
Get a free pin code warface. Free credits in Warface! How to get a pin code. Setting a different PIN

Consider the example of broadcasting the match Ugra - Barys:

1. Select the broadcast you need and click the "Get PIN" button

2. In the window that opens, enter your phone number (2) to which an SMS message with a PIN code will be sent. If you want to receive the PIN code by e-mail, click on the radio button "to Email" and enter your e-mail. Click the "Proceed to payment" button (3).

3. Enter your bank card details. Then click on the shopping cart icon "order" (4).

4. Make sure you pay for the broadcast you need. If everything is correct, then click the "Proceed to payment" button.

4. If you do not want to pay with a bank card, then select other payment methods from the options below (5).

5. Your bank may require confirmation of the money transfer. It will send you a password to confirm the operation. Do not confuse it with a PIN code for viewing. Enter the code received from the bank and confirm the payment.

6. After payment, click on the "Return to the store" button to return to the page with the broadcast (7).

8. You should receive an SMS message (or email) from ugrahockey with a PIN code. The PIN code consists of eight digits.

9. Enter the received PIN code in the "PIN code" field on the broadcast page (8) and click on the "Confirm PIN code" button (9).

10. If the PIN code is entered correctly, then a message on a green background "PIN code confirmed" will appear above the broadcast player (10). Press the "view" button (11).

11. Watch the broadcast and cheer for your favorite team.

The PIN code you receive allows you to watch the broadcast on only one device. If you want to watch the broadcast on another device (for example, you watched it on your phone, but you want to watch it on Smart-TV), then on the first device, click the "reset this PIN code" button to untie it from the device. On the new device, enter the same PIN.

Greetings, my dear readers. Every owner of a website or blog sooner or later starts to think about monetizing his project and getting additional income, and I am no exception. But when that very moment comes that you can connect advertising and get your money? It all depends on the requirements of a particular advertising network, as well as the fulfillment of a number of requirements for the advertising companies themselves. Here I mean whether your site fits all the criteria for placing ad blocks on it.

Of course, the most profitable ways are considered contextual advertising Google Adsense, as well as . But they haven’t taken me to Yandex yet, although the blog’s traffic per day is more than 500 people and the topic is not prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation. The second and no less interesting option is to create an account in Google Adsense and put ad blocks on your site in the most watchable places, which I decided to do. Unlike Yandex, advertising from Google can be placed at any time without strict moderation by admins and with traffic to your site ranging from 40-50 people per day. How to check site traffic i.

The most interesting thing, especially for bloggers, is that ads can be placed on your YouTube channel in every video outside of your site. Record videos and get money to your registered Google account.

There are no difficulties in registering an account, everything is simple to “I can’t”. And after the account is created, you create new blocks with the desired design, size and insert them in the right places. But getting registered is one thing. Now you need to start making money on contextual advertising, and this may cause problems at the initial stage.

How to get a Google Adsense PIN via mail

Anyone who has ever registered an account in Google contextual advertising can and most likely faced such a problem. After you have installed all the ad units and have started seeing replenishment reports for ad views, as well as individual impressions on your account, it's time to get ready to check your data.

Tip: Before registering a new account, be sure to determine the exact address of your place of residence, as checks with payments will come there.

In such a case, the system has a minimum threshold, which is 10$ and after reaching it, you will see a message in your account with the requirement to enter a PIN code from your Adsense account. This is done in order to check whether the letter will reach you, and in the future checks with payments.

I am very pleased that the balance is charged in dollars. And in connection with the crisis, you can not bathe, but wait for your hard-earned money -))).

I sent a request for a confirmation code to Google Adsense around December 15th, but the first time I didn't receive it. The support says that the pin code should come from Google in about 3-6 weeks, but I never waited. And if the Code is not entered after the third attempt, then your Adsense account will be blocked and everything will be empty. Considering that the letter should be delivered by the Russian Post, then most likely it will either arrive late or simply be lost and you will have to send the application again. I repeatedly called the post office and found out if the letter could have been lost, to which I was told that it was not and it would be delivered as it would arrive.

But after the formation of the second application dated January 5, 2015 to send a new Adsense PIN, I just had to wait. I did not turn off advertising, since I will look at everything after entering the code and they will be credited to your balance and this is very important.

And on January 30, passing by the mailbox, I decided to check it and a miracle happened !!!. My long-awaited letter arrived, and I ran to enter the specified pin in my account for confirmation.

Everything is written in English on the letter, but it is intelligibly clear what is coming from and where.

Advice: before filling in your address data, run your Russian-language data through Google translator, as if you make a mistake or do not understand your street, you may also be left without a letter.

This is how the incoming letter looks like, which I waved in front of my friends that they wrote to me from the very lair of Google -))).

You can receive the first payouts by reaching the amount on your account at 100$, if translated into crisis money and the ruble exchange rate, then this is almost 8,000 rubles on passive income on the Internet.

How to confirm and get a PIN code from Google Adsense through support

Yes, such situations also happen, and here the contextual advertising support section will help us where you can log in from your account and send scanned copies of your passport, but this service is available only after the third request for a confirmation code.

After you send your data to Google support after a while, if everything went well, you will receive the following letter.

I hope I helped solve this problem and if you have questions or problems with Google Adsense, as I had, write in the comments and I will help.

See you soon on the blog, do not forget to subscribe to the newsletter.

Sincerely, Galiulin Ruslan.

A modern person is accustomed to keeping his money on a plastic card of VTB or another bank. It is very convenient and safe, because all savings are protected by a reliable pin code that only the owner knows. However, sometimes situations arise when the user forgets the set pin. What to do in such a situation, you can find out in this article.

What is a pin code?

The pin code from a VTB plastic card is a combination of 4 digits. It allows the user to access the funds that are on his personal account. The PIN code on the card is set by the owner at the time of receipt of the plastic and its authorization. You can activate the card at an ATM or terminal.

In order for the pin from the card to be as reliable and safe as possible, it is necessary to adhere to the basic recommendations of experts. It is forbidden to set a weak or common password. For example, combinations of the same numbers or numbers in ascending order. This password is automatically rejected by the system. Also, don't use obvious dates like your birthday, wedding day, etc. If you cannot come up with a reliable pin, then you can contact a VTB employee for advice.

It is strictly not recommended to disclose the password from the VTB card to unauthorized persons. They include employees of VTB Bank. Therefore, the pin should be well remembered, or written down somewhere. At the same time, a piece of paper with a code should not be put in the wallet where the card is located. If a wallet is lost, an unscrupulous person can use it. Pensioners should not seek help from strangers when cashing out funds.

Procedure for restoring and changing a pin

If the user has forgotten the password, it can be restored. Do not randomly enter combinations of numbers, hoping that one of them will be correct. Most often this leads to blocking the card. If the VTB card holder suspects that someone knows the pin code or saw that someone used the card without his knowledge, he urgently needs to change the pin.

Through VTB ATM

VTB self-service devices are available in many offices, shopping centers and other public places. Therefore, many bank customers prefer to make transactions with a card, including replacing a pin through an ATM. It is worth noting that it can only be used to change the password, but not to recover:

  1. Insert the card into the device's card reader.
  2. Enter password.
  3. Select the "Change PIN" function.
  4. Enter a new password.
  5. Confirm the operation.

The operation to change the pin through a VTB ATM is a paid service. Therefore, the user should familiarize himself with the tariffing. If there are not enough funds on the VTB card, the operation will be rejected.

Via Internet banking VTB

VTB cardholders who are members of the Internet banking system can change or recover their password online via a smartphone or computer. To do this, follow the instructions:

  1. Log in to the system by entering your username and password.
  2. Open the "Protection" section.
  3. Open the "Password" section.
  4. Select the "Replace" or "Restore" function.
  5. Confirm the operation using the code sent to your phone.

After that, the user must enter a new code. The system also offers to generate it automatically. This method is convenient because you can change or recover your password even when you are in another country.

Via Telebank VTB

Another convenient option is to use the VTB-online mobile application. To find out the pin from the card, just open the "Password" section in the main menu and select the appropriate item. Also, the user can send a request to change or restore the password to the service center. In this case, a new password will be generated automatically by the system. The user will receive the data on their phone in an SMS message.

If you have problems with your PIN code while you are abroad, do not worry. You can solve them through Internet banking or a mobile application, that is, online.

Via VTB branch

You can also contact the branch of VTB Bank. You need to take a Russian-style passport with you, as well as bank plastic. The manager can ask a few clarifying questions, ask for a code word, and also inquire about the reason why the pin needs to be changed. After that, a bank employee will ask you to write a corresponding application. After paying the receipt at the cash desk or debiting the funds from the account, the password will be changed.

How much does it cost to change the card password?

As already mentioned, the procedure for changing the password on the card is not free. Depending on the method, the cost may vary:

Each VTB client can easily change the pin code on his plastic card if he doubts the reliable protection of his savings. You can carry out the operation through the VTB branch or online through the application and Internet banking. The service is paid at the bank, so you should find out the current rates in advance.

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