
Labor as the basis for the development of society and an important factor of production. III. Fastening material

Labor is a fundamental anthropological category. In pre-industrial societies, it is typical of understanding of labor as a constituted by God given to human life.

In the psycho-physiological aspect of the labor processthere is a suitable, productive consumption of the physical and nervous energy of a person. With this approach, two characteristics can be distinguished in each type of labor:

- psycho-physiological content (the work of the senses, muscles, thinking processes);

- Conditions in which labor activity is carried out.

Labor is the expedient activity of people aimed at the creation of material and cultural values.Labor is the basis and indispensable condition for the life of people. Affecting on environmentBy changing and adapting it to its needs, people not only provide their existence, but also create conditions for the development and progress of society.

Work and work -concepts are not equal, non-identical. Labor is a public phenomenon, he is inherent only to a person. How the life of a person is outside of society is impossible, so it can not work without a person and out of society. Work is a concept of physical, it can be carried out both by man, and animals, and the car. Labor is measured by working time, work - kilograms, pieces. Most often in the literature recent years It is difficult to understand any mental and physical effort undertaken in part or entirely to achieve any result, not counting the satisfaction of the work itself directly from the work itself.

To labor objects: Earth and its subsoil, flora and fauna, raw materials, semi-finished products and components, facilities of industrial and non-production work and services, energy, material and information flows.

Obligatory labor elements are labor and means of production.

Workforce is a set of physical and spiritual abilities of the person who are used in the labor process. Workforce - the main, main productive power of society. Machines of production consist of objects of labor and equipment. Labor objects are the products of nature, which in the process of labor are subject to one or another changes and turn into consumer value. If the objects of labor form the material base of the product, then they are called basic materials, and if they contribute to the labor process or give the main material new properties, then with auxiliary materials. The subjects of labor in a broad sense include all that is sought, is produced, processed, formed, i.e. Material resources, scientific knowledge.

Whether goods are produced tools, with which a person affects labor objects and modifies them. It includes labor tools and workplace. The effectiveness of labor has an impact of a combination of properties and parameters of labor equipment, properly adapted to a person or a team as a subject of labor. In case of inconsistency of the psycho-physiological characteristics of the person and the parameters of labor, the safe mode of operation is disturbed, the fatigue of the employee increases. The parameters of labor tools depend on the achievements of scientific and technological progress, financial opportunities Enterprises for the acquisition of new products, as well as its investment activity.

The alienation of labor is the relationship between the labor entity and any social function of labor, which develops as a result of the rupture of their initial unity, leading to the depletion of the nature of the labor entity and the reincarnation of the alienated function, as well as the process of breaking this unity itself.

The labor process is the phenomenon of complex and multidimensional. The main forms of its manifestation are the costs of human energy, the interaction of the employee with the production facilities (subjects and the means of labor) and the production interaction of workers with each other as horizontally (the ratio of complicity in a single labor process) and vertical (the relationship between the head and subordinate) . The role of labor in the development of man and society is manifested in the fact that in the process of labor, not only material and spiritual values \u200b\u200bare created, designed to meet the needs of people, but also develop workers who acquire skills, reveal their abilities, replenish and enrich knowledge. The creative nature of labor is an expression in the emergence of new ideas, progressive technologies, more advanced and high-performance workers, new products, materials, energy, which, in turn, lead to the development of needs.

Thus, in the process of employment, the goods are not only produced, services are provided, cultural values \u200b\u200bare created, but new needs appear with the requirements of their subsequent satisfaction. The sociological aspect of the study is to consider the labor as a system of social relations, in determining its influence on society.

Labor plays an extremely important role in the implementation and development of human society and its member. Thanks to the work of many thousands of generations of people, the enormous potential of productive forces, colossal public wealth, has formed modern civilization. Further progress of human society is impossible without the development of production and labor.

At all times, labor was and remains an essential production factor, a type of human activity.

Activities -this is an internal (mental) and external (physical) activity of a person regulated by the Conscious goal.

Labor activity is the leading, main activity of man. Since during the life at every moment a person can be in one of two states - activities or inaction, then the activity acts as an active process, and inaction - as passive.

Thus, the work from an economic point of view is the process of conscious, expedient activity of people, with the help of which they modify the substance and the forces of nature, adapting them to meet their needs.

Objectives of employmentthere may be the production of consumer goods and services or means necessary for their production. The objectives may be the production of energy, media, ideological products, as well as the actions of management and organizational technologies. At the same time, it does not matter whether the product produced is needed to meet his own needs. The objectives of the work is asked by a person by society, so in nature it is public: the needs of society are formed, determine, direct and regulate.

In the process of labor, a large number of external production and non-production factors affecting its performance and health affects human. The combination of these factors is called working conditions.

Under labor conditionsit is understood as the combination of elements of the production environment affecting the functional state of a person, its performance, health, all parties to its development and, above all, to the work towards work and its effectiveness. Working conditions are formed in the production process and are determined by the type and level of technology, technology and organization of production.

Distinguish socio-economic and industrial working conditions.

Socio-economic working conditionsall that affects the level of employee training to participate in labor, to restore the labor force (the level of education and the possibility of obtaining it, the possibility of a full-fledged rest, the terms of life). Production conditions of labor -these are all elements of the production environment that affect the employee in the process of labor, on its health and performance, to attitude to work.

Labor subjectthere may be a separate worker or team. Since labor and objects of labor creates a person, it is the main component of labor as a system.

Hence, labor is a social phenomenon.In the process of labor, a certain system of socio labor relationshipwho are a rod of public relations at any level ( national economy, region, enterprise, individuals).

it social characteristic of labor.But the basis of labor is also psychological, and physiological processes. Therefore, an important role in solving problems of increasing its effectiveness plays the study of the activities and functions of a person. This implies another definition of the category "Labor".

Work -this is the process of spending the nervous (mental) and muscular (physical) energy of a person, as a result of which consumer value is being created for the life and development of society.

This characteristic of labor is closely related to its performance. Reducing the cost of energy to perform a unit of work volume is identical to performance growth, and vice versa, with energy consumption depends on various production and personal factors.

In the framework of labor also allocate various aspects:

economic(public employment, labor market, labor productivity, organization and rationing of chest, payment and material incentives, planning, analysis and accounting);

technical and technological(technical and technological equipment, electrical and energy and safety, safety);

social(content, attractiveness, prestige and motivation, social partnership);

psychophysiological(severity, tensions, sanitary and hygienic working conditions);

legal(Legislative regulation of labor relations, relations in the labor market).

Such division is very conditional, as labor problems combine at the same time different aspects, appear in unity or are in close dependence.

Work,speaking as the process of interaction between man and nature, at the same time determines certain relations between its participants. In structure public labor Select the following categories: labor content and socio-economic nature of labor.

Socio-economic nature of laborit is expressed by the form of his public organization and is a set of relations between the participants of the employment process, distinctive features characteristic of this or that method of production.

One of the most important methodological aspects of the study of labor is the knowledge of its functions. With all the variety of the latter, it is impossible not to note their dialectic unity. The following functions are characteristic:

method of meeting needs(the first and most important function of labor with which the public being of a person begins);

creator societary wealth(Activities, through which a person, satisfying his needs, will mediate, regulates, controls the metabolism among themselves and nature);

creator of society and factor of public progress(satisfying the needs and creating wealth, labor is at the heart of the whole social development - forms social sections of society and the basis of their interaction);

scaber man(creating all the values \u200b\u200bof human being, acting as a subject of social development, entitled to work Society as a whole, a person develops himself: acquires knowledge and professional skills, forms communication skills and interaction);

power that opens humanity path to freedom(who gives people the opportunity to take into account all the more distant natural and social consequences of their actions).

Labor content -these are the functional features of a specific type of labor, due to the subject of labor, the means of labor and the form of organization of the production process. These features cover the degree of responsibility and complexity of labor, the level of technical capabilities, the ratio of performing functions, the level of technical equipment, the degree of diversity of labor functions.

The content of labor expresses the distribution of functions in the workplace and is determined by the set of operations performed, shows the level of development of productive forces. Each stage of development of productive forces makes its work requirements, creates prerequisites for the formation of a certain type of employee, changes the ratio of employed by the work of different content.

Taken by B. modern conditions Transformations in the economy, facilities and objects of labor require increased training of employees. This is due to the complication of the content of labor, which reflects the interaction of a person and labor instruments in the process of labor activity and is the composition of labor functions - a set of actions performed by an employee, their relationship and relationship.

Main factorschange labor contentdevelopment of production facilities, scientific and technical progress, transformation of technology and production technology. Under the action of these factors, labor is gradually exempt from restrictions that restrain human capabilities. A person with his abilities and skills to work remains the main element of production, but the labor content is changing. It is implemented in actions on the annex of scientific knowledge, control and regulation in accurately compliance with the requirements of the achievements of science and technology.

The content differences:labor in the field of material production, in the field of services, in the sphere of science, culture and art, in other areas; labor in certain industries of material and intangible industries, such as labor in mechanical engineering, in the light and food industry, in construction, in agriculture, in transport; labor by type of activity is the work of entrepreneur, head, administrator, specialist, employee, scientist, engineer, worker, farmer; Finally, labor by profession and specialties. Labor content, such as engineer-technologist, assembly mechanic, tractor driver, artist, musician, seller, scientist, an accountant may be strictly designated by describing the distinctive features of each type of activity.

Description of labor

Economic science, considering the process of social development, allocates periods in it not only in terms of the development of productive forces (the nature of labor instruments), but also in the form of their use (the nature of the relations of people in the process of creating material goods and services).

Public division of laborled to separation different species Labor activities in independent spheres. And, first of all, in physical and mental work. With the development of manufactory, the division of labor on mental and physical has already occurred directly in production. Large Machine Production, Deece public separation Labor separating the manufacturer from the means of production, turned it into the performer, deprived of the opportunity to exercise his public will.

Complex labor cooperation involves its separation when various, but interrelated specific types of labor are combined in a single production process. In modern work, certain production relations are approved between individual workers, primarily the relationship of cooperation and division of labor.

Under description of laborit is understood by his socio-economic side, expressing the type of public organization of labor and the attitude towards him of workers. The nature of labor is determined by the system of production relations and depends on the degree of development of the material and technical base of this method of production. At the same time, the type of public organization of labor is manifested in the method of a combination of workers with the means of production, in the specific forms of division of labor and its social structure, in the relationship of certain types of labor.

Description of laborexpresses the degree of development of production relations and discloses the process of interaction between a person with society.

TO indicators of labor characterbelieve:

- the form of ownership;

- the attitude of workers to work;

- the relationship of the distribution of products and services produced;

- The degree of social differences in the process of labor.

Distinguish the following labor varieties:free and subyval; personal and public; individual and collective; meaningful and bad; mental and physical; creative and routine; prestigious and not prestigious; varying severity and harmfulness; Stressful and unpressed.

The overall classification of labor can be represented by the scheme (Scheme 2.2).

The nature of labor determine the size and peculiarity of the expenditure of labor, the factors of the external environment, features technological process. The spending by man of nervous and muscular energy in large quantities is a manifestation of negative states in the development of negative states: overwork, emotional stress, increased mental tension, anxiety, absence of motivation.

In addition, they affect human activity working time, the development of its creative abilities, the structure of consumption, rhythm of life, a way to conduct free time.

Work -this process characterized by the time and energy of a person aimed at converting nature resources into material, social, intellectual, aesthetic and spiritual benefits. Such activities can be carried out either for coercion (administrative, economic), or by inner motivation, or on the other.

As for the satisfaction obtained from the labor process, which is negotiated in the above definition, it significantly depends on the share of creativity in this form of activity, its goals, the conditions of implementation, as well as from the individual characteristics of the employee. The more satisfaction receives a person from the labor process, the greater the normal social conditions for the benefit and the enterprise, and society.

The basis of human life and society lies economic activity, production.

Production is a process in which people, affecting the substance of nature, produce material and spiritual benefits.

Goods are called funds with which needs needs.

Production is carried out due to the interaction of the three elements: the labor of a person, the subject of labor and the means of labor. They are customary to call the difficult moments of the labor process.

Labor is the expedient activity of people to create material and spiritual goods and services.

The subject of labor is what a person affects with its work in order to create a finished product.

Whether goods are tools, with the help of which a person affects the subject of labor

Objects and means of labor required to create any product form products.

Production of goods reflects, firstly, the interaction of man and nature; Secondly, the interaction of people among themselves in the process of their economic activity. The first type of interconnection is made by productive forces, the second - economic relations.

Productive forces are personal (working force) and real (manufacturing facilities) Factors of social production in their interaction.

The scientific and technical revolution converts production factors. So, the means of producing are enriched with computer science, electronic computing and computer equipment. Qualitative changes and by labor occur: his scientific organization appears, the qualification and intellectual level of employees increases, the role and significance of the person's entrepreneurial abilities increases.

Economic relations are the relationship between people who arise in the production process, distribution, exchange and consumption of material and spiritual goods and services.

The nature of economic relations is determined by the form of ownership of the means of production.

They include, firstly, production relations, i.e., those that apply only to the sphere of production, and, secondly, the relations that are inserted in the non-productive sphere.

By structure economic relations are divided into organizational and economic and socio-economic.

Organizational and economic relations are developing on how production, distribution and exchange of manufactured product are organized. Forms of organization are: division of labor, labor cooperation, production concentration (consolidation of firms), its centralization (combining many business units into one), etc.

In the history of the formation and development of these relations, three stages can be distinguished: 1) simple cooperation labor; 2) manufactory; 3) Machinery.

Labor cooperation has connected several people who perform homogeneous work under the team of one person, which made it possible to combine the efforts of many to solve an unbearable task to solve and this ensure the undoubted economic effect.

Manufacture (lat. Manus - hand, facere - do) - this is also a labor cooperation, but, unlike the latter, it has a division of labor in it, significantly raising its performance. Manufactory is based on manual work.

Machine production is the next serious step towards the growth of labor productivity and production efficiency. It radically changed the technique and technology of production, moreover, the transition to a new technological method of production has led to a new technological method of production.

Socio-economic relations are developing between people about the conditions of production defined by the form of ownership of the means of production. The main thing depends on the ownership of the property: the socio-economic content of the relationship of production, distribution, exchange and consumption. The development of these relations is always carried out in the interests of the owners.

The result of the economic activity of people during the year is a social product. In its movement, he passes four stages: production, distribution, exchange and consumption.

Production is the creation process useful product. This is the initial stage. Regarding its place in the movement of the social product there are different positions of economists. Some believe that this stage is crucial, because if material and spiritual benefits are not created, then there is nothing to distribute, exchange and consume.

According to others, the economy appears only when the exchange arises, so it is the exchange and distribution that acts as decisive areas. In his judgments, they refer to Western studies, which, as a rule, begin with sharing and distribution.

Unfortunately, it is necessary to state that the mining of production towards the massive consciousness causes colossal damage to the economy modern Russia. Before our eyes with a catastrophic speed, the role, the value and prestige of productive work is reduced, and therefore the conventional activities of the Company as a whole. The distribution means determining the share of each person in the product produced.

Exchange is a process during which some products exchange to others. Distribution and exchange are organically connected with production, they are links of one chain. Distribution and exchange is mediated by the connection between production and consumption.

Consumption is the use of created goods to meet human needs. Consumption is the final phase of product use.

Consumption can be manufacturing and non-productive. Production consumption means using production and labor in the manufacturing process.

Energous consumption acts as personal and public.

Personal consumption is to satisfy the needs of people in food, clothing, education, rest, etc.

Public - meeting the needs of society in science, education, culture, management, defense, etc.

When products consume, they are "destroyed". It means that they must be re-produced again, i.e. to reproduce.

Reproduction is the repetition of the production process.

There are simple and extended reproduction. This is simple to repetition of the production process in the former scale. Under the advanced - resumption in all increasing sizes.

All four stages of the social product movement are closely related to each other and form social production.

The most important indicator of the functioning of social production is its effectiveness. It is determined by the ratio of production results to its costs.

To meet the needs, people mined the necessary natural resources And recycle them in good. Production - This is the process of creating material and intangible benefits necessary for the existence and development of a person, satisfying its needs. Marxist political economy distinguishes production material - includes industries for the production of material goods (industry, agriculture, construction, communal services, etc.) and intangible -associated with the provision of intangible services and the creation of spiritual values \u200b\u200b(health, education, culture, art, etc.). These two types of production are interconnected, there are only together.

The standard of living of a person in society depends on the possibility of producing material and intangible goods. The possibility of creating benefits depends on the level of material production level, transforming natural resources to the necessary material products. Consequently, material production is the material basis of the life of society and its development.

In the face of the national economy, production is social character. Each person works individually, spending its workforce, but the labor process takes place in society, which must recognize the product of his work. Manufacturers are interconnected by exchanging products of labor - goods, services, experience, skills. Public production exists only in unity with the distribution, exchange and consumption of goods.

Distribution - This is the process of determining the share, a quantitative proportion, in which each business person takes part in the product produced. The distribution is carried out by the owner of the means of production.

Exchange It is carried out by products of activity as the process of movement of material goods and services from one subject to another and the form of public relations of manufacturers and consumers. Exchange is also carried out by experience and skills.

Consumption - This is the process of using production results to meet certain needs.

The production of production gives an impulse for the emergence of new needs, and the growth of needs causes production growth, determines its volume and proportions.

The social product consists of a variety of items that can be divided into two main groups:

  • 1) means of production Designed for production consumption;
  • 2) items of consumption Designed for personal consumption of people.

Whether goods and objects of labor form products.

Labor - This is the substance of nature, which is directed by man; It is the material basis of the future finished product. Labor objects that have exposed to its exposure are called raw materials (mined ore) and materials (metals in mechanical engineering).

Farm products - These are funds by which a person affects the objects of labor, creating a finished product (machines, tools, equipment, etc.). These include the weight material conditions, without which the work of the NA may be committed (buildings, structures, pipelines, transport communications, communications, etc.).

A person leads to the movement of production - with the help of warehouses affects the fitness of a pile and creates a product. The interaction of labor and means of production is implemented through technologies and organization of production. The technology is a way to influence a person on labor objects and reflects the technical side of production. The organization provides the unity of the interaction of workers involved in production, as well as the distribution of work between workers and means of production. Driving with the help of water in nature, people change themselves, accumulating experience and knowledge. This, in turn, creates new opportunities for improving the tools and means of pile, technology and organization of production, improving labor productivity.

Production facilities and people producing material benefits form productive forces.

In the process of production, distribution, sharing and consumption of material benefits, people enter into relationships and relationships with each other, which are objective and do not depend on the will and desire of people. K. Marx called these relations with production relations. The combination of productive forces and production relations is a method of production.

The most rolling side of the social production is the productive forces: the means of production are continuously improved, the level of knowledge and qualifications of people increases. By affecting the product of labor on objects, people accumulate experience and knowledge, change themselves. This gives new opportunities for the development of labor, improve technologies, productivity growth. The qualitative composition of wages and technologies determine the requirements for the levels of competence of the employees themselves.

Production relations are developing under the influence of productive forces and themselves have an active impact on them, accelerating or slowing down scientific and technological progress and production growth. The basis of production relations is the property to the means of production. Production relations include industrial and technical and socio-economic. Production and technical relations act as a relationship about the collaborative work of participants in production. These relationships are associated with the organization of production. Their basis is the separation and cooperation of labor, which lead to the separation of individual works, production units and determine the need for production relations between them.

Socio-economic relations between people are determined by the nature and form of public assignment of the means of production, T.S. Property relations. Economic interests are implemented through the ownership of the means of production and political power. Socio-economic relations are an important element of the creation of the unity of the economic interests of society, the team and individual workers in achieving the highest efficiency of production.

The production process is continuous, because It is necessary to constantly resume consumed products. Constantly repeated process of social proceedings is called public reproduction.Economic system reproduces all elements of production: labor, labor and production relations.

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sociological measurement work production

Labor plays an extremely important role in the implementation and development of human society and its member. Therefore, this topic is quite relevant in our time. Thanks to the work of many thousands of generations of people, the enormous potential of productive forces, colossal public wealth, has formed modern civilization. Further progress of human society is impossible without the development of production and labor. At all times, labor was and remains an essential production factor, a type of human activity.

In this semester, we will explore the sociological measurement of labor. Sociology is studied by the work as a socio-economic process. The labor process is the phenomenon of complex and multidimensional. The main forms of its manifestation are the costs of human energy, the interaction of workers with the means of production (objects and equipment) and the production interaction of workers with each other as horizontally (the ratio of complicity in a single labor process) and vertically (the relationship between managers and subordinates).

This paper discusses the social essence of labor. Labor activity is the leading, main activity of man. Labor - the basis of the functioning and development of any human society, independent of all social forms the condition of the existence of people, eternal, natural necessity, without him, human life itself was not possible.

Also in semester work, the main elements of social production are investigated: material and spiritual production. Labor is an activity aimed at the production of certain socially useful (or at least consumed by society) products: material or spiritual. In a broad sense, words in difficulty understand not only the activities of people in the production of material goods, but also to create spiritual values.


The question arises why we are starting a review of private sociological theories with sociological problems of labor, a labor collective, because it is possible to begin, for example, with the sociology of the personality.

Labor is the expedient activity of people aimed at creating material and cultural values. Labor is the basis and indispensable condition for the life of people.

Labor suggests a certain public form (a person is a public situation), certain relationships of people in the process of work. Therefore, the history of civilization, the history of man is not only the evolution of guns, objects and ways of labor, but to no less and continuous change in relations between the people themselves in the process of work.

Sociology is studied by the work as a socio-economic process. The labor process is the phenomenon of complex and multidimensional. The main forms of its manifestation are the costs of human energy, the interaction of workers with the means of production (objects and equipment) and the production interaction of workers with each other as horizontally (the ratio of complicity in a single labor process) and vertically (the relationship between managers and subordinates). The role of labor in the development of man and society is not only in the creation of material and spiritual values, but also in the fact that in the process of labor, the person himself reveals his abilities, acquires useful skills, replenishes and enriches knowledge. The creative nature of labor is expressed in the emergence of new ideas, progressive technologies, more advanced and high-performance workers, new types of products, materials, energy, which, in turn, lead to the development of needs.

In the process of labor, people join social and labor relations, interacting with each other. Socio-labor relations make it possible to determine social significance, role, place, social position of the individual and group.

Sociology of labor is the study of the functioning and social aspects of the market in the field of labor. In a narrow sense, labor sociology means the behavior of employers and employees in response to the action of economic and social incentives for labor. The subject of sociology of labor as a special sociological theory is the structure and mechanism of socio-labor relations, as well as social processes and phenomena in the field of labor.

The purpose of labor sociology is a study of social phenomena, processes, the development of recommendations for their settlement and management, forecasting and planning aimed at creating favorable conditions for the functioning of society, a collective, group, a separate individual in the field of labor and achieving the most complete implementation on this basis. and the optimal combination of their interests.

Objectives of labor sociology:

Study and optimization social Structure societies, labor organization (team).

Analysis of the labor market as a regulator of optimal and rational mobility labor resources.

Search for ways to optimal realization of the employment potential of a modern worker.

Search for ways of optimal combination of moral and material incentives and improving the relationship to work in the conditions of the market.

Studying the causes and development of a system of measures to prevent and resolve labor disputes, conflicts.

Determining an effective system of social guarantees that protect workers.

In a different way, it can be said that the tasks of labor sociology are reduced to the development of methods and techniques for the use of social factors in the interests of solving primar of the most important socio-economic problems of society and personality. In general, the sociology of labor is intended, on the one hand, to expand knowledge of actually existing activities, on the other hand, to facilitate the establishment of new connections and processes in the field of labor. Labor activity is always woven into specific socio-economic conditions, associated with certain socio-professional groups, localized in time and space. Therefore, sociology studies social form and working conditions, its social organization (collective, individual, family, forced, voluntary). It is extremely important to know the mechanisms of inclusion of a person into labor activity, that is, value orientations, motives, satisfaction with labor and much more.

To date, labor sociology is the most developed part of domestic sociological science. This affected the formation of certain economic specialties. For example, in 1987, in universities, the specialty "Economics of Labor" was transformed into an "economy and sociology of labor", which indicated recognition of the fact that without social knowledge, without sociology, an effective management process in the labor collective was already incredible.

The nature of labor determines the technical and economic content, public form, socio-economic quality of labor, social differences: social status, social status, material well-being, use of free time, etc. Minister, Academician, teacher, accountant, worker, builder, rural The mechanic, cleaner - the basis of social and professional differences between representatives of these professions is primarily the nature of labor.

It is clear that with any study of social problems in society, in general, or in a separate production team, the nature of labor, both cumulative and individual, is primarily taken into account. Labor content determines specific labor activities, functional duties, degree of physical and intellectual stress, sanitary and hygienic conditions and many other characteristics. Work workers on the assembly conveyor, railwayIn aviation, state farm, construction has a different content. Labor content is largely determined by professional qualifications, personal characteristics of a particular employee, even otherwise, equal characteristics, let's say, the technical equipment of the workplace.

When conducting sociological research of the maintenance of labor, such gradations can be used as manual, mechanized and automated labor. If you go further, then stand out: simple manual and complex manual work, based on long-term training and skill of the employee, simple mechanized and complex mechanized work, simple automated and complex automated work.

The content of labor largely predetermines the personality attitude of the person to the work performed. If among workers engaged in complex automated labor, express their satisfaction with the work performed up to 100 percent of respondents, then among those working on semi-automatic and assembly conveyors - only the fifth part. On large machine-building factories, the selection of workers for assembly conveyors is a serious social problem.

The specifics of our country are a large number of repairmen. In industry for the maintenance of equipment, which is operated by decades and is obsolete, not only morally, but also physically, it has to keep millions of repairmen. The manufacture of spare parts and repair of tractors is occupied more people, and is used four times more production capacity than for the release of new tractors.

We allocated only the most basic characteristics of labor content, which are taken into account in the sociological study of social problems of labor, labor activity. Of course, it is necessary to take into account the discrepancy between the content of labor and the level of qualifications of employees. The main trend is the backlog of the professional qualifications, the quality of labor resources on the specific content of labor. In real conditions, the level of employee qualifications is overestimated. With a shortage of frames, any head, wanting to keep employees, oversleys their real qualifications in order to have a reason to pay a higher salary. This problem concerns not only physical workers, but also mental labor. However, there are other situations where in extreme conditions of the North, the qualification level is significantly higher than the content of the work being performed. People owning several specialties have great opportunities for professional interchangeability and, as a rule, performing the necessary work. In modern conditions, two main factors most fully characterize the content of labor. Firstly, the ratio of physical and mental loads in the process of labor. The higher the proportion of mental labor, the higher, the richer the content of labor, the more he is attractive for the employee, the greater satisfaction from the work performed, with other things being equal. Secondly, the ratio of executive and administrative functions. The higher professional qualificationsThe greater the need to participate in the development of management decisions. The art of management is to help the performers choose the desired solution. Especially important delegation of part of managerial functions.


Studying the problem of the development of society is impossible without studying the social essence of labor, attitudes towards him, since everything that is necessary for the life and development of people is created by difficulty. Labor - the basis of the functioning and development of any human society, independent of all social forms the condition of the existence of people, eternal, natural necessity, without him, human life itself was not possible.

Labor, first of all, a process caring between man and nature, a process in which a person is mediated by its own activity, regulates and controls the metabolism and nature. It is also necessary to take into account that a person acting on nature, using and changing it in order to create the consumer values \u200b\u200bnecessary to meet its material and spiritual needs, not only creates material (food, clothing, dwelling) and spiritual benefits (art, literature, science ), but also changes its own nature. He develops his abilities and donations, produces the necessary social qualities, forms himself as a person.

Labor is the root cause of man's development. The person is obliged to work in the separation of functions between the upper and lower limbs, the development of speech, gradually turning the animal's brain in the developed brain of a person, in improving the senses. In the process of labor, a person expanded the circle of perceptions and ideas, his labor actions gradually began to wear a conscious character.

Thus, the concept of "labor" is not only an economic, but also a sociological category that has a decisive importance in the characterization of society as a whole and its individual individuals.

Performing labor functions, people interact, enter into relations with each other, and it is labor that the primary category in which all the variety of specific social phenomena and relationships are concluded.

Public work is general Base, the source of all social phenomena. It changes the position different groups employees, their social qualities, in which the essence of labor is manifested as a basic social process. The most fully social essence of labor is revealed in the categories of the "nature of labor" and "Labor content".

The nature of social labor is determined by the way the working force is connected with the means of production, the form of ownership of the means of production. In primitive society, the primitiveness of labor guns, excluded the possibility of the struggle of primitive people with nature forces and predatory animals alone, has determined the need for collective labor, community ownership of the means of production and products of labor, so labor was public in nature, labor was absent.

The development of public division of labor and the expansion of exchange led to the fact that public property for the means of production gave way to private property, collective work - individual, private, generic system to class society. The commodity production has emerged and developed, which has reached a universal nature during capitalism, when labor has become a commodity. The labor producers embodied in the product acquired a dual character, speaking on the one hand, as a work in a certain form, as a specific work that creates a consumer value, on the other hand, as the cost of human force in general, regardless of its concrete form, as an abstract work that creates the cost of goods . In society, where private property is dominated by means of production, the dual character of labor embodied in the product reflects the contradiction between the private and social labor of commodity producers. Private property For the means of production disconnects people, makes the work of a separate producer of its private affairs. Each commodity produce is working separately from others. The labor of individual workers is not agreed and not linked to the scale of the whole society, but the public division of labor means the presence of a comprehensive relationship between manufacturers who work on each other, therefore the work of a separate producer is essentially social labor.

Based on the social essence of labor, as a process for a person and society, sociology allocates three main aspects of its essence.

First, it studies the social laws of the interaction of people with the means and objects of labor.

Secondly, it explores the complex of relations of a separate person and the team to work, its nature, content, and working conditions, material interest, labor content, relationship in the team, the meaning of labor as a whole and so on.

Thirdly, considers the labor team as a social organization, that is, a special system of relations, which forms a set of positions, roles, values, connections between his employees. Here, within the framework of labor sociology, diverse problems are studied regarding the structure of a labor collective, relationship between its members, including managers and subordinate, socio-psychological climate, which have conflicts and their resolution paths.

It is important to note those social processes that flow in groups in the implementation of socio-labor relations. The most important among them are: 1) the labor itself as a basic social process; 2) integrative processes (education, functioning and development of labor collectives, stimulating labor activity); 3) value-orientational processes related to the formation of interests, values, social norms among various groups of workers; 4) social mobility processes (labor movements of social groups and individual workers).

The main categories in labor sociology are: conditions, organization, types, content and nature of labor, attitude to it, satisfaction with labor, socio-psychological climate of the team and the like. Studying these and other categories, it is necessary to take into account that the natural need for society is not in action "just to work", but in the consumer value of the labor process as a creator of public wealth and progress, the method of satisfying public and personal needs, formation and improving each specific Personality.

An important role in human activity is played by incentives and motives of labor activity. Under incentives, we mean meaningful motivations caused by the action of objective factors. Labor incentives are the stronger than in more than The results of human activity will satisfy the set of existing needs.

Studying the social essence of labor, industrial sociology (20-30s of the 20th century), a social and labor relations considered an important object of analysis of work. Thus, the well-known American sociologist Frederick Herzberg allocated the three most important approaches to the study and regulation of the production behavior of workers.

The first approach, called the name of scientific management, was based on the theory of American engineer Fred Taylor developed at the beginning of the 20th century. According to his theory, human efficiency increases when implementing the work of the scientific organization of labor. Working operations in order to save movements and simplify labor functions, a piece progressive and premium wage system, a system of bonuses (large premiums received once or twice a year for achieving success), assembly conveyors caused a significant increase in interest in efficient labor and increase its Performance. Elements of the scientific organization of labor developed by F. Taylor are successfully applied in modern production.

The beginning of the second approach to the regulation of production relations was putting, the American scientist Elton Mayo, making the conclusion that the decisive influence on an increase in production is not material and material, and human, moral and psychological relations.

Mao makes emphasis, firstly, on the fact that a person is social, his behavior is formed and determined by group behavior; Secondly, the rigid hierarchy of subordination and bureaucratic organization reduce labor and social activity, prevents the disclosure of creative human potential; Thirdly, leaders should focus more on people, and not on products. This is the key to social stability and the individual satisfaction with its work. This approach received the name of the management of human relations and lay down the basis of the development of industrial sociology in the West.


Labor - the eternal, natural and main condition of human life, her alpha and Omega. In a broad sense, words in difficulty understand not only the activities of people in the production of material goods, but also to create spiritual values.

The initial basis of life is social production. Before practicing science, art, politics and love, people must have a minimum of money for life: the roof over his head, clothes, food. And therefore, if we want to touch the complex ball of public relations, reveal economic ties, social processes and determine the focus, trends in their movement, we first need to consider social proceedings as a source of all well-being.

Production is not the only factor that determines the wealth of countries and peoples. On the economic development Natural resources, climate, natural fertility of land accumulated by people knowledge and experience, population population and other factors. However, a certain result, society can only be obtained if uses the effect embedded in these factors in the production process. Under production it is understood as the process of human impact on objects and forces of nature and adapting them to the satisfaction of those or other needs. It interacts three components: human labor, labor objects and equipment.

Under the workforce means a combination of physical and spiritual abilities, which the body has and which are implemented during the work process. With the development of social production, the nature and maintenance of labor is changed. In the early stages of the development of society, the physical abilities of man to work played the main role. With the development of production, especially in the conditions of modern scientific and Technical RevolutionMore and higher demands are imposed on human mental abilities, to its intellectual level, scientific and technical education, qualifications and other qualities.

Public production is, first of all, human production. But this does not mean that social production is the amount of production, which includes both human production. The whole system of social production in the unity of it component parts (material, spiritual and social) is subordinate to the production of man.

Material production is based on the basis of public, for without the production of material conditions and means of life, the life behavior itself is impossible. But besides the material production, the public includes spiritual production, the production of consumption, the production of people and the production of the entire system of social relations, which in their aggregate constitute the social "fabric" of society. They serve the production and reproduction of a person as vertices in this peculiar hierarchy.


Thus, labor is the most important condition for life as a separate individual and society as a whole, any organization, enterprise.

The transition to market relations in our country has changed a lot in the public organization of labor. As the experience shows, the main thing in such changes is change in the priority of interests and incentives for labor. Market relations Support the priority hierarchy of such interests: the most important personal interests. If they are implemented, then collective interests will be implemented accordingly.

The recognition of personal interests is the most important in modern conditions is the recognition of the importance and significance of the problems of motivating work, stimulating labor, as well as the need to increase the status of an employee in a system of social and labor relations.

Consequently, labor is a social phenomenon. In the process of labor, a certain system of socio-labor relations is being formed, which are a rod of public relations at any level (national economy, region, enterprise, individuals).

Listused Literature

1. Dikareva A.N., Mirskaya M.I. Sociology of labor. - M., Higher School, 1989.

2.Dryakhlov N.I. Sociology of labor. - M., Moscow University Publishing House, 1995.

3.Mala Soviet Encyclopedia. Third publication. Volume 9. -M: 1960

4.Shetnerina V.V. Sociology of labor. - M., Moscow University Publishing House, 1993.

5.Stnerbina V.V. Sociology of labor. - M., Moscow University Publishing House, 1993.

6.O.O.V. Romashov, Sociology of Labor. - M.: "Gardariki", 1999

Posted on Allbest.ru.

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There are factors without which the concept of production would not make sense, and these are factors affecting the volume of production. The factors of production efficiency are quite diverse, since the resources for it there is a great set. There are three main groups of factors: land, labor and capital. Water, forests, fields, minerals, etc., that is, something given by nature or created by a person (for example, dried swamps) is the Earth.

Work as also inhomogeneous concept, in the complex meaning the cumulative efforts of people. Since professions and specialties there are a lot, and for each of them, specific knowledge and skills are required, for their preparation requires appropriate training. Training allows you to purchase these knowledge and increase the already existing qualifications. The population, capable of working, has the name of the workforce. For Russia, labor is male (18-60 years) and women (18-55 years).

The work as a factor of production is very important and relevant, since this means the participation of a person in the production process, the use of its own energy and potential. The main elements of labor include objects and expedient human activity. The main results of labor: economic benefits, development and mental), human living conditions, accumulation of knowledge and experience.

Labor is not just a progress engine, work is the basis of the existence and life of a person, since the brain develops under its impact, the experience is accumulated, the skills are performed.

Labor as a factor of production has content and character. The content is distinguished by low-qualified, secondary qualifications and highly qualified work.

Labor has quantitative and Qualitative characteristics - This is the level of staff qualifications, quantitative are the costs (the number of employees, the intensity of labor activity, working time). The more time it is required for training and training of a specialist, the greater qualifications it possesses.

In order to determine the nature of labor, it is necessary to conduct a thorough analysis of the operation of the workforce and clarify who and in what quantities assigns the results of labor. With this in mind, there are three main social free, hired and compulsory. Forced labor is work for coercion (work of slaves). Currently there are first two types of work.

Free work is voluntary. This is at yourself when the owner and the worker perform in one person. A typical example of such activities: entrepreneur, farmer, etc. If labor activity is hired, it means that the employer and employee are different people, their relations are issued by the employment contract, sometimes by agreement or contract, and according to the results of labor, the employee receives a certain monetary remuneration.

For a long time, the question remained a controversial question, whether the work acts as a factor of production or this labor force. Physical, mental and intellectual human abilities are labor. If the employer is interested in the ability of a person to work, it means that the workforce is the factor of production. If the duration of working time is important for him, it means that this factor is labor. In order to work efficiently, a person must have certain health, abilities and skills, it follows that the workforce exists before the start of the labor process.

Labor productivity is the ratio of the result of labor (the number of products produced) at a certain period of time. In turn, depends on a number of factors that may affect it.

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