
The bank serves the calculations of enterprises. Estimated service of enterprises with banks. payment documents. The speed and guarantee of receipt of payment depends on the choice of forms and calculation conditions, the amount of costs associated with conducting operations through financial institutions

The basic principle and legal basis of the relationship between enterprises with commercial banks are the usual market relations, that is, they are built on the basis of bilateral treaties and mutual benefits. The rapprochement of interests of enterprises and commercial banks is manifested in the fact that banks lead their activities using free resources on the settlement and other accounts of their customers, and enterprises thanks to bank loans may have borrowed sources of funds. This allows them to make payments in a timely manner, fulfill the obligations or use the funds received for further development. Therefore, the company chooses steady in financially and representing a wide range of bank services, and the bank is a successfully developing and financially sustainable client.

Enterprises in the course of financial and economic activities, need the services of banks both as a result of the requirements of existing laws and due to the economic need (borrowing the money missing at a certain point, placement of temporarily free cash on the deposit account in the bank).

So the enterprise is important to choose reliable bank and, according to the current rules, arrange the appropriate relationship with it.

Opening and maintenance bank account. Any economic activity cannot normally proceed without the established system of cash settlements, the organizer and the performer of which are banks. Cash calculations can be performed both in cash and in cashless form.

The use of cash in the calculations is limited. When calculating partners, it turns into a very laborious and inefficient process, requiring the delivery of a huge mass of money from the payer's cashier to the receipter's cash register. Therefore, the predominant form of calculations is non-cash.Payments are made by transferring money from the payer's account to the recipient's account in the banking institution. Such a listing is made in the form of records on accounts in banks on the basis of the relevant payment documents issued by participants economic operations.

In accordance with the legislation Russian Federation all estimated operations Enterprises are carried out using bank accounts. Among them is the main view is checking account.It opens with enterprises working on the principles of commercial calculation, having a separate balance, speaking independent payer of all tax payments due to it in the budget and extrabudgetary funds. The company as the owner of the current account has the right to dispose of the funds of the NA account, to independently enter into a credit relationship with commercial Bank. It has complete economic independence and legal independence.

Enterprises can open in commercial banks and other accounts depending on the nature banking services. These are loan accounts when receiving loans according to loan contracts, Deposit accounts when placing a contribution to the amount of received deposit certificate and with the right to return this amount and income in the amount of contractual interest.

The current account for the implementation of settlement operations, the company opens the basis of a certain set of documents. Application is required to open the account of the established form (Fig. 8.1). Required notarized copies of the Charter, the Constituent Treaty, the decision on state registration, as well as a notarized card (in two copies) with sample signatures of the head (first), chief accountant (second) and imprint of the enterprise. Need a certificate of registration in tax Inspection, pension Fund, Mandatory Medical Insurance Fund, Employment Fund and Statistical Body.

The opening of the current account is completed by the conclusion between the enterprise and the KB bank account contract.Its content, the procedure for imprisonment and maintenance are provided for by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (ch. 45, Art. 845-860). HA Practice Bank Account Agreement is often replaced. treaty of NA Cash service.It defines the procedure for holding a cash, settlement and credit service of the enterprise.

Under the Bank Account Agreement, the commercial bank undertakes to accept and enroll funds entering the enterprise, to fulfill its orders to transfer and issuing appropriate amounts from the account and conduct other NO account operations. At the same time, the bank can use the ones cashHaving guaranteeing the right to the client to unhindered by these means. But he is right to determine and control the direction of use of funds of the enterprise, to establish other not provided for by law or the contract restricting its rights to the cash of NO to its discretion.

According to the Treaty, the CB may charge or charge the fee for the operation of the NO account of the enterprise. It can also pay or NE pay the client interest for storing the NA account. The contract provides for the deadlines for the NO operations. This includes enrollment of funds received to the customer and the execution of the order of the enterprise on issuing or transferring money from the account. Installed a sequence of writing off funds from the account.

The Agreement establishes the responsibility of the CB for the delay in enrollment and the unreasonable write-off of the cash funds of the enterprise, for disclosure of information makers a bank secrecy. The company has the right to demand from the bank to complete the damages of damages, and in the cases stipulated by law, and compensation for moral damage.

The contract may be terminated by the parties in the manner prescribed by Art. 859. Civil Code RF. According to the application of the enterprise, this can be done at any time. The bank is also entitled to demand termination of the contract if the amount of funds stored in the Client's account will be lower than the minimum size provided for by the Agreement, and if this amount is not restored by the enterprise within a month from the date of receipt of the warning. The termination by the Bank of the Agreement is also possible if there are no operations of the NO account of the enterprise during the year, unless otherwise provided by the contract.

According to banking legislation, CB is obliged to conclude an agreement for settlement and cash service of the enterprise that has applied to such a proposal on the conditions declared a bank to open a current account in accordance with the requirements of the law and established on this basis by banking rules. With unfounded evasion of the Bank from the conclusion of the contract, the enterprise has the right to impose the requirements provided for by the relevant articles of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

In confirmation of the amounts issued by cash, written off from account or enrolled on the enterprise, the Bank reports to the enterprise you cannishfrom the current account. Such an extract contains data on the balance of cash at the beginning of the day, the number and date of the document confirming the operation, the banking code, the amount conducted by the NO debit or the credit of the client's account, the turnover of the NO account for the date of statement, the balance of the NA is the end of the day.

The statements are issued to the account holder in the manner and the timing specified in the cards with samples and printing signatures. They are issued by the signature of the accountant, the leading account, and the stamp commercial Bank - On each sheet of Vipening. If the extracts of personal accounts are manufactured on a computer, they are issued to the client without signatures and stamps.

According to the amounts conducted by the account credit (enrollment of received funds), copies of documents are attached to extracts from personal accounts, on the basis of which the records of the NO account are made. The company is the owner of the account within 10 days after receiving Vickly, it is obliged to inform the commercial bank about the amounts mistakenly enrolled on a loan or debit account. If at the specified period of objections to NE was received, perfect operations and the balance of funds on the account are considered confirmed.

Service of non-cash payments. Non-cash settlements of enterprises are made through the commercial banks serving their commercial banks. At the conclusion of contracts (contracts) on economic relations, partner enterprises are independently chosen (set) the form of calculation. At the same time, NE banks are responsible for non-fulfillment by the parties to contractual obligations.

Art. 962 GK Pf permits calculations by payment orders, no letter of credit, calculations of NO collection, checks, calculations in other forms provided by law and established in accordance with it banking rules. The application procedure and the content of non-cash settlement forms are specified in the Regulations on non-cash settlements in the Russian Federation, published by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

The most common calculations currently are calculations. payment disorders.Payment order discharges a payer to pay off debt to suppliers for commodity and material values, work performed, services rendered for non-unique operations, payments to the budget and extrabudgetary funds, etc. The document contains the details of the payer and the recipient of funds serving their banks and others, Necessary for the implementation of the calculated operation.

Patent company transfers payment order In your commercial bank in three copies. The first, certified by signatures of responsible persons and the seal of the client remains in the bank. The second is sent to the bank recipient. The third is returned by the payer when discharge from the current account. Document flow circuit in calculating payment orders is shown in Fig. 8.2.

According to the document flow circuit in the following order: 1) the conclusion of the contract contract; 2) shipment of products; 3) Representation of a payment order for the right to write off the CB of payment amounts; 4) VIP from the current account for the write-off cash; 5) a payment order for the right to credit payment to the recipient's current account; 6) Extract from the Current Account on Covering Payment.

Accredit form of calculationsin conditions market relations It is used when enterprises-suppliers go to international standards for determining the moment of product sales from the date of shipment, and not from the date of receipt, crediting payments. This form of calculations allows you to prompt the moment of shipment with the moment of payment and contributes to solving the problem of non-payment. With her, the buyer has the right to open through his bank (bank-issuer) letter of credit in the name of the supplier in its bank before the shipment of products. In the contract, when applying the accreditation form of calculations, all the terms of payment, the types of transport and shipping, payment and other documents, against which the supplier bank (bank-executive) have the right to make a payment.

By the nature of the execution and provision of payment, letters of credit are different species. Review accreditedthis means that the payer has the right to withdraw, change the conditions or stop the action of the letter of credit. Irrevocableit assumes that, according to the Treaty, the entrepreneurs of NE may be canceled or changed without the consent of the recipient of funds. If use covered (deposited) letter of credit,that bank-issuer from the moment when it is exposed, lists the means from the account of the payer's account by the Contractor. The latter credits funds to the recipient's account when presenting them with the relevant documents specified in the opening of the letter of credit. Finally, uncovered (guaranteed) letter of creditthis means that the transfer of funds is made by the Issuer Bank by the payer's account after the report by the Contractor by the Supplier's acclaim.

Document flow circuit with the accreditation form of calculations is shown in Fig. 8.3.

The movement of documents on the diagram is numbered. It proceeds in the following order: 1) Conclusion of the contract for the supply indicating the form of letters of credit; 2) the statement of the payer for the opening of the letter of credit (indicating the terms of delivery and payment; 3) an extract from the current account of the buyer about the opening of the letter of credit; 4) the notice of the bank of the Supplier on the opening of the letter of credit and its conditions; 5) Message to the provider of the letter of credit; b) shipment of products under the terms of the contract; 7) submission by the provider of commodity and payment documents for payment at the expense of the letter of credit; 8) notice of the use of the letter of credit; 9) extract from the settlement account of the payment of payment; 10) Extract from the account of credit about its use (execution).

Calculations no inkassoimplemented payment requirements.They mean execution by the bank of customer assignments to receive payment. Iriginal requirement-order is enjoyed by the supplier after fulfilling their obligations to the buyer. Then, along with shipping, transport documents, it is sent directly to the payer, bypassing the bank. Buyer After checking the compliance of documents, contractual obligations signs, assuring the seal, payment request-order and transfers the documents to its commercial bank for payment.

The supplier can transfer payment documents through its bank asking you to send them to the buyer. In this case, the buyer's bank transmits documents received from the bank supplier to payer acceptance(fee for payment). If within three working days from the payer will not receive a complete or partial refusal of acceptance, this is recognized as consent to payment. And the payer's bank has the right to write off funds from the Buyer's current account to credit the payment to the supplier's account. Responsibility for the validity of the refusal to pay for payment claims-orders (payment requirements) is fully carried by payers. NE banks participate in customer disputes on the merits of the acceptance.

In the absence of funds from the payer, acceptanced payment requirements are placed by a commercial bank in a map number 2 to off-balance account "Estimated documents not paid on time." In the future, payment is made as funds are received.

A commercial bank who has adopted documents for shipment and payment is obliged to check for all details and identity to fill them in all copies. For non-fulfillment of these requirements, the Bank is responsible.

Checking calculationsin the case of the order of the payer's checkbook, make payment to the check holder indicated in the check check. Chekodator - a person who had a check, and a check holder - a person who owns the check. For calculations by checks, the Checker company submits to his bank application for the acquisition checkbookindicating the amount and term of use. Bank issues checking book Due to funds available on the current account of the enterprise or at the expense of the bank's loan.

The checkbook discharges a check NA amount of payment as you settle with suppliers for goods, services, work performed. The amount of the check should not exceed the sum of the limit (maximum amount) indicated on the root of the check. Having received a check, the supplier-check holder checks mandatory details and the root of the check is stamped with a stamp imprint and signature of the responsible person. This testifies to the amount of the transaction produced.

The check holder gives the accepted checks into their bank during the register with an indication of the payer's bank, the number of its correspondent account, the number of the account number, the checks of the check, the numbers and dates. With this basis, the bank of the QUESTOR writes off the payer's current account, and the Chek holder bank enrolls the amount of the check to the recipient's current account. This form of calculations has not yet been widely used in Russia.

If an enterprise is involved in foreign trade operations (export imports) non-cash payments in foreign currency are carried out in the manner prescribed by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Currency Regulation and Currency Control" of 09.10.92 No. 3615-1 and instructions Central Bank Russian Federation, which are guided by commercial banks and their customers. The use of forms of non-cash international settlements (bank transfer, collection, accreditor) also takes into account respect international standards and interbank rules.

Cash service. The service of enterprises opened a settlement account in a commercial bank involves holding both non-cash and cash flows of settlements through the bank's office. Cash serviceenterprises are the Bank's operations to enroll the monetary revenue of the enterprise of the enterprise and NO issuing cash of HA various objectives (calculations of NO wages, vacations, travel and other expenses), legally allowing cash calculations. So, in accordance with the indication of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (letter of 20.09.1997

No. 525) Established the limit amount of cash settlements between legal entities (one payment) in the amount of 3 thousand rubles, and for enterprises of consumer goods for purchased from legal people, agricultural products, raw materials - in the amount of 5 thousand rubles.

Passingat the current cash account, cash is made by the company on the basis of the announcement of a cash contribution (F. No. 042001). It indicates the details of the enterprise, the bank, as well as the amount in words, the appointment of the contribution and signature of the deputy driver. Announcement consists of three parts: detailed data; Recitting for a belt and warrant for bank wiring NO accounts. An ad for a fee, a warrant and receipt are filled with an enterprise - a deposit of money in one hand-made ink or a ballpoint handle. The name of the account holder, the bank, the number of the current account may be denoted by stamps.

After checking and registering the document and posting money at the cashier, the Basement of the order enrolls the amount of the enterprise's settlement account. After that, the client is awarded receipt and order. According to the order, the company monitors the passage of money to the bank and the correctness of the introductory account produced by the commercial bank. Ha Foundation of a receipt received by a deposit of funds, chief Accountant Enterprises discharges the expendable cash order, which is transmitted to the cashier to write to the cash book.

Cash receipt in the bank is issued cash check -name or NA presenter. For this purpose, the client receives in a bank at the time of opening it the current account and subsequently the statement checking bookHA 25 or 50 sheets for a specific fee. Checks from the checkbook are issued by the Bank's stamp indicating Each check number of the enterprise account with which it will be paid. Check is valid for 10 days from the date of statement. Nikaik Correction and blots in the check is not allowed. A commercial bank operator, taking a completed check from the client, carefully checks the correctness of its fill and the conditions necessary for the completion of operations. It establishes whether there is a settlement account of the enterprise indicated in the check amount checks the presence of a bank stamp on the check, the identity of the number of the presented check number, recorded in the signature sample card, as well as the signatures of the enterprise's individuals and prints.

The check consists of two parts: check root,which remains in the checkbook, and the check itself, which contains the order "Pay" (to whom), the amount and purpose of the consumption (for example: 40 - wages, 46 - procurement of agricultural products, 57 - economic and operating expenses). When issuing funds, a commercial bank fills its details in the check.

The company, receiving the amount specified in the check, draws out the receipt of the cash order by the signature of the chief accountant, which is transmitted to the cashier to post the fact of receiving money in cash book. In the root of the check, the same number and the amount is recorded as in the check, as well as the signatures of the head and the chief accountant of the enterprise, the name and signature of the recipient. HA Turnover Check The main letter tape for receiving cash is drawn by the number and date of the discharged cash order, which indicates the completion of the operation.

Hello, dear readers of the business magazine "Site"! In the article we will talk about the calculation and cash services of legal entities and individuals, for which it is necessary and how to choose a bank with low (good) tariffs for RKO.

Due to growing popularity non-cash payments and obligibility of working with the current account, RKO becomes an integral part our life and need absolutely everyone, from ordinary pensioner before entrepreneur Or, especially, a large company.

From this article you will learn:

  • What is the calculation and cash maintenance;
  • What advantages and functions it possesses;
  • What is different for individuals and legal entities?
  • By what criteria and comparative characteristics to select a bank.

Of course, entrust your current account to the bank, this is a responsible decision and requires the most serious approach, because the costs of the company depend on it, security monetary operations And, accordingly, its profitability.

So how to decide on the choice of a partner bank, what to pay attention to? About this and not only read right now!

What is RKO which function is performing cash and cash maintenance of legal entities (LLC, IP, etc.) and ordinary citizens, how to choose a bank with the best tariffs on RKO - about all this you will learn by reading the article to the end

1. Cashier service (RKO) - What is and who needs it

RKO (Cashier service) is a system of banking services, which allows to serve individuals of individuals and legal entities, carry out cash transmission operations in various currencies.

To use such capabilities, a potential client must provide the Bank with certain documents, conclude a relevant agreement with the Bank and comply with the requirements of existing legislation and intangbank routine.

All legal subtleties of RTO are determined by law " About banks I. banking activities ", Civil Code of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts TSB RF (for example, provisions such as "On non-cash settlements in the Russian Federation", "On the procedure for maintaining cash transactions in credit institutions" and others)

Is it possible to do without calculating cash services?

how individualsAnd to organizations, these days, it is necessary to use non-cash monetary turnover, in one form or another.

Accordingly, without ratchers impossible When conducting anynon-cash transactions, removal or institution at the expense of cash (including payment, money transaction etc.), accounting for accounts in various currencies and receiving statements about the executed operations performed on the settlement account.

2. Cash service to legal entities - the Bank's customer service mechanism πŸ–‡

In RTO legal entities, a credit institution is conducted by all operations on their settlement accounts. Among which, listing salary, pension, scholarships and other payments. Transactions can be performed both in rubles and other foreign currencies. For more details, we wrote in one of the past materials.

Fundamental services in this direction, usually, can be classified:

  • calculations in cashless form;
  • cash calculations;
  • registration of statements from accounts.

When carrying out work on accounts and cash transactions, banks apply special formsThe most commonly used of which:

  1. payment order (when using the current payment for payment), it is also called "Form 0401060";
  2. shape for cash withdrawal on a bank account;
  3. checks issued when removing cash.

By signing the contract for the RTO, the company has the right get a checkbookserving an instrument for cashing money to use them to pay for workers and other firm needs.

Banks can offer not only basic, but also additional services, for example, collection, remote access to working with the current account (such a system is called " Bank-client Β»).

But, if basic services are provided free of charge or on conditions minimum payment, then associated - for the remuneration, because the bank is, first of all, a commercial organization.

3. The main purpose of the calculation and cash maintenance of individuals πŸ’°

The current account of the individual is used to enroll payments, the implementation of non-cash payments, operations in the Internet bank and other non-commercial purposes.

In most banks, such a service is provided free of charge, but the Commission for performing transactions, such as cashing, designing payment documents, non-cash transfers, and so on.

To open an account, between an individual and the bank is signed a contract for RKO.

4. How to choose a bank for RKO - Top 3 Councils from experts πŸ“‹

You need to approach the choice of a partner bank as soon as possible. Before doing this, you need to explore the offers of various banks and decide on the basis of criteria important for a particular organization.

Tip 1. Determine the reliability of the bank

Bank reliability - This is a cumulative representation not only about its possibilities, but also identifying advantages and weak Parties. Before concluding a service agreement, it is necessary to assess the possible risks of such cooperation and compare them with the level of utility.

Exist different methods obtaining ideas about the work of the credit organization, as well as the criterion for assessing its reliability, for example:

  • Open media sources and Internet resources. Here you can meet not only general information, but also reviews of real customers. For this, in addition to the Sites of the Banks themselves, there are specialized sources (such as information portal Banks.ru, credit ratings "Expert RA" and others);
  • Make sure that remove and transfer money is possible on the day of circulation;
  • Monitoring the sustainability of the Bank. For example, there should be delays in the transfer of funds;
  • The presence and geographical location of the branches of the bank. Their presence in different regions avoids the extra cost of time and finance to work between several different systems;
  • Spectrum of services . It is important that the Bank meets all the requirements of the organization and could provide all the services you need;
  • Deadline Data Transaction, currency requirements for the design of documentation, currency exchange conditions and so on;
  • Tariffs for settlement Customer service customer service. When comparing banks on this indicator, it is important to assess the amount of the commission for maintaining an account, the possibility of working remotely and connect this service, transfers of funds, making and removing cash (for the issuance of wages and other needs of the organization);
  • Quality and, first of all, rTO efficiency Bank and solving controversial issues.
  • Availability and conditions for the provision of related services, such as lending, warranty services, such as tender work.
  • The relevance of "salary projects" in the bank (as far as it is profitable and convenient, as a widely represented network of ATMs and other questions)

Tip 2. Compare the work schedules of potential partners

In cases of compliance with a number of banks in proven criteria for choosing a partner organization for cooperation in RTO, an additional point may become schedule of the Bank.

Especially, it is worth paying attention to companies that work with firms or divisions, having a time difference.

Tip 3. To save on bank expenses, enter payment days

If the company will introduce payment days (from one to three per week), when all accounts will be paid, which have accumulated over this period of time, depending on the priority, it will be possible to save well on costs associated with paying each payment order.

Overview of popular banks with tariffs on RKO

5. Choose a bank with advantageous tariffs for settlement and cash services - Top 5 banks RTO for IP and legal entities 🏦

As already mentioned, the choice of a bank that can be entrusted with the conduct of its current account, a very responsible step, which depends on various factors. In addition to accounts, replenishments and cash removal, operations in non-cash transfers and paymentsIn banks you can get additional services.

1) Sberbank

On the financial services market, Sberbank, rightfully occupies a leading position on the spectrum of needs physical, so I. legal persons.

Good bank RKO for IP and large corporations, as Sberbank can offer many favorable tariffs RTO and additional services . You can even attend the branch in this bank, without visiting the department, remotely using the site, and it will already be ready for receiving payments.

The necessary documents can be submitted to the bank for 30th calendar days, After opening such an account. The second and subsequent accounts can be opened using only the system. Sberbank business online "For which there is a mobile application, which is very convenient. There are also batch offer services for business accounts.

Sberbank has the largest network of offices and ATMs, carries out round-the-clock support to the Advisory Center, works with foreign currencies, conducts "salary projects", provides acquiring services, offers special conditions on deposits and lending to their customers and preferential programs. It is also possible to purchase equipment for business in leasing. We wrote in our last article.

2) Tinkoff

Relatively young, but fast-growing bank. Leopards are offered two tariffs: " Plain"And" Advanced"Having enough low service rates. The bank hosts various promotions to attract new customers, which makes the service in it quite profitable.

Related services are provided, such as Internet banking, SMS warning system, business lending, and others. It is also possible to open an account online, through the site. At the end of the year, the clients of Tinkoff Bank, a percentage of the residue amount is charged.

3) Opening Bank

The opening bank offers its customers a full range of consuming cash services. There is an online account reservation for its subsequent discovery, an account remote control system, an advisory center, currency control, collection, additional lending services, insurance and other things.

The Bank also offers HR consulting training programs aimed at improving the efficiency of employees and managers.

4) AlfaBank

The settlement and cash service of the Alpha Bank's customers is carried out both in the Russian and foreign currency without restrictions on the number of accounts opened. All account operations, including currency conversion services, can be carried out using an online client.

Alfa-Bank has an extensive network of branches and implements RTO throughout the country. You can conclude an additional agreement with the bank and get the percentage of the balance on the account. The Bank provides additional services.

5) SKB-Bank

In Skb-Bank, it is possible to reserve an online billing account and lead all account operations remotely. The bank has an extensive network of branches and ATMs, an increased operational day ( 21 hours).

Legal entities and entrepreneurs of SCB can offer favorable tariffs, a wide variety of additional services, such as preferential lending to employees and " salary project", As well as free banking visa cards Business and even free advertising campaign and discounts in the affiliate program.

Tariffs for settlement and cash services in banks

This table presents the rates of RTO banks located in Moscow. In other regions, tariffs may differ, depending on the procedure for their establishment by the Bank.

Comparative table for the main tariffs of RTO banks
Bank Opening an account, rub. Service Commission External bank transfer Making funds Removing funds Bank-client.
Sberbank from 3,000 from 1 600. electronically from 32-52 rubles / payment, on the boom.Nisitor from 300-350 rubles / payment from 0.3-0.36% of the amount from 0.6% (min. 150 rubles) on s / n; from 1.4% (min. 150 rubles.) on the pr. is free*; from 960 rubles.
Tinkoff is free the first 3 months. (for IP - 6 months from the date of registration) - for free, then from 490 rubles. the first 3-10 - for free, then from 29-49 rubles / payment free or from 1% of the amount free up to 100,000 rubles, over - from 1.5-10% (min.99 rub.) is free
Opening from 1,300 from 750-1700. from 0.5-1% (min.27-30 rub.) from 0.16% (min. 50 rubles) from 0.4% at s / n, 1-10% on the need from 1 250 r.
Alfa Bank from 3 300. from 2 20 - 6 900 online from 30 rubles / payment or from 0.1% on the boom. from 0.28-0.35% (min. 300 rubles) from 0.5% (min. 300 rubles) on s / n from 2.5-11% (min. 400 rubles) on the target from 990-2200 r.
SKB-BANK. from 0-1000 from 990-1 490. from 29 rubles from 0-0.7% from 1.3% on s / n; from 1.6-11% on pr. is free

* For customers who have a current account in this bank.

From the data presented in the table, we can conclude that the most profitable terms in this moment Provides Bank Tinkoffthat does not take a fee for most standard services, however, do not forget that these are not the only indicators and for the full picture requires a deeper analysis.

6. What are the documents for the discovery of RKO (Piz and Jurlitsa) πŸ—’

To open an account in a bank, you will need to provide a standard package of documents.

Documents for opening an account of IP:

  • Passport;

Documents for opening a settlement account to legal entities (LLC, JSC, PJSC, etc.)

  • OGRN;
  • Charter;
  • Order on the appointment of the director;
  • and other constituent documents of the Journey.

7. PCO Batch Services for Bank Customers - Overview Top 3 Popular Services πŸ’Έ

In order to reduce the costs of the required settlement and cash service, most credit organizations provide customers (entrepreneurs) the ability to connect a batch set of services. It is necessary when the use of RTO regularly and requires significant financial investments from the company.

Such proposals can be divided into 2 (two) Categories:

  1. payment of the package connection makes it possible to freely implement some parts of the operations;
  2. preferential tariffs for basic operations of RTO.

It is necessary to take into account the cost of the package itself to make sure that its connection will really reduce costs and keeps off from unnecessary financial losses.

1) Service "Bank cards for legal entities"

For more convenient business and implementation financial operationsmay be published bank cards Special business category. Such cards are tied to the organization's current account and are used only for the needs of the company, which is very convenient, for example, for customers who often make transactions in a row, being on business trips.

In addition to the main card, it is possible to release additional cards that are tied to the same account, which is convenient for use by several employees at once. In addition, tariffs for service on the map are usually lower than through the operational.

However, when counting the benefits of using the card, tariffs must be taken into account For its issuance and further maintenance, which differ drafically, depending on the bank-issuer.

2) Service "SelfSinguation"

SelfSinguation - This is a service, as designed to reduce business spending on RTO and allowing revenue to the current account by means of aTM or terminal self-service. This allows an entrepreneur to get rid of the extra problems and cash costs associated with the collection and storage of cash.

On some operations can be limitations are imposedwhich are associated with the capabilities of the self-service terminal used.

Usually, cash rates in such a way lower than through the cashier, however, it must be remembered that the Bank establishes the minimum amounts of the Commission and ensure that such a collection is favorable.

3) Internet bank

One of the most important components cash Servicetoday, is the ability to work with accounts remotely, namely all sorts bank-customers . Most of the most necessary banking operations You can make this way, as well as receive payment documents and monitor the status of the account.

As a rule, this service refers to the basic services of RTO and is inseparable in each bank serving legal entities. The client has the right to refuse to use Internet banking, but can also connect it easily at any time.

Usually, the use of remote access capabilities is charged, but many banks are ready to provide the basic possibilities of this service and free of charge.

From the useful features of this service can be noted directly payment of payments from the current account and transfers to other persons . It is also working with documentation, it is possible to obtain information about all the actions with the account and its state in real time.

Online accounts on accounts have a sufficiently high degree of protection and bank guaranteesSo entrepreneurs may not worry about the safety of funds, but have the right to connect additional protection services for a fee.

8. Benefits of settlement and cash services for entrepreneurs πŸ’Ž

RKO - This is a comprehensive service required to keep almost any business.

The positive parties of the RTO for entrepreneurs is:

  • personal approach and specially selected tariff packages at the most favorable terms.
  • service by a personal manager;
  • calculations in real time.

This has a beneficial effect on the speed and exploration of the organization. Most of the payments today are carried out by non-cash, and their rapid and qualitative conduct directly affects the company's profits.

The more services can offer the bank, the more attractive it for entrepreneurs.

To date, RKO boasts a wide range:

  • opening and maintenance of the current account;
  • translations, both within the bank and to other banks, on accounts of legal or individuals and various payments;
  • establishment at the expense of cash;
  • online banking, mobile applications and system of SMS alerts;
  • any currency operations, including their purchase, sale and exchange.
  • the ability to pay for a scan copy of an account for payment;
  • constant availability of cash online for customers inside the bank;
  • an individual approach, depending on the specifics of the organization's organization. For example, if the firm often works in the international market, the cost and speed of the transaction passport will be of great importance.

When the company mainly works with cash, the most important point of cooperation in RTO will be minimum Commission for making money to the current account. And for novice businessmen, the commission for opening and maintaining an account will rise.

9. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) by RKO πŸ’¬

Let's try to answer the questions in detail that come to the editorial board.

Question 1. Cash service customer service and maintenance of cash registers - is this one and the same?

Cash service - This is a product of calculations and other financial transactions on the accounts of individuals and legal entities.

RKO - this is a system of banking services, allowing to serve accounts physical and legal persons, conduct operations of write-off and crediting funds in national and foreign currency.

To use similar services, the bank's client must provide required documentsconclude an appropriate agreement with the bank and meet the requirements of the current legislation and the intrabank routine.

Cash service - This is the service by the bank of its customers. This service has nothing in common with maintenance cash registers , object in which acts directly cash car, and the service is provided by technical personnel of the bank or a third-party organization for the maintenance of technology.

Question 2. How to choose the best bank for small businesses in RKO?

More than 600 Russian banks ready to offer your services to small businesses, having a fundamentally different conditions their provision and tariffs. In order not to get confused in all this manifold, it is important to determine the most important RTO operations for your company, which are conducted or planned in the next six months.

Among the criteria for the selection of a partner bank can be allocated as follows:

  1. The main currency with which the company works. Does the bank work with it, what conditions does the transformation, currency exchange, is there a service monetary monitoring (For those who work on importing and exporting the goods and services and is often calculated with foreign partners), as well as the availability of online currency exchange at any time, which will help protect your accounts from financial losses.
  2. The presence and size of the commission for maintaining the current accountconnecting to the online bank system, the cost of translations. For novice entrepreneurs, it will be more convenient if for some time (as a rule, three to six months) after opening an account, the commission will not be charged for its maintenance, in the absence of account operations.
  3. Cash operations. The issuance of cash and their institution on the account is subject to an additional commission that needs to be taken into account when calculating the profitability of the tariff.

Deciding with the main operations and examining the proposals of various banks, it is necessary to calculate approximate costs of RTO that will be required monthly. It is important not to forget the one-time commissions that are held at the same time, when opening an account, connecting to a remote control system, issuing an electronic key and so on.

In addition to the cost of maintenance, other issues should be affected to choose from the bank:

  • How fast is the opening of the account (whether there is an opportunity online reservation)? If you open an account of an online account, you can get immediately details with which you can work, and documents will be brought to the bank later.
  • What is the bank credit rating? In connection with the participation of the revocation of licenses from banks in last yearsThis indicator is especially relevant. After all, even short-term simple work, due to freezing accounts, may entail a loss of profit and other financial difficulties.
  • E. do branches of the bank in the city, where does the firm work? The lack of departments may entail the difficulties associated with the efficiency of decision-making and operations.

10. Conclusion + video on the topic πŸŽ₯

So, do without cash service on our days impossible , however, the advantages of using such a service, obvious. Non-cash payments make our lives easier and more convenient.

Despite the fact that RKO entails additional spending, it saves our time. Any operations with their current account can be made online and even by mobile phone.

It is possible to open an account with the help of Internet resources, without visiting the branch of the bank. In the context of competition, banks are doing everything possible to attract customers as possible.

Now we know how to correctly appreciate the bank for the profitability of cooperation with Him on RKO and having data on five major banks may well be navigated in the modern market and make the right choice.

In conclusion, we propose to view a video about the calculation and cash maintenance of legal entities:

As well as a video of the cash maintenance-cash service in Alfa-Bank - an overview of tariffs and benefits of RTO:

We wish you successfully find our financial partner, cooperation with which not only confidence and reliability will give you, but also will have a positive effect on the activities of your organization as a whole.

Dear readers of the journal Ricpro.ru, we will be grateful if you share your comments, experience and wishes on the topic of publication in the comments below.


Cash service and customer service, including the opening and maintenance of bank accounts of legal entities and individuals, is a very important and advantageous activity for banks.

First of all, this is due to the fact that its implementation, together with the conduct of operations to attract funds of individuals and legal entities in deposits and the placement of these funds on behalf of and at the expense of the Bank, is the criterion for which Federal law "On banks and banking activities", the bank differs from the non-bank credit institution.

Attracting legal entities and individuals on settlement and cash services allows banks to establish business relationships with them so that the settlement and cash service relationships can further grow into other, closer forms of cooperation: lending, provision of bank guarantees, leasing, factoring, trust and etc. Relations built in this way are very durable, since the bank and the client know well and trust each other, and therefore become interinnetened and mutually beneficial partners.

In addition, customer service and customer service is beneficial for banks also because it contributes to increasing banking resources. In fact, the remnants of bank accounts for customers generated by their cash service maintenance are nothing but a bank borrowed funds in the form of claims to demand. And these borrowed funds The Bank receives the way easier and, as a rule, cheaper, compared with entering borrowed money From other sources: deposits, deposits, debt securities, interbank loans.

Finally, the funds received by the Bank with customer service cash management helps him support its liquidity, that is, to ensure the timely fulfillment of its obligations.

To implement the goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. Find out how the bank is being done on the Custom Custom Customer Service.

2. Find out what is the appointment of the current account and what are the basic rules for conducting account operations.

3. To find out which the main forms of non-cash settlements in the Russian Federation, the dignity and disadvantages of each of them.

4. Consider the essence of the relationship between the bank and clients in the cash service process of the latter, what are the procedures for receiving cash in the bank's cash register and their issuance from it.

Work method - analysis of prints on this topic.

Cash Cash Services Customer Service

Estimated accounts of enterprises and organizations in the bank, the procedure for their opening and conducting operations

For non-cash settlements, organizations offer settlement accounts.

Settlements open legal entities implementing commercial activity (regardless of the forms of ownership), as well as individual entrepreneurs or individuals engaged in private practice. The organization may have several settlement accounts in different banks.

To open the current account, the client must submit to the Bank:

certificate of state registration as legal entity either as an individual entrepreneur;

constituent documents (for a legal entity) or a document certifying an individual;

licenses (patents) for the right to carry out activities subject to licensing (regulation by issuing a patent);

card with sample signatures and print print;

documents confirming the powers of the persons specified in the card are at the disposal of cash on the settlement account;

* Certificate of registration in tax authority. The opening of the Customer's account is made only if the Bank received all of the listed documents, and the client identification was carried out and the bank account agreement was concluded.

When opening an account between the bank and the client, a bank account is concluded for which the Bank undertakes to accept and enroll incoming accounts, outdoor client (account holder), cash, fulfillment of the latter on the listing and issuing relevant amounts from the account and conduct other operations on it.

The opening of the current account is completed by entering the appropriate entry in the registration book open accountsIt should be done no later than the working day following the day of conclusion with the client of the bank account agreement.

In 2006, almost 370 million consistent accounts were opened in the Russian Federation in the Russian Federation.

In the Russian Federation, at the conclusion and execution of the bank account agreement, banks and others credit organizations We must comply with the following rules:

Bank must conclude a bank account agreement with the client,included with the proposal to open the score of this species on the conditions announced by the Bank. The bank may refuse to open an account only if he does not have the opportunity to accept on banking services this client. With unfounded evasion of the bank from the conclusion of the bank account agreement, the client has the right to apply to the court with a requirement to conclude an agreement (paragraph 4 of Art. 445 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). The bank, unreasonably evading the conclusion of the contract, should reimburse the client caused losses associated with this.

Bank it is not entitled to determine and monitor the use of customer's fundsand to establish the other not provided by law or the bank account agreement, restrictions on its right to dispose of cash at its discretion. Restriction of the Client's Rights to the order in account of cash is allowed only when it is applied to arrest and suspend the operations on account provided for by law.

Bank obliged to make an operation for the client,provided for accounts of this type of law, banking rules and customs of business turnover (if otherwise provided by the bank account agreement).

The bank is obliged to enroll the Customer received to the Client and transfer money to its disposal no later than the day next dayadmission to the bank of the relevant payment document. To enroll funds to the account in the contract, a shorter period may be provided. For issuing and transferring funds from the account other time can be established by law, banking rules or contract. In cases of untimely enrollment at the expense of funds received by the Customer or unreasonable write-off from it, as well as non-fulfillment of the Customer's instructions on their enumeration or issuance from the Account, the Bank is obliged to pay interest on this amount calculated on the existing refinancing rate.

In the bank account agreement may be able to lendingthose. By the bank of payments from the account, despite the lack of cash. In this case, it is believed that the Bank has provided a loan to the client for the appropriate amount from the day the implementation of such payment.

Write-off of funds from the account is carried out by the Bank on the basis of the Client's order. The exception is to write off the court decision and on the basis of banking legislation. The client can give an order to the bank to write off funds from the account at the request of third parties,including its obligations associated with the execution by the client (the so-called disappointing write-off).

In the Russian Federation, banks are not forbidden to charge with customers for services for performing cash transactions, as well as accrue interest on balance sheets on account. The Bank's monetary requirements for the Client associated with lending to the account and payment of the Bank's Services and the Customer's requirements for the Bank on the payment of interest for the use of money on the account are allowed. All the conditions for using the score are coordinated by the parties and are recorded, as already noted, in the bank account agreement.

A bank account agreement can be terminated at the request of the Client at any time, and at the request of the Bank in the following cases:

1) the amount of funds on the account is below minimum sizeprovided for by banking rules or contract, and was not restored within a month from the date of warning by the Bank;

2) the lack of account operations during the year (unless otherwise provided by the contract).

The termination of the bank account agreement serves as a basis for closing the client's account. The balance of funds on it is issued to the client either on its instructions is listed on another account no later than seven days after receiving a written application of the Client.

Customers independently choose the bank in which the score opens. Bank assumes dutiesaccording to the integrated settlement and cash maintenance: transfer of funds to order clients, issuing cash and settlement checks, providing statements about the status of account and the operations carried out on it, providing post-telegraph services for sending cash documents, crediting money to account, consulting a client and T.P. The Bank undertakes to ensure the safety of money on the account, return them at the first request of the client, guarantee the confidentiality of information on account operations, i.e. Observe a bank secrecy.

The client undertakes:draw up their settlement and payment transactions in accordance with the current legislation and regulatory acts, provide a jar in deadlines Accounting I. statistical reporting and other documents required for cash services, in writing, in writing to notify the Bank on the intention to close the account, to inform the Bank to change the organizational and legal form, legal address, postal details, etc.

In a separate section of the contract, the financial relationships of the Parties are recorded: the fee for opening an account, the Commission for the implementation of account operations and cash services, etc., as well as the size interest rate For the balance on the current account (medium or minimum), the amount of premiums permanent customers etc.

The bank is responsiblefor the timely and correct write-off of funds from customer accounts, crediting amounts to the account (in the amount of refinancing rate), timely presentation and accuracy of disclaimers from the current account, violation of bank secrecy, etc.

The client is responsiblefor the accuracy of the documents submitted to open an account and performing operations on it, the timely presentation of the cash register for money, payment of banking services, receiving cash, reserved by the Bank for Customers.

For violation of the terms of the contract, the size of fines, penalties and contest is established by mutual agreement of the parties, taking into account the existing regulations.

The contract usually includes a section on the procedure for resolving disputes (court, arbitration court, arbitration) and its validity period. May be agreed special conditions contracts, for example, in terms of calculations by checks, issued by this Bank, or bills.

Organizations, as already noted, independently manage funds on their accounts in banks. The latter can write off these funds only by order of account holders. If the cash on the account is sufficient to meet all the requirements made to the account, their write-off is made by the Bank in order of receipt of the client's orders and other documents for write-off, i.e. In the calendar sequence.

With insufficiency of funds, the following forced order of writing off funds from the account is established:

executive documents to meet the requirements and compensation for harm to life and health, as well as the recovery of alimony;

executive documents on the payment of weekend benefits and remuneration to persons working under the employment contract (contract), as well as remuneration on the author's contract;

payment documents on payments to the budget and state extrabudgetary funds, as well as the transfer or issuance of funds for payments to labor payments with persons working under the employment contract (contract);

payment documents on payments to non-state extrabudgetary funds;

executive documents involving satisfaction of other monetary complaints;

other payment documents.

As part of one queue, the write-off is made in the order of the calendar order.

Payment services banks - These are the transfer services with customer accounts and payments in favor of customers, accompanied in a number of cases by the transfer of goods and administrative documents and the provision of payment guarantees. The basis of payment services is non-cash payments.

Forms of non-cash settlements elected customers with banks independently and are envisaged in the agreements concluded with their counterparties. Banks do not interfere with customer relationships. Mutual claims on the calculations between the payer and the recipient of funds, except for the fault of banks, are solved in the procedure established by law without the participation of the latter. In accordance with the current legislation in the Russian Federation, the use of the following forms of non-cash settlements is allowed:

money orders;

letters of credit;

collection; and etc.

Banks carry out accounts on accounts on the basis of settlement documents.

Estimated documentit is a decorated document on paper or in the established cases of an electronic payment document:

the disposal of the payer (client or bank) on the write-off of funds from its account and enumerate them to the recipient's account;

the disposal of the recipient (charter) to write off funds from the payer's account and transfer to the account specified by their recipient (definition).

When implementing non-cash payments, the following are used estimated documents: money orders; letters of credit; Checks; payment requirements; Incassive orders.

Estimated documents are accepted by banks to execute regardless of their amount. Write off the cash bank from the account is made on the basis of the first instance of the settlement document.


Chapter 1. Non-cash payments

1.1. Basics of the organization of non-cash settlements

1.2. Principles of the organization of non-cash settlements

1.3. Forms of non-cash settlements

Chapter 2. Estimated operations

2.1. Opening and maintenance of transactions on settlement and current accounts

2.2. Accounting of accounts by credit institution

2.3. Severity of payments from settlement (current) accounts

2.4. Closing accounts

2.5. Operations on deposits and deposits and their reflection in accounting

2.6. Calculations of payment orders

2.7. Factoring calculations

Chapter 3. Cash operations

3.1. Cash register

3.2. Accounting and document management for cash transactions

3.3. Evening cash registers and outcasting

3.4. Automaticization-cash banking operations.


Standards Acts



Analysis and reflection of settlement and cash transactions in banking balance Using the example of the joint-stock commercial bank "Montazhspetsbank"


Present thesis It is devoted to the analysis of the state of calculation forms used in the practice of the work of commercial banks with enterprises. Forms of calculations are a working tool for the whole payment systemTherefore, the analysis of the forms of calculations is inseparable from the legal problems of the overall states of the payment system. In view of this, this work will be devoted to both highly specialized issues of the practice of applying calculation forms, and equally disclosing the mechanism of functioning and the history of the evolutionary development forms of calculations in the payment system at the present stage. In turn, we will not do without analyzing the fundamental problems of the payment system as such, which consists of an organized hierarchy of a system of institutions, a set of methods, tools and procedures used to transfer funds between individuals and legal entities when fulfilling payment obligations.

Reforming the payment system in Russia has begun in 1992. It should be related that bringing the payment system to a state adequate to new global political and economic reforms is a complex multifaceted complex of legal, methodological, organizational and technical works.

This stage of the development of the payment system is characterized by the broad introduction of new forms of calculations and the use of new banking technologies that meet international standards and principles. Payment orders came to replace the payment orders, the electronic documents began to displace, traditionally used previously used documents on paper carriers. In this regard, new forms of information transfer began to be introduced. The implementation of a number of experimental projects on the implementation of the electronic payment system began.

The calculations currently refers to regulation of payments for monetary requirements and obligations arising from economic and other relations between legal entities and citizens. Calculations include, on the one hand, the conditions and procedure for making payments developed by practice and enshrined in unified Regulations and customs, on the other hand, the daily practical activities of banks on their conduct. The activities of commercial banks in the implementation of settlements with enterprises are governed by national legislation and is determined by the current practice.

From the selection of forms and conditions of calculations, the speed and guarantee of receipt of the payment, the amount of costs associated with conducting operations through financial institutions.

In practice, there are typical forms and conditions of certain types of calculations, which take into account the variety of relationships and mutual interests of commercial banks and enterprises.

Chapter 1. Non-cash payments

1.1. Basics of the organization of non-cash settlements

The independence of the enterprise in the conditions of a market economy implies the strengthening, development and diversity of the forms of settlement of enterprises and commercial banks. Such links are carried out through monetary calculations, which are a condition for the change of value forms in the process of circulation of funds.

In contrast of the total money turnover , In which the money is transmitted from the payer's cash register at the receipter's cash register, the essence of the extensive money circulation is that payments are made by transferring money from the payer's account to the recipient's account in banks. Banks store cash funds on their accounts, credit the amount entering these accounts, perform the order of enterprises about their transfer and issuance from accounts, as well as on conducting other banking operations provided for by banking rules and the contract. Depending on the location of banks serving participants in the calculations, they are divided into homogeneousness and nonresident, which predetermines the procedure for their organization.

Non-cash cash payments Exercised under the following conditions:

The payer has the right to refuse payment of the presented document in whole or in part in the cases provided for by law or the contract.

Without the consent of the payer or his instructions, the write-off of funds from accounts is usually not allowed.

Payments are made from own funds Payer, and in some cases - at the expense of the loan of the bank and other attracted funds.

At the expense of the recipient, funds are credited only after their write-off from the payer's account.

The fulfillment of the rules of paperwork developed by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and determining the movement of money and cash documents.

The total period of non-cash payments should not exceed two operating days within the subject of the Russian Federation, five operating days within the Russian Federation.

Monetary documents for the implementation of non-cash settlements must comply with the requirements of the standards established by the Bank of Russia. Estimated documents are accepted by the Bank for execution if there are two signatures of persons authorized to dispose of the score, and the prints of which were previously reported to the bank.

If payments are made by an entrepreneur without the formation of a legal entity, the Bank accepts settlement documents in the presence of one signature and in the absence of printing.

Mutual claims for settlements between the payer and the recipient of funds are considered by the parties without the participation of bank institutions through the court.

In the absence or insufficiency of money on the payer's account, the problem of payments . Until 1989, there was a selective order of payment of documents. It provided that, depending on the nature of the economic operations reflected in the documents, all payments were grouped into five queues, and within the queue - in terms of timing. Payments of each subsequent order group were carried out after full repayment payments of preceding groups. This rule was also related to cases where the documents of the previous group were made to pay later. It did not contribute to the strengthening of the payment discipline, weakened the interest of the enterprise in the timely repayment of all obligations, since the satisfaction of their own needs (payback of wages and payments to the budget) was carried out from the first receipts of money. At the same time, it was assumed that the election order ensures the interests of workers and the state, because it provides for the priority payroll and transfer of funds to the budget. However, it was not taken into account that enterprises - suppliers of materials and equipment should also pay timely wages, make money in the budget and perform other payments.

The initial and main function of banks is mediation in calculations. Therefore, an undoubted interest represent the features of the organization cash circulation Commercial banks at the present stage.

The organization of monetary turnover in Russia is based on certain principles:

1) all enterprises and organizations are obliged to keep their funds in bank accounts;

2) settlements between enterprises should be carried out mainly without the use of cash through non-cash transfers on bank accounts or by mutual requirements;

3) Non-cash payments are carried out on the basis of payment documents.

The bulk of the monetary turnover of economic organizations (80-90%) falls on a non-cash turnover and only a minor part is made in cash.

The organization of cash turnover commercial bank is regulated by the following main provisions:

1) Cash received in the bank should be used by the enterprise strictly on the intended purpose;

2) Enterprises and organizations may have cash at their cashier in cash within the limits of cash balances at the checkout and use them from revenue within the norms. The limits of the cash desktop and the use of revenue use are set by the bank in which the company is served on the basis of the documents submitted to them. If necessary, the limit may be revised;

3) Exceeding the established limits of the cash balance is allowed only in the days of salary, benefits social Insurance, scholarships, pensions, but not over three working days, including the day of receiving money in the bank. Non-paid amounts must be submitted to the bank;

4) All the revenue received by cash (with the exception of the part, which, in accordance with the Company's Charter, can be spent on salary and some economic costs) The company is obliged to pass in a timely manner to enroll into accounts in the manner agreed with the Bank.

Cash can be handed over:

Β§ at the bank's office;

Β§ collectors for subsequent banking;

Β§ Communication enterprises for transfer to bank accounts.

The main part of the monetary turnover is a non-cash payment turnover, which mediates almost all areas of economic relations of enterprises and organizations. Cashless payable turnover is fully implemented through banking institutions, in which the accounts of enterprises and organizations are open. Therefore, from the right organization of the non-cash settlement system as a whole, the timeliness and speed of settlements between enterprises, their financial position, the state of payment discipline in the country. One of the factors that ensure the smoothness of the calculations on the entire economic space of the country is the uniform application of the rules of calculations, which are determined by regulatory acts. These documents make up the central bank of the country. They are mandatory for all banks and their clientele.

The organization of cashless payments in the Russian Federation in the context of the development of commodity-money relations is based on the following principles:

1) With all the variety of ownership and activities of enterprises, enterprises remain the right to free choice forms of calculations and consolidate them in contracts. Restriction of freedom of choice by the commercial bank is not allowed;

2) transfers to the accounts of enterprises are carried out on behalf of the payer with its consent (acceptance). Without acceptance of the funds, funds are allowed in certain legislation established by law;

3) All payments from the enterprise accounts are carried out in the priority determined by the head of the enterprise, unless otherwise provided by law.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state