
When is it better to lend signs. Monetary calendar: when you can not lend and borrow, spend and save money

So, when you lend money, the following signs must be observed:
Under what moon, in what phase, should you lend money? You can not lend money during the Waning Moon, that is, in the period from full moon to new moon. You need to lend money - with the waxing moon.

By lending money to the Growing Moon, you thereby smooth out, to some extent neutralize the negative fact that you are parting with your money.

In addition, you need to monitor the phase of the moon even when you repay your debt. Make sure (adjust the situation in time) so that the debtor gives you the debt on the Growing Moon too! This will increase your money!

In general, you need to remember a simple rule: to lend money and accept, take the debt back - you need to on the Growing Moon!

Perhaps you will also be interested in signs of how the Moon and the Sun affect money.
All operations for borrowing money and their return must be carried out in the light. Preferably in sunlight.

Another sign: You cannot lend money in the evening and at night, after sunset, otherwise your financial luck will get confused in the darkness. In the dark, dark forces are activated and can do something evil with you or your money. But, if you still have to do this, if the situation really requires it, then you need to observe the following two signs. 1. turn on the light (or at least shine a lantern, candle). 2. The one who gives the money puts it on the floor. And the one who takes - bends down and picks them up from the floor.
You can not give money and borrow it from hand to hand. You need to lay them down on the table (but not on the dining room), on the bedside table, on the chest of drawers, on the chair, stool, or, in extreme cases, on the floor or on the ground.

In a store or in the market, money for the goods and change must be laid on a special stand for money, and if there is none, then just on the counter.

When giving alms, you need to put money in a hat, a glass, or just next to a beggar, a beggar.

All this should be done this way because negative energy of people can be transmitted along with money, including the energy of poverty, bad luck, damage and other nasty things. When money is not transferred directly from hand to hand, then such a black force is neutralized and rendered harmless by the transit point through which the money was transferred.

Is it possible to put money on the table? You can, just not for lunch! It is best that, giving you money, such a person put it on something wooden: a tree has an excellent ability to extinguish bad energy. Well, if you didn’t manage to immediately “pass” the money through the “wooden strainer”, do it as soon as you come home or to work. Let the bills lie on the "tree" for half an hour - an hour.
Which hand to give money? Giving money, as well as giving, must be done with the right hand. And to take - with the left.

Have you ever wondered why? It's all about the hemispheres of the brain.

The left hemisphere is responsible for logic, it also coordinates (in computer terms - is a driver) actions of the right hand. Thus, giving / giving money with the right hand - the head thinks what it is doing! The right hemisphere is responsible for emotions, it also coordinates the left hand. It turns out that you can take money out of emotions, without really thinking about it.

But this does not mean that you do not need to think before borrowing money. Necessary! Moreover, the left hemisphere. And only after the decision to borrow money is made - you can change the left

It is better not to lend money to a person to whom you yourself owe or owe him something. He may not repay the debt or delay its return, believing that he has a moral right to do so.

It is better to always give and give money (bills) not in expanded form, but rolled up. If the bill is just folded in half, even slightly, that's enough. As such, it can be given and given without worry.

The bill should be folded so that its ends are facing the person who is giving it. And if you give money in an expanded form, it means that you, as it were, part with them with all your heart, so to speak ... Do not hesitate to give money away like that.

Those who do not know about this sign will accept money from you and deploy it themselves. And they won't tell you anything. (Of course, if you haven't folded the bills more than once, just in half, or if you haven't rolled them into tubes). And those who know about this will understand, and will not say anything either (after all, for sure, since they know, then they themselves do so).

And this sign applies not only to borrowing money. It is very advisable to observe it always: when you buy something, pay for any services, etc.
What bills to lend money? Try to borrow money from the most large bills ah that you have. Thus, you give less money (if you count by the number of bills)!

What bills to lend money? The largest you have!

In addition, In addition, make sure that the debt is returned to you in denominations of no less denomination than you lent to the debtor. If he intends to do something wrong (give in smaller bills), then tell him that this is a bad omen - let him change, change, and give back, in those bills in which you ask
When borrowing money, say: "So that I always have and you multiply" This can already be said aloud, so that the debtor hears. Every time you give money to someone, say to yourself: “It’s a pity for the money, but it is necessary, but for a good deed, but for good people. Help and go back not to the deadline, but to the time. "

You can not, if possible, avoid looking at the person (especially in his eyes), to whom you give or lend money.
What days are you not allowed to borrow money? When is it forbidden to lend money? Signs about money on this account, in short, are as follows: you cannot lend money on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. And now about this in more detail.

Many people are worried about the question: is it possible to lend money on Monday - after all, this is the beginning of the week and, perhaps, it means something? Yes, that's right: on Monday, no calculations are made and they also don’t lend money, so that the money does not melt like wax during the whole week.
Tuesday - well, the week has already started yesterday…. So can you lend money on Tuesday? No, a popular omen says that you can't borrow money on Tuesday, otherwise you will be in debt all your life!

Can you lend money on Wednesday? Yes, on Wednesday you can. This is the middle of the week and you can do whatever you want.

Can I lend money on Thursday? Yes, you can supply the applicant with money on Thursday.

Is it possible to lend money on Maundy Thursday? No, you can't, because this is a holiday. On a simple Thursday you can borrow, but on a clean Thursday you cannot!

Can I lend money on Friday? Yes, on Friday you can part with borrowed money without any fear. On Friday the 13th, of course, there is no need to lend and borrow money.

Can I lend money on Good Friday? No, you can't, because this is a holiday. On a regular Friday, you can borrow, but not on a Passionate Friday!

Can I lend money on Saturday? Yes, you can, although this is the end of the week. There is nothing wrong here, do not worry.

Can I lend money on Sunday? It is better not to lend money on Sundays, because it is very likely that they will simply not be returned to you.

Is it possible to lend money (borrow money) for Easter, for Epiphany and, in general, for Church Feasts? No, you can't, because these are holidays. It is better these days, if you ask very much, just give money, and not lend it. If you can afford it, of course.

And you can't lend money on February 13th. It is not known exactly why. But there is such a popular omen about borrowing money.
Not very well-known signs about money: You can't lend sums of money containing two and zero: 2, 20, 200, 220, 2002, 20,000, etc. Most likely, this money will not be returned to you.

To borrow money, to give, even to give, you also need to be able to. There are quite a few signs related to loans and repayment of finance that are worth getting to know.

When not to borrow and how to lend correctly

There are many accepts that will allow you to get rich attracting money. They will be very useful for those who are going to borrow funds.

  • It is not worth transferring a loan on a decreasing moon, it is better to postpone this event on a growing one. This compensates for the temporary separation from savings. The transfer of funds to the shrinking moon has a beneficial effect on the giver, and on the increasing moon - on the one who borrowed the funds.
  • It is not recommended to carry out any transactions with money if it is getting dark. After sunset, the energy of wealth will get entangled in the darkness, at this time evil forces begin to work actively, which will not bring anything good.
  • If the transfer of funds can only take place in the evening or at night, light a lamp or lantern, symbolizing the luminary, put the money on the ground, from where the borrower will raise it.
  • Do not give from hand to hand. If this happens, and at the same time you are richer than the borrower, do not touch his hands, otherwise you will attract the energy of poverty.
  • They give banknotes with their right hand, take them with their left.
  • It is a bad sign to give funds to someone from whom you previously borrowed (quarrels and monetary losses await).
  • Keep the money unfolded during the transfer. This demonstrates that you are not stingy, give them wholeheartedly.
  • It is a bad sign to look a person in the eye when transferring funds. This situation will become commonplace.

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If a person regularly borrows from you and you want him not to ask more, give a little more than he needs. Take the change, if not, let him change any banknote you have in your wallet. Keep the change in your wallet until the funds are returned. When this happens, take advantage of any situation and give the person the little change received during the exchange.

When passing on your savings, be sure to repeat the protective whispers that will help not only return everything back, but also enrich yourself.

“Not for a decrease, but for a profit, now I give it back, then I will receive it twice. Exactly!"

“I borrowed, did not give (a), you attacked the wrong person, (name of the debtor)! Bring it back, bring it yourself! May it be so!"

Not a good time to transfer funds to someone: Monday, Sunday, and Tuesday. Otherwise, the giver will live in debt. On Thursday, Wednesday, Friday, you can safely part with bills.

Another sign - you shouldn't borrow an amount that has two and a zero. For example 2,000, 20, 220. Chances are good that nothing will be returned to you.

How to borrow money - signs

You only need to take banknotes with your left hand. Count them right away and put them in your wallet. Important: you can find out in advance what wallet is needed so that the funds multiply (you will attract wealth and repay the debt faster).

From an energy point of view, it is right first of all to make a request to “borrow up to paycheck” to relatives and friends. After all, family members have a similar energy. However, if you start attracting a stranger, it can shake own balance energy in the house.

Funds are transferred to you - mentally say:

So that you always have, and I multiply.

When returning the banknotes, fold them in half. In a similar way, show that you have retained the energy given to you.

With the onset of darkness, it is impossible to take on the manipulation of funds. It is especially not recommended to repay debt at nightfall, on the first, second, last day of the week. Money given on this day will attract poverty. Wednesday, Saturday, Friday, Thursday is the best time to transfer funds. On Good Friday, Maundy Thursday, any church holidays, the transfer of money should not be carried out.

Superstition about the amount of debt

Borrow the amount you are willing to lose. Want more - better take a receipt, draw up a contract.

It is better to give funds than to ask for them. On energy level the one who asks demonstrates that he is weaker, unable to independently attract wealth... Therefore, use various enrichment conspiracies that will help get rid of financial problems without outside help.

If the funds were given in smaller banknotes than they were received, it is a good sign for the debtor, he will increase his finances. This will negatively affect the receiver of the debt - losses are possible. The modern way out is to transfer funds to a bank card.

Listen to these tips not only to close the deal, but also to attract wealth to you.

Borrowing is always unpleasant, and not only morally, because debts cut off financial flows into your life.

It is doubly unpleasant to lend, because there is always a possibility that the money will not be returned to you, even if you have known this person for a long time.

Someone treats debts calmly, while others think about them every day. It is best not to take debts to such people and not to give them yourself.

Few people know that you can lend only such an amount that you agree to part with forever.

And when lending, always be prepared for the fact that your money may not return to you.

And what do folk signs say about debts? When and how to ask for loans and repay debts?

If you lend

The main thing in popular acceptance is to feel that when you lend money, you run cash flow and ask them to return to you in greater numbers. But follow these rules:

1. You cannot lend money or bread in the evening - there will be neither one nor the other in the house, and salt cannot be given to neighbors at all.

2. Do not lend money on Tuesday - you will be in debt all your life.

3. Do not lend on Sunday - they will not return. Yet

4. If you borrow money, when transferring money, say: "So that I always have, and you multiply."

5. If you lend money, at least one ruble more must be given back to you.

6. When you are given a debt, keep a fig in your pocket (do it with your left hand).

7. On Monday, the 13th of every month and on April 7, on the Annunciation, you cannot lend money, they will go away irrevocably, and that's all.

8. When giving money or accepting debts, it is impossible to transfer banknotes from hand to hand: along with money, the negative energy of another person, for example, the energy of poverty or bad luck, can be transferred.

9. Be sure to set a condition that you should be repaid in bills of the same denomination as they took, but not in small money.

Say a guard whisper three times to yourself:

“Not for a decrease, but for a profit, now I give it back, then I will receive it twice. Exactly!"

“I borrowed, did not give (a), you attacked the wrong person, (name of the debtor)! Bring it back, bring it yourself! May it be so!".

In this case, the debt will definitely be returned to you, because the debt by payment is red.

10. If the debtor returns money with a scandal (and this can also attract poverty to you), after he leaves, wash the door handle and pour this water over the gate (driveway).

If they give you a loan:

1. Borrowed on a waxing moon, and returned on a waning moon.

2. Give money borrowed in small denominations.

3. You can not repay the debt on Friday.

4. Debts are best paid in the morning, then they will be settled, in the evening - it is impossible, since any actions with money in the evening promise ruin.

5. Borrowing is best with your left hand, and giving with your right.

6. Thank the person who helped you out not only out loud, but also in your soul, saying: "God forbid, that you will always have plenty of money and let me not run out of money."

7. Borrowing in the last days of the outgoing year (or, even worse, on the first day of the coming year) is fraught with the fact that the next twelve months will have to go into "eternal" debtors.

General signs about debt:

To prevent money from being transferred, debts were always repaid in a diminishing month. And it was customary to borrow on the growing moon.

On Monday, no bills, no payments. A hard, unfavorable day. They also do not give a loan.

On Tuesday, it was also not customary to lend or borrow. It was believed that all life would then be in debt.

On Sunday you couldn't go into debt and borrow money yourself. This could attract lack of money and trade failure.

Give and lend without fail in the morning.

Delaying the return, the debtor punishes himself: the discontent of those whom he willingly or involuntarily let down creates around him a kind of negative aura that “scares away” money from him, and he will never have enough money.

If you are giving or giving money to a person, never give in an expanded form. Fold the bills in half and fold the end away from you.

And in general, try never to borrow, but more often to lend, thereby you kind of program the money so that it comes back to you.

Better read the article on not getting into debt.

Long ago Special attention the people were given the days of the week. Each of the seven days is responsible for some intentions and has its own money signs.

And in modern world we still follow these rules and guidelines. Monday is a hard day, and Saturday, for many, is a day of general cleaning.

Why is it that the days of the week have their own purpose? Let's look at the signs for every day.


Monday has a long-standing concept in people's minds of the beginning of the working week.

Our ancestors did not start anything new on Monday, considering it a difficult day. There was a belief that evil spirits are especially active.

It was dangerous to guess and cut hair that day. And those who go on a journey on this day run the risk of inviting evil spirits.


According to the old calendar, this is a good day for all undertakings. The scum had already calmed down, and it was possible to work actively.

On Tuesday, it was also not customary to lend or borrow. It was believed that all life would then be in debt.

Of the rituals, visualization, making and writing money checks for various needs and desires will be effective.

To keep money in the house, you need to cut your nails on Tuesday. Avoid borrowing money on Tuesday - you will be in debt all your life.


This is the middle of the week, an effective day for overcoming obstacles and getting rid of all kinds of setbacks. On Wednesday, it is recommended to use the cleansing rituals you know.

On this day, you can distribute alms to 5 people in need, for this, exchanging one paper bill for a change.

On Wednesday, for successful financial affairs, it was necessary to put a penny under the left heel.


This is the time to speed up the processes of movement of financial flows. To attract easy money, and are recommended.

You can't spend a lot on Thursday, otherwise money will go quickly. All kinds of divination were welcomed.


At the end of the working week, it is necessary to take stock of what has been done and thank the Universe for everything, even for the smallest successes in achieving financial well-being. It is even advisable to celebrate Friday by gathering all the household at one table.

If you start a new business on this day, then it will "move back", so that all undertakings were postponed for another time.

Friday is good for trading. It was on this day that trade fairs and bazaars began to work.

You can't cut your nails on Friday, and women weren't allowed to wash their hair. Hair and nails were endowed with special magical powers. If you cut your nails or wash your hair on this day, then any energy will disappear, there will be no strength left.

Of the rituals, those are carried out that are aimed at eliminating financial failures and churn Money... If the faucet is leaking in the house, get it repaired today.

On Friday, to attract profit, you need to recalculate all your money.


Time to make amulets for the home. For example, to appease a brownie. Start a canvas bag, put a small coin in it and put it behind the kitchen stove, in the old days - behind the stove. Refill it with small change every Saturday.

If you start a new business on Saturday, then you will have to continue it only on Saturdays.

On Saturday, any purchase was considered a success. What was bought that day was beneficial and joyful. It is also not recommended to lend money, but it is useful to give money.


It was strictly forbidden to work on this day. The day off is intended for relaxation and finding harmony with yourself and the world around you. If you still want to do something, then try meditation techniques, especially those that can be used before bed.

It was believed that on Sunday the gates to the other world were opened. In order to protect themselves from evil spirits, our ancestors ate salty food that day. After all, salt is a talisman against evil spirits.

Spend all the small change on Sunday, otherwise there will be only small money.

On Sunday you couldn't go into debt and borrow money yourself. This could attract lack of money and trade failure. And the amount you loaned may not be returned to you.

It turns out that it is not enough to know and perform rituals to attract money. It is not enough to know about talismans that attract money into your life. You still need to know how to give money correctly to make sure they come back, preferably in larger quantities.

These simple rules will strengthen your friendship with money:

1. Money should NEVER be passed from hand to hand.

It doesn't matter if you buy something from a store, give alms or donate money. There should be an "intermediary" between you: a glass (hat) for alms, a special stand in the store, or an envelope for money, if you are giving them. Having parted with money from hand to hand, the cash flow will become thinner every time.

Money taken from a bad or sick person will not bring good luck if you do not adhere to certain rules. It is best that, giving you money, such a person put it on something wooden: a tree has an excellent ability to extinguish bad energy. Well, if you didn’t manage to immediately “pass” the money through the “wooden strainer”, do it as soon as you come home or to work. Let the bills lie on the "tree" for half an hour - an hour.

2. This is especially true of the return of debts. Remember that in the evening they don't pay off debts (money is already sleeping!) In general, money (like all nature) wakes up at dawn and falls asleep at sunset. That is why “whoever gets up early, God gives him.” Do not believe? Check it out in practice!

When you lend money, avoid giving back large bills, as the more deservedly given bills, the more money will leave you. Therefore, if you do not know how to refuse, and you are always asked for a loan, exchange them. At least a trifle.

3. On payday, try not to spend money right away, all the more, do not lend on this day.

Money should "get used to" you, remember your energy, in order to know where to return back.

4. Watch your words and thoughts about money.

Never tell a child who begs for another toy or a colleague who once again asks for a loan that there is no money. Frequent pronunciation of this phrase, like a talisman, will work conscientiously. There is no money, well, it will not be.

5. In the question of how to give money correctly, hands also matter.

So it is advisable to part with money through the right hand, but take it with your left hand.

Esoteric experts explain this by the fact that each person has an angel on his shoulders. On the left shoulder there is a black angel (devil) and he constantly takes, and behind the right shoulder is a white angel who teaches to give, to share.

How to lend money so as not to suffer the most damage, and much more serious than financial.

Important advice!

Remember: Even the closest friends can be lent only those amounts that we can painlessly withdraw from our spending money, the amount the loss of which will not significantly affect your pocket, that is, as much money as you, in general, do not mind losing ...

So, if it is not difficult for you to lend three hundred rubles, never give more, it is better to give less, and whether or not to take the amount you offer is up to the debtor.

He will take and will not return - such an amount is not a pity to lose; refuses - his problem: you are clean before the Higher Powers, you have not refused a person's request, offered a fee that is feasible for you.

If we are talking about the need for a large loan from fixed capital or the one that plays the role of an "irredeemable ruble" in your house, set aside for personal needs,this can be done in one single case: under some kind of material security, provided that the amount is borrowed for a specific period and will be returned not in parts, but all at once, in full!

Learn to tactfully refuse irresponsible friends, otherwise you will lose both money and friends.

6. If you lose money or have it stolen from you, you shouldn't be upset, and even more so "curse" the thief. In fact, the loss of money saved you from more serious trouble. Having stolen money, they also stole problems, illnesses, adversities. It would be more reasonable to say to yourself: "Thanks for the money." With such a loss, you are cleared energetically, and by the correct reaction to the loss, you do not interrupt the cash flow.

7. The stream of money is interrupted by their aimless accumulation.

To save money "just in case" or even worse "for a rainy day" under a mattress, in an old wallet, in a wardrobe under a pile of linen is a self-contained protection from the cash flow.

Those who keep money are doing the right thing. in the kitchen, in the refrigerator.

Better place for attracting money than the district front door and no kitchen!

After thoroughly cleaning the floor, put coins of small denomination under the rug by the door, eagle-side up. Put them in the refrigerator, in the pantry next to the food jars, "so as not to starve." Money will be weakened if it gets moldy. Replace coins regularly with new ones.

The more "voluminous" the hidden wealth will be (even if it is a pretty penny), the greater the egregor of money they will create in your home.

Money is energy and any energy requires movement. It is advisable to save money in a deposit account, but if you don’t trust banks, then let them keep them at home, but according to all the rules: in a new wallet (preferably red or white), this wallet should also have a “magnet” for money in the form dollar bill, carnations or, tied with a red thread, three coins (Chinese talisman to attract money).

In addition, money should be allowed to breathe, ie. get them out of the cache and count, count, getting pleasure and pleasure.

8. Loans and loans:

This is the rule in case you need the money on loan. Although it is better to avoid such situations, anything can happen in today's life ...

Borrowing money is worth it only in extreme cases. If the villainess-fate has left you with an empty wallet, it means that you have disturbed your bioenergetic balance, which will sooner or later lead to physical illnesses.

In desperate situations, go to your family or friends and ask for money, but only ... for food - at the rate of 100 rubles a day.

It is useless to arrange holidays on other people's money, be content with the minimum amount: for bread, milk.

It is useful to sit on a strict diet for several days in order to rationally distribute the budget later.

Other people's money conflicts with their own money on very subtle sacred levels, but the consequences of these conflicts can be extremely destructive.

The statement is absolutely true:
"You take someone else's - for a while, and you give yours and forever."

Someone else's money corrupts, increases uncontrolled spending, attracts new debts to itself and ultimately drags the debtor into debt hole from which it is sometimes impossible to get out.

Important advice!

With a request for a loan, first of all, contact your relatives and friends - so that financial difficulties are resolved within the family. From an energy point of view, this is a redistribution of monetary energy among members of one family, and not attracting someone else's monetary luck with the subsequent return of your own.

Attitude towards loans. Recent times a widely advertised way to solve money problems with loans. Like, all of Europe and America live off loans happily. On the one hand, debt with interest, a loan is a short way to solve a large financial task... This is the most acceptable compromise between your own and other people's money.

Decide on a loan only in the case when they are absolutely sure of its painless return and have calculated all the options on paper. On the other hand, using a loan, you take away your future financial success and stability from yourself.

Also, do not forget that the primary field substance of money is an energy dump where you can find other people's illnesses, other people's karmic work off, all kinds of bad luck of those who previously held them in their hands.

Simply put, other people's money is dangerous, be it borrowed from an unkind person, found, stolen, or fraudulently obtained. Money is a strange thing. On the one hand, it is only a means to achieve a specific goal, and on the other hand, it is a measure and a developer of a person's moral qualities.

Such a concept as "sense of duty" is applicable to material, monetary, moral debt, and this is no coincidence.

In the days of the "accursed" autocracy, there were such concepts as "honor" and "duty" - as synonyms, since it was considered a matter of honor to repay the debt. The nobleman, who did not return the card debt, fired a bullet in his forehead.
Today, in our long-suffering country, no one is going to repay debts to millions of robbed people. Therefore, the attitude towards duty can be considered a mirror of the morality that prevails in society.

Unpaid debts, along with theft, are sooner or later punished by the very energy of money and things acquired on them.

Important advice!

Make sure that your loan, if there is no other way out, is in mandatory provided with some material value, even if the lender resists, takes his word for it and is generally outraged by the attempt to guarantee a return.

Anything can act as collateral - from real estate and a car (depending on the amount) to a VCR, a valuable painting, etc.

It is best, if everything is in order with your work, agreeing on the required amount for your future salary - this is a guarantee, guaranteed in the sense that you will return the money to the lender one way or another due to the upcoming deduction from the traditional amount, and certainly on time.

Your own gain from the right loan money again has the most direct relation to Destiny.

By borrowing "just like that" and delaying the repayment of the debt or returning it in parts, you are simultaneously borrowing a part of someone else's destiny. And if you get, for example, at the same time previously unusual luck in business, such a loan can have the most negative impact on your personal life, God forbid - on children, parents, in general, relatives, which is not uncommon.

About the money in your wallet. A wallet is a house for money; it must be neat and tidy.

Never put bills in a crumpled wallet and in one compartment with coins. This offends them.

Make a habit straighten and put bills of the same denomination next to each other, and copper money in a separate pocket.

Respect money- keep them neatly in your wallet, sort them according to their merits, straighten the corners. You need to add money so that one identical picture in one direction. So that the money lies evenly.

Rubles and dollars do not put together, but only in different pockets.

Never leave your wallet empty! At least one coin should always remain in it, it is better happy, which was given by a good person or which remained from the earnings that brought you joy. And even better if it is a large denomination Green colour- colors that bring wealth.

When paying for purchases do not stretch unfolded bills, thereby you miss energy money... Banknotes must be folded and given away exclusively folded end first.

Some money it is necessary to constantly store it under a tablecloth on the table - money will never be transferred in the house and there will be no losses.

There is a belief what to attract money to the house, you need to tidy up your nails only on certain days - Tuesday and Friday.

Plant a fatty money tree, take care of him. A tree will not only decorate your home, but also improve your financial situation.

Raising money. First of all, having received a certain amount (salary, bonus, pension), do not spend a penny from it at least a day, let the money spend the night in your wallet. In the morning, you will be calmer about money, without feeling an irresistible desire to spend everything at once.

When shopping, do not take money (change) from the seller's hands. Let him put them on a saucer, and you will take them from there.

If you accidentally scattered a change, then you can only pick it up with your right hand, and be sure to leave one coin, saying "I leave one, I get the rest!"

If this coin is picked up, Until you are out of sight, count on your financial luck.

However, try yourself do not pick up a trifle on the street, especially at the crossroads, since it may be the coins that were withdrawn illness or damage.

As a last resort, lift them with a handkerchief or glove, and at home for three days put them in a bowl of salt water. Salt absorbs negative energy well. You can also not pick up money found in the morning on an empty stomach.

Borrowing money, borrowing, repaying debt are signs.

Lend money more often. Thus, you kind of program the money so that it comes back to you: everything that you issue usually comes back in greater volume.

Try to borrow money from others more often, and borrow money yourself as little as possible.

Many rules are connected with how to borrow and lend money. Because by lending money, you are as if asking them to return back and in larger quantities.

An exception is this way of attracting money: borrow any amount of money for a young month, and return it for an old one, and with money of little value.

You should not borrow or give money in the evening, otherwise they will simply cease to be found with you.

Borrow money with your left hand and give it with your right.

Do not lend in the evening neither money, nor bread - there will be neither one nor the other in the house.

It is better to pay the debt not in the evening, but in the morning - money will be found.

At sunset lend neither money nor bread to anyone.

On Monday they do not lend money so that they do not melt, like wax, during the whole week.

Remember, by returning money, you return energy.

Can't lend to a person to whom you have any obligations, he will not return the debt, considering that he has the right to do so.

You can't give money in debt, if there is no mechanism for their return.

When you return, say - "So that you always have and I multiply."

Borrowed money, give away in smaller bills than they took.

On Sunday Do not lend money - they simply may not be returned.

On Monday do not make any calculations, do not pay for large purchases, and do not lend.

On Monday Do not lend money and do not return debts, otherwise money will not be found.

Avoid borrowing(take) money on Tuesday - you will be in debt all your life.

Do not give debt on Friday.

Maybe all these rules and look frivolous, but lAny moral violation is an energy violation, and the energy sector "takes revenge" on people for violating its laws, sometimes very cruelly ...

And it is always so cruel and without any exceptions to the rules that all that remains is to ask a meaningless question into space: why, why am I doing this ?!

And if you say at this moment to a person: “For careless attitude to money, for ignorance of the laws of their relationships with people,” the majority will not only disbelieve, but will be indignant, considering such a response a mockery.

Live happily and very richly!

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