
The diameter of a beer bottle is 0.5. Online store "Russian Haze" -. Making a beer can lid

“Dear, Eugene.
Previously, we used to complete the devices with glass jars, very often the jars broke during delivery and the devices arrived scratched, which caused great inconvenience to both parties. ...
I don’t think that finding a screw can is more difficult than eliminating possible problems with unsuccessful delivery ...


“The distiller Alkovar is a classic in the photo with a can, but it comes without a can. Is it really so hard to include a jar in a package so that customers do not look for a screw jar? The device is not cheap, a can of m ... Can be included in the kit, but this creates inconvenience.
When pouring out the waste product, not everything is poured out of the apparatus, since the edges of the cube are rounded, you have to be perverted, this is also a minus.


“Dear Alexander Ivanov, we apologize for the inconvenience.
We have been producing this copper device for more than 4 years. For 4 years, several hundred of these devices have been sold. For all the time we got only 2 under ... General messages, one of them is yours. The first request was from a person who supplied 3 kW of heating to this apparatus. We assume that you also heat up to 3 kW. If you heat up by 1.5 to a maximum of 2 kW, everything should work properly.»


“Hello to everyone who has an eye on (copper fafarit). A beautiful thing, but no more. the dephlegmator is working, probably a 12m coil. 2L. - don't even dream about it. 200nu250gr. he will give you and not pain ... her. So wrap yourself up with patience. And the reason for the absence of a normal condenser (refrigerator)»

Ivanov Alexander Ivanovich,

“Nice store, I like it. And their products are normal. Next time I want to try your molasses. "

Date of the decision to complete the transaction: Minutes of the Supervisory Board No. 15 dated 02.11.2018.

Transaction type: making changes to a major transaction:

Supplementary agreement to the loan agreement No. 24-01-07 / 252 OS dated August 16, 2018, the value of the property being pledged is 590,577.21 euros.

The book value of assets as of 30.09.2018 is 45,977 thousand rubles.

Director A.A. Artyukhovsky

Operational information on the issuer of a major transaction

Full name: Closed Joint Stock Company Minsk Soft Drinks Plant
Legal address: Makaenka str., 19, 220114, Minsk
Date of the decision to complete the transaction: Minutes of the Supervisory Board No. 12 dated 03.10.2018.
Deal type:
- a mortgage agreement, the value of the property being pledged is 4,849,000 US dollars.

The book value of assets as of June 30, 2018 - 48,164 thousand rubles.

Director A.A. Artyukhovsky

Operational information on the issuer of a major transaction

Full name: Closed Joint Stock Company Minsk Soft Drinks Plant

Legal address: Makaenka str., 19, 220114, Minsk

Date of the decision to complete the transaction: Minutes of the Supervisory Board No. 27 dated 12.03.2018.

Type of transaction: Closed Joint Stock Company Minsk Soft Drinks Plant acts as a guarantor under factoring agreement No. 228F (internal open factoring with the right of recourse) dated 04.08.2015.

CJSC "MZBN" entered into an additional agreement to the CONTRACT OF GUARANTEE No. 228F-P dated 06.12.2016. The amount of monetary obligations is 450,000.00 BYN, validity period - until 04.03.2019 (inclusive).

Balance sheet value of assets as of December 31, 2017 - 42 603 thousand rubles.

Director A.A. Artyukhovsky

Operational information on the issuer of a major transaction

Full name: Closed Joint Stock Company Minsk Soft Drinks Plant

Legal address: Makaenka str., 19, 220114, Minsk

Date of the decision to complete the transaction: Minutes of the Supervisory Board No. 23 dated February 25, 2019.

Type of transaction: large transaction in the form of concluding related transactions:
- a loan agreement for the provision of a loan in the form of a long-term revolving credit line with a limited amount of a one-time debt in the amount of 5,100 thousand rubles, with a maturity date of 20 June 2020.
- a mortgage agreement, the value of the property pledged as collateral - 10,174 thousand rubles.

The total cost of interconnected transactions is 15,274 thousand rubles.

The book value of assets as of December 31, 2018 (operating balance) - 43,575 thousand rubles.

Operational information on the issuer of a major transaction

Full name: Closed Joint Stock Company Minsk Soft Drinks Plant

Legal address: Makaenka str., 19, 220114, Minsk

Date of adoption of the decision of the general meeting of shareholders, in accordance with which the payment of dividends on shares is carried out: 28.03.2019

Dividends accrued per share: 1.15 rubles.

5. Term and procedure for payment of dividends on shares:

No later than December 1, 2019, by crediting the amounts to the current account or card account.

Director A.A. Artyukhovsky

Information about the transaction with an affiliate

CJSC "MZBN" in accordance with Art. 57 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Business Companies", subparagraph 18.2 of paragraph 18 of the Instructions on the procedure for disclosing information on the securities market, approved by the decree of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus "On disclosing information on the securities market" discloses information on the completion of a transaction in relation to which there is an interest of the affiliated person of the company.

1. Full name and location of the issuer - Closed Joint Stock Company “Minsk Plant of Soft Drinks”, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, st. Makayenka, 19.

The date of the decision on the transaction is November 5, 2019, minutes of the Supervisory Board No. 13.

Type of transaction - contract for the performance of work (provision of services) with an individual

Parties to the transaction - Customer - CJSC "MZBN", contractor - Artyukhovsky D.A.

Subject matter of the transaction - the Contractor undertakes at the request of the Customer represent the Society during the Minsk-Shanghai Business Cooperation Forum in Shanghai, People's Republic of China and carry out the preparation and presentation, organization of exposition and tasting of products of JSC "MZBN" during the Forum.

Criteria of interest: an affiliate of CJSC "MZBN" -Artyukhovsky D.A. is a party to the transaction with CJSC "MZBN" (paragraphs two, five of part 1 of Article 57 of the Law "On Business Companies"

The “Russkaya Dymka” store is one of the top three most popular online stores in Moscow and Russia in the field of goods for home brewing, winemaking, canning and smoking. Here you will find moonshine stills, sets for home brewing, winemaking, ready-made sets for making mash at home, oak barrels, tubs, smokehouses, smoke generators, autoclaves, cheese dairies, dryers, as well as numerous accessories and ingredients. Most of the products in our store are not found in other stores.

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Aluminum cans for beer and other drinks have been popular all over the world since the 60s of the last century. In the USA, almost 100% of beer is sold in aluminum cans, in Europe - about 50%. Aluminum cans are consumed in huge quantities, mainly in two types of containers: 0.33 and 0.50 liters. High volume production justifies high speed, high precision production lines. In addition, these basic sizes of aluminum cans have the same diameter, use the same lids, and differ only in height.

A huge advantage of aluminum beer cans over the main competitor - glass - the ability to completely recycle aluminum cans after using them into new ones beer cans.

How much does a beer can weigh

  • The weight of an aluminum can is decreasing from year to year: in 25 years it has become 30 percent lighter.
  • A modern, empty 0.5L beer can - body, lid and opening mechanism - weighs about 15.5g
  • To collect one kilogram of aluminum scrap from beer cans, you need about 65 of them. For recycling of scrap aluminum cans see.


Aluminum beer cans (and for carbonated drinks too) must withstand an internal overpressure of up to 6 atmospheres. Therefore, the design of the can includes a thick domed bottom and rather thin walls, which, however, with the help of internal pressure, provide the can with sufficient structural strength. A general view of a typical beer can and the purpose of its various elements is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 - Details of the structure of an aluminum can and their functions

Height and diameter of the beer can

The domestic normative document for the design of aluminum cans is in force - GOST R 51756-2001 “Deep-drawn aluminum cans with easily opened lids”. It is, of course, consistent with similar international guidelines. According to him, the main parameters and dimensions of beer aluminum cans are as follows (with an accuracy of 1 mm).

Beer can height:

  • Bank with a capacity of 0.33 l - 115 mm
  • Bank with a capacity of 0.05 l - 168 mm

Beer can diameter:

  • The bottom of the can - 66 mm
  • The lid of the can is 59 mm.

Beer can wall thickness

The body of an aluminum can is made by drawing in two passes from a flat round billet, the so-called "cup". Then the walls of this cup are thinned during their successive rolling to a thickness of only one third of the original (Figure 2). The bottom of the can is specially profiled not only to withstand high internal pressure, but also for good alignment with the lid of the downstream aluminum can - for ease of packaging. The wall of the can is rolled out to a thickness of 0.110 mm over almost the entire height. Currently, the minimum wall thickness is reported to be as low as 0.08 mm.

Figure 2 - The wall thickness of the can has different thicknesses.

In the upper part of the body of the can, the wall is thicker and the thickness of the beer can in this place is 0.16 mm. This is necessary both for the convenience of forming a narrowed "neck", and for creating a strong connection with the lid. The aluminum can lids are supplied separately and are fitted to the body using the well-known “double lock” seam immediately after the can is filled with beer or other beverage (Figure 3).

Figure 3 - The design of the connection of the lid of the can with its body:
double lock seam

Beer can lid

The popularity of aluminum beer cans began to explode in 1964, when the “easy-open” lid was invented. This lid was opened with bare hands by simply turning a special “lug” (Figure 4). The eyelet is installed on the cover using a so-called integral rivet (Figure 5). It is called integral because it is formed directly from the metal of the cover.

Figure 4 - The lid opens easily and remains on the can

Figure 5 - Technology of forming an integral rivet on a can lid

Beer can opening mechanism

The task of the ear and the petal (it is also called the "tongue") is to achieve the cotton of the escaping carbon dioxide with an effort on the ear of about 3 kilograms and completely pushing the petal (tongue) inside the can with an effort of up to 7 kilograms, and the petal must remain hanging inside the can.

This is achieved by making special notches along the perimeter of the petal of such a depth that only 0.085 mm of metal remains near the rivet and 0.110 mm on the opposite side (Figure 6). At the same time, the material on the notches is strong enough not to break down during the technological process or when unloading in the store.

Inside the petal, you can see another, inner row of notches. They are not as deep and serve, it is said, for the directional flow of metal on the main cuts and to prevent the main cuts from breaking during their formation.

Figure 6 - Cunning notches provide
reliable opening of the can in two stages:
first release the gas, then pushing the petal inside the can

Materials (edit)

Requirements for materials

The main requirement for the materials of beer cans is their ability to form with large plastic deformations. Aluminum alloys are ideal in this sense. In addition, the ability to predictably burst along the notches is important for the lids of beer cans. Aluminum does this much better than steel. Another good thing is that both the body and the cover are aluminum, which minimizes any potential galvanic effects that could lead to accelerated corrosion.

Body material

Details of beer cans are made of aluminum-manganese and aluminum-magnesium alloys (table). For the body of the can, tapes with a thickness of 0.30 mm from aluminum alloy 3004 or its modification - aluminum alloy 3104 - in the H19 state are used.

Cover and eyelet materials

For the covers, a varnished tape made of aluminum alloy 5182 in the Н48 condition with a thickness of 0.26 mm is used, and for the manufacture of "ears" - keys for easy opening - a strip of aluminum alloy 5042 in the Н18 condition with a thickness of 0.45 mm.

Table - Aluminum alloys of beer aluminum cans


Production cycle of aluminum cans

The picture below shows the production cycle for aluminum cans for beer and soft drinks.

Figure 7 - Typical production cycle for aluminum beer cans

Aluminum sheet in rolls

Aluminum beer can factories consume large amounts of aluminum sheet, which comes in large rolls. The body and lid of the can are made of aluminum sheets - from various aluminum alloys. Each roll weighs about 11 tons and when it is unwound, the sheet travels a distance of 9-13 kilometers.

The aluminum coils enter the aluminum can plant and are loaded into an “uncoiler”. This is the machine that unwinds the aluminum sheet at the beginning of the can production line. Here, a special lubricant is applied to the aluminum sheet. This lubricant helps the aluminum sheet to go through all shaping operations more “smoothly”, without damage.

Can body manufacturing

A typical sequence of technological operations for the manufacture of a can body is shown in Figure 7. The first operation in the production of cans is cutting round billets, for example, with a diameter of 140 mm. Naturally, this felling produces waste: these losses are about 12-14%. They are immediately sent to be smelted to make a new sheet and new beer cans.

From the original round billet by deep drawing (stamping) an intermediate billet is obtained - a shallow "cup" (Figures 8 and 9). An almost finished can body is obtained from this “cup” by rolling, and the bottom dome is also formed (Figures 8, 10, 11). Then this semi-finished jar is washed, drawings are applied to it and varnished, and only after that its mechanical molding is completed - the formation of the neck and flanging (Figure 8).

Figure 8 - Manufacturing technology of the body of an aluminum can (0.33 mm)

Figure 9 - Deep drawing - "cup" forming

Figure 10 - Rolling out the can wall Figure 11- Forming the bottom

Making a beer can lid

Aluminum sheet is fed in rolls up to 8 tons. Up to 2.5 million caps are produced from each roll. The aluminum sheet, which is pre-varnished, is fed into a special press, on which the almost finished cover is stamped. Then the complex edge of the lid is formed, which will then ensure its reliable connection with the body of the can.

Figure 12 - Not yet fully finished lid

Making a beer can ear

The technology for making the eyelet - the key-opener - includes about 13 operations (Figure 13) before it can be installed on the lid.

Figure 13 - Technological operations for making an eyelet

Scrap aluminum beer cans

One beer can with a capacity of 0.5 liters weighs about 15.5 g. For one kilogram of aluminum scrap from 0.5 liter beer cans, it is necessary to collect about 65 pieces of them.

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