I give money in debt? Signs about this are a variety of, for example, from the point of view of such science as astrology, the transfer of money in debt is a whole system that has its own algorithms, following her, you ensure your well-being and monetary success. The first rules that need to be remembered is not to give money into debt to a decreasing moon, it suggests that they will not return to you anymore.

The second important rule, according to the laws of astrology, that the money cannot be counted on Monday and on Tuesday the remaining days do not affect the refund of funds. By the way, it is impossible not to say about the astrological laws there are significant contradictions if the money cannot be given to a decreasing moon, then borrowers cannot be borrowed to the growing moon, because by chanting it will lead to the formation of a debt.

Give or not borrow

Knowing how to give money to debt correctly, you can protect yourself from a variety of problems, among people will accept the following signs that money in debt to lose friendship. That is, it suggests that debt relations between close people can significantly spoil personal relationships. Here, most likely, the psychological factor, if you lend money from a loved one, it is assumed for sure that they need to be returned, but not urgently. As a rule, when the return comes borrowed moneyThe person in life there is unforeseen circumstances that delay the refund.

Another important moment both for the borrower and for the lender lies in the fact that the borrower should take this amount with which in the future he will be able to easily part, that is, full for his budget, and the borrower should obscure money only in the volume in which he It is not a pity, and they will not need him in the near future. What day of the week is better to give a debt with money? As mentioned above, the most favorable days are from Wednesday to Saturday not at 13 and 31 numbers of the calendar month and before sunset.

Please note that, judging by popular signs, it is better to think about money from close friends and in relatives, it is better to find a person from the side, for example, a colleague and borrow a certain amount, for example, for a debt receipt, which will be legally correct.

Believe or not

Of course, many of them extremely skeptical about folk signs and do not follow them themselves, while not even knowing their existence. Another category of people, on the contrary, already automatically follows all the rules and laws of preserving and multiplying their financial benefits. Accordingly, someone lives well and does not need anything, others are constantly experiencing difficulties with finance and are forced to often climb into debts. Why is it like that? By the way, in practice it does not even happen that two people have absolutely the same income, but at the same time alone lives in prosperity, and the other in infinite need.

Believe in signs or not everyone will decide for himself, this is a question strictly individual, but at the same time you should not forget about psychology, according to the law, a person mentally attracts certain circumstances into his lives. For example, if you are resolutely configured to financial well-being, you will think about your expenses and carefully plan a budget, then surely in the near future will significantly correct your financial situation.

Please note that debts should always be thoroughly respecting both from the borrower and by the creditor, even if not followed folk signs.

If you summarize, each must know what day you cannot give money to debt, and in which one you can choose how to choose time and how to transmit money. Maybe, of course, the compliance with the money will not bring you wealth, but also the financial situation will not worsen. If you are extremely skeptical about folk signs, in any case you need to take into account that the signs have appeared due to observations and analysis, and, it means that our ancestors have developed on many years of experience.

"... do not take a debt and do not go borrowing;

Easy and loans to lose both a friend

And loans stupid the blade of the economy. "

W. Shakespeare.

Debts is a swamp. And at the same time absolutely no matter: you take a debt, you take a debt.

Successful people do not give money in debt, and they themselves live without debts.

In what cases should not be given money?

Of course, people should help each other. Thrick money or not - this is the case of everyone. But it should be clearly understood that deciding to give money in debt, you risk violating your own plans, lose not only money, but also comrade, as well as your peace.

You can not give a debt:

  • large sums;
  • last money;
  • other people who are on storage.
  • unfamiliar people;
  • to the one who does not know when returning money (and where will return them);
  • a person, in front of which you have some duties (he will not return, as it will assume that he has the right to this).

And it's not just that you risks not see your money. You need to think about the debtor. Deciding to give a person to debt, you deprive it with the opportunity to develop, learn to live on your own. Perhaps he would begin to work harder, would find ways to change his habits, etc.

It is very important to raise your assessment in a timely manner. It is unlikely worth living among eternal beggars that do not want to do anything on their own. So people need to feel free to say "no".

Do you still really want to give a debt? Are you accustomed to debt? Well, your business. Risk then exactly the amount that is not sorry to lose. Do not forget to ask what goals will your money go. And be sure to place the receipt for the notary. Yes, still remember with the grandmother, do not forget).

Surely she will tell interesting advicewho have come down to us from the depths of the centuries:

  1. Do not let me in debt after sunset.
  2. Do not lend money to church holidays.
  3. On Monday, you give a debt - with all the money out of home.
  4. On Sunday, you are in debt - get ready for the fact that money may not be returned.
  5. Do not let the poor and unweight, if you do not want to go wrong.
  6. Want to lose a friend - lend him money.
  7. It is impossible to give a debt to a decreasing moon.

Appreciate your money! Do not give a debt!


Parable about duty from Osho.

Young man sitting with friends in a crowded teahouse complained to them:

A month ago, I lent two silver coins to Jafar's merchant, but it happened without witnesses. Jafar still did not give money. I'm afraid, I will demand my coins back, he will deny that I took my debt money.

Friends began to say that the act of a young man really was increasing and that money would not be able to return.

But the stray dervish, who all nightly slept quietly in the corner of teahouse, suddenly raised his head from his knee and said:

Invite the Jafar merchant here and demand in the presence of all these people so that he immediately gave you twenty gold coins that you gave him a month ago.

How can I say this? - the man exclaimed - this is a guessed lie, I only lent him only two silver coins!

This, the Sufi laughed, "exactly the words that he cries you in response. And notice: each of the sitting here will hear him. You needed witnesses, right?

Do not store money in a wardrobe or under the mattress. The correctly coming by those who hold money in the kitchen, on the refrigerator. Better place To attract money than the area of \u200b\u200bthe entrance door and the kitchen is not! Carefully laundering the floor, put under the rug at the door of an eagle up the coins of a small dignity. Put them in the refrigerator, in the storage room to the banks with products, "not to starve." The action of money will weaken if they finish mold. Regularly replace coins new.
It is also recommended to put a pot or plate in the hallway and add a couple of coins into it every day. All these tips are based on the principle of "Money attract money." The "volume" will be hidden wealth (even if they are in a penny), the greater the egregor of money they will create in your home.
About money in your wallet. A wallet is a house for money, it should be an order and purity. Never put bills in a wallet crumpled and in one compartment with coins. This is insulting them. Get the habit of painting and putting bills of one dignity next to each other, and copper money in separate pockets. With respect, treat the money - keep them in a wallet in the wallet, sort the corners on the merits, straighten the corners. You need to fold the money so that one same picture is one way. So that the money is rovingly lying.
Rubles and dollars do not lay together, but only in different pockets.
Never leave the wallet empty! It should constantly stay at least one coin, better than a happy man who gave a good man or who remained from the earnings that brought you joy. And even better, if it is a bill of large dignity of green color - a color that brings wealth.
When paying purchases, do not stretch the deployed bills, thereby missing the energy of money. Covers need to be folded and made solely folded end.
A little money must be constantly stored under the tablecloth on the table - the house will never translate money and there will be no loss.
There is a belief that to attract money to the house, you need to put in order to nails only on certain days - Tuesday and Friday.
Plant the money tree - Tolstanka, take care of him. The tree will not only decorate your home, but also improves the financial position.
Attracting money. First of all, having received a certain amount (salaries, a premium, retirement), do not waste a penny of at least a day, give money to spend the night in your wallet. In the morning you will feel calmer for money, without experiencing an insurmountable desire to spend everything at once.
Making purchases, do not take money (surrender) from the hands of the seller. Let him put them on a shatter, and you will take them from there. If you accidentally scattered a trifle, you can only pick it up with your right hand, and be sure to leave one coin, saying "one left, I get the rest!" If this coin is selecting until you disappeared from sight, count on luck in financial matters. However, try not to pick a trifle on the street, especially at the intersections, since it can be coins that have derived a disease or damage. As a last resort, lift them with a handkerchief or glove, and put on three days at the day in a bowl with salted water. Salt is well absorbed negative energy. It is also impossible to select money found in the morning on an empty stomach.
More often let me in debt. So you seem to be programming money to return to you: everything you release is usually returned to the larger volume.
Try more often to borrow money to others, and you yourself take into debt as much as possible. Many rules are connected with how to occupy and give money in debt. Because, giving money in debt, you seem to ask them to return back and more. The exception is such a way to attract the money: take off any amount of money for a young month, and return to the old one, and the money of small dignity. Do not borrow, nor give money in the evening, otherwise they will simply stop with you. Take money in your left hand, but give right.
Do not let go of any money, nor bread - will not be in the house, nor the other.
Debt is better to give it in the evening, and in the morning there will be money.
At sunset to the sun, not to give any money, no bread.
On Monday, money is not allowed to make them not melted, like wax, throughout the week.
Remember, returning money, you return the energy.
It is impossible to give to the debt to a person in front of which you have any duties, he will not return a debt, believing that he has it right.
It is impossible to give money in debt if there is no mechanism for returning.
When you return say - "so that you have always been and I have multiplied."
Money taken in duty is given to smaller bills than they took.
On Sunday, money is not allowed - they just may not be returned.
On Monday, no calculations are made, do not pay for large purchases, and they do not give duty. On Monday, money is not allowed and do not return debts, otherwise there will be no money.
Avoid leaving (take) money on Tuesday - you will be all life in debt.
Do not give debt on Friday.

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