
Currency purchase rules. What percentages are taken in banks when performing currency transactions and how profitably exchange money. Cause of adoption of new rules

In Russia, from December 27, 2015, new rules concerning foreign currency exchange were introduced. The innovation provides for the bank to identify customers. The former monetary exchange procedure in the bank passing in the presence of a passport is expanded and tightened. When performing an exchange currency transaction, equivalent to 15,000 rubles, bank employees ask customers to pass the survey and answer additional questions (clarify the Inn, place of work, contact phone, etc.).

When performing a financial currency transaction (purchase and sale) amount ≤ 15 000 rub., There is no need to identify the identity of the client. Operations with turnover ≥ 15000 rub. Invite the presence of a passport of the client and its questionnaire (completed by an employee of the Bank). The data obtained during the survey process is not subject to disclosure and will be used within the credit organization (data storage period is established by the current legislation).

The innovation of the Central Bank did not immediately fit and caused contradictory reviews.

Cause of adoption of new rules

In the official position of the Central Bank of Russia (499-P), the main positions of customer identification are recorded. Forced measure of increased control, tracking, fighting financial terrorism and "laundering" of money. The task of the bank is a solid verification of persons who make monetary exchanges and other customers. This provision applies to the work of currency exchange points. The principle of making a purchase or sale of a foreign monetary unit through an Internet bank or cashless settlement remained the same.

How to make currency exchange

The new rules of the Central Bank are applied to monetary operations exceeding 15,000 rubles. If earlier there was enough to present a passport for making currency exchange, now in the bank it is proposed to undergo special survey. The special questionnaire necessarily indicate F. I. O., full date of birth, place, citizenship, actual address of residence. Additionally, bank employees can clarify the contact information, find out the financial position, source of income and the customer's business reputation.

If this is not the first appeal to the bank. For example, a loan was issued in Sberbank, his staff had the necessary information and a customer sufficient to present a passport. Otherwise, the identification process is completely.

The Central Bank was encouraged that the inconvenience of innovation clients would not be observed. Employees of the banking organization will independently fill out the questionnaire on the basis of these various information bases. Therefore, in fact, with the currency purchase and sale, the client is enough to present a passport.

Harvesting additional information is selective.

How will the new rules for currency exchange affect

Statement of the Central Bank that customers do not understand changes, causes skepticism among a number of credit institutions. The exchange currency will take more than a long time, there will be queues that, in turn, will cause natural irritation of customers appreciated.

From the positive parties, there is an increase in the transparency of financial transactions, the simplified use of a controlled non-cash settlement.

What do new rules for citizens mean

New rules aimed at the exchange-selling operations conducted a lot of issues from ordinary citizens. The adoption of the provision on the mandatory personal identification of the client (≥ 15,000 rubles is exchanged) raised the wave of distrust and covered the web of unverified information.

  1. The use of personal data specified when performing a currency transaction for subsequent taxation of a perfect transaction. To date, there is no such point in the legislation of the Russian Federation. Honest citizens should not worry about their accumulated funds. Additional financial recovery is not provided.
  2. Many perceived innovations as a signal to a sharp change in the exchange rate of foreign currencies and independently began to sow panic, creating an artificial financial deficit. The exchange rate is established and recorded the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
  3. Informational fraud. The data established by the Bank in the process of identification of the client is the property of the organization and are closed from third-party access. Collection of information is carried out in order to ensure the security of the Bank and identify the possible unlawful actions of the client.

Like all new, the adopted rules have frightened the usual citizens more, forcing them to resort to alternative methods of exchange. Such a reaction sevenched the wave of fraud.

Security measures for the sale of currency in 2018-2019

The unstable economic situation, innovations and an abundance of unreliable information led to the confusion of many citizens, and some frankly panicked. The desperate desire of Russians to make a quick currency exchange with the maximum personal profitability created a favorable soil for the activities of fraudsters.

The illegal activity in the financial sphere is keeping up with the times. Rough scams of the 90s replaced thin new, "almost legal" schemes of the action of fraudsters aimed at deception of citizens in order to take possession of their finances.

Common fraud with currency purchase and sale:

  • dexterity of the hands, or the mystery of the black box. The conscientious cashier lay out cash to the tray wall located closer to the client. Each second citizen takes the funds received, without recounting. Unfortunately, the entire amount may not be in a pack. A pair of troika bills mysteriously turns out to be in the far wall of the tray, where naive citizens will not come to mind. What happens: a dishonest cashier makes an honed trick, a throw, in which several bills, hitting the front wall, departs deep into the tray. There are no illegal actions in this, the amount is completely completely. The client remains to join his inattention. Sweet syrup can be used for such purposes. Slightly smearing the tray with a sticky composition, really getting a good "increment" to the salary;
  • one write, zero remember. An indication of the exchange rate on the scoreboard up to the tenths does not guarantee the expected amount. The catch is that enterprising employees of currency exchange refer to the absence of a taller for the scoreboard and explain the lack of a course, shifting the value to the hundredths. For example, the specified USD 68.3 rate actually means 68.03. An unreasonable dependence of the course from the changed amount is also common. For example, the specified favorable course is valid when the amount exchange is over $ 1000. The rules are not violated, because the client "was informed" with a small inconspicuous announcement written by a small font;
  • Fake! Here, dodgy fraudsters called for help the legislation of the Russian Federation. The cashier has the right to withdraw all suspicious banknotes on the legitimate basis. Usually attacks of fraudsters are subject to citizens changing minor amounts. A terrible loud accusation is a fake-maker - knocks them out of the rut of rationality. Law enforcement agencies cause unkilled associations among Russians, therefore, fearing the upcoming red tape, customers relatively easily part with savings;
  • for many Russians, the Bank is a guarantor of security. In fact, there are ordinary people with different moral principles. There is a huge number of illiquid banknotes, the sale of which causes difficulty and official organizations. They can give anything to a suspect citizen. Adopted new rules for mandatory identification of the individual personality give some security when making a transaction. In this case, dishonest cashiers do not require documents.

A diverse range of debit circuits is regularly replenished. More and more people come across the tricks of fraudsters.

Customer safety - in his hands. Manifestation of vigilance and compliance with the rules taken and rules when performing a monetary exchange operation. Self-respect and law will give their results. In the event of the slightest suspicion or violation, the rules for the sale of currencies should immediately apply to the management of the credit institution and the law enforcement agencies.

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The position of the Central Bank on the currency exchange rules entered into force. They became tougher: to sell or buy foreign money from the client, a credit institution will have to carry out its full identification and make a special questionnaire on it. "Lenta.ru" answered five main questions about the new currency in Russia.

What do we prepare for?

The position of the Bank of Russia 499-p began to work. It has been prescribed new rules for identifying credit institutions. They are adopted in connection with the strengthening of money laundering and terrorist financing. From now on, the bank must thoroughly check those who use its services. This also applies to currency exchange operations. It is important to emphasize that the situation applies to the work of exchangers. When buying or selling foreign currency through the Internet Bank or through non-cash payments, everything remains in old.

How to buy dollars and euros now?

The instructions of the Central Bank concern operations in the amount of 15 thousand rubles ($ 213 or 195 euros at the current official rate). Previously, a person could exchange currency by simply presenting a passport. Now the bank must fully identify the client. For this purpose, a special questionnaire is filled. It needs to specify the name, surname, patronymic, date and place of birth, citizenship, address of residence. In addition, contact information is needed (phone number, fax, email), Inn. The Bank also has the right to demand information on the financial position of the Client, its business reputation and income origin.

If you were already a client of this bank (for example, made a loan), it has all the necessary information about you, and it will be enough to present a passport. In this case, you will have to pass identification. As in the Central Bank, no inconvenience clients will not be permitted: the questionnaire will be filmed by the employees of the credit institution, using various databases. In other words, from a person who wants to buy dollars or euros, only a passport will be required.

"A simplified identification procedure is canceled, which was previously used for sums from 15 to 600 thousand rubles. The bank employee himself records information about the client, the filling of additional questionnaires in the standard process is not provided for, "the representative of Sberbank said" Lente.ru ".

The director of financial monitoring and currency control of the Moscow Credit Bank, Natalia Stepanova, explained that additional information about the client can be obtained using information databases. "Considering that the main group of physicals, exchanging currency, carry a low level of risk, the need to receive additional information - about the business reputation or the origin of money - will be selective," she emphasized.

Now there are queues before exchangers?

The Central Bank assures that customers will not wonder the differences. But not all credit organizations are confident that everything will go smoothly. The service time at the box office may grow, "Lente.ru" in Promsvyazbank. At the same time, they say that new rules will increase the transparency of financial transactions, since now people will now use non-cash payments that are easily controlled.

"From the day of entry into force of the provision of 499-p to customers when performing currency and exchange operations in the amount of more than 15 thousand rubles, they will have to go through full identification, including the design of the questionnaire, which will inevitably increase the service time," the representative said in a conversation Rosurobanka Catherine Cubichene.

The head of operational service management of Absolut Bank Catherine Sirotin reminds that earlier customers were supposed to fill out a questionnaire when exchanging currency in the amount of more than 600 thousand rubles. "Changes in this process will slightly affect customer service speed," she believes.

Are there any other limitations?

In connection with the entry into force of the new rules for the purchase and sale of currency, rumors about the introduction of rigid currency controls in Russia. Earlier, the deputy from United Russia Evgeny Fedorov proposed the State Duma to adopt the law prohibiting the turnover of the dollar in the territory of the Russian Federation. And in the fall of 2014, the assistant of the President Sergey Glazyev called on to introduce a fixed ruble exchange rate. These initiatives were not implemented, moreover, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev in October, that the rejection of the dollar and the euro will be a refusal to build a modern economy in the country.

Nevertheless, it might seem that the position of 499-P is another step towards unfolding the financial iron curtain. If we argue soberly, no restrictions on speech does not go - the state does not prohibit the exchange of currency. Just now it will be easier to use non-cash.

Another fear is a tax on exchange operations. In social networks there was information that the position of the Bank of Russia in addition to the introduction of the identification rules obliges citizens to pay the currency collection. But in the text of the document, there is not a word about such a tax, it is not mentioned in the explanation of the Central Bank on the new order of currency exchange. Apparently, the old information surfaced.

Back in April, a number of media reported that the Ministry of Finance intends to establish the income of the income of individuals from the purchase and sale of foreign currency. It was noted that the tax may be charged with a positive difference from the conversion of rubles - for example, in dollars and back. "No taxes on currency and exchange operations of citizens no one was going to enter and will not be introduced," said Anton Siluanov's finance minister from April 15 and put the point in this matter. "The provision of 499-P speaks of the identification of customers as part of the fight against money laundering. Its goal is to introduce enhanced control over the persons opening accounts and carry out monetary operations, "said Anastasia Astashkevich, head of the international legal practice. Thus, new fees are not entered. On December 28, people buying and selling currency will not have to pay additional taxes.

Do I have to run to the bank for dollars?

If you believe the promises of the Central Bank, the difficulties with the exchange of rubles will not have anyone. So it's not worth a panic. In general, the regime remains the same: the banks still need only your passport.

Another question is whether you need to buy dollars and euros at all. Their official courses on December 28 - 70.27 and 77.05 rubles, respectively. In recent weeks, the Russian currency was depreciated against the background of the cheaper oil. How the ruble and raw materials quotes will lead themselves - it is impossible to predict. Sberbank President Herman Gref, for example, that the ruble will weaken, but at the same time stressed that it is not taken to give forecasts for the cost of oil, since he has already become mistaken. "

But some forecasts are still there. For example, in the World Bank, which, on average, in 2016, the dollar will cost 62.3 rubles at 53-55 dollars. In the Ministry of Finance, that the price of the US currency will be established at the level of 58.5 rubles, if the average annual cost of oil will be $ 50 (this is the number that is laid in the federal budget-2016). Bank of America reported that at 35 dollars per barrel for execution of the budget, the dollar rate should increase to 94 rubles. It remains to carefully follow the movements in the energy market.

For reading 4 min. Published 08/01/2020

Currency exchange is one of the simplest banking operations. However, from December 28, 2015, the situation has changed - the transaction procedure complicated. Now citizens wishing to translate their money from one currency to another will need to provide the Bank with information about the place of work, the address of the actual residence and even about the level of income.

Full identification when exchanging currency - reveal the cards?

Those times were passed when the exchange operation in the separation of any Russian bank could only be possible upon presentation of a passport.

Now simplified identification replaced full, which involves filling the questionnaire with an indication by the client:

  • Information about the place of birth.
  • Home addresses and contact stationary phone.
  • Electronic drawer and mobile numbers.
  • Organizations in the place of work.
  • Sources of income and in particular exchanged means, etc.

In addition to the questionnaire to the bank, you will also need to provide a passport or other identity document with a photo.

Who gets under new rules?

Full identification affects not all citizens, but only those who decided to exchange more than 15,000 rubles. With the exchange of smaller amounts, the previous procedure for simplified identification on the basis of a passport will be applied.

At the same time, persons who have larger amounts for the exchange will have to disclose the bank full information about themselves. According to the leadership of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, such a measure fully complies with the realities of the modern political, economic and social situation in the world.

New rules - queues in exchanges?

Overly to experience with regard to new currency exchange criteria, it is not necessary for the rules only when making a transaction in a commercial bank. In addition, most citizens according to statistics makes small metabolic operations that will flow in the same mode.

For those who still want to exchange a large amount, it should be reminded that:

  • The questionnaire does not fill out the client itself, but the bank employees.
  • Information about the place of work of the person and the amount of its earnings is not requested from all customers of the bank, but only in persons included in the increased risk group.
  • In case of exchange operations through the same thing, the financial and credit institution, the questionnaire will have to fill out only once.

All subsequent times, a citizen will only have to present a passport, by the number of which employee of the bank will find all the necessary information in the Bank's database.

What was new rules for?

As mentioned above, it is assumed that the new currency exchange rules are designed to become part of the country's security policy, in order protect the economy from illegal overflow of capital, and citizens from a terrorist threat .

It has been established that all transactions aimed at supporting terrorist organizations and capital laundering are performed in large amounts. That is why complete identification will affect only the transactions in the amount of more than 15,000 rubles.

Is it safe to the provision of personal data to the bank?

Many citizens are concerned about the confidentiality of information transferred to the banking institution when exchanging a large amount of currency.

However, there are no reasons for excitement, because:

  • The information received from the client is loaded into the bank base.
  • Information is used exclusively for official purposes.
  • Responsibility for non-disclosure is borne by the Bank's management.

It is worth adding that the information received by the bank during the exchange of currency can be used later upon receipt by a citizen of other services through the same financial institution. For example, simplify the loan design procedure.

What do experts say?

Pavel Medvedev, financial human rights activist:

"It is extremely unpleasant to put up with such restrictions at the time when technologies become operational, rapid and invisible."

Garegin Tosunyan, President of the Association of Russian Banks:

"There is no point in that, since already there is enough personality identification conditions, in particular due to the presentation of the passport."

Evgeny Gonfmeher, Deputy Director of the Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the Russian Federation:

"Introduction of new currency exchange rules is a measure to restrain the speculative increase in the dollar. The Bank of Russia foresides the fall of the ruble in the future and is trying to stop it with all their might. "

New currency exchange rules are currently operating in all banks of Russia. All the subtleties of the introduced procedure for converting large sums in other currencies are described in the ruling of the Bank of Russia 499-p.

In Russia, from January 1, 2018, the sale process of the sale of currency was complicated. Despite the perplexity of citizens with new rules, the National Bank is inclined to take tightened measures. Such a reaction was motivated by the desire of full monitoring of the state of the market, its objective assessment. Currency purchase rules will also change further.

Changes in currency purchase rules in 2018

First of all, it should be noted - this measure is not connected with the desire to complicate the life of ordinary citizens of the Russian Federation. New requirements are needed to better control cash flows, reduce possible money laundering and attempt to counteract funding organizations prohibited in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Thus, the purchase of currency by individuals whose rules also apply will not be much complicated. In particular, currency exchange up to 15,000 rubles will not require an individual identification physical person.

When buying or selling money worth above this number, it will be necessary to provide not only a passport. What may require in this case:

  • Data for contact (phone number, e-mail, fax);
  • Identification number;
  • Information on the financial position of the client and its business reputation;
  • Data on where funds were taken from.

The rules for the purchase of currency in 2017 are tightened, but the entire list of paper not always will be required. Require additional data or not - solves the administration. A separate advantage should be noted the fact that the Customer's questionnaire must fill in the bank itself, and this saves the time for the person turned. Also provide a package of documents will need only once, after which the data will be entered into the bank base.

In the Central Bank, they expressed confidence that innovations should not create additional problems with customers, but it is possible that the implementation of currency exchange operations can become a little longer than before.

What will change

Since the rules for buying currency are tightened, you should expect not only longer operations, but also other changes. This amendment will significantly increase the workload of employees of banking structures, managers and other personnel. It is not necessary to exclude the human factor - the number of errors, incorrectly completed data and other unpleasant events can grow at times. Purchase of currency by individuals in the amount of more than 15,000 rubles will become a complex and long procedure.

In addition, significant problems arise to credit institutions that offer their services in this area. It is not necessary to exclude the appearance of excavators who will offer to make an exchange of new rules (in this way will be outlawed). Banks that will not be able to ensure the stability of metabolic operations and may not be able to refuse this service.

What changes occurred in the currency purchase rules in 2018 and what to do to individuals and investors, in connection with the innovation

A new rule not only assists on entrepreneurs, representatives of companies, banks and other organizations, but also to affect the simple, ordinary citizens of the country. This is due to the additional commission, which will be charged during the exchange of currencies by individuals. Presumably amount will be from 1.5% to 3%. Financial experts believe that it is necessary to create completely new conditions to those who plan to work with banking organizations.

Implications for individuals

The rules for purchasing currency will be significantly complicated directly in the banking structure, but for ordinary residents there is always the opportunity to use the services of exchange points that are not related to the banking system. This fact causes bewilderment among a number of analysts. In their opinion, it is precisely through such items that make money was carried out, while new rules only increase the document flow into banks.


What exactly will lead to the tightening of the Rules for the purchase of currency in 2018, it will be known during the year, when many in practice are faced with a new model of operations. It is now early to draw conclusions, however, in general, the trend is planned far from rainbow. Large issue also remains the fact that the system will be able to fight the illicit money circulation (their laundering).

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