
Methods for generalizing information. Methods for generalizing information about the organization's business operations for the reporting period. Working with local acts

Summarizing information

Summarizing information

Generalization of information is the transformation of information about simple private events into information about the presence of some event of a higher level, which manifests itself in private events.

In English: Information generalization

Finam Financial Dictionary.

See what "Information Summarization" is in other dictionaries:

    generalization of information- Conversion of information about the presence of a set of simple private events into information about the presence of a certain event of a higher level, into which these private events are included as its separate elements. ... ...

    Generalization of information / INFORMATION GENERALIZATION- transformation of information about the presence of a set of simple private events into information about the presence of a certain event of a higher level, into which these particular events are included as its separate elements ... Explanatory Dictionary of the Information Society and the New Economy

    data synthesis- Technological operation, as a result of which new data of a reduced volume is obtained from the initial data. [GOST R 51170 98] Topics quality of service information ... Technical translator's guide

    generalization 3.34 generalization: A specific concept modified for to a greater extent generalization, use or purpose, or the act of excluding or changing details within a specific concept (concept) to obtain its generalization. Note Summarizing ... ...

    data synthesis- 3.1.8 data generalization: A technological operation, as a result of which new data of a reduced volume are obtained from the initial data Source: GOST R 51170 98: Quality of service information. Terms and definitions original document ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    GENERALIZATION OF DATA- according to GOST R 51170–98 “Quality of service information. Terms and definitions ", - a technological operation, as a result of which new data of a reduced volume are obtained from the initial data ... Records management and archiving in terms and definitions

    GOST R 51170-98: Quality of service information. Terms and Definitions- Terminology GOST R 51170 98: Quality of service information. Terms and definitions original document: 3.2.1 data accuracy: The property of data does not have latent random errors (component of the reliability property) Definitions of the term from ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    data processing (data control; data aggregation)- Technological operations elementary acts technological process data processing, allocated in TPPD models for solving problems of quality assurance of service information. Enumerated types technological operations data processing ... ... Technical translator's guide

    A theory that studies the laws and methods of measuring, transforming, transferring, using and storing information. In T. and. and her technical. central applications are the concept of the amount of information and its measure. These concepts to a certain extent ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    GOST 7.0-99: System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing. Information and library activities, bibliography. Terms and Definitions- Terminology GOST 7.0 99: System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing. Information and library activities, bibliography. Terms and definitions original document: library subscriber: Physical or ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation


  • Bell foundry in Russia in the second half of the 17th - early 20th centuries. Encyclopedia of Foundrymen, Glushetskiy A.A. Russian Empire in the second half of the 18th - early 20th century. ...
  • Bell foundry in Russia in the second half of the 17th - early 20th centuries, A. Glushetsky. The publication offered to your attention is the most complete summary of information about people associated with the bell business in the Russian Empire in the second half of the 18th - early 20th centuries. ...
  • Technogenetics. New doctrine of matter and life. Fundamental Generalization of Cybernetics by Norbert Wiener and Gabriel Krohn on Knowledge of Humanity in General, Dmitry Motovilov. On the basis of the anthropocentric understanding of knowledge, for the first time, the key problem of science of the 21st century is solved - the unification of the teachings of information and energy. Living structures in non-biological nature have been discovered, ...

The final stage of SI involves the processing, analysis and interpretation of melons, obtaining empirically substantiated generalizations, conclusions and recommendations.

Data processing includes:

1) editing information, the main purpose of this step is to unify and formalize the information that was obtained in the course of research.

2) Creation of variables, collected on the basis of questionnaires, information in some cases directly answers the questions that need to be solved in the study. In the same step, it is necessary to carry out the opposite procedure, i.e. translate data into a form that would answer research questions.

3) Statistical Analysis - This step is key in the analysis process. The main direction in the processing of primary information consists in its generalization in the simplest form - grouping (combining according to essential features in units of the object under study into homogeneous aggregates)

71. Processing, analysis and presentation of data.

The research results are reflected in the final document, which most often has the character of a report:

Title page, list of performers, abstract, content, list of symbols and symbols, introduction, main part, conclusion, list of references, applications.

The abstract of the report should contain information about the volume of the document, the number of abstracts, the number of illustrations, tables, figures, graphs, a list of keywords, a brief description of the essence of the research, its novelty and scientific reserves.

The introduction of the report should contain a justification for the relevance and novelty of the goal and objectives of the study.

In the main part - the results of the study. Section 1 describes the principles of a methodological approach to research, methods of collecting, processing and analyzing information. The validity and representativeness of the sample is proved.

Section II. The characteristics of the research object are given according to socio-demographic characteristics.

Subsequent sections should contain answers to the hypotheses put forward in the program.

Appendices to the report contain all methodological and methodological documents of the study: program, plan, tools, instructions, etc.

The appendix also includes tables, figures, graphs that were not included in the text of the report.

72. The problem of the representativeness of the data obtained.

Representativeness- the main property of the sample, consisting in the proximity of their characteristics and composition, average values, etc.

Sample- a set of methods for selecting elements. The property of a sample, which consists in the ability to adequately represent the state of affairs in the general population. In quantitative studies, a distinction is made between statistical and non-static justification for representativeness. The statistical substantiation of representativeness is applied to random probabilistic, statistical samples - simple, stratified, multi-stage. It is provided by evaluating the random sampling error for the variables most important from the point of view of the research objectives. The non-statistical justification for representativeness is applied to target samples. The representativeness of the quota sample is usually justified by the correspondence of the distribution of the sample to the distribution of the general population according to the most important socio-demographic indicators, such as age, education, etc., as well as the use of fundomizing procedures in the selection of respondents, such as the use of sampling elements, the prohibition on interviewing relatives, etc. acquaintances, etc.

The purpose of this work is to derive more general patterns than those described in the literature to date. Often this is done either by the introduction of new concepts, or by a new definition of existing ones, for example, by expanding the meaning of some terms, giving them the status of terms of a higher level of generalization, and expanding the scope of the concept definition. Sometimes for these purposes general scientific concepts are used, which the author fills with psychological content, concretizing them for psychology in general or any area of ​​psychology.

Of course, a scientist should always strive for generalizations - this is the spirit of science, its meaning. Therefore, generalization is a necessary component. research work... Often to students and listeners, this goal of the work seems simple, but this simplicity is apparent; making a generalization of the main and only goal is risky if you are writing a qualifying work (diploma, graduation), which must be submitted by a certain deadline and meet a number of requirements. In such a study, it is more difficult to plan for a result that has sufficient scientific novelty.

Psychology is one of those sciences in which for a generalization that is of interest not only to the author himself, but also to the scientific community, a scientist's rich erudition is especially necessary. And this ability accumulates slowly, over many years.

Much of the volume of this book is devoted to a discussion of the various principles and rules for constructing and conducting psychological research with the collection of empirical data. In general, a qualifying work (thesis, dissertation) does not necessarily imply the collection of empirical data, carried out by a graduate or dissertation candidate alone or with his active participation. In the work, a generalization of the available data, descriptions, views of researchers can be made. The purpose of the study can also be the construction of a new classification.

We must not forget about why the qualification work is being written. The attestation commission can assess the author's qualifications, first of all, by the depth of scientific conclusions. It is in this most important part of the work that the greatest difficulties arise. Many of those who chose generalization as their goal ended up describing what they had done instead of drawing conclusions. Neither a long list of references, nor interesting comparisons of the authors' points of view, nor a description of facts unknown to most readers (and possibly members of the commission) can replace generalizing conclusions, substantiated by a system of evidence in the text of the work.

A student who has set such a goal often believes that scientific director will help if there are difficulties with the conclusions - together we will write the conclusions. Generalizations arise as a consequence of the formed new logic, a new style of thinking. It is not easily transmitted from head to head. Therefore, there can be no certainty that two heads will "prevail over the conclusions."

It is worth looking at this issue from the other side. A psychologist with a higher education must certainly read special literature in his subsequent work to maintain qualifications. Since psychology has long been an experimental science, the new facts described in the literature and the generalizations presented are, in one way or another, based on a certain empirical base. For any specialist for a deep understanding of the technology of psychological empirical research, it is necessary, at least once, to conduct it independently, from beginning to end. This will allow him to be more vigilant in assessing the reliability of the results and the reliability of the conclusions contained in a huge stream - very heterogeneous in approach and depth - of publications on psychological topics.

The next stage of scientific research is the interpretation of information. it research activities connected with the interpretation of the content side of a scientific work at its various structural levels through the relationship with the whole of a higher order. The content of the studied scientific phenomenon is interpreted through the appropriate context against the background of higher-order aggregates.

The subject of interpretation can be:

Any elements of a scientific work (fragments, motives, allegories, symbols, and even individual sentences and words) are correlated with the corresponding context of the work or the post-text situation;

A scientific work as a whole, when in the work and outside of it one finds that veiled, hidden, uniting all components into one whole and makes the work unique;

Scientific integrity of a higher order than a scientific work, for example, the work of a scientist, a scientific school, a scientific direction, a scientific period.

The interpretation procedure must meet certain requirements:

The nature of the assessment and interpretation should be determined in general terms already at the stage of developing the program and concept of the study, where the fundamental characteristics of the object under study are determined;

The object and the corresponding subject of scientific research should be determined as fully as possible;

We must remember the ambiguity of the information received and the need to interpret it from different positions.

Interpretation procedure- This is, first of all, the transformation of certain data into a logical form in the process of proving hypotheses, are determined at the stage of developing a research program, and are included in the work of a researcher only at the stage of interpretation.

The behavior of hypotheses depends on the type of study.

Note that no matter what statistical and mathematical methods for analyzing the information obtained by the scientist, the decisive role in the interpretation of empirical data belongs to the concept of scientific research, the scientific erudition of the researcher, that is, it depends on how he can correctly, deeply and comprehensively interpret the result obtained.

Summarizing scientific information

The results of the analysis and interpretation of information sources should be summarized by the researcher.

Scientists from different branches of science were engaged in the study of generalization of scientific information: philosophers, teachers, psychologists, mathematicians, economists. Consider and compare their interpretation of the concept of "generalization of information" (Table 12.8).

Table 12.8

Definitions of "generalization of information"

Scientist (scientists)

Definition (explanation)

a source

N. A. Maslov

From the point of view of the logic of information generalization, this is a transition from a concept with a smaller volume and more content to a concept with a larger volume and less content.

Maslov N.A. Logic: textbook / N.A. Maslov. - Rostov n / a .: Phoenix, 2007.-413 p.

D. Π. Gorsky, A. A. Ivin, A. L. Nikiforov

Generalization of information is a mental operation: the transition from thinking about the individual to thinking about the general, from thinking about the general to thoughts about the more general, as well as the transition from individual facts, objects and phenomena to their identification in thoughts and education general concepts and judgments about them

Gorskiy D.P. A short dictionary of logic / D.P. Gorsky, A.A. Ivin, A.L. Nikiforov; ped ed. D.P. Gorsky. - M .: Education, 1991 .-- 208 p.

V. A. Mizherikov, P. 1. Pidkasistiy

The generalization of information is understood as "mental transition: 1. From individual facts, events to their identification in thoughts (Subject -" Thought). 2. From one thought to another (Thought - "Thought)"

Mizherikov V.A. Dictionary-reference book on pedagogy / ed. - Comp. V. A. Mizherikov; under total. ed. P.I. Pidka system. - M .: TC Sphere, 2004.-448 p.

S. L. Rubinstein

The generalization of information can be understood as the main path of the formation of concepts. In the process of generalizing information, on the one hand, the search and designation of a certain invariant in a variety of objects by a word, on the other hand, the identification of objects of this variety

Rubinshtein S.L. Rubinstein. - SPb .: Peter Kom, 1998 .-- 688 p.

S. V. Goncharenko, S. Yu. Golovin

Generalization of information is a logical process of transition from individual to general or from less general to more general knowledge, as well as a product of mental activity, a form of reflection of general features and qualities of phenomena of reality ... generalization of information is used in the formation of concepts, judgments, theories

Goncharenko S.U. Ukrainian Pedagogical Dictionary / S.U. Goncharenko. - M .: Education, 1997 .-- 376 p. Golovin S. Yu. Dictionary of practical psychologist / S. Yu. Golovin; comp. S.Yu. Golovin. - Minsk: Harvest; 1998 .-- 619 s.

L. S. Vygotsky

Generalization of information is a special way of reflecting reality in the minds of people

Vygotsky L. S. Selected pedagogical research / L. S. Vygotsky. - M .: Publishing house APNRSFSR 1956 - 519 p.

Thus, the generalization of scientific information makes it possible to navigate in a variety of objects, identify a specific object in their diversity, structure and group objects and be a solution to certain problems.

The generalization of scientific information has several types, and in order to determine with the help of which type of generalization certain problems will be solved, we will consider the existing classifications of the types of generalization.

In scientific research in the field accounting can be used different kinds summarizing the scientific information received (Fig.12.11):

Rice. 12.11. Classification of types of generalization of scientific information in accounting research

In addition, distinguish between empirical and theoretical generalization of scientific information.

At the heart of empirical generalization scientific information is the operation of comparison. Comparing one group of objects, one can single out their external, identical general properties, which can be designated by any word, as a result, it can become a concept about this group of objects.

Theoretical generalization scientific information is carried out by analyzing data on any one subject in order to highlight the essential internal connections that define this subject as an integral system.

If the empirical generalization of scientific information is characterized by a long-term comparison of many initial facts for their gradual generalization, then for the theoretical one this is not required. The theoretical generalization of scientific information is based on reflection, which consists in the consideration by students of the grounds for their own actions and their compliance with the conditions of the problem, and on the analysis of the content of the problem in order to highlight the principle or general way its solutions.

Accounting is a control economic objects and processes. Its essence lies in fixing the parameters and state of events and facts, collecting, generalizing, accumulating information and reflecting it in the relevant statements. Accounting is carried out in a variety of areas of activity. Let's take a look at some of them.

Economic accounting of funds

It is an orderly system for collecting, registering, generalizing information about the obligations, property of the enterprise and their movement. All transactions are reflected in monetary terms. Business accounting is a continuous, continuous process of registration of all events in the business life of a company.


There are three types of accounting: statistical, operational, and accounting. The latter is intended for production management, detection of reserves, and control over them. The main feature of accounting is the obligation documenting information. Statistics reflect social, economic, demographic and other indicators necessary for governance at the state and regional levels. Operational accounting is the collection, generalization and reflection of data for the regulation of specific

Working with local acts

In any enterprise must be conducted. In practice, there are three streams of acts:

  1. Inbox. They come from other companies, government agencies, etc.
  2. Outgoing. These documents are sent to government agencies, counterparties, and so on.
  3. Internal. These acts are formed at the enterprise itself and used by its employees.

All documents must undergo initial processing, preliminary verification, registration. After that, they are sent to the management for review. The administration makes the appropriate decisions, and the documents are sent for execution. A corresponding service is being formed at the enterprise. She is responsible for accounting and registration, execution and storage of documents. Based on the results of the period established by local acts, employees summarize information and bring it to the attention of management.


The document management service must accept for processing acts that have legal force, drawn up and sent in accordance with the statutory regulations. In case of violation of the requirements of legislation and other rules in terms of compilation or completeness, the papers are returned to the sender. Documents to be sent to other organizations must be sorted and packaged. They are drawn up as postal items and handed over to the post office. Processing and transmission of outgoing documents are carried out on the day of their registration. Internal papers are provided to performers for signature.

Tax accounting of taxes

It is a system for summarizing information for calculating the taxable base. The basis is information from primary documents... They should be grouped according to the rules established in the Tax Code. All businesses are required to keep records. This is also written in the Code. At the same time, organizations can apply different modes provided by law. carried out in registers. Enterprises can independently form a data generalization system. Wherein established order fixed in accounting policy companies. She, in turn, is approved by order of the head.


Tax accounting provides:

  1. Formation of reliable and complete data on the amounts of costs and receipts of the payer used in determining the taxable base.
  2. Receiving up-to-date information O financial condition firms by interested external users. Based on these data, they monitor the completeness, correctness and timeliness of the allocation of the established amounts to the budget.
  3. Getting reliable information by internal users. Management, founders, analyzing accounting data, make decisions aimed at minimizing risks and optimizing profits.

Achievement of these goals is ensured due to the correct grouping of primary information. Tax accounting includes only the stage of generalization of information. Their collection, registration, entry into the relevant statements are carried out within the framework of accounting.

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