
Signs of capitalism in the 19th century. How we were here: a brief history of capitalism. Simple capitalist cooperation

Russian capitalism and its features (the second half of the 19th century)

1. Development Features capitalism in Russia in the pureformal period.

After the cancellation of serfdom in 1861 and bourgeois reforms in Russia, capitalism is approved. From the agrarian, backward country, Russia turned into an agrarian-industrial: the railway network was quickly created, a large machine industry developed, new types of industry emerged, there were new areas of capitalist industrial and agricultural industries, the unified capitalist market was formed, important social shifts in the country took place. The peasant reform of 1861 Lenin called the "coup", similar to the Western European revolutions who discovered the path of capitalism. But since this coup was conducted "from above," he retained the remnants of serfdom in all areas of public life and imposed a mark on capitalist evolution in Russia.

The essence of the formation of capitalist relations in Russia remained the same as in Western European countries. But, despite the sameness of these processes, the approval of the capitalist system in Russia had a number of significant features.

Currently In historical literature, the provision that global capitalism developed by stages, echelons was established. The region of primary, classical capitalism (Western Europe and North America) can be distinguished; The second echelon of bourgeois development - Russia, Japan, Turkey, Brazil, Balkan countries; The third echelon is a colonial and dependent "peripherals" of Asia, Africa and most Latin American countries.

Difference between The echelons are determined not so much with "quantitative" indicators, how much character, the mechanism of formation, the quality of forming capitalist structures.

The bourgeois development in the countries of the second echelon, to which Russia, began at a later stage (from the end of the XVIII to the middle of the XIX century), some formational prerequisites, in particular, socio-economic, here were expressed weakly, and the political and especially legal rights were generally absent. The pulse of bourgeois development in the countries of the second echelon was not so much inside, how much from the outside, from the countries of the bourgeois west. The process of capitalist development was carried out by the forced way, which led to the Company of these states to large social tensions, public contradictions, social conflicts. Of course, there was no impassable face between the countries of the first and second echelons. but general principles Bourgeois evolution in the countries of the second echelon was manifested in another form, in another sequence.

In Russia, in contrast to the Western European countries, the capitalist method of production has developed in a short time, there was also a sharp mixing of the stages of formation of the formation-infusion production, the other sequence of agrarian-capitalist and industrial coup were becoming another sequence.

If in the countries of the first Echelon of capitalist development The construction of railways was the result of an industrial coup, then in Russia, large railway construction began until the completion of the industrial coup, which was incentive of the incentive of the country's industrial development and one of the reasons for the other form of the emergence of large-scale production - in some cases without passing the manufactory stage. It was this that was formed in the Donbas and the Mining and Metallurgical District in Krivoro region.

In 1861. In Russia, the length of railways was 1488 versts, in twenty years - 21 155, and by 1900 - 47,800. The industrial coup ended the 80s of the XIX century, and in the 90s the country survived the period of industrial lifting. The industrial-technical base of Russian capitalism has developed and a leading role in the economy took a large industry. For forty years of the years, the number of factories and plants increased from 2.5 to 9 thousand. Volume industrial production Grew almost 8 times, Russia for this indicator came out in the fifth place in the world.

It should be emphasized that in contrast to the Western European countries, Russia had its own characteristics in the development of some industries and railway construction, which were in direct state intervention, on the one hand, and attract foreign capital on the other. In 1890, more than 25% of all joint Stock Capital Russia belonged to foreigners. Foreign investments increased by the beginning of the 1990s from 214.7 million rubles. up to 975 million rubles. In 1900, 70% of the total capital invested in the mining industry, 72% - in mechanical engineering and metalworking, 31% in the chemical industry, were foreign, mostly English, French, Belgian. The share of foreign capital in the light and food industry was small.

Poreframranthe year of the fortieth in the development of Russia was characterized by the strengthened increase in capitalism "from below" and the planting "from above". In the implementation of capitalist development "from above" should be noted important role The states that, instead of free competition, planted a large industry, banking institutions, credit, etc.

Registration of the credit system in Russia, compared with Western Europe, occurred in another sequence. By the beginning of the XIX century, it was presented primarily by large joint-stock commercial banksAnd the rapid growth of medium and minor institutions accounted for the time of the prewar industrial lift.

As for the sequence of agrarian capitalist and industrial coup, in the countries of the first echelon, the agrarian-capitalist coup was a consequence of bourgeois revolutions and preceded by an industrial coup. In Russia, on the contrary, an industrial coup ended in about the 80s, and the agrarian capitalist did not end at all.

Reform of 1861, personally liberating the peasants, discovered the path to slow, due to the dominance of landlord landing, the market development of agriculture. If the reform was mostly the peasants were middle peasants, then after it, due to the high payments and competition, the village of Lained and smelled. In the 80s, 20% of wealthy peasants owned more than half peasant lands (32% community, 66% purchased and 60% leased at the landowner), the poorest peasants, who were 50%, had 20% of peasant lands, middle peasants (30% of peasant yards) - about 30 %. It should be noted that most of the Kulatsky lands were not communal, but bought or rented at the landlord.

Underpereevolution and landowner economy. Small landowners ruined and sold their lands to peasants. Other land owners passed from the workforce hiring system. But in general, the landowner the farm remained ineffective, the yield was lower than that of the fist. Landowner land tenure was a brake of socio-economic and political development of Russia. The landless peasants led to the low life level of the population, the narrow domestic market, which limited the possibility of the development of industry and transport.

Characteri have some social processes, it should be noted that the "plantation of capitalism from above" led to a delay in consolidation in the class of Russian bourgeoisie and ahead of the bourgeoisie to the social and political development of the Russian proletariat.

Not fulfilled until the end of his historical mission - independent creation of a capitalist system in Russia, participating in this process along with a tsarism and foreign capitalThe root Russian bourgeoisie to the beginning of the 20th century could not work out into the class, to create his political parties, politically to realize himself with the dominant class of society.

As for the proletariat, he was before the bourgeoisie appeared on the political arena. Already in the late 80s - early 90s of the XIX century, workers become not only active participants in the first Marxist circles and groups in Russia, but also initiators of political shares, in particular, the first Maevik of St. Petersburg workers in 1891.

In this way, being backward from the point of view of the general bourgeois culture, the maturity of social and political prerequisites of capitalist formation, Russian capitalism is simultaneously more successful than in other more developed countries, I prepared a grave school. In the conditions of the coming new era in Russia, the proletariat led the workers, primarily the peasantry. Democratic and indigenous social transformations were no longer so sharply separated in time, as in the countries of the first echelon of capitalist development, and became the links of the unified revolutionary process.

And now let's see how the development of the Russian liberation movement in the context of capitalist evolution went.

Capitalism is an independent economic system based on private property On the fixed assets of the production and primary market. The decisive sign of capitalism is such economic relations that suggest the use of funds for the production of hired labor. Capitalist relations arise with the advent of bourgeoisie and a large group of free people who are forced to sell their labor.

Social and economic relations arising from the capitalist production method, it is customary to divide several relatively independent species. The capitalism of free competition is distinguished, in which a healthy rivalry between manufacturers who use economic means is played by the main role in regulating economic activity to increase the competitiveness of their products.

To change this form of capitalist relations at the end of the 19th century, monopoly capitalism came, in which there are not so many mechanisms of the free market as the regulator, how many individual largest corporations are often spliced \u200b\u200bwith the state. In some cases, the state takes on the main role, becoming the owner of the means of production, hiring labor and distributing the results of economic activities.

Sometimes economists distinguish oligarchic capitalism, in which the market and free competition are subject to control of the antimonopoly structures created by the state. An example can serve capitalist relationspeculiar to modern American society.

Features of capitalist relations

The essential features of capitalist relations include the presence of not only private property, but also a maximum developed division of labor. Capitalism is a high level of complaints of production and the period of domination of commodity-money relations. Working force in capitalism becomes the same product as much more. The basis of the social structure under capitalism is two antagonistic classes: bourgeoisie and proletariat.

In the society arranged on the principles of capitalism, the economy is based on market relations, to regulate a special pricing policy. The distribution of resources and manufactured by the production of material goods under capitalism goes under the influence market mechanisms and determines the amount of capital, that is, funds invested in production.

Capitalism, which is managed only market relations, almost never anywhere in its pure form. Almost everywhere he is subject to control and a certain influence on the part of the state. Since the formation of capitalist relations in society, there was a struggle between supporters and opponents of state intervention in capitalist relations.

Capitalism - method of a social device or economic system, based on private property, legal equality, free entrepreneurship and profit. On the other hand, capitalism is a socio-economic formation, following and preceding. Such a definition is considered fundamental in Marxist theory.

Capitalism is based on the following signs.:

  • Labor operation of the working class by representatives of private capital;
  • As a product is the working class;
  • Commodity and cash relations are dominant;
  • Monopolization of private capital for means of production;
  • Wide public division of labor.

Traits of capitalism

    Production of goods and services to extract personal profits is taken as the basis of production. Economic activities lies in free trade and the conclusion of mutually beneficial transactions. The market of goods and services is constantly changing and depends on the demand for products arising in society.

    Capital and all other means of production are in private owner owner. Profit received from capital use fully belongs to the owner and can be used at its discretion. If the means of production belong to different owners, then the profit is divided into an appropriate proportion, dependent on the share of invested capital.

    In the conditions of capitalism, a person works not forced, but at his own request. For the work performed, it receives the appropriate wagesThat is, the capital owner hires free workers for the production of goods and services. Thus, a specific labor market is formed.

    Capitalism arises spontaneously, which illustrates its specifics. This is a kind of natural stage in the development of society to which no one forces its members and to which the company comes in the process of natural evolution.

Types of capitalism

Based on the historical experience of many states, 4 types of capitalism can be distinguished.

Type of capitalism

Main characteristics

Initial capitalism

  • The period of the initial accumulation of capital;
  • Property is distributed in favor of entrepreneurs;
  • The formation of inequality in society;
  • A sharp increase in the number of crimes.

Bureaucratic capitalism

  • The bureaucratic class holds in the hands of the main levers of power;
  • The life of society is toughly regulated;
  • Arbitration of government officials;
  • High level of corruption in the official state apparatus;
  • High crime in society;
  • Government officials and businessmen flourish, the rest of society is in a deplorable position.

Oligarchic capitalism

  • Oligarchs, as a narrow circle of financial magnates, keeps in their hands all the levers of state power;
  • Oligarchs belong to (read paid) all media, government officials, political parties;
  • High crime;
  • The oligarchs and their associates flourish, the rest of society leads a beggar existence.

Democratic capitalism

  • Guarantees of the rights and freedoms of the individual are carried out by a democratic way;
  • The basis of the life of society is the principles of law and order;
  • The state protection of the rights of private property from criminals, arbitrariness of government officials and bureaucrats;
  • The economy is of socio-market character;
  • Comparative equality in society, there is no big abyss between the poor and rich, the powerful middle class.

Examples of capitalism

Capitalist system is mainly characteristic of Western European countries.

In the east, Japan can serve as the only striking example. In this Asian country, capitalism arose at the beginning of the 20th century, 30 years after.

Examples of capitalism in Western Europe and North America.


Passed the classic path of becoming capitalism. At the expense of the early industrial coup, England has become an industrial, military, trade and financial dominant in the world by the middle of the XIX century.

Thanks to numerous colonies, capitalism reached its highest development stage.

In comparison with England, a longer period of the initial capital accumulation. This was connected with, the stable position of the nobility and the small peasantry. The deprivation of the peasants of the Earth took place at the expense of taxes.

The main feature of capitalism in France is its usury. Loan percentage, along with the exploitation of numerous colonies, turned France into a powerful capitalist power.

The feature of the US capitalist path is the absence of feudalism, which precedes the stage of capitalism.

The American path of capitalism is based on the conclusion of the indigenous population of North America in reservation and development in their place of large capitalist farms.


In Germany, feudalism was canceled by the state. A new layer of bourgeoisie was formed on the wave of mass redemption of feudal concentrates, which concentrated tremendous capital in his hands. He allowed to create major capitalist economy with the use of hired labor.

Industrial capital received an impetus to the development after the combination of German lands to the Customs Union, as well as after the bourgeois revolution of the middle of the XIX century.

Concomitant concepts

Private property stands at the head of capitalism. Its concept includes human rights to accumulate capital in the form of property and dispose of them on their discretion.

The pricing mechanism is governed by supply and suggestion.

Motivation to get the maximum profit serves as the main pusher on the path to the implementation of economic activity.

Cooperation and competition - integral components of the capitalist system.

Consumer sovereignty is the main landmark of capitalist.

The infinite conflict of classes is a characteristic feature of capitalism.

Who and when the term was introduced

Oxford English Dictionary 1872 dates the first mention of the word "capitalist".

The term capitalism appeared in the middle of the XIX century immediately in three states: in Germany, in England and in France. Initially, the term has a negative character of class society.

In the modern understanding, for the first time, the term sounded from the French Socialist Louis Bloan in 1850.

Dates, causes and consequences of capitalism

Stages of the emergence of capitalism.



(initial capital accumulation)

Mid XV century - Mid XVIII century.

Land in the peasants, which leads to their relocation to the city and an increase in the supply of labor.

Domonopolistic stage

Mid XVIII century. - Last third of the XIX century.

  • Transition to large engine production.
  • Industrial coup.
  • The emergence of industrial centers.
  • The factory method of production caused a rise in poverty.
  • All this caused deep contradictions of the capitalist system.

Monopolistic stage

Last third of the XIX century. - For the real days.

The transition to the monopolistic system of capitalism - causes sharp rejection from the overwhelming majority of the world's population. Capitalism is not able to manage the development of society.

Pros and Capitalism Cons

Pluses of capitalism:

  • Motivation for profit;
  • Constant competition;
  • Innovative technologies.

Cons of capitalism:

  • Social inequality;
  • The market is unstable;
  • High probability of crisis.

The period of completion of capitalism

Capitalism, as a form of socio-economic system, currently exists in most countries of the world.

Modern relevance and contradiction of capitalism

Incomparable contradictions of the very essence of capitalism, expose its shortcomings. The main contradiction is that the production process is social in nature, and private capital assigns profit. Also, the building is filled with class contradictions that can lead to a social revolution.

Thus, the relevance of capitalism is currently degrading.

Socialism as the opposite of capitalism

Socialism acts as a blood antagonist capitalism. This is reflected in the works of K. Marx and F. Engels. Practical use The theory, although supplemented by V. I. Lenin (Ulyanov), found in Russia.

In the course of the development of capitalism and the transition to its highest stage - imperialism, the prerequisites for the socialist revolution were created.

The main difference of two systems is the question of monopolizing private capital for the means of production. Socialism proclaims the transition of capital and the process of centralizing the labor process from private hands to the hands of the people.


Capitalism played a progressive role in the development of mankind. With the help of it destroyed feudal, serfdom. Capitalism replaced with a monetary relationship with relationships based on personal dependence.

However B. present timeThe contradictions of capitalism are becoming clear. There are no clear answers to capitalism.

Of great importance for understanding this or that phenomenon of public life has its signs. Capitalism is a system of economic relations based on the domination of private owned, freedom of entrepreneurship and profit-oriented. Immediately, it should be noted that this concept is the name of only an ideal model, since neither in any state of the world there is no such way in its pure form.

The emergence of the concept

Analyze the features economic Development countries in the historical perspective help his signs. Capitalism is a term that has become actively used from the second half of the 19th century. For the first time it began to apply in France, then German and English authors introduced him to scientific turns.

Interesting is the fact that he initially had a negative meaning. Scientists, writers invested in this word a negative attitude towards the dominance of finance, which was observed in the mid-developed European countries of the specified century. Especially actively used by representatives of socialism (Marx, Lenin and others).

Market theory and Class Conflict

The characteristics of the development of farm and trade helps their signs. Capitalism is a system based on the free functioning of the market, which serves the standings of the working class and owners. The first tend to be more expensive to sell their strength, the second - cheaper to buy it. In addition, it is the market that is the main condition for trade, without which it is impossible to imagine the existence of capitalist defendant. The second important sign of the system is the concentration of means of production in the hands of the highest classes and the preservation of labor for the proletariat.

There is a constant struggle for labor and fee between these groups. This leads to class struggle, which in a number of states led to revolutions. However, the practice shows that the capitalist structure is most appropriate for the normal functioning of states, and therefore, from the beginning of its occurrence, it quickly spread to the world, seizing almost all spheres of society, including politics and culture. The above-mentioned features of the system highlighted a well-known scientist Marx, who devoted one of its most fundamental monographs to this issue.

Concept of Protestant ethics

To deal with the emergence of this new to the Western European history of Ukraine help his signs. Capitalism is not only a special but also the specific way to organize society. That is how this stage considered economic History Famous German scientist and sociologist Weber.

Unlike Marx, he believed that this system was inherent only by Western European countries. In his opinion, she arose in those states where Protestantism was established, which developed a cult of labor discipline in society, a high degree of social organization, as well as the desire to obtain profits and income. He allocated the following signs of development of capitalism: competition of manufacturers, the availability of a dynamic market, the active use of capital in business activities, the desire to obtain maximum profits. And if Marx believed that this entry does not only affect, but also determines the policy of the countries, the Weber contrasted these two public areas, although recognized that they are closely in contact with each other.

On innovation

The main signs of capitalism became the object of the study of the famous political scientist and sociologist Schumpeter. He allocated the following features of this building: a dynamic market, entrepreneurship and domination of private property. However, in contrast to the indicated authors, the economist allocated such an important component of capitalist production as the introduction of innovation. In his opinion, it is the introduction of innovations that stimulates the rapid development of the economy of countries.

At the same time, Schumpeter took great importance to lending, which gives entrepreneurs the opportunity to implement modern technologies And thereby increase production efficiency. The scientist believed that this way was provided by the material welfare of society and the personal freedom of citizens, but the future of the system saw in the pessimistic light, believing that over time she exhausted himself.

The emergence of manuff

One of the main prerequisites for the transition from the feudal method of production to capitalist was the waste from the old workshop system and the transition to the division of labor. It is in the indicated important change that the answer to the question of why the emergence of manuffs is considered a sign of the birth of capitalism.

After all, the main condition for the existence and normal functioning of the market is the widespread use of the hired labor. In the 14th century, in many cities in Europe, manufacturers refused the traditional set of apprentices and began to attract people in their workshops who specialized in one or another craft. This emerged that, by definition of Marx, is the main sign of capitalist defendant.

Types of enterprises

In Western European countries existed different types Manufactory, which indicates the rapid development and introduction of a new production method. Analysis of the problem under consideration (why the emergence of manufactories is considered a sign of the birth of capitalism) makes it possible to understand the ways of economic development. The owners of the scattered enterprises distributed raw materials to the house, then, already processed, it was received by a professional artisan, who, making yarn, gave the material to the following manuff. So the work was performed by a number of employees who were transmitted to the product produced by the chain. In centralized manufactory, people worked in the same room using technology. These different types Enterprises prove high rates of development of capitalist production on the mainland.

Scientific revolutions

Signs of the origin of capitalism are related to the peculiarities of the European economy, where the transition to trade began very early thanks to the development of cities and the formation of markets. A new impetus to the development of the capitalist production method was the introduction of new technologies. It brought the economy on principal new level. The use of machines in factories allowed entrepreneurs to increase product sales. Achievements in the field of science led to the fact that the creation of gross product has become cheaper, since instead of workers, cars were used now in enterprises.

The invention of the steam engine, electricity, as well as the construction of railways was of great importance. The discovery and development of new mineral deposits led to the rapid development of the heavy industry and metallurgy. Specified changes Completely changed the urban appearance of Western European countries, as well as Russia, where, after the cancellation of the serfdom, the rapid development of industry began. So, the signs of capitalism in the 19th century were determined by the introduction of achievements of science in production.

The emergence of monopoly

During the first stage of the development of capitalism, production organizations were single and medium in size. The scale of their production was not wide, and therefore entrepreneurs could solely lead their own business. In the 19th century, the system entered a new phase of development. The volume of products increased dramatically, the factory expanded, which led to the need to combine the efforts of entrepreneurs. Based on the foregoing, it is possible to distinguish signs of monopolistic capitalism: the concentration of production, the reduction of the number of plants, the occurrence of large, capital-intensive enterprises.

At the turn of centuries, the main role was played by heavy industry: engineering, metalworking, oil production and others. As a rule, consolidation occurred within the framework of any one industry, in which such associations arose as cartels and syndicates. Under the first concept, you should understand the contract of several independent enterprises, which coordinate among themselves the price of goods, markets and the quota. The second term means a higher degree of monopolization, in which the firms, while maintaining legal and economic independence, organize a single office on the sale of their products.

Large forms of enterprises

Signs of monopolistic capitalism make it possible to understand what the features were new Straty development of this system. The highest form of combining factories, factories and firms are trusts and concerns. The first organizations jointly carry out not only sales, but also the production, and also obey the Unified Management, but at the same time they retain financial independence. Trusts are created in any one industry and immediately occupy a leading position. Concerns are considered the most developed form of association. They are formed in related industries and have unified finances.

Capital fusion provides faster and efficient integration, unlike the above forms. The signs of capitalism in the 20th century testify to the development of this system by entering it into a new, higher phase of its development, which gave scientists the opportunity to talk about the occurrence of the phase of imperialism, which is characterized by the merger of banks and production.

Based on private property and market economy. In various currents of social thought, capitalism is defined as a system of free entrepreneurship, the stage of development of industrial society. At the end of the 20th century, capitalism entered the phase of development, which is called "mixed economy", "post-industrial society", "information society". In Marxism, capitalism is considered as a class society based on private ownership of the means of production and operation of the capital of hired labor; Capitalism replaced feudalism and should precede socialism - the first stage of communism.

The main signs of capitalism are considered: the domination of commodity-money relations and private ownership of the means of production, the availability of a developed public division of labor, turning the workforce into the goods. In its development, capitalism passes a number of stages, but its characteristic features remain unchanged. The emergence of capitalism was prepared by the public division of labor and the development of the commercial economy in the depths of feudalism. Developed capitalism was preceded by the period of the initial accumulation of capital. Capitalism arose in the cities of Italy (trade) and the Netherlands (Manufactory) in the 14th and 15th centuries, and began to be approved in Europe from the 16th century. The transformation of the workforce into goods and means of production in capital meant the transition from simple commodity production to capitalist. The initial accumulation of capital was simultaneously the process of expanding the domestic market. The peasants and artisans who previously existed their farm turned into hired workers and were forced to live selling their workforce, buy the necessary consumption items. The means of production turned into capital, created the domestic market for the production of the production necessary for the resumption and expansion of the production of goods. Great geographical discoveries (mid 15 - mid-17th centuries) and the seizure of colonies (15-18 centuries) provided European capital sources (exportation from captured countries precious metals, revenues from trade, slave trade) and led to an increase in international economic connections. The development of commodity and exchange, accompanied by differentiation of commodity producers, served as the basis for the further development of capitalism. Many Western historians and economists (for example, Max Weber) celebrate a large role that the 16th century reformation was played in the formation of capitalism, especially Protestant labor ethics.
The beginning of the capitalist production was the simple capitalist cooperation - the joint work of people performing separate production operations under the control of capitalist. The gradual strengthening of the economic and political positions of the bourgeoisie prepared the conditions for revolutions in the Netherlands at the end of the 16th century, in England in the middle of the 17th century, in France at the end of the 18th century. A major step in the development of productive forces was made with the advent of manufactory in the middle of the 16th century. By the middle of the 18th century, the development of capitalism in the advanced countries of Western Europe came across the narrowness of the technical base. The transition from manufactory to the factory system was carried out during an industrial coup, which began in the UK in the second half of the 18th century and ended in the middle of the 19th century. The invention of the steam engine led to the appearance of a number of machines. The growth of the need for machines and mechanisms led to a change in the technical base of mechanical engineering and the transition to the production of machines. The emergence of the factory system meant the assertion of capitalism as a dominant method of production, the creation of an appropriate material and technical base. The transition to the machine stage of production contributed to the development of the productive forces, the emergence of new industries and the involvement of new resources into the economic turnover, the rapid growth of the population of cities and the activation of foreign economic relations.

Genesis capitalism

The main patterns of the development of capitalism are characteristic of all countries. However, in various states had its own features of the genesis of capitalism. In the conditions of capitalism, the mechanism of market competition encourages the entrepreneur to profit: constantly increase capital and improve production. This contributes to the dynamic development of productive forces, science and technology. In the late 19th - early 20th centuries, industrial and banking corporations arose in developed countries of the West, financial capital acquired an important role, market competition It became complemented by the mechanisms of state regulation of the economy. As a result, there was a stable social StructureIn which, along with major owners and employees, the middle class began to occupy a significant place.
The classic path of development of capitalism (initial capital accumulation, simple cooperation, manufactory manufacturing, factory) is characteristic of a limited number of Western European countries, mainly for the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. In the UK, the industrial coup was completed before, the factory industrial system emerged. The growth of industrial products was accompanied by the proletarization of a significant part of the population, regularly repeated (from 1825) cyclical overproduction crises. The United Kingdom has become a classic parliamentarism country, a working movement originated here. By the mid-19th century, the United Kingdom achieved world industrial, commercial, financial hegemony. The theoretical analysis of the capitalist method of production, this K. Marx, was based mainly on the British material.
The formation of capitalist relations in France was complicated by the stability of the absolutist state, the relative strength of the social positions of the nobility and small peasant farm. A large role in the formation of the class of bourgeoisie was played by the system of taxes and public debts, and later protecting politics Governments for the emerging manufactory generated. The revolution occurred in France almost a half century later than in England, and the initial accumulation process was stretched for three centuries. The Great French Revolution, eliminating absolutism, at the same time led to the abolition of the remnants of feudalism on the village and establishing a system of small peasant land tenure. The introduction of machines in production began in France in the 1830s, in 1850-1860 she turned into industrial developed State. A feature of French capitalism was the growth of loan capital, based on the exploitation of colonies and profitable credit operations abroad.
The United States and Germany entered the path of capitalist development later than England, but by the end of the 19th century they were among the advanced countries. A major role in the development of American capitalism was played by the development of free lands in the west of the country. This process identified the so-called American path of development of capitalism in agriculture. The rapid development of American capitalism after the civil war of 1861-1865 led to the fact that by 1894 the United States in terms of industrial products occupied the first place in the world.
In Germany, the system of serfdom was canceled by the supreme power. The redemption of feudal duties gave landfinders the capital necessary for the transformation of Junkers in capitalist farms with the use of hired labor. Thus, prerequisites were created for the so-called Prussian path of development of capitalism in agriculture. The unification of German states into the Unified Customs Union, accelerated the development of industrial capital. Large role in the industrial lift in the mid-19th century in Germany, railways were played, which contributed to the economic and political association of the country and the growth of the heavy industry. The political association of Germany and military contracting, obtained by her after the Franco-Prussian War of the 1870-1871, stimulated the further development of the country. In the 1870s, the process of creating new and re-equipment of old industries was based on the newest achievements of science and technology. Taking advantage of the technical achievements of Great Britain, Germany was already able to catch up by the level of economic development France by 1870, and by the end of the 19th century to get closer to the United Kingdom. In the east, capitalism received the greatest development in Japan. For three decades after the revolution, 1867-1868, Japan has become an industrial capitalist power.
Capitalism in Russia began to develop in 1830-1840, when the mass introduction of machines in industry began, and in agriculture after the cancellation of serfdom in 1861. The development of capitalist relations along with the growth of industrial production was rated by a rapid pace, intelligent periods of crises and depressions. As a result of the October Revolution of 1917, capitalist relations in Russia were destroyed.
A characteristic element of developing capitalism was colonialism (imperialism). Developed capitalist states created colonial empires, trade with colonies and developing countries Often wearing a nonequivalent character. The desire for the redistribution of colonies was one of the reasons for the First World War, which led to the exacerbation of social contradictions in capitalist countries and to the socialist revolution in Russia. The world economic crisis of the late 1920s - the beginning of the 1930s was a blow to the capitalist system, which demanded urgent introduction of measures of state regulation of the economy and social protection introduced in the United States by the Government of F. D. Roosevelt within the framework of the "New Course". In the UK, the principle of "Welfare State" (Welfare State) was adopted, that is, the "social state", obliged to provide a certain level of welfare for all citizens.
After World War II, a number of countries entered the camp of socialism. The second half of the 20th century passed under the sign of the rivalry of two socio-economic formations - socialist and capitalist. In the 1950s and 1960s, the era of the scientific and technological revolution appeared in developed countries, as a result of which the industrial society was transformed into post-industrial in post-industrial, structure has changed labor resources, the proportion of physical labor has decreased, the importance of mental highly qualified and creative labor has increased, the share of services in gross Product Began to prevail over the industry. Life has refuted a number of Marxist dogmas, in particular on the exacerbation of the class struggle as the development of capitalism, the role of the proletariat, as a cemeter of capitalism. Socio-oriented market economy And the parliamentary democracy was provided in the second half of the 20th century to raise the standard of living and culture of the population of Western countries, mitigating social contradictions and the development of the legal mechanism of their permission. Short-term (anti-cyclic, anti-inflation) and long-term (macroeconomic) are used to eliminate the negatives of the capitalist development. state regulation; sectoral and regional programs (plans) are indicative, recommendatory; Direct (legislative and administrative acts) and indirect regulation (taxes, expenses state budget, depreciation).
In the late 1980s - early 1990s, the global system of socialism collapsed, the former socialist countries began to develop on the capitalist path. The globalization of the global economy created the conditions for engaging in the world economy of underdeveloped countries, ensured resource savings, stimulated the further progress of science and technology. With an increase in the internationalization of economic life, regional and world economic integration was developed, interstate economic regulation, which was reflected in the emergence of special organizations: organizing economic cooperation and development, international monetary fund, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the European Union.

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