
The vertical layout of the site. Vertical layout of the site. City streets and roads

Equipping the area around the house (country or just private), you need to carefully consider not only the location of individual elements horizontally, but also their vertical ratio. Moreover, even the house itself should be thoroughly thought out, figuring out what should be the height of the basement, first floor, second (if necessary).


You can competently “plant” a house and plan the territory if:

  • place pits, trenches, permanent foundations and bulk cushions above groundwater;
  • organize the removal of heavy rainfall and floods beyond the boundaries of land ownership to a safe distance;
  • raise the walls and even the plinth above the level of the snow cover so that they are minimally moistened in winter and early spring.

The vertical layout of the site begins with a geodetic survey of the entire territory. In some cases, it can be replaced by the determination of the real height difference. It is certainly estimated how high the groundwater is, how much the soil swells under the influence of frost.

Most often, construction sites increase, filling them completely with an additional layer of soil or creating a local embankment.

In order for the foundation to be higher than groundwater, it is worth using options without deepening or with minimal deepening.

But if this requirement contradicts other technical issues (for example, it is necessary to build a very heavy house, or the topsoil is prone to movement), you will have to seek a compromise and turn to professionals.

Next, you need to perform a blind area, set up trays to drive off surface water. Thinking over the relief, you can divert precipitation and melt water to the side. And an effective fight against groundwater is carried out with the help of deep drainages.

You are unlikely to carry out geodetic surveys on your own, you will need the help of specialists. But you can determine the height differences in general at the construction site and in the corners of the future foundation yourself. You can use not only levels, but also laser or hydraulic levels.

Always get the contractors to include accurate information about the type of soil and its suitability for construction, the level of groundwater and the severity of the frosty rise of the earth in the project. Based on all these data, it is concluded how much the surface deviates from the ideal horizontal.

Regardless of how steep the slope is, it is worth using an embankment because it helps to increase the load capacity of the house and outbuildings.

The construction of buildings on top of embankments is also attractive due to the reduction of freezing layers, the reduction of the negative impact of soil movements on the foundation under the influence of cold. At the same time, the evacuation of rain and melt water from the construction site is improved, all the necessary work can be carried out in the most dry conditions.

In the ideal case, all the land excavated during the initial construction phase is used on site, and there is no need to take it somewhere, look for alternative uses.

flat area

The vertical layout of the land in this case is especially important. As practice shows, the most flat territories are located in the lowlands, and due to the high level of groundwater and the constant accumulation of runoff, they quickly become swampy.

The way out of the situation is a low embankment - 20-50 cm, for the creation of which all soils without organic particles can be used. Be sure to form a pillow of sand and gravel, compacting it in layers.

Plot with slope

When the height difference within the future foundation is no more than 100 cm, it is advisable to fill in for leveling, while the soles of all shares of the base should be on the same horizontal line with a slight deviation.

If the slope is less than 0.41 m, it is necessary to level the entire site to a horizontal level, and the above-ground share of the plinths is strictly at the same height throughout its entire length.

Important: it is most economical, both in material terms and in terms of labor costs, to create external embankments only after the foundation is ready for work.

When natural soil has a height difference of more than 40 but less than 100 cm, it is not necessary to pour new portions of earth into the horizon. It is far better to confine ourselves to the artificial lowering of these irregularities.

For example, on the lower section of the slope, a tape-type foundation is formed, and the sole rises above the natural soil with the help of an embankment. On the elevated part of the slopes, a trench is dug, where a pillow is poured at exactly the same level. An accurate calculation will help to find out its necessary parameters.

blind area

The blind area is the best way to remove water from the walls of the house, and from the site as a whole, directing it to the surface drainage complex. The minimum soil filling to create a blind area cannot be less than 10 cm. Designers should take into account that, due to the daily activities of people, the soil will begin to rise, and the entire planned time of operation of the building, the blind area should exceed the surrounding area.

The minimum width of the coating is 80 cm, while it is necessary to cover the sinuses of pits and trenches using soil (sand) permeable to water. A suitable material for the top layer is monolithic concrete, and the slope in the direction of the plinth is mandatory for 1 m of the blind area in width is 50 mm or more.

This design can also be created on top of heaving soil, but then it is required from a continuous tape to go to sections of 150-250 cm in length in order to extinguish possible uneven soil movements.


A tray is laid along the contours of the blind area, starting from the upland share of the building. These trays are able to direct the precipitation flowing from the roofs in the right direction, if they are placed on other sides of the building. It is not difficult to prevent the problems created by the top water: you will need to lay a pipe across the slope so that it is lower than the sole of the base.

Vertical layout scheme

But all these are purely practical recommendations, but you still need to figure out how to make a vertical layout plan for the site so that the builders understand it. Let's say you want to control the execution of work or understand whether the designers did everything right. Marks are applied to the geo-base showing the location of individual objects, and the design surface is determined with the help of red lines.

Lecture on the topic: Engineering organization of the territory of populated areas.
Part 2: Vertical layout design methods.

Vertical layout design methods

The vertical planning of the territory can be performed by various methods. The choice of vertical planning method depends on the features of the existing relief and the stages of project development. In practice, the methods of design (red) marks, design profiles, design (red) horizontal lines, etc. are used. They are used both independently and in combination with each other (combined method).
Method of design (red) marks.
It is used at the preliminary stages of design, when the principal high-rise solution of the street network is determined, as well as in detailed vertical planning. This method makes it possible to determine the elevation, slope, elevation position of the projected relief. In practice, the method of design marks is used in the design of vertical planning schemes in design and planning work according to the general plan of the city or according to the project of detailed planning and development of the city area.

Designing a vertical layout scheme

The process of designing a vertical layout scheme consists of two successive stages. At the first preliminary stage, the terrain and engineering survey materials are carefully studied. At the second stage, the final scheme of the vertical layout is developed.
When developing a vertical planning scheme, it is necessary to avoid the formation of low places at intersections and along the route of streets, i.e., drainless sections where slopes along the streets are directed and where, accordingly, surface water will be collected. On the vertical layout diagram at intersections, at the intersection of the axes of the streets and at the points of change in the slope, existing (black) and projected (red) marks are applied, as well as working marks with their own sign (the difference between the red and black mark); the arrow shows the direction of the longitudinal slope of the street from higher marks to lower ones, the longitudinal slope is marked above the arrow, below it is the distance between the points that limit the section of the street with this slope. It is advisable not to change the design longitudinal slopes in sections of short length, since the fractures of the longitudinal profile (segments with different slopes) are matched by vertical convex or concave curves that have certain smallest allowable radii.
An example of constructing a vertical layout scheme using the design marks method is shown in fig. 3.

Rice. 3. Scheme of vertical layout, made by the method of design (red) marks .

profile method.
Designing a vertical layout using the profile method consists in carrying out successive operations: laying out a grid of profiles on a plan of the projected area, compiling profiles in both directions of the grid, designing profiles in their mutual alignment at intersections, calculating the volume of earthworks (cuttings and embankments).
The profile method is quite laborious, since a large number of profiles of considerable length are designed simultaneously. Of particular difficulty is the linking of design marks at the intersection points of the profiles. Errors in the inconsistency of slopes along adjacent profiles, deviations from the planned or given surface shapes are always difficult to correct and sometimes require recalculation of many profiles.
A special case of vertical planning using the profile method is the design of city streets and roads, in which the profile method is the most convenient and illustrative. The longitudinal profile, when designing highways and roads, runs along the axis of the street, and the transverse profiles are drawn up at each picket.
Method of design (red) horizontal lines.
This method is widely used in the development of projects for the vertical planning of the territory of microdistricts, green areas, and transport routes.
The method of design contour lines is quite clear and allows you to determine not only the design marks of any point in the territory, but also the working marks, and, consequently, the areas of cutting and filling the soil.
The construction of horizontal lines begins with streets and driveways, and then the design horizontal lines of the adjacent built-up area are linked to them.
The red contours, in contrast to the contours of the existing relief, show the projected relief of the territory, i.e. surface transformed for planning, building and landscaping purposes. The design contours are usually shown in the drawings in red, hence the name “red contours”, in contrast to the “black contours” that define the existing terrain. Red contour lines are designed with sections through 0.1, 0.2 or 0.5 m, which are called the horizontal step.
When designing, elementary rules for depicting the relief in contour lines are taken into account: within the plan of the territory, contour lines should not change the accepted section; the contour lines of the same name do not intersect (excluding intersections of the terrain with a sheer wall); horizontal lines do not break within the plan.
When developing a vertical layout project in design horizontals, it should be borne in mind that in order to reduce the amount of earthwork, red horizontals should be located as close as possible to black ones having the same mark. Their coincidence shows that in this place neither backfilling nor soil cutting is needed.
Contours are shown on the plan as solid lines. For a better perception of the relief, entire contour lines are shown thicker.

Continuation of the lecture on the topic: Engineering organization of the territory of populated areas.
Part 1:
Vertical planning of urban areas.
Part 2: Vertical layout design methods.
Part 3: Vertical layout of streets, roads, driveways and sidewalks.
Part 4: Vertical layout of intersections.
Part 5: Vertical layout of pedestrian paths, park alleys and paths.
Part 6:

State educational institution of higher professional education



Educational and methodical manual for students of specialties


This methodological manual has been compiled with the aim of providing methodological support for the student's independent work when performing a calculation and graphic assignment for drafting a vertical layout.

Compilers:, art. teacher



Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …….. ....……………….2

2 Initial data for the task. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ……... . .2

3 Processing the results of leveling the surface by squares.

Calculating the marks of the vertices of the squares…………………………………………….4

4 Construction of a surface plan in contour lines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …….5

4.1 Drawing up a plan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …………………….… 5

4.2 Making a plan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .……......................... 5

5 Drafting a vertical layout. . . . . . . …………………….. 5

5.1 Designing a horizontal platform in compliance with

other gravity collectors. A design drawing showing street intersection marks, their fractures, design longitudinal slopes limited by red lines (lines separating the built-up area from the street) is commonly called a vertical planning scheme. The scheme of the vertical layout is drawn up on topographic plans at a scale of 1:2000 or 1:5000 with a relief section of 1-2 meters. When designing an inclined platform, the initial data are taken from the results of leveling the surface by squares with the mark of the starting point specified by the variant. For the design of an inclined platform, the initial data are: the design mark of one of the vertices of the squares; slopes of the site ix and iy from the initial peak along the X and Y axes.

For example, for the data shown in Figure 7, it is accepted

and slopes from the top a1 along the X and Y axes, respectively

https://pandia.ru/text/80/404/images/image050_0.png" width="164" height="30">

where d is the length of the side of the grid square, which is equal to 20 m in the example.

For instance,

The design marks of all the vertices of the squares are determined, taking into account the slope, and they are recorded on the scheme of squares drawn up on a scale of 1:500.

In the diagram, the design marks are written under the actual marks of the tops of the squares in red. After that, working marks are determined, which are recorded under the design marks in blue. A line is being drawn

zero work in blue, and the volume of earthwork is determined similarly

previous task. The results of the calculations are recorded in the statement of calculations of the volume of earthworks (table 1). Next, actions are performed similar to those for the case of designing a horizontal platform, that is, δ is determined.


1 The plan of the area in horizontal lines is drawn up on A4 paper according to the model in Figure 2 and drawn in black, the horizontal lines are drawn in brown. On the plan, only thickened horizontal lines are signed at the break points with corresponding marks in the direction of the slopes. When writing marks, the horizontal lines are broken by 1 cm. In some places of the plan, but not more than 2 - 3 times, they show the direction of the slopes of the area with bergstrokes. The horizontals are signed in brown, the bases of the numbers should be turned down in the direction of the slope. The situation is applied to the plan with conventional symbols in the appropriate colors in accordance with the requirements for drawing conventional symbols.

2 Requirements for the design of a vertical layout project: the actual marks of the tops of the squares are signed in black, the design ones are in red, and the workers are in blue. The height of the digits is 4 mm. For clarity, the embankment is painted over in yellow, and the recess in red. A sample of the entire assignment is given

in figures 1-3 and table 1. The design of the title page is given in


3 Subject to submission for this assignment are:

Title page (according to the application);

Scheme of leveling on the surface by squares and outline (similar to Figure 1);

Plan in contour lines (similar to Figure 2);

Cartogram of the movement of earth masses (similar to Figure 3);

Table for calculating the volume of earthworks (according to table 1).


We select options for marks from the table by the number from the teacher's journal.

7.1 Variants for a horizontal platform

https://pandia.ru/text/80/404/images/image058_3.jpg" width="457" height="412 src=">

https://pandia.ru/text/80/404/images/image060.png" width="488" height="455 src=">

https://pandia.ru/text/80/404/images/image062.png" width="466" height="469 src=">

7.2 Slope Options

https://pandia.ru/text/80/404/images/image064.png" width="497" height="456 src=">

https://pandia.ru/text/80/404/images/image066.png" width="481" height="455 src=">

https://pandia.ru/text/80/404/images/image068.png" width="467" height="456 src=">

Table 2 - Peak mark a1 (Na1)

option number

Mark Na1, m




8 Self Test Questions

1 What is surface leveling by squares?

2 Field documents, purpose and purpose of leveling the surface by squares.

3 What is a vertical layout?

4 What are the goals of the vertical layout and the main requirements for drafting a vertical layout?

5 How is the design mark obtained when designing a horizontal platform? Write a formula.

6 How are work marks calculated, definition? Write a formula.

7 How is the correctness of the calculation of working marks controlled? Write a formula.

8 How is the position of zero work points on the sides of the square determined? Write a formula.

9 How is the volume of a tetrahedral prism determined? Write a formula.

10 How is the volume of a trihedral prism calculated? Write a formula.

11 How is it expedient to calculate the amount of earthwork in the transition square?

12 Types of layout works in vertical planning?

13 How is the design mark transferred to the terrain?

14 How is a design line with a given slope transferred to the terrain?

15 How to control the digging of the pit to the design level?

16 How to dig trenches to the design depth?

17 How to design a horizontal site, subject to the balance of earthworks?

List of sources used

1, Smirnov and topography. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2009.- 176 p.

2 , Mikhelev engineering geodesy. - M.: Higher school, 2001. - 314 p.

3 Fedotov geodesy. - M.: Higher School, 2007. - 463 p.

https://pandia.ru/text/80/404/images/image070.png" height="1079 src="> APPENDIX A

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

State educational institution of higher professional education


Department "Motor roads and construction technology"

30 mm 35 mm 30 mm 15 mm 75 mm

https://pandia.ru/text/80/404/images/image071.png" width="703"> Scale gr . ...−…− Signature Date 15 mm Task #…

https://pandia.ru/text/80/404/images/image075.png" width="703"> Completed by …………… ………. ….. 15 mm Vertical


https://pandia.ru/text/80/404/images/image077.png" width="12" height="65"> construction site

Checked …………… ………. ….. 15 mm

Starting the construction of a private house on the site, it is necessary to choose the right vertical landing of the house - to determine at what height to place the floor level of the first floor (basement height) and how to change the vertical layout of the soil at the construction site.

Proper planting of the house and the vertical layout of the site are necessary to solve the following problems:

  • Ensure the location of pits, trenches, pillows and foundations above the groundwater level.
  • Removal of storm and flood waters from the house and further outside the site.
  • Placement of above-foundation structures (walls, basement) above the level of snow cover at the construction site to protect them from moisture.

To solve these problems it is necessary:

  • Perform a geodetic survey of the site or, at a minimum, determine the height difference of the site within the boundaries of the construction, as well as conduct surveys to assess the level of groundwater and the degree of frost heaving of the soil.
  • Raise the overall level of the construction site by arranging a backfill (mound) from the soil.
  • Choose a foundation design that allows you to place them above the groundwater level - non-buried, shallow foundations for a house without a basement.
  • Determine the height of the base - the height of the above-ground part of the foundation.
  • Correctly make a blind area, near-surface drainage trays, and also carry out terrain planning to drain rain and melt water from the house and from the site.
  • Arrange deep drainage to drain groundwater from the house.

Geodetic survey of the construction site of a private house

It is better to order a geodetic survey of the construction site to specialists. It is independently necessary, at least, to determine the height difference of the soil surface in the corners of the foundation and at the construction site. The height difference is determined using a geodetic level, laser or hydraulic level.

In addition, surveys are carried out within the construction boundaries and determine:

  • Groundwater level.

Vertical layout of the construction site of a private house

Analyzing the results of geodetic surveys and surveys, determine and evaluate the degree of deviation of the surface of the construction site from the horizontal level.

The construction site can be:

  • Almost perfectly flat and horizontal.
  • Have a slight slope with a height difference within the boundaries of the foundation of not more than 0.4 m.
  • Have a significant slope with a height difference within the boundaries of the foundation within 0.4-1 m.
  • On a steep slope with a level difference within the boundaries of the foundation of more than 1 meter.

On construction sites, both sloped and non-sloped, it is always necessary to provide and carry out an artificial increase in the level of the soil, by backfilling (filling) of third-party soil.

The device under the mound house has the following advantages:

  • The bearing capacity of the soil under the base of the foundation increases.
  • The thickness of the freezing layer of natural heaving soil decreases, which will lead to a decrease in the forces of frost heaving of the soil under the base of the foundation.
  • Conditions are created or improved for the removal of rain and melt water from the construction site.
  • Foundation works are always carried out in a dry zone, above the groundwater level.
  • It becomes possible to increase the overall surface level of the area around the house during landscaping, the delivery of fertile soil to the area. The level of soil on the site, as a result of various economic activities, increases over the years. A house without a mound will eventually end up in a hole.
  • Eliminates the need to remove soil excavated from pits and trenches outside the site. All soil is laid in an embankment under the house.

Vertical layout on a plot without a slope

Most often, ideally flat with a high level of groundwater are construction sites located in the lowlands, swampy. The relief of the site and the area around does not contribute to the rapid flow of storm and flood waters.

A necessary condition for building a house on such sites is the construction of a shallow or shallow foundation and an earth embankment.

The thickness of the soil embankment is recommended to be within 0.2-0.5 m. For filling the embankment, you can use any soil that does not contain organic inclusions - peat, vegetation, etc. The soil cushion of the foundation and the embankment within the boundaries of the trenches are covered with a sand-gravel mixture with layer-by-layer compaction.

The device of the embankment creates advantages for building a house not only in a swamp, but also in other cases of flat horizontal areas. under any other ground conditions.

Building a house on a slope - on a plot with a slope

On a site with a slope, with a height difference within the boundaries of the foundation up to 1 m., it is advantageous to do leveling soil filling at the construction site.

The sole of all parts of the foundation on the slope is placed at the same horizontal level.

With a difference within the boundaries of the foundation, the height of the natural soil is up to 0.3-0.4 m., the construction site is leveled by backfilling to a horizontal level. The height of the above-ground part of the foundation-socle on such a platform aligned to the horizon is the same over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house.

The device of the foundation on the slope is the most economical, if the base of the foundation in the lower part of the slope is placed on the surface, at the level of natural soil, and the foundation is buried only in the upland part of the site.

The filling of the soil into the embankment, to level the site, is carried out after the completion of all work on the foundation.

If the height difference of natural soil on the site is more than 0.4 m., up to 1 m., then it is advantageous to dump the soil not into the horizon, but only in order to somewhat reduce the height difference at the construction site.

In this option, it is advantageous to do in the lower part of the slope, to raise the sole of the entire foundation above the level of natural soil (higher than shown in the figure). This will lead to a decrease in the height of the entire foundation-plinth tape, but will require an increase in the volume of soil filling.

In the lower part of the slope, the vegetative soil layer is cut off and a pillow of sand and gravel mixture is poured under the foundation tape. In the upland part of the slope, they dig a trench and pour the foundation pillow in one horizontal level. The thickness and width of the sand cushion is determined as a result.

It is more convenient to carry out leveling backfilling of soil at the construction site after completion of all work on the foundation.

Under the sole of the foundation, the height of the pillow is not recommended to be more than 0.6 m. Bulk soil is compacted in layers, but still, it cannot be compacted to a natural state. The soil thickens over time. A thick layer of bulk soil under the foundation can lead to unacceptable deformations.

Building a house on a steep slope

If the height difference of natural soil on the site within the boundaries of the foundation is more than 1 m., then in the design of the house it is advantageous to provide for a basement, which is placed in the lower level of the foundation. The foundation of the house in this case is made stepped, which reduces the amount of earthwork and reduces the cost of the foundation.

To protect the basement from moisture, wall drainage must be arranged around the foundation.

Wall of reinforced concrete monolithic stepped foundation, located along the axis along the slope: 1 - rods of longitudinal reinforcement; 2 - the height of the foundation step; 3 - rods of transverse reinforcement; 4 - foundation tape

The height of the steps, item 2 in the figure, and their number are selected taking into account the angle of inclination of the natural soil on the site, as well as the building properties of the soil at the base of the foundation.

On a slope, there is a risk of natural soil slipping along the sliding surface. Such sliding occurs when the forces acting on the soil along the slope exceed the bearing capacity of the soil.

Building a house on a slope increases the load on the ground from the weight of the building. In addition, the house can cause a decrease in the bearing capacity of the soil as a result of a violation of the flow of water and moistening of the soil on the slope.

When designing a house on a steep slope, you should especially carefully carry out surveys, determine the building properties of the soil and assess the stability of the soil on the slope. Be sure to provide a drainage device for the removal of surface and groundwater.

The forces of the lateral pressure of the soil act on the foundation of the house from the upland side of the slope. There is a risk of the house sliding down the slope if the foundation is weakly fixed in the ground. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully reduce the depth of laying the foundation in the soil on the slope. It is necessary to take into account the building properties of the soil on the site, the type of foundation, the weight of the house, the magnitude of the slope.

Removal of rain and melt water from the site

To drain water from the house and from the site, it is necessary to properly perform the blind area, as well as organize the collection and removal of water through a surface drainage system.

How to make a blind area for a private house

The task of the blind area is to protect the foundation and the soil at the base of the foundation from moisture from surface water.

Before the blind area, the ground level around the basement of the house must be raised above the surrounding area. To do this, fill the soil to a height of at least 100 mm., pos. 3 in the figures above.

When choosing the thickness of the bedding under the blind area, it should be borne in mind that, as a result of human economic and agrotechnical activities, the level of the soil in the area around the house will rise over the years. The blind area throughout the entire life of the building should remain above the level of the area surrounding the house.

The blind area is arranged for a width of at least 800 mm. from the basement of the house, pos. 4 in the figures above. The blind area must block the backfill of the sinuses of the pit and trenches of the foundation. Backfilling of the sinuses is carried out with permeable sandy soil. A wide blind area should prevent surface water from entering this soil and further to the foundation.

To ensure water resistance, the blind area is made of monolithic concrete, providing when laying concrete slope away from the plinth not less than 5%(level difference 5 cm. for 1 m. blind area width).

On heaving soils, the blind area should pour not with a continuous tape, but with sections 1.5-2.5 long m. The blind area, divided into such blocks, easily withstands possible uneven ground movements.

With an improperly arranged blind area (see figure), water from the surface will easily penetrate to the foundation.

Drainage on the site for a private house

To collect and organize the removal of rain and melt water from the site, it is necessary to make surface drainage - gutter trays along the surface of the site.

On a site with a slope, before the construction of the house, surface water could freely flow down the slope. The house will become an obstacle to runoff, and water will collect at the walls from the upland part of the house.

To collect and drain water flowing down the slope, along the blind area from the upland part of the house, a tray is laid, pos. 5 in the pictures above.

These trays can take water from. To do this, trays are arranged along the blind area and on other sides of the house.

Drainage trays on the site are also arranged to collect and drain water from paved areas. Surface drainage trays are taken out to a convenient place for discharging water to the relief outside the site.

In some areas in the spring, in the upper layer of soil, water appears -. Verkhovodka appears in areas where the top layer of soil is permeable - sandy, and below lies a layer of water-resistant clay.

The top water flowing down the slope is delayed by the foundation, accumulates, soaks and erodes the soil near the foundation.

To protect the foundation from perched water, deep drainage is performed in the form of a curtain:

The height of the basement of a private house

In most climatic zones of Russia, the thickness of stable snow cover in winter is 0.5-0.7 m., and in the north more than 1 m.

In the spring, when the snow melts, the above-foundation structures (walls, basement) located below the snow cover will be moistened. Moisture can be transferred to the premises of the house, and the structures themselves will gradually collapse. The outer finish of the lower part of the walls will especially quickly suffer from moisture.

In summer, moistening of the lower parts of the walls can occur as a result of splashing raindrops falling on the blind area.

To protect the exterior walls of the house from surface moisture, building regulations establish a minimum basement height of at least 0.2 m. from the level of the blind area.

As stated above, the thickness of the blind area must be at least 100 mm. plus to this, the height of the soil bedding under the blind area is also 100 mm. Thus, the height of the basement from the ground level at the highest point of the construction site must be at least 0.4 m.

For a house with wooden walls that are not protected from the outside by any waterproof cladding, the height of the plinth should be chosen not less than the height of the snow cover at the construction site.

Vertical landing of the basement of a private house

Taking into account all of the above, the figure below shows an example of vertical penetration into the ground of the basement of a private house. There are windows in the basement.

In order to qualitatively prepare the terrain for the purpose of erecting a stable and durable building, it is necessary to do preliminary planning for the transformation and improvement of surface parameters.

That is, we are talking about an artificial change in the existing surface for the safety and durability of a residential building, in other words, it is a vertical layout of the site within the framework for the construction of a private house.

The correct design of the vertical layout should take into account the following points:

  • It is desirable to preserve the fertile soil and vegetation layer.
  • The site is thought out and planned not only for a residential building, but also taking into account the accompanying communications.
  • The division of the proposed construction area into sections must be carried out according to the principle of functional purpose.
  • Solving the problem of draining rainwater and lowering the ground level in order to completely waterproof the residential area.
  1. detailed planning scheme both the entire construction site and the erection of the frame base. Here, the surface slope is marked in relation to the size, height and shape of the building to create a drainage of melt and rain water, and, if necessary, a solution for the drainage of perched water.
  2. Development of a solution for drawing new horizontal lines of the surface, creating a scheme of the updated and transformed relief of the construction site.
  3. Development cartograms of land works, with a clear definition of soil volumes.

Learn more about the land works cartogram

The Geonium program allows you to make a verifiable calculation. It all comes down to dividing the area into squares parallel to the construction grid, and is developed based on it.

It allows display balance sheet to reduce data, because the grid of squares is equipped with the necessary tools for this. Then the squares are cut into shapes - recesses, embankments and coincidence areas.

Sliced ​​objects will remain representatives of a single grid-matrix. This part is done by the program.

And then you can intervene if necessary to remove small fragments and combine the contours of the cut shapes - for this there is a special function with images in 3D. At this stage, the real conditions and the desired ones are agreed.

Areas of relief development are indicated, special marks are applied to clarify the redistribution of soil according to the optimal scheme, with a minimum of labor costs, taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of the relief. After that, they begin to calculate the volumes of soil in areas where a decrease and increase are needed.

If compliance is important and reconciliation is necessary for these parameters, then it is better make a manual calculation to present to the inspector. The manual method involves drawing figures and marking knots, editing and counting.

Calculations are made for each individual square of the circuit, assigning a positive or negative sign. The isoline separating the elevation-embankment and the pit-dredging is applied with a dotted line. Also mark reference points and auxiliary.

As a result, both manual and exact methods, two parameters are obtained for each figure. This area and volume unit. In addition, the lines indicate areas where work is not carried out.

The result is project development the most convenient movement of soil volumes to create an optimal relief for construction.

Also, in the vertical planning of a private house, the ennoblement of the adjacent territory with alleys, plants and trees is taken into account, where the angle of inclination of the surface and the features of the relief are important.

Grading methods

In a territory full of elevation changes, a very well-thought-out vertical layout is needed. Here, the solution will be to create slopes that bring the construction site to a single horizontal line.

Slopes move from one site to the next, correcting the height variation.

A flat area also needs to be corrected to provide waterproofing to maintain the integrity of the foundation, as well as to avoid dampness and dirt. There is a variant of work in a computer program and a method of manual calculation.

House construction and vertical layout

If the plot is without slope

It is customary to create a slight slope behind the walls in order to drain groundwater, thus securing the construction site. To organize this bias, in a certain place they make embankment, and from durable material - drainage channels, also accompany the structure with drainage to remove moisture, on both sides.

Platforms of horizontal type make out side reinforcements from an additional volume of soil using tiled structures, bricks, stone. Strengthening the slopes with stone, concrete and wooden stakes are used. Large stones are placed down, and small gravel or pebbles are placed on top.

If the site is on a slope

Drop - 0.3-0.4 m

Pour the site in order to level it into a horizontal surface. As a result, it is possible to make the foundation of the same height around the entire perimeter of the building. More than 60 cm do not fill, as this can further lead to deformation of the foundation, since the soil will settle.

Slope 0.4-1 m

In this case, the elevated part is cut off at the top, and backfilling is done in the lowering zone, thus bringing the construction site to a level state.

On a steep slope with an angle difference of more than 1m

A stepped foundation is used and a basement is built at the level of the foundation contour. So the plinth and foundation go as leveling support structures giving strength and solidity to the structure. To protect the basement-supporting part from moisture, you can attach a garage room or a utility block.

Without fail, they solve the problem of diverting perched and external waters, since the pressure of a building on a slope can cause a violation of underground drains and subsequent excessive moisture.

The sole part is usually placed at the bottom of the slope, and the deepening is done in the high part.

Soil is poured into the embankment in order to level the construction site after the foundation has been arranged.

The slopes to the south or east are optimal, but the slope to the north is considered especially unfavorable. A precisely developed plan with the involvement of specialists or on your own will allow you to manage with a minimum of costs and aesthetically arrange the building.

Useful videos

The video below shows an example of a vertical layout of a plot with a flat terrain and no elevation difference with neighboring plots:

The following video is about how to perform a vertical layout of a site that is located on a slope, has a slope and there is a site up the hill from which the water flows, see:

Next - a video in the "question-answer" format, the following questions are revealed - what is a vertical line, whether it is necessary to do it, how to form slopes, a drainage ditch, freezing depth, lawns, if soil is creeping, drops, other buildings and much more, look:

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