
The largest dollar bill. The largest rates of dollar bills. Dollar bills protection elements

When it is not in quantities, but in bills ...

It turns out 100 $ is not the largest bill in the United States. There are with a big denomination, and they are the most that neither are real. Most of us have never seen them, because it is no longer printed. Some of them were out of appeal, and their cost is currently at times higher than the nominal.

$500. On this banking depicted the 25th US President - William McKornley. This money was in circulation from 1934 to 45. They still can be accepted for exchange, like the rest of the money in circulation. In most, they are, of course, at collectors.

$1000. Here, Stephen Grover Cleveland is depicted here - the only US president that occupied his post 2 of the term, but with a break for one presidential term. This money began to withdraw from the appeal in 1969.

$5000 With a portrait of James Madison, the 4th president of the United States. Currently, these bills can be put in the bank for a deposit. In reality, this, of course, no one is engaged, because the bills are of value much higher than the nominal and represent collective interest.

$10000 With the image of Samon Portland Chase, he was an American statesman of the civil war in the United States. Ohio Governor, later Senator from Ohio, Supreme Judge of the United States. And Chase served as Minister of Finance of the United States at Lincoln. The convinced enemy of slavery, he actively fought with the excessive political influence of rich landowners from the southern states.

$100000. Not bills, but a dream! Banknotes with this fault have never been to public circulation, they were used in transactions between the banks of the Federal Reserve System. After the appearance of electronic monetary systems, in large cash transactions of cash disappeared.

Do you think $ 100 is the largest bill in the USA? There is much, much larger and they are real.

The gallery below shows the 5 largest dollar bills that are no longer printed. But the pair of them still remain in circulation.

$ 500. On this banking depicted 25 US President William McKornley. This money was in circulation from 1934 to 45. They still can be accepted for exchange, like the rest of the money in circulation. In most, they are, of course, at collectors.

$ 1000. At this instance, Stephen Grover Cleveland was depicted, which was the only US president who occupied his post 2 of the term, but with a break for one presidential term. This money began to withdraw from the appeal in 1969.

$ 5,000 with a portrait of James Madison of the 4th US president. Today, these bills can be put in a bank on a deposit. In practice, this, of course, no one is engaged, because the bills are of value much higher than the nominal and represent collective interest.

The $ 10,000 depicting Samon Portland Chase, who was an American statesman of the US Civil War in the United States. Ohio Governor, later Senator from Ohio, Supreme Judge of the United States. He served as Minister of Finance of the United States under President Lincoln. A convinced enemy of slavery. Actively fought with the excessive political influence of rich landowners from the southern states.

$ 100,000. These banknotes have never been in public circulation, they were used in transactions between the banks of the Federal Reserve System. After the emergence of electronic monetary systems, large cash transactions are not needed.

Currently, the "most expensive" banknote from US Federal Reserve Banks printed by members has a nominal value of 100 dollars. But it was not always so. Until 1945, larger bills were produced in appeal - at 500, 1000, 10,000 and 100,000 dollars. Since 1969, they began to gradually draw out of circulation. The reason for this was the increasing distribution of electronic systems bank payments, as well as insufficient protected from use in illegal financial Operations. (For similar reasons, the issue of restricting the issue of banknotes in 50 and) is now rising.

In fact, the "History of the American Dollar", though not a long, but very voluminous and confusing, from its start in 1786 a very large number of different series of bills of different denominations was produced. This is partly due to the fact that 12 banks have the right to print money in the United States, and in previous times they could afford to make individual differences in the design of banknotes. Now, speaking of large dignity banknotes, in view of, above all, paper money 1928 and 1934 of the release. Printed both banknotes of the Federal Reserve System and "Gold Certificates", intended primarily for calculating banks among themselves.

With these rary bills, you can still pay for some kind of service or exchange them in the bank. But in these cases the calculation will occur only at face value, and the bank will be obliged to withdraw a banknote from further conversion, and in consequence it will be destroyed (if not quite rare). However, the collection value of these bills is significantly higher than the nominal - at auctions for individual instances, it can reach up to 10 and even 15 multiple exceeding the nominal. Several limits the price ceiling, the fact that these bills of currency legislation of the United States are prohibited by the exportation of the country's territory.

Banknotes 500 $

First was printed in North Carolina in 1780. Now it is easiest to meet and acquire a bill of release of 1934 with a portrait of President Grovera Cleveland.

Banknotes $ 1000.

Now the most common and can be quite simply acquired a bill of release of 1934 with a portrait of President McKornley. And the most expensive of those sold at auctions is the debt of the release of 1890 with the image of General George Gordon Mid. There are only two copies of such, and the second is already withdrawn by the Federal Reserve Bank and at auctions will never be able to appear. In 2006, 2255,000 current dollars paid for such a "piece of paper.

Banknotes 1000 $

Currently at auctions, including electronic, sometimes you can still meet to meet a bill of release of 1934 with a portrait of Fielder Chaise. The first question that is always asked about this bill is who Chase. Filander Chase was at one time (in the middle of the 19th century) by a well-known politician, Senator, First Secretary of the US Treasury. But perhaps the main merit is that, most likely, it is thanks to him that the American dollars have gained their recognizable green-black color.

Banknotes 100000 $

The biggest on denominations monetary signs USA. Printed only as "Gold Certificates" and only for three weeks from December 1934 to January 1935. In the times of the Great Depression, these were "inappropriate" money for any of American citizens, but they had a need for settlements between the treasury of the United States and federal Reserve banks. On the banknote depicted portrait of President Woodrow Wilson.

A total of 42,000 copies were printed. In public appeal, they were not launched; Moreover, possess such a banknote - illegally. Some time after their release was discontinued, most of them were destroyed.

Have you ever existed billnotes in a million dollars?

In fact, no, but it turns out this question is not so simple. The confusion of the history of American money, which we have already mentioned above leads to the fact that even many Americans living in the country from birth there is no clear idea, which denominations have been or there is in circulation. Sometimes it leads to criminal situations with an anecdotic tint. Fraudsters or counterfeiters over the past 100 years have tried many times to sell banknotes of denominations that never existed. So, in 2004, one woman in Georgia tried to pay at a local hypermarket for buying a price of about 2 thousand dollars bill of 1 million dollars depicting the Statue of Freedom. And allegedly buying was disappeared only for the reason that at the box office, by the time there was no sufficient amount of delivery, and only the senior cashier approached the senior.

The US dollar is considered world currency, most of the economies are "tied" to its course. It is used for mutual settlements when international Trade. Depreciation has repeatedly led to crisis, and not only in the states, but also in other countries. It will be interesting to know what the largest billing was printed in America.

Nominal US dollars

About currencies of different states are well aware of except those who are fond of numismatics or are interested in this issue specifically. Most people are usually enough to know about the global quotation and the current course of the most popular currencies. Or information about the ratio of the course with the country where a holiday trip is planned or on a business trip.

For example, not everyone knows what the largest bills of the American dollar. In Russia, several attempts were recorded to exchange 1 million dollars. If you think that banknotes with such a face value do not exist, then mistaken. They really exist, but in very limited quantities and not for payment. How can it be? After all, money for this is created! As it turned out, there are exceptions from each rule, and this is just such a case. Therefore, it is worth learn what is not so with some American banknotes, and what kind of advantages are the largest and really exist.

For foreign states

For walking in the territory foreign states The largest banknotes of the dollar is a 100-dollar bill. These are the features of the US legislation: money with a par value above $ 100 is prohibited from being taken to other countries. Both in the states themselves and abroad 1, 5, 10, 50 and 100 $ are in circulation. It will rightly notify that "weaving" is not only the largest, but also the scer itself.

It is interesting to know: many have heard of $ 2, but it is unlikely that someday will be able to meet her in free handling. This applies to both foreigners and Americans. A two-dollar banknote represents a numismatic value, their real price is much more expensive than the specified nominal.

Inside the country

If "weaving" is the largest bill in circulation (even in America itself), this does not mean that the dollar has no nominal above. They are simply not found and gradually withdrawn by banks from turnover. At different times, the most "big money" was considered:

  • $ 500: In 1928-1945 were in active circulation. The image of 25 President of America, William McKinley printed on them. BUT! This only applies to the 1934 series of a special value for collectors are earlier issues, because such a nominal was printed in 1870 in North Carolina.

  • $ 1000: It decorates the image of Stephen Grovers Cleveland, the president, elected to 22 and 24 terms, by the way, the only one who occupied this position with a break. Thousands of bills, according to some data, in circulation or "on the hands" of only 165. The collectors also hunt for them. Although they do not represent the greatest value. Unique banknotes released before. For example, 1890 years. She is decorated portrait of General George Gordon Mid. There are only two people left, and the fate of one is not known, and the second reserve bank sees the second. In 2006, at auction, a valuable copy was sold for $ 2 million. 225 thousand dollars. There was still a release of 1880 with the Mayor of New York and the US Senator Demmitt Clinton on the front side. It is estimated in the amount of more than one hundred thousand, although the facts of purchase for lately Not fixed.

  • $ 5000: AVERSE - 4th President James Middison, not seized from the free circulation of 342 copies from this party. They are sometimes sold at auctions, and relatively inexpensive - "total" for 10 thousand. There is another series of 1934 with the image of Fielder Chaise. There is information that it was he who gave the characteristic black and green colors of the world-famous currency while working in the US Treasury (from the middle of the XIX he worked there first secretary).

  • $ 10000: It is she who is the largest dollar banknote in real turnover, only 336 pcs. Currently remained in the hands. It is a bill of emissions of 1944 (last seal) with a portrait of a large politician, Chairman of the Supreme Court and Head of the Ministry of Finance Samyul Chase. This chase is known to participate in the signing of the Declaration of Independence in the distant 1776. There is another release of 1870 with Andrew Jackson, the 7th president.

Now the biggest of the existing bills in the States are more collecting the subject of collecting than the real means of payment. Their nominal value is incomparable with real. Therefore, tickets with such a par are unlikely to meet in everyday life. But if someone is lucky, you should not swap such a banknote, collectors literally "hunt" for them and are ready to pay!

Money "Not for People"

For internal mutual settlements of the largest real (i.e., provided and solvent) american Covera is $ 100,000 from the notorious release of 1934-1935. With Woodrow Wilson on the obverse, the 28th president. Emissions of 42 thousand copies coincided with the "Great Depression". They used for intrabank mutual settlements and when calculating the treasury. The main part of the circulation was soon destroyed, in hand, in theory, should not be. The fact is that ownership of them is prosecuted by the laws of the United States. Although no one (except for bank employees) kept and did not see the banknotes of such dignity, until now, $ 100,000 remains the most expensive not only in the States, but also in the world.

Interestingly, the most dear banknote Even at the time of its creation, it was characterized as "inbox money." At that time, the state of the economy was so floated that it simply did not make sense to let it in turnover: people would not have enough funds for her redemption.

It seems to be money

And now back to the banknote with a par value of 1 million. So was she or not? The release of it really took place in 1998. But the initiator of its creation was not a government or banks that have the right to this. $ 1,000,000 was released by a private person, therefore, no relation to the real money. But the history of the appearance is quite interesting.

Entrepreneur Teri Stuard initiated the release of this souvenir for the rich. He created the International Association of Millionaires and officially registered the organization for all the rules. They were invited and entered the richest people from around the world. Combined their idea of \u200b\u200bfinancial independence. And the printed souvenir became a "entrance ticket" to be purchased as a symbol of membership in the association.

Teri approached the question creatively and quite seriously. The sample was $ 10,000, but instead of a portrait of a real policy or president (and this is one of the signs of real money), was depicted a statue of freedom, the famous symbol of the United States. And in order not to mislead people regarding the solvency of the million, on the reverse side, the inscription was published: this Certificate Is Backed and Secure Only by Confidence in the American Dream. Literally: This certificate is provided only by faith in the American dream.

For printing, high-quality paper with several degrees of protection was used:

  • micro shifts;
  • metallographic printing;
  • microzles;
  • serial number;
  • ultraviolet labels.

In general, the signs of the reality "Cash" are quite serious. Although with the signature of the Terry itself, the ideological developer of the souvenir. And performed the order is not a private printing house, but banking CompanyWith the right to issue real banknotes. After the required number of millions was printed, all the clichés were destroyed.

In 1990, the sale of "membership tickets" began. The starting price was only $ 200, but as they demand (and it was!), The cost increased and reached $ 9,500 per ticket. On the this moment The association periodically gears its souvenir products. Moreover, each time it is argued that this issue is exactly the last of the reserves that have been preserved since the printing of the circulation. So it is either no, it is not known for certain. But since the peak of the value of the "Million" cheaper cheaper.

US dollars ... Perhaps this is the most popular banknote. It is even used in many countries on a par with national currency. And in some states (for example, in Zimbabwe) all monetary operations They are produced in American dollars, and national money is practically not used. What do you think, what is the largest US bill? If you think this is 100 dollars, then we are in Travelask I have rush to inform you that it is not so)

The most running dollars of the USA

Today, the running dollars are bills with a par value of 1, 5, 10, 20 and 100 dollars. But in the turn there are banknotes and other nominal. So, for example, there are 2 dollars, but this is a rather rare bill, so if such a green paper fell into the hands of a knowledgeable person, he will save it.

In addition, there are bills of 500, 1000, 5000, 10,000 and even 100,000 dollars. But few people know about them, and moreover, not all US citizens kept them in their hands. And even more than 100 thousand dollars. There are a number of reasons for it.

First, bills of more than $ 100 are prohibited by currency legislation to export from America. Well, and secondly, there are not so many such bills, therefore they are the subject of collecting. And it is quite clear that the cost of this money is much higher than their nominal.

In fact, large banknotes were created for currency transactions. When banking system It was improved, money began to withdraw from turnover (from around 1969).

In addition, US dollars were produced in different epochs, and their various political figures were decorated, therefore, for example, five thousand dollars were several.

500 dollars

A bill of 500 dollars is perhaps the most popular of the above, but it has already been out of turnover. On the banknote depicted portrait of 25 US President William McKornley. It was under it that the United States became a colonial power. Avenue came out in 1928 and was in the go until 1945.

1000 dollars

The bill with a par with a par 1000 dollars was also published in 1928, it depicts Stephen Grover Cleveland, who was 22 and 24 US president. By the way, he was the only president who was re-elected with a break.

A bill of 1000 dollars in everyday life remains more than 165 thousand units. But there are unique banknotes that are dated to the end of the XIX - the beginning of the twentieth century. They depict other political figures.

For example, the portrait of Demonte Clinton, the Mayor of the State, Senator of the United States and one of the politicians, which influenced the development of New York and the United States as a whole influenced the bill of 1880. And these banknotes are very small, and their cost has long passed for a hundred thousand dollars.

5000 dollars

On $ 5,000 bills are banging James Madison. He was 4 US President and one of the authors of the US Constitution and Bill on Rights.

5 thousand bills can be found today only at collectors. Sometimes they are lots of auctions and are sold in about 10 thousand dollars. The number of these banknotes is monitored by the Fed, according to their data, 342 units are not withdrawn.

10,000 dollars

On ten thousand banknote, which last time Produced in 1944, a portrait of a lawyer Samuel Chaise is posted. This is the largest political figure of the United States, who signed the Declaration on Independence in 1776. He also led the Ministry of Finance and was the chairman at the US Supreme Court.

Today, these bills are only 336 pieces. They are the subject of collecting.

And yes, not only with Chase came the bills. On dollar bills of the 1870s, 10 US President Andrew Jackson was depicted with a par value of 10,000.

These banknotes are considered even more rare.

100,000 dollars

This is the largest bill in the United States and in general in the world. On a 100 thousand banknote, a portrait of 28 US president Woodrow Wilson, who was awarded Nobel Prize World in 1919. It was he who created a federal reserve system (Fed), so it is not surprising why he was placed on the most expensive piece of paper.

However, this bill was never used in everyday life. It was created in 1934-1935 for internal calculations financial organizations America and treasury. But such monetary units 42 thousand were released.

1 000 000 dollars

Yes, yes, such a billing also exists! However, this is just a souvenir, and not payment Tool. And this souvenir is a collection of collectibles, which is a symbol of American dream. According to his creator, of course.

Released this banknote in 1988 entrepreneur Teri Steward. By the way, it was not so easy to do: a man has registered an international association of millionaires for release. The organization united people all the planets who dreamed of finding financial independence. And bills at 1 million dollars just became a kind of "entrance" ticket.

For the printing of the banknote, a paper was used that has a level of protection is no worse than ordinary dollars: metalographic printing, microzors, microwth, ultraviolet labels, etc. As the basis of Teri, Steward took a banknote of 10 thousand dollars, but instead of the portrait of the next politician, he depicted a statue of freedom. And each bill was assigned a serial number. In general, everything is as appropriate. And you know what is written on the revolving side? « THIScertificate.iS.backedand.secureoNLY.byconfidenceiN.theirAmerican.Dream ",what means "This certificate is provided only by faith in the American dream".

Pictured bills American banking company, which releases cash tails and securities.

And you know how much one million dollars costs? Well, not as in the previous examples, do not quite more, do not think))) Initially, the banknote was sold for $ 200, then, as it was sales, the cost increased. As a result, the last "banknotes" left 9,500 dollars per unit.

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