
Undergraduate finance and credit 38.03 01. The Central Bank proposed to limit rates on consumer loans. Research activities

Research activities in the direction of preparation 03.03.01 "Economics", finance and credit

Research activities

  • Student conference "Alternative models of development of the Russian economy" in the framework of the Day of Knowledge. Base of the "Department of Finance and Credit"; Joint conference of masters in the direction of training 03/38/02 "Financial and anti-crisis management in transport" 1 course and 3-year students of 32 groups 38.03.01. directions "Economics" profile "Finance and Credit", February 2017
  • VIII-th Interuniversity annual scientific-practical conference of graduate students, students and cadets " Modern tendencies and prospects for the development of water transport in Russia ”. Speech with a report and publication of an article in a collection of students of 32 groups Participants: Dmitry Skornyakov, Maria Ryuzina, Valeria Poberezhnaya, Alina Sukhareva, Anastasia Voronina, Daria Dashkevich, May 17, 2017
  • Student conference "Problems and prospects of insurance in Russia: risk management". Base of the "Department of Finance and Credit"; Groups 31,32,33 - December 27. As a result of the conference, a wall newspaper was issued
  • Student conference "Formation of credit and deposit policy commercial bank v modern conditions". Base of the "Department of Finance and Credit"; Groups 32,21,22 - April. As a result of the conference, a wall newspaper was issued
  • Student Conference "Prospects for Russia's Investment Growth": Answers and Challenges in the Crisis. Base of the "Department of Finance and Credit"; Joint conference of masters of the direction of training 03/38/02 "Financial and anti-crisis management in transport" 1 course and 3-year students of 32 groups 38.03.01. directions "Economics" profile "Finance and Credit"

Research results

Scientific publications

P / p No. The name of the work, its type Volume in l. L. or p. FULL NAME. performer Output
1 "The potential of Russian transport corporations in the world stock market", Monograph 9 The team of authors, ed. Skobelevoy I.P. Typographic edition. publication in the GUMRF named after Admiral S.O. Makarova September 2016
2 Stakeholders-carriers of strategic risks in transport companies 0,5 Skobeleva I.P. Bulletin of the GUMRF named after Admiral S.O. Makarov Issue 6 October 2014
2 "Integration of risk management into the management system of a transport company based on the concept of a balanced scorecard", article 0,6 Skobeleva I.P. Makarova V.A. T.V. Sanzhieva Publication in the journal "Economics and Entrepreneurship" October 2014
3 The stock market in financing the development of Russian transport companies Skobeleva I.P.
4 "Strategic risk management in transport companies: methods and tools", article 0.6 Skobeleva I.P. Legostaeva N.V. International conference "Actual issues of modern science" Bulgaria November 2014
5 "Key factors of effective risk management in shipping companies", article 0.4 Legostaeva N.V. Publication in the proceedings of the conference dedicated to the 75th anniversary of A.S.Butov "Actual problems of the economics of water transport" Makarova November 2014
6 "Modern approaches to assessment investment attractiveness" article 0,4 Legostaeva N.V. Veselova G.I. "News of modern science" Collection of international practical conference RUSNAUKA December 2014
7 "Evaluation of the effectiveness of scientific models of administrative-territorial division", article 0,55 Danilko R.G. Scientific and practical journal "Economics and Management" 2014
8 "Criteria for the country's integration into world economy", article 0,25 Danilko R.G. Journal "Scientific Notes of the St. Petersburg University of Management and Economics" 2014
9 "Models of sustainable energy security in Russia", article 0,4 Danilko R.G. Russia and the world. Humanitarian problems. Interuniversity collection of scientific papers. Issue 20. GUMRF them. Admiral S.O. Makarova 2015
10 PPP as a tool sustainable development investment activities in modern world 0,6 International National Research Journal № 4 (35) (p.36-38) June 2015
11 Current trends in the development of strategic budget planning regionally. Context, article 0,6 Malinovskaya O.V. Brovkina A.V. Region. Economics: theory and practice no. 20 (347), 2014, pp. 8-16 June 2015
12 Institutional mechanism for investment activities in the transport infrastructure of St. Petersburg, article 0,7 Malinovskaya O.V. Brovkina A.V. Region. Economics: theory and practice no. 21 (396), pp. 2-12 June 2015
13 Formation of synergistic the effect. in complicated theory. level, article 0,4 S.A. Kotov
14 Reasons for deterioration financial condition transport companies in the face of uncertainty in the external environment, article 0,4 Zhelamskaya A.G. Publication in the collection of the conference dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Butov A.S. "Actual problems of economics and management in water transport" GUMRF named after Admiral S.O. Makarova June 2015
16 Modernization in housing and communal services at the present stage, article 0,4 Brisker O.P. Materials of the scientific-practical conference (Ufa) April 2015
17 Globalization of water resources on a global scale, article 0,5 Brisker O.P. Materials of the scientific-practical conference (Ufa) June 2015
18 Foresight as a technology strategic planning and management 1 Malinovskaya O.V. Skobeleva O.P. Finance and credit No. 32,608 2014 (p.2-13) June 2015
19 Features of the payment of income tax of the organization of participants of consolidated groups of taxpayers 0,4 Bunakova E.V. Sat. Information technology, management and law June 2015
20 "Discount rate cash flows investment projects transport complex " 19s. Malinovskaya O.V. Brovkina A.S. "Financial analytics: problems and solutions" 2 (264) P.15-31 January 2016
21 "Investment mechanism in the state regulation system" 12c. Malinovskaya O.V. Skobeleva I.P. Finance and Credit Magazine June 2016
22 "Integrated Risk Management: Innovative Implementation Models" 14c. Skobeleva I.P. Legostaeva N.V. Kalashnik N.E. Creative economy. - 2016. - Volume 10. - No. 2. - p. 185-196. February 2016
23 "Actual institutional problems of our time" 6c. Bunakova E.V. Collection of articles of the international scientific-practical conference "Problems, prospects and directions of innovative development of science." - Ufa .: AETERNA, 2016 .-- 0.3 pp. March 2016
24 "The genesis of mercantilism as a complementary instrument state support economics for solving globalization problems ”. 0.9 "Economics and Management", a scientific journal of the St. Petersburg University of Economics and Management. No. 8 (118) 2015 * VAK *
25 The content and progress of the implementation of the housing and communal services reform at the present stage 0.4 Brisker O.P. Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference Omega SANES Ufa 2015
26 "The place and role of separatism in the administrative-territorial development of the economy." 0.9 Danilko R.G. Ponomareva T.G., Zakharova E.V. Economics and Management ", a scientific journal of the St. Petersburg University of Economics and Management. No. 7 (117) 2015 * VAK *
27 Features of liability insurance when performing international road transport 0.18 Uksusova I.N. Uksusov S.A.
28 Feature analysis state regulation services in the Forex market 0.18 Uksusova I.N. Uksusov S.A. Collection of articles of the international scientific and practical conference "Traditional and innovative science: history, state of the art, prospects ”June 1, 2016, Ufa. (At 4 pm, Part 2 / - Ufa: AETERNA, 2016. - 280 p.)
29 Management of the implementation of the growth strategy of Russian transport companies in the concept of value management: methodology and economic mechanism (monograph) 345s. Skobeleva I.P. Palkina E.S. SPb .: Publishing house of GUMRF im. adm. S.O. Makarova , 2016
Information about scientific activities of bachelors and masters
Participants (full name) Type of event Organizer Form of participation Dates of the Location Event level Status / Reason for Non-Compliance
77 people seminar Cafe MT report May 2017 GUMRF Vuzovsky done
A.A. Bashkatov K.A. Kondratova D.D. Ponosov AO. Tupotilov VII interuniversity scientific-practical conference of graduate students, students and cadets "Modern trends and prospects for the development of water transport in Russia" May 18, 2016 GUMRF report, articles May 2016 GUMRF Interuniversity done
E.A. A.S. Kornienko Martynenkova O.A. Beresneva A.I. Boitsova E.A. Pakhladzhyan V.Yu. Sergeeva A.S. Sinevich VIII Interuniversity scientific-practical conference of graduate students, students and cadets "Modern trends and prospects for the development of water transport in Russia" GUMRF report, articles May 2017 GUMRF Interuniversity done

Scientific publications of teaching staff 2014-2017

Job title Type of work Authors Volume in p.l. Output Publication in the journal from the list of the Higher Attestation Commission (yes / no) Publication in a foreign magazine (yes / no)
"Life of culture" and "culture of life": concepts and reality Kruglova L.K. 0,5 The life of culture and the culture of life: history and modernity. - SPB .: FBGOU VO "GUMRF named after Admiral S. O. Makarov", 2015. S. 6-13. No No
Water transport as a socio-cultural phenomenon chapter in a collective monograph Kruglova L.K. 0,8 - SPB .: GUMRF im. Admiral S.O. Makarova, 2014. No No
The concept of "cultural life" and "culture of life": methodological and heuristic potential Research Article Kruglova L.K. 1 St. Petersburg State University Bulletin, Series 17, no. 3, 2014.S. 95-102. Yes No
Research Article Kruglova L.K. 1 No No
"Life of culture" and "culture of life": theoretical aspect Research Article Kruglova L.K. 0,75 Key: Philosophical and Public Almanac of the Pushkin Center for Analytical Research and Forecasting. Issue 10. - SPB: SPbGAU, 2016 .-- 108 p. S. 69-73 Yes No
The concepts “idea of ​​a university”, “mission of the university”, “university in ruins”: cultural analysis. Part 1. Research Article Kruglova L.K. 0,7 Questions of cultural studies, 2016 / №2. —S.62-69 Yes No
The concepts “idea of ​​a university”, “mission of the university”, “university in ruins”: cultural analysis. Part 2. Research Article Kruglova L.K. 0,65 Questions of cultural studies, 2016 / №3. - C.57-64 Yes No
The concepts "idea of ​​a university", "mission of the university", "university in ruins": cultural analysis. Part 3. Research Article Kruglova L.K. 0,7 Questions of cultural studies, 2016 / №4. - S.46-52 Yes No
article Kruglova L.K. 0,43 Reference edition School culture (explanatory dictionary) / Ed. L. M. Mosolova. - SPb .: Asteron, 2016 .-- S. 90-98. No No
Anthropological turn and anthropological principle in philosophy and cultural studies: historical modifications. Part 1. Research Article Kruglova L.K. 0,6 Cultural issues, 2016 / №9. - S. 35-41. Yes No
Anthropological turn and anthropological principle in philosophy and cultural studies: historical modifications. Part 2. Research Article Kruglova L.K. 0,65 Questions of cultural studies, 2016 / №10. - S. 29-36. Yes No
The problem of "man and culture" in the works of M.S. Kagan Research Article Kruglova L.K. 0,6 Questions of cultural studies, 2016 / №12. - S. 19-25 Yes No
"The life of culture and the culture of life: history and modernity" collective monograph Team of authors 9,25 Edited by L.K. Kruglova - SPb .: Publishing house of the GUMRF named after Admiral S.O. Makarov, 2015 .-- 148 p. No No
Research Article Kruglova L.K. 0,4 Scientific publication "Ilyinsky readings" Materials of the II international scientific-practical conference - St. Petersburg: Publishing house of the GUMRF im. adm. S.O. Makarova, 2015 .-- 158 p. From 26-34. No No
"Man as a problem of philosophy, philosophy of culture, cultural studies." Research Article Kruglova L.K. 1,0 "Human. Culture. Education ”, Scientific, educational and methodical journal, No. 2 (16) / 2015. Syktyvkar, SSU im. Pitirima Sorokina, 2015 .-- S. 33-52 No No
theses Kruglova L.K. 0,05 Ufa, RIC BashSU, 2015. No No
"Formation of a harmoniously developed personality as the main objective cultural policy: theoretical and methodological aspect ”. Research Article Kruglova L.K. 0,8 Cultural Policy of Russia: Actual Aspects. Collective monograph. Edited by A.N. Chumakov // Moscow. Prospect, 2015., pp. 34-42. http://istina.msu.ru/collections/18595475 No No
The concepts "idea of ​​a university", "mission of the university", "university in ruins": cultural analysis Part 1. Research Article Kruglova L.K. 0,58 Questions of cultural studies, №2 / 2016, p.62-69 Yes No
The concepts “idea of ​​a university”, “mission of the university”, “university in ruins”: cultural analysis Part 2. Research Article Kruglova L.K. 0,61 Questions of cultural studies, №3 / 2016, p.57-64 Yes No
The concepts "idea of ​​a university", "mission of the university", "university in ruins": cultural analysis Part 3 Research Article Kruglova L.K. 0,6 Questions of cultural studies, №4 / 2016, p.46-52 Yes No
Man and culture: youth culture and school culture final chapter Kruglova L.K. 0,43 Reference edition School culture (explanatory dictionary) / Ed. L.M. Mosolova. - SPb .: Asteron, 2016 .. 90-98 No No
The image of Sophia in ancient Russian culture monograph Serbenko N.I. Rozanova S.S. 10 - SPB .: FBGOU VO "GUMRF named after Admiral S. O. Makarov", 2014. - 203 p. No No
a paragraph in a collective monograph Misuno A.I., Serbenko N.I. 0,4 No No
Serbenko N.I. 1 No No
Philosopher in the Culture of Life: Dialogue in Empty Space (Pseudonietzsche) a paragraph in a collective monograph Misuno A.I., Serbenko N.I. 0,4 The life of culture and the culture of life: history and modernity. - SPB .: FBGOU VO "GUMRF named after Admiral S. O. Makarov", 2015.
Research Article Dobin A.V. 0,2 No No
Shri Rajneesh (Osho) childhood philosophy Research Article Dobin A.V. 0,2 Collection of scientific works of the teaching staff State University sea ​​and river fleet named after admiral S.O. Makarova: collection of scientific papers / under total. ed. Dr. tech. Sciences, prof. M.V. Sukhoterina, Dr. med. Sciences, prof. L.N. Galankina. - SPb .: Publishing house of GUMRF im. adm. S.O. Makarova, 2014.S. 231-234. (RSCI). No No
The problem of man in the philosophy of V.I.Nesmelov monograph Dobin A.V. 11.5 pp / 185 pp - SPb .: Publishing house of GUMRF im. adm. S.O. Makarova, 2016 .-- 185 p. No No
A paragraph in a collective monograph Syrgia A.S. Dobin A.V. 0,5 The life of culture and the culture of life: history and modernity. - SPB .: FBGOU VO "GUMRF named after Admiral S. O. Makarov", 2015. No No
Research Article Dobin A.V. 0,5 No No
Research Article Dobin A.V. 0,4 No No
Research Article Syrgia A.S. 0,4 No No
Creativity of Shri Rajneesh (Osho) and the dialogue of cultures of East and West Research Article Syrgia A.S. 0,4 StudiaCulturae. - SPb: SPbSU, 2014. Issue. No. 22.C.149-155 (RSCI) No No
Glimpses of a Golden Childhood: Shri Rajneesh on the Culture of Indian Village a paragraph in a collective monograph Syrgia A.S. Dobin A.V. 0,5 The life of culture and the culture of life: history and modernity. - SPB .: FBGOU VO "GUMRF named after Admiral S. O. Makarov", 2015. No No
The Holistic Naturalism of Shri Rajneesh (Osho) Research Article Syrgia A.S. 0,5 Humanitarian research, - M.: International Scientific Center, 2015. No. 4 (44) P. 118-122 (RSCI) No No
Masala: From the History of Indian Mass Cinema Research Article Syrgia A.S. 0,4 Humanitarian research, - Moscow: International Scientific Center, 2015. No. 6 (46). Part 1. P.19-20 (RSCI) No No
report abstracts Syrgia A.S. Philosophy. Tolerance. Globalization. East and West - Dialogue of Worldviews: Abstracts of the VII Russian Philosophical Congress (Ufa, October 6-10, 2015). In 3 volumes. T.P. - Ufa: RITs BashGU, 2015.S. 82 (RSCI) No No
Research Article Syrgia A.S. 0.4 p.p. / 8 p. No No
Sirgiya Anna (Syrgia A.S.) 0.1 pp / 1 p. No No
The Neo-Sannyas Tradition in the Modern Russian Culture Research Article Sirgiia Anna (Syrgia A.S.) 0.4 pp / 6 pp World Congress On Interrelationship among Arts, Culture, Humanities, Religion, Education, Ethics, Philosophy, Spirituality, Science and Society for Holistic Humane Development: Conference Proceedings. - New Delhi .: KrishiSanskriti, 2016. - P. 1-6 No No
The image of childhood in the culture of everyday life in the Middle Ages a paragraph in a collective monograph Rodina-Baranovskaya S.A. 0,6 The life of culture and the culture of life: history and modernity. - SPB .: FBGOU VO "GUMRF named after Admiral S. O. Makarov", 2015. No No
Theater in the culture of childhood: from the history of children's theaters in Russia Research Article Rodina-Baranovskaya S.A. 0,5 Collection of scientific works of the faculty of the State University of Maritime and River Fleet named after Admiral S.O. Makarova: collection of scientific papers / under total. ed. Dr. tech. Sciences, prof. M.V. Sukhoterina, Dr. med. Sciences, prof. L.N. Galankina. - SPb .: Publishing house of GUMRF im. adm. S.O. Makarova, 2014.S. 211-219. (RSCI). No No
Property as a Sociocultural Value in Russian Identity Research Article Vyzhletsova N.E. Vyzhletsov G.P. 0,3 Innovative education and economics. Scientific and practical journal of the Omsk Economic Institute. - Omsk. 2014. - No. 14. S. 22-27. No No
The culture of life of ancient Russia: from paganism to Christianity a paragraph in a collective monograph Vyzhletsova N.E. 0,6 The life of culture and the culture of life: history and modernity. - SPB .: FBGOU VO "GUMRF named after Admiral S. O. Makarov", 2015.
The culture of life in the context of the ancient Russian tradition Research Article Vyzhletsova N.E. 0.75 Innovative education and economics. Scientific and practical journal of the Omsk Economic Institute, Omsk. No. 18, 2015. P.63-68 No No
Gender Stereotypes in the Navy: Historical and Cultural Analysis monograph Chulkov O. A. Kasyanova O. 4,18 SPb: Publishing house of the GUMRF named after Admiral S.O. Makarova, 2014 .-- 72 p. No No
The morphology of the image of St. Petersburg in the context of the European cultural paradigm a paragraph in a collective monograph Chulkov O. A. 0,5 The life of culture and the culture of life: history and modernity. - SPB .: FBGOU VO "GUMRF named after Admiral S. O. Makarov", 2015. No No
report abstracts Chulkov O. A. 0,4 No No
Styx and Lethe: Toward a Metaphysics of Turbulence section of a collective monograph Chulkov O. A. 0,5 Images and motives of water in culture. ". - SPB .: GUMRF im. Admiral S.O. Makarova, 2014. No No
Research Article Chulkov O.A. 0,3 No No
Research Article Chulkov O.A. 0,5 No No
Research Article Migunov N.I. 0,48 No Yes
Research Article Migunov N.I. 1,01 Yes No
Chinese modernization and the post-Confucian concept of "added value of values" / Research Article Migunov N.I. 0.5 Bulletin of the Russian Philosophical Society. 2014, No. 3. S. 47-56. No No
Research Article Migunov N.I. 0,19 Yes No
Research Article Migunov N. AND. 0,5 The International Conference in Commemorating 2565 th Anniversary of Confucius & the 5 th Congress of the International Confucian Association. 2014, Sept. 24-27. Beijing. - Beijing, 2014, pp. 1859-1863. No Yes
Confucianism as Fusion of Knowledge and Life Research Article Migunov N.I. 0,5 The International Conference in Commemorating 2565 th Anniversary of Confucius & the 5 th Congress of the International Confucian Association. 2014, Sept. 24-27. Beijing. - Beijing, 2014, pp. 1884-1891 (with O.V. Migunova) No Yes
The Confucian Way of Tu Weiming Research Article Migunov N.I. 0,19 The Age of Globalization. - Moscow. - 2015. - No. 1. S. 13-15. Yes No
Geocivilizational Discourse in China Research Article Migunov N.I. 1,0 New Horizons global peace... Sat. scientific papers. - SPb, 2015, pp. 282-294. No No
Research Article I. A. Lebedev 0,2 Science and modernity: a collection of articles of the International Scientific and Practical Conference (April 4, 2015, Ufa) at 2 h. Part 2. - Ufa: AETERNA, 2015, pp. 86-88. (RSCI) No No
Research Article Kirsanov V.P. 0,4 No No
Formation of the ability to work in a team among cadets in a maritime university. Research Article Serova E.A. 0.3 Collection of materials of the branch conference "Educational activities in a modern university." Vladivostok, Moscow State University named after Nevelsky, 2015, pp. 86-90. No No

Participation in conferences, symposia, exhibitions

Title of the report author Volume in p.l. / page Output Publication of a report in the Proceedings of an international conference, seminar or symposium indexed by foreign databases (Web of Science, Scopus) (yes / no)
I. A. Ilyin on the fundamental values ​​of culture Kruglova L.K. 1 Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Ilyinsky Readings". - SPB .: GUMRF im. Admiral S.O. Makarova, 2014.2014 .-- S. 29-49. No
“The idea of ​​I.A. Ilyin on Resistance to Evil by Force in the Context of Modernity. Kruglova L.K. 0,4 Scientific publication "Ilyinsky readings" Materials of the II international scientific-practical conference - St. Petersburg: Publishing house of the GUMRF im. adm. S.O. Makarova, 2015 .-- 158 p. S 26-34 no.
"Union of philosophy of culture and philosophy of life: necessity and opportunity." Kruglova L.K. 0,05 Scientific publication “Philosophy. Tolerance, Globalization. East and West - Dialogue of Worldviews ”. Materials of the VII Russian Philosophical Congress (Ufa, October 6-10, 2015) Ufa, RIC BashSU, 2015. No
"Philosophy of Altruism" by Pitirim Sorokin Serbenko N.I. 1 Ilyinsky readings: Materials III international scientific and practical conference "Ilyinsky readings". - SPb, Publishing house of the GUMRF im. Admiral S.O. Makarova, 2016.S. 96-114. No
Problems of pedagogy in the work of Shri Rajneesh Dobin A.V. 0,2 Pedagogy and Psychology: Topical Issues of Theory and Practice: Materials of the IV Mezhdunar. scientific-practical conf. (Cheboksary, May 22, 2015) / editorial board: O. N. Shirokov [et al.]. - Cheboksary: ​​Central nervous system "Interactive plus", 2015. P.1-5. No
The problem of salvation in the anthropology of V. I. Nesmelov Dobin A.V. 0,5 Ilyinsky Readings: Materials of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference "Ilyinsky Readings". - SPb, Publishing house of the GUMRF im. Admiral S.O. Makarova, 2016.S. 124-135. No
The positivism and empiricism of the “early” V.I. Nesmelova Dobin A.V. 0,4 Scientific research: from theory to practice: materials of the VIII Intern. scientific-practical conf. (Cheboksary, June 5, 2016) / editorial board: O. N. Shirokov [et al.]. - Cheboksary: ​​Central nervous system "Interactive plus", 2016. - No. 2 (8) No
Shri Rajneesh on the problem of human and cultural evolution Syrgia A.S. 0,4 Almanac of the Scientific and Educational Cultural Society of Russia “The World of Culture and Culturologists of the III St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum - 2014. - SPb .: Publishing House of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen, 2014.S. 68-73. No
The philosophy of Shri Rajneesh as a synthesis of the spiritual traditions of the East and West Syrgia A.S. Philosophy. Tolerance. Globalization. East and West - Dialogue of Worldviews: Abstracts of the VII Russian Philosophical Congress (Ufa, October 6-10, 2015). In 3 volumes. T.P. - Ufa: RITs BashGU, 2015.S. 82 No
The tradition of neo-sannyas in the modern culture of St. Petersburg Syrgia A.S. 0.4 p.p. StudiaCulturae, 2016. - Vol. 3 (29). S. 167-174. No
Neo-Sannyas in the Digital Age Sirgiya Anna (Syrgia A.S.) 0.1 pp Relocating Religion. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 2016. P. 75 No
Imaginary and speculative in the work of I. A. Ilyin Chulkov O. A. 0,4 Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Ilyinsky Readings". - SPB .: GUMRF im. Admiral S.O. Makarova, 2014 .-- S. 121-129. No
Images of the world and the problem of "world dust" in the philosophy of I.A. Ilyina Chulkov O.A. 0,3 Ilyinsky Readings: Materials of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference. - SPb, Publishing house of the GUMRF im. Admiral S.O. Makarova, 2015.S. 96-102. No
Hegel's "Philosophy of Law" in the interpretation of I.A. Ilyina Chulkov O.A. 0,5 Ilyinsky Readings: Materials of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference "Ilyinsky Readings". - SPb, Publishing house of the GUMRF im. Admiral S.O. Makarova, 2016.S. 136-144 No
Modern New Confucianism: Institutional Aspect Migunov N.I. 0,48 Proceedings of the XLIV Scientific Conference "Society and State in China", Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow), March 24-26, 2014 No
Confucianism and the Building of Modern Society (Sixth World Confucian Conference) Migunov N.I. 1,01 East - Oriens. - 2014. - No. 3. - VAK No
Confucian Discourse and Political Perfectionism Migunov N.I. 0,5 The International Conference in Commemorating 2565th Anniversary of Confucius & the 5th Congress of the International Confucian Association. 2014, Sept. 24-27. Beijing. - Beijing, 2014, pp. 1859-1863. No
Revolutionary philosophy of V.V.Bervi-Flerovsky I. A. Lebedev 0,2 Science and modernity: a collection of articles of the International Scientific and Practical Conference (April 4, 2015, Ufa) at 2 h. Part 2. - Ufa: AETERNA, 2015, pp. 86-88. (RSCI) No
The problem of the dialogue of civilizations in the context of the formation of a multipolar world Kirsanov V.P. 0,4 Training method. manual "Harmonization of interethnic relations and prevention of extremist manifestations in the youth environment" SPb., 2015, p. 93-99 No

Teaching aids

P / p No. Job title Type of work Authors Volume in p.l. Output
1 Culturology: method. instructions for seminars. Part 1. History of the study of the problem of culture L. K. Kruglova S. A. Rodina-Baranovskaya A. S. Syrgia 3,75 Culturology: method. instructions for seminars. Part 1. History of the study of the problem of culture / comp. L. K. Kruglova, S. A. Rodina-Baranovskaya, A. S. Syrgia. - SPb .: Publishing house of GUMRF im. adm. S.O. Makarova, 2016 .-- 60 p.
2 Philosophy: method. instructions for seminars Educational and methodological instructions for seminars A. S. Sirgia A. V. Dobin S. A. Rodina-Baranovskaya 4,5 Philosophy: method. instructions for seminars / comp. A.S. Syrgia, A.V. Dobin, S.A. Rodina-Baranovskaya. - SPb .: Publishing house of GUMRF im. adm. S.O. Makarova, 2016 .-- 72 p.
3 Fundamentals of Political Science Tutorial Danilenko A.A. 5,0 SPb .: Publishing house of GUMRF im. adm. S.O. Makarova, 2014 .-- 80 p.
4. Fundamentals of conflict management Tutorial Danilenko A.A. Serova E.A. Dzhumagulova A.F. 6,9 SPb .: Publishing house of GUMRF im. adm. S.O. Makarova, 2015 .-- 110 p.

At FDO TUSUR I received a second higher education. I transferred to TUSUR from another university, where I studied in the evening department, but there was not always enough time to attend classes and the quality of studies suffered significantly. I learned about the opportunity to get a higher education remotely from my friends, and I decided to transfer to a university where there is distance learning using distance learning technologies. Having studied the proposals of such universities, I opted for TUSUR, because, firstly, I heard a lot of positive things about it, and secondly, my relative, who works in the scientific field and spoke of it as a university with a high quality of education, studied here in person. ...

During the translation process, there were many questions and I would like to note the invaluable help and support that my curator Tatyana Andreevna Panova gave me, she always promptly and at a high professional level advised me.

The distance learning faculty fully met my expectations. It is very valuable for me that there is an opportunity to draw up my own training schedule, which takes into account the individual needs and capabilities of each student. After the first semester of study, I even convinced my wife to transfer to distance learning as well.

The main advantages of distance learning at FDO, in my opinion, are:

  • flexible study schedule: there is no specific time when the student must be at the computer;
  • available teaching materials, to which there is always access from personal account student and who can be contacted when performing tests and term papers;
  • responsive curator and other FDO specialists who are always ready to help;
  • high-quality and very detailed consultations before the state exam, thanks to which the majority of FDO students passed the state examiner successfully.

I am very pleased with my choice and the results of my studies at FDO TUSUR.


By the time I started my studies, I already held the position of acting director. Head of the Organizational Development Department at Mining and Metallurgical Concern Kazakhaltyn JSC (Kazzoloto), which is engaged in exploration, production and processing of ores containing precious metals.

My department develops regulatory and methodological documents (instructions, regulations) for the enterprise, generates annual financial statements (ECCO) for unified system, and training at FDO helped me a lot professionally. I graduated from TUSUR in 2011 with honors.

I am immensely grateful to my teachers with FDO! Read

In a modern, dynamically developing world, constant development is the key to success. However, it is often quite difficult to find the opportunity to receive a serious basic education, combining this process with basic labor activity... Distance learning at TUSUR turned out to be the optimal solution for me.

Developing economic system and while studying at TUSUR, I went from a junior developer to a leader of a development team in my company. I am sure that the knowledge I gained at TUSUR helped and will continue to help me in the future. professional activity... Read

I learned about the distance learning faculty from my friend, who suggested to me that in Kyzyl there is an office of the regional partner of FDO TUSUR, who can advise on admission issues and help to draw up documents. I liked studying remotely - there is no need to travel outside the home region, there is no need to pay for tickets and a hotel, as in the sessions when studying by correspondence.

I did not encounter any particular difficulties in the process of studying; I received new knowledge with pleasure. I wish you success and further prosperity to FDO TUSUR!


Before entering the TUSUR distance learning faculty, I was engaged in management in practical medicine, but in the context of the reform and transition of healthcare to market relations, I have a need for additional economic knowledge. Distance learning at TUSUR allowed him to gain versatile knowledge and improve his qualifications, to acquire practical skills in the field of information technologies without interrupting his work, immediately applying them in his work.

During our studies, together with the teachers of the Department of Economics, we have developed a number of business projects that have already been implemented and are successfully functioning in medical institutions.

After receiving my diploma, I work as a deputy chief physician for economic issues... I understand that at TUSUR I acquired not only knowledge and skills, but also the ability to think large-scale and progressively, the ability to analyze and make decisions.

I want to express my deep gratitude to the teachers, FDO staff for their professionalism and wish them all the best! Read

Economics (profile Finance and Credit) is an educational program that forms students' competencies that allow them to independently solve problems in the field of financial management of economic entities of the economy.

Professional skills:

  • analyze the activities of the enterprise;
  • to develop schemes of economic actions for the future in order to save and reduce costs, to identify reserves;
  • build literate economic policy development.

Benefits of education

Classical financial and economic education, which allows graduates to find employment in organizations of the financial sector of the economy, entrepreneurial structures, government bodies, tax authorities etc. Training takes place not only in the classrooms of the university, but also in organizations that are strategic partners of VSUES.

Relevance of education

An economist diploma guarantees employment, material security, career opportunities and professional development. The economist works in strategic, economic planning, financial, investment departments of administrations of all levels budget system; in financial services and analytical departments of financial institutions; in consulting companies providing management and financial consulting; in appraisal companies; in financial and analytical agencies and centers; at the Federal Treasury; in banking institutions.

Features of the implementation of the educational process at VSUES:

  • highly qualified teaching staff (candidates and doctors of science, practicing specialists, honorary workers of higher professional education);
  • organization industrial practices at the leading enterprises and organizations of the city of Vladivostok and the Primorsky Territory;
  • practice-oriented learning model, recognized by the world's leading universities, with the aim of gaining experience in professional and entrepreneurial activities in enterprises real sector economics in the process of studying at a university;
  • the presence of a Business Incubator - a platform for the implementation of student business projects;
  • comprehensive provision of opportunities for students to acquire competencies that allow them to successfully realize themselves in modern society and in the labor market;
  • the use of educational technologies that ensure a high level of quality in education;
  • the formation of the social status of the student's personality as a complex of moral principles of behavior and activity, a system of professional values ​​and attitudes;
  • achieving a synergistic effect of knowledge and skills, consciousness and culture, values ​​and professionalism;
  • using a blended learning model through the use of the Moodle e-learning environment;
  • use of e-learning technologies (face-to-face classes + independent work learners with electronic training courses and other educational resources placed in the electronic educational environment of VSUES).

Annotation of the main educational program of the profile "Finance and Credit"
bachelor's degree 38.03.01 "Economics"

Direction of training: 38.03.01 Economics

Profile name: Finance and credit

Qualifications obtained: Bachelor of Economics

Term of mastering the basic educational program: 4 years

The name of the graduating department: chair economic analysis, statistics and finance.

Areas of professional activity, possible places of employment.

Graduates of the "Finance and Credit" profile receive a set of knowledge in the field of:

state and municipal finance;



monetary circulation;


financial management;

financial analysis;

market valuable papers and exchange business;

financial markets;

taxes and taxation;

The Bachelor of Finance and Credit is prepared for professional work v: government bodies federal, regional and municipal level; banks, financial and insurance and investment companies, in the securities market, in collective investment institutions, in financial - economic services enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership in positions requiring higher economic education, according to the qualification handbook of positions of managers, specialists and other employees.

Graduates of the profile receive the necessary and sufficient preparation for admission to the magistracy of the direction "Finance and Credit", "Management", they are ready for teaching work in higher, secondary specialized institutions and the system of additional education; acquire a foundation of theoretical knowledge and practical skills that will allow them to subsequently participate in research and development in the field of finance and credit. The knowledge gained in the learning process meets international standards.

Upon completion of their studies, graduates of the "Finance and Credit" profile can continue their studies at leading European and American universities to obtain a Master's degree.

The main disciplines of the curriculum: In addition to fundamental economic disciplines, courses that form the specifics of the profile include: corporate finance, investments, banking, analysis of the activities of a commercial bank, methods of financial and credit calculations, international monetary relations, state and municipal finance, the securities market and exchange business, financial markets, insurance, management analysis, financial accounting, management accounting, international standards financial statements, audit, financial management, tax management, financial economics, history of finance, economic security, finance statistics and others.

Competence model of the graduate... A graduate of the "Finance and Credit" profile must have the following professional competencies:

Able to analyze and interpret financial, accounting and other information contained in the statements of enterprises of various forms of ownership, organizations, departments, etc. and use the information obtained to make financial management decisions;

Able to perform the necessary for compilation financial sections business plans calculations, justify them and present the results of work in accordance with the standards adopted in the organization;

Able to select tools for processing financial indicators in accordance with the task at hand, analyze the results of calculations and substantiate the findings;

Capable based on description financial processes and phenomena build standard theoretical and econometric models, analyze and meaningfully interpret the results;

Able to develop strategic financial plans development of enterprises and organizations;

Able to effectively use financial planning methods;

Able to effectively use methods of analysis and investment management;

Able to effectively manage the finances of investment, insurance, financial and credit organizations and enterprises of the real sector of the economy;

Able to effectively use methods of financial risk management;

Able to manage state and municipal finances;

Able to effectively apply international financial reporting standards;

Able to effectively use tax management methods.

The Central Bank proposes to limit rates on consumer loans and loans 1% per day. Such measures can deal a painful blow to the microfinance market, according to industry representatives: 95% of players today lend for more than high rates

Photo: Mikhail Voskresensky / RIA Novosti

Not more percent in a day

The Central Bank proposes to limit the rate on loans and borrowings 1% per day, according to the amendments to the laws “On consumer credit(loan) "and" On microfinance activities and microfinance organizations. " RBC got acquainted with the version of the bill proposed by the regulator for the second reading, the authenticity of the main provisions of the document was confirmed by the Central Bank.

According to the proposals of the Central Bank, the restrictions should start working on July 1, 2019. Until that time (since the adoption of the law), the limit will be set at 1.5% per day. The document also notes that the rate on a consumer loan on any day of using a loan cannot exceed by more than a third the average market value of the total cost of a consumer loan calculated by the Central Bank.

The average market value of the total cost of consumer loans is determined by the Central Bank on a quarterly basis as the weighted average of the total cost of a loan, calculated for the 100 largest creditors (based on the volume of loans issued in the previous quarter). The Central Bank determines the average market values ​​of the total cost of loans in five categories: credit institutions, microfinance organizations, credit consumer cooperatives, agricultural credit consumer cooperatives and pawnshops.

Amendments to the laws "On consumer credit (loan)" and "On microfinance activities and microfinance organizations" in the first reading were adopted in November 2017. In the first version of the document it was assumed that for consumer loans and loans for up to one year, interest and fines cease to be accrued after their amount reaches one and a half of the loan amount. In the changes prepared by the Central Bank, this measure remained, but the regulator proposes to introduce restrictions through a transitional period. Until July 2019, the amount of fines and interest on consumer loans is planned to be limited to 2.5 times the amount of the original loan, and from July 2019 to July 2020, the limits will be twice the amount of the loan.

Now the law "On Microfinance Activities and Microfinance Organizations" implies restrictions for MFOs on the collection of interest and fines at the time when their total amount three times the loan amount.

One of the initiators of the bill, the first deputy chairman of the Federation Council committee on budgets and financial markets Nikolai Zhuravlev, told RBC that he supports the introduction of amendments both in terms of limiting 1% per day, and in clarifying transition period with a more stringent approach to the calculation of interest and penalties. According to him, this issue has been discussed with the Central Bank, the Ministry of Finance and the State Duma for a year and the Federation Council hopes that the amendments will be adopted in November.

Against old business models

The press service of the Central Bank explained to RBC that the proposed measures enhance the protection of consumers of the services of microfinance organizations. The measures proposed by the regulator do not affect the entire market of microfinance organizations, and not even the entire segment of payday loans (PDL). The measures are aimed at curbing the growth rates of only those companies that make a profit by operating at the limit values ​​of the full cost of a loan, abuse refinancing and prolongation, do not conduct a high-quality examination of credit risks and provide loans to those clients who are unable to service them. “For such companies it will be unprofitable to work according to old business models,” the Central Bank said. Those who cannot and will not want to change approaches to their business will leave the market, the Bank of Russia warned.

At the same time, “in order to preserve the opportunity for citizens to quickly receive loans small amounts for a short period of time ”, the Central Bank will not extend restrictions on unsecured loans for no more than 15 days and no more than 10 thousand rubles. For such loans, an exception will be made, subject to several reservations: if the loan amount is not extended or increased, the amount of accrued interest and fines does not exceed 3 thousand rubles. when issuing a loan for 10 thousand rubles. etc.

According to Dmitry Yanin, Chairman of the Board of the International Confederation of Consumer Societies (ConfOP), the measures proposed by the Central Bank are close to regulating the PDL segment in the UK, where the rate limits are 0.8% per day, and the limits on the ratio of the loan amount to the amount of interest and fines are one to one ... Despite the fact that the size of the daily rate (large enough) can be discussed, the approach itself for Russian market The MFO is revolutionary, since the Central Bank did not offer anything effective in terms of regulating the MFO market before, Yanin said. As a result, the market for the most dangerous microloans grew at double-digit rates (20-30% per year). The expert is confident that the proposed restrictions will stop the growth of the market for the most toxic loans - up to RUB 30,000. for a period of up to 30 days (the rate on them is the highest; in the fourth quarter of 2018, the rate allowed by the Central Bank on such loans was 841% per annum). The decision of the Central Bank may be negatively perceived by some market participants, Yanin admits, since for them this may mean a revision of the business model (now many MFOs issue loans to everyone).

For the MFO market, the measures proposed by the Central Bank are ambiguous, says Alexander Shustov, General Director of the MFO "Money Fanny". According to him, the amendments from the regulator can return the market to the situation of 2010-2011, when there was practically no microfinance industry, but there were only gray lenders. For MFOs working in the segments of short-term consumer loans and PDL, the measures of the Central Bank look unpromising, adds Shustov. As a result of increased regulation, the market is concentrating, but even large players will soon be unable to work in the consumer loans segment, he is sure. In the light of changes in legislation, Money Fanny diversified its portfolio and started working with small and medium-sized businesses, Shustov said.

100 billion portfolio

  • 95-97% of all MFOs issue loans at rates above 365%, the bureau told RBC credit histories Equifax.
  • Now full cost credit (LOI) in microfinance organizations for the first time since the beginning of 2016 shows a clear downward trend, the company notes.
  • So, in the second quarter of 2018, the average value of the CPM decreased by 21 p.p. from 576% in the first quarter, until that time this indicator has been growing steadily for two years, setting new records from quarter to quarter, say in Equifax.
  • According to the credit bureau, the portfolio of MFOs at the end of September amounted to 112 billion rubles. (for three months increased from 98.5 billion rubles), the total number of loans - 7.3 million with an average amount of 15 thousand rubles.

Featuring: Kirill Sirotkin

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